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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  January 2, 2024 9:20am-10:11am MSK

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the paper came from the police, i don’t even suspect it, well, we need to warn him, of course, definitely, okay, i’ll prepare it, don’t worry, how many on our anniversary, ivan zakharovich, on our anniversary 16:00, exactly, uh? what’s wrong with you, yesterday it was nothing , but today it’s blown up, it’s disgusting, well, nothing , it can be worse, i completely agree with you, everything in life alternates, so to speak, dialectically, victory is replaced by defeat, joy is sadness, let’s say, first the anniversary, and then at least get into the water, what's the point, paper from police about rioting, police, what kind of police?
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unfortunately, ivan zakharovich is sober. police? well, maybe you'll come and see us? will you take the notes? with pleasure, shall i go? go-go. this is how they write it. please pay attention to the antisocial act and obscene behavior of your employee ivan zakharovich vodniy. i can tell you he's busy. shame, what shame? 35 years of impeccable service, no comments, not a blemish, the whole biography is ruined, and you would have told the police that i was regulating, hand him over, what to do, i don’t know, undress, busy, what? do, do what you want, but it’s a shame, well, i asked, there’s no shame in...
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there was no name, traffic controller, well, okay, ivan zakharevich, let me assure you that our, so to speak, united team with all our hearts on your side, what? okay, you sign with different pencils , put in green, refrain from giving in yellow, don’t give in red, let’s see, please, 300
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rublikovna 575 so please, next sign must be expensive to sign, forgive me 438 438 please, what are you doing, what are you doing? you give out the colors, you violate my system, your system, your system, what are you, what are you, what are you, i don’t care about your system, ivan, close, peck, i understand, he’s crazy, where are you? and send us
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into this world, at this hour, and my heart is sad for you, my dear, where are you, my beloved, for my sake, ay, end, leave.
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like, good, eh! these are kenners, daddy's passion and eccentricities. and here's dad himself. vanya, what happened? lost money? they disgraced my mother in her old age. who, who? police? trampled into the mud. i had to go to the boss and explain. yes, why explain, explain, this is slander, i did not commit any antisocial acts. vanya, be quiet. hush, hush, you need to shout about this luck. i tell them.
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eat, please, but i don’t want it, what are you doing , vanya, you are also a student, yes, part-time student , part-time student, so, so, so , please don’t sit down, chick, no, thank you, i don’t be shy, professor poznansky asked , so that i would advise him on the form of guilt and innocence, innocence , curious, yes, very confused, but your face, a young man, seems familiar to me, we have never met anywhere before, it’s unlikely, well again, it’s not sweet, but what are you saying, well
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, thank you very much, good health, don’t sit, sit, and where do you work at the factory, you know, tomato fruit drinks are like vitamins, right? the criminal code states: for insulting someone verbally or in writing, a fine of 300 rubles will be imposed. or public
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censure. i see that professor poznansky has a knowledgeable student. please give him heartfelt greetings from igorov's former student. fine. we didn’t come to you for any profit, i understand, i understand, but unfortunately, the traffic controller the policeman who detained your father is not here now, i promise you to look into this story and take action, thank you, okay, comrade shanishkin, wait, the boss is busy, i beg you, dad must be rehabilitated, he is very worried, i understand, i understand , remember, inaction of the authorities, according to article 111 of the criminal code, entails imprisonment? up to 3 years, exactly, we are lawyers, we know everything, goodbye, goodbye, happiness, every time our festival means the best artists, a full hall of spectators and
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unforgettable emotions. opens on january 2. second wind, how much kindness costs, how to measure your love and saw it in my eyes then, sadness, you were not there, the holiday is gaining momentum, i know you are not waiting for me, the music cannot be stopped, all the good things and... health, prosperity all the best , happy new year, song of the year, today on rtr , hang in there, it takes time, you will no longer be able
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to operate, what are you becoming, then bradina, as i understand it, bitch, no, are you good? just think and go back to work, perhaps we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, where is our finger, this is not a prank, i mean, from january 9 on rtr, you are watching 100 to one,
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what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbelly, the name of which character from pushkin’s works is all do they know how much it will be 7.8, how much, who is at work, is there a lot of play? says, if you answer, then with humor, i would think about chopping, not plucking, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100k alone, tomorrow on rtr, the gardener's granddaughter
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drew a snake, whether you love it or not, you are ready to become mine, i am ready to become yours - forever, you have to learn love, how to learn to love, start with yourself, from the fragments of a broken dream you can create a new one. you decided to go gold, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see him again, why is everything so crooked in life, tell me about your life, a fairy tale based on real events, dear, january 6 on rtr. and just think
