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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 3:15am-4:10am MSK

3:15 am
well, nature is leaving, we don’t have time to search for the heroine again, so if polina suddenly refuses for some reason, you’ll shoot the hare, but what do you say, can you imagine? they told me that you are talking about polina, semyon, hello, so that means that bastard, what kind of bastard, who drank our field, man, what are you saying, stop it, i don’t want to fight. and what do you want? i’m looking for polina,
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why do you need our polina, you’re from the ruble, find yourself another toy and have fun with her, don’t get on polina’s nerves, but i’m not going to have fun with anyone, i’m with her i love school and i didn’t offend anyone, you left her, and she left me, twice . so i am the affected country in this story.
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the roles are small, of course, but they pay consistently, well, here you go on the second floor, there’s a rehearsal studio there, mind you. will you offend polina? i'll blow your head off. well, i already understood that. thank you, buddy. bye. oh, but they won’t let you in without a pass. that is, somehow? they are strict here. so maybe call her? why call? rehearsal? phones are turned off. whether you are an artist known as. or in a suit there
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historical, and so, yes, what’s this , yes, there is one thought, come on, let’s go, you yourself approved this dress, uh-huh, we don’t have much time, everything will be remade, you understand that, i approved it myself ...
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this is a prop, they just sent me for it. the father, well, there is a hero, he confesses his love to the main character, without a bouquet, you can’t do it, your artists are not like people. okay, come on in while no one is looking. thank you, thank you. yes, wait for the wedding invitation. kino, i haven’t had time to confess my love yet, it’s already calling for a wedding, are you ready, yes, okay, start, when you left, i thought it was all over, the end of my happiness. my dream, it’s so strange,
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in order to understand who you really care about, you must first lose this person. “well, here i am, i ’m back, i’ll never leave you again, believe me, you promise, and who is this, i promise, yes, she’s a run-of-the-mill actress, just love me, okay, no, he, who, this is eremeev, the director, very, very much , with all my shortcomings, mistakes, only next to you my life takes on meaning, but i am well-groomed with him, such rudders are not given for beautiful eyes, i i understand that i truly live.
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idiot, we didn’t agree that way, but it seemed to me that you liked it, you know what, look for another actress who will like this, pauline, excuse me, but what, can i have a coat? is this for me? well, who else? i'm ready to audition for the role. you also say that you
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warned me, and i warned you, that you will order to do the filming in a week. i won’t make this movie without her, no, what are you, crazy, you arranged all this yourself, nadya, help me, i promise, i’ll be the catcher, bring her back, i heard that eremeev, nadezhda, vasilievna, nadezhda vasilievna, but you can’t play like that, well, cupid, when is the wedding, let there be no heroin from the wedding. fell in love with someone else, well, let's go to my place to change clothes, i should go home, what happened, what happened, semyon, it happened, okay, let's go
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, just keep in mind, i don't drink, as you say, i don't drink at all, well, what else alone, now you understand that this is all for her sake, now that i’ve seen everything, do you know what’s left? that's what this is, this piece of lace is a symbol of our relationship, so to speak does something converge here, our fingers poured on
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the front, full style? nadezhda vasilna, what do you owe, you can
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come in, since you came. although i didn’t believe in you at all, i must admit, you have an excellent feel for the materials, eremeev did a great job here, he managed to see you, we advise you, polino, don’t give up on the troll because of his cable antics. nadezhda vasilyevna, excuse me, but i can’t, when with me, like you, too, could be more accommodating, the role is pulling me to the kansky path. "you came to tell me this, most humbly thank you, if that’s all, i’m not keeping
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you, just wait, no, as a woman, i understand you, i even respect you, well, you understand, this role is your lucky ticket to another life, i won’t be able to work with him"? " i’ll put on a collar, we’ll train
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you, so the car will arrive at ten tomorrow, i hope you’ll come out, it’s better to start training right now, after all, we have an expedition for 3 months, at least 3 months. and i ’ll tell you what, my girl, not a single man is worth giving up your career because of him, believe me, i know what i’m saying. you're a good man
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, it's a pity to leave today, you're right, what are you, what are you, grandfather, i 'm flying to london tomorrow, i'm flying away for a long time, there are builders in a row, big, listen, they're always clipping men's wings, oh, how
