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tv   Rozhdestvo Khristovo  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 11:00pm-1:16am MSK

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everyone today is filled, of course , with special feelings, because this is one of the brightest holidays, which gives hope, happiness, when one prays for the unity and well-being of the country, well, very soon we will see this holiday, now i invite everyone to move to the cathedral of christ the savior to see how the service will take place. so, we'll watch.
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hello, dear tv viewers, on this holy, quiet, gracious and mysterious night, i cordially greet you all from the cathedral cathedral of christ the savior in moscow, at the microphone nikolai derzhavin, you. watch the live broadcast of the christmas service, which will be performed by his holiness, the most holy patriarch of moscow of all russia, kirill, in this main church of the russian orthodox church. he will be concelebrated by the vicar bishops and clergy of the cathedral of christ the savior. every year, at this time, orthodox people gather in churches to glorify. the savior
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of the world who came to earth, offer joint prayers and share the joy of the holiday with each other. let us remember the words of the lord, captured in the gospel, where two or three are gathered in my name, there i am in the midst of them. the centuries-old experience of the church testifies that this is truly so. the service will begin in just a few minutes. seconds, now, according to established tradition, the patriarch addresses you from the altar of the cathedral of christ the savior to congratulate you on the holiday of the nativity of christ. dear brothers and sisters, we begin to celebrate the christmas service, and through this service we enter into the celebration of the event itself. the nativity of our lord and savior,
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jesus christ. we call jesus christ savior. what did he save us from, and does what he did 2000 years ago apply to us people of the 21st century? and he saved us from perhaps the most dangerous thing. he saved us from the wrong path in life.
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that the main law of human life is love, this feeling, sublime and beautiful, is the highest value, achieving which a person gains salvation, but the love that the lord speaks about is not exactly the love that we encounter while watching films or reading books , this is the one
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love that is associated with sacrifice, a mother’s love is that same love, because she is ready to give her life for a child, to save love.
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which had a lot of sorrowful and even tragic things, we know that he suffered , died, but not just like that, he died, but died so that we all had the opportunity to live spiritually, so that we all had the opportunity, fulfilling his law, to be happy. the lord showed us the path to salvation; salvation is a synonym for human happiness, a synonym for the fullness of human life. we're getting started now to perform the divine service, through
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which we will, as it were, enter into this mystery of the coming of the lord into this world. and how important it is for this worship service. we need about our country, about our homeland , so that no foreign evil will can disrupt the peaceful flow of our life, we need to pray for our relatives, friends, parents, children, we need to pray for ourselves, so that god will give... strength to go through the path of life in such a way as not to perish spiritually, not to be enslaved by sin, freed from sin, which is nothing more than a crime before god, to find happiness in this life and salvation in eternal life. once again, i
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congratulate all of you, my dears, on the great holiday of the nativity of christ, and may the lord help us all. to strengthen ourselves in faith, in hope, in love, including through prayer, which now lies ahead of us all. may god's blessing remain over all of you, over our people, over our fatherland, over the world in which we live and believe that through prayer the lord gives to those who sincerely believe that god hears our prayers. so, the service begins, thanks to the live broadcast, you and i can participate in this sacred rite, pray together with the patriarch, contemplate
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the beauty and grandeur of the christmas celebration. spiritually, we are united, although not everyone today has the opportunity to visit the temple. and for various reasons they remain in their homes, we are one, for we are bound by the bonds of love in christ, we are one, for there is one holy, one lord, jesus christ, we are one, for the fulfillment of the promise of the savior, who said to his disciples as followers, is not false, i am with you in all days until the end of time. so, the royal doors open, now we will see the clergy coming out from the altar of the temple, headed by the patriarch. the patriarch blesses all those gathered, dear tv viewers,
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and heads to the center of the church to perform the christmas, solemn night service there, and conduct live broadcasts. bless your holy master. blessed is the kingdom of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
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god is with us, god be with us, god is with us, god is with us, understand.
