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tv   Pesnya goda  RUSSIA1  January 1, 2024 2:40pm-4:26pm MSK

2:40 pm
man, that's the truth. what is a person? it’s not you, not me, not them, no, man is you, me, them, the old man, napoleon, magomed, in one, man is huge, this is all the beginning and end, everything is in man, everything is for man, there is only man, everything else is just the work of his hands and his... man, man, this
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is great, this sounds proud, this sounds proud, break, so we... can we have lunch? you can, thank you, it’s nice, let’s go, you ’re disrupting the rehearsal again, well, i can’t satim, so i’m playing and i understand that everything is in the wrong place.
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you need to believe in the sensitivity of the audience, it’s hard to listen to you, the viewer has long understood by facial expressions and gestures what you want to tell him, no, you continue to play this detail, eaton, keep your head up. light, nervous, that is, with nerves, carefree and nervous, light and carefree, imagine a dark, cold semi-basement, for one coin they can let you spend the night under a bunk, without a pillow, without a blanket, and you only have one coin, i would like look at your lightness after such a night, tramps who? people just like you and me
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such and not like that, you and i are pampered by prosperity, we inflate a tragedy out of any problem, don’t you see that the bitter hero, despite all their troubles, retain good spirits, a taste for life, with all due respect, i don’t see, because in life there is such a thing does not happen, but you and i created it.
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these hot places, introduce us , do you want to go on an excursion ? they say he knows the cunning of its inhabitants better than anyone, yes, gorky also lived among tramps, but he outlined the fate of his heroes too dottedly, but that’s not enough for me this is for satin, okay? i'm sorry, there are no places, but i have an appointment here. meeting with nimirovich danchenko,
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vladimir ivanovich. vladimir alekseevich, dear, konstantin sergeevich, please love and favor vladimir alekseevich gelerovsky, journalist, writer, famous researcher of the moscow slums, i’m very glad, stanislavsky, please, thank you, menu, i’ll hear a lot about you, talented. actor, director, your theater is already creating legends, thank you, you are too kind, vladimir ivanovich said that you have taken on gorky’s new play about tramps, great idea, that's why i really want to visit khitrovka, can you
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take me there? i can, but i must warn you right away, this is a very dangerous name. khitrovka is not only poor drunkards , fugitive catarzhans, killer bandits are hiding there, i myself don’t go to khitrovka without a kostet without a whip, it’s a terrible place, vladimir alekseevich, i read your wonderful reports about khitrovka, and it seemed to me that this could happen. ..
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game crepinettes, a bottle of lafite, and for me a fluffy turbot with hollandaise sauce and a bottle of reindein, here, by the way, they serve a magnificent salpicon on crystals, i highly recommend it, yes , it’s wonderful, but i think sour cabbage soup, we , unfortunately, don’t serve cabbage soup, i can offer soup, iced with stuffed cucumbers, perhaps,
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good, don’t be sorry, but don’t be shy, don’t pass , well, konstantin sergeevich
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, let's go, i'll show you the shack, let's go , please, it's called the pig house, after the owner's name, pork, even the police don't stick their nose in there, well, look, let's go, but i was worse than a fence , let's! many
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summers, thank you, thank you, here, vodka everyone, after shaking. a haven for robbers, thieves and fugitives, please!
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so save half a bottle of vodka and baked eggs here for a snack. and what do you mean, do you know them all? well, of course, not
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everyone, but i know some, look there, tell me, how old is this woman? i’m afraid to guess that she looks like an old woman, but she’s only 22 years old, she’s been involved in prostitution since she was eight years old, she sells each of her new children to beggars, and immediately spends the money on vodka, she sells it, yes...
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i see, you also can’t resist her charm, now, come, come here,
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well, hello, bookish, you’re in trouble, sit down, how about it...
