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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 3, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

9:05 pm
a dna test showed that the children had common parents, and the mother, father, repeat drunks, got married to the girl, then got rid of her. 4 years later they repeated it with the boy, or maybe there were more cases, what if they were thrown from this family before, we don’t know, well, this is all a fantasy, the guardianship will deal with it next , that is, we’ll just leave this matter, no, i want to talk with voronina, maybe she will take the boys for herself, if she does, then i will ask that the children not be separated, if not, then what can you do, what can you do, yes our department is full of work on the profile, there is nothing for us to do here.
9:06 pm
that's it, the mother of these children is in danger , she is being held by force, who is being held there, she arrived with her man in a broken-down 9, abandoned the child at the family home, after 5 minutes she forgot about him, i saw it, just like all the other things . which you did, can you explain what you mean? i have a vision, every time they are connected with some kind of crime, this witch’s number admits that she is a witch, this is how my subconscious works, it shows me images, and now it’s not a vision, but the subconscious, well, what’s the difference, no difference, they heard. “it would be better if you
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now say that you were joking, it’s not funny to me, i told you the truth for the first time, that is , every time you said that you have analetic thinking, logic, every time i said that i don’t know, i don’t know how to explain this now either, but why should she believe you now, why should i lie to you now, well, you lied before when we were investigating past cases?” and nothing bothered you at all, and even if they find out that our investigations were based on her knowledge , we will all be driven to hell, in short , you won’t listen to me, yes, but you hear yourself, you admit that you lied to us, that you are a vision, now we have to believe you, where- then follow you, so you have options, or should i leave, you realized it in time.
9:08 pm
haven’t you seen each other for so many years, suddenly come right away, you’ve grown old, come in, sit down, zhenya! it all started with a new strength, where did you get the idea from, i heard her talking in her sleep at night, so what did she say, well something like what you see, what you are missing, the phrase is the key, but she shouldn’t remember it, it’s impossible. “i knew that all
9:09 pm
these were your damn experiments, no, no , no, no, it can’t be, 20 years have passed, all these 20 years we have calculated everything, i also said at that time that you have calculated everything, this it was an accident, she doesn’t remember about it, and if she remembers, now she doesn’t tell me everything, believe me, she doesn’t remember anything and can’t remember, that’s out of the question, zhenya, i hear..." with my own ears, okay, i’ll raise records and i’ll check everything, i’ll call, come on, deduction , induction, evidence, details, in fact, you see, it’s her subconscious that communicates like that, damn it, through vision, be that as it may, she really moved things along, it’s not could be a coincidence. “we saw it ourselves, and what,
9:10 pm
are you ready to work with a witch, summon spirits? kosh, you also think that everything is okay, i don’t know, i’m right, i just tried to check her words, i mean? well , for example, i would run the dna of children through the database of missing women, you never know, good idea, are you serious, what the chemical reaction of gunpowder when it explodes, you know, battle, what do you want to prove to me, whether you know it or not, why the hell should i? know, well, you see, you use a gun, you know that yes, do it whatever you want, do dna, please.
9:11 pm
well, it’s clear, you’ll thank me for this , let’s say thank you right now, thank you, fight, come back, sit down, sit down, osb specialists work in our department, everything that happens in your group concerns not only you, us everyone, maybe you can sit down, sit down, and, well
9:12 pm
, send everyone to different departments, that’s all, hi, we didn’t know before what methods the mountaineer uses, though, sorry, i found it. i ran the dna of the children through the database of missing persons, and there is one coincidence, meet karina soveleva, the biological mother of our foundlings, and that nothing, nothing, except that karina soveleva has been considered dead for 5 years. she’s been dead for 5 years and is giving birth to children , that’s it, why are you looking at me, you have a department head, ask all your questions to her,
9:13 pm
yes, you need to open a case and return it to the consultant, yes, yes. hi, who are you, you lost, and i found that i i lost my cache, i found it. do you know where he was? i do not know where? you count to thirty, you'll find out. lerochka, i'm sorry to wake you up, but
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you've been sleeping for a very long time, and besides , who came to see you? rosshin? why until thirty? you know what i’m thinking now, that a break from work would not hurt her, and if we had such an opportunity, then of course. lera, we need your help, we managed it before, we can handle it now. oh, i need to call the institute, where is my phone number? we found out who the mother of the foundlings is, how the dna test searched the databases, officially she has been dead for 5 years, but she is alive , yes, she is alive, she is in danger, yes, you are right,
9:15 pm
again, so we need to find her urgently, yeah, and for this you are ready to work, lera, our disagreements with you were not from - because of your working methods, and because... you hid them from us, i understand that you are offended, i want and can apologize. “sorry, i don’t control my abilities, these visions come when they want, well, that means we have such game conditions, fly away on the wings of the wind, you are in your native land, dear, i, of course, can be mistaken, but you are the same lelit , just call me lera, you remember
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, i told you about him, and now you ’re working with her, yes, it confuses you, no, on the contrary, but for the first time in a long time we have hope , tell me, she’s alive , unfortunately, i don’t know anything right now, well, just how you feel, as you see, she ’s alive, i don’t know anything, unfortunately , i can’t help anything yet, our daughter’s friend , they were organizing holidays together, i’ll ask you to remember the details again on the day your daughter disappeared, well, they were out of town then, they were having a corporate party there or something. it was, they were delayed, they missed the last bus, it was there 83 and
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was leaving, how do you know that they were delayed? so karina warned, she didn’t like it when we were worried, and i still say , i can’t talk, i’ll call you back if i knew that was the last time, then, what happened, then everything. they disappeared, and in the spring they called, they said, they found zoya, she was in the snow, so they couldn’t find her for a long time, then we looked for karina for a long time, the investigator said, that’s it, andreevich, we need to close the case, most likely karina too, and you agreed, if she were alive, she would have sent the news, she was so... our daughter was responsible, okay, it’s clear,
9:18 pm
if we find out something, we’ll definitely call him, before date, please tell me, is this melody, this is her favorite song, she always sang it, i understand, thank you, lera, i hope that we will find it. please, goodbye, all the best, these are photographs of the missing girls, the body of one of them, this one, zoya vasilenka, was found 7 km from the stop, where they were waiting for the bus.
9:19 pm
so what now? we must try to evoke these awareness consciously. so, what do you need for this? the cause of vasilenko's death was an overdose of finosipan. according to the investigation, which happened 6 years ago, the criminal volunteered to let the girls down, and on the way he treated them to a drink in which he had previously diluted the drug. the dosage was high, vasilenka’s heart couldn’t stand it. suspect. there is a suspect. this car was in an accident, near the maternity hospital, just at the time when the second child was dropped off. the video quality is poor, so we couldn't establish the driver's identity. the car number is partially visible, we are already looking through the databases, but
9:20 pm
it is clear that this is the moscow region. chernivtsi? yes, chernivtsi. i think i know who can advise. katya, please call kroshchina to the office, andrei semyonovich from the eighth investigative group. 1 2 3 4 5 yes, we had this area under development. about six years ago, also a rape, well, a very similar case, but we are interested not just in rape, but in how many of them there were on the highway over the last year, yes, i understand, but i ’m saying, well, it’s a case, but just one to one, rape with the use of phanazipam, the perpetrator was never found, well, i can look for someone you can look for, yes...


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