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the church prayerfully supports everyone who is in difficult life circumstances, blesses those staying both in churches and in their homes, trusts in the lord. will visit your hearts, open to meeting him, will warm them with his divine love, will fill them with undying spiritual joy, and i will hope for him that he will be exalted in glory. egoslav.
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the divine service itself helps us to contemplate with spiritual eyes the miracle of the birth of christ, to be involved in the event that marked the beginning of a new christian era and changed the entire further course of world history.
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one main goal: to set a person in a prayerful mood, to help his mind and heart be directed towards the lord.
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existing, and the earth brings a cave . today the virgin gives birth to the one who is above all
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the unapproachable, the angels praise along with the shepherds, and the wise men travel behind the star. because for our sake a child was born, the eternal god. glorifying, bol is fresher, bol is fresher, like a constellation, travel, travel, travel, who gather.
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eternal death. then the chant sounds, now you release your servant, o lord. composer alexander kastalsky.
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prepared before the face of all people, the text of this hymn is taken from the gospel, in the russian translation, it reads like this: now you release your servant, o lord, according to your word in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the face of all nations.
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centuries. amen. most holy trinity, have mercy on us. lord, cleanse our sins. master, forgive our iniquities. holy one, visit and heal our weakness. for your name's sake. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit. both now and forever and ever. amen. our father, and art thou in heaven. hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come. thy will be done
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as it is in heaven on earth. give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the onion. now, for yours is the kingdom, the power and glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, the cry was pronounced by metropolitan gregory of the resurrection, manager of the affairs of the moscow patriarchate, the first vicar of the patriarch for the city moscow.
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the sun of righteousness to know you from the height of your rising. lord, glory to you. jesus christ, who enlightened people with his teaching, is called the sun of truth and the east from above. next comes the chant praise the name of the lord. at this time, the patriarch enshrines the festive icon of the nativity of christ, which will be erected here in the center of the temple on...
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we magnify, we magnify you, christ, the giver of life for us, now born in the flesh under the weightless and most pure virgin mary.
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glory to the father and sinn and the holy spirit both now and forever and ever. amen! scat is worthy. we see how the great dacon
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, having taken the gospel from the throne in the altar, went out to the saliya, a special elevation in front of the royal doors, and here the prokeimenon will now sound, the prokeimenon, translated into russian, means preceding, this verse precedes the reading of the gospel. gospel, the greek word translated into russian means good. good news, news of salvation. rakimen voice fourth, born from the womb of a harmful woman, the lord swears and will not repent. isnego pre-unit.
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let us pray to the lord, lord, for you are holy, our god, for we rest upon the saints, and
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we send up glory to you, to the father and... and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. the exclamation was pronounced by metropolitan anthony of volokaland.
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the betrothal of his former mother mary joseph , before you even heard about him, you have found him who is with you the holy spirit, joseph, i am a righteous husband, and even if you reprove her
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, i willfully let her go, but i thought this to him, and the angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream, saying , joseph, son of david. "do not be afraid to accept mariam, your wife yours, having been born in her, is holy from the spirit , and she will give birth to a son, you will call his name jesus, for he will save his people from their sins, and all this will happen, that what was spoken of the lord by the prophet who said, may be fulfilled, and this virgin will receive with child, and she will give birth to a son, and they will call his name emman. it can be said: god is with us. joseph rose from sleep, and the angel of the lord acted like polvile, and he received his wife, and without my knowing it,
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donda gave birth to his son, his firstborn, and he called his name jesus. glory to you, lord. glory to you. christ is born the glorifier, christ, meet in heaven, christ is on earth, be provided for. oh, lord, all the earth, and the lord is glad.
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christ is born, glorify, christ from heaven, meet, christ on earth, ascend, all people, all earthly creation, sing to god with joy, for he, the lord, is glorified.
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where he was kept under scientific observation in a special climate-controlled room. the image of the holy trinity was placed in a special icon case and installed near the right kriros temple.
