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tv   Neposlushnik  RUSSIA1  January 7, 2024 1:15am-3:11am MSK

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christ, imitating perfectly our heavenly father. bowing in prayer before the newborn god-child, let us think, what gift will we offer to the lord of the universe? can there be anything at all worthy and commensurate with the greatness of the eternal creator? yes, there is such a valuable gift that the lord desires most of all. our humble, loving and merciful heart. let us glorify the incarnate christ not only with beautiful songs and congratulatory messages, but above all with good deeds. let's share the bright christmas joy with those in need, let us warm our neighbors with our care. let us visit the sick and those burdened with sorrows, comfort and support them...
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the evangelist john, seeing the life of the next century, testifies to the complete presence of the lord with love, he will dwell with them, they will be his people, and god himself. however, this
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ineffable mystery of the divine presence begins to be realized already here on earth, for with the birth of the savior the time was fulfilled, and the kingdom of heaven approached. we blindly enter into this reality, forming a single holy church of christ, through which all we, my dear ones, are messengers and representatives of this highest kingdom of love. this is an amazing and profound experience. god is with us and constitutes the essence of the mysterious, hidden life of the church. let us remember that if the almighty, alpha omega the beginning and the end, the first is the last, has embraced human history in his embrace. promised
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to be with us always until the end of the age, then we have nothing to fear or be afraid of the alarming circumstances of the present time. responding to the great love of the savior, let us learn to completely trust oneself to the lord and trust in his good providence, so that even until the second glorious coming of christ, even until the last. earth with boldness and joy to testify that god is with us, kirill, patriarch of moscow of all russia. the patriarch's christmas message was read out by metropolitan gregory of the resurrection, manager of the affairs of the moscow patriarchate. meanwhile, we.
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so, from the feast of the nativity of christ our holidays began, like various streams from a source. the holiday of the nativity of christ gave rise to many folk customs: christmas carols, glorification of the infant god, device. all these are indispensable attributes of the holiday; it is wonderful that many of these glorious customs have been revived today. we return again to the cathedral
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cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. mirian's communion begins here.
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martyr of the immortal wuxi. the body of christ, accept it,
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is an immortal source.
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all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. amen. with this, i, nikolai derzhavin, bid you farewell to the holiday. merry christmas to all of you, dear tv viewers. it is forbidden, so that everyone loves us, but it is very possible and necessary for us to love everyone. mentor, next to him you were like, well, on the eve of heaven, if not in heaven.
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the light shone on other people. father john, premiere of the documentary on january 7 on rtr. hold on, it takes time, you won’t be able to operate anymore than you will stop when it’s crazy, as i understand it, i’m kidding, no, you think carefully and return to work. we’ll see him already, you’re running away from problems. they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, this isn’t a joke,
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i mean, do you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, undress something, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i’ll find it now, the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain , i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet. father, from time to time, in what sense, repasovsky, from tuesday on rtr.
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from the top of the ural ridge, neither villages nor roads are visible, only the sea of ​​mountain taiga spills out to the horizon, there. at the height it seems that the stone from polin, the old man of the rock, and the time, frozen in the cold in white silence. here you begin to perceive people’s intentions and desires differently. it seemed that there was nothing fabulous about the appearance of mariinsk. two centuries ago, industrialist alexey demidov conceived the idea of ​​building a plant in the middle urals. and i found a place for platinum, where. where the river flows through the intermountain ranges, a village appeared, which
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was named mariinsky in honor of his wife maria. as if the demidov era flew by for the stone giant, the turbulent 20th century flew by, and the village of mariinsk lives, as before, under through his gaze with his original life. old age and joy, and my ancestors were generally brought here by the demidovs, as artisans, my great-grandfather, he was the owner of a brick factory, well, a small factory there, well, at that time there were such small peasant factories, and from his bricks they built churches in verkhaturya, then there was a revolution, the reds shot my great-grandfather. and my grandfather, he was already a supporter of the new government, with my grandmother, they
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dismantled the church in the village of shchelkun, but they didn’t just destroy it, they were made of this material, from these bricks they created a secondary school, which all the nearby villages then went to, then it so happened that if my great-grandfather was the owner of a brick factory, then i also followed the path of producing building materials. i have been building churches for about 20 years ; more than 13 churches have already been built when i settled in mariinsk, several of us gathered and we built one at the beginning. the temple of st. nicholas the wonderworker, on the site where the church used to stand, and then the large temple of st. george the victorious, and so the story seems to go in cycles, but a little, first the great-grandfather i built, my grandfather, roughly speaking, destroyed, i’m building again. i was born in shchelkun, this is also
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the sverdlovsk region, then i moved to yekaterinburg, and for a long time i didn’t want to hear anything about the village, even. then my daughter was born here, something happened to me, it is necessary for the child to grow up in nature, my friend says to me: let’s go to moriinsk, i come, i immediately fell in love with this village at first sight, that’s it, i started building a house there, a lot there's an accumulation of antique things, i like it so much, i've somehow already begun to feel so deeply into this very thing, these historical, these things are old and then one of... says to me: look, i ’m selling a house nearby, i looked, i have a mature plan, and this, i think, will be a house, a museum, later it turned out that this is actually antufiev's house, this is generally the pearl of our village, it has a rich history, it was built in 1850, debidov's descendants lived there, i
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thought, if god gave me the opportunity 30 years ago... to create a company, then maybe i there's another chance to do another cool thing for people, we they began to restore ancient huts and fill them all with country utensils in order to show all this to our descendants; it turned out that they were renovating an ancient house that was more than 100 years old, excuse me, here, first of all, it’s not just that carpenters are needed there, they also need painters.
