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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 4, 2024 1:30am-2:26am MSK

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everything’s fine, my sister’s all over, i can’t see a thing, but the tables from the table, 200, level 230, 250, level, started. great, oh, here, yes, when you finish the ward, take it, yes, hello! my name is yulia, i’m calling
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you from the program, be healthy, hello, i understand that i’m at the wrong time right now, but we really need you at the recording of the program, urgently, could you come up, now, yes, now, we’re ready to increase fee and are ready to call a car for you, where you say, okay, let's go, great, thank you, bone, bone, mow, wait, listen, they called me from television, they’re inviting me again, yeah. well , we have to go now, can’t you change it, please , that means yes, thank you, i’m your debtor, yes, yes, yes, don’t repeat yourself, whatever happens, hello, hello.
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hi, marin, hi, hi, hi, yeah, i like to come here sometimes, it’s delicious, cozy, yes, very cozy, by the way, they cook fish well here, try it, no, i’m not hungry at all, i’d like to drink coffee, tell me what happened, what will you do, please, double espresso, strong, no sugar, okay, thank you, well, marin, you understand, come on, don’t delay, please, everything is bad, no, marin, that ’s not the point. “i really trust eva as a specialist, and you see, some strange side effect has appeared , tests show this, i don’t understand, we haven’t fully figured it out yet, look at the result, eva and i have a sneaking suspicion that bragin is either being treated by someone else, or he is being treated himself, in general it’s very similar to bragin, but how..." the scheme
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that we developed for him comes into play conflict with another. marin, do you understand that he is destroying himself? marin, we are just wasting time, i understand this perfectly well, it’s a pity that bragin doesn’t understand this, marin, order dessert, i remember you loved prague cake, remember, you and i often went to the pastry shop at the praga restaurant on arbat, uh-huh, listen, well, tell me, what is he doing, and why does he think that he knows how to do others, yes, now it’s a restaurant. prague does not exist and only one name remains from the prague cake, it used to be delicious, remember, you could easily eat two or three pieces? i found it at him an empty syringe package. marin, are you not going to order anything for yourself at all? i really don’t want anything, i have very little time, i literally ran in for 5 minutes, well, you’ll completely ruin yourself, well, you need a distraction, some fresh air, i don’t know, let’s go with you to tsaritsana park, let’s take a walk there , remember, you and i often ran there to give lectures, i remember everything, thank you.
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that's it, thank you so much for the coffee for the information, i'll call you, i'm running, seriously, it's time, thank you, bye, bye, len, you called, ilyush, did you warn me that i would come in? yes, i told him, he will let you go home. what did you tell him? that you are my doctor? how are you feeling now? better, thanks. how's it gosh? radion? well, we have good doctors, they saved both of them. good evening, ivan nikolaevich.
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hello, len, well, i don’t know anything about you, well, who do you live with, where, how do you live, ilyusha, i do. why did you suddenly decide to find me? ivan nikolovich, do you want to see your grandson? want? well, go to him. ivan nikolaevich, i didn’t
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understand, this is a girl, she’s your friend, what is it? kostya, this is my grisha’s wife, i found you. and how did she get involved in this drunken thing, it was by chance, wait, this son, who is your grandson, where is he, does he even exist? exists, he is now with his aunt. ivan nikolovich, i only ask you one thing, don’t interfere anywhere, don’t interfere, without me, okay, okay, but do you remember, yes, not a word to mom yet, genilyevich, did you call?
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irinavna, i didn’t let you go, sit down, hello, light, how many times can you ask, please, don’t call me at work every half hour, i’ll be back soon, and we’ll discuss everything, that’s it, no i can say, that’s enough, for now, no, this is some kind of horror, my father has completely gone crazy, vich, moved into his apartment like... ardent communists, and now we are all huddled in the same dorm, well, of course, we can’t go to the light, her son lives there with his girlfriend, honestly, a little more, i ’ll open up, i’m not at all interested in your personal life, you have questions for me about work, there are questions, what should i do, how can i
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get rid of these communists, first , what comes to mind is to rent an apartment, have you tried, where? in moscow, yeah, for these money, then first get rid of your pretentiousness, what with, goodbye to everyone , olya, olya, olya, olya, well, where are we going, to a cafe, why to a cafe, why, well, what about our corporate party, we need discuss everything , come to an agreement, like me...
