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tv   Dnevnik svekrovi  RUSSIA1  January 4, 2024 5:55am-6:46am MSK

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by your love wounded, wounded, wounded, wounded , your words are stronger than fire, love now , love passionately, this feeling, our madness , wounded by love, wounded, wounded, losing consciousness, like a short circuit, sick from the beating, happy love, you know that you are my best, my best for me, where i am and consciousness, like a closure, i root for you, happy love, you know that you are my best, my best for me.
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i'm losing consciousness, i'm losing consciousness, like a closure, like a closure, i pray to you, happy love, you know that you are my best husband for me, i'm losing consciousness, well most likely there was a fight, the victim was knocked to the floor and strangled, these are the coordinates. there are answers to
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all our questions, which means that new circumstances are being explained, for the sake of memory, oleg , please stop, you must find out the truth, i will help you and be there for you, the mystery cherishes, today on rtr, you are watching. 100 to one, what task do we have to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many will be seven, eight, seven and eight, how many will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly , if answer, then with humor, i oaks. chop
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, no, pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, today on rtr, i know it’s hard for you, but somehow we’ll have to. live together, you know, well, i can’t put the dog on board without a certificate, well, the rules are, you understand, yansapnik, i’m on a business trip abroad, viktor dobronravov, i don’t know what it was on the runway, the dog, in my opinion, pavel maikov , evgenia dmitrieva, no, well, that’s it’s kind of a mess, vladimir.
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kesha, tv viewers sent you a gift, a gift, a gift, wow, our program is musical, so now you can not only speak, but play a musical instrument, beauty, beauty, beauty, so we agreed, you will be in our program for beauty you are responsible, and i am for the music, right now we will answer letters from our viewers, this is what olesya krainova writes from moscow, hello and kesha, i adore.
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surprises, surprises, surprises, kesha, there will be a surprise when you learn how to play the bell play, well, let's practice, while you listen, my husband gave me a surprise, took me... everything here is not so scary, rather funny, we don't go shopping ourselves, vladimir vinokur will do it for us. my friend said to me last saturday: come with me shopping, well, to the mall, i say: raya, i have one day off, i want to relax, she says, we’ll quickly, in an hour we’ll be home, well, i think, okay, man, i see , you also
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went shopping, and went with yours, as i guessed, you’re gray-haired too. i see a lot of people here went shopping with their wife, which means we arrived at the shopping center, huge, everything is shining, you know, you know, so the women go there , like in films about zombies, when they feel fresh blood, they walk straight in rows, all with carts, each cart has a man harnessed to it instead of a horse. dejected, you know, many people don’t want to go, but the wife is dragging her like a goat to slaughter, and there are signs everywhere, which means 200% discounts, buy two
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boots, the third is free, buy five mink coats, get my calendar as a gift. i saw a sale sign, rushed like a fox into a chicken coop, the sapala shouted something: do you hear, there? cat litter , 70% discount, let's take it, i say, we don't have a cat, remember, she says, what are you asking for that kind of money, we'll go to it ourselves, let 's buy it, she says... a scarecrow for the dacha, i i say, we were scared, why, your mother, your mother-in-law hangs out all day in the garden in bikin in 1952, but no, well, guys, i understand,
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a woman who didn’t buy anything feels like a drunk who hasn’t had a drink, he’s on sausage, here is at least something, but i need to buy it, i see, again he grabbed something, without looking, he pulls himself on, says, oh, what kind of stupid pants are you, the pants are tight, the waist is wide, and there is a hole between the shanis, i say, raya, put the sweater in its place, she again says, look
