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tv   Russkii krest  RUSSIA1  January 7, 2024 12:25pm-1:36pm MSK

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look at me, i tried it, it seems to have worked out, i started consulting patients and treating them, so little by little, my right hand hasn’t recovered yet, now i bandage with one hand and heat up the lymphotrope, i’ll even insert intravenous injections, but i haven’t tried to operate with one hand, because, although i think it’s possible, it was four years ago, i tried to play, i succeeded and... they made a special design for the saxophone, for which i am very grateful to the two yaroslavl saxophonists who remade i have a saxophone under my left hand, there are six or seven people who play with one hand, then now i’m just composing jazz in russian, recording with good musicians, as a result, for 2 years now we’ve been organizing a big jazz festival, it’s called jazz in our native language language, in russian or in some other language? which
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we speak here, belarusian there, ukrainian, when i was here in 1986, it’s scary to watch here. that is, these ruins, and people simply did not believe that here someday you can repair something, fix it. the tolsky monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in russia, a miraculous icon was found here, which is called the tolskaya mother of god, this is the main icon of the temple, this is my favorite temple, because we painted it from the door handle from the entrance to the altar window, when. .. you come to paint
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the walls of the temple, you, of course, prepare for this, such a wide range of readiness, starting from the heart, from prayer, from physical condition, because jumping through the forests is not it’s very easy with forty kilogram boxes of paints, and this is wildly responsible, because you understand that you are climbing into something that has already been prayed for, imagine the altar of the veghen cathedral, a 16th-century temple. that is, how many people were there, priests , how many services were held there in this altar , how many times christ is risen was sung there , and so on, that is, here you are in this space, and you are entrusted with writing a composition, and you rejoice, the mother of god, naturally, this not only responsibility, but what, it’s here it’s hard to even tell how...
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it’s clear, it looks like this lamp, only a thousand times brighter, and people are standing, they are talking about something, it’s more clear perhaps what they are talking about, many, many people, this one light... without shadows, without anything, and i ’m standing right there, he’s coming, lord, his hair is covered like this, you know, when his hair is long like that, he gives everyone some kind of gifts, he gives screams of joy to one person, then he gives someone something else, wa screams, and i stand, it really gets to me, and he puts it in my hands, and i so i open my palms, there are four nails, these... four nails, i woke up at that moment, i think that i was there in the monastery, extremely immersed in this state of a religious artist, when i understood what i was doing, where i was , why am i doing this,
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who am i doing this for, i had this highest state of understanding of what happened to him. i always think about this, you can graduate from music school, be a good craftsman, or you can rise to the level of mastery, but most importantly, you must become an artist, you play music, which leave a deep imprint on the souls of listeners. i can still give a lot of examples, even with stazzen, he , having become one-armed, began to play more intelligently, he began to play more consciously, but to impress more, i had such a conversation with professor voskresensky, with the pianist, i say, how do you
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manage to cope with anxiety, come out, there are a thousand people in the hall alone, and i had the same problem, anxiety. and he says: you know, i say, i just start playing there, god, everything works out, why did i decide to do a trinity, i can’t explain so far, then i realized that time dictated this, remember, ninety -four ninety-five, chechnya began in our country, everything began, this discord and so on, then the artist, apparently, experiences this in himself, then some... then people began to fight because we don’t need any sculpture here, and the mayor grumbled about what to do, but i had already molded it in clay, everything was ready, that is, just mold and cast
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further, i say, let’s have one judge who will judge, if he says not to do it, then we won’t do it, he says who i am i say, patriarch, and we came to the patriarch. may open, the bishop then consecrated this sculpture, people covered this entire sculpture with flowers, everything was beautiful, then the journalists say why are you doing all this, i say, so the temple will be here, the assumption
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cathedral stood in yaroslavl until the thirty-second year xx century, then it was blown up in the likeness of the cathedral of christ the savior, we will restore it, i said then at the opening, but how... and i was mistaken, just think for 5 years, what importance is 5 years in the history of a thousand-year-old city.
