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tv   Taina Lilit  RUSSIA1  January 4, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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marik went on a hike until the barik shaved him off, i heard him screaming at him so much that the boy left almost crying, i say, marik is like that, where you climb on him, you get off there, can i have the address, please, oh yes behold, i’ll write now, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i’ll kill you. joke. margarita, based on real events. what's wrong with my daughter? she is undergoing surgery now. i need an exclusive. and let's go without sentimentality, as tough as you can. i'll fly out of it without us do. no one. we need publicity. can’t
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handle it, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from january 9 on rtr.
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me about my life. a fairy tale based on why is everything so crooked in life? tell real events. golden. january 6 on rtr. and... what's interesting here, an ordinary drug addict? we’re just clarifying the circumstances in another case, well, whatever you want, it’s a common thing, although we’re still hanging, the injuries have been cleared, that’s all as expected, what kind of injuries? yes, so multiple bruises, abrasions, so, here’s an interesting trace of strangulation on the neck, a ring mark made in a lime-like manner. the object
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apparently tore off her chain, but what exactly happened, the victim could not explain, why? well, because she was on drugs, she just cried in agony, didn’t even remember her name, well, she wasn’t in that state all the time, right? well, she didn’t tell us anything, well, of course, drug addicts don’t just hand over their dealers, but then, when she regained her composure, did you talk to her? we conducted a search in her apartment, the search did not yield anything, no drugs were found , you still did not answer my question, well, as i say, she was non-contact, what else is there to say, all that was required of us, we they did it, well, it’s a common thing, hundreds of people like this pass through us, usually you immediately remember on the phone, but you might as well forget this one, her sister turned out to be such a scandalous girl.
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that it just took all the brains out of us. what are we going to do next, captain? there is another the way to find out from sube from selisa, not officially. i took a burger and fries. did the coffee take us all night to drive? i took it, i took it. yes, boris sergeevich, gosh, you and a truck and a half, we are now leaving for sumsky’s dacha, get out, why? we need to establish surveillance on yana karasyova, sooner or later she will lead us to her sister. come on, take action. yes, i understand, okay, i’ll go myself,
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leave the coffee. okay, and burgers too, have a nice trip. thank you.
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lera, we need to talk. “i prepared dinner, but i didn’t wait for you, it’s almost time for me, everything is fine, boris, boris, i'm at work, let's go to sleep.
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communications object 1380, this is eureka, who is it? i say, this is the eureka children's camp, i ended up there. you don't understand what you're doing, do you? mom, i'm just looking for oleg. that is, all these years you didn’t care, now suddenly you decided to start looking for oleg, right? i didn’t care, i never cared, mom, i
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want to remind you that you ran away, yes, lera ran away, and it was at that moment when my father and i simply needed your help and support, you understand that... ... why don't you, grandma, don't stop her, come on, say that it’s you, it’s my fault that he disappeared, yes, it’s not true, i never blamed you for this, but why did you come then, mom, that i came, i’m lera and your dad, for many years we lived only in hope , only with hope, every day, every morning of ours began with the fact that we read crime reports, and how many times did i go to identify corpses, lord, how i cried, you know why, because i was glad that it wasn’t oleg,
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marina, lera, it follows from this that we should not involve your parents in... yeah, although i promised your dad that i would keep i know him, okay, how are you? i just think , maybe mom is really right, she doesn’t need to improve the past, this only makes things worse for everyone, no, that’s not true, worse is living in ignorance, i know from myself, uh-huh, ler, you should find out the truth, i i will help you and be there for you. boris sergeevich, excuse me, i
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’ll come later. why later? what about karaseva? i watched her in the evening and all morning today, nothing suspicious. work, home, store, she had never met anyone like vasilisa. we must continue monitoring. okay, one and a half kvon. yes, seryozha, well, did you find sumsky? found. well, the method of murder is the same, even the nature of the damage to the epidermis is the same as kanaev’s, isn’t it worth taking. under protection , that is, you believed the gloss that it was khromov,
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survived the campaign and is now taking revenge on everyone, i just see the logic of the crime, they kill certain people, those who were on the campaign, georgy was killed first, leonid is in jail, sumsky is dead , only roshkov remains, maybe you’re right, where are you going, i’ll look around the house.