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at the robe, it turned out to be moderate, you know, i was stunned, as if i had become slimmer, younger, i was happy, let’s squeeze her, hug, kiss, i hear a voice , idiot, i’m in another booth, what can i do, i say, heaven, let’s go home, i’m tired, i wanted my day off to relax, you know, here i’m pushing the cart like a dung beetle, my ball. in the cart it’s the same as in the beetle, all this junk, and paradise has only become more flamboyant, i grabbed the blouses, ran to try them on, while she was trying them on, i solved six scanword puzzles, watched two movies on the tablet, which means
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i got some sleep, she got out, said, that’s it, she decided, i take this blouse, i said, you fool, you didn’t come. she says: listen, dad’s birthday is coming soon, to give him a gift, you need a pickle for every day, i say. she says , shame on you, dad is a hard worker, he gets up with roosters, i say, but because he sleeps in chicken coops, he doesn’t let his drunken person leak in front of the house, then heaven says: listen, perfumes, so let's splash around for free, and you know what chooses itself there, tyr-pyr, tyr-pyr. i say, raya, what are you doing? she says: "i'm looking for my scent." oh, ours. it reflects my inner world, i say: raya, this is an air freshener
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for the toilet, when they got into the jewelry store, i pretended to be dead, then raya says: okay, let's take a break, drink coffee, come in, have a coffee, two borscht, two virgins with mashed potatoes . three pizzas, four kebabs, i ate this little bitch, and i’ll have some coffee without sugar, so i don’t overeat, i say, honey, we’ll go home, we’ve been wandering around for five hours, she says, oh , you’re a quick shot, we’ve just started, we still need to buy food, now i’ll pick some shrimp, and there, you know, there’s this refrigerated chest with frozen seafood, raya bent over, she’s been poking around for so long, her hair is frozen,
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standing there, bending down, screaming, you hear, dima, pull it away, but i didn’t understand that she was frozen, i say, it’s heaven that you’re there in front of people, wait until the evening, she says, i can’t wait, they’re beating me all over, i think, here the store is affecting women, don’t be good at home, your head hurts, paradise, i can’t do it in front of everyone, she says, you can’t do it yourself , call the men, there are five movers standing there, call them all, i say, do you hear, raya, stop it, it’s your mother who has woken up in you, what are you doing? she says: idiot, my hair is frozen, but of course i picked it out, it stands like a christmas tree. mussels , shrimp, octopus, it’s not just a head, but
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a coral reef, she says you’re laughing, go to the vegetable store, buy a pumpkin for porridge, i say, there are two varieties, she says, take a pumpkin of each variety, i’m coming over, man standing, i say, man, give me a pumpkin, he says, just no way, i say, why not? i’ll give you money , give me a pumpkin, but my wife is waiting for me faster, but he slapped me, i haven’t eaten pumpkin since then, while i was buying a pumpkin, i picked so much paradise that i couldn’t fit it in the cart, you know, here it is for clothes threw it at me, and we're going, that means, that means i 'm all dressed up in a woman's nightgown, there's a bucket on my head, a necklace made of toilet paper
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on my neck, a gift from heaven tucked into my belt behind my belt, my father-in-law, a cuckoo clock, and the watch fell into my pants , every half hour the cuckoo tells what time it is, i say:
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in general, the weekend is over, i’m tired as a dog, i looked at what we collected, i say, paradise, how well we lived without shopping centers, we went to nature for the weekend, picked mushrooms, listened to birds, now the mushrooms are only in a jar , birds. only the grill and most importantly raya , we saw the children on weekends, they are not this shopping center, raya cried, she said, you’re right, i miss the children too, when we go to the shopping center next saturday,
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we’ll take the children with us, okay, all. hold on, it takes time, you can't do it anymore to operate, than to stop, then braden , as i understand it, i’m kidding, no, you think carefully, and go back to work, we ’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, yes... you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is not a joke, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, well , undress something, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i’ll find it now , the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, but my boss is not in pain, i
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want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, come on meet from time to time.