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yeah, olenka, today you played much better, thank you, elizaveta konstantinovna, but that doesn’t mean you need to relax, yes, okay, here you go, goodbye, elizaveta konstantinovna, see you. mom, i really miss grandma violli, i miss her very much too, i still can’t believe that she’s not with us, but six months have already passed, it happens. some more time must pass, i understand, you know
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, it seems to me that her soul is still here next to us, it’s like in films about ghosts, about good ghosts, she protects us, that’s it, that’s it what's more, i have a chicken baked in the oven, by the way, according to grandma viola's recipe, it seems to me that it's ready, you're my little cook, and i'm just hungry, let's go. she must have returned, maybe she forgot something? hello, i have outlived the administration, lyudmila egorovna, and this is veniam grigoryevich zashibaela, a state notary, by the way, and you are elizaveta konstantinovna pavlova. yeah, great, elizaveta konstantinovna, what issue are you talking about? and we
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will pass. hello. hello. so, we came to check the room of the deceased citizen. kristalinskaya, because according to the law she is now considered escheat. which? escheated. excuse me, could you show me the documents? what a smart boy, really a good boy. sorry, pun, veniam grigorievich, documents, excuse me, this is her room, yes, uh-huh, please, oh, due to the fact that the relatives of the deceased did not show up in due time and did not provide documents for inheritance of real estate, which they, by the way, should have been provided within 6 months from the date of death, then the room goes into property to the state, that is... to us , wait, what do you mean, they didn’t show up , violeta petrovna has a nephew, and i personally
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informed him about the death of my aunt, well , that’s great, and where was this nephew, he was and fled, sorry, pun , i don’t see him personally, but you don’t, uh, you see, he’s a naval sailor, perhaps he’s on a long voyage, or there are some other reasons, i repeat, if... the citizen doesn’t show up within the prescribed period, then the room goes into state ownership. oh, sorry, elizaveta konstantinovna, i feel so sorry for you, and your neighbor died, oh, and boy, i look at you, what’s wrong with him? i'm fine, what a ruff boy you have, it's been since birth. sorry! “excuse me, boy, elizaveta
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konstantinovna, but can we take a look at your room, why, well, just be curious about how you live, well , just be curious, uh-huh, thank you, well, well, well. tell me, is the fireplace in working order? no i know, we haven’t checked. tell me, do you have no desire to sell?
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why not, well, you will live in an area with developed infrastructure, you will have a park, in general, all the benefits of civilized life, the apartment will be on the first floor, but i’m telling you, you have a smart boy, boy, what’s your name? konstantin, of course, konstantin, on the first floor, however, there is one nuance. what's the nuance? you know, you can increase the market value of your rooms, which will allow you to purchase, one might say, luxury housing in a business-class house. how ? the fact is that a fireplace in working condition increases the value of this room.
