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tv   Gardemarini-2024  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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for example, to prevent skin aging, for babies, for faster teething, the range of applications developed by ksdu chemists is widest, one sample of sunstone emulsion is suitable for different areas. amber colloidal solution is a 100% bioorganic antiseptic that can be used to treat hands or various surfaces. there is such a specific smell of sunstone here. kstu chemists will continue their work on the study of amber, using a variety of methods.
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this deafening squeak is not a pleasant sound you name it, but it will be the most long-awaited and joyful for a person lost in the forest, because it is a life-saving signal. the first mode of operation, as conceived by the designers, when the lost call from their mobile phone, search engines with a special copter and tablet will go to the area. here we see the interface of our software, which allows you to work with the aircraft. here is the route itself, and then it begins to appear, at some point, while moving, the person we are looking for, he he calls us and says that i hear him, then everything is simple, the louder the sound, the closer the drone, when the man and copter are next to each other, the search engines will write down the coordinates and move to the place, test the drone in a real operation, it was already possible once, here are the frames taken by the lost one, here it is almost ready for use, that is...
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small roughnesses that need to be removed, so in fact, you can launch and fly. the second mode of operation of the drone is for more complex cases when a person is lost and there is no telephone connection with him. it would seem that with this option it would be worth searching using video cameras and machine vision. scientists explain that, on the contrary, this is ineffective; too much energy and heavy equipment will be required to process the video signal broadcast. according to scientists , it is better to look for the lost. acoustically, in other words, the drone will listen to hear cries for help. in order to determine a person’s voice and solve this difficult problem, we began to research neural networks, began to explore machine learning systems, and try to determine unique properties of the voice, so that in the future, against the background of all the noise, such as the wind and the noise of the propellers, this voice can be identified. in order to find out everything that humanity needs. in the voice, scientists have invited
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quite a few opera singers for special research; they plan to train neural networks and obtain the necessary digital tools for such a search in the coming months. by the way, within the walls of the spbu scientific and educational center they came up with not only the principle itself and developed software tools, but also a significant part of the production. for the current at the moment, the copter within the laboratory is assembled at about 60%, the goal is to achieve localization of about seventy. scientists are planning to fly a unique drone into the sky that will scream, listen and find the lost this spring, after which they want to provide the devices to those for whom they were developed, search teams, so that already next year innovations will be able to save people, and even after in this case, the scientific designers of st. petersburg state university will not stop working on the project, they will improve and modernize the device. ilya karelin, alexander loginov, alexey chubko, lead st. petersburg. feed. treat and
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catch, in case of death, introduce quarantine in the omsk region, high alert mode due to the invasion of roe deer, hunger worsened due to frost affected the innate navigation of artiodactyls, instead of the forest they storm villages, even more came, they went to the village, migration of wild according to the ministry of natural resources , the construction was delayed due to the lack of special transitions between highways and railway tracks. lost roe deer in the first days residents of the novosibirsk region are also celebrating the new year, well, in kamchatka now is the height of the controlled migration of deer, which for the indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula is not only the transport of clothing fuel, but also the foundation of a centuries-old culture, even in a round dance, the veins imitate the breathing of a deer, unique footage of the most eastern..
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the herd is not small, about 2.0 heads, the animals are shy, but they know their shepherds, in their presence and with strangers they behave like tame ones. in winter, the diet of deer consists only of reindeer moss; it contains no minerals at all. salts, so in winter salt becomes a delicacy for them. from the outside. it seems that herding deer is not difficult, but this is only at first glance, to lead a herd for many kilometers, to prevent the death of animals, it is not enough to have physical strength, you must have certain knowledge and skills, a big problem for shepherds is wild animals, wolves hurt, then this deer weakens and dies in
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the winter, in the spring the bears rise, and our horses... the calves were trampled. reindeer herders roam with their herd all year round, walking several hundreds of kilometers. in the summer they move quickly, their stops are short - 3-4 days, but they come here to spend the winter in the mountains. the route is about 150 km per year, year, well, that is, it runs all around. it runs around. here , december is already becoming the month for wintering. the life of modern shepherds differs little from the life of their ancestors, except that now they have snowmobiles. previously, people followed reindeer on foot or on a sled; there was no water or electricity connection; if help was needed, they used a radio signal. young people are reluctant to take up the craft, civilization, it spoils, well, the computer, you don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to go anywhere, intenas, sound, transfer, teach
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or not - that’s also difficult. now the work of their ancestors is continued by two generations of the adukanov family, a well-known family in kamchatka and the vens. here they feel in their element. alexandra ostrika. you can go ice skating and feel the atmosphere of the century before last at the legendary nizhny novgorod fair; guests will be treated to the kremlin with its underground and picturesque views from the banks of the volga. you can go to the new year's exhibition gifts at different times, try amazing dishes in local cafes. read more maxim aparen. if you really want to see nizhny novgorod in one day, then you need to be prepared to get up. departure from the eastern station is at 6:30 am. just over 4 hours later, we are at the walls of the nizhny novgorod kremlin, the oldest landmark of the city, one of the most popular excursions into the dungeon. you can