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i need help, can we help you pick out your pocket? no, really? for example, i want to know what kind of person this person is? for what? and you won’t get anything that you might have in common? that’s the whole point, in the play i play a drunkard, and no matter what happens to me, i need to catch how real he is, listen, a person
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pays for everything himself, for faith, for disbelief, for intelligence. for love, that's why he is free, that's what a person is, a person is not you, not me, not them, no, man is you, me, them, napoleon , magomed, in one, it’s huge, man, it’s great, it sounds proud, it’s all not true, what, well, how about you, man, it sounds proud, look at us. how can a person sound proud here? are you saying this mockingly, with a grin? maybe i would believe you. uncle gelyan. what's happening? raid. now everyone will climb to the roof
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to wait, but we shouldn’t go there. let me introduce you to one of the most interesting people. there's a real indian living here, his name is rajaan, but i think it's nickname, no one knows real name, indian? yes, the city calls itself a sikh, he has a stunning red turban, which he never takes off, it seems to me that he sleeps in it, how did he get to russia, who knows, he doesn’t tell anything about himself, a mysterious person, house from the inside it looks like the cave of the forty thieves in the fairy tale one thousand and one nights of what? we sometimes play chess with him, vladimir alekseevich, it seems to me that the door is open, open, strange, well, since it’s open, let’s go in.
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what about him ?
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"he's dead, we need to call the police, call brudnikov that the raja has finally been killed, hold your tongue, move your heels, well..." show me where to go, i ’ve never been here, here, mike, wait for me here, so, so, and you, dear, who are you , here , supposing
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. vladimir alekseyevich, you pulled me out of a pleasant society. what’s the rush? well, the corpse would have waited a couple of hours, it seems, it wouldn’t have gone anywhere. yeah, i’m wondering who could have killed him ? no, of course, he conducted all sorts of dubious business with the khitrovites, but yes, with the khitrovites everything is simple: a finka, a tisak, an ax, and there's a murder weapon here, and there's some kind of toothpick, right? cleaning, vladimir alekseevich , what is it, don’t touch it with your hands, well, what, what
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, some kind of decoration, it’s not hanging on nails, it’s stuck right into the wall, but who cares, raja has a shop here with all sorts of oriental antiquities there are no miracles, after all, who... could have killed him, i can’t imagine that a person like raja had no enemies, what do you want from me, the lock wasn’t broken into, that means it wasn’t a robbery, there are no signs of a struggle, but something was missing whether it 's lost or not, the devil will break his leg, yes a lot of good things, and if it’s one of his acquaintances, maybe he himself let him in, so which of his acquaintances do you know, but how many of his acquaintances do you know? yes, perhaps no one , yeah, so i, except you, no one, you yourself told me about your chess games, maybe you killed him because of a lost chess
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game, well, admit it, you killed it, funny, yes, funny, gentlemen , here is another dart, don’t touch it with your hands, why here? why, why? the killer missed. vladimir alekseevich, if you wouldn’t interfere with the investigator, i i'll figure it out somehow without you. i'll take this and then we'll leave right away. yes, take it as i need it. mike, that’s it, search everything here, and then close it and don’t let anyone in, take the bird, otherwise he’ll die, carry out the execution. wait. look who it is? well , who? raja, in person, yes , more than 10 years have passed, and he has not
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changed at all, and he sailed on the steamship petersburg, who knows, maybe he sailed, his life is a mystery, and now he’s generally sinking into oblivion, let’s go. and now it’s unlikely that the killer will be found , i think raja has no relatives, soon his property will be scattered around the office , he will be safely forgotten, but the matter is most curious, firstly, you need to figure out what kind of mysterious toothpick it is, and how can you die from such a small wound, wait, look more carefully, the sharp end. a different color, maybe it’s smeared with something, maybe i know who can help us figure it out.