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that year there was the most terrible music, hello, sorry, but you can’t tell me, all the information is accepted, outsiders can’t be here, kulyakov, khanin, great, what are you doing here, but here you come , and that anya. where, well, my wife is walking around here somewhere, are you so tense, and kulyukov, it’s me, khani, what the hell, well, it’s great, it’s great , well, no, well, it’s true that he came, well, well,
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the capital called for work and he came to us or something, but no, what do i care about your salaries, take it higher, dawn clinic, private cardiology, hello, how can people from yekaterenburg do us? to get a job, yes, but you are now a tv star, and, well, something like that, additional income, yes, the field is laughing at you. yes, well, let the morons laugh and be jealous, i’m actually there not only for the money, yes, but what an idea, what an idea too, people we need to educate, okay , why are you hanging on to me, who goes on television for an idea, how do you know, oh well, don’t be angry, what are you doing, you bring light and joy to people, by the way, i’ve been here for a whole month , i’m very pleased, oh, boys, we’ve already met, and i also taught him to tie knots, and i can stand him on the handles, charming,
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well, maybe we’ll figure it out tonight for three, i’m for it, yes, of course, and you, by the way, married, maybe you’ll take your wife with you, take it, take it, take it, i can’t, i need to bring laughter and joy to people, i’m late for the studio, autograph yes, you'll get by. so why did you come to work with me, what do you need here, but i wanted to see how the largest clinic in the country works, look, you’ll give me a tour, you’ll get by.
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sveta, sveta, light, dad, why did you go broke? what's happening? why is my suitcase behind the door? well, why are you leaving , you’re not happy with everything here, my comrades are annoying you, the world is still whistling during the day, the professional network, get out, catch up, why are you kicking me out, where should i go, wherever you want, now my comrades will come, and we have a demonstration tomorrow , what is unclear, dad, this is insanity, this is god, this is the threshold, and your nonsense is not insanity, it’s your fucking market
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, it was the first damn thing, if only zyuganov’s people hadn’t given us a hint, good evening, good evening, well, in general, we succeeded, we succeeded, there will be a next time, finally, who is there? ilyusha, is that you? yes i. please tell me, my name is ivan nikolaevich, i am your mother’s doctor. she asked me to come to you, did she call you? i called and allowed me to open the door for you, come on, open it, can
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i come in, can i, well, let’s introduce ourselves, i’m ivan nikolaevich, i’m ilya. that you don’t feel well, it’s normal, that’s for sure, the operation was complicated, uh-huh, hello, hello, i didn’t even want to say hello, well , i didn’t even miss you, well, you’ll be shitting for a long time, i’m not shitting, that’s it, that’s it.
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maybe he can’t and he wrote varka down under his last name, just like that, and what’s not under my name, there are too many bragins.
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i miss you, van, it’s you, why have we waited so long, let’s hurry up, hello! look, this is maria valerievna, this is sasha, hello, this is kostya, hello, hello, ivan nikolaevich,
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who is this? this is ilyusha, khromov. i'm telling you, who else was brought there, who is there, is it possible? well, did you fall asleep? i
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talked to martin today. so what's there? that's it, i'm going crazy. tell me, are you taking any other medications besides those prescribed to you. what does this matter? what is your business, what do you have to do with it, why are you pestering me, what do you want from me?
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what did soviet viewers watch on new year's eve, when there was no irony of fate or eldar ryazanov's light steam, the carnival night of the same director.
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origins, and humor made the picture close to modern viewers; soviets liked it people and decorated it, there was a special joy in not missing the frost, when it was shown on tv again on new year’s eve, well , frosty, this is a film for all times, this is a classic, this is like cinderella, this is the golden fund of our, our fairy tales, we all quote, we are there princess carole.