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go down under the powder tower. the 16th century lintel ceilings have been preserved here. if you stand in the center, yes, then you will get one sound shower effect. yes, it seems like the sound is pouring. on one of the bricks there is a trace left 5 centuries ago when the mold was poured. the dog followed its own trail twice, you can see here, yes, it’s just these claw prints. you can sign up for a tour on the kremlin website or by phone, from here it’s a stone’s throw to the monument to chkalov, which has recently been in nizhny novgorod. a miniature copy of the monument to valery chkalov appeared in... to the great pilot, a total of 12 such tactile sculptures were opened in nizhny novgorod. from here a beautiful view of the volga opens up; many people love nizhny for this relief. it’s unusual
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that not all cities look like this, so the buildings are interesting because of this they are so small, miniature, so they are located like this, well, it’s nice to watch. on the street you can meet guides like this dressed as a policeman. they won’t tell you the route or tell you about any attraction, alexander says that the new year holidays are a hot time for them, on other days local grandmothers often use their services, they are very interested people, they come in groups of three or four they come once, five times, today at my place, tomorrow at the second, third, on the fourth again in a circle, but i say that it comes, well , everyone has already forgotten, come on, to warm up after walking, you can go to the ruvishnikov estate, there is an exhibition there the magical world of new year's holidays, gifts have been collected. which were given to each other at different times, magic, it is revealed in objects, just nasya, when she gets to the exhibition, each object tells a separate story, and this gramophone has retained its unique sound since the end of the 19th century, and now he’s spinning records of the middle one, i
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’ll sing you a song about 5 minutes, well, when it gets dark, you should definitely have time to stop by the nizhny novgorod fair, in this place it has been operating for more than a century, and the atmosphere here is always special, you can warm up. there is something to eat up, for example, a hot hybrid of cheburek and dumplings, these are dumplings, like chebureks, that’s why it’s called pelchebi, pelchebi, yes. oh, hot, every evening there is festive animation and an ice skating rink, i like it here, especially the new year's fair, and honestly i'm right out of it i’m a fan because it’s so beautiful, especially now with the snow, yes, it’s just a new year’s mood, at a level of +100-500. we noticed that the skating rink at the nizhny novgorod fairground is very similar to the gum skating rink in the center of the capital on red square, it turns out that every muscovite who comes here to nizhny can feel himself. at home maxim aparin, anton kolmykov, igor senyurin, lead moscow, nizhny novgorod,
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moscow. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, we have everything by this time, see you. ticket registration and baggage check-in for flight 445 vanadyr begins. registration is at counter number five. boarding is announced for flight 893 on the moscow- yerevan route. boarding will take place from door number two on the ground floor of the airport terminal. attention. landed flight 1222 from mineral waters, landed flight 1222
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from mineral waters, let's go back, i completely forgot, i wanted to, the plane following flight 1768 from kiev is delayed... you landed the il-62 plane, arriving on flight 312 from minsk, 3 hours, you know, hello, have a good flight, girl, hello.
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have a nice flight, hello, good afternoon, have a nice flight, hello, good afternoon, this is the ticket for me. to the girl, are you taking the dog straight away for loading, yes, a certificate
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, please, yes, of course, good afternoon, good afternoon, have a nice flight, thank you, yeah, have a nice flight, thank you, i don’t understand anything, good afternoon, i remember exactly, here put it in your passport, come on in, it’s some kind of mysticism, you can’t do it without a certificate, hello, good afternoon, but i i have to fly, but what should i do? we have a veterinarian at the airport, yes, but i won’t have time. if you have time, run, i will try to delay the flight a little, you will bring the dog, and excuse me, mom, dog, don’t touch the dogs. sorry about the ear infection , it’s strange, this morning she was completely
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healthy, the dog won’t fly anywhere, doctor , let’s pay him, here he goes, the rapist on duty is asked to urgently go to the luggage compartment, well, i can’t load the dog on board without a certificate, well the rules are, you understand, i understand this, but you too understand me, i’m not going to rest, i’m going to work, i’m overseas. i ’ve dreamed about this all my life, but wait, alma, i don’t know, but my dear girl, what can i do for you, do you want? please go to loading, thank you, so what's the matter, why don't we send the board,
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there is a certificate for the dog, i put it in, can you imagine, i ask, is there a certificate for the dog? no, you can’t do it without a certificate, tell me, i can leave it, it’s good, literally, a circus, we’re sending the plane, we’re sending it, excuse me, give me a minute.
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forgive me, girl, forgive me, but i can't help but fly, but don’t look at me like that, i myself know perfectly well who i am. run, wait, i can’t help but fly, and the dog?
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hello! oh, wow, look,
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mom, look, the dog is running. there’s a dog on the first runway, i repeat, there’s a dog on the first runway, we can’t take off, that’s the custom here. like the dog refused at the airfield and ran away, it seems, we are preparing for takeoff.
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you broke your chin, but it’s okay , i have a second one, there she is, andryukha, to the left, well , take it, to the left, can’t you see it? well, well, well, press, press, press it, press it, press it, here it is, where, darling, come on, run faster, why are you standing there, come on, come on, come on, come on, quickly, they stood up, a little slower, fire, a little...
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no, no, don’t be offended, that’s the name of the city , don’t waste time, i say, until retirement, hell yeah, come on, come on, well, better look, i’m offended, well, hello. i just missed you,
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just like that, yes, well, now, dear passengers, the plane is preparing for passat.
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low throttle, descending 5:100, descending 5,100, commander, deviate left, right five, perform right five, right five, vyacheslav yuryevich, they’re asking for a soft landing, well, since they’re asking, anya, but how is he, he’s not sleeping, he’s not sleeping, vyacheslav yuryevich, he hasn’t slept or eaten for a long time, drink, drink,
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what are you afraid of, and this the eighteenth was landing, which is beautiful, right?
