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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:41pm MSK

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kolata bronravova january 7 on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. they took trenches and entrenched themselves there, storming the positions of the militants in the serebryansky forestry. the leopard is also undermined; it does not hold the shells. western equipment is being undermined with the help of carnet anti-tank systems. a new round of tension in the middle east after the murder of the deputy leader of the hama group.
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the organization stops negotiations with israel, lebanese authorities said that tel aviv is trying to drag the country into conflict. the ultrapolar invasion is experiencing the center of the european part of the country in st. petersburg and moscow until thirty degrees below zero. in ufa, there was heavy snowfall, and all the special equipment was taken out on the road. and in snowy yekaterinburg. santa claus replaced the reindeer with a dog's hide and seek. energize fathers. picturesque mountain landscapes, literally fly into this year with the right mood; in krasnaya polyana, the height of the season, the slopes are 80% full. and the results of voting for the name of the baby panda from what was the name of the moscow zoo? and we start with the situation in the zone of a special military operation in the krasnoliman direction.
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assault groups operate in serebryansky forestry with fire support from motorized rifle units. bmp-2, which operate on the front line, are equipped with the berezhok universal combat module; the karnet anti-tank missile system included in its composition allows the vehicles to successfully resist enemy armored vehicles. from the line of combat contact, report by vesti military correspondent alexey boranov. assault groups the central military district manages to approach noon, and the infantry not only entered the enemy trenches, but gained a foothold there; sasha, the first rpg crew, took up a position together with a machine gunner. now the main task is to hold this strong point until the main forces arrive. meanwhile, units of the armed forces of ukraine do not give up attempts to return what they lost.
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to provide fire support for assault groups , motorized rifle units are immediately deployed to the line of combat contact in the kremensky forest. moving through the forest, the bmp-2 tries to move at full speed, because the foliage opal, all movements on the ground are clearly visible to ukrainian reconnaissance drones. these central military district b-2s are equipped.
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the universal combat module berezhok, but the enemy’s armored vehicles are attacked by the karnet anti-tank missile system included in its composition, the equipment is weak, the leopard is the same, it is also undermined, they do not hold shells, they will also be blocked, everything is the same, just more electronics if an armored vehicle passes by at speed, they don’t have time, temporary hot, hot, krasnolimansk direction. infantry combat vehicles equipped with the carnet anti-tank missile system today continue to successfully confront enemy armored vehicles, which the armed forces of ukraine at the tor salient are transferring to the front line in preparation for possible breakthrough attempts. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. kremensky forest.
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the aviation danger signal has been canceled in belgorod. this was reported to the city administration. this morning another attempt was made in the region. kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack on targets on russian territory, according to the ministry of defense, ukrainian militants used the alha multiple rocket launcher system and the tochka u missile system. according to the department, on-duty air defense systems destroyed six missiles from the uy point and six missiles from the alha rocket launcher over the belgorod region. the palestinian hamas movement announced that it was stopping negotiations with tel aviv on the release of the hostages. this happened. after the deputy head of the group and several of his subordinates were killed in beirut. by according to local media, israeli drones carried out strikes on the hamas office. lebanese authorities condemned the attack and said tel aviv was trying to drag the country into conflict. the lebanese hezbollah movement has threatened that
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the response to the israeli attack will be, quote, brutal. in a report by our correspondents in the middle east, sergei pashkov and alexander belibov. tank link.
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whoever carried out this strike was surgical and targeted hamas specifically. whoever did this is not an attack on the lebanese state, it is an attack on hamas. this is completely obvious. hezbollah's threat to respond with missile attacks on tel aviv forced the military to raise the level of readiness of the army deployed on the border with lebanon, but representatives of the israeli military command, following the politicians, remained silent about the liquidation.
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hezbal is stronger than hamas, but we are ready, they are using rockets, mines, drones, a new style of war. another danger is that they can penetrate into israeli territory. west bank palestinians in ramala and jenin demonstrated in protest over the elimination of the aruri. hamas, in response to the liquidation of its leader, interrupted negotiations on a new phase of the ceasefire exchange deal. israel, for its part, has increased military pressure in gaza.
