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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  January 4, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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the weather puts a lot of pressure on her, making it difficult to succeed, but she will eventually succeed. the chinese believe that every 20 years a new cycle and a turning point begins, right in 2024, which is still a leap bone, so teacher shi and his colleague li agree, the most favorable time is march april, this will be the month of the dragon in the year of the dragon. all the most important things need to be done in the spring, or maximum in the summer, and under no circumstances should they be put off. for the fall, the fall will be very difficult financially in terms of personal relationships , in order to change the situation, the fortuneteller says, you need to wear the right amulets, for example, for wealth, for a career, for health, family, this is generally true for everything at once, and it is also important to always get enough sleep, keeping in the dream, head in the right direction, you can’t go north, you need to go south to east, east in 2024 will generally be the main direction, is it a coincidence, is it a teacher? thinks, continuing,
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that strengthening cooperation between china and russia is also the desire of a dragon, a green one, but what is more important for the chinese than a wooden one, a tree - it is always growth, and growth, prosperity and special responsibility, according to doos fortunetellers for those born in the year of the dragon, whose masculine yang energy is capable of moving mountains and bringing prosperity to the country, of the twelve signs of the chinese zodiac , the dragon is the only mythical animal, probably that’s why we attribute to him all the most masculine qualities and you can argue for as long as you like whether you believe or not all kinds of horoscopes, fortune telling and predictions, in china we are sure that all the ancient pre-os practices really work, especially in the case of definitely a dragon. alexander balesky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. knee-deep snow, light frost, it’s time to collect pine cones, like a garden with a newly ripened harvest, siberian cones in the middle of winter go to snowy forests, collect pine cones, gels and leaves.
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ksenia klimina observed the difficult process. here she is. they jokingly call themselves squirrels. cone pickers diligently collect the pine harvest, like forest climbers. a job for those who are not afraid of heights. pine cones are collected by climbing a four-meter mobile a tower, armed with such a special hook, you can reach the branches. and then what is called a matter of technology. you can collect up to 100 kg per day, i’ve been collecting for 5 years, but i ’m already used to it, well, as long as there’s no frost or wind, basically a large cone is selected , that is, we take the protein, this is considered medium, the seeds from this coniferous plantation represent of particular value, and for the entire region, in the bertsky forestry for decades, they have been selecting, crossing trees of military species, genetically breeding the best versions are extracted into special
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pine cone dryers, the atmosphere here is like in a fragrant bath, the fruits are heated in an oven to +50°. cones are loaded into the drums , which open when heated, and seeds fly out of them, as you can see, here they are, circling, these are seeds with wings, with an impeller, that’s why they fly like that, in nature this helps them spread, seeds are deprived of these very wings by another car, more... then they are packaged and sent for storage. here, in a special room, an insurance pound of coniferous tree seeds from the entire novosibirsk region is stored. areas. one can contains about 10 kg - this is about 2 million trees. a supply of seeds for several years, pine, spruce, larch, siberian cedar - this is one of the best bases beyond the urals. already 2 weeks after sowing , the first shoots appear. so with the help of these.
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seeds are restored year after year in the region , including after fires, the volume of artificial reforestation, they amount to about 20% of the total volume, no more, in principle, restoration occurs naturally - in fairly good volumes, as it were allows, well i think that sometimes nature still needs to be helped, especially if we are talking about fires, this is still mainly a man-made cause - it is still a person, so i believe that it is our responsibility to restore what we have destroyed . this year , the forests in the region suffered the main damage from fires, windfalls, construction and subsoil use, but siberian foresters, as part of the national ecology project, exceeded the reforestation plan almost twice. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, host novosibirs. tonight on our channel there is a continuation of the astro-plot drama the secret of lilith. the main character, the star of a popular show
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, is investigating two new mysterious murders at once. the heroine herself foresees one of the crimes, but she is unable to prevent the tragedy. what mysteries does lelit have to unravel before she is found? we will find out the killer today at 21:20, immediately after the big news. our news is always available on the media platform let's watch. by this time we have everything, andrey shevtsov was with you. good luck. in the formation of the unique berendey eco-trail has been completed in the shusha bor national park. she. made in the shape of lungs, this is no coincidence, because nature is symbolically considered the lungs of the planet, you can go on an exciting, educational, and, importantly, comfortable trip now, this was done by our correspondent natalya gormashova. the dream of being in a winter fairytale forest
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will come true if you go to the shusha bor national park; miracles happen here from the first steps. it smells like spirit. hello, dear guests, welcome to our kingdom. the idea leads everyone to the grandmother ’s hut, it stands, as expected, towards the forest with its back, towards the guests in front, in a hut with a need for herbal preparations, a cobweb on the wall and even an enchanted boy in the corner, this is how one of the excursions along the new eco-trail in the visit magically begins. in the center of berendey , yaga usually meets children, but adults are no less interested in her, interactivity is very important when someone tells something, even if it’s in the form of our babaiga, who is so cheerful, bright, yes, everyone really likes this, find out why? in visiting today, tourism workers came to get acquainted with the sights of the protected area, so that later they could organize unique excursions here, because the entire area is surrounded by an arboretum. it originated in the early eighties from a small experimental
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plot for forestry schoolchildren. now its area is almost 2 hectares, there are 170 species of trees, shrubs, and herbs growing in the plain and mountain clusters of the national park. you can get around here in just a few minutes. three natural zones at once, now we are in the alpine, its plant diversity hidden under the snow, but already in the summer mountain flowers will be fragrant here, just a few steps away is the siberian taiga with its dense pines and spruces, then the forest-steppe. animals and birds peek out from behind the trees, not real, but very realistic, and this is an animal meter that shows who is taller than whom in the forest. here, from cubes, you can put together an image of the inhabitants of the protected area, along the paths, there are comfortable benches, by the way, the paths themselves also deserve.
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conditions for reducing the disturbance factor for wild animals, respectively, all this promotes conservation, conservation of biodiversity and development of eco- tourism these two weeks. their goals are now being confidently implemented in the national park, largely thanks to federal support, including within the framework of the national ecology project. for example, this year the project made it possible to replenish the arboretum’s plant collection by 70 species. experts still have a lot of plans ahead to create not only educational, but also healthy tour routes, so that at the end of the excursion , as a sign of gratitude, you will hear something like this: words. well, feel how you breathe here, you always breathe here. just wonderful. natalya gormashova, sergey kozmin, host khakassia. after a short break , the forum russia exhibition opened its doors again. and again, hundreds of guests with their entire families came to vdnh from all over the country. new year's holidays are a great opportunity to meet and
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get to know each other better. it’s warmer together - olga armyakova was convinced. the journey to new year's russia begins here, where today. isn’t the cold an obstacle to impressions, a live orchestra creates the mood, so in place there haven’t been such frosts in the megalopolis for 74 years, we can’t resist, a winter walk becomes an adventure, we just arrived from veliky ustyug, we brought frosts with us, definitely, we brought them, grandfather frost asked to bring us to moscow. happy new year, we united with our big friendly family, met, and now we go, look at what traditions we have in russia, and the main tradition is to gather with the whole family on these holidays, we are twins, she lives here, and i came from the urals, from already km we
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met, the meeting place is forum russia, that after a short pause , it opens its doors again to surprise, from the arch of the main entrance we will follow the route of exhibition visitors through the christmas tree alley. each beauty represents its own region, from which you can study geography. the christmas tree of our severlovsk region is decorated with local colors. the st. petersburg christmas tree is very beautiful, there is even one here. very beautiful whales, the ticking is impressive, and then , of course, there will be even more impressions in the futuristic collider, a corridor of achievements, where the numbers clearly speak about the development of the country, without slowing down, so as not to freeze, we will go to the sports pavilion, there they will teach you how to play fidzital golf, an interesting, funny game, you can quickly spend time with friends, with relatives, with your grandfather, with your grandmother along the way. let's look into the youth home at the santa claus show, it was not in vain that we walked along moroz, my mother says it right, and it was not in vain that we waited, this
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line at the door stretches to where the regions immediately meet the teleport to kamchatka, it is interesting to see, one might say live, although we ourselves lived on colum, learn about trades, professions, see all sorts of interactivity, well, show it to the children, it already seems so familiar, but every time something new opens here, pavilion 75, here’s a big catch, i actually... caught a pike with pinning in reality, and today a crab, and there are a lot of possibilities for children, we need to have time to go through everything everywhere , we also want to visit the atom pavilion , definitely sour milk, all this can be done in a day, holiday weekends, it ’s time for such excursions, especially for the exhibition, especially for the exhibition for 2 days, here’s the punishment in we flew to moscow whatever we wanted look, find your republic again, look at the map, everything is absolutely impressive.
