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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  December 28, 2023 3:05am-4:06am MSK

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during which he will visit israel, including the west bank of the jordan river. at the kidrovsky coal mine in the kemerovo region , a new year's belaz entered the route. one of the largest dump trucks on the planet was decorated with festive illumination. now a bright giant car reminds of the approaching main celebration even in the midst of a work shift. the steering wheel was entrusted to the real santa claus. report by andrey ufimtsev. dear friends, another one is coming to an end. year. the time of magical miracles is coming. even with the help of a magic staff you won’t be able to command this type of equipment requires special training and experience from the driver. this santa claus driving a career giant has every right to make the most positive gesture. for the last 3 years, evgenia andrey has been managing a belaz with a lifting capacity of 220 tons at the kedrovsky coal mine. the image of the main new year's character premiered even earlier. they asked the kindergarten to help. my wife works in a kindergarten. would you like to try
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playing the role of santa claus? i agreed , i’ve been helping for 5 years now, so to speak, raising the spirit of the new year, children always believe in happiness, when you look into these eyes, your soul just rejoices, even when you come to colleagues who have children, they are so delighted, it’s simply indescribable, on the eve of the coming 2024 , a coal mine in kuzbas decided to organize a festive flight of bilaz, instead of the usual working load in the overburden rock , full body gift. management was entrusted to the most experienced in the company, santa claus, on the route he congratulated kornyakov on the imminent celebration, i want each of you to be happy, healthy, full of energy and optimism, on the new year, friends, to andrey fimtsov, news from kusbas, this is news, we are following the developments. a big one is expected in kabardino bolkari. the influx
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of tourists during the new year holidays , the entire tourism sector is almost 100% busy, there is a special interest traditionally in the pribrus, about what elbrus attracts tourists, more about nurzhanka bardieva. skiing from the slopes of elbrus is not easy, but extremely exciting, say those who come here from year to year. it’s unusually snowy in prilbrus this season, which means the resort is operating at full capacity. here the snow falls first, air, nature, go for a ride. you can spend time with friends, it’s great, we love the very wide trails, they’re long, they’re long, i really like them. from the window of one of the hotels located right at the foot of elbrus, a beautiful view opens. glade azau, at a glance, is just a stone's throw from here to the cable cars. by this season, a lot has changed at the resort, new parking, ski slopes and accommodations have appeared, including through modular houses. during the new year holidays, the baksan gorge will be almost fully. busy, the hotel
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is 100% occupied, there are a lot of people willing, somewhere in november i already got a reservation for the month of march, we are already in march, even april, even may, the high season in prelbrus is still ahead, traditionally it falls in new year's weekend, but it is already crowded here, because the tourist flow to kavardino-balkaria is constantly growing, if in 2022 more than 1 million tourists visited the region, then in 9 months of this year there are already 1.2000 people, we expect an increase in the tourist flow by 10 during the new year holidays %. and according to our forecast estimates, the number of our guests should exceed 80,000 people. traditionally, ilbrus is one of the most popular resorts in both winter and summer, but there are still several beautiful places in the republic that will allow you to replace the city noise
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with calm and tranquility. cheregskoe, chegem gorge, zolsky district. these resorts still have vacancies. nurzhan kubadieva, temerlan kurmanov, aslan kanametov, hosted by kabordina balkaria. all news is always available on the media platform , in the application or on the website the news is following developments . ah, i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. there is no way around deception here. primenskie musicians, she disappeared, call the boy, accepted, my nadya has arrived, irony of fate or with light steam, december 31 on the russia channel. good morning, good
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morning, elena nikolaeva, andrei petrov in the studio, hello, well, it’s impossible to imagine, but it’s a fact, inexorable, already or on december 28th the mood is to check the shopping list. to the lists of necessary gifts, where to find original ones, but it’s useless, why, in how to celebrate the year of the dragon , maybe you should think in this direction, perhaps you will find clues in these shots, in the kazan atelier they sew clothes in the national tatar style, the cut of the costume is restored from old books, archival photographs, and the ornaments from small scraps and redrawings, some of them have miraculously survived to this day, but the task of the masters is not to make some kind of museum exhibit, but to create comfortable modern clothes with a national flavor, in which you can, as they say, feast, to the world, to good people, and the dragon will think that the rich woman should take it, so that good people can buy such an outfit, but not with this coin, it is a collectible, it was issued by the central bank in memory of leonid gaidai, the face value