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lebanese media reported that six people were killed, including three senior hamas members. solehal arouri is one of the key figures of the entire palestinian resistance movement, deputy head of the politburo of the hamas party, he is also called one of the leaders of the military wing of the
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al-qassam brigades movement. he was responsible for the work of the movement on the west bank of the jordan river, it was from his activities are associated with the growing influence of hamas in the region, which is responsible for the death of ararruri. responded with large-scale demonstrations and protests against israel. it's not over yet. if they kill one of our leaders, more palestinians will raise the flag and continue to fight against this occupation and... palestine will be free no matter what they do. despite all its military might, the israeli military has not been able to cope with the palestinian resistance movement; the israeli military has been unable to cope with the palestinian resistance movement for almost three months. every day israeli forces suffer losses both in equipment and manpower. and against this background, the blow to beirut looks like tel aviv’s decision to shift the information agenda away from its own failures. only this threatens israel with a new full-scale conflict with hezbollah. which has much more significant military resources compared to the same hamas, although hamas certainly will not
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leave the murder of one of its leaders unanswered. the community around the world and the israeli embassy will be attacked. we know that hamas can do this, i think it opens a new circle of violence, a new escalation. in the meantime , the escalation does not stop in the gas sector itself. israeli planes carried out another attack on the nuisserat refugee camp. at least ten deaths are reported as a result of the attack. the temporary accommodation center of the red crescent in hanyuninys also came under fire, where there were also dead and wounded as a result of the strike. the target of the israeli missile is civilians, we are civilians, we were forced to leave gaza, we and our children escaped from death in the south, because they said it was safe here, they are liars, there is no safe place in the entire gas sector. as for the attack in beirut, you can be almost sure that not only israel is behind it, but western intelligence services are for sure. advised on the course of the operation, because telyaviv had information and perhaps even
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similar things the same americans had done more than once in the middle east. it just so happens that today is the fourth anniversary of the assassination of special forces commander alku from the islamic revolutionary guard corps iran qassem sulaymaniyah. on january 3, 2020 , an american drone struck the colony in which the general was traveling, near baghdad airport. then the assassination of sulaymaniyah led to an increase in terrorism in the region and overall. instability in general, the current attack on hamas leaders could have much more serious consequences. alexander vlibov, dmitry cherbakov and denis sokolov. news, middle east. vladimir putin, with his words and actions, essentially shapes the global agenda. the president of kazakhstan stated this in an interview with a national newspaper. kasym jamar takaev emphasized that russia is the most important partner and ally of kazakhstan. he called the relations between our countries strategic. takaev also noted that the russian presidential elections are of great international importance, since today not
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a single world problem can be solved without the participation of moscow. and now the personnel that we received from the government house, mikhail mishustin held a meeting with the head of the federal agency for technical regulation and mysterology, anton shalaev, discussed priority areas activities of the department, in particular the development of the sphere of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, the national standardization system and technological sovereignty in all directions and in all industries, our president has repeatedly spoken about the importance of this, especially in the development of advanced areas, so that enterprises can build technological chains, work with related companies, please tell us in more detail how the work is going in this area? what has been done, you have given instructions on the transition of industry to domestic digital system for supporting
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the full life cycle of products, we have already begun preparing an appropriate standardization program to update standards in the field of digital technologies, if literally two decades ago we mainly borrowed foreign standards, now we are not just developing our own, based on the results of work in twenty in the second year , already in the twenty-third, too, 10 total russian standards became international in high-tech industries, such as... the all-russian charity event “tree of wishes” helps to fulfill children’s new year’s dreams; its participants are children in difficult situations, orphans, children with disabilities, as well as gifted children. new year trees, decorated with balls with children's dreams, installed throughout the country. among those who joined the wish tree were the deputy prime minister and a minister of the federal government. thus, tatyana golikova fulfilled the dream of seven-year-old sofia. via