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this is a classic, this is a strong real film, real good, kind comedies. film screenings at vdnkh every day, on holiday weekends, the exhibition is open from 10:00 in the morning until 10:00 in the evening. olga armyakova, magomed otsaev, viktor kazakov, ivan murashov and yulia brileva, lead. the first panda born at the moscow zoo was given a name; she was named katyusha. the choice was not easy; 10 voting options on the active citizen portal lasted a month. katyusha was born back in august. but on according to chinese tradition, names are given to ant cubs after they reach 100
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days. rare footage from oksana maksimova. the enclosures with pandas in the moscow zoo, like a theater at the premiere, are sold out, even when the pandas themselves are not here. while the cleaning is underway , zoo staff are replenishing bamboo supplies, spectators crowd around the fences in anticipation of the cutest spectacle. here she has dining rooms, a dining room. and then he appears amid lively cheers.
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three proposed names were in the lead: masha, momo, the first syllable of the word moscow, and katyusha, for him muscovites cast 29% of the votes. there is such a russian song katyusha, they love it very much in china, and the name katyusha itself is beautiful, it’s nice that muscovites are so sensitive to everything connected with this little girl. from birth , katyusha’s life resembles a good tv series. now the baby is 4 months old, she has a lot of teeth, she just recently took her first steps, but now she walks confidently and even tries to get out of the playpen, and is also learning to bathe on her own. of course, all this is under the close supervision of my mother and specialists. inspections are designed as follows: so as not to frighten or disturb animals. every day katyusha becomes larger,
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stronger, more active and curious. and one more important detail that greatly pleased the experts. baby panda stopped barking and growling at them. this fact suggests that she began to trust people and, perhaps, even enjoy communicating with them. oksana maksimova, ilya popov and anastasia roif, presenter. next, regional news. in the north-eastern district, power engineers are eliminating the accident; 40 multi-storey buildings were left without electricity due to a fire in substations, how restoration work is going. the peak of the cold spell has passed, weather forecasters promise that the frosts will subside, we will tell you how the weather will change in the coming days. the validity of a driver's license, which expires next year, has been automatically extended
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, but there are exceptions to this rule. moscow scientists decided to restore it. cod of the cathedral of the nativity of the virgin mary feropontov monastery with the help of a neural network, how it happens. an operational headquarters has been created in moscow to eliminate the consequences of an accident at a substation, which is located in northeastern district. there was a fire there this morning. as a result, residents of some houses in the bibereva, otradnaya, northern and southern medvedkovo areas were left without electricity and heat. now these buildings are being transferred to a backup power supply scheme. all the details are in the report by oksana maksimova. without electricity, hot water and heat, residents of the north-eastern district of moscow this morning found themselves completely helpless in the face of abnormal cold weather. in the morning we woke up to the fact that it was cold. we discovered that there was no light, no hot water, no heating. we
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live on the twenty-second floor, we just went down on foot, the only time in several years. around 6 a.m. an electrical substation caught fire in the driveway and burned so loudly that the residents of neighboring houses woke up. black smoke was coming, and there were a lot of fire ambulances. there was no need to evacuate the residents, there is no information about the casualties, the cause of the fire is now being determined according to one of the versions, the electrical networks could not withstand the increased load. we were not allowed to get closer to the substation for safety reasons, but even from here you can see that the building continues to smoke, fire crews are working on the spot, a headquarters has also been set up for representatives of other city services, they are coming. in an ovarian mode of work to restore power supply, and for now for several hours residents of houses in biberev, otradny, northern and southern medvedkovo remain without light and heat, warming themselves in cars, there is no gas in the houses, so they can’t even cook food, the elevators are turned off, those those who went downstairs do not want to return to their apartments, many, while restoration work is underway, decided to wait with relatives, so we are going to make it warmer, as
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sobyanin said in his telegram channel, they will reduce the reconnection of certain areas to a backup power supply scheme, most of the houses have already been transferred to it, to fully restore electricity and heat supply, an operational headquarters has been created, all city services have been involved in the work , another four dozen residential buildings will be reconnected in the next 2 hours, experts promise to eliminate all the consequences of the accident within a day. oksana maksimova, nikita shchochkin, alexander markinnagaev and anastasia ruiv, news! in in lyubertsy near moscow, two people died and two were injured, presumably from carbon monoxide poisoning. gas. everything happened the day before. the police arrived at the apartment on initiative street and found two men without signs of life. there were also two women with them; they were hospitalized in serious condition. it turned out that everyone who was in the apartment were members of the same family. investigators of the main investigation department from the crucian carp in the moscow region opened a criminal
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case on the grounds of a crime under article 109 of the criminal code code of the russian federation. currently , investigators and criminologists, as well as experts, continue to work at the scene. an additional inspection is being carried out to determine all the circumstances and causes of the incident. investigators are currently visiting apartments, collecting evidence, and obtaining documents about inspections of gas equipment in the service organization. rescuers warn of a high risk of utility failures; all networks are now operating under increased load due to frost, and despite... the weakening of frosts in the coming days forecasters are extending the orange alert level due to extreme cold. victoria chernikova in our studio. what will the warming be like, and how soon can we expect it? noticeable compared to the severe frosts that hit us in the first days of january, but the average daily temperature will still be below normal and significantly by 10 degrees. and a small portion of warm air
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will be brought by a cyclone, which will try to compete with our ice anticyclone. tomorrow we will already feel it, in the west of the region there may be snow in the evening, but the day will pass in the moscow region no precipitation with frosts from -14 in serpukhov to -21 in orekhovozoevo. in moscow, tomorrow without significant precipitation, next night it will drop to -25, in the afternoon 17:19. on saturday the sky will be covered with clouds, snow will begin and the nighttime minimum will be -20° and around 15° during the day. however , the temperature will not rise further until at least tuesday, so don't relax , keep warm clothes with you. well, let's leave the hats and boilers with us. victoria chernikova spoke about the weather. passengers on a red wing flight were unable to fly from moscow to sri lanka for more than 14 hours. the plane was parked at zhukovsky airport, the flight was originally scheduled for yesterday
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evening, but people were stuck in the terminal. then they were allowed to board; passengers complained about the lack of heating in the boeing and problems with food. we were supposed to fly out on january 3 yesterday at 22:20, the plane, we were put on the plane three times. now we are on the plane for the third time, it’s already been since 9 am, it’s very cold on the plane, now they don’t give us either hot tea or hot water. the moscow interregional transport prosecutor's office organized a compliance check passengers' rights due to this long delay. by this time the flight had nevertheless taken off from zhukovsky. the airline explained the delay as a matter of security and did not provide any further details. the ministry of internal affairs reported this. that driver's licenses that are about to expire are renewed. before this, motorists were in an unclear situation. those whose licenses expired last year were subject to
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the previous decision on automatic renewal, and drivers whose documents expired in the twenty-fourth and twenty fifth year, they have already started collecting certificates for replacement. now they have made it clear, they will be able to drive with their licenses for another 3 years, but as usual, in each rule. your exceptions, despite auto renewal , you will have to replace your license if personal data has changed, for example, your last name, or other medical conditions have appeared that may interfere with driving a car or, for example, you have been prescribed glasses; your license must have a photo of a person wearing glasses. you will also have to change your documents if the motorist wants to travel abroad. and receive an international certificate. pavel, deputies are now discussing the possibility of extending the validity of driver ’s licenses by half to 20 years, but for this many control
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mechanisms have to be developed, in particular, experts are thinking who and how will monitor the driver’s health status and his ability to safely drive a car during this period. the past year turned out to be one of the most productive for the moscow metro construction. sergei sabyanin spoke about this on his page today. cardinally the organization of traffic was influenced by the large ring line, which closed last year. every weekday it carries about 1,300,000 passengers. the northern section of the lyublinsko-dmitrovskaya line from selegerskaya to festekha has improved transport services for residents of five districts of moscow and dolgoprudny. you can now travel by metro to the airport . the solntsevskaya line has been extended to vnukovo. construction is scheduled to be completed this year. the first stage of the troitskaya line from zil to kommunarka. tunneling reached the finish line. the red line will be extended to potapovo station, which
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is 80% ready. construction and design of the rublevo arkhangelskaya and beryulyovskaya lines will continue. builders also continue to integrate the large ring line into existing transport networks; for example, they began installing the main span of the pedestrian bridge at tekstilshchiki bkl station. it will connect it to the stop of the tagansko-krasnoprestinskaya line. the length of the bridge will be about 140 m. it will pass over the railway along lyublinskaya street. expected that more than 20 thousand people will use the transfer hub during peak hours. in moscow , 15 famous historical buildings were restored within a year. many of them have never been thoroughly renovated.