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this dam is the only one that has been opened, we can see how it is built, the only one opened in the urals, the dam needs to be restored, because well, this is the heart of the village, this is the main attraction of maryinsk, well, it is really beautiful, especially in the spring, when there are these waterfalls, i can hear him at the other end of the village, we want to mothball it, do a reconstruction of the plant to show how...
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we are restoring the windows, the stove, yes , the stove is original, it is most likely the same age as the house, it decorates the space, i think that it will most likely remain in general, i have an education as an architect, city planner, in my second year i met a teacher who needed guys, in order to go to the province,
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it was necessary to restore a chapel, this chapel was already more than a hundred years old, there was a feeling inside... the dome of this chapel, how it was made before, well, no one knows, i used the book for the first time for myself , maybe for the first time here in the urals, we used it. the traditional old scheme according to which they made - domes on wooden churches, in general, in principle, in russia. i am involved in the restoration and, in some cases
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, the restoration of all the houses, the work that is being carried out in this place. we wrote a small message to those who will be moving through this house, well, i hope, in 100-150 years, we have written hello there in pencil, the time, the names. painting, here all the cossacks lied , even if suddenly you are not a cossack, then your grandfather was still a cossack, well, i am from the southern urals, i served in my hometown in novotroitsk, served as a deacon for 3 years, then they transferred me to the cathedral, then they transferred me to the city of orsk, here...
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well, the 21st century, civilization, no one goes to the well, sewerage, water, everything in the house, that is , anyone who wants to live in the 20th century can
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afford it in the village. first there was the construction of churches, we have two parishes here of the grace of god, nikolsky and st. george the pedonostsa, when there was nothing else to do, then my wife and i decided not to try to become serious collective farmers, but now we have 40 goats. and we are trying to enjoy it, when i was appointed here, i met the head, i came to him all with enthusiasm, sergei petrovich, we are here with you now, he says, of course, of course, father igor, but there are enough people here complex, and they will start to notice you and say hello to you in 10 years, at first everyone will see what you are like... worth it, how you behave, well then, if you please, then maybe you can get in touch with them, well, it’s a miracle
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, he says hello to me, i came here very complicated, i thought i had such a high opinion, but here, the simpler it turned out, the better, this simplicity is so rustic, savvy from the village , i probably didn’t treat nature this way before, i couldn’t observe nature like that, the locals... they teach this, that is, even if they laugh, it’s not an evil laugh, it’s such a kind laugh, it looks at the reaction, are you offended, are you pouting to behave like this, or are you together with did you laugh at them? wisdom, it is undisguised, this is wisdom, frank wisdom, kind. we watch to learn about the world, educational
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programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, and in the evening, and in the evening!
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probably, as everyone knows, we have several families behind father igor. we came here to marinsk, he came to orsk to visit us and said, come with me, he says, it’s so cool there, well, at that time, nothing held my husband and i together, we bought an unfinished house here, my husband completed it with his own hands, we got a second one the child is already here, but it’s already been safely 10 years this year since we moved here, folk studio evenings, this is our life, we have codrill classes every friday, plus we also... team up with women once a week in the cultural center, we sew our own clothes, we weave our own belts, none of us among all the artists have a musical education, not even an elementary music school, a balalaika player, that is , teachers and electricians, and who are you by profession, a former policeman, policeman, it would seem there are a lot of you, there are eight of you, so what, everyone is unique? if
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i probably didn’t feel at home, i probably wouldn’t have stayed here, it’s somehow quiet and peaceful here, especially in winter, i remember we arrived late, it was dark, around 10 pm - with the children, with my husband and we went out, you know, such a lantern is burning, someone is walking with their neighbors , crunch-crunch, crunch-crunch in the snow, silence, here somehow the village has a slightly different rhythm of life. it’s a little bit calmer, well, but how could we take our team calmer, nothing is calmer here, there’s always movement, yes, but it’s precisely for family life, it seems to me, here we somehow found comfort, a little strawberry was born, here and, here and, here i
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am, here i am, my dear,
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three pine trees stood along the muram path, he said goodbye to my dear, and to the next spring, said goodbye to her modest , the gore is clear,
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let go. i dream about getting married. close the whole tank for everyone, let it all close , there’s no point, otherwise i’ll write this in a second week, let them sort it out, why are you going crazy, well, get out of here, you old witch, i’ll hear again that you
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’re riding in the district cart, you change mine word, i’ll smoke all the chickens in the summer for you i’ll let you out, i understand, and i ’ll turn the gods on all your smokers, oh come on, come on, yeah, and i’m a veteran of labor, i’ll control you. i’ll find it, i’ll tell you honestly, you know, you ’ve burdened yourself with everything, and you’re dragging, dragging, dragging, no, just think, you have guys running around unattended, it’s like that for everyone, oh, marish, well , just like that everyone, well, thank you friend , you’re talking about me, march, are you offended or what, what have you got to do with it, oh, that’s all, yes, listen to the grandmothers, so i, my brother, had to endure his drinking and drinking until the end of time beaters, and give birth to sick children from him, oh, you found someone to listen to, who reproaches you, you’re a beauty in our poultry
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factory, you’ll get married and give birth to children, marry, oh, who, everyone who’s decent, so you they sit in their corners once. be careful, and the ones that look like mityae were so good for me , there’s no need to change them, oh, anna stepanovna, that’s it, it’s over, yes, what are you saying, what nonsense, i only want to give birth to children for myself, so splash to the side, whatever you say, marish, well , mironov, why aren’t you a fiancé, a farmer, independent, not like this dairy farmer? the district police officer, what’s his name, i keep forgetting, but what, hello, father, hello, hello, and what about the molokholny?