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that this sorcerer is from gran canary, a wonderful country, the romantic islands of tenerira, feri, goner. for three centuries people have been taming conaries, and finally they have become an adornment of life. 300 years, and hope, the decoration of life. do you know, nadezha palanovna, louis xv. peter the great, catherine ii, darwin, all kept such keners. why are you, and vodnev, and the waterman , today, yes, well, now it’s quiet, let ’s listen to kener, mom, i’m ready, but you can breathe , but you can’t, smirnov alyansky, hello, hello, it’s me in the booths, the anniversary, to say, regulated . and sit down, comrade sergeant,
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go to the cashier vodnev’s apartment, hand over this paper, sorry for the trouble caused he is concerned about our mistake, a gross mistake, i obey, comrade major. what can you explain to me? and when i hear this kener, i imagine
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this wonderful country so clearly. you, volodya, understand me. vladimir zvantsev. allow me, but i have to. vasya, it’s time for us to study, let’s go. well vasya, you are a bad diplomat. i also don’t like the cinema concert, but i’m silent. don't be upset, vasya. dad's simple. difficult character, oh, my god, my god, goat, goat, comrade. comrade god, help me, oh-oh, i’m going crazy, what should i do, don’t, citizens, don't, don't, calm down, don't, don't flutter, excuse me, what's the matter , missing, who, child, more precisely, girl, how old, 3 years old, when, now, where , here, very good, oh , if she
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got on a tram, well, calm down, don’t, don’t, calm down, don’t, calm down, don’t flutter. “excuse me, this is my life, well , let’s find your life, what color, what is white, black, and blond, blond, uh-huh, my life is under the window, excuse me, name, goat, goat, look, my little goat, light, light , let's not confuse you, citizen, or more precisely, either a goat or a little light, a goat, a little light, a little flame and a little yasochka, several names at once. it’s kind of like repeat offenders, what am i going to do now, where do you live? on the other side, on the other side, house 35, 35, yes, i’m sorry, citizen, it’s not my territory, you go to that guard over there, i beg you, don’t disturb, let’s pass, i’m sorry.
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in the territory of 45-47, a girl of 3 years old, blond, blonde in a checkered blouse, in a checkered blouse, a cap, a blue cap, was lost, i obey, calm down, come in home, i beg you, let's find your girl, comrade, this yard is a passageway, a passageway. that's what i knew.
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“i left my grandmother, i left the hare, i left the wolf, goat, goat, little tongue, my life, how grateful i am to you, thank you, it was good for you here, and little tongue, good, yes, oh, listen, can she have more will motivate you a little, and idk, my uncle, my little swallow, my little wheelie, you see, i have a turn to come, on
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the way back, i’ll go get her, goodbye, little goat, my little little one, citizen, please excuse me, yes, lieutenant mamaeva , i obey, comrade sergeant, my boss is calling me, you will stay with the girl, call me, comrade lieutenant, i can’t, i’m holding mine, it ’s over, i have an important date, comrade sergeant, follow orders, i obey. service, kozlik, nothing can be done, katya, i, i’m very guilty, but i, why are you
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late, you’ll forgive me, completely unforeseen circumstances, i delayed you because of the child. because of which child? because you were small and had no one to leave with, do you have a child? yes, that is, no, well, this, this is not mine, this is someone else's child, very interesting, a completely stranger child , everything happened completely by accident, a young unfamiliar woman approached me on the street, in tears, beautiful, yes, that is, well, not very, hmm, why did she come up to you, but how , by the way, i don’t know, tell me, vasya, do you know this? hero, who is this? mythological type, two-faced janus, two faces, two lives, in our time such people also exist, you came very successfully, childbirth is extremely good today. you seemed simple and sincere to me, and you? what
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to do? this is due to my duty. hello, are you coming to us? yes, i went to get a new cage, and this is for you. thank you, wonderful rose. and i knew you would like it. let's go. goodbye, what about criminal law? it seems to me that you are quite erudite, however, if you need it, come in, it’s a waste of money, i can’t do it that often. accepting gifts that you are ivan zakharevich, this is such nonsense, with a bouquet you are like a bride, who is this? volodya, why are you wasting money?
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zaharish, well, i wanted to do something nice, you have to be reasonably thrifty, not stingy, but prudent, you know? my late grandfather always told me the same thing. ivan sakharovich, if only you would agree. help me spend, spend wisely, you understand, yesterday i again received 2,500 for these funds, but i don’t know what to do with them, man, i’m lonely, oh, this is starting to take on a threatening character for you, that’s how it is, i’m already figuring it out in people, well, you trust me, i am, of course, 35 years old, a penny is not lost, what did you decide for, volodya? nadezhda palna is worried, she
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knows that your car is being repaired, but it’s just he’s worried, it’s not far, you can walk there, it’s hot, it’s hot, well, let’s help, but it’s not so hard, 40,000, wow, when 200 is a bit heavy, it’s okay, we’ll carry two. volodya, volodya, where are you going, wait, well , hurry up, hurry up.
