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tv   Dnevnik svekrovi  RUSSIA1  January 2, 2024 5:55am-6:46am MSK

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feelings will be seen, and the emptiness will forever be released, and for now i will turn it into art, this loneliness, love, a thousand times a second, beats furiously in my heart, noma sadness rippling, autumn over the edges. people pass by, instead of them there remains, guidance with me, melancholy, towards fate, take a slow step, straighten your shoulders, if your hands are shaking, how can you forge this thin thread? thread, if the heart, then ice, then
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flame, someday feelings will be ashamed, their emptiness will forever be released, and for now i will turn into art, this loneliness, love, a thousand once a second, my heart beats madly, again over the edges, people come by, instead of them it remains, on this ground with me, melancholy, melancholy, a thousand times a second.
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it’s like the moment before sunstroke, there is a person who knows something about oleg’s disappearance.
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second wind, how much kindness costs, how can you measure your love, you saw sadness in my eyes then, your body hurts, you weren’t there, the holiday is gaining momentum, i know you ’re not waiting for me. good health,
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prosperity all the best with the new year, song of the year today on rtr, the gardener's granddaughter drew a snake, whether you love it or not, you are ready to become mine, i am ready to become yours forever. you have to learn love, how to learn to love, start with yourself, from the fragments of a broken dream you can create a new one, you decided, you have to go good, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see him again, why is everything so crooked in life, tell me about your life, the tale of...
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you are my melody, we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, his melody alexandra is with us nikolaevna pakhmutova, the earth is empty without him, hope, my earthly compass, and luck. the award laughed under the wing of the plane, he sings about something, green pokey, friends are breaking up , kesha, happy new year, happy new year, happy new
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year, by the way, you know why there is no year of the parrot in the eastern calendar, why, why, because this a year would repeat everything after the previous one, but we always want something... new, something, something, something, for example, new letters from tv viewers, marina berezkina writes to us from omsk, happy new year to kolya and kesha, can you imagine, on new year's eve we have there was a huge scandal with the neighbors, they wanted to invite them to visit, but they didn’t mind, they said, you’d better come to us, they wanted to treat them with a branded herring under a fur coat , but they didn’t, try our family jellied meat, what kind of people, it ended up... that they set a common table right on the staircase, please show a funny number about scandals in your program, and let it become a new year's gift for our beloved neighbors. marinochka, i sincerely wish you that all your scandals will only be for such pleasant reasons, and my charming neighbor elena stepanenko will tell the variety shop
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what other scandals there are. it turns out that in order to live happily with your husband for many, many years, you have to create family scandals every day. yes, a scandal is the key to family happiness, there are plenty of reasons, any phrase can serve as a reason for a scandal. for example , he tells you: darling, i’m dying of love for you, and you say, i’ll die for you, you ’ll live a long, happy, torment-filled life with me, that’s it, a scandal for a couple of hours, but then, when you measure up, you’ll be like that it's a thrill, how a smart man behaves, early in the morning his wife wakes up, says, dear, i don’t look very good today, he says, dear, you look very, very, but i understand that there will still be a scandal, my grandmother gave me advice even before wedding , never threaten your husband with divorce, don’t
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even give him hope for freedom, when her husband hinted at divorce, she showed him nine figs on two hands, oh how she loved, i think that the scandal is up to... look, he says, and we immediately agreed that as soon as she starts making trouble, i immediately leave the house, like this i spent 50 years in the fresh air, the main thing is to find a clue, for example, you tell him, i’ve been spinning like a fool on a wheel all day, he says:
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not a fool, but a squirrel, yes, a squirrel has a fur coat, but i’m a fool? kolya, you haven’t forgotten that tomorrow it’s exactly 15 years since you and i got married, no, katya, i haven’t forgotten, but i’ve already forgiven you for that. kolya, i’m worried about the high level of cholesterol in your blood, but what do you think, i’m drinking it, it’s a scandal. but keep in mind that some scandals can lead to crime. 1:00 am, bedroom, wife says to husband: and misha, mish, let's play role-playing games with you, and as if i was a call girl, as if you called me, i came, i’m standing there, he says:
