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tv   Taina Lilit  RUSSIA1  January 3, 2024 11:20pm-12:21am MSK

11:20 pm
should i call my father or not? yes, i don’t know, your father will kill everyone, considering that it was his car, yes, why did they have to do this, they showed off, well done, tan, hello, oleg, khobotov, 24 years old, unconscious, blood pressure 140 over 90, suspected appenitis , yes , i’m telling you, the heart is the heart, but don’t scream, orderly, change the seat, i’ll scream, i will, i will, you don’t understand anything, you’re beating, aren’t you? tribute, please sign here, uh-huh, how is ninka, how is the child? the baby is in intensive care, nina is with her, in intensive care, don’t worry as planned, okay, hello to her, extreme sports enthusiasts, bye, well, where is your best doctor, we’ll still be standing alone in the middle of the room, sergey anatolyevich, go to the waiting room, please.
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tanya, i’ll leave for a couple of hours, yes, okay, well, it’s as if i’m not there, but i’m there, i understand, please, please, now. hello, my name is sergei antulovich, doctor, doctor , he has a heart, you know, everyone says appendizat, he has a heart, watch it, please, i saw you, where there is a video on the internet about how you save a man with exposed wires, petya, well maybe ah where exactly does it hurt, his stomach hurts , tell me, but it’s really possible to save a person , let’s get out of the way, i’ll examine you there, come on, come on, come on, sergei anatorevich, you’re just a star, please, and doctor,
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take care of him, please , i beg you, please, what is your name? my name is petya.
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petenka, it hurts here, it hurts everywhere , how long ago the pain started, two days ago, they said it was appendicitis, but i’m telling you from my heart, you know, i feel that the heart, the work is there, no, exactly, tan, we’re right there uzi, and you wait here, with permission, i will i'll tell you, you yourself understand that you could have killed all of you, i drive well, why do you need a car? it was faulty, i told you, you see, if something had happened to katka, i wouldn’t have forgiven everything, and neither would pashka, he can’t go anywhere at all, he has this royal disease, he has hemophilia, yes, stop, please
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, pashka feels bad there, pashka fell, you can say that you are in pain, it’s okay, i’m just dizzy, i need to get an examination, if you hide it, the doctors won’t be able to help you, i hit my stomach it hurts, come on, come on, my stomach hurts, now we 'll see, and... it looks like internal
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bleeding, and he has hemophilia, so help him undress. tanya , here's an urgent ultrasound machine, but there's no one available, tanya , we urgently need an ultrasound machine here, don't call your father , okay, under no circumstances, that's it, get out of here , go, wait there for the receptionist, well, gall, yes, gall, peeling, 6 mm, uneven contours, wipe off. so, well, peter, is emergency surgery indicated for you? what operation? come on, why the operation? just like that. you have acute cholecitis, your gallbladder may burst at any moment, then it will change. do you
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know what peretonitis is? yes. this is bad. this is really bad, petya. therefore, bile glands need to be removed and cholecyctomy done. this. this is dangerous, i could die, so what kind of talkers are these, no one will die, now we’ll do tests on you and prepare you for surgery, or you can call my mother, and of course, before that i have the right to one phone call, of course you have, tretikov’s receptionist, nitya, you need to call uncle seryozha, yes, i understand. i'm on duty, wait, let's first listen to what the doctors tell us, missya you’ll still have to call , you know, seryozha won’t help, he’ll destroy everything here , come with me, you can set the price, you just need to take off your outerwear , please show us to the ultrasound room and give me a robe,
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hello, hello, i need khromov, doctor khromov, ivan nikolaevich, nikolaevich, he’s busy right now, maybe another doctor will see you. but for me, about personal issues, i can wait, then wait, you can sit down , thank you, i need to call you, i can’t, did you even see that i’m in the middle of nowhere, i need to call, i don’t want to either, that’s why. oleg mikhailovich, greetings, kat, well, finish, yes, yes, uh-huh, oleg mikhailovich, let's go, uh-huh, whatever, sit down.