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the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one, five-on-one program, today on rtr, the gardener’s granddaughter blacked me out, whether you love it or not, you’re ready to become mine, i ’m ready to become yours, forever. you have to learn love, how to learn to love, start with yourself , from the fragments of a broken dream, you can create a new one, you decided to go, gold, sometimes the best way to forget someone is
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to see him again, why is everything so crooked in life? , tell me about your life. a fairy tale based on real events. golden. 6 january on rtr. when i was little, i always watched the program while visiting skazka. and when i grew up, the fairy tale itself began to come to visit me. a true wizard of emerald voice. nikolai baskov, good morning, residents of my fairy-tale country, i came to you at the pike’s command, at your request, today, like in a fairy tale, will you fulfill three wishes of our viewers, of course, especially since i have already fulfilled two, these are what, in first, he showed up, okay, that’s one thing, second, second, he showed up, didn’t
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get dusty in his simply fabulous... yes, well then let’s move on to the third, the musical one, with pleasure, cribly-crably booms, bella sazonova writes to me from st. petersburg. hello, dear nikolay, i am a professor at the ornithology department. greetings, colleague. i didn’t know that you were also an ornithologist. not an ornithologist, but also a professor at the department of musical and performing arts. just a minute. just for a minute. i thought. you’ll be staying there longer, can i get back to writing? i appeal to you to finally influence my students, they have seen enough your programs and after stas’s song. mikhailov answer in the exam that there is such a species of bird as the chinese crane, but there is no such species, there are american, japanese, canadian, indian and australian cranes, but
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not chinese. dear students, remember, the chinese crane does not exist in nature, the black-necked crane lives in china. wow, how do you know this, is it really at the department of musical and performing arts? this is what they teach, my friend, the laptop has the internet, it’s not at all difficult to find information, moreover, i am a professor, and to consolidate the material, the word is to the leading professor of the department of women’s hearts, stas mikhailov, the cranes are flying to china, remember, they are not chinese , the cranes are flying to china, you don’t fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, don’t leave me on this planet,
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i bake from point i to you, on my own planet earth, on it live lumpen dreams, poets and marginalized cats spend their hours in their own way. bankers are homeless dogs, normal and crazy, now i only trust you, cranes are flying to china, just don’t fly away, not even in winter and in the summer, don’t leave me on this planet. the wind, the wind, the clouds are floating across the blue, the blood is running down the hands, and i want to fall into the sky, bury my face in the clouds, and
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if i land on a plane, it will take me there, where nothing needs to be decided, and you can just fly , the cranes are flying to china, just don’t fly away, not in winter or summer, don’t leave me on this planet. cranes are flying to china, china, china, but
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you don’t fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, don’t leave me on this planet. the cranes are flying to china, the cranes are flying to china, but don’t fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, nor in summer, do not leave me on this planet, the cranes are flying to china.
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writes: hello, nikolai viktorovich, i want to share a problem, i remember poetry very poorly, here are the songs at a time. fedya, you won’t believe it, it’s the same story, i don’t remember a single poem, but i can immediately sing a couple of hundred songs. soon there will be a poetry competition at our school, and i must learn a poem by some modern author. i thought maybe you could show me some new song, i ’ll remember it, and then i’ll tell you how poem. i think the idea is great, i offer you a song by the singer zivert with a beautiful english name, edge, memorize it properly, win the competition, and at the same time you will also
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improve your english.
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a house where there is no one, break the house, if no one is waiting there, such wet roads will not be easy, but you ska for me, far under the windows, i couldn’t... cliffs, paper boats, through the scud, i will be where the first time, i will write down, how much we ran away from beautiful faces, not for anything, but reproaches, we looked for
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escape in our hearts. cry, you want to cry, now why, away, baby, you want to cry, now you know why, i will write about how much we are running away from beautiful leaves, never be, but freaks, we were looking for responses in our hearts, i will write about how much we were running away from beautiful merged not
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for anything out of the blue, we were looking for responses from the heart, friends, our program for...
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i’ll sing the songs that nikolai played, oh, svetlana, sing to your health, and i’ll spin you some more , and may the good mood never leave you, with you were, there will be, the main performer of musical desires, nikolai baskov, visit, you are so sad, cold, icy, ceiling berry malintu oop-op, turns his head , stops flying, you're so sad, cold horse, bats your eyes left, right at the ceiling, number one, girl crash, i haven't eaten for a day, haven't slept for two, number one, my fairy tale, where is my genie, i would wish for you, rivers,
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rivers, rivers within rivers, i have you. here we are now , you and i are troll-la-tapala, let’s go to the cinema with me, but if you don’t want to go to the cinema, why the hell is it still a raspberry. turns his head, stops flying, you are so sad, cold ice, blinks your eyes, left, right at the ceiling, berry raspberry, oop-op-op, turns his head , stops flying, you’re so sad, cold little thing, gobbles it up with your eyes, left, right at the ceiling, oh, raspberry, oh-oh-oh-oh, you’re my sad girl, number one, my fairy tale, where is my genie, i would wish for you, rivers, rivers, rivers, in rivers, i have you, i wish i were with you now, tra-la-la-tapa-la, come with me to the cinema, if you want not in the cinema, yes, i wanted it, i don’t care,
