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tv   Klassnaya tema  RUSSIA1  January 5, 2024 3:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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majestic, you and i were married , my rybinsk , my childhood passed in a beautiful small town on the volga, in 2000, when my dad passed away and my mother was left alone, i try to come to her every day, help with household chores, she is 82 years old , wow, mom, how beautiful you are today! olya, i knew that you would come today and not alone with guests to my parents’ house, every time i come here, such childhood memories come flooding back to me, olya is my assistant, she will do everything around the house until i’m happy , olenka, thank you, sit down, rest, i'm ready. your favorite hot sandwiches.
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the cooking technique is very simple. it takes its roots in the magnificent nineties, when, unfortunately, there was nothing in stores, i really wanted to eat. a loaf of white bread. so, we quickly peel the potatoes and quickly grate these potatoes. flavor enhancer, definitely. bouillon cube. the filling for the sandwiches will be made from potatoes, it seems. it looks like it’s made from meat, so we take one egg, it all turns out quickly delicious, i invite you to table, my beloved mom, this is my best friend, she supports me in all my creative endeavors, gives her wise advice, she’s so smart, successful, she seems to be lucky in her work, so...
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how long ago have you sung songs to me, leaning over the cradle, but the bird’s time has flown by, the thread of childhood has broken, talk to me, mother, what won’t i talk about?
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dear men, the address is now on your screens, we are waiting for letters and calls to our editorial office, well done, and where did you first hear the song yellow-eyed night, which mother loves, where i heard it, at home, i heard it at home, i was a little girl, she still sings , she is still in her voice, as i say all the time, the song was then in the seventy -ninth year, in my opinion, the song of the year, take petrikita, i here. i heard it for the first time in such a performance,
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of course, let’s remember how it was in 1979, this clip, attention, finally we are together and the evening will make us happy, and the melancholy has unraveled and the sorrows have been broken, yellow-eyed night, don’t peep at me, hug us and cover us with the marknuts.
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how old are you in seventy-nine? - v seventy-nine, three years old, you don’t remember this yet, of course, in general, in general, but tell me, ol, in the previous three men?
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never, we have never been offended, you will be offended, musicians are not shot, but after this broadcast your salary should be raised, i think the snow maiden also had to, yes, you know, the snow maiden, now, unfortunately, i work more in the role of santa claus, according to of such a current build, a man is a singer in restaurants or a woman, who is more popular, the only question is, can he?
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an antique watch, and if it were, let’s say, for example, if there was a car thief , let’s try, she stole you, you were my crystal, she stole, she stole you, well, what ’s criminal here, come on again, can i have your restaurant, well, i can say, you have such a universally mobile voice , do you understand? everyone understands what we’ll sing today, let’s come up with something, well , let’s sing the hijacker, only in a normal female key, so the girls will join in, if they ask me where i got it, i’m such a sweet boy, i’ll answer that i stole it, like someone else’s
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car nine i stole from everyone, it’s open that everyone was stunned , for no reason, keep in mind, we won’t return you to the animal, i waited, i waited for you so much, you were my dream, crystal, i stole you, stole you, so what’s criminal here, i waited , i’ve been waiting for you so much, you were my dream, steel stole , stole you, so what’s criminal here, as one famous tv presenter would say, we have a couple on the program, well,
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our guest from the kemerovo region continues our program, friends , from the village of yashkino, valery zavedyaev stood with a wonderful song. the chunya pine melted and hovered over the river, it my sore breast, the girl was crying, crying,
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super! why are you my anyone, because before you i laugh at the sky, then i spoke to fate for evil, and the power of worrying you is a moron.
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why did the homewrecker fate cover us with the river stench? although i have another, it would be lonely in my heart!
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a wonderful pine tree stood and rejoiced over the river on my sore chest with one girl sobbing. dancing groups, maria boltneva, evgenia
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koratkevich, valery zavidyaev, the expression trio, i’ve long dreamed of seeing moscow, i’ve lived my whole life without seeing andrei nikolaevich live look, valer, how do you like the style of performance, it seems to me that this is the first time we’ve heard a magnificent voice, so high, you see how this is a program. friends, he came to us from the sweetest village in russia, yes, absolutely right, andrei nikolaevich, here we have the village of yashkino - these are nuts, cedar forests stand around the village, oh, mighty nature, cedar trees, such powerful cedar trees, damn it, nature like, oh, you’ve been playing the harmonica, how long ago, wow? since childhood, probably, it’s like this, who taught it, it’s just that she was born here nearby, that’s it, yes, i think, she played,
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well, yes, and so it stuck in general, without it there is no way, there is no life at all, but they said that your local residents, who remember you back at 6-7 years old, how you drank obscene cleanses all over the place, a company of women, especially men, would gather, like they say, there were no accordion players , and i was little, so the game says, come on, but don’t listen to the swear words, well, sing for us a couple of the most decent, most decent ones, valera, come on, don’t be shy, now, now, and i’ll drink and go for a walk i will, death will come
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to die, oh my mother-in-law, mother-in-law. i took it from my pockets i kept pulling mine out. don’t walk along the corridor, don’t knock your ears, i still won’t love you, the muzzle is like a horse’s, right , right, absolutely right, right, wrong, who cares, don’t you want it, girls, get married, nothing good,
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you’ll get up in the morning, we’re in heap and head is growing , it took me so long to come to you, for so long, when i used to watch your program on tv, i thought, well, they edited it, well, just like that, they put some music on it, no, look how people smile, the energy is oozing, dima was born in the bryansk region, yes, absolutely true, and i i know that your mother loves the program very much, and he promised his mother to come, irina alekseevna, irina alekseevna, good evening, thank you
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for making him appear here, my mother, this is my son, on the right, my niece, mother, hello, yes. and practically all my relatives live in the bryansk region, and you know, now we are singing, this is such a crazy breath from childhood, because i grew up to the sounds of the bayan, so thank you for the invitation, i am very pleased to be here, what are we going to sing today, what will unite our sol, let's sing a beautiful song, i know it was written a long time ago, a long time ago, i think it was 1946, what a song, well, we rehearsed with you, i dreamed of you for 3 years, i should compare you with the song of salavina, with a quiet morning, with a may garden, with a flexible rib, cherry cheremukai, my foggy, most distant distance.