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he counts every penny, to live with his family too, you know, oh, even if sanya marries your wife, you yourself are like a child, what are you doing? the guy is 25 years old, he has the wind in his head, oh, how semyon puts up with him, but what can i do, i raised him, his parents broke up, i was his mother, because of his father, everything seemed to be fine with them at first , hello, and as soon as we started working together, it was like there was a cat between them i ran, oh, i don’t know, that’s it, friend, come on! bye, oh, vovka, dimka, go home, sailor, stop whining, i’m on my way, hungry, yes, oh,
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let’s show her your diary, she. she won’t notice anything anyway, yeah, then she ’ll ask me, so what? then let’s tell daddy everything , otherwise she’ll yell, yeah, you think daddy won’t tell her anything, everything will go to me because of you, do you want to sneak around, so what’s the matter, mom, marya vasilyevna is calling you to school, she needs to talk to you, not a week has passed since the holidays, oh what do i need to talk to me about? “well, we wanted to feed the fish, in general, we accidentally put a frog in there, so repin’s picture, again a deuce, no, well, don’t torment them, and who among us
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didn’t get a deuce, yes, semyon, you ’re going to go to school, the teacher is calling , i have enough shame as it is, but what do i care about your teacher, and what are ours worse than others or something, where did i get dirty again, out of my sight, children, i’ll talk later.” semyon, why are you doing this? you’re earning cheap prestige from children, you’re setting others up as an example to me, and what about others, their father and mother drink without going dry. what do i need will you also order? or let them grow like grass? come on, you're like grass, that's what they 're boys for, to play around and play, why are you trying to get into a bottle? did they kill anyone? well, of course, you’re either joking or making excuses , sometimes it seems to me that you don’t give a damn about us at all, i didn’t understand something, i got ready, i didn’t get ready for anything, anna stepanovna, my husband came home from work, hungry!
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everything is fine, why do they listen to you right away,
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i’m scratching my head, but because i’m a man, my word is law, you better tell me how long we’ll cover sanka, you don’t take your eyes off, don’t get excited, but he doesn’t want to listen to anything, i tell him today. they would disgrace the whole village, and not just him, you and me, they said, the brother thief, well, she’s the same, she raised him, why do we need this, let him leave, here’s a guy in siberia who just came from the forestry industrial enterprise, a recruiter, let him go there, semyon, he’s my brother, even if the devil is in the way, so why the noise of a fight, there’s no noise, huh? that it’s not enough for you to fight or maybe you’re there, he
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twisted it in front of demin to suck up to demin - that’s your concern and not mine, don’t let them pay, not with promises of food, that’s enough, go eat, he says correctly , you’ll finish the game, he’ll put you in prison, i taught you how to drain the diesel fuel, which diesel fuel didn’t drain anything, the halt, and demin constantly delays his salary, the bastard takes advantage of the fact that he has no other job except for the one he has in the complex, that’s noodles on the ears and they’re hanging up, the spare parts are gone, there’s no money for wages , and i completely drained the diesel fuel, and this is your assent, why should i put up with it, that’s it, i told semyon, some recruiter came there from the timber industry enterprise. and what, well, what have i
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not seen in this timber industry enterprise, leave me alone, no i’ll go, let your semyon get a contract for a long ruble, but i’m fine here, we share a house with you, that’s what he doesn’t like, let him get away, quietly, hold on,
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netka, oh, here it’s a little half-baked, hello, comrade captain , please tell me, is it so that you are supposed to believe all sorts of slander, or is it just you who are like that here, and marina, what is your middle name alekseevna, marina alekseevna, i am obliged to respond to every signal, even anonymous, most of all it confirmed by time and date,
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maybe explain to me what's going on here, or else i’ll listen to your squabble, anna stepanovna, i’m waiting for you tomorrow at 10 am at the department to clarify the circumstances. and where did it just fall on our heads? oh, paul petrovich, well, you can’t be so
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scared, your heart has already gone there, hello, i got a hint of you, i’m always glad to see you. where there is housing, his wife left him, and he transferred to her. he moved here himself, he says, anywhere, he left all his property, can you imagine, well , what was the right thing for a man to do, maybe the only life, and pavel petrovich, you need something not yet, no, no, that's it, thank you, all the best, uh-huh, ma'. but you won’t allow me to see you off at home , why see you off for the day, i don’t know the way, but i actually need to talk to you, but can i take you away with tea, or are you uncomfortable, i’m a little uncomfortable, i’m my own mistress , at least i hope i have tea with sugar, oh
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, wait, well, it’s too early for me to go home, the working day has just begun, you give me a lift to the sawmill, but you’re in our car? hello, pal petrovich, fellow capitalist, ours with a brush, great, you see, i would like to put up a poultry house in the summer, the time is now
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it’s not easy, what will be unknown, a bird, but what about birds, well, pavel petrovich, to be honest, i wouldn’t advise you, well, judge for yourself. well, when it comes to chickens, you are not a competitor with a large farm, you can’t even keep up with such volumes at prices, well, yes, yes. you can’t sell much on the market, and buyers aren’t interested in small volumes , so pavel petrovich, i don’t see the point, but if an ostrich, ostriches, uh, well, i don’t know, they won’t let you grow them, and from the area
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they'll torture you with checks, and they'll steal your own or poison them, you know, we're not very good people loves it when someone shows off, understandably. thanks for the detailed advice. tell me, marina alekseevna, your ex-husband, dmitry, he left the village for a long time, did not plan to return. yes, who knows, but i won’t let him into my house. i see, thank you. why, he interested you so much, and pavel petrovich? that's true, actually. hold on, it takes time, you won’t be able to operate anymore, everything will be restored when aha. “bradina, as i understand it, what? no, you think carefully, go back to work,
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we’ll see as we live, you’re running away from problems, they won’t they won’t be able to help you, and you won’t be able to do it without them , finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is not a joke, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, what are you undressing, you don’t even you know what hurts me, and i’ll find it now.” the cat has pain , the dog has pain, but my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet, from time to time, in what sense, pripasovsky, from tuesday on rtr, oh, frost, merry christmas, with such a great holiday, this christmas is all the dreams will come true.
