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tv   Taina Lilit  RUSSIA1  January 5, 2024 10:20pm-11:20pm MSK

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january 6th on rtr, in the far north-west of russia, above the arctic circle lies a veritable treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse, including taiga and tundra mountain ranges, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in the east and
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south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first notes. beauty, rapping, with the first phrase. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, koro, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, bells, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, for everything we do, we also answer together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, team, stop the car and run. the whole
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team, we’re just looking at the platform, well , you’ll go to work with a suitcase, gennadivich, yes, and from there straight to his father, or maybe he can give you a ride, no, thank you, hurry up, in case your father changes his mind. that's your damn business, and i worry about you, and you better worry about yourself , no heart can stand drinking like that, but i hope your heart can stand the leadership position that i give you, stop it, you bastard, you bastard, moral shit, enough is enough, stop it, both of you, but he was the first to find it, you fool, are you a fool too? go to work, your position doesn’t
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allow you to be late, you ’ll regret it, you’ll regret it yourself, girl, help, girl, i’m really thirsty, please bring me some water, please be patient , okay, why do you have to be patient with this, well, do you... see what’s happening? this happens to me, coronary artery disease is around, it’s a severe case, it looks like it’s similar to ischemic heart disease, a heart attack or thromboembolism, it may not reach you, let’s measure the pressure, you can change seats, i’m looking for a child, forgive me, please, i just looked. okay, are you
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a doctor? i'm, well, almost, i'm still learning. hurt? no, it hurts. i am also in second grade. okay, are you studying? well, not really. girl, excuse me, please, i need alcohol or some kind of antiseptic, it needs to be treated early. listen, there is no alcohol on board, only plaster bandages. let's get a band-aid. citizen passengers, does anyone have any vodka? calmly, as i felt , there is no need to hand over to them, hold it, finger, thank you very much, i will return it, yes, of course, of course, wait, you want a drink , yes, of course, wait a second, wait, now it will sting a little, okay, be patient, let me i just need a napkin. here, take it, no,
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give me a clean one, please, i’ll take your hand i’ll hold you, don’t worry, little darling, dad, the main thing is you weren’t worried, okay, you ’re afraid of blood, but i’m not afraid of anything, how old are you, me? 21. you ’re distracting the doctor, he’s not a doctor yet, he’s just studying, ah , now be patient, please, baby, be patient, take a band-aid, thank you very much, be patient, be patient, be patient, be patient, look, when you arrive in moscow, urgently see a surgeon , yeah, the wound is deep, you may have to get stitches, it doesn’t hurt, everything is fine. thank you, doctor, that's it, come on, don't get sick, 70.40, and you know what, bring me, dear, uh, a pill for impotence, ask the passengers , excuse me, a pill for impotence, you need it urgently,
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very much, yes, you will oblige us, if you do this as quickly as possible, the fact is that the pill for impotence contains a medicine, it dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation , ask someone, maybe you have a friend, you will help us a lot. if you are uncomfortable asking for a pill for impotence, ask for a pill to increase potency, it will help, good, igor mikhail igor mikhailovich, oh, igor mikhailovich, igor mikhailovich, well done, well done, happy birthday, everything is calm, calm, calm, man, i’m very sorry, do you happen to have any medicine for impotence with you, no, no, i don’t have it, i don’t use it, i’m sorry, excuse me, please. child, man , excuse me, by chance i don’t have the medicine for impotence with me, girl, i really need it urgently, yes, the man is feeling bad there, but this is definitely not for me, girl , i have it, here you go, you helped a lot,
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thank you very much, please. please, thank you, thank you very much, here you go, pill, like this, okay, good afternoon, good day, hello, minu, hello gennadivich, thank you, forgive me, please , yes, by chance you are not from neurosurgery, no, what happened, do you understand? they don’t give me any information, they tell me: wait, wait, wait , how long i’ve been waiting, i don’t know how many hours, i’m already waiting, i’ve been waiting overnight, well, they told me, wait, that means i have to wait, but you understand that this is something to wait if the fate of the most, dearest person in the world is being decided.