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video link, i wish you that your wishes, which are still children’s, but come true, so that everything was fine at home, in your family, growing up big, so that your preferences that you chose for yourself... dancing, well , maybe something else you will choose after some time, becoming a little more adult, always came true. minister of economic development, maxim reshetnikov performed. desire for three children. three-year-old luka efimov from the city of kungur, perovsky territory, received a toy dinosaur as a gift. roman sergey shkadov from the republic of odegea asked for an electric tractor with a trailer. anastasia kurasina from sevastopol dreamed of visiting educational center sirius shift in mathematics or physics. now she can expect in-depth classes, lectures from leading teachers
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and preparation for high-level olympiads. i want it so much, why did i want to go to sirius? well, in sirius it turns out, i have a very good teacher in physics, and she told me a lot about sirius, that you can learn a lot there, there you can join the scientific community, the community, of course, and you’re in the olympiads in mathematics and physics to participate? yes, but i’m just starting to participate, and the deputy prime minister has fulfilled a dream thirteen-year-old kiril from moscow , the boy asked for a table tennis table, it will be very useful, because you need to play sports, and this is tennis, which develops, develops speed, thinking, physical activity, which makes you an athlete, the rastekh state corporation sent the first
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batch of new ones to the army universal cars, they were manufactured at the famous ural carriage plant and will be used for transporting personnel and weapons, this will increase the combat capabilities of our units. in addition, another batch of modernized tanks. about the record performance of the plant, which does not stop for a minute. in the report by kiril bortnikov. the car assembly line at the ural carriage works is in full swing with intense work. this is how a railway platform is created from various metal structures. manufacturing process. consists of many stages, from procurement processing to assembly and equipment, when the car takes on its final shape. there is a new product on the assembly line, this is a modified version of the platform carriage. type tests have been carried out, and now the design of this the platform includes folding fitting stops, which expanded its purpose
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to the transportation of large-capacity containers, twenty-foot, 40-foot. here is a carrying capacity of 72 tons, in addition to containers, such platforms can also transport length gauges, timber, metal structures, as well as wheeled and tracked vehicles. the next batch of tanks was just sent on new platforms. for 87 years, uvz has been famous for its production. during the great patriotic war, this was the legendary 30 four, today modernized versions t-72 b3m and t-90m breakthrough. but the plant’s birthday is still considered to be the production of the carriage. the first platform left angreier on october 11, 1936 . and today the ural carriage works has already produced more than 1,200,000 different gondola cars and platform cars. among the latest developments is a universal boxcar with sliding doors. uvz produced similar ones until
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the fifties, but today the floor area has become larger, and at the same time the volume has increased. there is also one in the roof. it is planned to use them both for the transportation of personnel and property, a batch of cars has already sent to the customer. kiril bortnikov, progildyev, dmitry komov, elena golyaeva, host nizhny tagil. record frosts have set in across most of russia. the center of the european part of the country is experiencing an ultrapolar invasion. in addition to severe frosts, there was an offensive snowfall, all road equipment was taken out of the street, public utilities are working on high alert, thermometers are rapidly dropping in khantemansiysk salekhard, abnormal cold down to -42° came to the sverlovsk region, in there are few people on the streets, but there are also those who enjoy this weather. so, santa claus
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rode around yekaterinburg in a bathtub harnessed to a dog sled. and this is footage of the seaside, a camera in a nature reserve. the land of the leopard captured how the amur tiger lay down to rest and bask in the sun. in moscow that night it was -27, and in the region it was even colder. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the region. more details about the weather in the capital in a few minutes in the moscow news program. and in st. petersburg it will warm up to -15 by the weekend, but for now in the region, frosts of almost thirty degrees are the coldest january weather in the last 25 years, according to meteorological observations. and the northern capital, report by dmitry pishchukhin: the polar cold arrived in the city on the eve of the holidays, and today, on the coldest january day, the temperature did not rise above minus. 27°, and next to the water, due to the high humidity, it feels even colder. due to abnormal frosts, an orange level
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of weather danger has been introduced in st. petersburg. the rivers and canals of st. petersburg seemed to be covered with a duvet. main the city's attractions are buried in a frosty haze. the niva seems to be boiling. trees and cast-iron fences and bridges in a fancy snow fringe look fabulous. the atmosphere really warms, such buildings, beauty in general. almost completely frozen, very cool, we’ve never seen anything like this before, i remember only this kind of weather as a child, about 40 years ago. meanwhile, st. petersburg walruses have opened the swimming season, a traditional gathering place for people with special training, near the walls of the peter and paul fortress, as water in general, excellent, excellent, just super, this is the coldest january weather in the last 25 years of meteorological observations, the temperature is 10° below the climate.