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thank you, how are you feeling, i feel great, when the analysis is ready , so as not to insolent you, i connected the laboratory, it will be ready today, i will call you right away, if the analysis is confirmed, then look, oleg mikhailovich, if it is a malignant pheochromacytoma, then i hope for a favorable outcome, i have had cases similar to yours, where everything was unfavorable. if not, then six months, a year,
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great, i'll call you, thanks.
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we need to vacate the office, petya, petya, petya, who do you want to wait for, he has abdominal fluid, well, i knew it, more so...
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where is your phone, in your pocket, come here, i won’t call anyone, operate in a way where i won’t give you anything, and if i take it away, you have no right, it’s clear who she is, daddy , let’s change clothes, yes peter, let’s change clothes, she ’s a very good girl, mom, her name is marusya, marusya, which marusya, where you her? took let's meet on the internet, on the internet, and you do you think this is the right place to meet, doctor, tell him, i don’t know , now everyone meets there, that’s what peter read, yeah, then sign here, drink, sing, hello, hello? marusya, marusya, in the room behind you, hello, petya,
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it’s me, i’m so glad you came, i thought you were different. i just have a photo on my avatar for fun, yeah, cool joke , i just thought it was you in the avatar, why don’t you like it? my son, by the way, he’s having surgery, you can’t worry him, and i ’m not going to , all the best, bye marus, marus, sing, petnenka, petechka, sing, we don’t need this disgusting traitor, petya, it would be better if i died, petenka.
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i refuse the operation, i want to die , it’s clear, be stupid, dear , why sing me now, listen, listen to me, well, sing, why do you need this little gaza traitor, girl, girl, wait, please don’t leave, you can, wait, the thing is that this guy is about to undergo a complex operation, he needs support, uh-huh. and what does it have to do with me, you support yourself, well, he refuses to do it, he now agrees broke up, you see, and you understand that the man simply deceived me, i saw the handsome leonard de cabra in the photograph, this doesn’t look much like him, i don’t know what ’s going on between you, but if he doesn’t have an operation, he’ll die, listen , you do whatever you want from me , don’t leave, support him, please,
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sing, sing, but don’t cry, remember what you promised to tell me about birds, i remember, well , i’ll wait until the operation is over, thank you, you have its coordinates? ivan nikolaevich, excuse me, this is urgent, i’m having an operation now, it’s about your son, grisha.
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hello, hello, hello, christina, are you home, yeah, what time will you be there, well, everyone, if they don’t detain you, nothing happened to you, no, no, no, everything is fine, exactly, yes, yes, everything is great, exactly, exactly, exactly, well, look at me, come on, don’t forget to eat there. everything as long as the husband and wife should have the same ones, they should like the same literature, she said it will be around seven, why? well, because everyone is different.
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smelany will end soon anyway, well , just so you don’t pick your nose, so, eh you don’t want to assist me, i’m having an interesting operation on my spine, just for 3-4 hours, wow, great, then i’m rushing to you, i’ll be there soon, super, i’m waiting for you, and what do you have to do with gorish, i'm his wife, a civilian. we met by correspondence when grisha was in prison, by correspondence, yes, grisha was very good, and i felt sorry for him, how you got involved, and what is your name? elena, lena, and then ilya was born to us, he’s
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almost eight now, he... has a son, and you have a grandson? sorry, please, i got through to you uncle seryozha, in general, he’s coming now, yes, oh, you know, lena, i’m having an emergency operation now, i just can’t talk any longer, please wait for me, you sit here, okay, you know, this quite a long time, maybe, but you just have to wait for me, okay, agreed, don’t worry. thorough hemostasis, otherwise we’ll drown in this fat and get lost, i’m coagulating everything, kocher, so, so, so, so, yeah, the gallbladder is filled with stones, motionless, adhesions everywhere and pus, yes,
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this fat is in the way, let’s get there, let’s do it together we'll do a gastric resection for him, the guy will lose weight, he'll thank you, let's kanna viktorovna, we'll keep an eye on the indicators, let's wash everything, well , that's where this chalecite came from, i don't understand, because i take such care of him, it's a stain for me light in the window, you know? you know, it seems to me that the whole problem is overweight, it’s not overweight, it’s his weight, but he’s overweight, don’t you notice that your son, how can i say this, is a little overweight, i would say that he’s fat, for sure he eats all sorts of nasty things, i don’t know, at least put him on a diet, no, i can’t mock a boy like that, well, i
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can, most likely there was a fight, the victim was thrown to the floor and strangled. these are the coordinates , there are answers to all our questions, it means that new circumstances are being explained, for the sake of memory , oleg, please stop, you must find out the truth, i will help you and be there, the mystery cherishes, tomorrow on rtr, the winter evening that we we spend in the company of the creators.