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the most desired one, how it all happened, what evenings, i’ve been dreaming about you for 3 years, i met you yesterday. i don’t know anymore, i’m keeping my dream, you’re my dear, i can’t compare you with anyone, bravo,
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bravo! after the advertisement there are even more soulful songs, stay with us, it means writing out, well, we did everything we could, then we ourselves, you really don’t want to go back to work, irrevocably, decisively, listen to me, you put the bradin nikolai yurich in his place, we accuse, kulipov, you admit your guilt, no, i don’t admit, it’s mine wife marina, ah... this is tamara, my new boss, now, very pleasant, kreposovsky on rtr, in the extreme north-west of russia beyond the arctic circle there is a real treasure trove
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of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called it. in the east and south the peninsula is separated from continent, ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula, from the first note, beauty,
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repeats, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, a braid floats finely, from the first smile . we get to know each of them. front, profile, back of the head. belov, or something, we’ve been together since first grade. we are also responsible for everything we do together. and through all this crap, i have your back. brigade. get out of the car and run. the whole brigade, only. platform look, it’s impossible for everyone to love us, but
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it’s very possible and necessary for us to love everyone , mentor, next to him you were like, well, on the eve of heaven, if not in heaven, it feels like he was waiting for you all his life, so meeting you, mobile. my father himself said, he never prayed anywhere , so much as in the camp, i was much closer to god, he had notes on his desk, who had an exam, who had an operation, everyone asked for his prayers, he had a special gift , gift of prayer, righteous, many people consider him the man god sent so that his pure heart, divine light shines on other people. father john. the documentary premieres on january 7 on rtr. once again, good evening everyone.
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songs from the heart on the air: unique voices, melodies and songs that changed the lives of our heroes. and our evening continues with our guest from maykop, republic of adygea, aidamir eldarov with the song “crust of ice”. they say that love does not come in winter because there is hunger in winter, but why? why did we meet you if my heart is under a crust of ice, and why did we meet?
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with you, if your heart is under a pile of ice, silver moon, you are sitting by the window, telling fortunes with cards. don't guess, don't guess , you're waking up, don't wait, you can't escape fate, you guess, don't guess, you're waking up, you can't escape fate.
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the tracks are driving you crazy, i don’t sleep until the morning, remembering smiles in the night, it’s just a pity that he ’s not for me, despite that fate, you give affection to someone of your own, but it’s not for me, despite that fate. fate gives your caresses to someone, let the years pass and someone else faithfully and don’t remember my tender words, only my heart hurts so much no matter how cruel love is sometimes, only the heart. mine, it hurts so much anyway , sometimes love is so cruel, they say that love doesn’t come in winter, because in winter... it’s cold, but
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why, why, did we meet you, if the heart is crusted over, yes, but why, why, met you, if the heart is under a pile of ice, but why, why did they meet you, if the heart is under a pile of ice, if the heart is under a pile of ice.
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guilt, but you have been singing since childhood, they said that even your mother scolded you and said that this is all stupidity, why are we going to study, well, in front of me i was born in the soviet union, but before it was like, you have to study, study, well, you are an honored artist of the republic of adegea, let’s say, and such a little story was before the new year, so well, it’s like they still cook for the new year there, and my mother forgot to buy ku bread and as the son said: run for bread, we need to quickly, and the boy disappeared for 2-3 hours, comes without bread, but comes with big new year's gifts and says: where have you been? i say: mom, i forgot to buy bread, she says, but i took part in competitions, well, before there were these, i sang songs on stage there, i know that the film disco dancer will somehow influence yours, disco dancer did, because that’s when
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it came out. it was kind of fashionable and yes , you can sing a little bit today, now i’ll try, no, i’m different, you just give in to me,
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it’s my first time this is almost a musical the lion king honestly my favorite remember the beginning there right there when when they on they go to the shroud, my favorite, it’s a good song, well, you don’t sing such a table song that you have a family at the table, well , at the table it can be beautiful. they'll be there by nightfall to get cold, oh you little wretch, you woe, my bitter misfortune, the first snow is just around the corner, on the kolina all the sikiri, above us, above us, crying bitterly
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, we all sing together, red viburnum, ridge viburnum, again not fulfilled, long service, long service long, long road, windshield wiper. viburnum is red, and alexander milkin from the tambov region, from michurinsk continues our program with the song para gnedyt.