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raspberry, oops, oops, turns his head, stops flying, you’re so sad, a cold slider, you’ll eat it with your eyes, left, right... the ceiling is a malinto berry, oops, turns your head, flies up, you're so sad, you're a cold little thing, batting your eyes to the left, right at the ceiling, ah-ah-ah-ah, raspberry berry, oh-oh-oh-oh, you're mine gustinka, ah-ah-ah-ah , raspberry berry, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, good morning, you are watching the russia tv channel, my name is alexey vershinin and that means
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there are five to one on the show, a generous program where you can earn a lot of money without leaving the couch, you'll see, today evgeniy popadeshvili will play with us, bravo, denis klavya, opa, 100,000, really a jackpot, cool, is 100,000, let me remind you, we have, well , such a sign that if there is not a single girl among the five star participants, then
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the team loses, you remember, friend, someone must cause fire on themselves, but naturally it must be a girl , so, well, i don’t know, let’s see what the lesh is for, we decided, we decided that we... need a presenter, no, here, this, we reject this right away, but i don’t know, let’s check, this sign is boiling in this once or not, if it works, break it, of course, well, we’ll try, although it’s good, now is the first round, i’m announcing the beginning of it right now, five against one , let’s go, what’s your fighting mood in general, that some faces are so a little stern, they ’re just focused, i can see right now, over-focused. said that the last program was everything, the beginning, and you said that there will be a turning point, and then everything will be, the beginning of our new path, and now we will only win, it was only worth it, please leave the script in our dressing room, ok,
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briefly, let me remind you of the rules for our meeting today programs, now the computer will randomly select a tv viewer, with my help he will ask you a question worth 20,000 rubles, you will have 4 minutes to try to find the correct answer, i can give three hints, you ask: it has started again, here is the psychological pressure, not the first, not the first viewers, yes, you noticed that this is a very popular goal, with our program we create a tour flow in st. petersburg, that even finns go to st. petersburg to refuel, yes, okay, the first question
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of our program today, right now attention to the screen, for which the elector of saxony august the strong in the 18th century gave a regiment of his dragoons to the prussian king, being fascinated by these objects of art at the time. listen with objects of art and that is, i’m right - yes these are objects and yes this is an object there are many of them there are many of them in the plural yes weapons are also an object of art look yes but there is no egg in faubergeno no well no there look there saxony prussian collection of some paintings maybe, well, no, it’s not a collection, it’s a collection, well, i would say a collection, although there’s already more than one of them in in some sense, does the fact that they are prussian matter in general no no? that is, this is not beer, no, no, and these objects of art
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could only be admired or could be used, well, in general, well, yes and no, he can’t now and yes and no, well, you can use, well, you can, but it was strange, that is, it’s not a decoration, it’s a decoration, so oops, a decoration , a nightingale soldier, something from ashol, no, something made from ash, from draconian metals, not from dracometal, a ballerina, a ballerina, this decoration on the face, no, on the neck, no, on the jacket, no, well, this is from the wood is made, maybe it's wooden , no, not wooden, these are some kind of statues , these are not statues, these are clay, this is so, not bad, not bad, not bad, not bad, not bad, but these are porcelain plates, porcelain, no, figurines , elephants, elephants, porcelain elephants, elephants, no, well, this is something burnt in the oven, well, porcelain.
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the burg is famous for its magnificent collection
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of masonic, chinese and japanese porcelain; two chinese ones are kept here, they are called dragoon vases, exchanged by augustus the strong from the prussian king for a regiment dragoons, such an interesting vases , you don’t need to feed them, but the dragoons need to be fed and watered, it was just some kind of adventure, nothing more, the vases remain, as it were, forever in the kaza, and the dragoons after a few years. the man who exchanged people for vases , he had a nickname of strong, yes, well it turns out , yes, smart, he was strong, but not very smart, kind, kind, he had a nickname, yes, that is, he is already strong, why he has dragoons, he seems to have, well, that is, logic, yes, look, we have, well, this is such a warm-up question, maybe i just saw it for the first time, come on, come on, so look, here we have the first thing, tell me, it’s elegant like porcelain, yes, i’m a porcelain figurine,
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a chinese dragon is a hint of china, chinese vases, and so on and so forth, according to the results of the first round, which was suspiciously easy for you, but we have 120,000 rubles in the bank. what is it, zhentya said, the turning point? the turning point has arrived, it has arrived, and now there will be nothing but continuous victories, right? okay, okay, let's see, let's move on now, round two, let's go! what's happening in the second round? everything is the same as in the first one, there is one feature, this is a round of photo questions, you need to look carefully at the screen, understand what is shown there. first , let's select a viewer. boy, girl, let's play against you lyubov khvostova
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, 72 years old, city of slavgorod, lyubov loves, no matter how toftological it may sound, knitting, and also engages in diamond painting, i honestly don’t know what it is, but it sounds very expensive, a diamond draws on it, or a diamond draws paint and smears it like that, and the winnings plans to spend on new paintings. great, i don’t know what it is, well, it does n’t matter, i think it’s like this little multi-colored little thing when they post it, well, we’re ready, yeah, good luck, second one. the question of our program today is right now photo question: what is this? opener? it seems to me that this is a door knocker, a door knocker, no, the bell is ancient, but what size is it anyway? well, what size is it,
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somewhere around, and it’s not a throne by chance, because it’s not a reflection there, it’s hanging on the wall, yes, yeah, it’s hanging on the wall so, it's hanging on the wall.