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of the coin is 3 rubles. what is its real value, for whom it may be priceless, sergei egorov will tell you. i began to be interested in coins at the age of 5, today for peter money is already a part. profession, he is an assistant professor at a financial university, in his free time he teaches classes on financial literacy, although he loves he also saved the coins. zhemchuzhny and my collection is a coin with the image of my favorite actor yuri nikulin, released in 2021, i couldn’t get it right away , i had to find it, look for it and exchange it for three whole coins. now peter’s new year’s dream is to replenish the collection with a coin with the image of an outstanding director, who at one time discovered yuri nikulin and... other movie stars for the soviet audience. leonid gaida is a great director who made a huge number of wonderful films that i grew up with, and of course, for this is a very significant figure in our country. the coin with the image of leonid gaidai, released into circulation in december, is made using ultra-precise minting technology. on the front
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side you can easily see a portrait of the director with his beloved pet, a movie camera, and even a facsimile of his signature. despite the denomination of 3 rubles. in banks you can buy a coin for 8. for collectors, the price is familiar, but ordinary townspeople admitted that they were ready to give that amount only if they saw their own idol on the front side of the coin. i would like to see it on a coin alexandra belyaev, because this is one of my favorite writers, the queen, of course, the composer eduard artemiev, everyone remembers his compositions in films, and the slave of love, his own among strangers, and some of his wishes have already been realized, every year the central bank issues several dozen commemorative coins , the most popular series... of an outstanding personality, significant dates in the city of russia. the central bank has divisions responsible for issuing coins, they analyze significant dates for the next few years, plus the ministry, the department and governments also send their proposals, it all comes together, three-year plans for the issue
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of coins are drawn up, usually such coins are issued within a year, well, around thirty. by the way, despite the fact that such coins also have the status of investment coins, they are used as a tool for enrichment. even the collectors themselves will question it. yuri dolgorukiy, 500 coins, circulation, it would seem an interesting investment, which i bought in 2007 for 16,000 rubles. this coin is now worth uh 28,000 rub. if i had put this money 16 years ago on a simple range, i would have received more profit. there are, of course, the opposite examples, when this or that coin, causing a sharp demand among collectors, outpaces even a stock in terms of growth in value: a company has a coin from the russian soviet cartoon series, father frost and let, in 2019 it cost 6.00 rubles. now its cost reaches 65,000 rubles. although such cases are rather the exception, but one can predict in advance which of the coins will be in demand in the future
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is impossible, so commemorative coins are still more correct to consider investments as capable of bringing positive emotions, rather than fabulous profits. businessmen are also chasing profits after a sharp rise in price. eggs and chicken, the federal antimonopoly service has submitted to the government a bill that prohibits large companies from setting economically unreasonable prices for products, we are talking about cases where the cost of goods has increased by 30% within 60 days, well, for no apparent reason, will this innovation help? curb the appetites of sellers and to prevent speculative price increases in the new year, we learn from the first deputy, chairman of the state duma committee on regional policy and local self-government sergei morozov, sergei ivanovich, hello , they say eggs don’t teach chicken, but we need to learn from their example, please tell me if you still decide to introduce trade restrictions to assess its restrictions, there is truth on your side, but there is also truth on the side of those manufacturers who today
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provide our table with everything we need, well , the truth is, you must agree, well, we see that is happening with the ruble, we see what is happening with imports, we see what is happening with imports, with imports... the assessment, accordingly, your price increases, plus 20% to it, it will still remain the same, that is, it will simply remove there are all kinds of resellers, i agree, but let’s take it literally there - the fifties of the last century, all european countries introduced very strict regulatory measures, yeah, the result after a short period of time, the shelves became empty, or let’s remember, so to speak, we are from the soviet union, remember about what was in the soviet union, there were more than 20 million - strictly goods. the price was regulated, regulated, and we went here to moscow for, as we said there