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“natasha, can i look at everyone first?” a scandal, or this... what is the situation: a drunk husband picked up a cat on the street, comes home , the wife opens the door, the husband says: look, this is a monkey from the jungle, the wife says: some kind of monkey, this is a cat, he says, no you have... i'm talking to a cat, a scandal or this situation, the husband says to his wife: listen, well, my mother-in-law promised to give me a gift after the wedding porsche caen, the wife says: you don’t understand, you crazy horseradish, the daughter calls her mom crying and says: “mom, mom, only 2 weeks have passed since the wedding, and the husband wants sex with two women, mom says: “he’s worried, daughter, tell me.” , i’m approaching now
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, or this is the situation, listen, the wife is late, late, came home, drunk, the husband is stunned, waves an alarm clock in front of her nose, says: where have you been, where have you been, she says: don’t yell, otherwise next time you'll be waving your calendar, he 'll be amazed that you said it, she's such a treat to him, and now it's quiet! he was stunned and said: what verse? she says: verse is a verb, sat and verse. thousands of scientists have been puzzling over the problem for years, and cannot understand why the wife cheats on her husband? everything is very simple , i tell you: a wife cheats on her husband only in three cases, in three: a, if he is bad, b, if he is good, c... b: if he is not this , not that, everything, everything, odessa question , what is not a reason
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to make a row, who did you bring from kindergarten, how is it someone, our daughter, has grown up, has taken shape, sings such a funny song, oh, you goat, open your eyes, you brought home to a drunken teacher, i recently told my husband, dear, it seems to me that i was sent to you by fate, i thought after these words... he will kneel down, start kissing my hands, he says: it seems so to me too, so i don’t know for what sins , i say, what did you say? he says: don’t boil, cool down, i say: oh cool down, you still want my death, but here we go, i’ve been taking care of you for so many years, when you almost died, i cooked soup for you, he says: you’re not confusing anything, but ? first you made me soup, then i almost died, well
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scandal, this is the situation, two men meet, one says to the other: listen, what kind of wife is i, but as soon as i come home with a date, she immediately hits me in the head with a rolling pin, the second says: what are you doing, and you put the pan on your head, every other day he meets, he says : well, let’s try, he says: oh, you know, it’s so cool, she doesn’t see anything in this pan at all, everyone says that the main thing is the weather in the house , heard or saw that your husband began to look to the left, immediately start a scandal, and if there is no reason, let alone an arrangement , just sit down stupidly opposite each other and start, why are you staring at me, and he says, nothing, i’m looking at everything, no, not everything, you ’re comparing me with your mistress, yes, he says, with which lover, with which
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one, more than life, it’s good, just say that you love me more than life, he says: yes, i love you, more than life, you’re lying, i’m not lying, since i married you, i’ve been this life i can not stand. they say that marriage is based
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on patience, stupidity, marriage is based on impatience, when you can’t wait to see, feed, hug, quarrel, quickly run to the bedroom, make up, marriage is based on love, like everything in this world, yes, sometimes you want to hit him in the head with a frying pan, but lovingly, on new year’s eve i made one cherished wish to join our program a new guest came, our old guest made a wish that everything would remain as before, the winner of the battle. nikolai baskov, good morning, my new year's, good morning, our old year's, are you hinting that i'm old, no, but also that there are none, but where are the new year's letters from my adored viewers, we still need them deserve it, you know some new year's rhyme, of course, kolya, kolya, nikolai,
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give me the letters urgently, okay, you deserve it, choose any one. let it be this. from karina morozova from moscow. good morning, nikolay. i 'm studying to be a director and currently working on my coursework. i made a pretty decent video clip, and now the course master says: if you want to become a great director, make a real movie. really, none of the great directors nikolai shot video clips for you. karinochka. after my video clips, all the directors became great. i'm afraid of someone will come out. nikolay, come back to earth, and you karina, don’t listen to anyone, if you want to make videos, make them, it’s even better to make good videos than a bad movie, and i’m for a great movie, because only then can you become the hero of the song of the duet galibri and mavik, poor fedorica fillini, it’s unlikely he dreamed of this, i’m like federer, give me oscars.