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there is another one just like it, where you found it on the street in a pile of leaves, i know whose they are, gosh, i need your help, yes yura, he ’s sleeping in his room, i’ve been looking for him all night, i’ll only return him in the morning, but why do you need it, yura, yes, what happened? your son is getting ready for murder
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, we need you to tell us about all the places where he could go, believe me, this is in his interests, the sooner we catch him, the less time he will have time to mess things up, or these are the gloves in which konaev was killed, or absolutely identical. “so it turns out that the guy blames the participants of the campaign for the death of his father and takes revenge on them for leaving him? do you remember when yura made a scandal in rashkov’s house, he accused them all and said that they left his father to die like a dog, it seems this is his fix idea, and he posted the video from the wedding for a reason, most likely, it means it’s better for leonid to sit in pre-trial detention for now, but at least for now the boy wasn’t caught, guys, excuse me, of course, but i’m the only one who thinks it’s strange that one eighteen-year-old guy could handle two grown men, and how crazy am i...
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are you sure? the phone number your father gave you is registered at this address.
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beep, come on, hang up.
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no, sorry, in a taxi, i won’t take you with me, tell your people to leave us vasilisa alone, okay, we’ll start it, just 8217, time 5:20, “hello,
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another time, or maybe not, that’s for sure , i, thank you, are you like, yes, yes, they are going to dismantle my wheel, in its place they are going to put three new hamster rides, it’s called optimization, there will be people, then you won’t be able to sit like that, well, that’s good”? so good, i can’t do it alone, i need helpers, yes, i need helpers. well, i wish you to find it, thank you.
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mark was kidnapped in izmailovsky park, gena in tsum, oleg in timeryazevo, the kidnapper was physically unable to act alone, he had accomplices anyway, there were several hours between the kidnappings, if he had a car, then he could, it was wednesday, july 16 , 2010, an ordinary day of traffic jam, means that he could not act alone. how are your
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workouts going that you mentioned in dairy? okay, in the last case i saw snow, numbers and the north, but so far it’s okay, somehow i can connect everything. how do you feel? fine. oddly enough, there was no headache and my nose didn’t bleed, which means molochin was right, every time he turns out to be right again i feel uneasy, but i’m glad that everything is fine with you, i was worried, everything is fine, my my wife didn’t pay attention to what was happening to her when we... grabbed each other, it was already too late, i wouldn’t want this to happen again, i’m glad that you’re worried
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about me, just. it's late, it's just, yes, it's true, i'll post you, thank you.
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that's enough for you, your mother said, you and your father loved to fish here. beautiful place, i don’t recommend it guy, what si, boy, i need the address of one passenger, he left his dog here, she will wait until the last minute, because you are family to her, palm tree, january 6th on... many of you check your email first thing when you wake up , and i am, of course, no exception.
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do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? with nikolai baskel tomorrow at rtr, hold on, it takes time, you will no longer be able to operate, than stop, when?
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and i’ll find her now, the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet, from time to time, in what sense, pripasovsky since january 9 on rtr.
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what are you doing, why were you here at daddy’s table? no, no, i came here for work, and what are
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you doing there? you write the numbers, and what are 31 36 , we woke up, well, what are we going to have for breakfast , there’s scrambled eggs, we can cook, by the way, more scrambled eggs, or, as a last resort, scrambled eggs, woe betide, we need to go to the department, we have to go to the department, you ’ll cook the scrambled eggs yourself, well done, these are the same numbers, yeah, what do they mean, i have one guess, well... in order for me to confirm it, i need to look at photographs from crime scene, take me home, please, for 5 minutes, why? well, yes, thank you, boris sergeevich, a half-truck detained this yura, interrogating him, great, i ’ll come later, good afternoon,
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what should i confess? no, boy, this is getting more serious. what are you sewing for me? they don't say that anymore. what do you want from me? double murder, boy, this is no joke. what kind of double murder? borya, these numbers, these are coordinates, there are answers to all our questions.