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professor, eternal, professor, where did he go, professor, gelyai, what are you doing, why aren’t you glad, come in, i’ll be down now, here’s the professor, meet konstantin sergeevich. stanislavsky, director and actor, yes, a magnificent actor, founder of the moscow art theater, and this is agaffuns peredonich, sister, doctor, or
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just a professor. “here, look at how handsome he is, fresh , he was killed just 3 hours ago, professor, and you’re not afraid that they’ll look for him, well, by the time they realize it , there’ll be nothing left of him, professor, five kopecks is missing, come back in 2 days , now i don’t have a penny, i’m a miser, so nutis, what are you doing?” so what does a director do? is rehearsing, and i’m a surgeon, i need it too rehearse, if you need to cut something off , contact me, professor , we brought you one interesting thing, i bet you won’t surprise me with anything now, oh, it looks like i lost,
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there’s apparently no point in asking where you got it from. do you think this can kill a person? depends on what this thing is impregnated with, and i need time, days, two, three, but without guarantees, okay, i’ll come back in 2 days, happily, let’s go, konstantin sergeevich. so the stoker got drunk again, so hire another, and the other will have to pay twice as much, don’t forget, if we want to keep the leading actors this season, they need to raise their salaries, and meanwhile prices for everything are rising, we will spend 3,000 rubles on firewood alone. at the same time, do not forget about the royalties
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to the authors. and what, how and what, how can such a person serve in the theater at all, this is the theater, konstantin sergeevich, our censorship at the bottom does not allow it, and you tell me about kolatushkin,
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listen to what... start without me, i am all the mezancens painted. konstantin sergeevich, it’s like the moment before sunstroke. there is a person who knows something about oleg’s disappearance. this the conversation will solve me, i need evidence. your revelation comes to you when you are not ready for it. you think you are a hunter, but he is
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the game. and if on the contrary... the secret has been cherished since january 2 on rtr, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, we have a big day today. day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. you fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words,
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hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only look at the platform. he burst onto the stage like a fresh wind with a squadron of his songs. 55 years of the stage, my friends, 55 years old, the chase asked, i didn’t raise my hand to shoot, my only one.
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i think it’s fresher there, yes, yes, dear, everything is for you, you have good taste, wonderful, what , where, my god, how is it eternal, don’t you recognize me? i'm konstantin stanislavsky, director. yesterday gelerovsky introduced us. by your grace, today i am left without income. alas, i could not do otherwise. let me invite you for
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coffee. if i go for coffee, i definitely won’t go with you. let me compensate you. how much do you need? are you just going to give away the money? borovki, for a reason, for the conversation. okay, but i still won’t drink coffee with you. will. stop at khitrovsky lane. you are a strange person who might be interested in a play about basyaks. what, the guys aren’t people? former, inveterate, lost. is that what people will be called? petros, is this? more and more out of fear , because it’s easier to isolate yourself than to try to understand, to understand that why people choose ducts between a normal life and chimneys, here you are, you know how to dress beautifully, this is not my dress, it doesn’t matter, you know how to
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behave in society, you you speak french well, why are you still on the trick, you have everything to live honestly life, i was raised by a cunning woman, my dad was in a fit... “for the first couple of years i lived with an old beggar woman and stole for her at the market to pay for bread, and then this woman died, cats, cats, pimps took me in in your opinion, after all, everything you just told is not true, but not..."
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mm, she appeared, i'm glad to see you, your share, yeah, the mines are waiting for you there, great honor, and what does he need, and i why? i know, but i wouldn’t go, why, i have no sins,
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i cut some wine. hello, fedot ivanovich, you’re waiting for me, for you, what i owe, but i wanted to ask, you fool, you’re not really bored, but why be bored, i’m a free bird, we know how free you are. tell me,
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isn’t it you who has always been on his errands, not caught, not a thief, but if you’re not caught, well , that’s it, dear, well, your handkerchief, well, mine! well, if you don’t deny it, that’s good , they found me at raja’s, don’t you remember when i was defended, i wasn’t at raja’s, that’s how it was, it wasn’t , yeah, well, you’ll sit in the cell, you’ll think, you’ll remember something, right?