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andrei malakhov's christmas show on january 8 on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat. the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not , continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, first podcasts, which we are watching. damn and lonely loser, madam, we decided to rent out your
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room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms , decent women, do you want to get to know me better, please? they don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i have no time for romance now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, and this is legitimate alexey's wife, personal family, will rent out a room on friday at rtr. you need to have joy in your heart,
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in order for us to truly perceive what we are experiencing as an important spiritual event, in order to accept the grace of god, in order to accept a miracle, we need to be prepared for it. now is a special time, russia has gained spiritual strength. we are talking about eternal values, and the realization of these values ​​enriches. that which is non-transient, largely determining such an important concept as human happiness. christmas interview with his holiness patriarch kirill. today on rtr. no, i was scared.
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i’ll be patient, but it’s a circus, look at the circus, look, and so it’s clear who the killer is, but no, they ’ll be pulling the cat by the tail for two more episodes, keep it down, the kids are sleeping, why should i watch them on tv at this police, i’ve already seen enough of them. not the police, but the police, you hear, where have you seen enough of her, today
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she came to the store, this new district police officer, grandma kluyaniho. dashed off, called me tomorrow, i ’m tearing off this half-legs, and you, and the old corga, didn’t forget how to write denunciations, and you know what, no matter what, don’t give a damn, so he said that with a summons will cause you to write something there, the fact that i close the store an hour earlier is none of her business, tomorrow i’ll open it an hour earlier, the bribes are smooth from me, do as you know, i’ll go feed the sailor, what did you change, i’m good, right?
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you’re disturbing your sleep, knock on your head, i ’m currently living at home, not with my wife in the apartment, so you’re annoying everyone here with your tv, it’s the same thing, every evening the same thing, that’s the news, then shaman wars 15, you should have done something around the house, otherwise they won’t interrogate you, the damn overseas prince has turned up, everything that is in this house, everything, you’ve earned everything, and you’re carrying one spear, there’s nothing to answer, but sasha, shut up, semyon, he’s the same master here as you and me, this is my husband, go to sleep, sleep, go, semyon, stop, the children are sleeping, puppy, like this,
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hello aunt gan, hello nyuta, oh!
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yes, i don’t know how, please come , but how am i going to run to the police, i can’t leave the store, soma, well, that’s a no-no, well, you call the local police officer, call him, but how am i going to call him, is it his phone number or something? i remember, well, this, well, well , i don’t know, well, let me run to him, or something , run, so pubs, pubs, i ran, ran,
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he's gone, he's gone, he said everything, but i didn't have time to bread, what happened, there are traces here, now they're trampled, so they took everything out of the store, but weren't you the one who took out the evil one, what are you, marin, boiling on your tongue, and what’s inside, and why did i take everything out, then they’ll sort it out now, oh, my god, i ’ll go home, probably, let’s not talk,
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let’s go. where are we in a hurry, we scared him worse than a wolf, so what if he’s worse than a wolf, suddenly he’s better? moms, i forgot to call anton andreevich. and who is it? sailor bordachev, anton,
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is the alarm working? certainly, active, every time, ah, i turn it on, they didn’t touch anything else here, but i didn’t touch anything, i came, everything was scattered, i went up to kasya, she was empty. so how much money was stolen? rur 54,816 i had it written down. 54,000, did you take anything else? a tape recorder , a newspaper recorder with a radio, we listened, here, it looks like four bottles of vodka are missing, beer, three cans of stew from the shelf, there is a can of pickles broken, we still have to count, i’m still in the refrigerator. i didn’t look into the basement, oh, what will it be, oh, yes, who is it, oh, what should we do now, animagi , experimental tans, there is an experiment, who told you,
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oh, earth, okay, wow, please leave the room, how can i leave the room, my wife was robbed here , no, you are... “ i already called bordachev, i haven’t had time yet, citizen lyubimov, investigative actions are taking place here, which you are interfering with, please leave the room, okay, i ’ll call him now myself, go ahead, whatever, go ahead, give me the phone number, she's a damn thing, comrade, captain, you won't find anyone, but we have all the debt they’ll hang it, i don’t know, on you, but on us, and who else? hello, yes, hello, but what is my fault?
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where are the children? i took them to the neighbors and they are playing on the computer. fed, fed, what took you so long? yes, we looked at everything for now, then we went to the police station.