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proposal, but not for long, it’s just around the corner new year, and you have a high probability , i suggest you think about how we can celebrate the holiday in a new apartment, yes , of course, we will think about it, all the best, elizaveta konstantinovna, goodbye, goodbye. lyudmila egorovna , it seems to me that we are in a hurry, venichka , we need to be baptized when it seems that now it’s only up to the two of us how we quickly concoct this business, so, my dear, focus on it, i’m focused, but
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there are nuances, nuances , finance sings. the main thing is to get consent to do something with this disabled family, while you and i are looking for some kind of barracks somewhere on the outskirts, this is very good, let them take care of their fireplace, and then we’ll slip them papers, sign them, evict them, and just like that, the heiress of the krystlinsky family will appear in my person with a power of attorney to sell the room, and if it’s pavlova... eka will kick, kick, kick, kick, then you and i will come up with something else, and although no, you know, i think there will be no problems with her, you saw her, typical scumbag, yes, but there is her son, and what about son, son, son, son, we have no legs, so you know, why
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are they afraid of him, and mom? “i thought, imagine , when we move, we can walk in the park every morning, you and i, like then, remember, when you took me to the forest, i remember we walked for two hours, thank you, very tasty, mom, maybe another piece, no, i'm full, mom, what, did you just get something in my eye, nothing, mom , don't you need to cry, it's okay, yes, yes, i, yes, i understand, forgive me, son, i, yes, i understand that it’s hard for you to sit in these four walls, that we don’t go out much, and
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i had to find another place to live , there was little time, little money, hospital, surgery, whatever, i’m just a bad mother, mom, you’re the best mom in the world, if it weren’t for you, me it wouldn’t have happened, little bone, especially if it weren’t for this our room, we would never have met grandma viola, who taught me a lot, yes, of course, mom, soon you and i will move to a new apartment, everything will be even better for us , god willing, so let’s not waste time tomorrow, let’s take care of the fireplace, truth? let's get busy, you are my little man, i love you very much! good afternoon, i'm talking about the fireplace.
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yes, i’m already at the site, listen, semyonich, don’t fuss, now we’ll do everything, well, we’ve been waiting for 3 hours, they’ll wait another 5 minutes, yes, i’m coming , i’m coming, wait a second, yes, that’s it, it’s better in silence , otherwise my head is just splitting , cracking, so, that means, now i need access to the roof, well, to see from above what’s there and how, so, kid, there’s access to the attic, no. no, but how can i get up to the roof, and what do you think i’m carlson? we thought you had all the keys to all the attics and banking to boot, right? so,
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listen, if you call the master, you should have taken care of this issue, understand? well, that's what you've been doing to me all day, now it's a waste of time? wait, are you leaving? no, no, i’m staying the night, i’ll wait for the key to appear. i'm sorry, of course, but we have something to do with it, don't take it out on us, we've been waiting for you for 3 hours, by the way, so now i have to fall at your feet, right? asking for forgiveness, yes no, there is no need to fall at your feet, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask for forgiveness, well citizen, you know that who called the dispatcher, i told you about the key, no, he didn’t say anything, so maybe it ’s because someone is bad, we are better, so leave our house now, what did i say, go away, pay , for what, for a false call , what are you begging for, what are you doing, go away, i said, that’s it, there’s a crazy person here, go away, i’ll go, i’ll go , just know that i’ll complain, get out of my house, crazy woman, madhouse, mom, well,
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they really didn’t tell me anything about the key, but i believe you, son, that’s okay, let’s call someone else chimney sweep let's have some tea, what are you writing? i’m writing a complaint to the main chimney sweep in the city, maybe it’s easier to contact another company, yeah, and the same hack will come again, i don’t have children, but i have two nieces, olya and mika, we have a wonderful family. i think my girls have problems. anna banshchikova, why is everything like this, they don’t like me, how much can you humiliate yourself,
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olya. sergey gorobchenko. i won't be able to pay for your apartment anymore, i'm sorry. dignity must be internal. dmitry dyuzhev, i need an inspector, an instructor. i'm coming to yours servants going to get a divorce. andrey urgant. they must learn from their mistakes themselves. natalya varley. get up and go change your life. you can do anything. i said. aunt lucy. your aunt lucy. today on rtr. let's see. melodramas. happy birthday to valentin telechkina, openly about the secrets
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of kindergarten. i sang chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i was having an affair with korolkov was, with pankratov black, saradik nakhopetov , not a single novel, or rather one, which is for a long 50... here it is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven - this is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still talking to him all the time, it’s difficult , here i am giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. so,
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did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one will find, they fell in love with them, your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved . you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, we look, the entire south-east of ukraine
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will return. “my health is no longer suitable for walking up to the fifth floor, father, i offered you to stay in the office, i would have figured it all out myself without you, no, since our ranks are infiltrated by covens, then i, as the honorary chairman of the guild of chimney sweeps, reply for him.