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commander, yes on the runway, damn it, there is an obstacle on the runway, missed approach, takeoff mode. flight mode, landing gear removed , mechanization to zero, to zero , seems to be in the set, i don’t know what it was on the runway,
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i don’t know, it’s a dog, in my opinion , hello, welcome, dear comrade lysko, dear members of the foreign delegations, we are pleased to welcome you to our airport. konetiva, comrade weasel, here’s the car, yes, as soon as we arrived, it was fine , we almost crashed, we can get out now, carefully now, now to the vip room, a mess, a mess, a mess, we’ll fix it now, don’t worry, now remove the dog, urgently . where quickly
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to the twelfth parking lot, the dog at the twelfth parking lot is disturbing the passengers, urgently, go, go, go. be careful, look, he will bite, oh, what a good dog, goodbye, the kennel has been opened here, i will complain, be careful, it hurts the dog they did it, what is it, woman, comrades, we have already called from the security service, we can now have a snack and everyone here, we need it, who
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knows where this dog came from, what to do? drive it out of there, you run there, you are with me, come on, citizens, citizens, don’t scare, don’t scare the dog, don’t scare, don’t interfere, right away.
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kohl, why are you sitting? i'm waiting for our flight back. let's go, the plane is about to go for maintenance. i know it's hard for you, but somehow we will have to live together. we need it. "sorry, i need to sign the resignation, now there will be problems, yes, of course, if, wait me on the street, i understand everything, dad, don’t run, comrades, comrades, calm down, i know this dog, she’s absolutely harmless,
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calm, quiet, quiet, shut up, don’t be afraid of me,
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calm, i won’t do anything to you, don’t pay attention, comrade, don't make noise, calm down. now let's figure it out, wait, wait, dog, well done for getting up, god forbid, who did this, you, here, come, zhenya, zhenya, i 'll calm down now, i'll calm down now , i'll kick him now, i'll calm down, and what are you doing to him? you will, little boy, and you already know that a dog is a friend to man, you said, get out of here, take care of your trash before you get out of here, what's going on?
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yacheslavavich, it’s a mess , what the hell are the instructions, thank you, your salon is flat with foreigners, we have the olympics in 3 years, there is pressure on him from above, he dances in front of the whole world, shows what a wonderful country we have, but you should reel in this dog on the chassis, that at such a speed, how do we know whether there is a dog or something, we see an animal in the lane, and if it is an elk, what the hell is an elk, glory, they fired last year. the pilot who shot down the moose, the landing gear is rattling, the passengers miraculously survived, what are you telling to whom, in what tone are you speaking to me?
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glory, what’s happening to you, and excuse me, i’m getting nervous, i was picking up my son from sverdlovsk, and you have a son, now you have a mother, who, gorla’s mother, well, come on, go and collect it. rest, get some sleep, in a month you have your first international flight, i signed it, from above, they’ll sign it this week, thank you, lyubov arkadyevna, well, now there will still be test flights on the new plane, exams, thank you, don’t worry, but get
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out of here, there are. oh, and i thought they had driven you out of here a long time ago, these cowboys, what’s their name, it’s your ball, come on, i understand, actually they’re right, dogs shouldn’t be here at all. you see, therefore, since you have a good reason, now, you will guard me here,
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so settle down, well, go ahead, yes. i shouldn’t have called you a fool, i’m wrong.
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come in, the room is there, take off your shoes. so i’ll put the ice cream in the freezer for now, you can watch everything here.
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there are photographs here and my planes from school, so we can put fish in an aquarium, a globe, well, we need to eat. don't touch it, don't touch it, it's very old, the sofa folds out, down there you know how to lay out the laundry, your mother taught you, taught you, that’s good, well, lay it out, it’s late, go to bed.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's christmas show on january 8 on rtr. you were in a yellow dress and once laughed at yourself, here, there were such rays, look into my eyes and tell me that you have no other woman. “i don’t have another woman, oleg, who is her for you
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, i don’t know how you could drag her into our house, yes , you betrayed your mother, yes, you betrayed us all, when the ice melts in your heart, i’m there when the time comes, everything start over, you've lost yours husband, and now you’ve decided to take mine ?” “it’s not like that, it’s like that, i don’t want to go back, i love you, half an hour before spring, today on rtr, it’s impossible for everyone to love us, but we can really love everyone and of course, mentor, next to him you were like, well, on the eve of heaven, if not in heaven. i have a feeling that he was waiting
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for you all his life, here is a meeting with you, an ascetic, my father himself said, he never prayed anywhere, so much as in the camp, i was much closer to god, he had notes on his desk who has an exam, who has an operation, everything they asked for his prayers, he had a special gift, the gift of prayer, a righteous man, many people consider him the man whom god sent in order for... a pure heart, divine light to shine on other people. father ioan, premiere of the documentary on january 7 on рrt.