11:40 pm
that’s so crooked, tell me about your life. a fairy tale based on real events. golden. january 6 on rtr, you watch 100 to one, what is our task?
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open the scoreboard, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, any 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who’s at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop, not pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops,
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nikolai is being transferred to the third operating room. something i'm worried about, it's dangerous, no, not dangerous, we will find the source of the bleeding, do everything necessary, you will be as good as new, so that there is a maximum supply of plasma, the patient has hemophilia type a, of course, of course. it won’t be easy , let’s not make any unnecessary predictions, here’s the cystic artery, let’s knit
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it, here, yeah, wide, good, good, right, stop, this is not good here, perforation of the stomach walls, perforated ulcer, you see, he covered the omentum, and what are we we will do the resection, i live. honey, don't give a fuck, it's wired, so you'll have to do a gastric resection, scissors, so i say, give the guy a gift, this is not a gift, this is a necessity, where is my son, during the operation the doctor said this urgently, how did it happen, because of me , they wanted to show me the car, she stuck like a hook on my son, a prostitute, dare you tell her that if
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something happens to my child , i’ll arrange it for you, i’ll put you in prison for life, first of all, and you’ll go to a separate place , work off the bullshit, help, help, help, don’t touch him, come, help, help, i ’ll call the police now, help me as much as possible, bench , forgive me, please, but where is my son of the cossacks, and so, if you don’t want problems with the police , calm down, please, i completely, just tell me where my son is, where the pasha of the cossacks is, and the pasha is going to the operation, when the operation is over, the doctor will come out and explain everything to you, i can’t tell you more. are you okay , call the police, don’t need the police, massive
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bleeding, serezyanka, yes, you’ll have to remove it, what to do, the blood doesn’t clot , the clotting factors haven’t gone away, we’re working, we’re working, everything will be fine, nothing’s normal, look, it’s all pouring out, it’s diffuse, bleeding, drying, what are you telling me?
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tell me, please, is there at least some information about how the operation is going, well , at least something, and i mean, i can help, i ’ll give you any money, you understand, anything, pasha is in good hands, we have qualified doctors are doing everything possible, we just have to wait and be patient, girl, you have children, and ivan nikolaevich, ivan nikolaevich. do you have a son and do you have a grandson? ivan nikolaevich, yes, yes, yes, guys, the pressure is critical, kostya, do something, we still need time, come on more clotting factor, napkins, a lot of napkins, at once, more, more, more, more, stop from the table, give me the defibrillator.
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put an eye, shock, put 150, 200, two times 250. well, we operated on peter, his condition is stable, now he is in intensive care, we can treat him in the evening, thank you, doctor, thank you, but during the operation an ulcer was discovered with perforation, so the decision was made to remove part of the stomach, why are you, yes, yes, i will sue you, yes, why did you completely remove a healthy malt? healthy organs, listen, perforation is a hole in the stomach, this is the cause of peritonitis, it is
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deadly, therefore... we had absolute indications for performing an operation in this volume, this is firstly, and secondly, a decrease in the volume of the stomach only for the good , now he will be able to lose excess weight, well, this is for the better, he doesn’t, he doesn’t have any excess weight, he has a completely normal weight, have you ever asked your son yourself whether he is comfortable living at this weight or not, this good idea, go ask him in the evening tell him, doctor, i can come and see him tomorrow, yes, tomorrow he will be transferred to the general ward, so during visiting hours... please, thank you, listen, please, don’t carry anything for him, he can’t have anything now, later he will have especially diets, which foods are allowed and which are not, i’ll write it down, you don’t need to bake your son like that, you’d better ask what he wants personally, look, there’s a fusion here, i don’t understand how he walked with this disc, it’s not even
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a hernia anymore. complete destruction, the protest is ready, yes to submit, no, now i’ll vacate the boxes, damn it, give me a clean napkin, why are you nervous, bragin, don’t be nervous, there’s nothing worse than waiting, everything will be fine, we’ll break through, you hear, but how will we break through? “your son was injured in an accident, which caused severe internal bleeding, and we did not have time to stop the rapid loss of blood in conditions of hemophilia, your son died, i am very sorry.