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dear vera, well, i explained it to you, but i ’ll tell you right away as soon as the information appears, but no, for now it’s true, call to find out everything is under control, well, shall we begin? let's get started, let's fix the complications that have arisen, right? yes, yes, kanalivich, can you sit down, but no, i’ll just be a second. i got a call from television, they’re inviting me to a tv show, can i leave early? again, well, this is a series of programs, they just record a month in advance, so what is the topic this time? but to be honest, i don’t know, well, i ’m so used to it that i see that i’m singing,
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they should have told something about us for the benefit of the cause, praise the department, i’m always with with pleasure, well, everything is according to the script, which is immediately cut out not according to the script. so it’s possible, well, how can i refuse, a tv star, your fan, they’ll tear me to pieces, thank you, help, help, please, please, he got worse, he says his head hurts all the time, he feels sick all the time, when it’s getting worse, he ’s taking some medications, aspirin, he always has it with him, he sold a hematoma... grow it, motherfucker, my heart stopped, come on petrovich, come on, come on, come on, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, so, i’ll come now, i’ll come now, listen,
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we have two heavy chips on board, we need to urgently return to the airport, i’ll try to talk to the pilot. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five, he asked me to tell you that because of the thunderstorm they are not allowing landing, this is a huge risk, it’s clear what’s going on, there will be no landing, if the pressure is not relieved, he could die. guys, how to die? kolya , kolya, help, guys, do something, help
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, i beg you, i’ll lift it now, start the seat, come on, come on, come on, carefully, carefully, carefully, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, girls, do you have a syringe, a syringe in the first aid kit , of course , of course, well done, thank god, what are you going to do , i’ll try to evacuate with a cymatode, if you don’t get there,
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“hello, vyacheslav, hello, how are you, how are you feeling, how’s your mood, it’s bad without you , well, i came, they told you that you were a golden man, they said, well, i didn’t believe everyone, you can trust me, but i’m a physicist, and why don’t they lie in physics? no, we ’re not supposed to in our profession, okay, i believe you , it’s so good that
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you came, nena, if my wife suddenly calls, just in case, tell her what’s going on with me, i’m fine, she doesn’t need to come see me, okay. yeah, i'll go, i wanted to say. what's up, it's fine. and you’re alive, if you come near the light, i’ll kill you, and also, i
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’m quitting without your help, that’s enough, you didn’t have to go to this job, because you don’t know how to work in a team, how do you operate in general, i... he was a good surgeon. dear passengers, we have received permission to land. please fasten your seat belts, remove tables and place your seat in an upright position. now we will land. fine. yes, gordey. go now go to the studio and see that there are normal people among the audience. do you understand? understood. so that it doesn’t happen like last time, the church is against abortion, and in any case against it, and even
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for medical reasons, but if we say that the fetus has a heart threshold that is incompatible with life, then what? for you, this is a soulless fruit, but for us, for the church, these are children of god, you know, god gave, god took everything, god’s will, and man cannot control here, good afternoon, glad to see you again, sergei anatolyevich.
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the lord does not forbid, but rape, that’s not god forbid, a woman was raped, she became pregnant, well, what does the church say, but what has the child got to do with it, well, it’s not the child’s fault, so my friends, let’s not debate, but save our energy for recording the program. sergey antolyevich, we’ll start with you, i’m waiting for you in the studio in 10 minutes, yeah, if you, god forbid, are the husband of this woman, what did you do? will you come to terms with raising someone else's child from a rapist? oh, well, forgive me, but i am voicing the official position of the church, and my position may not coincide with it, excuse me, just like that, that is, you are progressive father, progressive, not progressive, and if, of course, some bastard
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violated my mother, my wife, and then she got pregnant, to be honest, i... well, i don’t know what to do for her, that’s it, thank you, but i would kill the rapist, then i would sort it out, father alexey, see you in the studio. strangulated umbilical hernia, the patient is 65 years old. natalya yuryevna, are you ready? yes, ivan nikolaevich, i’m just a little scared. don’t be afraid, now you’ll sleep and wake up like new. your son is waiting for you there in the reception area. and this is not my son, this is my husband, gleb. sorry,