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a pair of rotten ones harnessed to the dawn. decked with logs and sad in appearance, why are you trundling along at a tired trot, your mess is always in a hurry somewhere, were once upon a time you too were trotters. and the coachman you had dashes, your mistress grew old with you,
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your coachman is always in a hurry somewhere, a sin from odessa, a wicked jew, a young native, and a gray-haired general, everyone looked for fun in her love, on her chest fell asleep, where are they, in what but... a new goddess, now they are looking for their ideals, you are the only ones, and are faithful to her to this day, a pair
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of rotten ones, oh, a pair of rotten ones, quietly foggy. morning in the village, slowly along the street, the drays are crawling, the coffin is closed, the remains of a harlot, parocnidia, they are barely being transported, who is seeing them off. she is in the cemetery, she has no friends, no relatives, a few dirty, ragged beggars,
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and a couple of rotten people, oh, a couple of rotten people, a little dirty. torn beggars and paragnites ah yes parara nits. andrey, i’m from the science city, michurinsk, the center of scientific research, viticulture , yablichka, i went down to the basement
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, just for a second, i just see that i’m already here, but i just want to say that as a child i always waited, because there was birch sap, always, remember, in such three-liter jars, you go, buy and drink this sweet drink, but this is not birch sap, this is not birch sap. i remember from childhood, from childhood i remember, there was apple juice with pulp, there was apple juice without pulp, who liked which one, you’ll buy it sometime, when - in circles, the last time i drank such juice, i went out to drink it, and water , juice, apple, apple, well, the size, you know, this is already a small thing, in three-liter jars at once, congratulations, congratulations little by little, and this...
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on your programs, by the way, more than one generation, in the sixty-ninth year i entered the a music school according to class bayan and slowly began to play bayan, which means that this song was performed by vysotsky, zhanna bichevskaya performed this song, i liked the performance most of all, it was alec berison and the group was in arkutinets, a cool performance, well, they already said about alec berison and let's see story about this song and about alec berison, attention that. slowly
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uphill, a couple of nits, oh yes a couple of nits, in the late sixties, an old romance about a couple of bays sounded all over the coast of odessa, a second life was given to it by one of the most famous musicians of the city by the sea alec barrison, people lined up and tables filled the restaurant to hear him sing. booked 2 weeks in advance. street, street, dear street, mesaedovskaya, my street, street, street, dear street, misaedovskaya, my dear. barrison played the button accordion masterfully and was a welcome guest at any holiday; jewish weddings were especially celebrated to his accompaniment. how i love you my money, like a bed of money. i can breathe easily, he
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was adored for his voice and repertoire, which included everything from folk songs to courtyard songs, real the musician's name was arnold barrison, but in the city his name was alec barrison, the king of odessa chanson. forelock, forelock, forelock, develop, forelock in the wind, before, little forelock, i loved you, but now i can’t forget. dreamed of winning berrison's heart, but his first marriage quickly fell apart, and then he fell madly in love with the one who was not free. their love story was well known then to the musician’s friend, singer alek ashmyansky. he was healthy, athletic, with beautiful brown hair. and wow, he fell in love with someone else's wife, their love affair broke out love, he recaptured it from a mafia boss from odessa. so he wasn’t afraid, he
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was such a guy with spirit, as we used to say, hello, someone else’s sweetheart, the one that was mine, come on, hang on, in the very last days, she was like that. the love of romeo and juliet for a year somewhere, not for long, then at night we went somewhere in a car straight ahead, such a meeting with a truck, this wife of his dies, he walked around not himself, he went crazy, he came every day to grave, he stopped singing, he blamed himself for the death of his beloved and so couldn't fix it. from loss, 2 months after the tragedy, alec barrison committed
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suicide, he went to the same place on the same day, he committed suicide in the same place, the enemy, like that, he was only 36, alec barrison was buried in the jewish cemetery next to his beloved, so short and tragic was the life of a man who managed to leave all his incomprehensible love in songs with a unique odessa flavor, no one ... loves you like me, no one will love you like me, no one will regret you like me, darling my dear, where are you, my love, for whom are your eyes shining, for whom...
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it’s raining outside, boulevard slush, cold needles oppressing the whole soul, in little white shoes, a sad girl, as if crazy.
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we’ll do it now, we’ll do it, you know, it’s strange, very strange, well , i’m such a complete weirdo, i’m chasing fog after fog, there’s no way i can cope with you. people are sent, people are going for money , running away to get money, and i’m going, and i’m going for thoughts, for thoughts, for swings, give me, and i ’m going, and i’m going to keep busy, come in, you know, this
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just very. just for someone who has left at least once, well, imagine how poignant it is, very poignant, the city is sunshine, songs, fir trees and rains, let the wormwood be full of navina, i have a suitcase on the way, i will pour the unreturned tolgi, and i’m going, and i i go for duman, for duchki, for the smell. and i’m going, and i’m going for the fog, for the sadness behind the sanah, after the commercial there are even more soulful songs, stay with us, i know it’s hard for you, but
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somehow we’ll have to live together, you know, well, i can’t load the dog on board without a certificate, well, what are the rules? you understand, yansapnik, i have a business trip abroad, viktor dobronravov, i don’t know what it was on the runway , the dog, in my opinion, pavel maykov, evgenia dmitrieva, no, well, this is some kind of park, vladimir ilyin, quietly, landing on 18 , now he will run, here, and no one else is running to meet him. i flew her to prague on this plane, but didn’t take her with me. vladimir simonov, the whole world should recognize this dog, what is its name? palm tree, palm tree, are you bored, palm tree? i miss you too. january 6 on rtr.