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dare you block my card, you think leave me with nothing, but i ’ll find the best lawyers, i’ll sue you, and now you understand that all the evil comes from women, oh, well... why are you silent? where did you get this stuffed animal? listen, are you generally normal, sometimes you run after santa claus, sometimes you drag this cupid? and you know what? and i will achieve what you want they will conduct a psychiatric examination, you will be declared insane, and i will be appointed yours, and i will manage all your money, yes, it is immediately clear that you married me solely for love. your card is only valid for everything
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, it has expired, they called me from the bank, they told me you need to come, return the old one and get a new one, that’s it, you didn’t leave me without money , my baby, and i already thought, get over it, we’re waiting for a divorce, oh well, well, okay, baby, i'll see you in court. don't get married, not... already, then take care of your wings, i tried to forget him for so long, i almost succeeded, it took me 10 years, now he appears in my life again, i again have to make a decision, but what kind of decision, if only i had plenty to choose from,
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let’s be honest, if he needed you from... the earth, you would have gotten it, but i kept thinking that it was he who abandoned me, but, after all, it was i who abandoned him, i believed the luxury of not having left, 10 years of resentment, and he too, as it turned out, he wasn’t happy, maybe i was doing something wrong... so i understood, maybe he really is getting a divorce, and i didn’t even really talk to him, so , now i’m leaving, and he, well, you yourself say, you may never get such a role again, semyon, what, you were drinking again, anton and i were drinking, such a guy , what else is anton,
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holy are you, sing him, i forgave him, twice, and now... polya , what happened just now, and the fact that all the men are assholes, it’s still my fault, yes, fuck him , i’m waiting here like a fool, and he got semyon drunk to tell me this, to london, kolya, wait, let him live his life, and i’ll live mine.
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hada! yes, of course, i'll come down now. good morning, hello, in, who is this sad guy here? it’s only 3 months, and semyon and i will come to visit you for the weekend. like him,
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he will live until he comes to his senses. then i did it myself. i’ll decide, you think about good things, just imagine, a red carpet, and you ’re walking along it, so beautiful, a floor-length dress, uh-huh, at the end of the path is anton with wedding rings, okay, let’s sit down on the path, uh-huh. it’s okay, we’ll break through, friend, calm down, where are you going, i’m on my own.
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i'm floating on the river, neither fast nor quiet, then steep shore, then half a meter to the bottom, i rely in everything, on dear old people, and the water is a reflection, yesterday’s star, a new river, and the same one in it. water, my little boat, without springs, without a rudder, a new river, also into the sky. steep banks, a road to nowhere,
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i have lost the desire to go somewhere, to take shelter from the rapids to... go around, and the river carries me all night and all day, but i don’t know where, i know how to turn around, i forgot you forgot something important, anton vladimirovich, otherwise you might miss the plane, important to sing, very important, new river, natazha.
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nowhere, we walk hand in hand along the sea, seagulls scream, the salty breeze blows through our hair. stop! polina, what happened? is this already the sixth take? give me this piece later, now from the words it’s a fairy tale. yes, sorry. polinochka, please pull yourself together. prepared for shooting on the original, please, motor, camera, scene 15, frame
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2.7, let's start, this is a fairy tale, a dream. lying on an old sofa that was always breaking down in a rented apartment, we dreamed of the sea; anton and i had nothing. but we had love.
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attention, drivers, attention, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone stop , let go, car, goyim, everyone, let go, car, everyone to their original positions,
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among, please move the last trip,
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pass honest people, come to the new year, we will show you the pictures, since you are happy
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folk paintings. very noble, here there is entertainment, here there is adventure.
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you know, i would like something for my son , please tell me, do you have rockets, that there are rockets, there are 50 hands, knock it out at the cash register, thank you for what you wanted, i would like something for my son , i think, please, vista in one counter, i see what’s on the counter, but i wanted to know something for my son, how old is my son, seven, well, almost seven, well, there’s a machine gun, it works, no, something less militarized, well, what does he like? your son? oh, you have these planes, there are helicopters, please look, i’ll take them!
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you can call the city through nine, thank you, hello? pet nikolaevich, hello , this is nichaeva, there are no changes today, like a rehearsal, nikolaevich, i can’t, i understand everything, yes, well, of course i’ll come, yes, yes, nikolaevich, then i’ll come to the second act, to on my way out, of course, i’ll come, i won’t be late, yes, thank you, thank you, goodbye.