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tanya, listen, there was a woman who came, asked me, left, oh, ivan nikolaevich, we had such self-absorption here, yes, she left, left, and nothing, didn’t leave her phone, didn’t say anything, and didn’t leave her phone, but how an operation like yours did not save me. you have 5 minutes, total. petya, petya, how are you? petya, do you recognize me? mom, mom, i recognize everyone. mom, i ’ll sue them, this can’t be done. you are unconscious, they didn’t ask me, they took you and cut you off. mom, they explained everything to me, there was no other way. the most important thing is that i can now lose weight. well
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why, i love you anyway. mom, don’t call me pityunya, please, now listen to me carefully, i’ll leave the hospital, rent a room for myself, i’ll live separately. what, are you, are you leaving me? no, just me i’m becoming independent, and i, what about me, and you will always be my mother, i’m an adult, i want to live my life, not yours. i love you very very much. you. go home, why look at pashkin’s things, well, you still have to go home, the department is closed for the night, you have someone to go to,
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someone to call, and who will you go with such, with such grief, you see, you see? leprosy, no, i’m alone now, completely alone now, you’ll have to live with it, but how do you know how to live now, i lost my son a few years ago, i i know, i’m living here, i don’t know, i don’t know what to do next, after the death of my wife, pashka there was all the meaning, but now it’s gone, i understand, i now, i don’t want to live now, i
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don’t want anything now , you know, and somehow i learned, gradually, gradually, i found some reasons to live, such nuances. if you want to stay here for the night, i can arrange it, and tomorrow you’ll be doing the paperwork there, if you want, i want, let’s go. oleg mikhailovich, your phone is ringing off the hook, i’m coming, come on.
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yes, yes, i understand, okay, i’ll be there tomorrow, see you.
11:55 pm
can i meet you? oh, it scared me, huh? what are you doing here? i'm meeting you. what's happened? nothing? well, come on, what happened? got a job. you? me: why? why should i sit at home? well, am i somehow used to you staying at home? well, at least ask for the sake of decency, where did i get a job? where did you get a job? a small construction company, i am now the chief accountant there, congratulations, yes, i see how you congratulate, are you offended or what? okay , i ruined the whole mood, so let’s do it, we have a bottle of wine at home, we’ll celebrate this event, you want to get drunk, yes? you impudent little boy! mihaloch, hello, it's us! listen, everything is fine with us , she will be discharged soon, can you imagine, she has legs like a ballerina, very ugly, maybe not from me,
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and pashka is fine, everything is fine with grandma, your voice is somehow not the same, but not the same , everything is fine? exactly, you can, no, don’t shout, zhenya has come, well, don’t rush there either, relax, enjoy, well, yes, little ones, hello, bye . bye, can you imagine, my daughter is beautiful, the spitting image of me, very similar to me, if you want, i won’t argue, and don’t, look, what kind of noushki we have, my little bunny, my daughter, ears like those of a ballerina, yes, i’ll do my best , it’s dad, daughter, hi, hi, daughter, i don’t understand what it is, your name will be
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kira, varvara, kira, don’t listen mom, you'll be kira, okay, we'll think about it, thank god, god, i love you, i love you, marin, where are you? marin, are you hiding there or something, look, come on, move, why are you crying, why are you crying, if you cry, and i will cry, you know, i ’m taking you. we are trying to survive, i know what
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the prognosis for survival is, maybe where from this i picked it up from the doctor somewhere, martynov said, by the way, he said hello to you, fiery and warm, great, tell me honestly, did you have an affair with him, no, okay, fuck you. now what's the difference? what do you mean what's the difference? i look interested, what if he wants to kill me because of jealousy, and that was 15 years ago, bragin, okay, great, that’s it, tomorrow i’ll punch him in the face, it’s not funny, you understand that this is not funny, that’s it that’s it, this is no longer funny, you know, god, marin,
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let’s come to an agreement with you, we’re like you and me we joked, so we will joke, as we lived, so we will continue to live, we agreed, and now let’s drink wine. shoto, christina, you’re home , yes, great, hello, hello, tired as a dog, there’s something to eat at home, yeah, who’s that, let’s go, i’ll introduce you,