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he took a liking to the quiet, hardworking nastenka, and as soon as ivan finds her, he himself turns into a werewolf. nastya’s life is hard, her stepmother and her wretched daughter offend and humiliate the girl, her own father does not dare to contradict them in order to ruin nastenka, matcha sends her to the cold forest, where the girl finds her. becomes a man and marries nastya, and moroska gives the girl a rich dowry, but her stepmother, her stupid martha , at first expected that everything would be completely
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different, no, not a princess, who is the princess, 40 years before the painting by alexander row, soviet filmmakers
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will both go through arrest, exile, unemployment, both will end up as unreliable authors, will need work, sometimes accepting an offer solely for the sake of earning money. once alexander rowe joked about them, with he said with a laugh that judging by the film , the stories about lenin, where erdman and volpin were screenwriters, and... i have excellent storytellers, but it would be better if they wrote something in the folk spirit. after some time, rowe received from them the script for the film moroska with a commentary. we didn’t compose anything, we just
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wrote down what the people came up with. once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, and they visited. i think that the success of the film morozka, well , first of all, of course, is in the director alexander arturovich row, but also in what he did. bet screenwriters, because volpin and erdman were a union for dramaturgy, one of the best creative unions of screenwriters in our cinema, i think in the world too, but since they were both in power they were not honored, since they were both repressed at one time they were, they were banned from work, and it was quite difficult for them to find a job in this... world in which they existed, then very many of them, so to speak, offended, humiliated and thrown out, they came to a fairy tale , someone came
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to the union cartoon in animation, someone came to a fairy tale movie, someone went to children's cinema, where the hand of censorship did not reach very much, and where they somehow turned a blind eye to what was being done. everyone who read the script unanimously said that the image of the drizzle was copied from alexander row. that is, poetry is interspersed with prose, and that’s all, and it’s all very organic, well, mash, it’s an eyebrow after a mash, yeah, in the script by erdman and vulpin, everything was really based on
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russian. into the well, a bucket, went down after him , ended up visiting the lord of winter time, moroz ivanovich, began to live with him, helping him, fluffing up the feather bed, cleaning the icy mansions, in fact, for her labors, moroz ivanovich generously rewarded her with silver coins. and 15 years after the publication of odoevsky’s fairy tale, in 1856.
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coins, but for life itself, what’s red with you? and the girl who could not cope with the tests was frozen to death by the frost. alexander uhl valued russian folk origins. the son of an irish-greek mother, alexander arturovich, considered russian folk culture unsurpassed in its originality. as a child , he and his mother were abandoned by their father, a russian folk crafts saved the family from hunger. they survived thanks to the carved toys with which in
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sergiev posad...
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fortunately he loved to scare people, and children really like to get scared, there are horror stories, i don’t know, in a pioneer camp or where children gather at the dacha all together and tell each other horror stories at night, here it is is fully present, he is also a master of combined filming, a very inventive, resourceful person who makes ivan look like a bear there, the bear's head is very scary, and there is a lot of what he is doing there, somehow generously scattered, it’s a little bit scary, and even, it would seem, there’s nothing scary in the appearance of the frozen nastenka, but it’s also somehow creepy, until the staff and... whatever
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it touches, it will never wake up. when the film came out in cinema halls, not only children, but adults cowered, gasped and screamed in fear. the film evoked sincere emotions, real tears and happy laughter. there were indeed a lot of scary and strange things in the script from the very beginning, and therefore everyone wanted to work on this film fairy tale with even greater passion. there is a very powerful, expressive scene in the film, without...
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doing a good deed, it turns out, is obviously impossible for ivan, everything turned out your way, the bear bows at my feet, your back bends. they said that when he released a new film, there was no need to watch the credits; he worked with those whom he had gotten used to and had managed to fall in love with in previous films. alexander araturovich had a principle: he has a team, and he works only with this team, and it doesn’t matter whether you play the main role, not the main one, you are in this team.
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anatoly kubatsky, here he has a small role as otaman of the robbers, but he is a great artist with an amazing voice, ah, he left the row along the royal line, then he plays king yagupop the seventy-seventh in the kingdom
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of crooked mirrors, everything is decent for the king, then he plays the king of the water spinner on the thirteenth in maria the mistress, the king of the sad in the adventures of puss in boots, but here he has a kind of otoman, well, the king is the king of robbers.