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may he bless the lord and exalt him in every way. magnify my soul, most honest and most glorious.
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father, son and holy spirit, and two candles, two natures, divine and human in jesus
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christ. the same dogma.
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the bright and joyful holiday of the nativity of christ reminds us of the high calling of people to be children of god and partakers of eternal life. to become capable of receiving this great gift, we ourselves must strive to live according to our conscience. and this means that
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in all the sometimes difficult circumstances of life , we must act in accordance with those of the gospel. ideals of love, mercy, compassion, peace, goodness justice. in this victorious following along the path of salvation, the lord helps us, man comes down from heaven for our salvation. saint athanasius the great, who lived a century in alexandria, there is such a city in egypt, expressed his goal in amazing words.
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holy, holy, immortal, have mercy on us, lord!
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let us fulfill our inner prayer to the lord, lord, save, have mercy, and preserve us, o god, by your grace, all perfectly, holy, peacefully and sinlessly.
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for you are the god of mercy and generosity and love for mankind, and we send up glory to you, the father and the son and
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holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. the exclamation was pronounced by the bishop of pavlovo posad, silouan, deputy manager of affairs. our holiness the lord bless this and blessed be
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christ our god always now and ever and unto ages of ages. glory to thee, christ, god, our hope, glory to thee, glory to the father and the son, the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy. your holiness, bless. izheverte
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peradivy sivya. for our salvation, christ our true god, through prayers the most pure of his mother , the holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, saints and righteous rich man, joachim, john of all saints, will have mercy and save us, as he is good and
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a lover of mankind, in russian it means common, joint or conciliar work, during the liturgy the sacrament of the eucharist is performed in russian - thanksgiving . bread and wine, the power and action of the holy spirit, are transformed into the body by the blood of christ, and given for communion, for the remission of sins into eternal life. bless the most holy lord. blessed is the kingdom.
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remembering ourselves and each other with all the saints let us give over our friend and our whole life to christ our god. to you, lord. for yours is your
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kingdom and power, the glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. the exclamation was said by the archimand. here are the virgins singing, that is, singing to you, hallelujah. hallelujah, a word of hebrew origin translated into russian, means a call to glorify and praise the lord.
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glory. to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever, the second antiphon is joined by the singing of the hymn “the only begotten son.” the only begotten son and word of god, all things are immortal, and we will our salvation, payer, o holy mother of god.
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the gospel is always on the altar throne and is directed through the northern side doors to the patriarchal pulpit. and you, you see from the heights of the east. lord, glorious. rod of strength, follow, lord, from zion. and rule in the midst of your enemies.
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the initiative is kind to the gray man. christ, be born.
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after the exclamation of the archdeacon, the small entrance is made, the patriarch, holding the dekiri trikiri in his hands , heads to the altar.
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eternal god, eternal. lord, let's pray. lord, help me. how holy you are. our god, and to you we send glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever. lord, save the pious.
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lord save the pious.
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look to heaven, o god, and see, visit this grape, establish it, plant it, your right hand, the patriarch with a child in his right hand with a cross in his left hand, came out of the altar,
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on february 1, 2009, the new
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sixteenth patriarch of the russian orthodox church was erected, patriarch kirill. well, this year, on the first of february, there will be a church-wide celebration dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of the enthronement of the patriarch. o christ.
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galatians epistles of the holy apostle paul. reading. we listen to the word of god. when the end of summer comes. god sent his only begotten son. we are married under
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the law, but the subordinate temptation... is bitten and we receive sonship, as we are sons, under the weak spirit of our son, crying into your hearts, allah, father? by the same token, he is no longer an orphan, but a son, or even a son, the heir of god, jesus christ. hallelujah, hallelujah. i will read the apostle
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in russian: when the fullness of time came, god sent his only begotten son, who born of a woman, subject to the law in order to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons, and because you are sons, god has sent into your hearts the spirit of his son crying, abba father. therefore you are no longer a slave.