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the house is unusual, he is an actor, the final shots of moscow doesn't believe in tears were filmed here, here is the courier: the viewer's gaze is focused on the dancers, but our hero is in the background. not only the shape is interesting, the experiment is in all details, the tiles are built into slabs, it is impossible to remove them and restore them, so we painted them with the latest technologies using reinforced mesh, communications were also repaired. because of the arches that run throughout the house, in some places the work had to be done almost... squatting. this venerable old man, the shugaev apartment building, was included in the list of overhauls, built by touch by the architect ivan kondratenko. when he was about thirty, he was injured and
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went blind, which did not stop him. to create a building that stood for 100 years, he made large clay models, paid attention to great details, every little detail was finalized by his colleagues, looking at these very high-quality medallions, you can’t say that the house was built by a blind architect. by the way, the original doors from 1912 were restored here. the restorers worked carefully in the entrances, found these windows in the walls, and behind them a rough staircase. this is the author’s de-glassing, that’s why it was made from scrapings of the remains. in its century, the house has not seen such a major renovation, all communications were changed, all the sculptures and plaster on the facade were restored, the most difficult thing was the bay windows, they were in a very poor condition, that is, many elements were already practically crumbled, but the volume of work here is not comparable to that at borshchev’s house. this is a photo of this house when we
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took it for restoration. it was in very poor condition, everything was collapsing , literally the entire passage was crumbling, all these paintings, they were all practically destroyed, the platbands too, this house was originally built to rent apartments to middle class people, we see very little decor here, the task was renting out housing is not very expensive, so no one began to invest money in some interesting the design is architectural , only three elements were restored, but based on them new ones were assembled from scratch, right there on the spot a 3d model was made from these direct sketches, here the molds were made, we were in a sculpture workshop, here you need plaster, water and skillful hands. when working with plaster, two things are important: speed and accuracy, because the part is very easy to spoil, but at the same time it dries very quickly, for example, this product will be ready in 15 minutes. sculptors often help with restoration. meet valery belykh, this year he saved these lions
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heads on the façade... in the twenty-third year, 15 famous historical buildings were restored, the list of works for 2024 is no less impressive. igor yaroslavtsev, rasul fitkulin and anastasia roif. news. as part of the “wish tree” campaign, the capital’s department of the russian guard made a new year’s dream come true for an eight-year-old boy. stas is the eighth adopted child in the petrenko family. he has cerebral palsy. his mother was an employee of the national guard and the boy wanted to see how this unit worked.
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first, stas was shown the work of the employees. we collected the dogs' weapons, and then took the armored car for a ride. of course, he asked a question , that is, what was it like, what, what did you do, what did you drive, that is, what kind of weapon did you have, well, in words, of course, i told him, and he i wanted to see and touch it all. at the end of the meeting , stas, of course, was given gifts and tickets to the festive performance. what it is? scientists decided to restore the frescoes of the cathedral of the nativity of the virgin mary at the feropontov monastery using a neural network. for now it's only experiment. it is conducted by employees of the iran space research institute and the kiril belozersky museum of the reserve. their goal is to train a computer to recreate damaged works of art with maximum accuracy. in the future, this could make the work of restorers much easier. we did scientific photography.
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basically it was because satellite images, their processing, so we tried to apply these technologies, the beginning of feropuntov, all this work, it is carried out on such a voluntary basis, it is non-commercial projects, we still do them in our free time, this is the main time of work, the frescoes in the cathedral are the only painting by the master dionisy mudrov that has survived to ours.
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nėra, nėra. lera, lera, lera,
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lera, can you hear me, how are you? hi what happened? i have to ask you, when gosha and i came here, you were already unconscious, finally, how long? 3 hours, the doctors generally said that it was a coma, we didn’t know whether you would come to your senses or not. milk, in the pre-trial detention center, where he was supposed to be, he imitated an attack if we had not timely appeared, he would have run away, you don’t need to get up, this is where you’re in such a hurry, i see
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you’ve finally come to your senses, that’s good, so, let’s see, raise your hands in front of you, come on, come on, come on, okay, let’s go , look. here, great, yeah, strange, reflexes are normal, you know what’s wrong with me, good question, there are no external reasons for your attack, this is obvious, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a thorough examination, well, since it’s clear that nothing is clear , i can go, i probably expressed myself unclearly, i need to go a complete examination of the body, okay , let me sign what is needed, where are my clothes , i’ll bring them now, lera, you’re seriously planning
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to leave, where, if i stay here, i ’ll never know what’s happening to me, you can’t just jump up and run, it's dangerous, what are you doing? do you want to say that he will take you, i’m not home, you’ve never done that yourself? let me at least take you home, no need, i’m artyom , come out now, please, i need to change clothes. this is a strong drug, in a good way, i shouldn’t give it to you just like that, but it will prevent brain hypoxia will reduce the likelihood of such attacks. take one tablet twice daily. ok, thank you. but this is not a solution to problems.
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i already understood. a full diagnosis is required. did you have an mri and cardiogram? i don't know, at least. they took your blood, it doesn’t really matter, they don’t even answer the phone, but what date is it today? twenty-one, well, of course, i know where they are, why do you need to go to your parents, let me take you home, explain to me why they let you go so quickly, because everything is fine with me, where are you from? you know, as a last resort, i’ll take a pill , as a last resort, ler, you were in a coma, don’t you think you ’re taking this too simply, artyom, everything’s fine with me, the doctors won’t help me anyway, but my father has directly related to everything that happens to me, so i want to go to him and figure it out. and you, please, don’t ask me unnecessary questions, i promise, as
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soon as i figure it all out, now you’ll find out about everything, i take my word for it, so look, the address is not far from here. "hello, hello, you have a man here, women relaxing, celebrating a pearl wedding with you , last name, now i’ll look for a second, the stories inspire optimism, that excuse me, well, i say, celebrating a thirty wedding anniversary is an achievement, probably, yes, they would be in the next room, i can help you with something, yes , you can, i asked for something else, but they won’t bring it to me.