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goleta to the fifth, right? yeah. young man, forgive me, you go back and forth like that, your mother was taken for an operation, stashenka, my wife, oh , excuse me, it’s okay, we’re used to it, you know, natasha didn’t tell me anything, she’s afraid of doctors, she knew that i i’ll take her to the hospital, everything will be fine, you sit, the doctor, when he’s free, will definitely come out to you, well, kostya, we’re expanding the urinary tract, assessing the viability of the small intestine, if there are indications, we’ll do a resection, classic emergency surgery. wow, grandma is ours well done, holds the pressure like a girl, what a grandma she is, i saw her husband, a young guy, yes, yes, well then, even more so, well done, of course , well done, settled in, don’t be afraid for the sake of the apartment, that’s it, silence, please,
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here, here, here, come , please, look, the ambulance has arrived, now you need to get up, i’ll cover you like this so you don’t freeze, carefully, don’t rush, here, here, come, patient, it’s stable in the back, i’m a doctor, that was it. thank you very much for your help, thank you, thank you, on behalf of the entire airline,
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thank you, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, bye. bye -bye, goodbye, thank you, i found out that i have huge relatives, a path, and a forest, in the field, every spikelet, river, sky above me, this is all mine, dear, i love everyone in the world, this is my homeland . this is how we do plastic surgery of the ring gate, the pressure is maintained, everything is fine, oh, the young husband will be upset, he won’t be able to see the apartment now, as if in his ears, oh, how you are! and you know what kind of romances there are, love does not depend on age, so, i admire such women, i hope that i am her age
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i’ll burn it too, that’s it, the discussion is closed, kostya, you’ll finish, uh-huh, thank you all, forgive me, you’re the husband of the abalenskaya woman, yes, i... well, wait, maybe you’ll have to wait for a long time, i’ll wait.
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kulyakov, he bent a horseshoe, kulikov, oh, in what sense, oh, oh, oh, that’s better, there wasn’t enough fabric for the back, moron, yeah, well, bad fat, no, the most. well, of course, it’s a dress that’s good, well, but it’s for me,
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everyone will stare at you there, don’t give me a complex now, you know, i ’ll put on a blouse, a skirt, sneakers, i’ll go, what am i jealous, jealous, good, uh-huh, quiet , what are you doing, how is it unbuttoning you , have you gone crazy or something, the dress is expensive, wait, seryozh, seryozha, the dress is expensive , seryozh, damn it, leave me alone, seryozha, well , well, well, i’ll take off my dress, well, wait, quietly, quietly, quietly, i feel sorry for the dress, goodbye, goodbye, hello, hello, you’ve been waiting for a long time , no, i just arrived, wait, i ’ll sign in the magazine , tan, ah, i have two news, good, bad, come on, good. “i found an apartment, although it’s a little more expensive than we expected, and it’s far from the metro, but the owner he said that it’s clean, we can stop by tomorrow, great, when we can get it, now, we’ll go right now, let’s go,
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but there’s still bad news, what, well, say it’s not the same, in general, i quit, as i quit, well i couldn’t work there anymore, too..." a job for men, that is, you yourself, not your father, was right, she was fired, but i decided so, but what about the apartment, my salary is not enough for two, well, i i’ll find something soon, i promise, you believe me, i believe you, but it seems to me, even now it’s not the right time to quit your job when we’re quarreling with our parents, but i’m not quitting, you love your job, but i hate it, i can’t do this anymore. “listen, maybe i ’ll get a job as an orderly for you, they won’t hire you with your diagnosis, we won’t tell anyone, and anyway everyone
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knows, i forgot, well, yes, well, well, maybe somehow it’s possible, as an exception for our own , you talk to your boss, it won’t change anything, anton, i’m sorry, i won’t talk to anyone, even for my sake, for our sake, for our sake, i broke up with my family. what else do you want? well, i i didn’t ask for this, that is, i did it in vain , no, why stop, tan , don’t ever say that again, it’s unfair, i won’t, forgive me, that’s it, let’s go, natalna, how are you feeling? oh, i feel good, ivan nikolaevich, glebushka, my husband is probably very worried, i should call, your glebushka is guarding you in the reception, call, no, i look terrible, i don’t want to. did he see me like that? it seemed to me that he loved you in every way. it’s not that simple, ivan nikolaevich, i’m 25 years older than glebon, when it’s just the two of us,
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we don’t think about it at all, we feel good. “well, we can’t help but be among people, they all hint that our union is somehow wrong, our man can be 25, 50, even 100 years older than the woman, but the woman is not, everything is changing, all over the world everything changes , but not with us, pay attention, we don’t even have such an address to a woman that doesn’t hint at her age, look, three forms, a girl, a woman and a granny, all three are somehow abnormal. that’s it, you now it’s better to rest, just, the main thing is, i understand everything, age is age, that the body changes , wrinkles, everything, but he loves me, and you know what i’m afraid, that over time those around him will begin to hint that he is either a pervert or a hunter for someone else’s apartment, and he has his own apartment in center, huge, better than mine, no need to think about it, the main thing for you and me is health, yes.