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who works with much power to fulfill the gospel of his beloved son, our lord jesus christ. amen. forgive wisdom, let us hear the holy gospel. peace to all,
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and to your spirit. saying, “where is the king of the jews born, he saw him by his star in the east, and when he came, worship him; when herod heard the king, all jerusalem was troubled by him, and gathered together the high priests and scribes of the people, asking
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from them where christ was born, asked him lower, bethlehem:
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his mother, and fell, bowing to him, and having established her treasure, bringing him gifts. zloty or va unmyrrh, and having received everything in a dream, do not return to the other way, having gone to your own country.
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we pray for the builder, beautifier and donor of the saint, lord, we also pray
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to you, lord, our savior, who is the friend of the prayers of your sleepy servants, throughout this time of trial that has come to russia the saint, who has beaten the women to death, revive your salvation, with your whole mouth. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord, we still pray with mercy and mercy, watch over the entire army, the defender of our fatherland, and strengthen us all in faith, unanimity, health, strength of spirit, strive, lord, hear,
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victory, a faithful child in yours and unity , help your people, give us, by your power , the russian churches who are zealous and hasten in the spirit of brotherly love. strengthen them and deliver them from troubles, forbid those who are tearing apart the marriage of minds and the hardness of hearts, your rose, i am the church of the living god, their plans... confirm, with the grace of your power, guide and enrich with wisdom for every good , warriors, all defenders of our fatherland, establish in your commandments, strength of spirit did not save them, preserve from death the wounds of captivity, deprived of shelter in exile , bring in those who are in the house , feed the hungry, the sick, the suffering, strengthen, heal, confusion and sadness.
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give good consolation to the inherent hope. in these days, grant to all who were killed and died from wounds and illness, forgiveness of sins, and create blessed repose. fulfill us even with all faith, hope and love, restore peace and unanimity towards each other in all the countries of holy russia, renew love in your people. with one mouth and one heart, let us confess to you, the one god, glorified in the trinity, for you are the intercession of victory, the salvation of those who trust in you, and to you we send glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. amen.
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we always keep under your power and send glory to you to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. the exclamation was said by bishop nikandr of narofaminsk, chairman financial and economic management of the moscow patriarchate.
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at the end of the prayer, mutual remembrance follows. the patriarch goes to the altar. it is located here in the northern part of the altar.
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your holiness orthodox patriarchs, your beatitudes archbishops and metropolitans, your eminence metropolitans, archbishops and
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bishops, all the priestly and monastic ranks, may the lord god change in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. so, the paten with bread is delivered to the throne. our great lord and father, kirill, his holiness the patriarch of moscow, night services are held today in thousands of churches.
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to the cathedral of christ the savior. the divine liturgy continues here. we ask the lord for our souls and peace! so, the great entrance has ended.
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our glorious mistress theotokos and the ever-virgin mary, having commemorated ourselves and each other with all the saints, and commended our whole life to christ our god, ordain by the bounty of your only begotten son, with whom art thou blessed, with thy most holy and good life-giving spirit, now and ever and in...
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the sacrament of the eucharist. i believe, believe the door, especially at the moment of accomplishing the greatest wisdom of it, i believe in one god, father , almighty, creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible, and in one lord jesus christ, the son of god.
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who glorified the prophets into one holy catholic and apostolic church, i confess one baptism, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the dead, and the life to come. forever,
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amen, let's become kind, let's become a zazrak, holy offering in the world, bring, mercy the eucharistic canon is being recited, the song of the mercy of the world,
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the lord, is sounding, it is worthy and righteous to sing you and bless you, the celebration of the sacrament of the eucharist begins with thanksgiving, just as the savior at the last supper offered thanks to god the father. let us pray together with the patriarch. to give thanks to you and to glorify the only existing god and to offer to you with my heart.