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here, well, you have a son, you look more like leshev than a turbo cleaner, you could put yourself in order, why else will you scare good people, father, don’t start, who should i show off to, i’m going to get married, i’m going to work i’m going, don’t tell me, they greet you based on your clothes, you’re still the face of the company. that's enough, but good morning, hello , hello, excuse me, the pavlovas live here, yes, here, and you, konstantin pavlov, yes, you wrote a letter to the guild of chimney sweeps, yes i, well, that means we're at the address, let's get acquainted, i ershov, fedor mikhailovich, head guild of chimney sweeps, this is my son, sergei
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fedorovich. “the director of our company, it’s very nice, and now he himself will personally take care of your fireplace, how can this be, we’re standing at the door, come in, come in, the lining is in order, we knew how to do it before, and so, the fireplace was lit a long time ago, i don’t know, we we’ve been living here for 3 years, but they immediately told us that he wasn’t working, it’s clear, yeah, everything is clear, the masonry in the firebox is cracked.” needs repairs, that’s okay, we’ll fix it, but i thought you were just cleaning the pipes, but no, here i am, for example, a certified stove fitter, i can clean the pipes and fold the fireplace, so, now we will check what we have with the draft, for this, for this we need to open the window, open the window to create
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circulation. now, and now, and now we will hold the newspaper if smoke pours into the room. it means there are problems with the household income, like this, now we look and wait, so, well, where, all the smoke is here, that means there is no yaga, what does this mean, there’s probably something in the chimney. that’s right, well done, there used to be chimney sweeps in leningrad, and i’ve lost count, but now , damn it, there are chimney sweeps everywhere, no, well, i’m kidding, of course, but there are unscrupulous companies
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it turned out that there is, that is, yes, apparently , we ran into one of these, once upon a time peter the great, why the tsar, and took off his hat in front of our people, respect. because there was a reason for it, and now they’ll recruit eight of them, and what the hell can you say, they just spoil everything, and then we redo it, it ’s like a camera, it’s a technical endoscope, with its help we will examine the pipe, it must be yours modern technologies are used, but of course, our craft is also developing, what... what did you think that modern an old-fashioned chimney sweep covered in soot, with a firsch on a rope and a top hat on his head? no, buddy, do you know why the chimney sweep even wore a top hat? no, often while working,
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old bricks could fall on the chimney sweep’s head, so the cylinder protected him, that’s all, well, sometimes it was used to collect soot, well, let’s see what we have there? look, you see, there is some kind of blockage, perhaps the upper part of the chimney is destroyed, the old bricks have fallen off, it’s very good that not a single brick fell on my head, because that i’m not wearing a top hat, as you can see, so, well, we can be sure of this only by going upstairs, to the roof or to the attic, yes, it’s interesting. second door on the left, yeah, are you done yet? well, for today, yes, maybe you’ll have some tea, thank you, but alas, we still need
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the key to find the attic, father, yes, the key, well, hostess, thank you for the tea, well, it was very nice to talk. thank you, let's go to sleep, mom, what was my dad, your dad, and why are you asking, well, i don’t know, he looks like uncle seryozha, who, well, uncle seryozha the chimney sweep, no, no, he’s not the same, everyone... everyone is different, it’s a pity, why is it a pity, uncle seryozha is uncle seryozha, your dad is your dad, and what is he like? ordinary. mom, you know, i would still like
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to meet him. i think this is impossible and probably unnecessary. why? doesn't he want to see me? i don't know. i don’t know, maybe he wants to, maybe he doesn’t. “moun, you never talk about him, why, because i don’t know what to tell about him, but he’s somewhere , yes, of course, he’s somewhere, just like that it happens with adults, they separate once and for all, why, probably because they don’t love each other." well, everything is fine, you can, yeah, go away.