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, for sausage for everyone else, that is , here there is such a line that we should not cross, well, there is a loophole left here, it is written without visible signs then there are reasons not to raise it, while everything you list, the ruble, and the way the equipment behaves, this is a visible reason, if you can justify it, everything is correct, so we are quite consistent with you we are moving towards everything. were quite fair, on the one hand, fair to producers, on the other hand, fair to you and me, as buyers, yeah, what kind of sanctions are tangible, intangible, maybe they will start to play here, that it’s easier to pay a fine than to somehow reduce it prices, no , well, the first thing is, so to speak, we first warn you, which means that if a person, a company or a person, so to speak, does not eliminate it, then a case is opened and an investigation begins. that means administrative responsibility is there different for an official no less than 20,000
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rubles, but for legal entities no less than 50,000 rubles. that is, the amount of the fine , depending on the revenue, can be simply gigantic, and that is, it depends on the revenue, this law is proposed for 60 days, that is , it turns out that in principle they can sell for 59 days, and then some sanctions will begin, that is, all these 59 days the country will buy at inflated prices, to say the least. days go by, then these strict legislative measures are already being introduced response, but if within ten, 20-30 days, so to speak, we see that prices are starting to rise, no one forbids us to start checking, on the other hand, the manufacturer, there is this list of socially significant goods, somewhere the manufacturer will keep the price, but will compensate on some by-products that he produces and so on, in the end it will turn out on average, as you said in the ward, well... i agree, probably, there may be different cases, and i do not rule out that that we will come up with a more ambitious solution,
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than here, thank you very much for our questions, the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on regional policy and local self-government, sergei morozov, actually answered, thank you, happy holiday, thank you very much, i fell in love with the princess, but the king is interfering with our love, deception is not possible here, bremen musicians, disappeared, call your son, accepted, my nadya has arrived, irony of fate or with light steam. december 31 on the russia channel. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. oh, these holidays, when salads and lemonades popping into the gym on the way to work, after the holidays, is easy, if , of course, you live in singapore.
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the only place where you can sweat in splendid isolation, so that no one admires you , imagine, you open the door, it’s busy, and excuse me, i’ll work out later, but how to heat food on the run without fire and electricity, our scientists will tell you, in the decade of science and technology, they developed a mixture for a flameless heater; andrey alekseenko will tell you what advantages such a miracle stove has. by consistency of the product itself, we see that the stew has warmed up and is quite ready for us to. eat it. no stove, no electric heaters. a can of stew has just been taken out of a plastic bag. the jar
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got very hot. the secret is in a special chemical composition, which, if you add water, heats up almost instantly. during the experiments, scientists combined a mixture of chlorides and aluminum. when water is added to them , an exothermic reaction occurs with rapid release of heat. this heat is wasted for heating any food that is placed there in any kind of package that we choose as a form of fact.
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just add a little water, the superheated steam and aluminum in the composition will heat the food in less than 10 minutes, it will warm up to about 60-70°, that is, this temperature will be quite comfortable for food, and you can heat food even in extreme cold, for example in the arctic and the technology will definitely be appreciated by outdoor enthusiasts and tourists, so the launch of industrial production without a flame heater is a matter of time. new year doesn't need new happiness, like this, like this, no , like this, which means new episodes of sklefosovsky, sklefosovsky, new season in the new year, on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes
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, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on me with... without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, then , what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, maybe you’ll stay with us today
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me, i promise to post you an unforgettable night. we need to live separately for a while, but what? we need to understand, do we have at least some chance left? i would advise you to start a hobby together, ballroom dancing would be best. what, what? and for the sake of my son, i agree to the experiment. if you haven’t danced, it doesn’t mean that cha-cha, it’s difficult, nothing connects them anymore except dance. what is this here?
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to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. how to eat properly stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right medications, run to the doctor? medicine is like crutches for us. and the right habits. shouldn't we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word. our health. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. the golden lion of the venice film festival, awarded to ivan aleshkovsky for best actor. you look like a clown, uncle. we blame him.