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let's get out of it somehow, sanya will help, but your sanka is as useful as a goat 's milk, what are you sanya, you can be thought to be more useful, you can't drive a nail, you still can't take that christmas tree out of the yard, yeah, well you and your christmas tree, you’re always remembering some nonsense, the goats are at home, they brought it, damn it night, i ran in for a while , i came to mock you or something, no, to apologize, no, forgive me , christ, you old fool, but i didn’t want to bring trouble on you, god knows, i didn’t want to, so i wrote out of spite, oh, now here’s
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my heart - then they will eat, they will eat, they will eat her heart, and if you have a heart, oh, it wasn’t for you to judge, but for my heart to judge , i understand, and i didn’t come to you, whip, woman, wait. i don’t hold a grudge against you, i don’t, oh, i thought you were my name a long time ago. i forgot, thank you, daughter, okay, i’ll go, forgive me, i’ll go, my good one, i’ll go, has he become a half-babe, he’s become a man, you should have kept quiet if you don’t know anything, the old lady was the first to help us when our parents didn’t, what’s evil, well, evil, it’s just life it's not sugar.
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we are in the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov , his melody is with us, alexandra nikolaevna pakhnutova, oh earth, hope is my earthly compass, and luck, the reward laughed, under the wing of the plane it washes about something, the green sea, i remain friends, remains, your tenderness.
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"i won't be able to pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity must be internal, dmitry dyuzhev, i need an inspector, oh, instructor, i’m coming to your servants, olinka is also going to get a divorce, andrey urgand, they themselves must learn from their mistakes, natalya varley, get up and go change your life , you can do anything, i said, aunt lucy
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, love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one, today on rtr, i'm already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let's get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you if you leave me, i’ll kill you, it’s a joke, you’re causing bodily harm to your wife. based on real events , what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s be as tough as you can without sentiment, they make the world out of her without us , my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity , we can’t handle it on our own, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by. we have a lot
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of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you ’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from tuesday on rtr, oh, did you forget what, i’m for the marinka tool. i received an order to the factory, so i went in, i wanted to, but you don’t have any stash left, sasha, it’s good that you came, i didn’t really want to ask you for a loan, otherwise... somehow without gifts we’ll cost you everything we gave, demin only feeds you with promises , tomorrow, tomorrow, your eagle, does n’t want to think with your brain about where to get the money, no, you know there’s no work, that’s it,
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okay, i’ll go, bye. but there is sausage, which is the cheapest, belarusian, how much do you need? three, come on, and black bread, two, and vodka, a bottle, the cheapest, two breads, believe, and you i haven’t cleaned it up, shurka ’s ear hurts, i’ll apply a compress, you’ll pay 740, 740, listen, no, i don’t have enough hundred, i’ll bring you in tomorrow, okay, just... be sure to bring it in, i have a report to hand in to the cashier tomorrow, i so they deducted half the salary, naturally i’ll add it in, listen, nude, and this cop of ours came in, he found someone, and whoever the molester will find, and so in a month my nerves are already getting on my nerves, then he asks everything, looks around, probably thinks that i
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i robbed myself, oh well, why do you need this, and you think i could, forgive me, she said something stupid, stupid. hello, anna stepanovna, hello, hello, shurka is waiting, hello, yuri vladimirovich, you are after my soul again, why haven’t i told you yet? stepan , i’m getting some groceries, but i thought you were asking me again what i needed, i’d like something sweet for tea , there are inexpensive cookies, they’ll do, great, how much does it cost, you’re 70, please, here i look at you just like a club , blue you'll be the first to know, by chance you don't know, no one else's village has appeared, oh, again again i’m healthy, i don’t know what kind of strangers , i haven’t heard anything, my shops are out of the way, they’re like strangers, no one comes to strangers there, but you misunderstood me, it’s just that a statement
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was received from citizens that a stranger had entered the house, so i what a stranger, i didn’t hear anything, that he got in somewhere, nyuta, oh, hello, hello, comrades, hello, hello, nyuta? so close the shop, run home, what did you learn there, semka and demin had a huge quarrel, that shvarkon with a resignation letter on the table and enlisted in the taiga, why are you standing there, he he’s leaving right now, as if for the taiga, but let’s run home, demin said that the pay would be in a week or two, and when you started yelling, he grabbed the people to rob and grabbed them by the chest, and so the recruiter turned up right away, so only for himself i signed the papers and went home to pack my suitcases. oh, hey, where did the ladies run? semyon, are you crazy? you’re the one who’s crazy, you’re giving all your pay to the owner for no reason, you’re a fool, demin’s creature, they haven’t paid any money yet, what are you carrying around in front of the children, you’re the one,
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you’d better pack my suitcase, i’m leaving, where i’m leaving, i’m leaving for kudykina mountain, i’m sick of it, that’s it, i can’t live like this anymore, go away. with this freak, with my brother, an asshole , but there is no life, understand, there is no life, but i, and children, but i have life, i ’ve been fighting alone since i was 15, what did you tell me when you asked me to get married, don’t be afraid , nyutka, we’ll live better than anyone else, sashka will be my brother, but you’re sick of me with your sashka, if you get a job, i’ll send you money, but while you’re asking for my salary from demin , you’ll live, sam, well, don’t get excited. well , you’re getting ready to leave, you’re leaving, why so soon? in the heat of the moment, why, why so immediately in the heat of the moment, why, why do you care, but i came to gawk, just close it, do you hear, where are you soaping up, a bull of plywood, or what, as soon as you press it, that’s it, right away, cut your
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bast cutter, you came with your bare ass, and now you haven’t cut through your things, and i ’ll tear you for your sister, where? well, they stopped quickly, but what, comrade boss, did someone call you? or maybe the neighbors wrote a statement? semyon, the neighbors
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haven’t had time to write a statement yet, but yuri vladimirovich probably caught the thief and came tell us about this, she’s steven, and it seems to me that comrade captain dropped by for a farewell party, you know, we have such a tradition, it’s fun, you might say. we measure ourselves off with villagers when we say goodbye , when we say goodbye we break the tables into pieces, we have such a tradition of happiness, yeah, well , have a good trip, goodbye, yeah, well , i guess i’ll go, i still have a lot of things to do, so you’re leaving, yeah ? okay, good luck, call me if anything happens, friend, yeah, you’re in trouble,
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yes, yes, lord, you seem like a respectable person, but you behave like a child, well, you can’t be everyone so serious, i saw you, i thought maybe i’d ask for a visit, why all of a sudden, nothing, just neighborly. maybe i could treat you to some coffee or something stronger; for something stronger, you should
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have bought rejuvenating apples, not waffles. vovka, dimka.