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well, vladimir alekseevich, it still doesn’t give
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may you rest in peace as a detective, right? why do you think that the murderer is the princess? this is exactly what distinguishes professionals from amateurs, perseverance and scrupulousness. so you left, and my guys crawled up and down the rajah’s house and found this scarf of hers there. why do you think the scarf is hers? the whole cunning crowd knows perfectly well that the fool gave his book five dozen silk scarves with a monogram. here is one of them, she insulted raja, but this is not enough to prove guilt, no, not enough, but it is enough for her to admit her guilt voluntarily, but she admitted, no, not yet, a stubborn girl, well, nothing,
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she admits, where should she go, fedot ivanovich, let me talk to her, but somehow it doesn’t fit. this is not the first year and i should know that here crimes are committed all the time for no reason, i won’t let you talk, you ’ll only embarrass her, after all, i don’t believe that ksenia andreevna could kill, we recently met her, by chance, we talked, she i turned out to be a very deep person, konstantin sergeevich, you are an idealist, i am so clever. looked around, and then the bookstore, novorovka, the bandit's mistress, fedot ivanovich is right , you don't need a motive to kill a cunning cab driver, i saw how your fedot ivanovich works, well, our excursion is over, i showed everything i could, i think this is enough to work on the play ,
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thank you, with me, no, i think, take a walk, stay happy, it will be... next to the theater, run in, by all means, tabletop, newspapers, buy, newspapers, buy!
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well, well, well, a respectable director breaks into a crime scene without police permission, a perfect headline for newspapers, just wonderful, and what are you here? well, apparently the same as you, so i came in to see if i could find anything
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interesting, and how did you come in, and just like you, it must be through the open window... the police forgot to lock it, you hear, the door opened, someone came in, maybe the police, it’s unlikely, who, what was there? quiet, gentlemen, who are you? and who are you? i am the nephew, the owner of this house, when do you say?
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i have a photo in my wallet. i'll let you go now, but only without tricks. what is your name? sanjeet. what about you? stanislavsky, director. gillerovsky, reporter. vladimir alekseevich. well, i've heard it. so this is your uncle playing chess with you. so where is he? you probably don't know, your uncle was killed. we. we offer our sincere condolences,
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yes, this is a serious blow for me, my uncle brought me as a boy from india, gave me an education, how did he die? there was a dart sticking out of his neck, most likely poisoned, strange, why do you think your uncle could have been killed? i don’t know, no, of course he was engaged in not very legal matters, and he was cunning there are a lot of dangerous people, but it’s not so easy to kill him, he always had chakra with him, chakra, what is this, an ancient indian throwing weapon, a metal ring with a sharpened edge. “it’s her, yes, it’s her, which means
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there was a fight after all, someone comes to the raja at night, he lets him in, the conversation turns into a quarrel, raja throws chakra, but misses.” you know this house well, you will be able to determine if something is missing here, well, i will need time, although there is a hiding place here, my uncle showed it to me several years ago, he asked to take something from him, if something happens to him, we can take a look. it’s not there, what’s missing, the box, there’s probably
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something very valuable in it, my uncle is a big fan of rarities, he started collecting them, what happened to him, he was killed, well, well, well. stop, konstantin sergeevich, stay here, i’m here now , no, i’m with you, the wheel has rolled, rolled far, and not just and not wheat, but all the way to the capital, it will find the capital.
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ran away, uh-huh, look, it’s strange, the foot seems to split in two, i’ve never seen this before, it’s really strange, everything that everything connected with this case is very strange, well , do we need a mine? call him, he’ll be happy, the princess is sitting in the cell, which means we need to look for the real killer, let’s go, do you, professor, want to kill the last person who has bright feelings for you, i didn’t smear them with poison, the worst thing is, what threatens you... it’s a broken eye, and of course this is normal, come on in, let’s shoot, i think they use
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this thing somehow. “i conducted a whole series of experiments during which my favorite rat died, but i still have a second one, you want it’s not worth looking at the effects of poison on a rat, we recently saw it, yes, it’s a pity, uh-huh, professor, what kind of poison is this, you have no idea how many plants there are from which you can make amazing poisons, the choice depends on how you do you want to kill your victim instantly, or for her to suffer, if she..." is closer to the point, and the poison was made from the seeds of a rare plant abros prikotorus e, but in common people it is a rosary. in fact, in order to kill a person with this poison, he you don’t even need to get into the blood, just apply it to the skin and it is done. the rosary grows in hot countries with high humidity levels, southeast asia, biruma, india, but then
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guess how it could get to russia? i don’t have, raja from india, this dart, this is a greeting from his past, well, professor, brilliant, you are on top as always, you didn’t say anything new, but thank you, it’s nice, maybe we’ll still see the effects of the poison on to the second rat, some other time, yeah, we’ll probably go, happily, uh-huh, okay, happily.