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zhen, well, you promised me that today you won’t fly in the clouds, you’ll hang out with me, i’m sorry, let’s do it for you, no, let’s do it for us, for us, congratulations, i need to talk to you, lera, how did you find us? ? lord, mom, you celebrate here every year, come on. join me, dad, you heard me, right now, what about you, and laboratory research journals, lehr, you chose an extremely inopportune moment, dad, when it’s right, you can ask, lord, how are you behaving, lehr, let me come tomorrow come to you and we’ll discuss everything, but today there’s no way, lerst, you understand that this conversation now... is extremely inappropriate, dad, i, if you need my
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explanations, then you’ll have to wait for them, tomorrow, i’ll come to you, i promise. i need to think about which ones to tell.
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wait, you are in danger, you need to be careful. i thought you were sober.
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dad, it seems like it to you! who brought this? nobody, it was lying here,
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stay here, don’t open it to anyone, got it, yeah. “this is, oh, a gift for you after the first night , hmm, try it, well, i like it, it’s good. just
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a little sweet for me, yes, but if so, in my opinion, it’s great. and this red-haired girl i saw number one on the dairy's list, and i'm sure she can be found, if, of course, she's still alive, of course, she's alive, just for some unknown reason, the dairy has nothing to do with her it didn’t work out, in short, i need a new meeting with him, because i need a new hint, not so quickly, considering how
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your previous meeting with him ended. it’s clear, listen, it was a complete accident, besides, i’m taking pills now, it was an accident that the milk guy almost escaped, or the fact that after meeting him you were unconscious for 3 hours, but he didn’t have time to escape, that ’s good question, i didn’t have time, or didn’t want to, but we’ll sort this out later, but for now i ’m not going to risk your life, to i won’t let the dairy in, i’m sorry, you know, i don’t believe in all this bullshit, but the dairy can only talk to the mountain girl, we are without lera , we won’t find this red-haired girl, i’m taking it from myself, there are still questions, there are, i was in a restaurant yesterday and i saw a girl who was in
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mortal danger, oh, now we are working ahead, seryozha, if only we had not listened to lera. where would we be with our previous deeds? agree. tell gosha the address of the restaurant, time, let him check the cctv camera, try to find this girl. fine. upset? no, something why did she decide to remove me? i can talk.
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ineffective team, you know? of course, i understand, comrade captain, efficiency is above all, not always, for example, when you lost consciousness and i didn’t know whether you would come to your senses or not, then yes, i understood that i’m not ready to lose you yet, not yet ready, your phone is ringing, and i hear it. gosha, yes, boris sergeevich, i found the woman lera was talking about, her name is sofya mikhaleva, great, did you talk to her? didn’t have time, well,
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judging by the first signs, this is typical suicide, this can’t happen, why, is there any information? a few questions, can you answer them? yes, i understand now, just so as not to call you again later, it’s just all very difficult, how many years have passed, oh, we’re almost at school, what for what? you said the door was open? yes, yes, yes, i called at first, then i decided to go, i was even
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my closest friend, we told each other everything, helped each other in everything, everything is fine, literally 2 years ago she saved me when my mother was still alive , what thus, my mother had dementia, she required constant and expensive care. and i was just fired from my previous job and sonya, she turned to her husband, vlad, so that he would get me a job at the company, in general, i ’ve been working there since then as a chief accountant, you suspected that something was wrong with her, yes, i didn’t suspect, i knew where it came from, it’s no secret that vlad left for another woman, and sonya, she was left with two children, and even then she said that her whole life had gone down the drain. "she may have been talking about the possibility suicide, lord, what are you doing here,
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you can’t be a stranger here, what a stranger i am to you, calm down, just wonder at me, why are you doing this to us, why? let's go, let's talk somewhere else, please, gosh, pour some water, 18 years, 18 years we were together, a long time, sonya had a good start, she graduated from moscow state university with honors, she could have been anyone, but she chose to be a mother, you two children, yes. son is 10 and daughter is 13, why did you break up? sonya was a very good mother, but
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not a wife, she used all her strength, all her love, i gave all my energy to the children, and i felt lonely, that’s when i met ksenia, as they met, well, as, as, usually, as it happens, in my restaurant. there was a meeting, and ksyusha worked there as a hostess, you have a big age difference, where are you from, she’s 26, i’m 44, you’ll say, he’s an old fool, sitting on a beard without a rib, we’re just collecting information, ksenia knew that you were married, i’ve been married for a long time i hid it from her for a while, then she found out, got offended, disappeared, and i looked for her. i went and asked for forgiveness, she didn’t care, you understand, at that moment i realized that ksyusha
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gave me back my taste for life, and i cannot lose her, i promised ksyusha that i would divorce sonya, and in a week i would go for a divorce, i wanted everything to be fine, i i left this apartment to sonya, i promised that neither she nor the children would need anything, she did just like that... god, how can i tell all this to the children? i made it clear to you that i will only speak with gorskaya. unfortunately, she is in the hospital for examination. i'll wait until she feels better. and i have to do you have a specific offer? isn't it interesting? okay, speak up. thank you, you know, alexander vasilyevich, in my practice there were many crimes, but few of them
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could be included in a textbook on criminology. your case is exactly like this, you think so, although in fact it doesn’t matter at all whether we can solve all your puzzles or not, the sentence will be the same, everything you have done carries a life sentence, i understand correctly, you are asking me to confess everything so that during a lifelong enjoyment of his fame, well... this little, besides, there is such a factor as the condition of imprisonment, and if you meet us halfway, i will petition for your imprisonment to be as comfortable as possible, oh, and what did i say that this is funny, but what if i really was...
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a crime, then of course i would agree to your conditions, but i am absolutely innocent, not some kind of maniac and committed all these terrible things, waste my and your time, i will only speak with gorskaya. okay, alexander vasilyevich, then we’ll go the long way, we’ll find your first victim, she’ll give us herself will tell you everything, i don’t know anything about it. i can’t help you in any way, unfortunately, tell me , maybe you just forgot , try to remember, beautiful, red-haired girl, what do you remember, i want to talk
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to my lawyer, lawyer, that is... we won’t wait from the hospital, lawyer, i have the right to this, why are we bothering with this case, divorce, depression, all the cases, but an obvious suicide, because i know that mikhaleva was killed, when i saw her in the restaurant, she did not look depressed, but loshkin said , there are no signs of a struggle, what does this mean, what does this mean, this means what she did. myself, but i saw that she would not die a natural death , no, i told her the facts, she told me a fairy tale, she ’s a girl, what, what did you say just now, in general , i just talked to molochny, he demands a lawyer, why all of a sudden? i mentioned his first victim, a red-haired girl, in the conversation, he panicked, we are on the right
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track, gosh, sit down. with lera, make an identikit of this girl, an identikit with a hallucination, yes, seryozha, try not to delay, i don’t understand why we all time we question lera’s words, and then each time we are convinced that she was right after all. ugusha, you checked all the surveillance cameras at mikhalev’s entrance. yes, there is one camera, it doesn't work. there is parking opposite the house. there are cameras there, they probably work, i understand, the pills the doctor gave me work, it’s good that they work, nothing good, when we were in mikhaleva’s apartment,
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i tried to call. i didn’t succeed, i’m afraid that if i continue to drink them, my abilities will completely disappear, except there are other investigative methods, that these are torn out pages from that brother’s file, someone slipped an apartment under my door today, wait, it says here that there were two more boys in the case, who planted it? blakhin? we need to find him, you are not the only one so smart. i went to his house today, the neighbors said that they had not seen him for several days. escaped, right? yes. i felt that the case smelled like something was roasted and that it was wrong, but i threatened him with an internal investigation. tell me, did you get information about the boy? yes. the most
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the interesting thing is that all three boys disappeared. one day, why didn’t they combine the case into one, it’s logical, one unsolved case is not the same as a series of unsolved cases, you are completely... a different responsibility, when the blochen realized this, he did everything not to combining these cases into one, it’s a lot of time not lost, it means that the family of one of the boys left for another country immediately after the tragedy, i haven’t found the parents of the second boy yet, what’s your boy, i need the address of one passenger, he i left my dog ​​here, she will wait until the last minute, because... you are palm family for her january 6 on rtr, many of you
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check your mail first thing when you wake up, and i, of course, am no exception, i opened the champagne. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on holiday in a skirt, i could barely fit it in. you are in the right place, here everyone will be in a good mood. pesha wants to read, please read. pesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such money from my wife, i’m doing it for you all. on air morning mail and me, her presenter, nikolai baskov. the most positive: morning mail with nikolai baskov. tomorrow on rtr. i don’t have children, but i have two
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nieces, olya and mika, who are a wonderful family. i think my girls have problems. anna banshchikova, why is everything like this? they don’t love me, how much can you humiliate yourself, olya, sergey korobchenko, i can’t pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity must be internal, dmitry dyuzhev, i need an inspector, an instructor, i’m your servant, olinka is also going to get a divorce , andrey urgand, they themselves must learn from their mistakes, natalya varley, get up, follow me. on january 7 at rtr,
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you say, she lost consciousness, there were convulsions before that, from what i know, she only talked about headaches. sorry that i took it without asking, well, it was
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really interesting to read, i would have told you about everything earlier, but i was afraid, afraid of what? i was afraid to provoke another attack in you, dad, i need to know what is happening to me and what to expect, okay, i will tell you everything i know. 20 years ago i, as a neurophysiologist and colleagues
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began a series of experiments, gathered the most talented children from all over the country, we created equal starting conditions for you, no one should feel like a star or an outcast, to begin with you were given simple tests on your knowledge of the school curriculum. most of the participants dropped out of the experiment, but the strongest, the most capable became and you were the best of them, i also swam for a very long time in some kind of barrel, this is a sensory deprivation chamber, you needed it to recover, so that you could cope with stress more easily how long did this last? in fact
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more than we should, come in, let’s sit here, on the chair, like this, rom, help, dad, i’m scared, this is not to hurt you, this device, the encephalograph, helps us understand. what happens in your head when you think, why, in order to make me better, you are already the best in the world, we just want to know more about you, are you okay, and what do you have? ram, turn it on.