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hello, how long is the flight to sverlovsk? registration ends in 20 minutes. how much does a ticket cost? 32 rub. ends. boy, where are your parents? tickets cannot be sold without parents. a very strange boy went there and wanted to buy his own ticket to sverdlovsk, come take a look, i’ll check, dasha, don’t
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lag behind, hold on, mom, what’s my watchman? it’s not shaking, but it’s not shaking, of course, that ’s what it is, it’s the safest thing, let’s sit down now , i’ll bring drinks, spin around , please, thank you, come in, okay, hello, please come in, let’s see, okay, hey, hey, wait, where is your ticket, i’m with them, citizen , yes, this is your son, son, what are you talking about, i have a daughter, boy, boy, boy, where are you, what kind of son is it again, calm down, we’ve made a mistake, yeah, identified themselves, identified themselves, some kind of unbilled the plane wanted to get in, there 's probably a street kid hiding here somewhere , hello, please come in, guys, you haven't
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seen the kid, so that means here, and i'm there. i look, okay, now we’ll inspect everything, we’ll all come, here. quiet, quiet, go away, go away, go, get out of here, quiet, quiet, shut up,
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stop, stop, boy. well, wait , kid, i’m dangerous, i’ll catch you, i’ll turn off my head, it’s no longer yes , that’s it, that’s enough, hush, what do you need, hush, hush, i’m coming, nikolai lazarev, now, hello, gosh, they won’t take it off we're off the flights, i'll be there soon, i'll make it in time, so special he has signs, but no, whether his eyes are
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gray or brown, gray or brown, i don’t remember, wait, this is your son. well, not yours , excuse me, mine from yesterday, yes, he is with you, sergei pavlovich, vyacheslav yuryevich, don’t worry, everything is fine, they are sleeping, who are they, well, these, with this one, i found them here, the dog is not goes away, warms him up. well, maybe it won’t happen for now, let them sleep, kolya, get up, i should get up. quickly, get up, i 'm late on the flight because of you, get up, what are you doing here anyway, what do you care, why are you out of the house
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left, my house is sorilovsky, it’s clear, i wanted to fly away, oh you, let’s go, i said, let me go, don’t touch me, why are you forcing me, old man, you don’t have a house in sverdlovsk, it’s clear, there’s no mother, there’s no home, that’s it, yes shut up, how were you going to fly away, smart guy, fly away? he wanted in the luggage compartment, or something, in the chassis, yacheslav yuryevich, you go, you have a flight, and i’m here with him somehow, if he says, i’ll come in 5 minutes, he won’t be there... i’ll put zolotarev on the flight, that she immediately had this goldsmith, she fell in love with him, or what? ok, fell in love, didn't fall in love, from international
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lines, wow, hello, so where is he, who? vyacheslav yurivich, so what is there, where is it? on the plane, where? lyubovyevna, you may show some kind of affection for him, after all, he’s a human being. “hello, good morning, lyubov
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arkadyevna, something happened, let’s go, please, please, could i imagine that i would cover my lazarev.” “kalyan, i like this cucarachi, i’m just looking for an assistant to help with repairs, you’re like , come on to the table, come on, there’s butter, bread, wow, after all, she chose you, she doesn’t let anyone near her, but she let you in, there’s something about you. there is, it would be better not to let her , because of her i couldn’t fly away, did you seriously want to go to
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community, yes, but do you know what altitude the plane rises to, and what the temperature is at 1000 m, even though the dog saved your life? you’ll have coffee, that’s right, it’s not good for the children, you have a sweater, of course, davanka will wash it, yeah , i understand, my mother knitted, yes, i know everything, it’s very hard to lose loved ones, but the main thing is not to despair. look, it’s clear
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what you’re hiding, i’m not hiding anything, yes, yes, i dad, hi, hi, so lazarev asked me to make coffee, but it’s for kolya, for nikolai, drink, whatever, what are you doing in front of the child, dad, what does the doctor tell you, the doctor tell you? he says don’t sing this coffee, why do you drink it all the time? a little boy treats everyone, yes, dad, you’re a little boy, because you’re scared of him, you’d better iron my shirt , i don’t have time, i don’t have time to iron your shirt, what? you tell me quietly, quietly, the eighteenth is landing, now look, look, look, look, now it will run, here go for takeoff immediately rushes to the parking lot, how does she distinguish between them by sound? and no one else is running to meet her, why in half, but her owner
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flew to prague on this plane yesterday. but you didn’t take her with you, what’s her name? i didn’t hear, palm tree, palm tree, i remembered the last name of this bastard. you miss me palm tree, i miss you too,
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hello! this is this, this is luggage , this is this, this is not, this is me with me, this is me with me, i ’m with me, understand, this is not allowed in luggage, this is very, citizen, i’m telling you again, listen to me, i’m careful , this is not a dimensional one, it is not allowed, and excuse me, please, vow, well, wait, what is this boy? i need the address of one passenger, why do you need the passenger's address? you see , he left his dog here, she is very sad for him, i want to write him a letter so that he comes for her, and the children will find him, i need passport information, i know his last name, polish, i’ll give you the address anyway i can’t, only on an official request from the police, if he committed a crime there, or his relatives are still a dog like a relative, how are such rules not considered
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, nothing can be done, why grow up you will understand.
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where are your parents? yes, i don't have parents. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, lying is not good. are you kolya? yes, i'm kolya. well, this is lazarev’s son. and what? no problem, boarding is ending. what are you talking about here?
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girlfriend ran up, sit down, come on, quietly, quietly, quietly, where, catch, ugh, where are you, where are you, bobhod? catch, catch, catch, faster, yes, we don’t have it, yes, that means we’re learning to hold, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, stand, stand, where are you going? oh, dog, hold on,
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i repeat to you once again that this is a very fragile load, you know, this is memory. where are all these, where are they worn? let's circle,
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calmly, comrades, calmly, quietly, quietly, come on, what are you doing, come here, surround, wait. move away from the dog, move away, yes , what are you going to do, you again, but move away, palm tree, run, that means you’ve played to the point of a slap, run, here it is, yes, here it is, here, oh, what to do, what are you stand, ski, catch the faggot, are you okay?