12:00 am
“listen, an, i was invited to moscow, private clinic dawn, can i throw a dice at your place, i understand that you just threw a dice, well, i said, mom doesn’t like surprises, i hate it, girls, it won’t be long later, well , they promised to rent me an apartment, the clinic promised to rent an apartment, what a fairy tale , i don't i believe, christina, why are you all covered in dust, anya, you didn’t promise after the probationary period, how long this probationary period will last, well, i don’t know, i think about a month, a month, and you
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’re going to roll the dice here for a month, yes, you can, but if i say that it’s forbidden, then what, well, in which case will i lie down on the mats in front of the door, you will be ashamed, khanin, and you know that you are a blackmailer and a freeloader, yeah , my parents, beloved, dear, beautiful, can we let's eat first, and then you will quarrel, yes, great. kostya, listen, i need you your help, what happened, today some woman came and said that she was grisha’s wife. grishin, grishin, my son, grisha , and what did she say, but we didn’t really talk , i had a patient, she was supposed to wait for me, she disappeared somewhere, she didn’t even leave her phone number, that’s what i should think now, i don’t know , nothing, no, well, maybe
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she’ll come here again, she knows where you worked, bones, listen, you can find her through the internet, help me, can i, what’s your name, len? last name, i don’t know, date of birth, place of residence, who she works, where she works, ivan nikolaevich , well, how to find her, maybe she ’s some kind of swindler, but she has a good face, a good face - it doesn’t mean anything at all, well, it means you don’t believe in it, no, certainly. okay, we’ll get by, oh, how gentle, oh, here’s your medical record, we’ve collected the entire medical history, in the morning we’re developing a treatment plan for you,
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i’m sorry, hello, hello! meet eva mertz, your attending physician, in what sense? eva is the best specialist in my team, i decided to transfer oleg mikhailovich ee, i’m very busy right now, unfortunately, i won’t be able to pay much attention, eva will be able to fully concentrate on your case. well, to be honest, this is very unexpected, somehow, don’t be offended, please, but actually we were counting on you, vyacheslav mikhailovich. i understand you perfectly, but i assure you that i will do my best. the case of dr. bragin is really very interesting, and for me it is to a certain extent a challenge, slav, let's talk in private, okay, i agree, oleg, okay, that's it, i'm glad, let's just let's start all this as soon as possible, great,
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i see no reason to postpone. good morning, daughter, good morning , hello, hello, this is my robe, yeah, and you’re already leaving , i’m already late, and misha, i just wanted to find out for myself, two weeks have passed, and you’re not itching for an apartment, you’re not looking , when your probationary period ends, well, i think... in about a week, that is, in a week they will rent an apartment for you, yes, perhaps, already possible, so, so, so, we don’t quarrel, we don’t quarrel, we control the situation, how something, but i don’t like it, well, it’s good that we live, real family, daughter, husband, wife, ex-wife, ex, tell me why the hell did you end up in
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moscow, you didn’t like her so much, i changed my mind, you know what, please take care of yourself and rent for yourself.. . separate housing, okay , okay, listen, i have a reception today, i’ll finish early, maybe after work we’ll go somewhere for dinner together, on my salary, yes, no, on my scholarship, i invite you, smart girl, daughter, great, get rid of the christening, hurry up, okay, okay, okay, please think about what i told you and don’t delay with that, uh-huh, don’t touch me, well, how is my mood today, everything is fine, in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system,
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there are some changes, none at all, as if i’m not even sick, wonderful, that means three medications are working . listen, you are serious, you believe in the success of our hopeless enterprise, i believe, uh-huh, this doesn’t suit you, so let’s pull yourself together and we will continue treatment, don’t make me beg you. well, let’s say, thank you, len, be kind, i have a question for irina alekseevna alekseevna, yes, can i i’ll get up, it’ll be comfortable for me. no thanks, well, if you remain the manager, what preventative measures do you plan to take