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go, everything inside me is burning, nuka will repeat it, you’re so alone, you’re so merciless , i want to hit on you, but it’s unlikely, everything inside me is burning, come on, parman will repeat it, i wish i could be with you right now, i’m like federik universe, give an oscar to this goddess slovna,
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the barbie doll wants the main role in the film. it’s not me, like the federryk in the village, don’t let us from the hidden pogi, it’s not like a barbie doll in the area wants the main role in the film, be mine , be mine, thousands of lights shine on us, we’ll get our oscar, we’ll fly away for ourselves.
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this goddess is like a barbie navitri doll wants the main role oron gortyn give from secreta gods not like a barbie navitri doll wants the main role in the picture i'm like frederic in felen give oscars. my father demands that i urgently send him a photo of my bride, hello, come, otherwise there won’t be any money, look how beautiful she is, we’ll paint her, dress her up, and make her
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keep quiet. “my bride should be a diamond, you’re not even a diamond yet, but i need a diamond, you know, i still need diamonds, i’ve sketched out a plan of approximate actions, three very busy days await us, what if she falls in love with you, and then what, i’ll give you money , i’ll send her home, and if you love her , beauty and the beast, today on rtr. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it ’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes all, two opinions. it can’t be, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of
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competition, here you have a question about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just look , let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most exciting team, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, sovereigns,
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white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for... your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only look at the platform, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important. honestly, it’s convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote, to choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze
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, dad, why are there so many cameras here, observation of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record the moment, this case, observation, choose... free, important, honestly comfortable. when we hear that someone had a good time on new year's holidays, first of all we imagine a cheerful feast and it is completely in vain. in the case of lyudmila zakharova from sperm, it really was a real winter walk. dear nikolay, during the new year holidays, the whole family walked in the park and visited the christmas market. the most pleasing thing was the street musicians who performed their own folk instruments. versions of the most popular hits. i asked them to perform my favorite song , “drunk cherry, christina arbakaiti.” but for some reason they didn’t succeed. maybe you
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can? dear lyudmila, unfortunately, folk musical instruments are not my thing at all, except perhaps the barrel organ, and even then as a song. but i can give you the original. i think it won't be worse. on air morning mail, kristina arbakaite, drunken vishka. she is a little crazy and so confused in her body, simply unbalanced, but in her heart there is trouble, there is salt water in her eyes, she is simply indifferent. drunken cherry, drunken it came out, as if covering our faces, drunken cherry,
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just like that, no one falls in love, drunken cherry, drunkenly came out, covering our faces with a logan, drunken cherry. it just happened that way, no one should fall in love, she’s a little unrestrained, she’s been detained a hundred times, she’s just very overexposed, and why is fate beating her like that, why yes... i’m still alone, maybe i’m
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the vision’s fault for something. drunk came out deftly covering her face , drunk came out, it just happened that way, no one falls in love, drunk cherry, drunk came out, covering her face with her curls, drunk cherry just came out, don’t fall in love don’t you, drunk cherry, drunk, drunk cherry, just came out like that, i dance everything!
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drunken cherry, drunk, she came out, ill-humored to cover her face, drunken cherry, she just came out like that, no one falls in love, drunken cherry, she came out drunk, covering her face with her head, she's superfluous, she just came out like that, i won't fall in love. i was with you if there is a main performer all your wishes, nikolai baskov, be sure to write, i will have something to read, and you will have something to listen to, i love you, happy new year, whoever believes it, i don’t believe it myself.