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in general, get dressed , get ready, they will come for you, you understand, the kids are waiting for you, just a minute, sit down, wait, and you undress, comrade seryogin, otherwise you can see how hot it is here, it’s like a sauna, i’m already i collected fans from all over the company, i even put one on the closet, it still doesn’t help, ugh, that’s it, lyamin, i’m sending the car, wait! hello, svetlana sana, dear, i just wanted to invite you, of course i know, i know that lya got sick, was poisoned, ha, mushrooms, he wanted mushrooms at the end of december, we know these mushrooms , pay attention, right out of the forest, fresh,
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help yourself, from the oven, that is, oh, excuse me, svetlana sana nichaeva, the best snow maiden, and this is rafik’s driver, time is ticking , what we will do is very simple, i ask you, a voucher, so take it. you wait in the car, and i’ll go up to get the lenas, it’s quick, good, dugasa,
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perazhaytsa, perashka, not a fool, nekura. don’t be upset, they will find you another santa claus, this is the last real santa claus, directly irreplaceable, okay, let's go get something to freeze, i can't freeze, why, because snow maidens don't freeze, yeah, 20 degrees, don't be afraid, and you're in some kind of rag, rags, it's a magic costume. are you really cold? where are your clothes? forgot, like they forgot, where? in your director’s office, you’ll catch a cold, oh, well
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, dress, dress, it’s not necessary, it’s not enough for you to get sick, dress, go to the rafi, warm up, and i’ll go call the director. well, let's go or wait for someone, who now wait, there is no santa claus, the holiday is cancelled, that’s it, did you get through to the director? how did you get through? did you put up a mound?
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there are no hopeless situations. you know , he loves it, he doesn’t like it, it works fine, the main thing here is a fur coat, a fur coat, they made such a fur coat, svetlana, but this is a thought, if i’m not mistaken. nothing, that is, absolutely nothing. svetlana
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samovna will do everything for you. well, okay guys, there's no time to waste. that's it, let's go, get to work. yes. in lipja. well, let's go to work? go. so, now let's see, we have eight planned for today, no, wow, 12 visits, yes, that’s a bit much, i still need to go to the theater for a rehearsal, okay, let’s try, but the first address, what, let’s go to the stable square, there you can get some gifts for the children.
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you know, i always wanted to be a snow maiden, even in kindergarten, in distant childhood, until the third grade i dreamed of playing on the christmas trees, in the fourth i played. in general, i really love this holiday, the new year, i think that this is some kind of bright holiday, but here you have become like a snow maiden, where? in a good offices company? well, yes, well, it’s already at the institute, i got a contract, but you know, i don’t care about it at all interferes, rather even helps, like the snow maiden, and i say, you love this business, it’s true, it’s true, because it doesn’t matter where, all the same, the same children are just as thirsty for a miracle. and you know, i even believe in this myself, as if
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santa claus is ordering me, meet me, we ’re already here, that no, i’m not santa claus, i’m the snow maiden, listen, you should call someone like this for my alushka, lord, people are fat they're freaking out, they don't know what to come up with, soon they'll be ordering pugachev's... happy new year, and i'll definitely order you too, come on, show yourself , great, you need something like this in your life grow a beard, one more little detail that’s all, there’s not at all something unnatural in this, that yes, people themselves have forgotten how to rejoice, they order a holiday at home, what a... surrogate fun, yes, no, yes, yeah,
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not true, always on in russia, mummers always walked around and sang carols, and by the way, in childhood we also went and sang carols, which aunt understood, it means that you and i continue folk traditions, one might say, we continue, okay, that means i go first, drink opal with my staff , “a boy petya lives here, you don’t need anything, don’t do anything, don’t voice, not body, nothing, just nothing, but what to do?"? "you know that poem, it’s not the wind that’s raging, streams ran from the mountains, so yeah, wonderful, you know the song in the forest a christmas tree was born, it grew in the forest, nothing no more, well, let's move, let's move, wait, pause, let's sit in front of the path, oh, okay,
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we've passed the height of decision-making, is there such a term in aviation , let's take a chance, oh, wedding, it's fortunate, look how beautiful it is the new year is beginning for people, here are the cut ones, hello to santa claus, don’t worry, everything will be fine. oh, hello, hello, what should i do? and what happened? yes, we called you for 3 hours, now let’s go for a walk.
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which apartment are you from? us? we are from the fourth, and we are from the sixteenth. oh, the sixteenth, huh? happy new year to you, girl, happy new year, this is svetochka, svetochka, you must, well, smile, happy new year, what is it on the sixteenth, who is there, hello, hello, kolya is at home, he’ll be back now, that is he’s at home, well , you’ll see everything for yourself, then he’ll be all these same ones, i beg your pardon, but i have the work is urgent, so you 'll have to deal with it yourself, hello radio station. well, hello, radio station, earth, earth, i see an unfamiliar star, i see an unfamiliar star, hello-hello, here is earth, the duty officer at the cosmodrome is listening
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to you, earth, i hear you, accept an urgent message for cosmonaut nikolai ivanovsky, ivanovsky. the mission control center orders you to urgently descend to the ground to meet the snow maiden and santa claus, perform the cosmonaut touch, return to the ground immediately, hello, hello!