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at some point you started having nosebleeds, but you didn’t tell us about them, and we ourselves noticed too late that something it's not going well. lera, is everything okay? you are the best girl in the world, the most talented, you are daddy's pride.
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what's wrong with her, let her go, lera, lera, my girl, lera, my god, move away, i've been going on for a week. they thought that they had already lost you, why did i fall into a coma, you know, no, i immediately stopped all experiments.
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that we should no longer allow such incidents , and then, and then oleg disappeared, and i had no time for that, soon i abandoned science forever, again not a single answer, dad, yes, i don’t understand what s... provoked you
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repeated attack, i used the methods that you describe in the magazine, that they strengthened my abilities, i am trying to control them, lera, stop immediately, it will kill you. i have already stopped, besides, i take pills, pills, that’s right. now you know that this does not lead to anything good. tell me, how did you feel before you ended up in the hospital? have you had seizures, headaches, hallucinations? yes,
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yes, quite obviously, a relapse. dad, tell me, is there any way to preserve these abilities? environment for health, i don’t know, i didn’t know the way then, and i don’t know now, i see, lear, listen to me, many years ago i was amazed by what was happening, it seemed to me that we were standing on the threshold of the greatest discoveries that could change forever human world.
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on the way out, thank you, leave us,
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i carefully studied the case, all the material evidence does not directly confirm yours. natalya pavlovna, i know, well, why didn’t you contact me earlier, well, you don’t know all the subtleties and nuances of the production process, the researchers could arrange for you everything that i don’t need you for anything else, but what do you mean now? all i need from you is for you to stall for time, for what purpose, you don’t need to know about my goals, put a spoke in the wheels of the investigation with all possible... methods of appeal, complaint, i don’t know, inspections, you know better, how this is done, the longer i sit here, the longer the investigation lasts, the better you do your job, don’t you think this is
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absurd, we must seek your release, that’s all. hello, hello, tell me please, this magazine came out a long time ago, what, well, this one is attached, this one is very fresh, it came out on tuesday, will you take it, yes, let's do it, thank you. there are no bruises on the body, the nails are clean, immediately before her death the deceased drank 300 grams of dry red wine, ate it all with cheese and fruit, a blood test did not reveal any
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foreign substances, well, in general , we can say that before her death she was relatively sober mind and definitely in a clear consciousness, wine. cheese and fruit, louse you found out that she ate at the restaurant where i met lera by chance, yes, mikhaleva went to this restaurant for half an hour, ordered coffee, nothing else, which means it turns out that all this was eaten and drunk after the restaurant, well, i told you, just before her death, and that dinner before death, this doesn’t tell us anything else, seryozha, you again, and what again, no, okay, we have a psychic, we listen to her, she’s not mistaken, okay, so let her say something, well will throw in some... tip, so why are we holding on to this version of murder, thanks for filling it in. this is a recent magazine, i found exactly the same issue in the mikhalevo apartment along with magazines with patterns,
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i very much doubt that a person who wants to commit suicide will plan for himself a huge number of things that require a lot of time, why no, this decision could have been spontaneous, listen, i learned something interesting about their divorce, you knew that mikhaleva is quite a bit like kozlovsky’s lawyer, which is interesting here. doesn't specialize in divorce, you don't know, well, it's famous lawyer, he deals exclusively with commercial disputes, gusha, well done, only next time such important information , say it right away, okay, seryozh, well, why does a housewife need a lawyer of this profile, we won’t take much time, i’m sure of that, because i i don’t see sufficient legal... apparently you don’t know yet, your client is dead,
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we suspect that sofia mikhailova’s death was violent, please, dear darling, don’t let anyone in to see me, please, so what exactly do you want to know? has sofia approached you with a civil lawsuit? yes she filed a lawsuit against her husband because she has a successful business, her own company, and she wanted to take it away. half the company you mean? no, sofia wanted to take over the company entirely. didn't he have a chance? i will try not to take on hopeless cases. vladislav, he was sure that he created the company with his own hands. therefore , he completely forgot that sofya andreevna. 15 years ago i sold my property, and this money formed the authorized capital of the company.
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well, we had to remind him about it, and we saw would you his face. can you tell us more details? don't you dare do this? did you think i would quietly be a victim in this situation? that won't do, honey. if you want to start from a clean slate, let this slate be truly clean. “i ask you to control yourself and not say anything that you will regret later , nothing will work out for you, you know, this is decided by the court, but for now i ask you not to take any action to withdraw assets and sell the company until the end of the trial process, your a respected accountant will confirm that in such cases a full audit is inevitable, all your machinations will be known to us by the court, which means war. i didn’t start this, dear, all
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the best, well, that’s what i said, war, now this civil lawsuit no longer makes any sense, but i understand correctly, that is, if it weren’t for this whole situation, then you would have won the case in court, i didn’t i want to repeat myself, but i don’t take on things i can’t do. win, but is there anything else i can help you with? yes, i didn’t say that sonya wanted, she wanted to squeeze mine business, but you didn’t ask how she motivated it, it was her month for cheating, not only that, she said that she spent her whole life on children, voluntarily played the role of a lady-mistress, probably this is some kind of compensation, i don’t know why you didn't make any concessions? concessions, she didn’t need concessions
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, she wanted my whole company, you know, and i raised this company from scratch, well, if you believe kozlovsky, not from scratch, yes, sonya invested in the beginning, so i offered her half of the company and i think that it's legal s... she even agreed for a while. and then what changed? i think it's all about the kids. after we separated, the children began to spend more time with me. i swear it's their personal decision. sonya thought that i was turning the children against her and decided to take revenge on me, hired this kozlovsky, and started this whole mess. when was the last time you saw your wife? on the eve of the evening, on the eve of death.