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well, anna stepanovna, our quiet winter life is over, work again, from dawn to dusk, and even the frosts will show, what are you talking about? “winter now doesn’t look like winter, and we farmers don’t live according to the calendar, cows are calving, sheep are rolling, life goes on, yeah, let me walk you home, i true, today without a car, it’s in service, well , show me off if you want
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, dear stepanovna, let me ask you, your husband left for a long time, who knows, maybe for a year, or maybe more, yeah, it’s difficult for one, of course , it’s hard, the boys are completely out of control, yes, it’s hard without their father’s hand, especially when the boys. with money, excuse me, how can i help? have you fallen, petrovich, can i cope somehow on my own?
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and i’m wondering who our friend is walking around here, just like lovebirds! hello, friend, hello, pavel petrovich, hello! what are you doing don’t stop by, i wanted to talk to you, but i don’t have time, there’s a lot to do, well, have a nice evening, thank you, oh, pavel petrovich from the past, thank you, how bad it turned out, was she offended or something, and what did we do, but let’s go without reasons , there will be talk, but what’s the talk, just think, i’ll go, pavel petrovich, thank you for seeing me off, all the best, goodbye. well, marinka, it’s a bummer for you, beauty, it’s you in a sense, but
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i’m talking to the farmer, it’s a bummer, it’s you who penetrated your beloved, or something, oh, how easy it is for you for old women brains, a day before he calls for interrogations and also goes to see her . why, he was the one who did it every day before, every time i saw her. and that it was she who was paying off the debt, since they were looking for the thief , they were interrogating them, and that he immediately flew in when the son was getting ready to leave, he couldn’t wait until the guy left, so he would have bitten his tongue, yeah, but there was a bolt, why am i doing this,
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never mind, let him know where he can and where he can’t, well done! "hello, hello, syoma, hello, oh, thank god, otherwise i didn’t know what to think, and your
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connection there is so bad, yeah, how are you, everyone, eh when are you going to send the money ?" , i would like to talk to you, is it possible? well, it’s possible , but why not, so many times... they said, there’s really no point, maybe it’s time to close this case, come in, oh, matveyevich, what a beautiful vase, go to sashka in watch cartoons in the room, well, mom, it’s a small movie, but it looks like it’s in a book, come in, yuri vladimirovich, thank you, why stand, i have to repeat again in another room, but your truth, here, yes, yes,
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sit down. i’m listening to you, tell me, lately nothing strange has happened in your store, again 25, strange, nothing was strange, everything is as always, well, you, as a smart , observant person, maybe you noticed something unusual, you’ll also say, nothing i did not notice.
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zdaro. zdaro.
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the entire south-east of ukraine will return under russian banners. what vladimir volfovich says in 2017: russia will be state number one. russia will remain the only superpower in the world. sergei voronin, a former adviser to vladimir zhirinovsky, continues to sort through his personal archive. and new prophetic notes from vladimir volfovich were discovered. in them, the ldpr leader again predicts the future. malakhov, on tuesday on rtr. i can’t even believe that the bear is gone, aren’t you going to the wake, do you
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know who it is? no, but i’m also a close person to him, i’m his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mom, it’s true, she’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart. "i i’m very glad to see you, well , i’m fine with you, arvara mikhailovna, i’ll be waiting for you for summer, and the third one is just a stranger, why do you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, he’s rude, mocks, cheats on you, your mother also essentially fell in love with married, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at night, you want that too, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she’s for the better, someone else’s sister? january 8 on rtr, i’m glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament
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takes place not at home, but as guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world in beijing, in love with the sport, inspired. international rhythmic gymnastics tournament on january 8 at rtr. i'm 40 years old and a lonely loser. nadezh, we decided to hand over your coma.
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i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but no, i have no sympathy for you. lyosha, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. great. hello, we're going to have dinner now. here you go.
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oh. the salary will finish, yeah, so don’t be afraid, sister, now we’ll live, why is this more than they usually gave, but i didn’t take it out of pocket money, they gave you syomka’s salary, they gave syomka’s salary, no, that’s the thing, semyon, it turns out, called demin the other day, asking for money on the card translate, well , the idiot translated, so... yes, it’s clear, but mento came and interrogated, it’s clear what i ’ve done, oh, what will happen now, oh, nu, oh!