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the next two days will be the coldest not only in the city, but in the leningrad region, where thermometers will break the mark of -32 degrees, frosts will subside closer to christmas, and the air temperature will rise to -15°. dmitry, evgeny kostin, alexander... borushkov and galina orlova. northwestern bureau news. it's the height of the ski season in sochi on the slopes of krasnaya polyana, now for these are ideal conditions. a dense meter- long layer of snow, clear weather and, as a result, a large number of people willing to ski or snowboard. pavel melnik also rode down the mountain with the breeze. a spectacular turn towards relaxation. the krasnaya polyana resort literally flies into the holidays and charges you up. energy from the most picturesque mountain landscapes. socks! one on one with protected nature, where there is enough snow for everyone, here the dexterous chamois gives way to
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tourists on the ski track, lovers of active recreation from all over russia have been waiting for these clear days year, very beautiful, endless, the mountains are amazing, you just get lost in them, emotions that you want to keep as a memory, no one leaves without a photo, dizzying! panorama of the aiibga ridge, now we are flying over it at a speed of 90 km/h, at such a height, of course, it is chilling and surreal, somewhere at a level more than 2 km above the sea. this year, nature has truly generously gifted the mountain ranges, yes, this year the snow situation, comfort, nature, people, and ourselves are much better. dense snow, which disappeared back in december, promises a busy tourist season for krasnaya polyana. on new year's eve itself , about 6,500 people rested at the krasnaya polyana resort. in general, on
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average we expect about 80% occupancy for the new year holidays, this is also a very good indicator. recreation is not limited to just sports; at the friends museum you can learn everything about how generations of soviet skiers prepared for forays into nature. ski runs should be treated with great caution. this is typical endurance work. over the decade, inventory has become much more convenient, it can now be rented, just like equipment. tourists can only choose an inspiring route. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. you are watching the news, this is what will happen next in our program. our military repelled about 10 attacks in usa per day in all directions, only in donetsk. in the area , the militants lost about 300 soldiers. beijing has completely banned electric wheelchairs. what is the reason? and the results
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of voting for the name of the baby panda from the moscow zoo have been announced. what they called it, no adventure this girl was touched. and remember the evening when your wife died. they check their mail, and i, of course, am no exception.
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do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions, tours to abkhazia, spent a week relaxing in a skirt, ate vlazia, you are at the right place, here they will cheer up everyone, kesha wants to read , please read, kesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, he was such a fool yesterday earned it from his wife. nikolay baskov, the most positive, morning mail with nikolay baskel, tomorrow on rtr, i know it’s hard for you, but somehow we’ll have to live together, you see, but i can’t put the dog on board without a certificate, well, the rules are like this, you understand, i’m an independent person, i’m on
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a business trip abroad. viktor dobronravov, i don’t know what it was on the runway, the dog, in my opinion, pavel maikov, evgenia dmitrievna, vladimir ilyin, quietly, is landing, will now run, here and no one else to meet in the sky, its owner on this plane in prague flew away, but didn’t take her with him. vladimir simonov, the whole world should recognize this dog, what is its name, palm tree, palm tree, you miss it, palm tree, i miss it too, january 6 on rtr, in russia has so many possibilities that even the new year can be whatever it wants,
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digital. trendy, brutal, dear, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, i don’t have children, but i have two nieces, olya and nika, we have a wonderful family, i think my girls have...
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january 7 on rtr , got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and... films, educational programs and documentaries, watch, look in the app or on the website, today, every time my heart responds, because i understand how important these human
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feelings are. per day in all directions, only in the donetsk sector the enemy lost about 300 troops, the positions of ukrainian militants were destroyed, including the crew and s-25 attack aircraft, they hit with unguided aircraft missiles from an extremely low altitude. chronicle of a special operation by mikhail fedotov. the su-25 attack aircraft has several nicknames among the troops. and here is a flying tank or rook, as they call it,
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goes into combat. entered the task area in good time, worked on the target , carried out pro-ticket maneuvering, return airfield, shot, and this is the combat work of our artillerymen in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation , the 152 caliber towed howitzer hits the positions of the ukrainian military, rapid fire, that is, when the gun is ready. and such fine artillery work in the south groupings is yielding results. artillery and loitering. infantry vehicle, three pickup trucks, ammunition control point, three tanks hit, combat unmanned aerial vehicles, two ammunition depots. gun, the crew of this d-30 howitzer operates in the kupinsky
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direction, despite its venerable age, the gun does not misfire. the artillerymen are literally at the forefront, the firing distance is no more than 5 km. the trophy of a neighboring artillery crew over the past 24 hours was an american howitzer. during the counter-battery. american-made in the area of ​​moskovka. assault groups are training at the rear training grounds in the northern military district zone, and it is these fighters who are after massive artillery barrage and must clear the positions of the ukrainian military. assault. actions are honed in twos, threes or fives, the most effective way of combat work, when each soldier of the group can cover his comrade. classes are held every day so that in real combat operations every movement of attack aircraft is perfected to the point of automaticity. mikhail fedotov,