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but i didn’t come to them, i came to talk to you, to me, uh-huh, uh-huh, this is something new, vlad, this is terrible, everything that happened between us and is happening, because it’s only because i couldn’t forgive you, i’m wrong, you can’t
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just trash 18 years of marriage just because of some casual sex, i’m ready for anything. i should have talked to her like a human being, so that she would understand me, i understood her too, i probably could have helped, i understand, thank you for your frankness, goodbye, can i give you a ride somewhere, to the institute, if possible, of course
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you can, you think he he’s telling the truth, but so far everything that’s happening is not in his favor at all. yes, i acted harshly, of course, it’s not for that i 'm putting you in prison, i'm sorry, but so far all the facts are such that it's suicide, then what next i'll go to the department, sit on the case, you and gosha should make an identikit, yes, i remember, we'll do it in the morning, grandmothers, hello, definitely. lera, hello, hello, what are you doing here, i came to see my grandmother, by the way, you don’t know, my lecture is over, well, i can
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take you to the teaching session, what? i say, i’m ready to show you where the teachers’ room is, well, thank you, take it, it’s not heavy, although oh, it’s fine, of course, i could ask volodya help, but then i thought, you and i see each other so rarely that there would be a reason. spend some time together, oh, i forgot my things , well, let’s go, and by the way, you don’t know where volodya got that triangle-shaped scar on his right hand, well, you asked him, goodbye, why do you need it, just curious , well, i know, so he had a difficult childhood,
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a difficult relationship with his parents, in this and that they are not similar, yes, of course, vera, you take those pills that were prescribed to you, i do, but it seems to me that they are my abilities drowned out, well, i care about your health more than your abilities, bah, now i can’t help the case we’re doing, but how did the police get along without you before, and if now i can’t find out what really happened to oleg, or maybe not... why is that what you say? lera, i have been watching for 12 years as my son, your father, is engaged in destroying himself and his loved ones for the sake of some phantoms. oleg, not a phantom, have you forgotten him? you and oleg once came to stay with
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me and spent the night. i put you in the same room. at night i woke up. because of olek is sitting in a chair in my room, i ask him what happened, he says, i had a nightmare, i say, now you’re not scared, and he says: no, i... took this nightmare from that room so that lerka didn’t see him, oleg is my grandson, i remember him, i remember his every word, every gesture, but my granddaughter should have her own life, little lyric.
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boriserge, excuse me, lozhkin is looking for you there, says something important, i’m on my way. did you find something? no, i didn’t find anything, no words, that is, absolutely. but because the absence of traces is also a trace. put it leaves fingerprints. your mountain girl was right again. at 7:00 pm lera meets mikhalev in a restaurant in high spirits. at 10:00 pm mikhaleva goes to her husband, tries to win everything back, wants
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to return to her family, her husband, vladislav, refuses her. it is then unknown what time she returns home. it is known that she drank a couple of glasses of wine and hanged herself at 2:00 am. someone was in her apartment and wiped all the fingerprints from the chair on which mikhaleva stood before hanging herself. it was. mikhaleva knew that she let her in, or who had the keys to the apartment, because the door was not broken into. at 11:00 am the next day, mikhaleva is found by her friend, mila ignatova. there was not a single bottle of wine in the apartment, i remember exactly, perhaps i drank wine with my killer, here i not only erased the prints, but also got rid of traces of the nurse. we need to interview the neighbors again, in case someone saw something, heard something, talk to the police station, uh-huh, i have... "i checked the cameras in the parking lot opposite mikhaleva's house, guess whose car was parked there at 2:00 in the morning, i'm sorry that
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i didn't tell you right away why she did it, we loved her so much, dad, the police are there." take the children away. "hello, can we talk, let's go here, i'm naked in the night, when your wife died,
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at home here, tell the truth, please, i 'm telling the truth, sonya came here to me, and what was your car doing near your wife's house on the night of death? today she came to me here in the evening, just at night, then i felt sorry for her, i wanted to talk to her like a human being, for the first time during our divorce, so i went to her, at what time , about about an hour, i got tired on the way, decided to let it go as it goes, turned around and went home, that is, you changed your mind about talking to her, but changed your mind. judging by the recordings of video cameras from the parking lot, you got out of the car , you were gone for half an hour, yes, i forgot, i recently quit smoking, got nervous,
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wanted to buy cigarettes, everything was closed around , returned to the car, got in and drove away, that is, no one can confirm your words, why do you ask such questions? vladislav, we have every reason to believe that your wife. died as a result of violent actions , but wait, well, she hanged herself, well , someone wanted you to think so, you don’t have alebi, but you have motives, the fight for business for the children, we have to... hold you until clarification of the circumstances. masha, vadim, this is all not true, dad will return. everything will be fine.
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that means you’re writing me out, well, we did everything we could, then we’ll continue on our own, you really don’t want to go back to work, irrevocably, decisively, listen to me, you’ll bet on the place of bradin nikolai yurivich, the accused kulipov, you admit your guilt, no, i don’t admit it, this is my wife, marie.
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the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one, five-on-one program, tomorrow on rtr, you were in a yellow dress and once laughed at yourself, here, there were such rays, look into my eyes and tell me that you don’t have
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pipes. women, i have no other woman, oleg, who am i to you? i don’t know how you could drag her in, yes, you betrayed my mother, yes, you betrayed us all, when the ice melts in the heart, i’m there, when the time comes, to start everything first, you lost your husband, and now you decided to take mine? it’s all not so, but it’s all so, i want to come back, i even love you, half an hour before spring, january 6 on rtr, now it looks like this girl?
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it’s similar, but something’s not right, and you know what i’ll do, i ’ll process this sketch using a neural network, it’ll turn out to be a real photograph, it’ll just look like it’s alive, yes, it’s alive, i ’m sure of it, well, yes, it’ll take some time time, okay, i just saw it here.
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got it, so good, what are we going to do then? we'll go homemade food again, as a feeling, no way, since i started taking pills, i have nothing at all. i know, i’m trying to think logically, well, what your logic tells you confirms that it was a murder, this is her diary, and she has everything planned for the next... the clothes are in perfect order, in perfect condition, the refrigerators are full of food, here are the receipts for every purchase, what are we looking for then? apparently, mikhaleva’s husband was
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here at the time of death, that is, we need to confirm this, and also understand how she was hanged without a trace in resistance and struggle, battle! that’s all, this is all the information, but no, not everything , tell them about the evil, but yes, a week ago mikhaleva called me so that i could testify to the evil and penetration into the apartment, so why don’t we
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know anything about this, but i don’t filed a case, but why? i looked at the locks, there was no break-in, there were no stolen things either, and regarding the destruction, two broken cups, so neatly, there are things lying here in the center of the room. turned out without pleasure, a staging of pure water, and why did she need to stage a break-in, well, why, to frame her husband when people they are getting divorced, such passions are seething that just hold on, i was talking about some constant phone calls, phone calls, yes , i mentioned calls to the phone, thank you, joker, gosh, check the traffic of incoming calls to mikhaleva’s phone, yes, okay, i’ll do it first ... they did not threaten with violence if she did not give up her intentions, when the threats did not help, you took action, after an evening quarrel you pretended that you wanted to reconcile, bought wine, came to her at night, she let you in home what
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what happened next, this was not true from the very beginning, i did not threaten her, that is, you want to say that you did not organize a pogrom in her apartment, what kind of pogrom? i heard about this for the first time , we communicated through lawyers, yes, i saw her on the weekend when i was picking up the children, tell me, how did you force mikhaleva to put a noose on the table, that’s what you told her, you threatened her, do you believe him, well, mikhalev is a businessman, he is used to thinking strategically. and people like him rarely resort to direct violence, sorry, i looked at the call statistics to mikhaleva’s number, in the last month the number of incoming calls has increased, they called in the morning, in the evening, even at night, from different numbers, the same subscriber, husband, the number
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is registered to a certain semyon grokhovets, who is this, grokhovets has two strikes for blackmail and extortion , and if you need semyon, then what are you? i forgot here, semyon, where? that's it, semyon gorkovets, where to?