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all the best happy new year song of the year. tomorrow on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, listen, look, look, sign the agreement, we
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sign simultaneously for one, two, three. subscribe, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie , you’ve never had such a talented class before, the stars will feel like schoolchildren again, can i choose the brightest teacher of the year, svetlana is about to become with a wire for a light bulb, i will tighten it up for anyone whose light goes out, and by the way, i am a good conductor, even a difficult task.
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look how beautiful, let's paint it, dress it up, make it silent, my bride should be a diamond, you're not even a diamond yet, but i need a diamond, you know, everything is needed in the video, i've sketched out a plan of approximate actions, i'm waiting for three very busy days, suddenly she will fall in love with you, and what then, i’ll give you money, i’ll send you home, and if you fall in love with her, beauty? and the monster january 2 on rtr, we are at the television center on shabulovka, it’s evening here poet nikolai nikolaevich and his
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melody is with us. good luck , reward, laughed, under the wing of an airplane , singing about something, green sea, parting, friends, police, what the door, moronic, who are you, or something, yes, yes, we don’t follow the instructions, major grom, plague doctor. today on rtr,
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in civilian clothes, aren't you that same barman? i’m a barman, but i see you didn’t come to drink vodka; you can’t hide your origins behind dirty rags. why did you grant it to the gentlemen? uh-huh, i need to talk to satan, i don’t know this, but you, tell me, giley has come, he knows, okay, show me off
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guests to the underworld,
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much knowledge, many sorrows.
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gillyay, let me remind you that i deal with those who come here without an invitation, probably the same thing that happens with those who are in no hurry to repay their debts, who is this? our great director, stanislav. have you heard of this? no, i haven't heard. what, director? brought something difficult? you have 3 minutes.
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i wanted to find out if anything particularly valuable had come up on the trick market lately. but you know the rules, i don’t give up mine, you also know i don’t give up yours, i’d like to talk to the person, it’s very valuable.
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i heard he ran away, i heard or ran away, i heard, it’s time, well, let’s go, i was very glad to meet you, all the best. i think it went well, great.
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and this was convincing, vladimir alekseevich , okay, we need to get out of here, please, yeah , what do you think, the fool really escaped from qatar, well, if satan said that he heard, then he escaped, and where can he hide, only here on khitrovka, who is tests, tests, nikan ivanovich? a well-known
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antique dealer in moscow, which means they still don’t shy away from buying stolen goods, then we need to go ivanovich is a must, natural replaces govan segars and the best spanish tobaccos.
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i’m so glad, i couldn’t even dream, i saw your three sisters verkhinin - it’s something amazing, so much restraint, nobility, thank you, so, vladimir alekseevich, by what fate, they didn’t come to write a crime or chronicle, but no, not a chronicle , i came to ask if you had any interesting proposal these days, oh, vladimir alekseevich, mikonor ivanovich, what a nose you have. like a dog, it was, one ragamuffin came in and brought an extraordinary box beauty, where he took it, of course, he stole it, in the box it took my breath away, the very spark of the east, the spark of the east, excuse me, this is a unique necklace, an emerald, of rare size, gold on the right, studded with diamonds, and imagine, gentlemen, i see it the necklace is about the same as yours...