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went. no, i have nothing to do with it, but i don’t feel sorry for them one bit, they deserve it, they deserve it, you say, yes , i’m sure, well, tell me why they deserve it in your opinion, ready, look, this is the very place through which the expedition went in the khibiny, this is the point he marked before his death, major igorov is listening, who is roshchin? borka , wow, how many years, how many winters, well, yes, you’re already a major, what rank are you, and why didn’t you call before , and what did the ministry of emergency situations say, the ministry of emergency situations said that this is not directly related to the threat to life, and we are in a hurry, san, one might say that a person’s fate is being decided, yes, very much so.
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i'm waiting, come on. what is sumsky’s fault? he promised me that we would go. we’ll find my father’s body there, then he started to fuss about how it’s too expensive, a lot of time has passed and we won’t find him at all, i said that i’ll find the money, sell the motorcycle, he actually kicked me out of the house, stop, stop, a little slower, so you and him, it means there was a conflict, and what kind of conflict, the second platoon goes up, inspect the perimeter, the first platoon distributes itself, i’m at the point, nothing here. no, there's nothing there.
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there should be a rock with pitroglyphs, san, and you see a rock with pitroglyphs, well, this the drawings are like this, yes, i see, and what next, next, i’ll pass the phone, hello, yes, look, there should be a crevice about twenty meters from the rock with the petroglyphs, you see it, whoever says it doesn’t matter who i am, you see it. “i only see a pile towards me , there is no crack, yes, great, you need to take it all apart and it should be cleared there,
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read carefully and sign, all your claims to the dead are described here, only one explanation is missing. what explanation, how were you able to strangle two such healthy men? seryozha, hang up, what does hang up mean? we they found bogdan’s killer, i’m finding out from the rest of the dead. so when we found the body. we have new questions, he couldn’t have buried himself with stones, yes, it’s a mystery, uh-huh , maybe there was a collapse, maybe it happened, and he
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was still alive when you covered him with stones, forgive me, i’m asking why they killed him bogdan and... i’m no longer a hypothesis, this is a fact, your involvement in all these murders, someone else’s dna traces, your traces, were found in the gloves of your adopted son. “no need, my colleagues are waiting for me on the street, standing, smoking, you know,
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everything that i told you before is true, both about the camp and about bogdan." the only thing i didn’t tell you is what i found with you, we worked together for many years when i introduced him to polina, he took her away from me , all the common favorites, photographs were published in all magazines, no one even looked at mine, while i was looking for him, i thought, what if i don’t find him, how my life will change, but i found him , sanya. well, finally, otherwise i’d already set up a tent, i thought you wouldn’t find me, but i didn’t find me, what?
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tell the rest to the department, let’s go, you? pauline. yes, it was i who killed bogdan, if i
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could go back, i would kill him again, because i love you, don’t come near me, let’s go, let’s go, alexander. tell me how you killed kanaema? bogdan took that picture of the seagull in front of the horror, no one else was nearby. and so, when zhora accidentally saw this issue of the magazine,
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and no, we didn’t try it, we tried it, why are we drinking, yes, acquaintance, you’re a plagiarist, did you appropriate it? you stole a picture from bogdan, and i recognized it, looked inside, and you know, there’s a last name, so, listen, this is a telephone conversation for me, i’m about to i’ll come to you and we’ll quickly discuss everything, okay, i’m waiting, so let’s get acquainted, whatever you want, let’s call at work, i’ll quickly give it a go, when i get back, i’ll tell you how it ended, okay, okay. larisa, what's wrong with you , larisa, you can go faster,
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no commands, i'll throw it, no father, have you been drinking, the conversations are over, you're watching. our brother, are you coming to us with your things tomorrow? this picture could not have gotten to you unless you removed the flash drive from bogdan’s camera. does this mean you saw him that night? i
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even know where i found this place on the map, were you the one who killed him? and the money is all in my desk drawer at home. soma, i wanted it to look like a robbery. did sumsky also guess everything? no, but yura was obsessed with the idea of ​​finding his father’s body, burying him, pestering sumsky, planning an expedition, sumsky would have given up sooner or later, so i took yura’s gloves and went to sumsky, so i got rid of two problems at once. “don’t worry, we’ll handle it, but
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it’s all my fault, i lived with a murderer, and now i’m expecting a child from him, the child is not to blame for anything, and it’s not your fault, you didn’t know, i i didn’t know, and in general, the main thing is that we are together, i love you, mom!" i called you son first.