4:00 am
what would you like to play? now let's figure it out. yeah, maybe ask evgeniy. dad won't hear.
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what a great guy, thank you, what did you play? uh? the island is dancing in the clearing, and whose thing is this? mine, i composed it myself, that’s how, but how do you compose it? i used to know how i compose , which means that in the morning, when everyone is asleep, i’m alive in bed, the music itself came to me on top of the blanket from head to toe, and if you were lying under the blanket, well, too, it also came, and if you start tossing and turning, well, you won't get anything, just jokes, now how... you do you come up with music? i don’t know, but maybe you’ll play us some of the latest works? yes, please, uh, i
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’d better play you a waltz, which my mother likes, that’s why it’s called my mother’s waltz, you wrote this recently, right? yes. congratulations on your debut, thank you, it really turned out that the boy worked for both of us, an amazing guy, huh? just a future real estate developer, yes, that’s why i love this job, there’s bound to be some kind of surprise waiting for you, and you
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’ve done well, you behaved well, don’t be deceived, you’ve never worked part-time as a santa claus anywhere, yes, from where, but in general, you know, yes, i completely forgot, in seventy, seventy- nine, our flight was delayed. we were flying, we had to celebrate the new year in the air, we were flying somewhere over africa, and the guys decided by a majority vote that i was the most suitable santa claus, i had something like this glued on with cotton wool, irochka lebedeva was like a snow maiden, covered with this confetti, we went out to the passengers and congratulated everyone on the new year, so it turns out that i made my debut in the air, you are a pilot. yes it was business, but now i’ve landed. so, where are we going next? forward.
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the white bear is lurking on the eyelashes of january, you will dream of bird tales from the pages of the calendar, oh, what will be quieter, quieter, the ball of the moon is flying from... the new year is walking across the rooftops, just like that, miracle of miracles, kolya, valya, masha, petit, courtyard the
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whole city, adults and children believe, there are wonders of the world, adults and children believe, there are wonders of the world. come here, hello, hello, please come in, who came to us? vladislav nakentiy, look who came to us, with happy new year, hello, happy new year, happy new year, vladik lives here, here, here, how, how? codec, i kindly ask you, in what position are you putting grandpa and me, vladislav? this is
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indecent, guests have come to you. vladik, do me a favor, come out, well, grandfather, yes, i’m listening to you, it turns out that you and i came from the forest in vain, we were tired in vain. it was in vain that they brought gifts to vladik, doesn’t vladik want to meet us? oh, yes, yes, granddaughter, indeed, we walked through the forest for so long, we froze, fought off wolves, ran into elk, do you remember, well, here’s what to do now , i’ll attach it to my mother, well, snow maiden, since this is the case, let’s go back to the forest, take there
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all the gifts that they brought for vladik, and we’ll freeze there in the snow. “no, santa claus , i like it here, it’s very nice here, and my grandparents are so wonderful, we’ll celebrate the new year together, yes, yes, with grandparents, without vladik, without vladik, great, by the way, a very smart option, well, let's go, let's go, christmas trees, it's cold in winter, we took the christmas tree home, we took it holding hands, a christmas tree was born in the forest,
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well, why are you hiding from us here? aren’t you hot in your beard, in your beard and mustache, how hot is it? so take off your mustache and beard. no, brother, you can't. well, what kind of santa claus is this without a beard and without a mustache, it’s not respectable, somehow. why are you sitting here, are you being punished or something? i'm never punished here. so let's go, grandparents are missing you there. these are not my grandparents, oh, there it is, and you ’ve been here for a long time, it’s been six days, of course, you miss the guys, yes, this is a difficult matter , brother, i know it from myself, and you’re also from the orphanage, yes, from the orphanage, you know, we had an uncle seryozha there,
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the watchman, he always did the same on new year’s day. dressed up as santa claus, he was disabled, without a leg , such a one-legged santa claus, he gave his gifts to everyone, he made lollipops himself , he gave them to everyone to the teachers and to us as kids, whoever doesn’t have a bloated stomach gets candy, we laughed, but i i didn’t bring any candy for you, maybe let’s go, it’s somehow easier together, the snow maiden will sing you a new song, let’s go, otherwise... it’s not the white snow whirling, then in snowy january, fairy tale birds fly in and change the calendar, oh, what will happen, oh!


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