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let's see to. explore the world, educational programs and documentary movies, watch, watch, on the app or on the website, you were in a yellow dress and once laughed at yourself here, there were such rays, look into my eyes, tell me that you don’t have another woman, i don’t have another woman. oleg, who am i to you? i don’t know how you could drag her into our house? yes, you betrayed mom, yes, you betrayed us all? when the ice in your heart melts, i'm there. when the time comes,
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start all over again. you lost your husband, and now you decide to take mine? this is all wrong. yes, that's all true. i want to come back. i even love you you. half an hour before spring. 6th january. we need to have joy in our hearts so that we truly perceive what we are experiencing as an important spiritual event. to accept the grace of god, to accept a miracle, you need to be ready for it. it’s a special time, russia has gained spiritual strength, we are talking about eternal values, and the realization of these values ​​enriches a person with what is not coming. january 7 on rtr,
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granddaughter of the gardener snake, whether you love it or not, you are ready to become mine, i am ready to become yours, forever. love must be learned, how to learn to love, start with yourself, from the fragments of a broken dream you can create a new one, you decided to go on your way, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again, why is everything in life so crooked, tell me about your life, fairy tale .
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65 years together, how many times a day do you kiss serge? 65, hello, andrey, a special holiday episode on january 6 on rtr, once again, good evening, your favorite sunday folk show is on the air, a song from the bottom of my heart, unique talented people from all over the country, we are visiting, our evening continues, nikolai smollin from the composition.
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the bells are ringing, don't ring them. don’t ring the bells, i started buzzing again, friend, i started buzzing, you protect me from sobriety, i didn’t finish my work today , brother, i didn’t finish it, don’t ring the bells, wait, let me figure it out for myself, keep quiet, your reproach, chill, you'll see, i
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'll get up again, the cola-cola rings again, but life was and wasn't. give me your hand, dear, forgive me, i’m dying, the bells are ringing for me, the bells are ringing for me, don’t ring the bells, don’t ring, without that the ocean roars in my ears. don't be mean to me in front of people, i'm happy, i
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drunk to death, don’t ring the bells, don’t ring them, i’ll find another forgotten motive, you’ll give me one or the other. appreciate the ebb of the tide, the tide is inevitable, cola-cola is ringing again, but life was and was not, give me your hand, dear, forgive me, i ’m dying, for me. they're calling kola-kala, they're calling me, kala-kala, i'm fucking sorry.
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for my monologue, for you my open table and home, you and i will still shy away, brother, we will move mountains with you, from goodness, but i’m not looking for goodness, and you... you know how i want to live, but i ’m not the time has come, according to my hops, my ring, the bells ring again, but life
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was and was not. give me your hand, dear, forgive me, i 'm dying, they're calling for me, cola-cola, they're calling for me, cola-cola, yes! hand, dear, forgive me, i’m dying, and they’re calling me cola-cala, they’re calling for me.
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to the city of khabarovsk , to enter the music school, and there i began to master the profession in parallel with the taster, in 4 years i learned deeply, we tried a lot, valerochka, very, very, you look great, yes, with such, with deep immersion, in a short period, some people need it for a long time, everyday people need it
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for a long time, but for me, i’m a drunkard, i’m not a hypocrite, i’m a man of art...
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everything comes from a woman, everything comes from a woman, with such a woman a man must give up anyway , partially, yes, i agree, but you we met when you were 15, yes, when i was 15 years old, we were from magadan together, kolya, kolya is 3 years older, now he’s 18, he was already studying at a music school. so i was already running from school to his house, he was such a hipster, with long hair, a shirt for graduation, cheerful, well, then he could sing a little, that’s how all young people are people, but it turned out that my parents sent me away, i also wanted to go to the music school in the same place where i studied, where kolya studied, so they sent me to the civil engineering institute, imagine, despite the fact that i am a singer,
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essentially an artist been there since childhood. so they sent me, kulya and i broke up, he told me: behave decently there, but of course i didn’t behave decently, so, but so did he, suddenly after 5 years i once...
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love got lost between me and you, there was happiness became sadness, it smelled again... in the spring, only you are not with me, this pain will not go away until the morning, why is this night, if
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you are not in it, you will not come again, i am not yours now, why is this night? if you are not with me, the rain is crying outside the window, say goodbye to love, maybe in another life, we will be together with you, because you , too, i know, love me, between. but love got lost in you too, it’s just a pity , our destinies diverged, why is this night, if
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you’re not in it, you won’t come again, i’m not yours now, why is this but? if you are not with me, the rain is crying outside the window, seeing off love, why is it worth it, if i don’t have you, you won’t come, i ’m not yours now, why this night if you’re not with me. the rain is crying outside the window, seeing off love, why this night if you are not with me.