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alexandrou called him to the set, shouted into the phone: “stop burying yourself in books, look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll see your ivan, come urgently to begin the fight against evil, of which there is too much at the film studio, there is no one except ivan. when the film was launched, alexander rowe did not know about any natasha sedykh, and no one knew about the fifteen-year-old ballerina until she was shown on tv with the number “the dying swan”. at the new year's concert, rowe saw her, ordered her to be found to watch, this was not yet the final approval for the role, at that moment it was assumed that nadezhda rumyantseva would play nastenka, however,
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nadezhda vasilievna was already 35 years old, but she continued to play young girls with passion and did it excellently; the council was ready to vote for an experienced actress, and not for a young ballerina, who, moreover...
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since she has to do it in front of the camera, moreover, she managed to truly fall in love with the handsome eduard izotov. and
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who lead ivan astray from the right path to his bride, and baba iga treats the pig to jellied meat for a successfully completed task, which of course is the height of cynicism and hypocrisy, well done, here’s some jellied meat for you! fairy tales by alexander row were impossible
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without baba yega, because the director had an actor for this role, even when there was no film in mind. the mascot of row's fairy tales was georgy milyar. he was proud of the comic title that alexander arturovich gave him. extraordinary authorized representative of evil spirits in soviet cinema. the same baba yaga, performed.
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that’s it, i wanted to eat him, but the miliar needs to know him, because he came to the camp, he could sit for half an hour, where he sat in front of the kidney and or in front of the mirror and played, looking for this image, facial expressions, you understand, but this, this is only characteristic great actors, to find the exact image, that he was not lazy there, well, what can i say some phrase, no, he found an adequate image,
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no matter how many times he played, and never copied the previous image, no one would mind if he fixed it once found the intonation and the film came with it from the film, but for georgy frantsevich, repetition and monotony in his work were worse than death. emillar was a very selfless artist and inventor, too, he came to rowe. with each new role, not just from scratch, but having prepared, he i was looking for a character, he has all the grandmas, and he played six of them at rowe, all his grandmas were different, if you look, each has its own character, each has its own makeup, its own personality, because their tasks are different, so and here, here is this old recluse woman, who, in principle , is not difficult to persuade her to help, and then she, oh, what did yana do, oh, how so,
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on her hump, it was a silent movie star, she played with yakov patozanov in the leading roles, she played leading roles at the vakhtangovo theater, all of moscow knew her, they went to see her, this is a direct student of the first cohort of evgeniy bogatenovich vakhtangov, and the first silent and popular films, there was his call
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, the building blocks, what leonit olensky directed as a director, varya popova played everywhere, everyone adored her, and then... she just disappeared on for many years she has been appearing on the screen as this old lady, thank you, darling, thank you, handsome, and why are you laughing at me, why, when rowe discovered her, of course, you said, my god, my favorite actress of my youth, and he started filming her in all his the following fairy tales, the director not only called his fairy tale, but gave it to her... the actress played the role of the blind old woman who must change the plot accurately, touchingly, and at the same time very simply. ivan's spell is lifted by a blind old woman, because unlike others, she does not see ivan's monstrous appearance with her eyes, but with her heart she feels his inner
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beauty and his deep, sincere repentance for her self-sufficiency. alexandra rowe, the actress returned to the screens. after three decades of inactivity, it has gained a new wave demand for cinema. and her most famous role is the nanny in the film “varvara krosa, long braid, nanny stepanida.” and you put the thread through your finger and hold your intimacy. everything about varvara aleksandna, who was simple, absolutely was, that’s what she was like in these fairy tales, it seems like she didn’t play anything, that’s how she goes about life.