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yes, oksan, i’m here now. i can’t talk, well, where am i work, where i’m standing on the roof with a ruff in my hands, i’ll call you back later, then, i say, i’ll call you back, that’s it, that’s it, move away, okay, yes. “it’s like a hurricane has passed,
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uncle seryozha, but tell me why you decided to become a chimney sweep? kostya, strangely enough, i didn’t decide this, well, somehow everything happened on its own, i helped my father and it was just it goes without saying, we are hereditary chimney sweeps, and our surname is professional, here are the erzhovs, we were engaged. this craft was still under the tsar, then my great-grandfather founded an artel under soviet rule, when my time had already come, but i had no choice, you like to do this, of course, well, you say that there was no choice, but there wasn’t, but when i first got on the roof, i felt such freedom, i remember standing, frozen, and the wind was blowing me, and below me there was such a big city, and there the people were small, and i stood like
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a giant above them, imagine, and my father shouts to me: “hey, seryoga, why are you frozen there like an idol, and i can’t wash anything away, my throat is dry, so the profession itself chose me, hmm, i remember too “when we were flying on the plane, i looked out the window and also imagined myself as a giant, everything was so small, and i was walking with such big steps, like , well, like a guleverst”? the leputs were wounded, only there was no wind, yes, kostya, the wind of things is like that, kostya, i’m at home, mom, it seems, came when kostya was 6 months old, doctor said that... a birth injury led to a disruption in the functioning
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of the musculoskeletal system and there is practically no chance that kostya will get back on his feet, but what about kostya’s father, how can i tell you, okay, excuse me, but how did you get to st. petersburg , and i graduated from the conservatory here, yeah, and then i returned to khabarovsk, my mother worked there... the director of a music school, she died when kostya was 7 years old, with condolences, and a year after that the doctor who examined kostya called and said that there was an opportunity to have an operation, yeah, so that kostya could walk, here you are they left everything and flew away, i urgently sold the apartment, paid for the operation, and bought it with the remaining money.
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housing that came my way, a friend helped, through an acquaintance, she was still at the conservatory , she put me in touch with violetta kristallinskaya, her neighbors in the communal apartment were urgently selling the room, that’s how we ended up here , wait, violetta kristallinskaya, this is the same ballerina, yes, yes, the same one, we became very good friends, but why didn’t the operation help? at first everything was fine. kostya even started to get up, and then he got an infection, and now he needs to have a second operation, but that’s the turn. several years ahead, there is no money for a paid one, you know, you are a very courageous person. why , sergei fedorovich, yes, you can just
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sergei. okay, lisa, very nice. oh, i forgot. what? sorry. wait for your call, you told me that you would call back, but stop, wait, that means i’m waiting, waiting, it’s unclear where, you’re hiding from me, or something, i’ll call back, what then, what did you say, call back, i ’ll call back later? nish, excuse me, well, apparently i ’ll go, well, probably, yes, we were late for work tomorrow, so you’ll forgive me if anything happened not so, come on, it was nice to just sit and talk, yes, for me too.