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the porter on duty is asked to urgently go to the luggage compartment, the porter on duty is asked to urgently go to the luggage compartment, yes, look there, look. here here you go, this is what you asked for, here
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you go, go through that door, up the stairs on the right, the door to the platform, there is no one, come on, come on! thank you valer, see you tomorrow , he also falls, grabs, breaks, screams, unhooks the tomatoes, vyacheslav yulievich, where do you think our first flight will be, zolotarevsky says to prague, this is good, but how do they know, but i want to istanbul, istanbul, no, i ’m going somewhere to the west, i didn’t understand straight away, if you fly to the west for a very long time, sooner or later you’ll reach japan, oh well, that’s enough, i ’d like to. dreamers, we still have a test flight and exam, look, foyvod , remember the ray, here it is, hello, small aviation,
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how are things, there were no more dogs on the runway, why not, comrade zoldaryov, large aviation, scared away all the dogs, yes, yeah, the shape is clear, the content is lousy. who let the dog out when it was already herded onto the bus? zhenya, who? son vyacheslavich, look , he’s funny, i’m a pilot, i’m not a ground
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service worker, the security chief can’t cope with a dog, so once again, there’s an explanatory note, no, i really don’t understand what is required of me now, specifically, but specifically, i’ll explain specifically now, you find this dog, it’s probably with your son, this time. you personally take her to the blue cross, that’s two, and you give your son a severe reprimand, as i understand it, that’s three, words, do you want to fly abroad or has it passed? i wrote, if you want, i’ll send it, i go home through the mail, thank you, i do it myself. hello everyone,
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kohl, come here, why, vyacheslav yuryevich, coffee, sandwich, no, thank you, come here, come, come. oh, cowboy, let me go, don't touch me! let me go, i said,
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let's go, where is the dog, please don't touch colma, look from the side so that she doesn’t run out , there will be tanks, yeah, come over, carefully, let ’s not scare her, don’t touch her, don’t touch her, hold the guy, hold the dog, they don’t scare animals like that, let me in, listen, be quiet, well...
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get up in the car, leave it aside, leave it aside, done, leave it, please leave it aside! let's go, touch it, palm tree, palm tree.
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if i were kolya, i would also hide from you in the chassis. vyacheslav yuryevich, while i’m here, don’t come here. by the way, there are also microbes in the water; they need to be treated with peroxide. kolya, come out. where are you going, it’s a pity it wasn’t your flight, what flight, well, on which i wanted to fly in the chassis, that’s why, that would be great.
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“if i was cold or crushed on your plane, and you were flying and didn’t know anything, then take off this stupid one, it’s my mother’s sweater, don’t touch me, who the hell are you, i don’t know you, have you come to see me at least once?” me, they visited me, i don’t even send gifts to me, so i’ll tell you now one thing and a topic for..." let’s close it once and for all, your mother gave you gifts, and i give her monthly gifts for you i sent the money, that makes you my dad, imagine, yes, sit down, sit down. that's it, it will heal soon , i won't live with you anyway, i hate you, where will you
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go, i'll go to an orphanage, you will continue to fly around in peace, and i... will live in an orphanage, in an orphanage, you know what it’s like to live in an orphanage, so i’ll find out, okay, we’ll leave, only in the morning, now you’re going to bed, and in the morning we’ll go to choose a good one for you.
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dear igor petrovich, my name is kolya, i’m 9 years old, i’m running to you from the airport in moscow, where you recently flew from, you left here palm tree, your dog, the palm tree is waiting for you, she doesn’t leave anywhere...
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and despite her intelligence, she can’t understand why you left her, i can’t either, but i know that it’s very difficult for her without you. "she will never stop waiting for you, she will never give up, she will wait until the last minute, even if she has to die, because you are family to her, it’s raining like
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buckets, well, to free the cells, he’s standing, everything is completely overcrowded, where am i going, guys? rather, the dogs are running away, they just caught it, come on, come on, catch up, get up, and no nothing is worse than realizing that your parent abandoned you and forgot as if you never existed, so i beg you, please come and pick up the palm tree.
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sit down, i'll come there myself. are you going to get sick? sit down, let's go get a palm tree.
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i know where she is, let's go, what are you standing, let's go, she will find her way back.
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maybe she doesn't.
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well, are you ready to go home again? varya, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, no, varya, don’t tell anyone, stop, we’ll look for her, we ’ll post an ad, she won’t go anywhere, everything will be fine, what a rogue. kolyan, look.
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what a good dog, don't you bite? hi, sobakin, your work either ran away, palmavar sergeevna, don’t tell the dog, otherwise they’ll take her away again or even worse, then take her for yourself, vyacheslav yu yes, she can live with us, with us, well, that is
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, you, you, and i will take care of her until the owner returns, yes i, yes i, yes we, yes you, she won’t go anywhere from here, she scratched herself at eleven o’clock, so what to do , we need to find the owner so that he can take her, but in the meantime we will take care of her, i can, you’re tired, i’m not tired, okay, i’m tired, i have a flight in 6 hours, i need to get some sleep, let's go... home, can i fix the rest of the car with sergei pavlych? an assistant won't bother me, i'll keep an eye on it. okay, good morning everyone, i'm off to bed, i have a shift in the evening, can i give you a ride? no, i'll get there myself. don't refuse, you'll sleep longer. dad, give me a lift, give me a lift, vyacheslav yurovich, otherwise i’ll be wandering around the forest alone like that, and there are miracles, and there’s a goblin wandering around. and i'm nervous. i won't be long, you know. like a cockroach in spanish, like a cucaracha, there was a song like this, i’m a cucaracha, i’m
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a cucaracha, but i thought, maybe an ad in give the newspaper about the palm tree, this is the kolyan’s idea, vyacheslav, yes, yuri, a journalist, and where the dog is, you need to indicate the owner’s name and surname in the ad so that friends or relatives can contact him, great, great, go away, go away. and they won’t take her away again, the last page of the newspaper, a small note, no one will notice, yes, yes, on a leash at the runway, you ’re out of your mind, lyubovyevna, i told you what to do with this dog, that’s it, lazarev, you're done, you're done, you can forget about international flights,
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you can forget about flying in general, now put your flight license on my chair , go, let’s play with the dogs, i’m done, glory, that’s it. zhurina, yes, comrade lyuskom , are you filming or not, ivan romanovich, maybe you can come a little closer, but i can’t stand these dogs, i’m allergic to them, come quickly, i beg you, that’s normal, yes, hand a little higher, here, there, a little lower. below, great, i'm filming. when i read the history of the palm tree, i realized that this dog is a real hero, and the country should know its heroes, not like that, here it is, so to speak, real soviet devotion, in this the dog should know the whole world, yes, we need to draw up a schedule of excursions to the palm tree,
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here, in this place near the runway , put a large beautiful enclosure so that there is everything that this dog needs, thank you, these are the kind of workers we should be proud of, comrade zhureniya, well, we should somehow encourage him, well, for example, comrade lazarev is waiting for approval for international flights, great, we approve most fully, so to speak, we approve, thank you, thank you, yes, and i would like to address this to the owner of the dog, dear friend, come pick up your friend, she was waiting for you, she will be waiting, filmed, i’m listening, no,
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the owner has not returned yet, the dog, the dog is waiting, this is the same dog and become in the newspaper, not yet. i’m back, i’m telling you again, the dog is fine, don’t worry, yes, she’s walking around at the airfield, oh, can you take a picture of me, thank you, yes, take a picture, no, the owner hasn’t been found yet.