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i immediately realized that we were talking about a spark of the east, and so i laid out everything to him as if in spirit. true, i think that his suit was too expensive for an investigator, and this is a cane, what an interesting story, exactly, exactly, i think it will turn out to be a story or a good one
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the play, how fortunately we got there, you understand that, excuse me, konstantin sergeevich wanted to invite you to the theater, me, yes, yes, with my wife. we have a premiere soon, we are staging a play by gorky. i, i’m very glad, we, of course, will come, definitely, with pleasure, well , perhaps it’s time for us, all the best, it was nice to meet you, gentlemen. are you already here? i was expecting you only in an hour. the back door was open. how long ago have you arrived?
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enough to hear everything you said, who are these gentlemen? don't you know, these are our celebrities. director stanislavsky, writer gelerovsky, you definitely need to go to some production of stanislavsky, what he creates on stage is something incredible, why did you tell about me, but i just gave them a plot for a story or maybe a play, don’t worry, they won’t take this story seriously, creative people, in our business connections are always important, then at this address at four. in the afternoon a big guy will be waiting for you, you definitely saw the necklace, like you are now, strange, the box has a secret, but the secret only two people knew this, one of them
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is dead, the second is your humble servant, the fact is that baldokha is a kind of hacking genius, there is nothing closed that he could not open. something else? circumstances have changed, tonight i will bring you the necklace and you will immediately pay me the full amount. my dear, no, no, i'm afraid that's out of the question. you have no reason not to trust me, whereas i have no reason to trust you, well, in general, let's leave everything as it is. me the goods, and tomorrow i will send you the money, otherwise i wish you good luck in finding a new buyer, okay, the agreement remains in force, think for yourself, but where can i get away from you, it’s
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true, after all, you shouldn’t have told so much about me. damn english.
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konstantin sergeevich, messrs . chekhov and amirovich danchenko are waiting for you, please! anton pavlovich, how glad i am to see you, mutually, mutually, please, thank you, be late, konstantin sergeevich, we have already had lunch. but i won’t have lunch, thank you, whatever you want, oh , look, oh my god, what is this greeting from
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the underworld, this is a breakthrough in the restaurant business and a triumph in chemistry, cooking ice cream with the help of liquid nitrogen , which is very interesting, but i really want to try it, i can’t help but think that you ’re calm, and anton pavlovich, stanislav and kisyshchik have gotten into trouble with us, yes, he and gelerovsky can’t get out of khitrovsky’s. let's get rid of it, we can get rid of it, it's not scary with a gilyay, by the way, last summer melikhov was on vacation, so he walked 80 miles in a day, killed a bear, a fox and many hares, the fact is that we got involved in one very mysterious story , konstantin sergeevich is a spicy food lover. sensations, and that i too, about 10 years ago i went on a journey from siberia to... and back by steamship through china, burma and india, it was a wonderful trip, a lot of,
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as you say, thrills, you sailed past india, that’s absolutely right, then maybe you have heard about such a strange weapon, small darts soaked in poison , they are shot from such tubes, you won’t believe it, but i heard it, anton pavlovich, don’t forget it, swim by. a creepy place, according to him, but that’s not what he’s talking about, he asked me about russia, i asked him about the islands, that’s where the tribe lives, thanks to the dwarf savages who hunt with the help of these small poisoned arrows, very similar to what you describe. and this tribe had some peculiarities, maybe a congenital deformity or not all their toes, how do i know,
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but it’s very possible, because they live extremely poorly, they say that they even sell their children to the british as sunu, gentlemen, of course very entertaining, let's finally talk about business, anton pavlovich, i apologize, anton pavlovich, your new the play seems to be a comedy, not just a comedy, even a farce, i really like the name i came up with, the cherry orchard, excuse me, maybe it’s still cherry, no, no, no, no, no, no, exactly cherry, cherry orchard, well it sounds beautiful, yes, well, by the way, how is the work going on...