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all the time, actors all love to act in fairy tales, because they are always costume roles, they are always some bright characters, and it’s like a piggy bank, it’s forever, so the actors did not refuse alexander ru, there were no precedents, he was in this sense a spoiled director, here is a wonderful duet, nastenka’s father paval pavlovich pavlenko, who is silent, silent, and his stepmother vera altai. natasha sedykh said that their duet was, of course, very interesting on the set,
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the first day of filming was march 13 , 1964, it was the grand entrance of morosk,
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played by alexander khvylya. the same morosco, a rather strange character, because in fairy tales, in ours, this is negative, this is not to say that he is a villain, but not a good man at all, not a kind santa claus, here he was made into such a crafty old man who lives in the forest, how very funny. in the comments on film sites, foreigners, when they watched the film, wrote that this is such a strange grandfather who lives in the forest , freezes birds and animals, kills everyone from right to left, suddenly here it means he’s helping someone, you’re evil, frosty, ruthless, but not merciless i, not ruthless, and i feel sorry for the small bird, the role of the owner of the winter forest determined the future fate of alexander leopoldych, he was a wonderful actor. and after the release of the film he also became a legend of the main new year holidays of the country, after this picture he became the registered
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santa claus at the kremlin. so, until the end of his days he played this character. there were attempts by soviet methodologists, instead of santa claus , to offer children other characters at soviet christmas trees: a snowman, a snowflake, a fox.
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kindergartens, schools, hospitals, christmas trees were even put up in prisons, in gulag camps, christmas trees were in the war, when the war was going on, that means in the image of a grandfather frost, a striped vest was often used, that is , santa claus was guessed as a fur coat, some attributes of military uniform, that is, santa claus was modernized. hello, in the film , santa claus and ivan achieve their victories not only thanks to kind words and affection. from the look of the club, which ivan prudently hung over the robber's lair until the right hour, the staff of frost -
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these are two of the tools that in the film work for good forces to defeat evil, and thanks to the fact that these tools are in the hands of positive characters, and not some villains, we are sure of a good ending to this wonderful , wonderful... new year's story. the film crew brought a whole zoo with them to alenegorsk. bear, manya, cats, dogs, birds. beautiful horses from the kalinin hippodrome were specially commissioned for the fabulous trio. the film crew rented not only hotel rooms, but also a utility yard for the animals and an extension near the city bathhouse for the bear. some actor used to reproach rowe for not spending enough time with him and instead focusing on his goat.
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help, here i am helping, special effects from a time when there were no computers, real miracles created by the hands of soviet filmmakers, alexander rowe used reverse rewind in fairy tales, thanks to this technique iny flew up onto tree branches, cats backed away from dogs, robbers ended up in pine trees, spectators always we were delighted when we saw this, as well as from self-propelled sleighs that moved thanks to a metal cable. truck, some visual effects were more difficult to achieve, requiring the ingenuity of the artist arseny klopotovsky and masters of the combined filming workshop, which had no equal anywhere in the world. the actors played, interacted with the reflection of natasha sedykh in the mirror, khvylya and izotov communicated with her, and the play of ivanushko and morozok, this superimposition of a mirror image on
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the actress gave the effect of this renunciation. this ice floe, it was very creepy to watch, but it was fascinating, of course, for the woman iga they built a wooden hut, hut, hut, it was set in motion with the help of special levers, the outer hut should it was designed to look small, but at the same time accommodate the operator’s character, so one of the walls was movable, the second dancing hut was made in the form of a costume from imported foam rubber, which was scarce and expensive in those years.
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and there is special processing of frames. for some reason, morosco was not shown on new year's eve, in march 1965, but there were still full cinemas and happy spectators regardless of age. this is the grand prix of leo of st. mark of the children's film competition of the seventeenth venice film festival, kept in the moscow museum
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cinema, among the main awards of the 20th century. this is such a rare genre, it’s like antiques, fairy tales , they don’t age, they only get better over the years, the film was shown all over the world, in the czech republic and slovakia it became a cult, not a princess, in the czech republic, this is the main new year’s film of czech television, so. .. how it was from the sixties and so until the present day, i don’t know how it is now, of course, but when in the nineties the czech republic, so to speak, made a velvet revolution and became free from the influences of the soviet union, they decided not to show scum on television, they call him frost in czech scum, then
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