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you asked yesterday how they were doing, and the day before yesterday too, i suddenly recognized you by your voice, listen, there’s no need to come here, everything is fine. hello, please get on the bus, let me take you, she’s definitely not a biter, palm tree, palm tree, let’s go, now another one will fly in, let’s go.
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does not mean discharge, well, we did everything we could, then on our own, you really don’t want to return to work, irrevocably, decisively, listen to me, you will put bradin nikolayach in his place, the accused kulipov, do you admit your guilt? this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss, now very pleasant, kreposovsky from tuesday on
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rtr, you are my melody, we are in the television center, yes, friends, it remains, tenderly, your tenderness,
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i will love, nikolai dobronravov’s evening on january 7 on rtr, i can’t even believe that the bear is no longer there, aren’t you going to the wake, do you know who it is? no, but i am also close to the eternal. i’m his daughter , who lived, there were three sisters, mom, is it true, she ’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i ’m very glad to see you, well, i don’t need you, okay, arvara mikhailovna, i’ll wait for you at the little place , the third is just a stranger, why do you put up with such a relationship, he is rude, mocks, cheats on you, your mother too... in fact, she fell in love with a married man, you do you think my mother was a happy woman , she cried at night, you want that too , all my life i was afraid that she would appear, or maybe
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she was for the better, someone else’s sister, january 8 on rtr, why don’t you eat, so many calls and no one doesn't know anything about this... can't there be a person without family and friends? everything will be fine. have you already said this? okay, let's go. let's go, let's go for a walk. where? tell me any city in the world. rome. rome. so, take your finger, put it in any place on the map where you hit it,
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kolezey, great, so, where are we going, left, to the right, to the left, we walk left along via deifori imperiale and we get to piazza venezia, from there along the side streets we go to the trevi fountain. the most famous fountain of the time, everyone makes wishes there, turn it over, further down san vincenza street, we end up in the pantheon, the temple of all the gods, you know all of rome, well, at least the center for sure, and you know other cities, i know all the cities , which are in this atlas, throughout my childhood i looked at this atlas every night with a flashlight. under the covers, and weren’t you scolded for not sleeping? it happened, sometimes even i got it with a belt, your mother was strict
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, not a mother, a teacher, and you know that the boys laughed at me, but i believed that i would grow up, become a pilot, visit all the cities that are in this atlas, did you always walk around the cities alone? somehow there was no one with me, but i would have taken nina if i could have taken my mother, but she’s also good, i like it, i like it too , so what’s the problem, go, eat, you ’ll live alone, a lot, you understand , casanovo, but i’m thinking how wonderful it would be today, vyacheslav yuryevich, yes, maybe
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so, but without you. and we are still new, nin, hi, hi, ninochka, protect yourself, thank you, vyacheslav yuryevich, should we wait for you or will you, nosh, go ahead, look, please, you will stumble, let’s go, what are you looking at? rona, rona, come to me, little one, come on, my dear, ronochka, mine, come on, come here, come, my dear, well, my dear, my dear,
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don’t worry, don’t be offended by me, i’m... to blame, they don’t let me in, well, i’m next to you, well, 2 hours, in 2 hours we’ll see each other, polina for you,
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give me a knife, like a cold one, come on, like this, like that, throw it, like that, oops, oops, unfold , let the dog go, don’t you hear, no, i have an order, the dog was in plain sight, it’s a living creature, it can’t be put in a cage, so don’t hurt it, then i’ll reflect the cage, i’m telling you, i lived separately in the area, i’m saying, not everyone has two there’s one like that, yes, he has a view of the entire airfield, let her out, she’s feeling bad here, why are you yelling, i’m not holding him, well, play, play, get andry on.
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palma, why haven’t you eaten? well, eat it, poor dog, oh, rhythm, what is this? malfunctions of the heart. is it because she doesn't eat? well that's why too, but that's not the main reason. i want to say that this is a very devoted dog, if she devotes her life to her owner like that, i’m afraid she won’t live until the next morning. what's his name? mikhail akopovich. mikhail akopovich.
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not out of idle curiosity, let me kolya, let's go talk, let's go, alma! alma. alma is me. come to me, alma, my girl, come, come.