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ivan nikolaevich, if it’s possible, let him come, okay, i really want to see him, of course, what are you doing, i’m afraid, what, if we didn’t succeed, then it didn’t work out, we did everything we could, nothing more from us it doesn't matter, get used to it.
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nick, nick, he started talking, can you imagine, he started talking after the second operation, arseny, it ’s simple, simply amazing, and marina vladimirovna, she’s a genius, unfortunately, i can’t share your delight, i’m going to the second ward to change the sword and colostomy bags. you’re not happy for me, yes, i’m very happy for you, i’m just really in a hurry, and where is his grandmother in the waiting room, yes, his grandmother is in the waiting room, but you probably don’t go to him yourself, but
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quickly, we’re all waiting for you , well, wherever you want, come, come, come, come, come, passion, hello, oh, ladies and gentlemen , our holiday continues, i congratulate you , the most important thing is that your task today is to have fun with all your might, cheers, dear friends, a minute of attention, before all this turns into creative chaos, i want to say, our the financial year was difficult, but we survived , and even with a good profit, i thank you , congratulations, stop, stop, stop, please note that this holiday took place thanks to our new chief accountant olenka, thank
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you, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone known vitaly guys, now let's have fun, the corporate party is declared open, and what fun would be without dancing, let's go, dance, gentlemen, dance, why did this happen, yes at night, yes, yes, yes. so grandma has been waiting there for a long time, what happened to the boy? everything is fine, this is already good, vasya, her heart is almost breaking, i ask you, so carefully, okay, no, just her, let’s go together, let’s say, come on, think about it at that age, that’s all, huh smile, everything went fine, did arseny
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come? in yourself, you can visit him, i what i said, it will be like this, don’t cry , don’t cry, my dears, well, overall everything looks good, we’ll transfer you to a ward, it’s not bad, i can’t walk, well , motor function will gradually recover, you don’t leave me, doctor, no, of course, i’m your attending physician, we will fight together, i also wanted to ask, i would like to order neni flowers, do you think it’s possible? of course you can, what woman would refuse flowers, well, yes.
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natasha, don’t look at me, i look terrible, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, it was scary, very scary, and then i fell asleep, now it hurts, it hurts just a little , natasha, i need to talk to you, don’t talk, i know that you know, i think you want to... i’ve been for a long time i expected this , i’m letting you go, natasha, what are you saying , i love you, i wanted to propose to you, i’m tired of being a common-law husband, i want to be real, i agree
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, yes, yes, yes, these things, it was right , they were paper, they were already dangling in the nozzle, and that’s just great, that’s all. well that's all too in general, in my opinion, we weren’t deceived by you and everything vitaly, let me, olechka, i ask you to dance, olechka, you’re happy, but aren’t you, but everything worked out, everything is fine, the people are already drunk, but i completely allowed it today , well , today is a holiday, it’s possible, a holiday is possible, olechka, i want to ask you, can i come with you to my office, literally two words, two words, just let’s talk to you. well, please talk,
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grandma, is there anything tasty? well , everything is fine, but that’s definitely for me, if you’re dubrovskaya , that’s for you, i’m dubrovskaya, great, then sign, yes you are right, or what, everything is fine, hold the flowers, that’s it, have a nice day. goodbye,
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nina dubrovskaya, god knows from whom, you are beautiful.
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and we have news for you, sasha and i , let's have dinner in place, put the table and chairs , we decided to get married, what a surprise, yes, what a surprise, we congratulate you, we congratulate you. surprise, let's go, they call, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, what, oh, who could be there, i don't know. lena, hello, hello, i'm here for ilyosha, the gardener's granddaughter, syula snake, whether you love it or not, you are ready to become mine, i am ready to become yours, forever, you have to learn love, how to learn to love, start with yourself. from the fragments of a broken dream you can
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create a new one, you decided to go somewhere to get rich, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again, why is everything so crooked in life, tell me about your life, a fairy tale based on real events. golden. january 6 on rtr.