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it's me, open up! oh, nyutka, forgive us , grestarate, it was our little one who killed you, you know, dem, you see he wanted vodka, and it’s still on your cash register. he put it down and drinks it, it hasn’t dried out at all since then, our ribbon arrived, twisted it, twisted it, he says it’s time , it’s still at home for him now, but the neighbors have seen it, but no one seems to have seen it, we live on the edge, but the cop says , you’re an accomplice, the case, he says, we’ll open a criminal case against you, and he also says, now we’ll pay you, where we’ll get that kind of money, just so
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you couldn’t know, you know, they couldn’t, he’s after the prison valek, he’s already become a beast, we’re afraid of mine, you know how they could turn him in, and we don’t have that kind of money, no hiding away, there was no such money, maksimovich , take the rooster, well, where is it, take it, where, you tell me, 500, so where can i get it for you, okay, for 300, for 300 you can still think about it, hello , 300 rubles, says the rooster, what should i take, hello, a guest for you, come on! oh, hello, why aren’t you going to open the store today and close it early in the evening, you’re not going to now, but i need an urgent station, wait a little, be a little late, and you ’ll still tell me what to do, run to your station well, maybe you’ll find someone with yours at the local police station, well, go, but marinka didn’t collect it, what a bitch,
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hello, stepanovna, hello, you’re wrong in this form, come on in. come here, of course, come in, yeah, i’m here now, and can you imagine, i wanted to call you myself, but you beat me to it, now, excuse me, come in.
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huh, good news, the criminal was caught, you will be compensated for the whole damn thing, by the way, please, i wanted to talk to you about this very issue. yuri vladimovich, i wanted to ask you for the sailors’ network. "you don't open a case against them, but i'm talking about money there with i’ll make an agreement with them, we’ll settle the deal, stepan
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, i can’t, sister-sailors, you admitted to concealing that you guessed who committed the crime, this is an obstacle to the investigation, and the citizen admitted to the crime, so..." well, do something , am i a fool, i’m not a fool , i understood everything, it was i who gave away the joke with a reconciliation, but then how can i live with this, and you just tear up this protocol, well, what about valka’s imprisonment, he confessed everything to you honor and praise, he will never betray their aunts, he will take everything for himself.
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you don’t work in the city, in the village, here people judge differently , no one will forgive you later for being sailor sisters if they find out, in general, you decide as you want, comrade boss, goodbye, maybe we’ll drink tea, no i know, i maybe drank. my throat is dry from fear, but i have to run to the store to open it, otherwise the half-hearted guy will write you some kind of complaint about me again, let me give you a ride, but i
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need it quickly. christ is risen, death will righteously die, belly yes, christ is risen from the dead by death, the present grave he gave you a belly, bless you, father, what is it you have, your beauty is indescribable, the price tags change every day, there is not enough money, you have started stealing, yes, but the cop is protecting you. “you should have bitten your tongue, it’s worth it that the half-hearted and black-born are calling you
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, why are you standing there, oh, come on in, show yourself to your mother , hello, anna stepanovna , hello, maryavna, what happened, oh, christ is risen, truly, i just couldn’t do them let some go." otherwise the fight would never have stopped, so, sorry, i brought them here, clearly, i know the reasons for the fight, but i i don’t have the right to tell you about it, ask the children, goodbye, goodbye, maria, goodbye, so, what does this mean, who was the fight with? what was the fight about, vova , i won’t say what the fight was about, they say that we are without a father, be silent, that immediately be silent, they say that our mother, that with every
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person we meet, cross with a cop with a farmer , mom, don’t cry, we know that they are all lying, everything is for him. because of whom, because of semyon, because of yours, he left you, abandoned you, that ’s it, you’re pretending to be an artist, for everything time doesn't call, doesn't write, didn't send a ruble... sent me the last penny and took it away,
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now every bastard can wash your bones, but why wash them, just like a nyuta, i know, i heard, i don't live in the forest, no, well tell me honestly, what happened to you with avdeev? with miron , sasha, where do you live, in this house, you know how i live, where mironov is, where agdeev is, i’m fighting like a fish on ice, i’m so tired of you all, wow, marin, i wasn’t hoping, uh-huh, who played their favorite tricks with nyutka, huh? everyone is already talking about it, what checkers if i were with her
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then i wouldn’t have passed, you wouldn’t have noticed me anymore, yeah, thank you, because i’m coming to you anyway, but you still don’t have time , i took it under my arm on purpose to tease you, yeah, and i’m also a casanova, you know i’m so angry, i’m sorry, let’s do it for you, huh? well, the man left to earn money, half of our
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men are leaving the sabbath, are you all abandoned now, or what? yes, yes, yes , your earnings, you can’t take your earnings away, demin told me back when semyon called him asking to transfer your salary to the card, so he didn’t care about his wife or children, and for our dear anniversary, pavel petrovich mironov, his beautiful, the next musical gift sounds, this is a song of love, let's greet ours. thank you for just like that, please, oh, i can’t, i can’t , what, listen, so he really abandoned her or something, oh, she doesn’t know anything, she’s waiting, hoping.