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kostya, do your homework first, and then take care of the plane, you have tests for the first half of the year soon, mom, hmm, would you like to go to... to the roof, to the roof? no, i wouldn’t want to, why? i'm afraid of heights, is it serious? yes, i was always afraid, you know, even i ’ve never even been on a ferris wheel, well, we were flying on an airplane, well, yes,
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only if you paid attention, i sat in the aisle and never even looked out the window, oh , and somehow i didn’t even think, here you go oh. good morning, liza , dear, why flowers, how is this for, just flowers, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman, what does it mean just for a beautiful woman, i gave you a reason, but i didn’t think that you needed any reason to just give flowers. did you imagine? i, even if i was frank with you yesterday, this does not mean that you have the right to give flowers, what did you think of, we just talked to you like a human being, but i didn’t think of anything, lisa, what’s wrong with you, i'm fine, i don't need your pity, no i’m not my son, and you don’t need to pretend that
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you care about us, and i didn’t even have any thoughts of feeling sorry for you, i just like you, you and your son, that’s enough, i don’t want to hear this, forgive me if i offended you with something, i’ll go, i’ll go work, go, please throw it away, mom, who came? it was the chimney sweep, uncle seryozha, who came, and where is he? left, how did you leave? well, how did he leave, to see you? to the attic, where there, upstairs to do your work, it’s clear that it’s clear, and you go do your homework, and i have to get ready for work, okay,
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hello, oh, hello, come in. and mom houses? no, she's still at work. yeah, okay. listen, will you let me wash my face, i'll be quick. yes, sure. well, anyway, i'm almost done in the attic. there was a chimney left to fix, otherwise there were no bricks there, just rubbish. so, buddy, we're getting close. great. would you like some tea? eh, no, today somehow without tea. listen, kostya, i wanted to ask. don't be shy, ask. i wanted to ask about my mother. what kind of person is she? i see, so you
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had a fight this morning. no, kostya, no, what? we didn't fight, we just talked a little. uncle seryozha, my mother doesn’t even know how to swear normally. sometimes it seems to me that it is she, a small child, and not me. she is completely unadapted to life. yes, well, it can’t be, i won’t believe it for anything. believe me, this is true. for example, she often becomes a victim of some deceivers, well, all sorts of scammers. fraudsters? well, yes, one day an uncle came up to her in a store and asked her to exchange 1.0 rubles for 500, well , supposedly there was no edition in the cash register, so what? did she change when it was her turn? pay, the cashier said that 1.0 rubles is not real, how so? you know, there’s this kind of toy money, it says bank
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of jokes on it, and that’s the bill that my uncle exchanged with her, of course, and that she was very upset? yes no, what are you talking about? she laughed so contagiously when she told this story that even i couldn’t help myself. okay, okay, thanks, i have to go, okay. seryozha, yes, kostya, can i ask now? well, of course, can you give me a tour of the roof? on the roof? well, this is the case, is it necessary? no, the roof is very dangerous. no, you need to be in good physical shape to get there. kostya. well, we 'll figure something out, i promise you.
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well, come on, thank you, yes, mom was right after all, the little rhyme really was stupid, what are you talking about, well, andersen has such a fairy tale, the chimney sweep rhyme, and my mother told it to me as a child. yes, of course, i remember, there the chimney sweep helped the shepherdess escape from the evil groom, and then she asked to come back, yeah,
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yes, well, the drying can also be understood, not every woman likes such a romance, and many of them are satisfied with even four walls, and i wouldn't trade them for anything in my life such freedom, oh, mother! oh, quiet , quiet, quiet, kostya, mom, mom, we're here, kostya, god, what are you doing there, come down immediately, as you could, it's just irresponsible of you, he could just, he could just fall off this your roof, liz , listen, nothing threatened kostya, do you think that i would risk his life, yes, that’s exactly what i think, but you shouldn’t be saying that, by the way, he had insurance, and if ... .it is torn, this is your insurance, but never in life, never, insurance is special, so you are making excuses , my heart almost stopped, how
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did such an idea even come into your head, you are an adult, and kostya needs emotions, he needs light, in the end he needs air, and of course, you don’t mind either they couldn’t figure out a better way to drag the poor boy onto the roof, you know that right now you remind me of this foolish shepherdess, yes, who is afraid to go beyond the boundaries that she herself... outlined for herself, you want to say that i bad mother? no, i don't want to say that, you think you know better, what does my son need, how can you blame me, who are you, you fell on our head and dare to teach me, lisa, now you are going too far, you know what, sergei, fedorovich, remember once and for all, this is my son and my life , and you don’t dare get into it, but you’re fired. oh yes please, how much do we owe you? not at all. no, i don't need your handouts. believe me,
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nothing will change in your life if you remain the same, impenetrable. “mom, don’t swear at uncle seryozha, it was my idea, he had nothing to do with it, i categorically against this man in our house, and there is no need to justify him, he no longer works here, grandma viola, i know that you are here with us, and you protect us, i have only one request for you, let my mother forgive uncle seryozha, because..." because he is a very good person, and i like him, can you imagine, and we were also recently on the roof, uncle seryozha took me with him
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and showed me the city, it was so cool. and good evening, lisa, good evening, sergei fedorovich "i would like to apologize to you, yes, i shouldn't have done that, and well... in general, you are impenetrable, you can promise me something, yes, of course, never do that again, well, i promise you that, then the apology is accepted, and i can continue working, yes, of course, until tomorrow, sergey fedorovich, calm
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nights, good morning, lisa, good morning , sergei fedorovich, just sergei, yes, yes, you are passing, excuse me, i have a student, it’s okay, i’ll leave something here with you , i’ll go upstairs, yes, of course, okay, uncle seryozha, hello! oh, hello, oh, you 've become something different, well, i decided a little change, you succeeded, thank you, uncle, seryozha, stay for lunch today, i ’m cooking something, very tasty.