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i'm already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let's get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i'll kill you, joke. "based on
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real events, what happened to my daughter , she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s go without sentimentality, as tough as you can, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity , we can’t handle it ourselves, i ’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s your own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from january 9 on rtr. oh, frost, merry christmas, such a great holiday, this christmas is all the dreams will come true, we were so smart, fun, carols, generous gifts, yes.
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andrey malakhov's christmas show on january 8 on rtr, what are you , boy, i need the address of one passenger, he left his dog here, she will wait until the last minute, because you are family for her, a palm tree. january 6 on rtr, well, what happened there , it was very scary, a lot of people, a lot of grief, there were a lot of women who were waiting for their husbands, standing there like that... absolutely unprotected, unnecessary to anyone, there
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was one woman there, she waited for the mine to come out they would get her husband, so she was waiting for him, out of fear for him, her heart exploded. but they saved the man, the master. i won’t work there, it doesn’t work out, okay, no, marin, it’s not good anymore, we have to tell everyone the truth,
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we can’t open it up anymore.
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let's go, it's going to be a mess. i won’t eat this, have you taken your medicine?
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brew me some coffee, but why can’t you? brew me some stronger coffee.
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maybe it's my fault? yes, you’re not to blame for anything, seryozha, you’re a good person, just , well, you need to leave me, you know, leave, let me go, now, forgive me, it hurts, sorry, hello, yes, what channel, and is it you, no , you know, i can’t do it today, i have a lot of work, yes, and you want to come to the skliv, well, well, come, but... i don’t have enough there will be time, yeah, good, she's going to america, you better clean up the house, okay, ul, for me. run to work, started this conversation in vain. olya, let me come this evening, we’ll talk about everything,
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okay? please, well, really, well, well, clean up, you're scaring me, it 's like i'm living with a mannequin, and there was a tennis table, now it is unknown what.
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no, i passed, don’t be offended, dear , i ran, feed the cat, and i was hired to feed your cat, and why is it difficult or something, i took a bag, it’s standing at the top , poured a little food, and i’ll eat from the bag too , well, you're a big boy. the refrigerator, where you know, you open it, you’ll find everything to eat, i didn’t hire you to look after you, you and i live like
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adults, it hurts, just kidding, what a funny joke. hello, ninochka, hello, ivan nikolaevich, hello, hello, sign, i i see you have flowers again, yeah, i can even guess from whom, you can’t hide anything from you, well, ival nikolaevich. and kiefer ’s patient is waiting for you in the hospital, okay, i’ll come , today is not march 8th, well, now every day
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is march 8th, listen, today the tv people should come to me, interview me, when they arrive, you’ll find me, okay, what the fuck, sergey anatolyevich, advertise for yourself outside of working hours, gennady ilyevich, my interview will take place exclusively at lunchtime, patients will not receive any attention, but for god’s sake, just don’t... what makes you nervous? hello, hello, to
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me? yes, i brought pictures, well , let’s go have a look, come in, so , well, okay, well, how about cleaning yourself, it’s fine, i’ve already thrown away the church, just the cane, but... great, i’m very glad, you should definitely continue going to therapy physical education, yeah, you'll be running soon, hurry up, when you take the next test, vyacheslav, you haven't needed me for a long time, come on, you need a wife, that's right, and what do you think, ivan nikolaevich, i have a chance there, no, no, for mercy's sake, i, i’m not an adviser in such matters, go yourself, talk to her,
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well, vyacheslav? what did ivan nikolaevich tell you? everything is fine, he said. i 'll be running soon. well, i told you, you will succeed. for flowers. thank you, it's a pleasure. no, honestly, you can answer, there is hope for a simple school teacher. oh, slava, stop it, i’m not a gift, i’m a divorcee with two children, i have a lot of problems. that is, i have a chance. there is always a chance, sorry, young man, why are you looking at me like that, hello, i have a toothache and a headache it’s splitting, there’s no more strength, so the tooth is dentistry, the head is spasmolgon for a serious institution, the teeth are already fine, well, excuse me, everything is swimming before my eyes, okay, now, let’s call a doctor to examine you, sit down there , wait, excuse me, we have all sorts of characters here, mikhalych,