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your dog is untied there, a sailor , and how did you get through, why isn’t he letting them through, now i, now i’ll bring him, you pass, but it’s okay, i somehow became friends with him, it seems, i’m fast now. okay, i tied it up, but what happened? not even
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i know where to start, agree, as it is, in general, for your children, some parents wrote a statement, but it’s okay, it’s even funny, write a statement for third graders, they are fighting, fighting hard, back to back it’s starting to go, we need something what can i do about it? they are teased, they fight, anna stepanovna, maybe allow me to practice boxing with them, well, so that all the stupidity comes out of them, you can right in my department, yuri vladimirovich, yes, of course, i only dreamed that they would somehow get rid of streets to distract, thank you, that’s it, we agreed, yes, otherwise i’m working, sashka is working, and they’re still hanging out on the street after school by themselves. what are you doing on sunday, on sunday,
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uh-huh, yes, so, around the house, maybe? we’ll go to the cinema with the guys, so i can get to know them better, and then we can all sit together for coffee. yuri vladimirovich, well , you’re a district police officer, you’ve probably heard why the guys are fighting, you understand, this is impossible, well, i’ll agree with the guys, we won’t go to the movies at our club in the regional center let's go, i'm driving, yes, i don't know, in general, we agreed, so see you, good night, good night.
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thank you, be careful, be careful with the ice cream, your throat hurts, give me your glasses, i say try it right away, well, it’s delicious, i ’ll do it. there should be slime, no, there won’t be slime , wow, maybe it’ll score, come on, hold it, oh , no, no, thank you, throw it yourself, come on, come on, come on, come on, remember when, remember when
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this car was here i picked it up like this, i’ll turn it over like this. did you like his folding iron hand? yuri vladimirovich, i wanted money for you return it, come on, stop it! “take it, i live alone, i don’t need much, i can feed the children myself, my husband also sends me , you take it, my husband sends it, you’ll say the same , he doesn’t send you anything, i don’t report everything to the district police, well, take it for the sake of the guys. "
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“sash, i’ll explain everything to you later, pretend that it’s necessary, i ask you , in general, i’ll
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pick them up from school twice a week, they’ll be able to do more homework with me, thank you, yuri vladimirovich, you can just , legal, we agreed, i’m not satisfied.” well, in general, thank you very much. anh, further i'll probably go on my own, goodbye. yes, let me walk you to the gate. let’s go, look, they’ll say they’ll spit, no, what’s worse for you. yes, i feel worse. goodbye, goodbye
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, oh, it’s good that i’m behind you... i’m up, i ’m closing for lunch, but i need to talk to you, what’s this all of a sudden, i’ve been silent for so long , then i decided to talk, i wanted to say something, you and semyon... would get a divorce, take a district police officer while he’s still lukewarm, haven’t you understood yet, or what, i mean, what did i understand, that i didn’t understand, this is my business, the children are waiting for their father, vdeev, no matter what anyone says, hello, i brought the protocols to sign, the case is closed, i have lunch, give me five minutes, and then, if you want, i can take you home, so that later everyone on the street will gossip, oh, oh well, who's going to judge? well, okay, come on, friend, you do your civic duty, that’s all to you, you go through, i’ll close the door,
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yur! “i lived with semyon for 11 years, but i can’t say anything bad about him, they lived like everyone else , not bad, not good, but what will i tell the children now, when i first saw you, i immediately i realized that i fell in love, i was even afraid to go into the store, i thought it would pass, it didn’t.” well , now i’ll tell the children, the store was robbed, i
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was even happy, now i could officially come to you every day and see you, i’m now making a vow to the children, something, and i'll take you. i'm really tired of looking at you , if only i had someone to look at, don't look at me, that's it, enough about that. what's enough , what's enough? you live, not a wife, not a divorcee, i don’t understand who, what do you expect from your idiot, i don’t understand, when i was 10 years old,
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everyone said, no more father, no more mothers died, you knew, you knew, why did you knock on the door every time, you waited for them, waited, you are not my decree, i am a mother, and the children are waiting for their father.
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two jars, that’s right, i told you, i have one cow sprat left, one jar in each hand, listen, well, i’m also taking it for shura, so let shura come and take it herself, and don’t give orders, not at home, i’ll give it now , for the skins, okay, but you don’t come yourself anymore, so you’re charged 1,300, oh, what a nightmare day. how much so, here you go, 1,300 and another 100 rubles i owed you, well done for remembering, and a year has not passed, until, until, the next one, oh , tan, hello, what do you want, i need a bottle of vegetable oil, 70 rubles, i won’t be without a dacha, so people, we’re preparing some change, i have nothing to hand over, no, what about my bank, or something, where can i get small things, they don’t give me anything, we’re silently envious, marya vasilievna. what are you saying, but i just need two rolls without a dacha, oh, good, just a small thing, just try to close until i’m served, we’re not at the market, not at the market
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, they won’t close until i’ve served everyone, lyudmila vasilyevna, what do you need , yeah, hello, hello, come on in, so 2075, oh, maksimoch, you are like an ant, speak up. she’s 3 meters bigger than you, give her to me, and take a sprig of lamina for yourself, baby, i have my own regular one. work according to the schedule, by the way, there’s no christmas tree, oh well, go, well, we ordered champagne, now that’s it, all that’s left is to pick it up, marinochka, why aren’t you calling my wedding? oh, grandma, i’m afraid pavel petrovich’s doors are narrow, not your size, so we’re tea beggars, come in and let’s treat grandma to a pie, and
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by the way, i’m the main creator. your happiness, come, come, marinochka and i will be we're glad, oh, thank you, dear, oh, i'll definitely come, you've been invited, listen, yurka, come on, don't go around, vanka, come on, come with us, the mover, why are you serious, scurrying around the corners like mice, that's it the village is making you laugh, stepanovich, can i figure it out myself? yes, i don’t mind, just oh, understood, accepted, thank you, sasha, oh, let me help, come on, now, oh, yeah, well, well?


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