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alai, i don’t know the man, but this is syomina’s half -sister, she promised us money. i told you, shut up. sister, that means, well, then you’ll remember sofya mikhaleva. nothing wrong with her died, come with us. listen, you've already had two walks. so let's not hang each other up. oh, okay, well, well, well, i gave
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my aunt a little nightmare, a little bit, well, without rake, it’s so clean on the phone, yeah, you didn’t trash the apartment, oh well, why trash it, well, for greater effect, but so that she i understood that everything was serious, i have a main question for you, who ordered it, in short, my sister says, well, like , if you make money, i’ll give you ksenia, well, what should i do, i have debts all around, well, i had to agree, and she gave me the keys in short gave from mikhalevskaya’s apartment, well, like , i visited there, i was somewhere last thursday evening, and where i was, i was at home, someone can confirm this, damn it.
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my friend and i got drunk, what does my friend have to do with it, we got caught up, she left, i was left alone at home, sitting, drinking, that is, there was no one to confirm that you were at home at that time. the scheme is clear, a young girl, a greyhound, thought she had fooled the rich man, but then an obstacle arises in the form of an ex-wife, who also has plans for her husband’s business, then the young woman hires the criminal’s brother semyon to nightmares the ex, then, and the ex turns out to be a tough nut to crack, then the young man and her brother have no choice but to get rid of her, stage a suicide, it ’s still somehow thoughtless from the outside,
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it still doesn’t add up, well, because no one forced sophia commit suicide, there were no signs of a struggle, no traces of violence, it all seems like i brought it, she’s waiting for an interrogator, listen, i know how people look at us, vlad is twice my age with money and about... i’m you hired, yes to everything, sorry, but you
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you just don’t know semyon at all, even if i had such a stupid plan , he is the last person i would turn to, why stupid, your lover’s business was at stake, your lover’s big money, in my opinion, this is not at all it’s a stupid plan, but it’s syoma, he ’ll ruin any business, syoma? confessed that you were the customer , that you gave him the keys to mikhaleva’s apartment, and we think that at the moment of mikhaleva’s death, you and syoma were there in the apartment, he will die, i don’t know why he needs this, but he’s lying, neither am i, neither vlad is not involved in this, okay, there is only one reliable way to check this, get acquainted with the protocols of yours today. on the basis of which
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the confrontation will now be held. semyon gorokhovets, do you confirm your testimony? it says that you, together with your sister ksenia gorokhovets, in a criminal conspiracy, exerted psychological pressure on sofya mikhaleva in order to force her to withdraw her lawsuit against her ex-husband vladislav mikhalev. is everything right? confirm, confirm, ksenia gorokhovets, you confirm your testimony, and i have a clarification on my protocol, it says here that i said that semyon conducts any case, i want to clarify, clarify, clarify, this is all because semyon is an idiot, okay , enough, you’re an idiot, what do you think ? “if you blame your initiative on
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me, it will be easier for you, but you put pressure on me, she puts pressure on me, i don’t put pressure on you, i think for you, you understand that instead of saying everything as it was, you. ..” now you are creating a criminal gang, what are you doing, who is creating it, i don’t do anything, so sit down, that’s it, stop swearing, sit down, can you please explain to him, because i don’t have enough patience, i can, from the moment you admitted complicity to ksenia, your case began to be considered as the action of a criminal gang, these are completely different terms, in the sense that they will give more , they will give you a lot more seeds, so if you want to tell me how things were in reality... tell me, damn it, well, i, i wanted to help, to help, who asked you for help in the first place, well, no, no, well, no in the sense of directly helping, well, i needed money, where is it? take it, but i went to my sister, she says, there are big problems now, like her man vlad is suing, his business is being taken away, like i won’t give you money, not because we don’t have this
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money, but because it ’s useless to give it to you, yes, his sister is smart, he himself certainly doesn’t shine, where did you get the keys? why, it’s a simple matter, in their hallway all the keys are hanging in the key holder, i took vlad’s keys, then returned them to their place, and i told you, you can’t leave it like that, i told you about this, the day mikhaleva died, semyon , where are you were, was at home, it seems, or were at home, i don’t remember, hello, he doesn’t remember, but nothing, you don’t remember that i came to see you that evening, right? well, did you come in? yes, i came. his girlfriend called me and said that semyon had been fired from the job she hired him for. on this basis they quarreled, i called him, he didn’t answer my calls, so i came to check on him, but he doesn’t give a damn, don’t remember, right? my reasons were
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personal, which means you should have kept calls to your brother that evening, right? “yes, you can probably check, i don’t even understand why i ’m constantly shielding you for such a fool, but maybe it would be better for myself under supervision to serve a couple of years in the zone, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, everything is clear with them , your brother will have to stay, the threat to life of harassment is quite serious, well , my stepmate and i, it’s always been like this, there’s something..." at some point she spat, i think, let him get out of it himself, but no, not brother was able to do it with vlad, that vlad is still under investigation, i’m sure he’s not in any what’s not his fault, well, if he’s not guilty, we’ll let him go, goodbye, but wait, i have one more question, i need permission for sonya’s funeral, i’m doing this now
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, there’s no one else, but you need to go to the secretary, right at corridor, second door to the right, okay, thank you, well, either it’s vlad, or, or, or ksenia and semyon played a clever combination. forgive me, of course, but it seems to me that semyon is not capable of any clever combination. i totally agree with you. this only means one thing, we're back to the same thing where they started, to the need to prove mikhalev’s involvement in the death of his wife , to understand how exactly he killed her. look, i can't help you because i'm taking these stupid pills. it's okay, let's go, hope awaits us, what? hope? nadezhda koroleva, mother of one of the missing boys. was mark the same age as oleg? yes, i disappeared that same day, july 16th. yes, why
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doesn’t anyone open it? who are you? hello, it's you, nadezhda. i recognized your voice. it was you who called about marik. follow me, if it’s dark, you can turn on the light, there on the right. there should be two chairs here, come in and sit down. do you live alone? i’m already used to it, the girl comes to me. and social services to clean twice a week, bring groceries , please forgive me for my tactlessness, you haven’t seen since birth, i had vision problems before, but i became completely
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blind when mark disappeared, the doctors say that it’s stress that he sped up the process, you... don’t be embarrassed, don’t be embarrassed, i’m already used to it, you ask anything, how did your son disappear, he went to a friend’s place on a bicycle and disappeared. 6 days later the bike was found, that’s it, nothing else was found. your case was led by investigator blakhin, do you remember him? of course , this man didn’t even try to pretend that he was looking for my boy, and for some reason he lied to me, he lied all the time, he lied that they didn’t find anything, but no, i think they really didn’t find anything then. there was something he clearly didn’t tell me about the kidnapper. that it was
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the kidnapper? i don’t think, i know for sure, mark knew him. why did you decide so? well , about a month before all this happened, we started having strange calls in the apartment, i answered the phone, they hung up, and then, when they called back, mark came up and talked. did you hear what they were talking about? no, no, marco went to another room, i then asked my son who it was, that he told me that these were girls from the class, and then i found out from all the girls from the class, no, it was someone else, if . you will need a shoehorn, it fell behind the closet after mark's friend came, oh, forgive us, please, we
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they didn’t even take off their shoes, but it’s okay, mark’s friend, yes, he introduced himself like that, he said that he and mark studied in a parallel class, what he asked you about, and in general, about what you asked, only i didn’t remember him, i remember all my classmates’ friends well, but i don’t remember anyone from parallel, but what’s his name, and you know, i just realized, he didn’t introduce himself, so i remember his voice very well, so young, i don’t remember anything else, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, i don’t understand anything, to whom except we may be interested in this case, it’s unlikely that it’s blokhin, no,
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but i hope that you don’t think that this is an accident, i think that if we don’t prove this connection, then we will have to accept this version, but my experience suggests that this is not so, and that as soon as we find one marchik, we will find them all, i hope, mahim told me not to get involved in this matter, this came out of his mouth, he later corrected himself, he said that he considers the matter difficult, this is his so friendly advice, but now i’m sure he knows something specific, but we’ll find out about that only when we find him, we will definitely find him, he can’t hide forever, but that’s later, now, come to me, explain,
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boris borisovich’s birthday, you forgot, you’re invited, no, i didn’t forget, i even bought a gift , you forgot, i didn’t forget, but i left a gift at home, i’ll have to stop by. have to, what did you forget? a winter evening that we spend in the company of the creators of your favorite films about gordymarin. faithful friend, what a shame, i actually have two mothers, both of them are worlds, i’m so lucky. 65 years together, how many times a day do you kiss? slanstergen? 65.