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a punishment of 750 hours of community service is imposed. weeks, yes, i can’t last a day here on this island of mine happy childhood, ivan aleshkovsky expressed a desire to head a children's theater club, keep it simple, hello, genya, roll call, one, two, three, people will reach out to you, i'm sorry, i can't get used to the fact that you can be good, so i'm clinging, it's okay, you marry me and you will cling legally , learned dubrovsky, people's artist on friday on rtr. wow! a homemade product from chicago was able to reinvent the wheel just before the new year. the development is based on one of the very first bicycles in history. remember, this one with a huge front wheel. it was called a monopod. and in this design,
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components of the 20th century were skillfully introduced. and it is an electric motor with a battery. the new product created a real sensation on social networks, and on the road it is guaranteed to attract attention. well, look at this daredevil for yourself, who can barely balance himself at a height of one and a half meters. i spony farthing he called his how to say exactly about that old bicycle, i wonder if one could drive through a snowdrift on one of these, in this snowy december many motorists probably more than once we dreamed that i would have an suv, but our colleague vazinkevich says: no matter what kind of car you have, you know, especially since the temperature is above zero in some regions, you know the ways, and the car will pass, there is a long new year's weekend ahead, many people go on a visit or out of town, but in this snowy winter, even in big cities... can’t cope with cleaning, let alone country primers, let’s talk about how to improve the cross-country ability of an ordinary car so as not to cancel the trip. so, you pulled off
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the cleared asphalt road, and in front of you a strip of loose snow, in this case we use electronic assistants wisely, we activate some in advance, and others will only get in the way. in cases where the car breaks down in the snow, when the electronics cannot collect reliable information from the wheels. of course, directional stabilization should be turned off in this case, here is help with uphill descents, all kinds of differential locks and so on, it’s better not to turn it off, since the car will roll back or slide in the side direction. one of the most effective ways to increase cross-country ability is to lower the pressure in the tires, this way you will increase the area of ​​the contact patch, that is, the tire will become a kind of caterpillar, do not bleed air less than 0.8... atmospheres, and for low-profile tires less than one atmosphere, otherwise there is a risk of dismounting. once you get out onto the hard surface, don’t forget to pump up the tires to normal. an even more
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effective way is to use snow chains. you need to choose them according to the size of the wheel, be sure to put them on the car in advance, and not when you already stuck in the snow. as a rule, they roll out in front of the car, the wheel runs over the chain, and then you fasten it. be sure to make sure that the chain is tensioned and fastened tightly; if it is not fastened tightly, there is a risk that it will fly off or damage the fenders of your car. in a front-wheel drive car , it is better to overcome a difficult section by accelerating in advance, with even traction without shifting the throttle. on an automatic transmission, lock the first gear, and if there is one, then position l. at the same time, turn the steering wheel slightly left and right, improving grip. if possible , disembark passengers so that the ground clearance is higher. on a rear-wheel drive car, it’s better to do the opposite , keep the wheels straight, move all luggage into the trunk to load the rear axle, but the most important thing is to soberly assess the capabilities
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of your car, celebrating the new year in a stuck car is not a good prospect, so approach the trip wisely and take care of your loved ones, then people keep arguing about what hot dish should be on the new year's table, spun hare kidneys. pike heads with garlic, black, red, yes, overseas caviar caviar, eggplant, and my favorite, we know the answer, we need more of everything , there will definitely be nothing left before the end of the holidays, no matter how little it turns out, so we are afraid, about the new year’s menu in detail after the news, my headache. this is the morning news, we will tell you about
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the main things in russia and abroad in karin ilyin’s studio. hello. the president held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of the indian foreign ministry, who announced indian prime minister narendra mode’s plans to visit russia in the near future. putin supported this initiative and gave your assessment of fashion’s balanced approach to international solutions. we have exceeded the entire growth volume of the past, and we know the position of prime minister modi, and we have repeatedly spoken about this position regarding his attitude towards complex processes, including hot spots, the situation in ukraine, i have repeatedly informed him about the situation around this conflict. i know his desire to do everything to resolve this problem, and of course, we will be glad to see our
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friend. he also conveyed to you a written message through me, and i have the honor to convey this letter is for you, of course, mr. president, he really wants to visit russia next year. russia increased the volume of gas exports to china by one and a half times, and also increased supplies to the maximum possible level.