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i have a character here, i don’t know, he’s hangovered. your tooth hurts, your head hurts, your ears hurt, the devil knows what , come down, come on, now a doctor will examine you, i invite you to a restaurant, to a restaurant, yes, wow, i haven’t been to a restaurant for 100 years, what are you doing? then, where will i put the children, come with the children, i’ll think about what you have here, here’s a character sitting, his tooth hurts, everything else hurts, hello, sit, sit, sit, what happened to you? yes, this morning i was hammering a nail into the wall with a construction gun , so i hung up the calendar, and then i got a toothache, so they fell and hit me, what kind of hematoma do you have here, i have no idea, i quickly hammered the nail in, i used the calendar hung it up, my friends gave me a construction gun yesterday as a housewarming gift,
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well, i took out a mortgage on the apartment, congratulations, well so... yes, so i’m telling you, i turned around, and there was a shot in my head , then my tooth hurt, and i went to the dentist, he looked, turned it over, took a picture, said everything is fine, take the picture with me, yes , of course, while i was driving to you, everything went blurry in my eyes, nin, you’re free with us, please excuse me, but did you have a gun? girls, well, yes, what do we have there, but it’s free, yeah , well, we’re wedging, but the impact is strong, so , well, what’s up, the girls are free, let’s go, all sorts of things happen here, yes, they called, but no, i asked you to come in,
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irina , sit down, sit down. thank you, well how are you doing, which is very good, yeah, in the normal order, like you, we have an auditor coming to visit us, but the commission is coming today, congratulations, the first commission, you’re in awe, yes. only we have problems with short deliveries, problems with discipline, problems with bragin, and what problems with bragin? there are no problems with bragin, according to the diagnosis, he can work in the reception room, he doesn’t appeal, no problem, yes, but he is still my deputy, well, yes, that’s your problem,
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uh-huh, ir, uh-huh, “me i need help, what about myself? lead them? well, how, how should you behave naturally with them, you know, behave as if you were born for this position, well, yes , it will work out, of course, no, it won’t work out, because you were not born for this position, because you never you won’t be able to cope with our department, with our team, and this is not given to you.
11:17 pm
oleg mikhailovich, they asked me to convey. you 're done, well, boy, you were born wearing a shirt, and what is it? look, the entrance hole is above the eyebrow, the nail got into the soft tissue of the brain, a millimeter to the side that’s all, there’s no one would be to pay off the mortgage. what 's next now, getting ready for the operation, fain , we're transferring to norochen neurosurgery, nin
11:18 pm
, amorfiev's patient is being transferred to neurosurgery in narachenskoye, okay, i heard that today the commission from the ministry of health will arrive, and you have a mess on your table, what if they show up, and what are you saying, well, it’s sterile, but where is it sterile , look, put paper to paper, pen to pen, this here, then here, what’s okay? was, i have order, you are hanging on to something, somewhere in the clouds, no, don’t be jealous, oh, so, let’s settle down, let’s start first about kulyakov, yes, and then we’ll start doing everything else, yes, of course, come on, and let ’s look around for now, young people, they’ve settled down so well, for what reason, we came to interview the doctor, where is he, and where is he? damn it, where are the waders? so let's find, let's go ahead, who's first , so you work here, you'll find, you can see the tv right away, because i didn't turn it on, so guys , you can't be here, go to the corner, coffee, wait, we need to do an interview,
11:19 pm
excuse me, please , we are sitting there in the corner, yes, well done, well done, woman, woman, this bullshit, at what age i got it, oops, 17, and mine is younger, there is still time for me to live in peace, understandable, but very funny, boys, boys, sergei anatolyevich, television is tearing you apart here, screen star, depth of penetration - 5 cm, so direct , today or tomorrow he will set a date for the operation, then we’ll see, yeah, if there’s anything, please contact me, yes, everything seems to be under control, he resigned himself to the situation, accepted it and stopped
11:20 pm
self-medicating, thank god, that’s it he, here’s our tip, what’s the patient’s name, alexey, well here, give it to alexey. bad memory, nina , guys are waiting for you, thank you, hello, hello, how long will it take, well, 20 minutes, no more, well, great, let's go outside and take a picture, no, no, no, we need it at the workplace, in the operating room, we need a picture, what the hell is the picture , no one will let you into the operating room anyway, sergetolic, please, we really need it in the workplace, well then forgive me, today it won’t work, let’s do it tomorrow. well please, we have already announced the plot, the installation has been ordered, and we will simply be lost if we don’t do it. sergey anatolyevich, can you talk for a minute?


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