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he doesn’t respond to speech, he doesn’t respond to other stimuli either, he doesn’t eat on his own. the mystery of lelit will be solved. according to the result of the audience vote, the favorite of our show is lit ". the closer you are to the truth
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, the scarier i am to find out what really happened to oleg. perhaps this is our last meeting, because they almost proved your guilt, or my innocence. goodbye, listen , it seems i found them, who, boys , say, mystery cherishes, final series we'll look at rtr tomorrow.
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i’ll quickly rush back there, come back home , let’s go for a walk, where am i katya. do you want to watch a movie with a speech, but you can’t come after chemo and just lie down, i think that you’re always talking shit to me, and like my bag, after everything that you’ve learned, i have the right, in principle, not to talk to you anymore never, that you are going in circles again, we have already passed this, what we have passed, and what exactly have we passed, is it your self-medication, or the fact that martinov refused you? what exactly have you been waiting for, the new protocol, braydon should help, provided that you don’t stick your paws in there, krasovskaya is a very good specialist, you’d be wiser not to quarrel with her on the first day, i ask you, i’m tired of everything, i’m very tired, that’s what
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will happen, i’ll tell you i promise, i won't go anywhere... well , that's good, nothing good , good afternoon, hello, hello, sorry, i'm in a hurry, listen. we still haven’t talked, after all, do we have something to discuss? i didn’t want to set you up, really, but you set me up, explain to me why the hell
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you got into something where you don’t understand anything, i have a character that you don’t remember, but i also have a character, i really don’t like it when people interfere in my work, keep in mind that you are very lucky with your doctor, karina georgievna, take care of her nerves. forgive me, tell me how you feel , it’s okay, oleg, i beg you, be treated according to the protocol, i beg you, don’t go into something where you don’t understand anything, everything will be fine, i’m sure i’m sure. goodbye,
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why did you wait so long, can you explain, you will laugh, there simply wasn’t enough time, i won’t laugh, oleg mikhailovich, this is not funny, we were expecting you much earlier, you’re a doctor, you should understand how you can treat... hide until the end, well, i can just do it until the end, i’m not exactly saying it, karina georgievna,
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you just understand , i can’t walk through the streets with a banner, i have such a character, roll up my sleeves, clenching my teeth forward, why bury yourself ahead of time, the chances are very good, if the tumor decreases after four chemo treatments, we will do the operation, well, what am i explaining to you? , well, you’re a doctor, you understand everything, doctor, sometimes i i thought it would be better if i were some kind of mechanic , but you know less, it’s better to hurry, so we talked about the complication, in principle, this protocol goes well for the majority, how do you feel now, great, even... active , so hold on to it, you have energy, strength, work, who else needs coffee
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, yes, yes, please, okay, i ’ll pour myself some first, thank you, uh-huh, uh-huh, thank you, okay, so what do you have planned today? i don't have it today? well, if you want to live with me during resections, is that an order? no, proposal ok, we’ve agreed, but i’m not bothering you, no, what’s wrong? well, it’s just that you’ve been talking about work all morning, i somehow feel like a stranger at this celebration of life, well then suggest some other topic for the morning conversation, so thank you very much for breakfast. go get ready, for your health, uh
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-huh, thank you, i would clean it up, it’s okay, this will take a long time, what exactly, something doesn’t suit you, in my opinion, he was going to rent an apartment, he’s looking for it, how can you not tell, according to - in my opinion, he has taken root here, this is my apartment and it’s up to me to decide who is here take root, do you also have repairs for a short time? well , the floors there need to be changed, i’ve been saying this for a long time, yes, yes, why are you kicking me out, or what ? i can move out at any time, no, i don’t kick anyone out, that’s probably the problem, it means you’re happy with this three tank, i’m not happy with either you or him, about the same, okay, okay. well , you and i are kind of like a couple, yes, but he’s the odd one out, he’s the odd one out, you say we’re a couple, but he’s the odd one out,