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daily obligation under the signed contract, we supply uzbekistan in december with the maximum technically possible volume of gas that can be supplied via the central asia center gas pipeline. on december 23, we set a historical record for daily gas supplies in china. in the dpr , russian mipvo shot down a ukrainian helicopter mi-8. in addition, seven highmer shells from a harm missile and a
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jdm aerial bomb were intercepted. the ministry of defense reports this. vedomtsy added that after the attack from our tornado rocket systems, the nationalists were forced to retreat in the kupinsky direction. near artyomovsk, a ukrainian heavy drone bomber filmed the moment of its crash. the so-called baba yagasminami was first blocked by an anti-drone gun, and then an airborne machine gunner entered the battle. this drone was later found and taken to the unit. the militants suffered the biggest losses in a day. on in the donetsk direction there are about 300 people, two armored personnel carriers and seven field artillery guns; in the krasno-limansk direction, two attacks were repelled in the area of ​​​​the village of chervonaya deprova. about the weather, december weather does not give respite to russian regions. in the omsk region , heavy snowfall was accompanied by hurricane winds. cars are being demolished on the omsk-povlodar highway.
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to the side of the road, those drivers who decided to go out to talk with the traffic police officers who came to help were also unlucky. several federal highways are now partially closed, including including novosibirs, tyumen, chelyabinsk and pavlodar. a snow cyclone covered kamchatka with snow and wind. there are dozens of accidents and traffic jams on the roads. snowfall in the urals broke the more than century-old record for the amount of precipitation. due to abnormal snowdrifts in the kurgan, chelyabinsk, and sverdlovsk regions. interruption in traffic. chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg are buried in snow. all municipal equipment has been deployed to combat drifts. in orenburg , several roads were blocked due to a snow cyclone. dozens of cars accumulated at the temporary checkpoint. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments.
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a new interchange has appeared on the trans-siberian railway in the amur region. the reconstruction of the station and stage, located on the border of the trans-baikal and far eastern railways, has been completed. two additional tracks, each more than a kilometer long, were built at the station. on the stretch of the burnt sturm, a second track was laid, and an overpass was erected to cross the main transib route. the implementation of this project will allow double your throughput. in the pskov-pechersk monastery, restorers are struggling with underground rivers that have been slowly destroying the foundation of the lazarus church for four centuries. the work is almost completed; the builders are first strengthening the basement. report by marina mikhailova. a certified restorer, monk adrian , monitors the technology and progress of work in the lazarus church at other sites of the monastery. after removing the plaster from the vaults, all
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the techniques are read like an open book. and the ancient masters who built forever. since ancient times , the monastery's supplies were stored in basements on two levels, at a depth of 7.4 m. preparations for laying are now underway. monastery, another river - this is a crazy underground river, which also has a very large hydrostatic pressure, we have been struggling with this water for a year now. lazarevskaya church was built in the 15th century on ancient basements, under the rector, archimandrite peter
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mazhaisky, for the monastery hospital. festive, bright, with a faceted dome in the russian baroque style, by the 21st century it was so encircled that it became the most difficult object for restorers. with historical bricks and the arch , everything was restored as according to historical photographs, everything was as it was. from the outside, the church of st. lazarus now looks the same as in historical photographs: the roof has been replaced, the chimneys have been restored, the dome with gold mustache has been replaced, covered with restored stars and a restored cross. marina. mikhailova, maxim beshli, lead pskov. the krasnodar territory helps residents of new regions and fighters in the northern military district zone. while gifts for the new year are being handed over in sochi. in krasnodar , volunteers weave camouflage clothes every day networks. read more vladislav gizikova.
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a store could be located here, but instead of commercial business , good business is carried out in this room. the space in which they are now weaving a common victory, the volunteers received a local entrepreneur for free. in august. this year they sent their first network to the front line, now the team has gotten the hang of it, three or four products come out of each day, when we finish the next network, we think that this is our child, when we made the first network, we and they said this our firstborn, nadezhda knyazeva started helping the front when most of her neighbors went to a special operation, at 66 years old the woman could not just watch the news, she assembled a team, volunteers come here every day, often take from...