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so you're not angry with me anymore? no, attention, i'm filming. osya, now take us off, please, isn’t it worth it? filming together in front of a different group, oh, then there’s no need , why, let’s go, vasya, mala, here, no, i won’t
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lie down, ivan zakharovich, i want to invite you all to a restaurant, brilliant idea, you’re lying me to a heart attack, most likely to the police, well, comrades, wine, music, pleasant company. we live once in a lifetime, it’s not worth it , volodya, i have prepared sandwiches for everyone, and this, of course, this light mixture is very good for health, why are you running away, i’m not running away, and you are commanding volodya as a future son-in-law, anything can happen , listen, when you stop remembering about the police, and you’re afraid, but no, i confessed to everything, paid the fine, paid, the policeman on duty will come to you with an apology, an exonerating paper, that’s it, the policeman on duty come to me, just let him try to push this
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guy with his apologies. a roman fountain, there’s a lot of water, but no fish, he says, he says, okay, you’re lying, he’s not sleeping.
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volodya, volodya, help them, i don’t like scandals, lizochka, this is a police matter, how can this be, nornul, excuse me, who are they telling you, what are they telling you, oh what,
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“you shouldn’t have kept me, i would have built for him mommy , stop it and bring you home disassembled, nothing, don’t worry, medals, ivan poddubny, citizens, don’t flutter, don’t flutter, i ask, write it down my last name, professor ovsyanikov, ovsyanikov , and my last name, lebedev, lebedev, very good, i don’t know anything, of course, let’s go away , you shameless one, let’s go, citizen , let’s go, well, move, move, with your feet, let’s go, vasenka, why do this take risks, well done!
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did you want to say something? no, nothing, great, talent, no, look, look. what do you look like? but it’s completely different, a wonderful caricature, volodya, this is your calling, calling, my calling - travel, searching for new things, changing intense impressions. katya, look, i don't see anything funny, of course it’s easier to draw, and kittens look like you, well, in my opinion, good, it looks like it ’s evil, you’re crazy, well, it’s a joke,
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what is this, i’m not anyone... volodya, don’t pay attention, an evil fly bit her, katya, you can only protect others, not yourself, vasya. yes, have you changed in front of the cashier yet? no, i haven’t taken the risk yet, i know that i need to follow orders, but she’s a nice girl, and this is her father, right? he is the most stern, and who is the one who lowered his head? artist, zvantsev, thrill-seeker, strange, as if on purpose
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hidden. i noticed when vasya talks to you, he sees no one and hears no one except you, but believe me, i know, and you like him, i know him too little. a definite answer is suspicion, the first sign of falling in love, and volodya zvantsev, that you invited him, i don’t specifically invite friends, vasya, nice guy, you can’t go to the ends of the world, strong, brave, courageous, your enthusiasm may be wrong, yet there was no chance that i was wrong, we forgot to buy tomato juice, well...
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“vigilance is the old watchful eye, good at the border, at the border of your behavior, i’m a taster, and it’s my duty, you’ll have time, you’ll taste again, finally, you’re late again, oh, sorry, i barely escaped, thank you, congratulations, kat, i wish you all the best , and hello, and i think, volodya, something is late, and here he is! hello! hello! please accept flowers and a note for ekaterina vodneva, please! heartfelt
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congratulations and sending best wishes, devoted to your family , vladimir zvantsev. and himself? how so? so he won't come? sorry, i don't know about this. dear hosts, isn't it time for us to get started? volodya didn’t come , he sent flowers himself, he didn’t show up , didn’t come, the seven of them aren’t waiting for one, i ask everyone to the table, and you are next to me, please, and you invited volodya, i won’t appreciate special invitations to anyone, he’s a delicate person. artist , i could invite you personally, daddy, don’t ruin this day for me, if you want, i ’ll call him, yes grandpa, please call him, what’s the phone number, phone number, here’s the phone number, i don’t i know, okay, give me the address, i’ll send a note
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, the address, wait, he lives on the sixth floor, that’s the street, how can it be, dad, you have business with him, and you don’t even know the address, yes, we’re not good we are friends, let me raise a glass to the culprit. it’s a long wait for a real fish to bite , there are matches, but in any case you need to have patience, happy catching, you like it
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here very much, you still need to leave, yes, unfortunately, i’m on duty today, i asked to be replaced by 2 hours. well, i really love tomato juice, and you? me too thank you, i’m interested in how it’s prepared, but tell me? and from tomatoes, they put the tomatoes in these big cauldrons, and then fill them with water, boil them? yes, of course, in general this is a very difficult process, let’s dance, okay? probably everything happens automatically, yes, of course, unfortunately , it’s time for me, what do you have, high-speed melting of tomato juice, you’re just like cinderella, i’m not
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cinderella, don’t be angry with me, oracle! what should this phantom do? sing with a guitar? what do you suggest? well then i don't play no put on, okay, sing with a guitar, oh, my, my, yeah! i got caught, what should this phantom do , that's right, go get some cognac, well, populka, what are you doing, it's not fair , go get some cognac, well, sing together, svan zakharovich, it doesn't sound good, well, what are we going to drink, you and i were sitting by the sleeping woman river, looking at the beam, sanovich, dear, play for us, play. looking at
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the ray, the purple sunset, we stood on the shore, not you, you shook my hand. bezata is running away, then sweet mik, they would have forgotten him, you pinched my hands, running away from the enemy, that sweet mik. his you forgot.