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it’s either good or bad, i have seven fridays a week and 13 months a year, my sky is diamond blue, it will bring me something in life, i’m baptized, but maybe anointed, in general, i’m happy, so that's it, i'm happy like no one, i'm... i'm happy fly that, i'm happy, i'm not lying, i'd be so happy to leave, i'm happy like no one, i'm happy for 100 years, i'm happy, i’m not lying, i’ll leave so happy, someone knows, i myself don’t know where the ending is, that’s somewhere
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the strip. behind which there are only the gates of heaven, and behind them there is simply heaven, and for now the whole sky is only in the stars, not in a dream, and it is reality, that i will say for my life simply, i am happy that i live, i am happy like no one, i happy summer that i'm happy, i'm not lying, right? so happy we'll leave, i'm happier than anyone, i'm happy, i'm right, i'm happy, i'm not lying, so happy we'll leave
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, i'm happy like no one, i'm happy let's say that i'm happy i'm not lying, we're so happy i'll leave, i. i’m happy like no one else, i ’m not just happy, i’m happy, i’m sharing, so happy we’ll leave, happy like you, happy we’ll leave. happy as anyone
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, happy! and thank you very much, good morning, you are watching the russia tv channel, my name is alexey virchynin, this means that there are five for one on the show. a generous program where you can earn a lot of money without even getting up from the couch, today evgeny poponyshvili, anfisa chekova, andrey urgand, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnoy are playing with us, good morning, my friends,
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i am especially pleased to welcome anfisa chekhova, a girl, today. which, with its incredible beauty and charm, has once again diluted this musty air of these four old-timers who are trying to build something out of themselves here, but time after time they don’t manage to see very much, but in a diluted form we are quite like- then yes, somehow you can be tolerated in this form with anfisay, you know, the audience loves us, and you know why, but because because you give them money, because you you lose the final rounds, you give everything away and... today in our bank, show me only 20,000 rubles at the beginning of the game, the minimum possible amount, that’s why it’s so contemptuous of everything, it’s a mere sum, approximately the amount of wages, somewhere like that, yes, yes
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, let me remind you, last saturday our star five sent 160,000 rubles to a pensioner so that she could rest in a sanatorium, well, it’s a good goal, in general, general applause, we’re great. so look at it from this side, you can look at it from the other side, our star five i shamefully lost the final round, i just , i just didn’t take the most basic question, now here is our wonderful spectator, who won in the jacuzzi with a glass of champagne, looks and says, lesha, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, it’s a shame, but i’m glad, i’m happy for our pensioner, indeed, if she is like this now, and also in our boarding houses , the time is good, the first round is right now, it’s five against one, and we went to the sanatorium just briefly, first of all anfisi, let me remind you of the rules, the rest, i hope have already learned, then now the computer will randomly
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select tv viewers, with my help it will ask you a question, you will have 4 minutes to try to find the correct answer, i can give three clues that another 2000 rubles are at stake, you ask any leading questions, i i answer yes or no, attention to the screen, let's choose a tv viewer who will play against you first today. so, larisa seletskaya, 51 years old, dolgoprudny city. larisa writes poetry, creates ties, butterfly brooches, and is also interested in biographies of actors, winning will be spent on trips to museums. what the writer dmitry maminsiberyak collected, time stamps are not too simple, but
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the siberian and the siryakov did not quite collect mamogogo whom. no, no , it's edible, no, that is, it wasn't even stuffed birds, no, he was a hunter, but no, no, some kind of object, it's not an object, it's not an object, it's not an object, it's something... then virtual, sayings, proverbs in this direction, in this direction, jokes, not jokes, toasts, not toasts, biographies, biographies, like and like larisa, no, no, not funny jokes, collector, a set of not funny but... yes, typesetters, no, no, new words, interjection, no, not an interjection, not new words, no, well, that is, this is not an object, these may be the dreams of collectors, well something like that, well, no, that is, not, well, in the sense, words of nationalities, signs, no, not