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so that such an emergency does not happen again, when i came here, i thought that they would ask me a similar question, now - now put yourself on my place, a person had a nervous breakdown, a good doctor, a good person had a nervous breakdown, how can this be predicted, what can be done, that’s the point, dear irina. analyzing the work of your department, understands what you have everything is spontaneous, how to evaluate you, you may be all stars and geniuses, but do everything contrary to the existing rules, you can’t put up with this, well, how are you? much better, well, good , so first we will have half an hour with medication, then there will be two main drugs, i will naturally drop in on you, but if suddenly it gets bad, in the next room, “thank you, listen, maybe we should change the standard course of treatment and add sitostatics or
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immunomodulators, you know, i had operations when it was really effective, oleg mikhailovich, why, i prescribed a treatment regimen for you, and you know very well that any supplement requires indications, but you don’t have these prescriptions, i ask you, trust me and stop inventing a treatment for yourself." marin, don’t worry, eva is a very good specialist, an excellent doctor , attentively , clearly, and you know, i’m keeping an eye on everything here,
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i beg you very much, inform me personally about everything, okay, keep me informed, no, with this, i’m sorry, i can’t agree, no way, kind day, colleagues, sorry for being late, terrible traffic jams, impossible to move around the city, hello, mikhallovich, hello, mihalovich, you look great, alexey! a real boss, let's continue, colleagues, so we need to come to some kind of consensus, something needs to be done with the current emergency surgery department? and what are you going to do? we are considering several options: disbanding the department and transferring its functions to regional city hospitals, merging the department with other surgical services of the institute, or transferring all emergency surgery to specialized institutions? it’s interesting, but tell me, in the history of the hostage, did you find any mistakes or oversights in the actions of the employees in the department, the very
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incident with the doctor of the department - you know , that means you didn’t find it, okay, all your other complaints are about what they are about, what from they will remain if we look at the results of the department’s work. that's it, i'm done for today, what are you writing here, my classic, playwright, and non-compliance with diagnostic standards, illiterate distribution of material human resources, negligent attitude towards job responsibilities, class, no more than meticulous and objective, no more, now i’m finishing it, we’re going home, literally a second for me and, uh, nick, i won’t sign this. that i won't sign this, why? because i think
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that we are wrong, i think that they are an excellent team, true professionals, we just didn’t understand them and generally got involved in this whole adventure in vain, and frankly speaking, i would like to work under their leadership here, so let’s- let's pretend that i didn't hear this, and you'll go home and get some rest. i'm waiting for you at home, bye, if me today they won’t be ready for an emergency operation , i can be free earlier, if you want to come pick you up, why, i can get there just fine , well, what time are you freed , well, how do i know approximately, well, the first day in a new place, well, you never know how long you’ll have to stay there, in general, i’ll leave when everyone else leaves, if at a new job a colleague sees that a woman is being met by her husband, a worthy, serious man, her status immediately rises,
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don’t worry about my status, let’s go, we’ll be late, you tell me that... you as the manager, but i don’t know, i’m asking for something, bragin will probably appoint him, bragin can’t lead , it’s a no-brainer, they would have appointed you, what is it all of a sudden, i ’m thinking of bringing back palov, i’m a small person, you’re a person without ambitions, now it was a shame, that’s it i’m in a new place now, i ’m about to turn around, oh, i miss work so much, you better turn around so you don’t get turned around, that’s what i love you for, waders, it’s for your humor, you definitely don’t need to meet, go, come on, there’s someone already lying on the operating table waiting for you, when... the whole cookie has been eaten, well, it’s time for me to go, that’s all good, very urgent, thank you for being you, lord, i’m so tired of your department, they came and helped us, thank you, see you, see you, well, what do you think they got us?