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why did they ruin their wife’s career? yes, this , he will never admit, he was afraid to let me go into show business, he was just afraid, why, that he was afraid to lose, probably yes, but you will never admit, my wife is also an actress, you know, he once said , what if, my god, if there is one luck between two, give it to her, because here she is without he can’t do this, but i’ll manage somehow. that we have wonderful children, and all my life i have been so sorry that this happened, because behind a stone wall, we have two children,
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our daughters are already 37, our son is 24, and we got married this year, congratulations, well, we are visiting, i can already imagine. all the boys, in my opinion, he is already 11 years old, wow , time flies, yes, they will soon be carrying me in their arms, because they are already lifting me, tearing me off the floor, they say, mom, let them all eat , they are all the same, or something, no, they are all different, they heterogeneous, yes, and you come from novosibirsk, yes, i am from novosibirsk, from siberia, a siberian, also in an acting family, how do you like the story of our heroes, the atmosphere?
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theater with my mother, actress natalya mazets, so for me, again, i visited rybensk quite recently on tour, that is , almost all my family are here for me, well, what song will we sing today, my favorite, to no one, i will look into your eyes and not to anyone i'll give it back. oh, i got everything mixed up, oh, if you want, yeah, if you want, i’ll look into your eyes, i’ll look into your eyes, i’ll remember the words, i’ll repeat everything again, who are you? he said, well, who told you, who came up with the idea that i don’t love you, i weigh every gesture, every gesture in my soul, your voice.
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my heart, it sounds ringing, no , i will never be able to stop loving you, and you have always loved, love me, i don’t want to believe, and i don’t want to think that separation will come, or dreams will come true, at night i scream, i scream from grief if you dream that you don’t love me. i am every gesture, every look, your vibe in my soul, your voice, my heart, sounds from me never, i can’t stop loving you, and you will always love, love me, after advertising even more soulful songs, grab it, according to the results of the audience vote, the favorite of our show is lily, lily's secret. will be unraveled, the closer we are to the truth
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, the more scared i am to find out what really happened to oleb, perhaps this is our last meeting, because they almost proved your guilt or my innocence listen, it seems i found them, who, boys, say, the mystery cherishes, the final episode, today on rtr, we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, with we smelled his melody, alexandra nikolaevna , the earth was empty without him, hope, my earthly compass, and luck, the reward for daring. from
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under the wing of an airplane, singing about something, my green, i remain, friends, i remain, thank you very much, your tenderness, i will love, nikolai dobronravov’s evening on january 7 on rtr.
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it is necessary that there be joy in our hearts, so that we really perceive what we are experiencing as an important spiritual event in order to accept grace. to accept a miracle, you need to be ready for it, now is a special time, russia has gained spiritual strength, we are talking about eternal values, and the implementation of these values ​​enriches a person with what is ephemeral, which largely determines such
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an important concept as human happiness. christmas interview with his holiness patriarch kirill, january 7 on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail , it is not difficult to understand them, it is important to be honest and convenient, how to vote if you are sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she is looking for something on her phone, here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home. all opportunities for adult citizens of the country given, even to those who are motionless, a solution is offered, to call the elections home, taking a portable box. the commission comes to them , carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with voting on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, unique
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voices, songs and melodies that changed the lives of our heroes on the air your favorite sunday the show song is heartfelt and continues our evening. vart nikitin from perislav zalewski with the song lilac. in the spring we met you so beloved and native. the lilac blossomed, the datura beckoned, so our romance began, so our romance began, the fragrant lilac blossomed, and love
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bypassed the heart, clouded the head, stirred the blood, spring came to us, love came to us, fragrant mountain lilac. came and love overtook the heart , clouded the head, stirred the blood , love came to us, it was as if we were floating in the clouds, when the lilac was in flowers, in the homeless blue sky, your hand is in my hand, your hand is in my hand, the fragrant lilac blossomed, and love has bypassed the heart, clouded the head, agitated blood, spring has come to us, love has come to us, the fragrant lilac has blossomed, and love
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has bypassed the heart, clouded the head, stirred the blood, it has come to us. i will not give it to my feet, and i will not give it to anyone, you are like an angel not on earth, you and i are together forever
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, you and i are together forever, the fragrant autumn has dawned and love is in the heart. has gone around, clouds the head, stirs the blood , spring has come to us, love has come to us, that fragrant gray has dawned, and love has gone around the heart , clouded the head, stirs the blood , love has come to us, clouded the head, stirs the blood blood,
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what do you dream about, kresser, at the hour when morning
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rises above the sky. eduard ilosti performed in vocal and instrumental ensembles at various events. let us see how you live, we visited you. attention. welcome to our home, to the city of pereslav zalevsky, i was born and raised here, i live here and will continue to live, because there is nothing on earth closer and dearer than our own land, we have a small garden here, we plant everything here purely for ourselves , a little bit of everything, lucy, i came, i remember from childhood, grandma i also kept chickens, i also kept piglets, everything came with age for me too, i had a childhood. standing, but i was raised, one might say , by my grandmother, my grandmother gave me a harmonica
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, she gave it to me, i took it and started playing at the age of four, i’m self-taught, but it didn’t stop me from becoming a member of a vocal-instrumental ensemble, we started playing in the eighties and there were even local fans, one of them became, of course, my wife. i worked in radio, one day i was working on material for our local band, and it just so happened that my future husband, he was part of this group, but i immediately realized that this was my man, i couldn’t talk about any feelings myself, well , 10 years passed before we met, fate brought us together anyway, we became neighbors, it seems like everything has already gone that way for us. we came together not far from the place where we live, our old houses, my house and