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90 people, the group of volunteers is already known and love on the front line, i want to thank everyone who cares and everyone who provides help. in six months, the craftswomen produced almost 2.0 square m2 of nets, this team has a count of more than 80 sent to the party’s northern military district zone, now they are preparing another one: they will hand it over to the soldiers about ten networks in each, volunteers invest their love and a small gift, which is very valuable on the front line. vladislava gizikova, evgeny shevlyakov, news! all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. you should sew, because how much you circle in jewelry,
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its bondage and apala are not durable, so allow it in honor of the new year's ball. for the dance madam we offer you a blue light on december 31 at midnight only on the russia channel they started, let's come on! with a smile more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t
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oversleep the main thing, good, good, good!
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not everyone decides to take on the task of preparing a goose, fishing rod or turkey; it is believed that it is long and troublesome, but our correspondent, tatyana matveeva, was convinced of the opposite; i found such a big goose at the market, to be honest, it is so huge that i didn’t even i can lift it. for muscovite alexandra korotkova, this is already a tradition. over the years of culinary experiments , i understood the main thing, the key to an ideal dish from goose, its correct pre- processing, excess fat on the neck, bellies and gooses are gone, then magic comes into play. i usually marinate in citrus fruits, honey and mustard.
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citrus fruits contain acid, which softens the meat. honey adds sweetness, mustard, and a slight piquancy. it’s better to rub the bird with this mixture in advance, leaving it overnight. this is the most painstaking part of all preparations, the girl explains, and not the baking itself. the goose carcass is large and it is better to place the citruses directly inside for greater juiciness. to prevent your wings from getting scorched, you should wrap them foil, and place the carcass itself in a sleeve so that it is baked there in our wonderful marinade, so that it is baked in its zhur, in general, just like a goose, and uh, of course, i will add rosemary to this bag. then the bird goes into the oven, alexandra’s for 2 hours, but for white juicy meat you need at least three, if it’s a hefty carcass of about four kilograms, however, to reduce the time you just need to wrap the carcass in foil during baking, the heat from the foil goes inside , you know, and the process of preparing poultry becomes twice as fast. by the way, this works with turkey, because it is often as large as a goose when roasted. the whole meat will also have to be placed over the marinade so that the meat is baked
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tender; for a special aroma, you can pierce it with garlic. we can make small cuts in the skin in several places and add garlic cloves to these cuts under the skin. muscovite vera duchenko stuffs the turkey itself with oranges, but you can move away from the classics and add the same lime and apple to them and even a pumpkin, and so that the contents do not spread, another trick. we either sew up the turkey, or you can... use this life hack with skewers, all this must also be done in advance the night before and you will have to bake the turkey for half an hour longer than 3 and a half hours, you only need to open the foil in the middle of the process, for those who do not have the patience, you can cook a duck, it’s a win-win option, baking it is much easier, it will take no more than an hour and a half at 180°, again, if you know a couple of secrets before baking a duck, the carcass is always at 5-6 o'clock i soak it in salted water, or you can with... we will need for this sauce 500
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g of moltose, a liter of shrimp red sauce, a liter of water, a piece of lemon, shrimp regular table vinegar will soften the meat, the duck must be immersed in the sauce, removed and hang it for 40 minutes, and then you can go straight into the oven, a duck carcass is usually about two kilograms, based on the calculation that 1 kg of meat takes 40 minutes to cook, it is easy to calculate that in terms of time costs it wins, however, as in terms of price, on average a duck will cost 1500 rubles, but... the decisive factor when choosing a bird for new year's dinner: the taste preferences of your guests, so that it is somehow, well, like this to get together at the festive table, light up the new year's tree, which we also have in the studio, give each other gifts, wait for the chimes to strike, these and many other traditions and customs of celebrating the new year in russia have evolved over perhaps centuries, one might say, and this is true, but who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the main holiday of winter in this way , where did santa claus come from, why do we all expect gifts from him from the thirty-first to the first, we find out from...