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signs, there was such a version, you andreivoevich, this means silver, set, set, set , silver set, he is collectors' sets, sets of what, recipes, not recipes, but i follow andrei lvovich's logic. so here a hint that this is a set, yes, dude, no, that's not a clue, some sounds are not on, well, no, a clue for silver to silver. has something to do with it, well, it has something to do with it, it’s not right here, it’s not right here, it’s not right here, it’s bullets , no, it’s something like that, but no, let’s have more versions for now, silver, silver animals, no, that is, it could be, for example, this is some kind of whistle , recipes, maybe, no, recipes were such a version, he collected thoughts, collected thoughts, they rarely came to him and he was like oh, oh, yes, no, no, no, the second clue, these are not things
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, yes, this is a bathing of a red horse, well, no, this is not it, but this is a red horse, this is another picture, red, this is not a bathing, but this is a hint of art, no, it is still what -fantastic, fairy tales, no , not fairy tales, omens, no, not omens, no, and not sayings, omens already existed, sayings would be that, something, something that does not, well, does not exist in life, yes, well, that is, it’s like something that you can’t touch, yes, you can’t touch it, it’s also legends. this is a literary work, this is not where you even got it from, what is this like? no, no, no, folk songs sunsets sunrises for collecting sunsets and sunrises melodies, this has to do with stas mikhailov no, it has to do with music, it has nothing to do with music , no, i collected laughter, interesting, no, no, it has to do with diseases , no, i collected laughter, saba breeds. no, no, no, let's also say pankratov is black, so
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that he collected, and maybe he collected strange surnames, this is the absolutely correct answer, well, you already understand that the second clue is a work, and the first, show the first hint, this is semyonovsky, yes, yes, this is silver, a family jewel, family silver, simple. well, on the second clue we have a picture of petrov votkin, a man with a funny last name, and the third one, black pankratov, also a man with such a curious last name , throughout his life, dmitry narkisovich, his mother’s siberian, collected funny , strange and wonderful last names, he kept notes and loved to share his finds with his in general, he is friends by the way. according to the passport, as they say, he was my mother’s, yes, dmitry was my mother’s,
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but in life in siberia, for some time he signed with the pseudonym sibiryak, and then he decided to somehow combine his pseudonym and his real family name, also signed this ulianov lenin, no, my mother’s siberian, my mother’s in exile, i don’t know this fact, maybe i remember it like now, okay, sort of be that as it may, after the first round the amount in our bank became larger. 40,000 rub. well done, oh well, i don’t know why i just broke out, broke out, he told us well done just now, yes, amfisa, you haven’t visited us for a long time, how do you feel? yes that's it well, nothing changes, by the way, stability is rare in our time, or stagnation, in other words, so well, something.
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i understood, with a man’s nail , there is nothing there, but there is simple psychology, yes, stop eating, go, move, well , that’s about it, so, the second round, we continue our five-on-one program, the second round, about the same the best thing is that in the first one, 4 minutes, three tips, one question worth 20,000 rubles. there is one feature of the second round, this is a round of photo questions, first we will choose a viewer and then look at that the photo he sent us. playing
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against you is ksenia fedorina, 23 years old, st. petersburg. ksenia is passionate about searching the history of art for everything unusual and interesting. you understand what kind of hobby a person has. so, he plans to go to lake baikal with his family. question from ksenia. what is this? this is a bra. no, it’s a mask, it doesn’t let go , the previous program, a mask on the face, this is not a mask on the face, it’s a mask in another place, it’s a mask of fidelity, oh god, no, let’s remember that program with which you put a mask of fidelity on a person put on the face it’s you, as you said correctly, i understand no, it’s not even but even on the face, but not a mask on the eyes no, why is evgeny the only one playing with us , playing, lord, he likes it, it’s not