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sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again, well, everything in life is so crooked, tell me about your life. a fairy tale based on real events. zolotets, january 6th on rtr.
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borya, thief, why are you hanging here, there poltorak came with his wife, nastya, i lost the candles from the cake, well, here they are, where did you find them, on the refrigerator, good investigator, please go , meet the guests, i’ll do everything myself, god willing good luck to you, uh-huh, you know what it is, what a trap for... the real one made it again shaman, real, real golden, wow, tell me what it is needed for, it is needed to protect you while you are in a hurry, so that you don’t have bad dreams, and where do they come from? i think when something bothers you, then they come, they are prophetic, they happen, of course, and you also know when
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they happen, when you overeat at night, thank you. i’ll take her to the bed, come on, this is your mother, she’s really beautiful, really, well, let’s raise a glass again, peacock, we all have fruit juice, well, we’ve already drunk to the birthday boy, let's now drink to dad, oh, be a good father, i know, with a dad like that, where would you go? even into battle, even into the mountains, even to the ends of the world, stop, okay, god is for you, hurray, oh, can we go unpack the gifts, let's go, pain, you still have salad, pain, yes, thank you, you know, me so many stories about you, yes, yes, i even
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saw you on tv, well, there’s not much there, it’s difficult , what exactly, well, this is to catch the waves, these otherworldly forces, but i don’t know, come on, what are you, you it's just that the point is that i also have some talents like that, yes i have them, yes, well, you remember about the ticket, well, i remember, i remember, well, she pulled my hand straight away, buy a ticket, seryozha, and what didn’t you tell me, i won 5,000 rubles, yes , but this can’t be a coincidence, it’s just no, it can’t be a coincidence, of course. i know how to tell fortunes, well, listen , well, tell me something, really, let me tell anastasia vladimirovna right now and tell my fortune, of course, what do i need, well , what for, a man, you’re not married, as they say, well what are you talking about, we, we are everything now we'll arrange it, we'll now guess about the policeman, you know, we need a policeman, right, he's so good, so that he has a good character, responsible, yes,
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so that he loves work, you know, what if he's a policeman? love work, yes, then he doesn’t need a wife, let’s fight for love, you know, let’s fight, come on, for love, for love, for love, cheers. we also cannot hold on indefinitely,
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we have no proof of his guilt, sing, yes, the case hangs, we only have to prove the absence of prints of the mountaineer’s testimony, which in themselves are not indications at all, namely, well, i’ll probably be leaving late, but i can probably stay a little longer and help you clean everything up. well, that is, you can see on the recording how he arrived, got out of the car , walked along the street for a while, got into the car and drove away, thank you, gosh, no, see you tomorrow, well,
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that means it’s good , mikhailev needs to be released, we must admit that we don’t have any leads in this case. wow, good night, dear, apparently dinner was so rich that you lost the ability to move, but i think maybe i i lost my ability granny, what's wrong with you? everything is fine, i took the pills, i’m sitting here, thinking whether i should take them at all, i can’t do anything with them, everyone expects me to help the cause, but life is more important, life is also important
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, grandma, well i don’t think that your life will be, that the investigative case will carry out the plan , well, what does the plan have to do with it, i can help living people, but at the very least, at the maximum, save lives, i tell you... i’m worried about you, but i understand, how important is this to you? lena, am i ready? i'm coming!
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what are you doing? borya, no one threatened her, who? i saw that she stood up and tightened the rope herself. no, there was someone else, the one who knocked the chair out from under her, who? i don’t know, she came after a conversation with her husband, upset, when her neighbor saw her, and then someone came who brought wine, fruit, cheese, out of habit, she kept the receipt. the tax matches, let's find out, i bought all these products on the card, we 're going there now, why is this necessary, this is what
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we have to find out, take gosha and come , then we'll have some tea, let's go, where, wait, i i’m telling you again, she’ll come back from lunch, reveal everything you need, or tell me what you’re looking for, we need a little time, no, i’d like some basis for such checks, i can’t allow access to computer of the chief accountant without the necessary documents. let's go talk , let's go, let's go, calm down, it will be very quickly, this is a pure formality, we need to discuss just a couple of questions, everything, and we will leave quickly, don't worry, golsha, we have very little time, we need any clues, i understand, i realized, now, oops, that this is already interesting, so quickly
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, then sonya calls me in hysterics, she greeted me sweetly and suddenly realized that her whole life had turned into ruins, so i went to see her, immediately after the call, she screamed into the phone that she should let it end, that her lawyers would leave no stone unturned from his company, but somehow i came to see her, she was already in a completely different mood, sonya. sonechka, well, well, what happened, it’s all over, he told me, it’s all over, he doesn’t understand that i can’t live without him, my dear, let’s have a drink, eh...
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“you won’t believe how many times i imagined how i would do this right here, in the kitchen, i even prepared the rope that you prepared, the rope, i imagine how it will enter me she will find, she will understand that what has been done will be too late, but you understand that this is not a solution, and then i also calm down, i understand that this is not a solution, but i really want to see his face so that he understands what she was doing? so that he can see how, you know, what needs to be done, what a selfie, no, better than a video, this is to guide him with a rope on neck, let him understand that i’m not joking, let him see what he’s brought me to, sleepyhead, do you want to stage it, yes, maybe he’ll accept it, you know, he has some feelings for me, you’ll help me , i... and you
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helped her fake suicide, but she just wanted to take a selfie, just at the very moment when she stood on the chair, i didn’t have time to swear to her, she knocked it out from under her, i tried to drive like - to help, i wanted to do at least something, but i just didn’t have enough strength, everything happened very quickly, maybe everything was different, maybe you pulled the chair out from under her feet, what are you saying? a hanged man dies instantly, only if their neck breaks, this requires height, that’s why the gallows used to be so high, otherwise the person suffers, suffocates, you had 30 seconds to save sophia, but you didn’t even lift a finger, you wanted for sonya to die, this is nonsense, why did i need it, but i have an answer to this question. "printouts of your
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financial frauds that you played through in mikhalev's company, good evening, sergey, i need to correct the details in the office, what details, but i mixed up the details on the payment, i only remembered today, this cannot be done on monday, on monday the payment will go to the bank, so today is my last chance to correct it." don’t worry, dear valerievna, come on in , thank you, just hurry up, yes, yes, yes, we tried to delete these documents from our computer, but the server program makes a backup, we weren’t taught this. during the year
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, you transferred part of the company’s profits to your postal accounts, you got away with everything, but then they decided to get a divorce for mikhalev. sophie hired a lawyer, who filed a lawsuit, which meant a full audit. checking all the accounts , then everything would have been revealed, yes, if pavladno had, he would never have forgiven me for this, i, as you understand, carry out, tried to dissuade sonya from potochiysk, but a war broke out between them and no one was going to give in to the other, on what did you expect, i thought, if sonya dies, then the risk is lost? there will be no force and verification, but i didn’t plan this in advance, all this just happened at that very moment when she stood on the table, whether you had a plan or
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you didn’t have a plan, murder doesn’t make it...


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