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both there and there it was justified, because here the harvest was harvested, the new year of life begins, here spring has come, the new year of life begins, so on january 1 it was very difficult, so it seems, probably in 17700, when the new year was first celebrated on january 1, people did not
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know what to do, the decree of peter peter i was, how to decorate houses, and how to collect them? decorations, spruce branches, juniper branches, and maybe you know the phrase fir-tree-stick, fir-trees were erected when they didn’t know how to clean them up, they stood, and they will stand all year , well, now we are dressing up the olivier salad, preparing it, where did oliveot come from, by the way, well, all over the world it is called russian salad, for example, a student from serbia and i just talked about how this salad has a russian quality which olivier, olivier, yes, especially since it is enshrined in a number of films and...
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we have children's ideas about a miracle, initially christmastide was associated with the idea that this is the time when the borders between the living and dead, and the so-called kolyatki, giving gifts to those who perform magic is associated with the idea that from that world, the world of deceased ancestors, spirits come who need to be ennobled, who need to be treated, and a miracle is the opening of two worlds, the past , the one that is connected with the other world and...
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and they don't drive. the diamond arm. december 31 on the russia channel. on the eve of the new year , the demand for pet care services has increased in russia. this is not surprising, because it’s not always possible to take a four-legged friend with you if you’re leaving home somewhere on vacation. seems possible. this is true. but how much will pet sitters or pet hotels cost and how to prepare a pet for separation - darya tiunova found out. in order to leave your pet at the hotel, it is necessary. alla fills out a form for her four-legged friends, maine coon cats, penelope and gregory, the girl decided to leave them in good hands, since she is leaving home for the new year holidays. this option of foster care is shared
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by the owner of the furry ones and is not only convenient, but also safe. it is imperative that video reports be sent from the hotel every day, like my animals live, this is very important for me, and the hotel provides just that, it is very important when there is a cleaning schedule, so that the boxes are clean, so that i can clearly see that my animals are kept in the ideal frequency. the zoo hotel is really one of the popular options for keeping cats and cats. demand for this service especially increased during the new year holidays and winter holidays. the cost of this accommodation option for cats in the simplest boxes and with a minimum set of care, feeding, cleaning starts from 500 rubles per day and can reach 5,000 rubles. for this price , the code will be in a spacious enclosure with a heated floor and... constantly move around there, run, jump and play, naturally it is better to choose a larger enclosure, well, the animal will simply feel more comfortable, and some cats, on the contrary
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, prefer more secluded, enclosed spaces , and maybe even with curtained walls, so that you don’t see prying eyes, or , well, you don’t see other animals that may also be in the zoo hotel. another way to overexpose cat siters is to be, of course, both relatives, acquaintances or friends, as well as philinologists, veterinarians, zoopsychologists or breeders. in the second case , it doesn’t matter whether they take the cat with them or come to your home, the cost of the services of professional cat sitters varies on average from 700 to one and a half thousand rubles per day, and if there is no difference in the price for the two methods of foster care, then for the cat there is , and significant, since by their nature cats are still attached to the territory in which they live, and of course the least stress will be separation from the owner while remaining at home, this is the least traumatic way, well, in principle, if we talk about the preferences of cats, they are of course more attached...
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secret consequences, and that this means nothing at all? and flowers, a gift, a kiss? it's not hard to make a first impression. it's been a long time since i've seen anything like this happen in my practice. but who will have the last word? i am ready to give any testimony to the most beautiful investigator in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. pasha, i won’t interfere, good night. well? you also think that he’s not calling her, right? maybe it's worth it? well, it's time to find out what's in it anything can happen in the world, well, who asked you to interfere, secrets of the investigation,
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final episodes, today on rtr, cranes are flying to china, just don’t fly away, blue light december 31 on rtr, what are you doing, how are you behaving, slow down, i 'm telling you, damn it, listen, one thought came to my mind, there is a man, he is strange and...
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serf december 30 on rrt. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the entire scoreboard? can we handle it? if you ask, then with a swell. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. 7.8, 7.8 7.8, how much? who at work he talks a lot and loudly, if you celebrate, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop,
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don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. saturday at rta. tomorrow evening on the russia tv channel is the final episode of the new season of the grand musical show, duets, famous artists will take the stage to perform super hits. but who will be paired with whom, that is the greatest secret, it will definitely be revealed on friday at 21:50.