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the great god, the savior of our hope and is the image of your goodness, the seal is equal, show in yourself the father, the living word, the true god, the eternal wisdom, belly, illumination, strength, holy truth , to whom the holy spirit appeared, the spirit of truth, sonship , gift, betrothal of a future inheritance , the firstfruits of eternal blessings, life-giving power, source, illumination, from him all the verbal ailment, the intelligent, is strengthened, to you the blessed one also serves you.
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singing a song of victory, singing calling and saying, with these blessed powers we are the lord who loves mankind, sinners singing and saying, you are holy, the truth of jacob, and most holy and bearing the measure of the splendor of your shrine.
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and the true god and father, having acquired us for himself people, chosen by the royal illumination from the saints, to the saints, give yourself the betrayal of death, in it we keep you sold under sin and will fulfill everything with yourself, resolve mortal illnesses
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and risen on the third day, and create the way for all flesh to rise from the dead, for i am not in heaven powerful enough to keep being a waste on... and the man will come from the publisher according to his due, leave us the memory of this saving suffering of this, but i have offered you, according to his commandments, at least to go out to your free and ever-memorable and life-giving death, in the night in the dark give yourself the belly of the world, welcome the holy bread, your most pure hands, showing you to god and father, thanking you. having blessed, sanctified, broken, given to your saints as a martyr, and the apostle of time, accept, eat,
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this is my body, which was broken for the remission of sins, like unto me, bless, sanctify. yes, to your holy disciples the apostles of the rivers, drink from it, all of you, this is my blood, the new testament, but i am for you, for the remission of sins poured out for many, the creator of all things is my remembrance.
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for all for all, we sing to you, we bless you, we thank you, lord, and we pray, god ours, for this sake of the lord of the most holy, and we are sinners, unworthy, thy servants serve thy holy altar with all dueness, not for the sake of our righteousnesses, the heavens have created for them what is good on earth, but for the sake of... thy mercy, thy bounties, i have poured out thou art rich in nanas, we boldly approach thy holy altar, and having offered instead the figurative
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holy body of the blood of thy christ, we pray to thee and we urge thee, holy of holies, by the good pleasure of thy goodness, to come to thy holy spirit nana for the proper gift of these gifts, and i bless and illuminate show. this, the most honorable blood of the lord and god of our salvation, jesus christ, poured out from the dead, added by your holy spirit. god.
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head of the administrative secretariat of the moscow patriarchate. the tradition of the presence of top officials of the state at worship services today, on special holidays, has deep historical roots. centuries, from the time when the church, under the holy equal-to-the-apostles tsar constantine the great, received freedom and found itself under the protection of the state, orthodox emperors recognized its sides.
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we are with you again in the cathedral of christ the savior. and all those who demand your great compassion, and those who love us, and those who hate us, who commanded us as unworthy, pray for them, all your people remember, lord our god, pour out your rich mercy on all,
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granting petitions to everyone for salvation, their unmentioned ignorance or ... by name or by many names, god himself change, vedaika and gozhda, the age of naming, vedaika and gozhda from his mother’s womb, would you, lord, be a help to the helpless, a hope for the hopeless, a savior for the stormy, a refuge for those who float, who does not question the doctor, he himself will be known to everyone and his petition and his house, demand it, god save this capital city, every city from... every city and country from famine , destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, swords, invasion of tribal people and internecine warfare. first, lord, change your most holy orthodox patriarchs, your blessed archbishops and metropolitans, your eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, grant them
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to your holy churches in whole, honest peace.
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yours, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and ever. and may the mercies of the great god of our salvation, jesus christ, be with you all, and with your spirit. all saints, having remembered, in peace. let's pray to the lord. about the bestowed sacred pure gift. let's pray to the lord.