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there is no kitchen appliance, there is no one for food , there is still no one for keys, and the scale is not clear , that is, sasha already said that somewhere approximately, this is a hook, but for something specific, well, for something specific, you can’t hang anything else on it, no, well, you can, but in prin, but this is specific, this is a hanger for something specific, it’s expensive, it’s a hint for a glass, no, no, it’s not a hint for... no for hats, no, does the chef use this thing? well, probably, maybe, yes, probably, maybe, probably, maybe, gravitsapa, yes for eggs, no, bell , bell, bell, holder for a bell, no, no, beautiful, and a holder for wait, matches, swee,
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well, a holder for what is it, a holder for matches, is it a holder for matches , that's right, yes, yes, well because gas stove, you're probably scolding our tips, yes kindzazata, yes kindzazo we know by heart, kotse, kotse yes that's what it's like, this is a wall holder for matches, for a box for a box, on the side of course, an indispensable accessory for a fireplace, stove or grill is always a problem to find. matches, somewhere there you start looking for them , for some reason they are the ones, now you remind me , you know, the store on the couch, when they sell some kind of garbage, that you can’t live without it, i think about how we lived, i have there are houses, why do i still have them, right now , that we simply need, yes, really , look, three clues, yes, the second one
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prompted you right away, well, here, holding on, you guessed it, here’s the second clue, well... the poker, well yes, here we are already hinting that i have exactly the same poker in the set, it’s just like it’s mine photographed by zhen the turning point in general, everything goes straight cool team it ’s called an open fracture open 140,000 rubles for a long time we haven’t seen such gigantic sums. yes, but look, now the victorious stride of our star five will break , perhaps take a break, you will immediately admit, yes, it’s possible, i said, okay, the third round is in a few minutes, don’t switch, only one of these five will play, we’ll see , natural.
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but we have two nieces, olya and nika, we have a wonderful family, it seems to me that my girls problems.
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“get up, go change your life, you can do anything,” i said, aunt lucy, your aunt lucy, january 7 on rtr, it’s impossible for everyone to love us, but it’s very possible and necessary for us to love everyone, mentor, you were next to him like, well, in anticipation.
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who had exams, who had an operation, everyone asked for his prayers, he had a special gift, the gift of prayer, a righteous man, many people consider him the person who is god. january 7 on rtr, it’s five on one, we’re on the air again, right now the third round, one on one. yes, the third round will only play one of you, who do you think? let the viewer decide, right, let’s choose
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a tv viewer, and he will decide. come on, maria smirnova, 76 years old, cherepovets, will play against one of you. and maria is now in direct contact with us by phone. maria, hello. hello, and maria , tell us what you will spend your winnings on, if luck smiles on you today, for surgery, removal of cataracts in your eyes, then choose who you will play with, denis klyaver, denis klyaver, so, hello, maria, usually they always choose the new one here, well relatively new, yes, watch his songs well on tv, thank you very much. very nice , the rules are simple, 40 seconds, the rest don’t give any hints, these three of my hints won’t be there either, okay, yes, ready, ready,
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ready, attention on the screen, third round question right now, why do men have holes cut at a wedding in denmark? in socks, time , there’s like, now so, so, so, that’s what the wife, if, if longer there... in short, which one is, if the finger is longer, in my opinion, in the big one or that’s which one to sleep , he’s the one in charge, as it were family, no, as i understand it, they want to determine by the length of the fingers that no, no, how they bite a loaf of bread, there i would not, no, no, no, so, who, a few seconds left, no one tells who will be , well, why, what for, that is, just to see if a person has a good pedicure and what is his taste? of course, it’s an excellent version, but no, maria smirnovy sends 20,000 rubles, hurray,
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to be honest, she had one, she killed three birds with one stone.


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