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palma, get up, let's go home, palma, get up, i said. palma, let's get out of here, you're all wet, let's get out of here,
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please, let's go home, you'll live with me, i understood, i got up immediately and went, you will live with me. i’ll pick you up now and you’ll go, understand? get up, get up, please get up, palm tree, get up, you , get up, you fool, i don’t hate you, think about how... i abandoned you, and my mother died, should i also lie down to die now, but it would be better if i died,
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why live here with you, you all leave me, you too? palma, don't leave me, please, let's go home, please, dolly varden, let's go home, let's go report quickly. let's go home,
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palma, palma, palma, dog, you are my favorite, how are you feeling, how are you, how are you you, like you, let's wrap up, come with me.
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it’s because of everything, i don’t drink
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, who do you think i am, just smell it, just wine, dad, well, well, what is it, well, alcohol, calm down , nina, calm down, what kind of alcohol, well, what, what am i , am i an idiot , giving alcohol to a child, i don’t even know what it is , i don’t know, you’re setting it up again out of the blue, it’s four letters on a birch tree, yuryevich knows, it’s bigger than my leg, don’t leave, sit down, now we'll have lunch. sit down, sit down, kindergarten, sit down, come on, yes, i'm listening, oh, how tomorrow, you are my sweet,
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kolya, open the door, we have to go, i will open it, open the door, no, kolya, open the door, i won’t open it. i have a flight, i can’t miss it, no one will fly anywhere, please open the door, i want to talk, i promise, no one will do anything without your consent, he will pick her up anyway, not on my flight, then the next one. takes it, he is her owner,
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she has been waiting for him for so long, do you really want to take this moment away from her, she is my dog, clearly, that is , you don’t care about her, don’t care, i won’t give her up, she now lives with me and will always be live with me, and no one will fly anywhere, if you love her, you must let her go, just like you let your mother and i go, i didn’t let you go, i left you. i left you, kohl , now i am very sorry that i did this , i then thought only about myself, dreamed of heaven, of a career, i was afraid that your appearance would change everything, now i am glad that you changed my life, i i want to be. the best father in the world for you and yes, your mother is no more, but if you give
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the palm tree, you will not be alone, i will always be there, i will never leave you if you really love the palm tree, you shouldn't think only about yourself. life gives us amazing examples of loyalty and friendship. when i heard this amazing story about a devoted dog, i knew that the owner would definitely return, because a real soviet man cannot betray a friend. the owner turned out to be igor polsky, who was on a long business trip abroad, and at the first opportunity returned for his faithful palm tree. and here is comrade lazarev. who will take the dog and its owner to prague on his first
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international, so to speak, flight, so say, let's shake his hand, hello, comrade lazarev, hello, comrade, hello, hello, kolya, of course, kolya is glad that the dog will finally find his owner, tell us a little about your joy, yes, but what does comrade feel lazarev on this happy day before his first trip abroad, but i still... don’t understand, be modest, comrade, wonderful, well, friends, and now the main event, igor’s return to polsky, yes, let’s go, comrade, let’s go, let's go, comrades, let's go, be careful, let's go, let's go, don't keep up, don't lag behind.
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comrade, polish, hello, happy arrival, hello, we are all happy about your return, tell me how you feel now before meeting your faithful friend. alma,
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hello, it's me, alma, why didn't you recognize me, alma, alma, come to me.
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were you the one looking after her? yes i am, thank you very much. be friends! ivan petrovich, yes, i understood you, okay. comrade polsky, lazarev, can i talk to you? yes, of course, you were in a yellow dress and once laughed at yourself here, there were such rays, look at me
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eyes and say that you have no other woman, i have no other woman. oleg, who is for you? don't know. how could you bring her into our house? yes, you betrayed mom, yes, you betrayed us all. when the ice in your heart melts, i'm there. when the time comes, start all over again. you lost your husband and now you decide to take mine? this is all wrong. yes, that's all true. i don't want to go back. i love you too, half an hour before spring, today on rtr, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in
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app or website, i don’t have children, but i have two girls. “inspector, oh, instructor, i’m coming to your servants , the single woman is also going to get a divorce, andrei urgant, they themselves must learn from their mistakes, natalya varley, get up and go change your life, you can do anything, i said it, aunt lyusya, yours aunt lucy, january 7 at
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rtr, i am glad to welcome you to our art tournament." gymnastics, for the first time our tournament is not held at home, away from home, the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing. international art tournament gymnastics on january 8 at rtr.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia , it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, kids, this is your work , open the laptop , i’ll tell you a secret, out in the open. there are resources on the internet about elections, the site opened immediately in the know: data about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, il-62 aircraft, i don’t understand why you left the dog? well, it happened so, and in general
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everything that happens here is not my initiative. it was possible to escape for one day. how do you imagine this? i received an appointment as a sales representative in prague, i fly there for work and, bye, i flew back, who will let me go? so much time has passed, and then? i explained to you, i have dreamed of this job all my life, finally. there, it became a shame, how once an article was published in komsomolskaya pravda about what a great guy alma is, and what a scoundrel her owner is, i even wanted to write an anonymous letter that i wouldn’t come back for her, don’t let someone more worthy take her, yes... like people in look after this? ok, you don’t need a dog, leave it to the boy, i can’t
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, wait, let me buy it from you, it ’s a muscovite, brand new, i bought it six months ago, stop it, it’s just a dog, okay, how much, i’ll add money, how much , but it’s not about the money, well, i can’t, this one caused me laziness he told me, you can’t take the dog, a ticket to the table over there will work, but i didn’t want the dog at all, they gave it to me for my birthday, it’s all somehow stupid.
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let's go, let's go, well, i want to tell
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you have a good flight, good luck, all the best, thank you. report flight readiness. the navigator is ready. on the right is ready, the flight engineer is ready, ticket please, thank you, picture of the dog returning, let's go.