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our belly is painless, unashamed, peaceful, all those gathered in the hall are selling the lord’s prayer, our father. having asked for the spirit for ourselves and each other, and our whole life, we surrender to christ, god. vouchsafe us, o lord, to sweep away without condemnation with your courage, call upon you the heavenly god of the father and the verb, our father,
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this prayer is called prayer, temptation, but deliver us from the spirit, for yours
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is the kingdom, the power and glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. peace to all. and to your spirit, the glory of the lord, bow down to yourself, lord, with the grace and generosity and love of mankind of your only begotten son, blessed as you are, with your most holy and good and life-giving spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages,
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the exclamation serves as a reminder that the holiness , the body and blood of christ, is taught to those who have cleansed their souls through repentance sacrament of confession, the royal doors are closed, the communion of the clergy will now begin in the altar, the patriarch is the first to receive communion, followed by the bishops and all concelebrants, at this... moment of the service, when in the altar behind the closed royal doors the communion of the clergy takes place, the altar symbolizes the zion upper room,
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then the city has a high house, on earth i am a humble man. hallelujah,
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hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, high god, i am on earth. humble man, like my birth, we will eliminate the world itself.
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he is in heaven, he was a leader in heaven.
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falls on weekly fast days, on wednesday or friday, and even after the feast of christ, fasting is canceled, even if the holiday begins on christmastide, which will last until epiphany eve, until january 18. on christmastide, as a sign of the spiritual triumph of universal joy, weekly fasting days and prostrations to the ground are canceled. hallelujah!
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christmas message from patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. to the archpastors-pastors,
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deacons and monastics to all the faithful children of the russian orthodox church. beloved, lord, archpastors. all-honorable presbyters and deacons, god-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters, the ineffable love of god has gathered us today to celebrate in the unity of the spirit and the union of peace one of the most solemn and at the same time mysterious holidays of the church, the nativity of our lord, jesus christ. celebrating the coming. to the world of the savior, i cordially congratulate all of you, my dears, on this joyful event, which has opened a new era in the relationship between god and people. every time i look at what happened
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two thousand years ago, we are trying to comprehend the greatness and miracle of the incarnation and never cease to be amazed at the goodness and mercy of our creator. for many centuries , humanity has languished in tense anticipation of the reconciler promised by the lord, the righteous saving king, in whose name the nations will trust. and so, when the fullness of times had finally come, a child was born to us, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have life.
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but humbly and meekly, in the silence of the night of a wretched cave, sung by a host of angels and a few shepherds who came to see, what's happened. at the very beginning of his earthly journey, the lord seemed to want, within the limits
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of humiliation, to show an image of virtue, st. john chrysostom reflects. this is the only noble thing to do. perfect love, which does not seek its own, does not put itself on display and does not demand the honor of glory, but is ready to endure all the hardships of sorrow for the benefit of its neighbors. that is why, the ecumenical teacher of the church continues: the lord accepts my body so that i can receive his word, and having accepted my flesh, he gives me his spirit. so that by giving and receiving, you can tell me the treasure life. in this, the abundant love of god was revealed to us, that we received the true treasure of life, the lord himself, from whom
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everything comes to him. love is the real reason and driving force of divine actions. having generously endowed him with gifts, out of love he came to save him when he fell away from communication with his creator. according to the creator's intention, the whole meaning of human life is for us to love each other, but how to achieve this in a world where there is so much evil and hatred, first of all, it is necessary to discover. and give your heart to god, only he can change and expand it, so that it, now so weak and limited, becomes able to accommodate those near and far, and those who do good to those who offend us, all those whom
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we are called to love according to the commandment of christ, imitating in perfection to our heavenly father, bowing in prayer before... the newborn child of god, let us think, what kind of gift will we offer to the ruler of the universe, can there be anything worthy and proportionate and great? and eternal creator. yes, there is such a valuable gift, which is more the lord, our humble, loving and merciful heart, desires everything; let us glorify the incarnate christ, not only with beautiful songs and congratulatory messages, but above all with good deeds, let us share the bright christmas joy with those in need. let us warm our neighbors with our care, visit the sick and


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