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but i remember another case, we once made a fireplace for a very rich man, but he did not pay us for the work, literally
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a week later he had a fire. yes, wow, although we did our job efficiently, the fireplace was laid out impeccably, my grandfather always said, work without effort is just hands-on, i learned this like twice two, so it wasn’t our fault, but what happened then , well, it’s not clear, but apparently there is some kind of god who doesn’t give a damn about justice, but... “ i’ve never eaten anything tastier in my life, konstantin, you’re a culinary genius, thank you, kostya is our cook, a professional, mom, what are you talking about, it’s just spaghetti under koruza sauce , my grandmother viola taught me this recipe, there was once such a great tenor, enrico koruza, so he came up with this dish, and when i served in
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the navy, we had a cook, and we also called him koruza. you served in the fleet? that's right, the northern fleet, a fearless squadron commander, wow, no, he was preparing of course, it’s so-so, well, naval pasta, you know, you don’t need a lot of intelligence, but he sang magnificently, especially this one, no, well, it was a pleasure to listen to him when he was cooking in the galley. by the way, after the service, he entered the conservatory, like this, or maybe some extras, thank you, i won’t refuse, come on, thank you for everything, for the company, for lunch, thank you, for what i have. for what? for
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kostya? you see, he, he becomes happy with you. no, that's not why. that he was unhappy, no, you're just the first person in his life, the man with whom he communicates so closely, lisa, it seems to me that this is not about me at all, you are the most important person in his life, he looks at the world through your eyes, everything that is in him is everything from you, and i, i’m just a chimney sweep, as my grandfather said, i make dirty clean, but again you won’t take it,
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no, okay, sergey, but i wanted to apologize, for what? well, for that incident with the flowers, from... to the roof too, uh-huh, all the best to you, hold on, it takes time, you will no longer be able to operate, which will be restored when he is healthy, as i understand it, i mean, no , you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll already see it, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is not a joke, i mean , you really want to cooperate with us
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as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, what are you undressing, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i ’ll find it now, the cat has pain, the dog has pain, my bosses don’t hurt, i want one... here, oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet, from time to time time, in what sense? streposovsky from tuesday on rtr, may the new year come, and joy and success, and we will provide you with loud laughter in every hall, everyone is running somewhere. 40 years old, and that mom has nothing on the table, three pickled cucumbers, bring mom something hot, warm her up, everything will happen at once, appetite, mood and
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a holiday for the soul, but you won’t remember this, the new year is just a rehearsal, here’s the old new year - this is already the premiere, full house, old new year, premiere. on saturday on rtr, i'm 40 years old and i'm a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom! how many children do you want? does this have anything to do with utilities? nice rooms, decent women. do you want to get to know me better? please.