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vladimir ivanovich, don’t think it’s too much trouble, grab the play, what can you say, stanislavsky, yes, how interesting it is, what’s interesting, an unusual dramatic turn, just like shakespeare, only we left, so what? konstantin sergeevich says, what is a high-profile murder, you can’t blame it on anyone, you really didn’t find anything, nothing. it’s just some kind of devilry , what is this, some kind of note
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, it’s not clear to whom it’s addressed, but you never know how many of them write in a day , i beg your pardon, there’s an inconsolable widow, excuse me, gentlemen, i have to leave you for a while, i beg you, don’t touch here nothing, of course. please do not touch anything with me, this note is addressed to us, you are interested. lives in a hotel, no name, why do you think this note is addressed to us? i think there is a foreigner
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that same englishman, supposedly an investigator, why such difficulties? he couldn’t tell us about it right away, which means he couldn’t, this note was written immediately after our conversation with him, we discussed the necklace of the ragamuffin and the englishman who was interested in this necklace, they kill him right after he tells us about the englishman, maybe to be a murderer is to be an englishman, and why not a defencist? testa was killed in the same way as raju and his nephew, aberotics are such rare weapons that i am sure the killer is the same person, besides, you yourself told me where khitrovtsy, where? and how did the englishman know that he was telling the tests on him? most likely he was eavesdropping on us, there is a back door here somewhere, yes, there is nothing to grab onto, let me
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see, it looks like he was writing another note for tests before his death. “i would never have guessed to carry out such manipulations, but where, i told you, as a child i dreamed of becoming a pinkerton, in one of his investigations he found a killer in exactly this way, a lock embankment near the abandoned docks.” amazing, amazing, so do you know where it is? well let's go i’m more than sure that this is the meeting place for the ragged englishman, we need to hurry.
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they were supposed to meet here somewhere. look. yeah, here's our virtuoso, please meet the legendary khitrovsky thief, monsieur baldoch, the miners will be delighted, he chased him around khitrovo for a long time, what a terrible
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death, yes, believe me, without... look, the same strange traces that we saw in orajji's house, which means there were two criminals, our englishman and some unknown creature with a two-toed foot, all this is very similar to what chekhov was talking about, i think that the dwarf of the dicardoman islands is involved in this, if you think chanin brought it to russia, the devil knows where this savage came from, why such torment, then that the dwarf has a unique weapon, darts that cause instant death, maybe, maybe , okay, let's get out of here, we have nothing more to do here, let rudnikov do it, so you're saying that
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the englishman brought dwarf, and why was baldock killed by a shotgun? because a fight broke out, but i think i understand, the fool, he escaped from hard labor and was hiding at raja’s house, a book about it knew, she visited him there , she defended her scarf there, so she is silent, yeah, she’s afraid to give up the fool, the fool accidentally saw raja’s killer , scared them off while he was hiding at raja’s, apparently spied where the hiding place was, when raja was killed, he took advantage of the moment, somehow... i somehow managed to open it. the cache stole the necklace and wanted to sell it to his father-in-law, the tests decided not to waste their hands and sent an englishman for the necklace. baldoch recognized the englishman as a murderer and realized that he would not get out of here alive, so most likely the englishman also had a necklace already somewhere very far away. no, baldoch, an experienced thief, he would not take the necklace to a meeting
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with an unknown person. in this case , we need to understand what this englishman will do now. will look for baldoch’s hiding place, or people who know where the hiding place is, for example, a book store, she’s in the police, you can’t get her that easily, yes, but we’ll only go to her tomorrow, you have... do you have any plans for this evening? there will always be plans. then you will have to cancel them. today at eight we are playing chekhov. you haven't seen his three sisters yet, have you? no. wonderful. who found her? witch. i'm interested in how you found out about the girl. it's like someone wants to tell me something. get out of here. now. even though you are not normal to me? i'm on your side, think about why you were given this gift. the secret of lelit from january 2 on rtr, i thought that
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everything here is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions. it can’t be, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear when i said that here's a stinky little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 then what do they use the program five against one, oops, five against many, the strongest love for the game, this is
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one, tomorrow on rtr, is this for you, well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, you’re cocky, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who ’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re still loved, you answer for... my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we are just
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watching on the platform, a winter evening that we spend in the company of the creators. sits, and what’s okay, you loved my mother, very much, when you take happiness in fits and starts, piece by
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piece, and then lose it, like me, it’s not enough little by little you become rude, you become angry, that’s where i’m boiling.