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in general, he has an excellent sense of humor, but there are almost no heroes left, the last one, he fell on his head from modern moscow. i am the son of emuranets, grab him! the last hero trilogy is one of the most successful in the history of russian cinema, because it went straight to the hearts of viewers who so missed russian fairy tales and folklore heroes on screen. over the course of three films , victor khoreniyak’s hero goes through a path that is understandable to every person, to realize who he is, to accept his strengths, to conquer the darkness within himself, but he does
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it's fun with adventures in the company of star performers. you can watch all three films in a row for the first time on december 30. the magic marathon starts at 15:40. you and i have a chance to raise him into a beautiful swan. and at 22:40 a real miracle of re-education will be shown by milos bikovich in the folk comedy serf. the unprecedented hit of 2020 has become a new symbol of the change for the better that everyone dreams of on new year's eve. turn on the crickets and light the torches. witty jokes from a psychologist performed by ivan okhlobystin, love from which they fly. and this hero is able to gather the whole family in front of the screens on any day, but what could be better than starting the new year in the company of all children's best friend? january 1 at 20:24 big premiere on our channel, cheburashka! you've been
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put in check! imat, an animal unknown to science, knows how to have fun, he proved this at the beginning of the year, when the audience did not let the chebrush out of the cinema for more than a month, but most importantly, with his sincere actions and naive questions, he helped the angry gardener genya find his family and friends again and remind the audience that in the world there is nothing more valuable than loved ones, so we celebrate the new year with family and in an orange mood. i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. the bremen town musicians can’t get by here, she ’s gone, call the tzinchik, accepted, my nadya has arrived, irony of fate or with light steam on december 31 on the russia channel. vladimir putin
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held the final meeting of the state council, the president noted the importance of increasing the income and social significance of teachers. invisible to the enemy and a cutting-edge fighter on the front line. aviation plant named after gagarin delivered a batch of su-57 aircraft. the largest car for santa claus in the kemerovo region entered the new year's pilas route. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. the final meeting of the state council this year was chaired by vladimir putin. the outgoing 23rd, on the initiative of the president , was declared the year of the teacher-mentor in our country. the role of teachers and increasing the prestige of this profession were discussed at the state council. the goal is primarily to increase the social significance of the teaching profession. labor, recognize the special status of teaching
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staff, increase teachers’ incomes. where now they are significantly lower than the national average, the situation is obvious, incomes in the region are lower than in the country as a whole, which means the teacher’s salary lags behind, the quality of education is lost, as i already said, the region itself is deprived of personnel, professional, good professional resource. i ask governments to come up with systemic solutions to the problem of
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teacher pay. to increase the status and prestige of the profession, the head of state proposed introducing there is an annual award for mentor of the year, there is already a badge of honor, it was established 5 years ago. thank you very much, dear ones, now we are... reviving many traditions, and here it is important to preserve the living spirit of mentoring, in no case should this movement be driven into a bureaucratic framework, turned into some kind of coercion, on the contrary, it is necessary to create such conditions so that as many people as possible strove, sincerely strove to take on this honorable mission, to pass on experience, to instruct, in the best sense of the word, to lead others. mentor, it it should sound proud, for this 5 years ago we established an award for mentoring. i propose to establish an annual award
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for mentor of the year; all our regions should take concrete steps to increase the prestige and status of mentors. i am addressing all my colleagues present here, the heads of regions of the russian federation. the russian ministry of defense handed over a new batch. they are produced by the gagarin aviation plant in komsomolsk-on-amur. there, this year an assembly line was organized and established prompt delivery of spare parts. as rosstef clarified, the number of fifth- generation fighters entering the military almost doubles every year. russia knows about the west’s plans to freeze the conflict in ukraine and declare its victory.
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including israel west bank . at the kedrovsky coal mine in the kemerovo region , a new year's belaz entered the route, one of the largest dump trucks on the planet was decorated with festive illumination. now the bright giant machine resembles. the main celebration, even in the midst work shift, the steering wheel was entrusted to the real santa claus. report by andrey ufimtsev. dear friends, another year is coming to an end. the time of magical miracles is coming. even with the help of a magic staff it will not be possible to control such equipment; it requires special training and work experience from the driver. this santa claus driving a career giant has every right to make the most positive gesture. evgenia andreev, the last 3 years at the kidrovsky coal mine near


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