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alma, well, we have to go, where, hey, yes, what do you have, stop, palm tree, let go, stop filming, stop filming. take the child away remove the child, let go, dad , read the map before starting the engine, flight documentation is secured on board, dad, let me go, dad, attitude indicators have been checked, risks are combined, oxygen masks, open, prepared, come on, here, just
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a couple more steps, come on, just a little more, yes, come on! kolya, calm down, calm down, kolya, the card has been read, request launch.
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so what's up? lyubov arkadyevna, please don’t punish the crew, why? we won't fly anywhere today, the flight is cancelled. oh, i see, anya, yes, lyubov, arkademna, yes go, announce to the passengers that the plane is waiting in line to take off, so that they don’t worry , it will be in about 20 minutes, smile, katya, call me fedya, thank you, you understand that this is a malfeasance, that now you
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will be arrested, taken out of here, and you will put your flight certificate on my table, this is zhurina. zolotarev and his crew urgently. they will leave for prague in 20 minutes. i said urgently. what's happened? taglokh.
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vyacheslav iyurovich, i have nothing against you, yes, of course. do you have a certificate for your dog? what? so what what a mess it is going on here, huh? the animal must have a certificate, so what's the matter? there is no certificate for the dog , what kind of certificate, like lyubov arkadievna, you can eventually stop this circus,
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you can’t do it without a certificate, it looks like something is wrong with the dog , look at how she breathes, rabies is possible, i’m tired of this disgrace, send everything plane immediately, that’s it, polish comrade, without a certificate. you can’t, so love , arkania, aren’t you afraid that i’ll fire you, after all, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m very afraid, but the dog didn’t pass the inspection, i don’t write laws, and i have to stop sending, let's try, i'll try, and i'll try, no need to try, i need to check the sending of this one.
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kohl'. helmet fastened, put your hands away, let's go into the cabin, a date called, dad, palm tree, jump in, he'll call you, agree, our airport is one of the most advanced, excuse me, now, advanced, well, i must say advanced. “i know, let’s say it again, our airport is one of the leading airports in the ussr, we carry out intercity and international transportation, we have the best flights, yours, what is this?
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the pilot of international flights, vyacheslav lazarev, flew. wait, lazarev, whom you fired? we didn’t fire him, we suspended him for a couple of months, but you see, he’s not wasting his time.” now we’re writing about the airport, come on, start it, yes, but i was scared , well, is the coffee ready? everything’s ready, thank you, how renovations are underway, but it’s terrible , i ordered tiles for the kitchen a long time ago, they promised to deliver them a week ago, we’re still waiting, of course, that means
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you won’t let sashka go so quickly, and irka and vadim can’t count on a quick move, tell me, huh that he’s feeling bad here, or something, and olesh, let’s sit down at the table and have breakfast normally, i’ve had four operations and one. so i ran, that’s how you can help everyone if you don’t take care of yourself, well, not everyone, but i’ll help whoever i can, but that’s it, i ran, come on, bye, bye, what, oh, how cheaply i slept, my god, what a blonde, you continue to console patients, right, on your chest? and listen, after so many years your chest has grown like a shell, that’s it, enjoy your first cup of coffee, otherwise soon everyone will wake up and it will be a madhouse, i adore mine madhouse, bye, until the evening
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, get out of there, ira, by the way, you’re not alone in this house, i’ll be late for the lecture, i had to get up earlier to be on time everywhere, mom, hmm, she’s been sitting there for an hour, i don’t i’ll have time to wash myself, anyut , come on, start breakfast, don’t you know irka , she’s coming out now, i can’t wait for you to finish the repairs for them, they’ll move back to you, and i just decided not to leave
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mommy and you, i see that you clearly lack the firm hand of your older sister, oh, how delicious it smells, well, now i won’t have time to have breakfast , don’t put on makeup, but what do we cram, there is someone to put on makeup for, mom, do something with her, oh, i can’t, girls, you ’re quarreling like little kids, let’s eat porridge, and i went to wake up sashka, yeah. sashulka, sashka , oh, my god, wake up, wake up, come on, come on, here we go, get up, peek-a-boo, well, i went to make breakfast, yes, and you wake up.
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sasha, they led me with their feet to work, i’m late, but i’m holding on, i’m holding on, who are you there, yes maslov, i’m sick of it, it’s been 12 years since i graduated from school, not a single call, now i’ve shown up, so it’s necessary something, for sure, he wants to meet today, but i can’t, i have vadim’s symposium about pashka, maslov, my pashka, exactly, your pashka, i remember how you made hearts all over the room.
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“i understand everything, i am immensely grateful to you, with such a diagnosis all the doctors abandoned us, and you, you give me hope, thank you, i feel sorry for the girl, the young woman is still completely confined to her disabled husband, but so with kirishenko...” oleg, yes, yes, yes, i understood everything, i understand, yes, i’m on a round, i’ll make an appointment later, thank you.
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pasha, anka, i didn’t recognize, can you imagine, i i remember you as such a girl, a new girl with pigtails, because of you they didn’t let ira go on a date, they always came with extra weight, i got so fat, no, i meant, you spread your hair , but ira won’t come, ira, but ira couldn’t, here.
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so i came before the weight, but here you go, thank you. “you don’t recognize your mother at all now, she’s so helpless, listen, i can’t even imagine being helpless, i remember before, when she was still working on the parent committee with our mother, she didn’t really walk around everything, i’m sorry that i have a request right away, but oleg pavlovich, our last chance, all the doctors refused the operation, i made an appointment with my colleague pavlovich. but he has everything planned for six months in advance, so you understand when he can receive us, now every day is counting, so i decided, maybe you don’t worry, i ’ll talk to dad, everything will be fine.


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