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whatever you want, my name is william fox, i am a representative of the charitable society angels of the world, we...
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i am william fox, from the british charitable society, for foreigners you... speak russian well, i have been traveling around russia for 2 years, i i like your country, it’s very cheerful, but that’s not what i’m talking about now, i have a business proposal for you, i don’t deal with strangers, but we know each other, ksenia andreevna, in absentia, through baldoch. i don’t know
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this one, he has a thing, my thing, absolutely it’s trivial, it has value only for me, because it belonged to my late mother, well, ask him, return it to me, i’ll pay 5,000 rubles. for nothing. "meet ponga, my servant, a very ordinary creature, the last of the cannibal jarwa tribe, from the andoman islands, shoots poisoned darts without fail, one scratch and the man is dead, well, go, ponga, go, you're scary, mademoiselle, pongo, essentially
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an animal , doesn't know what he will do, so where are we? oh yes, this thing, it belonged to my mother, for me it priceless, i want to know where this thing is, i don’t know, ask baldoch if you find it, i’m afraid he won’t tell anyone anything, think about it. that’s it, that’s it, come on, well, vladimir alekseevich, apparently you can’t avoid an excellent article about the effective work of the moscow detective. what's the good news? well, of course, you brought them to me yourself. the killer has been found.
4:12 pm
fedot, can the princess and i talk, a beautiful woman, a fool, all women are fools, how many times have i told her, she needs to build relationships with decent people, she got involved with this idiot, they all end up the same, teach, teach, how did you let her in? how
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they let you go, here you go , you’re detaining it wrong, you’re letting it go wrong, what should i do, what have you done, she’s now in mortal danger, watermelons, samosad, homemade sasad, zucchini.
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hello mademoiselle. have you decided anything? i asked you to help me find my mother's thing.
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fine. i'll check the cache, but i'll go alone, there's no reason for me to throw away secret places, if there's something there, i'll bring it wherever you say in 2 hours, don't play with me, if something doesn't suit you, let it be your freak will kill me right now. in 2 hours , there will be a carriage at the pere strong tavern, there will be a ponga on the box, make no mistake, and
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don’t let your freak follow me around the pits, otherwise you will never see the thing that belonged to your mother, we agreed. i hope you understand that there is no point in deceiving me,
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so you decided, let’s be my mistress, there won’t be enough money, well, we’ll see about that, okay, listen here.
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no way the idiot left quite a legacy, he left it, he didn’t leave it, what’s your business, what’s the idiot is mine, you know the law, without offended, give me here what you took.
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oh, you decided to fool someone, now i ’ll paint your face so that the least beggar won’t set his sights on you, draw as much as you want, there’s nothing else.
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what are you looking at, get lost? skeins, it doesn’t pass, we buy it, yellow ones are beautiful, slots, we buy it, trays, it doesn’t pass, little balls, look, look!
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would you like to see? you are a very beautiful woman,
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i would offer you to leave with me, but you are unlikely to agree, i will not agree. have you forgotten anything? thank you, it's a pleasure to deal with a real gentleman.
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i gave it, i gave it, well done, go to the rear, team.
4:25 pm
oh, what a cunning man you are, and there , just below us, a little river of clay flows into one channel, this tunnel, i know like the back of my hand, will not go anywhere, but you don’t want to be with me, otherwise you’ll have to forget about the suit, not even you hope you won’t separate from me so easily, well, as you know, fedot ivanovich, you give us two policemen, and take a boat yourself and meet us where the neglinnaya river flows into one of the canals, okay? something i don’t understand, what should i do? look, the director too useful so, two here, mikes, the rest follow me, quickly, to the crimean bridge, we take a boat to the canal, we’ll meet them there.


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