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“sorry, you’re retired, but i still have some ambitions, then i raised this department from the ruins, with these very hands, i won’t give this department to anyone else. the condition is stable, the temperature since yesterday has dropped to 36, there are complaints , mihaloch didn’t show up, he was going to the ministry in the morning, he’ll probably be there for a long time, have already decided on something, these ministers,
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well, as much as possible, yeah, prepare a medical history." tanya, tanya, i’ll listen to you, ugh, no one asked me today, no, well , you remember, yes, you, you immediately me find it, ivan nikolaevich, don’t worry, i remember everything , thank you, but look at the patient in the third ward, yeah, ivan nikolaevich, kostya, just don’t, i know what you’ll say, i haven’t said anything yet, okay, go ahead, speak , you have been suffering from some kind of nonsense for 2 weeks already, enough mother because of some adventuress, kosya, leave me alone, this is not after all your business, thank you, oh, mikhaloch, i was just looking for you, irina alekseevna, good afternoon, how are you
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feeling, okay, irina alekseevna, are you coming to visit us or to work? firstly, paina, hello, and secondly, please take care of your direct responsibilities. good afternoon, good afternoon, go. so, i filled out these two, you can give them away. thank you. thank you. so what do we have here? hello, good morning, good morning, guys, hello, put it there for me, please, hello, good morning, let me look after you, thank you, allow me to introduce myself, my name is vitaly, very nice, very nice, very nice, you are our new accountant, yes, olga,
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well olga sergeevna, very nice. just olya, great, and olga sergeevna, maybe for tea, and they give you coffee, coffee, of course, coffee, tea, we have everything, let’s go, i’ll tell you, i’ll explain where we have it, what we have, please, i ask you, excuse me, who is here with, public relations, well, help for newcomers, i ask you, here you go, coffee, if you please, nothing, nothing, with your permission too, just like that, please help yourself, yes, thank you, please, our director peter ilch kolubov, and we met for an interview, can you just dad, this is your dad, not mine, our common one, we just have a very friendly team,
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well, have a nice day , thank you, thank you too. thank you, good afternoon, hello, hello, hello, hello, gennady! ira, hi, it's me, hi, hi, how are you feeling? very good, i move vigorously. yeah, don't you want to join the fic? no i do not want to. and you’re not too early from the rope refused? no, not too early, because with her i feel like a woman-ega, a bone leg. well, anyway, you know, at our age, what does it mean at our age? in your? so you are constantly waiting for some kind of catch. i’m not waiting for you, but i’m waiting for you from life , but i can’t be in a playful mood, but rina, yes, they brought the victim there, you’ll go through the reception , yes, and you gennady, with us or else
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you’ll jump here, with you, maybe as an escort, that's it, that's it, that's it, come, come, don't touch me, so, 21 years old, open belly grass, burn, shell wound. her name is alina, alina, yes, thank you, which means we rehearsed the show, we have a show with pyrotechnics, alina, she is a soloist, she dances in the first line, yeah, and today there was
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this general run-through with rockets, with rockets, with what rockets , well, uh, i came up with, you know, there are shells, fireworks , this, in general, to make it more beautiful, i’m the choreographer, it’s all my fault, listen, please, uh, i told you, let’s be without emotions, speak to the point , how did this happen? and one of the shells went in the wrong direction direction and hit alina in the stomach, we immediately called an ambulance, yeah, we tried to squeeze her stomach with our hands, just like in the movies, yeah, come on, you understand, well, yeah, i feel very good, i need to go, i have to rehearse , call the orderlies, okay, go to the operating room immediately, now go and rehearse. so, have you known each other for a long time? have you been working together for a long time? yes, we’ve been working together for a long time, and we’ve known each other probably even longer. does alina have any chronic diseases that we need to know about? i don't know, i haven't heard about it, but she's a dancer, she's in
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in excellent shape, yes, there was a delay, we ruled out pregnancy, did a test, yes, she is my friend, well, you understand that after such an injury, i am obliged to report it to the police, but what about this? why, this is our business , what difference does it make to you, what difference does it make to you, if in your show, everything is according to the law, you have the appropriate insurance, what are you afraid of , wipe your hands, let’s take it, be careful, wait at the reception,


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