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a sub-genre facelift, it’s interesting, it’s a headdress that’s put on like this, no no, not a headdress attire this is for the eyes so that the bees don’t bite, no, this is put on the head, well, yes, on the forehead, not on the lobby, this is a bridle, no, this is no, not for that, wait, wait, on a person’s face, yes, yes , for beauty, uh, we have the first clue, listen, i got it, what is this, this is to shape the hairstyle, uh, no, this is to shape the hairstyle, the shape, this is for creating the shape, right? not beards , mustaches, yes, that's what it is, let's say, a headset, and this is great, just evgeniy rybov gives the absolutely correct answer, well, to be even more precise, mustaches in the plural, yes, these are
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headphones, headphones, yes, show the correct answer on the screen, is it called something like this, did it work? i’m telling you, in the second half of the 19th century, mustaches came into fashion, so lush, beautiful, chic, yes, in germany they came up with a mustache bandage, the so-called earphone, or headphones, going to bed, the man smeared his mustache with a special cream, put the mustache in the earphone , secured the earphone on the back of his head, in the morning the installation was ready, by the way, such things were common in russia, now in the state hermitage you can find, in fact, such an earphone , this is from our hermitage, this is also a mask of fidelity, i was right, because who would wear an earphone with something like that, i put a nauchnik on my husband and you can rest easy, look, the man was afraid that when he was sleeping, he would wake up, his mustache will be forward, and now he
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has a neat mustache, and his ears are like this, that’s right, perhaps the earphones in the set also came with some headphones and so on... we had three clues, but the first one was too, apparently transparent, yes, there is a baking dish here, you immediately realized that there is something here, yes , it holds its shape and so on and so forth in shape, so the second clue, right off the bat, is kartinarali, which, among other things, is famous for its chic , with a stunning mustache, of course, so the third clue is, well, the hussars should be silent, the hussars yes. any hussar it was necessary to have a lush mustache , then it was considered so, yes, yes, yes, otherwise they would not take the hussar, well, no, this was not spelled out somewhere in some charter, but then it was fashionable, it was simply believed that if you don’t have a mustache, then you’re somehow a bit of a loser, just my friends, let’s move on, we have
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the third round ahead, which means only one of you will play, we’ll find out who exactly in a few minutes, don’t switch, it’s five against one , who found her? witch, i'm interested in how you would recognize the girl's body, how as if someone wants to tell me something, go here, now, even though you’re not normal with me, and i’m on your side, think about why you were given this gift? secret. today on rtr, he burst onto the stage like a fresh wind with a squadron of his songs. 55 years of the stage,
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my friends, 55 years, why did you ask me to shoot you? my only hand did not rise, betrothed to the wind, just wait for me through the rains, they will protect you, ah-ay, clear days, unstoppable, oleg kazmanov, 55 years of stage. we have two nieces, olya and mika, wonderful family, it seems to me that my
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girls have problems, anna banshchikova, why is everything like this, they don’t love me, how much can you humiliate yourself, olya, sergey korobchenko, i can’t pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity should be internal, dmitry dyuzhev. january 7 on rtr. you have never had such a talented class before, the stars will feel like schoolchildren again, can i
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choose the brightest teacher of the year, svetlana will have to become a wire for the light bulb, whose light goes out, i i’ll twist it, and by the way, i’m a good guide , even difficult tasks can be done if there’s a talented teacher nearby, 323, i know this, i ’m a double student, i don’t need to be scared, the country should know the name of the best, i wish success to this magnificent seven teachers, cool theme, premiere on january 5 on rtr, it's five on one, we're back right now for the third round, one on one. the third round will be played by only one of you, who exactly is chosen by the viewer, pay attention to the screen,
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let’s find out who will play in the third round against one of you. tatyana malakhova, 67 years old, city of davlikanova. tatyana is now in direct contact with us by phone. tatyana, good morning. it’s probably already day for you in bashkiria. yes, it's already day. well, tell me what you're watching.
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i haven’t had a drink for 3 weeks now, they said it improves brain function, now let’s check, check, i really want to check, seriously?


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