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edika’s house, where we met, we always come here for a walk, i never regretted that i was waiting for him, i chose exactly the one he pointed out to me god, it's already 20 s we’ve been living happily together for more than a year, i don’t even want to think about it, it’s just about another life, it ’s all one whole, i couldn’t even imagine marriage. can change my life so much, everything that i was looking for was given to me by my wife, love, and what a blessing it is that more than 20 years ago she heard our simple tune. the fire has long gone out, and you listen to everything, the night cloud hid the moon, i will tell you how i lived with the gypsies and how i left them, why? well done, 10 years
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of patience to wait and be happy, tell me, she’s here today, no, yes, of course, she’s in the studio, oh, come on, love, love, what’s on my soul, lyuba, today, what are we going to sing, that ’s what you’re singing together, well, i don’t sing, you don’t sing at all, but you wrote these lines sifting through? yes, what song by him do you like? well, of course, traveling artists. well, come on, this is the same, before we went to collective farms and cities with this song. and three years later we roam all over the earth, we don’t look at the weather, we’ll hide where we have to, let’s go to the theater stage if we have to. for people like us are wanderers, freshly planed boards,
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hangers on nails, we are wanderers, we are on the road day after day. and the furkonchik of pomrechiska, this is our usual home, we are great talents, but understandable and simple, we are singers and musicians, actors and jesters, i say hello to my family, friends, in the city of pereslavlyusky, andryusha, it’s very nice that you invited me , and valerie, and my mother,
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kilometers of unfulfilled dreams, underfoot, labyrinths of unspoken words, between us, lost. don’t look for love, there is a sign, only the heart screams at night, who are you with, where you, i can’t love you, i can’t love you, but i want to, but i want to, all this is for me,
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it’s certainly not good... my soul will rush to you again, the night begs , i can’t love you, i can’t love you, but i want to, and what kind of love could there be, but we ourselves, then... a bouquet of spring flowers was scattered, days and nights fly by so quickly, but not with those, and you often come back to the dream, you
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can’t be loved, you can’t be loved. but i want, but i want, all this is good for me , i’m sure it won’t end, i don’t ask again, to my soul asks for you again, i can’t love you, i can’t love you, but i want to, i can’t love you, i can’t love you, but i want to, but i want to, all this is for me, the goodness of my friend will not end, and i ask to come to you again, my soul , again asks, you can’t be loved, you
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can’t be loved. it’s impossible, but i want to, and it asks again, to you, my soul, to rush again. it’s impossible to love you, it’s impossible to love you, but i want to,
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thank you, thank you, thank you very much, that’s what it means. you too at five, yes, i started at five, i have a song snowfall, snowfall, if a woman wants to tell me, snowfall, snowfall, it was, come on, yes, yes, let’s drink it down, i already forgot. i haven’t yet had time to beat my autumn, it’s already snowing, it’s guarding at the gate, it ’s taking my hopes so far, hovering behind the wall, above me, snowman, snowman, writhing, covered, don’t knock.
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i’m putting off everything here , everything somehow in general , yes, there were two songs of the crown wash from childhood, when i was 3-5 years old, my dad plays accordion, when valerra stretches these bellows, honestly, my heart breaks , my father appears right before my eyes, deceased, he's so loved this button accordion, he so wanted me to play the button accordion, i say, dad, i can’t, well, it’s a heavy button accordion for a little girl, i say, let you play, and i’ll sing, well, that’s what we’re talking about life, in principle , continued, of course, my father always dreamed of me becoming a great artist, which is what i came to. it’s a pity that my nikolai’s folder is not there, here is the kingdom of heaven, his mother sang beautifully to him, they toured, they also went, you’re from the novosibirsk region, and how did it happen that
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you ended up alone with the children in moscow, no i was afraid andryush, i worked in culture for 13 years as the director of a recreation center, i did dance clubs, taught, i did folklore groups, i had, that is , i devoted myself entirely to young people, to older people, but i realized that i was exhausted. i’m already all in siberia, i need more, i’ve always dreamed of being more professional and more, as they say, going to my heights, and for a whole year i’ve been thinking about how to go to moscow, i have no friends, no money, no relatives , and imagine, i take this step, take two children and just go to moscow, and i’m just starting to live from scratch, i ’m grateful to god now, of course , i came to god for 33 years, i’m grateful to god that i didn’t break down, didn’t sing, didn’t smoke there, and so on and so forth, that i’m still... i also prayed to god. still accompanies me through life, i just believe in my dream and believe in those people who are next to me, thank you, and here in moscow you met
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your husband, there was a banquet and that means he sat down with me, i remember from the side of my heart man, just like you, but don’t have brown eyes him, here’s our wedding, but he sits down and says, can i have another such disc, i already had a second album in moscow, since i’ve been in moscow for 23 years, and i say, let’s sign it for your wife, he’s like that ... looks, says, no, sign it for my beloved andrei, i’m sitting there, thinking, well , this is a plague man, i think, for my beloved andrei, and he takes me by the elbow and says, i ’ll go see you out, i say, stop , stop, stop, i say, no, no, no, i don’t need to see you off, because i’m saying, you’re resting here, you we came from yakutsk, so no, i say , in the end, no, he didn’t listen, he directly took me by the hand, grabbed my purse like that , and went to see me off, i go and think, well, that’s it, it’s clear that we have a guest marriage, we live in different cities. yakutia is moscow, but we fly to each other, he created a lot for his children and for my children, well, give me another
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hit from your childhood, you also had russian folk songs in your repertoire, as i already said, folk songs have grown , and of course, i think we’ll all sing russian boots together now, remember this song, valera, it used to be. how a beautiful girl walks to the sweetheart, she’s wearing russian boots, you’ll look at my heart, golden shirts, russian boots, the sun is shining, narrow socks a beauty walks, a small ice lollipop floats, everyone admires her beauty, our pose is more beautiful in the world, in everyone’s eyes.