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come here, allow me, let me in, please, i’m in a hurry, forgive me, forgive me, but you might catch a cold, let me in, otherwise i’ll scream, scream, it can’t be, it can’t be, vasya, you, me, friends, amazing news, sir. some guys for me, i called for help, the policeman, as
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always, was not there, no, he appeared, whoever you thought, in the form of sergeant vasya shaneshkin, a dachshund, an eligible bachelor, he deceived me, he deceived you , he deceived everyone, everyone. you go to dad, yes, don’t go, sorry, i have to, he, well, of course, he, he dragged me to the police, yes i, and now, my dear, i recognized you, you know, the head of the police department asked you to apologize and hand over a paper rehabilitating you, you were rehabilitated, fathers, you were rehabilitated. thank you, benefactors, i will never forget your mercy,
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forgive me, forgive me, i’ll open it, i deceived you, i’m sorry, katerinach, comrade major, nothing significant happened during my duty, okay, we were at kosyurovnev’s, it was just a major, how... you were greeted , greeted, well, cordially, very glad, very glad that it’s all over, yes, it’s over, my father demands that i urgently send him a photo of my bride, hello, come, otherwise there won’t be any money, look how beautiful, let’s paint it, dress it up! we’ll force you to be silent, my bride must be
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a diamond, you’re not even a diamond yet, but i need a diamond, you know, i still need reels, i’ve sketched out a plan of approximate actions, yeah, we’re waiting for three very busy days, what if she falls in love with you and what then , i’ll give you money, i’ll send you home, and if you love her, beauty and the beast is on rtr today. with frames of their songs. 55 years of the stage , my friends, 55 years old, i’m sorry that you stopped racing, you didn’t raise your hand to shoot, my only one, betrothed to the wind, just wait for me
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through the rains, they keep me, ah-ah-ah-ah. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, cheers, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter
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he’ll find an even cooler one, in them fell in love, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, he loves them. so far, you you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, we only look at the platform, but...
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you disgraced, deceived, citizens, of course you are surprised, but i still tell you i will express everything that i think about many of you. oh, children, children, adult children , you are offended by us, as they are offended by the doctor for taking bitter medicine, by the dentist for treating something painful, by the teacher who called you when you don’t know the lesson, by your little children. you are scaring, the policeman
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will come, the policeman will take you away, but you yourself will barely if you scare me, call me, policeman, we don’t scare our children, he won’t take us away, that’s enough, citizens, that’s enough, live on your own, fine yourself, bring yourself to the police station , keep order yourself, let them do without us, let them do without us, vasya , help, no, save, no, no, no. wow, when 200 is too heavy, it’s okay, we’ll bring 200, volodya, where are you going, vasenka,
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my dear, dear friends, help, save, i ask you, volodya, where are you going, wait! yes, indeed, he hid on purpose, 323, red ray, so, build a trust, ivan zakharovich, 22,000, it turns out 220, today we have a salary.
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sidikov, did the cashier vodnev leave the bank? recently i passed, recently, again there was no car, i set off on foot, yes, alone, alone, what, help! something help hold him, hold him, remon zahar, money, money , suitcase, suitcase, pass-through suitcase, cheva,
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cevadan, suitcase, suitcase, not that one, not mine, not yours, stop! police, police, fight in the yard,
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because this had to happen, katya. “calm down, my dear, don’t cry, you see, i control myself, and i don’t cry, vasya will definitely come, of course he will come, because he loves you, i know, i see everything, maybe shut up, x-ray, katya, katenka, nadyuzh, well, what to do with this artist from the canary islands? " slana is easier to find , than kenera, you incorrigible little head, you hung a lock, you brought the bandit into the house.


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