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i’m ready, i’m going. today i pay for a taxi, thank you very much, i'll save, yeah, these, these are mine boots, oh, sorry, but i can give you a ride, i’ll just meet you on sukharevskaya, yes, great, thank you very much, it’s good that they didn’t tear you apart, thank you, please. let me wait for you for a long time, it’s almost ready, we can go, yes, now we need to remove the iv, thank you, yes, i
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understand everything, but he doesn’t want to. what strength does he have to drag? persuade him, we are preparing him for discharge today, at least wait until i find a place in the hospice. well, of course we won’t throw him out into the street, but you have to convince your father, believe me, this is the best solution for you, then with yours work, you won’t be able to be with him all the time. ok, ok, thank you, did you do what you could? yes, everything we could. stas, what are you doing, great, oleg, damn, how life has suited you, look at yourself,
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okay, what a fate, i’m treating a patient here. are you still in sklikha? well , where did i go, this is my cross? and you? no, i left the hospital a long time ago. well, did you sell yourself into business? no, medicine is a disaster. wow , koro, i’m still surprised myself. what are you doing here? yes, my father is in the hospital here. what about him? easy, fourth stage, the last examination, as i understand it, before the hospice. listen, let's go sit somewhere and have a glass while driving, oh you! drink, let's go, tell me how you are, wife, children, married, i have two children, my wife is also a doctor, you know her, narachinsky's daughter, oh, marina, um, yes, i remember her, so beautiful, very, well and how are you, married, married, yes, yes,
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she is also a doctor, children? no, there are no children, so how did you deal with disaster medicine? you dreamed of a quiet place in the hospital. well, yes, but hard times happened and we left the world decided to change everything. so how did it help? yes, we went to the water in krymsk. i looked at my life differently. i realized that i don’t want to work in a hospital anymore, but sooner or later it turns into a routine. everything is erased. and here you are always on edge, you have a phone, excuse me, dad, yes, dad, you said at your place, calm down, don’t shout, you said at your place with her, you promised me yesterday, please let me play the fool, you what, what's wrong with you, misha,
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what are you doing, misha, what are you doing? here, take it, call me soon, i’m already calling you, what are you, what are you doing , we have a good man here, you put scissors in the throat in us a man not bad, what happened, what are you doing, i don’t know, he was like that, he will kill my husband, hush, woman, calm down, breathe , breathe, breathe, nikola emskaya 15, in my opinion, like this, breathe,
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bear. i told you, get away from my husband, calm down, you bastard, it will be easier now, he’s on his way soon, breathe, don’t touch him, misha! breathe, it’s a pity that you didn’t die, moron, hush, hush, bragin, you’re a beast, oh, you need to work with us, what are you doing, i’m i told you, let’s go straight today, of course, yes, hello, i’ll be there soon. i understand, that’s it, bronin, it’s time to call me to work, let’s exchange phone numbers, now something happened, and the roof of the building collapsed, under the rubble of at least 15 people they called us,
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can i go with you, i’m interested , see how you are you work, well, if you don’t climb anywhere, no, i ’ll never stand behind the fence anywhere, i’m generally modest, the result of the audience vote is whether our show is the favorite. and the secret cherishes will be solved than we the truth is closer, the more scary it is for me to find out what really happened to oleg, perhaps this is our last meeting, because they almost proved your guilt, or my innocence, forgiven listens, it seems i found them, who , boy, say, mystery lelit, the final episode, tomorrow on rtr, i think. here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is
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a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes concerns fleas, i am beyond competition , there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, it must have been edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i'm oops, and five on one, tomorrow on rtr ,
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january 7 on rtr. everything about the elections in russia, we we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient.


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