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how do you like the evening, how do you like tanya, fire, the evening is just fire, and tanya is fire, what’s your childhood hit in your repertoire? yes, this is not a hit, it’s more of a gestalt that needs to be closed, and for this i came to this program, well, then tell me this story, and if we talk about songs that left some kind of deep , indelible mark on fate, i’m 11 years old, i ’m being sent away on a voucher, on a work
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trip. factory where my mother worked, for the first time to a children's pioneer camp on the black sea, and there, according to the distribution, i do not get into my detachment by age, since it is overcrowded, and i am assigned to a detachment of high school students, who there are two, 3 years older, which is already kind of stressful for a teenager, one fine evening at the end of the shift, when there was a creative competition, a guy, one of the, well, the boy, in short, refused to perform on stage right before the competition, the adult guys didn’t come up with anything better, how they found the most harmless kid, yes, yes, and so with a friendly poke between the shoulder blades they pushed me out of the stage, go my way, that’s it there was a very popular song by markin, i’m ready to kiss the sand, kiss the sand, and you understand, 11 years old, puberty, a huge hall, i haven’t performed this song since then, now with your help, i want to try.
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you went, after the commercial there are even more emotional ones songs, leave yourself behind, i know it’s hard for you, but somehow we’ll have to live together, you know, well, i can’t load the dog on board without a certificate, well, the rules are, you
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know , i flew away, but didn’t take her with me, vladimir simonov, the whole world should recognize this dog, what is its name, palm tree, palm tree, you miss it, palm tree, i miss you too, january 6 on rtr,
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in the extreme north-west of russia. beyond the arctic circle there is a real treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this and taiga and mountain ranges. and the tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north , the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity
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is the legendary hyperborea. was right here, on the kola peninsula, from the first note, beauty, repetitiousness, from the first phrase, better a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, fine you swim, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, brigade stop running from the car, the whole crew, just look at the platform, it’s impossible for everyone to love us, but
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it’s very possible and necessary for us to love everyone. nasta! people consider him to be the person whom god sent so that his pure heart, divine light, would shine on other people. father john, documentary film premiere,
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january 7 on rtr. i don’t have children, but i have two nieces, olya and mika, we have a wonderful family. “it seems to me that my girls have problems , anna banshchikov, why is everything like this, they don’t like me, how much can you humiliate yourself, olya, sergey korobchenko, i can’t pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity should be internal, dmitry dyuzhev , i need an inspector, an instructor, i’m coming to your servants.” polinka is also going to get a divorce. andrey urgand, they themselves must learn from their mistakes. natalya varley. get up and go change your life. you can do anything. i said, aunt lucy. your aunt lucy. january 7 on rtr.