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news. the west is losing patience and desire to support ukraine because of russia’s successes, the telegraph newspaper writes about this. observers of the building notes that the unsuccessful offensive ukrainian troops, the revival of the russian. kilometers underwater. this time no tsunami threat was declared. since the beginning of the week , more than 300 earthquakes of varying strength have occurred in japan, the magnitude of the most powerful of which was 7.6. the number of victims of the disaster has reached 65. throughout the country
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, the debris of collapsed buildings continues to be cleared away. in the affected areas, there are interruptions in communications and water supply. more than 30,000 homes remain without electricity. in the chinese capital since the new year. completely banned electric wheelchairs, the reason was a large number of traffic accidents involving them, as well as the frequent fire of these cars, from now on they will be taken away from violators and sent for recycling, which will replace the once popular mode of transport - our special correspondent in china alexander baltsky found out. dzhanchenyu calls his old sanche, which translates from chinese as a three-wheeled carriage, nothing more than... to run errands, take the grandchildren to kindergarten, don’t you look at how small it is, it
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easily accelerates to 90 km/h, but it’s also very cheap , but here it's time to say goodbye, since the new year such electric cars have been banned in the capital, the owners have already been notified with special yellow stickers, this is the last time... mostly pensioners went, well, they are now going into retirement and under pressure, with them comes a whole era, after all the nanomobiles that surprised foreign tourists were not even mini or micro, but also managed to become a symbol of old beijing, where one could drive through the labyrinths of narrow hutongs, except that they took up little space. you can get through everywhere, you can always park, it’s clear that of course, you shouldn’t count on any comfort here, after all, it’s not a limousine, but the tasks facing this unit are completely different, of course there’s not a lot of space inside, but overall it’s enough, even for me, frankly
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speaking, i’m not skinny, but what about passenger row, here of course i immediately remember the old soviet joke about a hunchbacked cossack, a traffic cop and a crowd of men, one of whom was still playing the button accordion in the back, but here such a number is definitely... it won’t work, two people will fit, three, you don’t believe it, here look, well, four, and four is easy, okay, five, six. this is no longer safe. it was with concern for safety that the beijing authorities explained the ban, because cars were often made on the knee, in a neighboring garage, and even seemingly factory ones were not always certified, not to mention the driving style, which, together with the fragility of the design, became the cause of terrible accidents beijing pensioners reacted to the new decree with an understanding of safety, although everyone, of course, is sure that he is the one.
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serve as a storage room, as for the charm of old beijing, it is now created by completely different auto. alexander baltsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. muscovites have chosen a name for a panda cub from the moscow zoo. based on the voting results, the bear was named katyusha. the mayor of the capital, sergei sabyanin, announced this on his personal blog. the name for the panda was chosen on the active citizen portal. voting continued for a month. almost 400 thousand people took part in it. initially
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, 10 names were offered to city residents, and three were in the lead. mo-mo. from the first syllable of the word moscow, as well as masha and katyusha, russian names popular in china. the majority of respondents, 29%, chose the latter option. now katyusha is 4 months old, the whole country is watching her grow up. the panda cub is actively exploring the world around him every day, they walk confidently and even try to get out of the playpen. the girl is growing quickly and gaining weight. a recent examination showed that katyusha already weighs almost 9 kg and is 80 cm long. an underwater drone that has no analogues was created in kaliningrad, and it was developed by a first-year student. the unique device has high speed and is capable of working at a distance of up to 5 km from the operator, including during a storm and at depths of up to 150 m, that is, in conditions inaccessible to divers. the drone can even be used to search for amber deposits. at the bottom of the baltic sea. marina naumova attended the tests.
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an underwater drone designed by cadets of the baltic fishing fleet academy is being tested in a swimming pool. most of the components of this device are hand-printed on a 3d printer. thanks to the manipulator, as well as a high- resolution camera and a variety of lighting devices, the drone can be used when carrying out research work, for example, taking soil samples with it. it is planned that all its spare parts can be replaced with aluminum ones in the future. the underwater drone will do the work of divers and has good seamanship. now it can dive to a depth of up to 150 m, and with another configuration, up to a kilometer. sea trials left no doubt. this drone is a promising development; it can perform its tasks even in strong waves. its author andrey stoyko created a drone for divers engaged in explosive work at the bottom. dozens of ships with an arsenal
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of ammunition from the great patriotic war were sunk at different depths in the baltic. the ministry of emergency situations conducts mine clearance work every year. the invention would make it possible to remove aircraft bombs, mines and arlicons from the holds in winter. the drone itself weighs 15 kg, and can lift an object six times heavier from the bottom. up to 100 kg. but this is a test version, so we are now taking it and finishing a certain hydraulic spare part. here. then we hang it here and it will already lift up to a ton, this radio-controlled vehicle commands are transmitted by a ground station, which communicates with a buoy on the surface of the water, during tests using a manipulator , the operator finds, grabs and lifts a small part from the bottom of the pool, i see how he lifted it , the joystick is controlled , strictly speaking, like on a playstation, that is, it can determine the distance to an object, examine it under water, take a picture, and the developers plan to equip the drone with a welding device.


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