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once again, good evening everyone. songs from the heart on the air. i hope that your whole family is singing with us at the tv screen, our guest from volgograd, olga popova, continues our evening with the song loach over the water, loach over the water, oh, loach. over the water, oh, crushing, over the water, spreading, a young guy, oh-oh, a
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young guy, oh, yes, a young guy, getting ready. they brought him, oh, they brought him, oh, bearable , chests full of goods, this is not mine, this is not mayo, yes. this is not mine, this is my father's, i brought it out, oh, i brought it out, oh, yes i brought it out,
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a monitor lizard for the sake of it, this is not... the poor thing, this is not mine, this is dumb. mine, but it’s not mine, it’s my brother, they brought it out to him,
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oh, they brought it out to him, oh, yes they brought it out to him, a long staff will give the mind. this is mine, oh, this is mine, this is mine, given by god, this is mine, this is mine, this. here is my god given,
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what a fastidious main character he was,
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i heard my voice and on the radio on youtube and of course for me it was also a complete surprise, well, nice, thank you, but the song so beautiful that it very often appears even in feature films, and one of... such films, this is 1982, i can’t say, goodbye, sergei varchuk sings it, let’s remind attention, they dug out the hole, oh, they dug out the hole, oh, they dug out the hole, the light is too tight , this is... oh, this is mine, oh, this is mine,
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served by god, and you are an economist by training, and you sang in restaurants, now do you continue to do this or not, no, now i have my own vocal studio, i teach vocals, and did anyone in your family sing? and i don’t have professional musicians in my family, but - i remember stories from childhood, my mother and i lived together, my father left us early, and often there was no light at home, at these moments we climbed under the blanket with her and sang songs, and my mother’s one of her favorite songs, my clear star, we can, songs are all there, but mine is one forever. my
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clear star, how far you are from me, late you and i realized that in your sky , even washing is stronger. his own, and why should he live abroad, because he cares for you, he wants to catch it from me, my pure, strict one, how i want it. i want to be close, you and i will get to know each other,
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believed that what was yours was yours. it’s more fun, even sailing through it, and not like living on earth, actress evgenia korotkevich, today we are visiting us again - thank you for coming back, how do you like today’s guests? i loved your show with all my heart, on the last show i made a friend, ibrahim zaseti, i wrote a duet, now we have a wonderful duet, and in general, my aunt tanya is from chita, this is my mother’s sister, she watches every show, that’s when i was in a chat, we were filming the film lake of childhood there, she
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said, zhenya, i really want you got on this program, that’s all she dreams of, i say tanya, all your dreams come true, tanya. well, what's your mom's favorite song? my mother’s name is galina, and my grandmother katya is also one of the four, she always sang about galina, growing, growing near the house galina, growing, blooming, according to my plan, lives, lives, there’s a year in this house, but i can’t go there anyway , lives. galina lives in this house, but i just can’t get there, do you remember galya, how i joined the army, and i kept waiting for a letter from you, i collected one, that i found another there, i you
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i believed it myself, i tried so hard to forget you. ran around the world, as if in prison , it’s not wonderful, but i couldn’t stop loving you, tearing you apart, i couldn’t stop loving you, i still couldn’t, growing, growing, possible, growing, blooming, on my nabena, living, living, in this house galina, dyka, throw everything there. lives lives, kalina is coming, creative greetings to elena vasilek, elena vasilek is a songwriter, absolutely right, well , the letters that come to our editorial office,
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there are probably 30 of them, identical, one of them is from galina timofeevna kononova, city yaroslavl, street. daronina house 10, she writes that andrey, with bated breath, every sunday we listen to songs, laugh, cry, looking at the stories of the heroes of the program, so many talented people in our country, saw the singer maxim oleinikov in one of the programs, please invite him again once to meet with the audience, but today maxim oleinikov is our guest, so, how did you like today? how do you like the appearance, do you see the women of the country, how long has it been since you received letters, it was a surprise, to be honest, they called directly out of the blue, they also said that the letters had arrived, and in general, i thought i would drop the phone from my hand, well, what was your first hit in
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childhood, which one did you start performing with, as a child, i generally loved songs from soviet films , i loved soviet cinema, let’s say something like that, there’s spring on the street beyond the river, and there’s a girl with no address, these good soviet films, in general , soviet ones in general, i loved songs, because somehow they they still have some kind of educational, kind character, that’s what’s missing, well, we invite you stage, now a song will sound: it will be spring for us, according to your numerous requests, maxim oleinikov! evening moscow, metro, half-empty car, you
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are opposite me, like a dream come true, daddy’s hair. that i can’t look away, i’m tanning in blue eyes and i’m not asking you to save me. it smells like your perfume for tonight, life wrote the plot of this meeting for nothing, smiling, you look temporarily tenderly, you already told me everything without words. it will be spring and crazy may for us, look into my eyes,
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read everything from them, friends will scream, it’s bitter for you and me, but for now, i’ll see you off. this evening smells like your perfume, life has not written the plot of this meeting in vain, smiling you look captivatingly tenderly, you already told me everything without words.
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with my perfume, this evening, the life of this meeting, the plot, it was not in vain that i wrote it, minds, you look attentively tenderly, everything has already been told to me without words. friends, thank you so much for being with us, have a good evening everyone, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye,
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you were in a yellow dress and once laughed to yourself here. there were such rays, look tell me to my face that you don’t have another woman, i don’t have another woman, oleg, who is for you, i don’t know how you could drag her into our house, but you betrayed your mother, yes, you betrayed us all, when it melts ... heart ice, i ’m here, when the time comes, start all over again, you lost your husband, and now you decided
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to take mine, it’s not like that, but it’s like that, i don’t want to go back, i love you, half an hour before spring, january 6 on rtr. you are my melody, we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, his melody alexander is with us nikolaevna pakhnutova, the earth is empty without him, hope, my earthly compass, and luck. the award laughed under the wing of the plane , the green one sings about something, friends are parting,
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your tenderness i will love nikolai dobronravov’s evening on january 7 on rtr. the gardener's granddaughter scribbled from me, whether you love me or not, you are ready to become mine, i am ready to become yours - forever, love is necessary. learn how to learn to love, start with yourself, you can create a new one from the fragments of a broken dream, you decided you have to go, gold, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again, what in life is so crooked, tell me about
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your life, a fairy tale based on real events. zolazze january 6 on rtr. hello on the rasiya vesti tv channel. denis polunchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. 42 strikes on decision-making centers. russian troops hit military targets in the ssu. the united states has officially recognized that the states will no longer be able to support ukraine at the same level. new attacks on belgorod by ukrainian neo-nazis, more than
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thirty cars were damaged, windows were broken in houses, there were casualties.


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