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they don't give up that easily. admit that you just don't like him. or, on the contrary, do you like it? i can't finish the novel right now. i won't be able to respond to your sympathy. yes, i have no sympathy for you. lyosha, who is this? is this alexei’s legal wife? a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. mom, is it just me or do you really look very happy, and i’m just
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in a wonderful mood, good evening, sorry for the lack of warning, please meet boris nikolaevich. he wants to look at the apartment, if you don’t mind, of course, and i, very well, boris nikolaevich, come in, here. here we have a spacious corridor, as you can see, hello , yeah, hello, there’s a small storage room, and here is a room, but it’s smaller, that’s where the light turns on, well, well, there’s a lot of rubbish, yes, yes, nikolaevich, there’s a lot of rubbish , but the trash...
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we'll take it out, of course, yeah, yeah, let's move on, further, please, here, to the right, to the right, well, there, there is the kitchen, here, and here is the room, it’s larger, large windows, a lot of light during the day, but there is a fireplace, yes, a fireplace is good, yes, yes, ok, fireplace , ok, well, let’s sum it up, i like everything, yeah, i ’m ready to close the deal, yes, yes, just let’s do it as quickly as possible, i want to give my mania a gift for the new year, a wonderful gift for the new year, speed up the process, let's speed up, speed up, boris nikolaevich, we 'll speed up everything, and i see you listened to my advice, yes, and you know, we found a very good apartment for you, as promised, right, can you take a look? of course, in the near future,
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pack your things, all the best, and since ancient times it was believed that the chimney sweep is lucky, he works on the roofs, he does not use insurance, nothing happens to him. the house seemed to be under a spell, so many signs appeared related to our craft, which ones? well, for example, to meet a chimney sweep - it was considered a bad thing, you had to touch his uniform button uniform, or even better, tear it off, well, happiness, well, it wouldn’t hurt to make a wish, it would definitely come true, wow, what have we got there, let’s see, yeah.
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i over-salted it, yes, of course , i’m no good at cooking, apparently the shell has completely dried out, so phew, mom, mom, we found a treasure.
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this is the same letter from violeta petrovna from the time of the war. she told me that she was evacuated with a choreographic school. she was 12 years old then, and her parents were here in leningrad, and her sister irishka. this is grandma viola, and this is her sister. i saw them together in the photo, there in the room. hello, mom, dad and my little sister irishka. sorry that i haven’t written to you for a long time, don’t worry, i’m fine. now we live in the village of platoshina, 45 km from the city. we arrived here at the end of august, but i couldn’t write right away because there was a lot of work to do. we were accommodated in a club; there was no glass in the windows, so we had to nail down plywood. then we worked on a collective farm. because all the collective farmers went to
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war, they feed us well, they say that soon classes will start again, the girls and i are really looking forward to it, the weather is also good here, sometimes it actually rains, then we sit at home and read books from the library, i hope that everything is fine with you too, i heard that the war will end soon, then i will return and we will live again as before. january 12, 1942, today is sunny, although very frosty. i walked along the embankment, looked at the barges frozen in the ice , i thought, they are just as freezing as we are, we still have firewood, just a little, in the next apartment there has been nothing to heat for the third day, the sokolovskys live there, professor ivan
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ilich, my old friend, is holding up well , but his wife marya fedorovna is already unwell, the doctor says a week, no more, okay, i look at irishka and think why she is being punished like that, thank god that the viola is doing well, mother, of course , cries, grieves, but it’s better there than here, this is her father’s diary, the last entry in the year forty-three, they died. who are the parents, the parents of violetta petrovna, just in the forty-third year she told me, she told me, first the father from pneumonia, then the mother, and my sister era survived, her neighbors were saved by these sokolovskys , this box was probably
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hidden by her father before his death, such a time capsule for posterity, wait, it turns out that this apartment completely... belonged, yes, yes, to kristallinskaya, yes, when she returned from evacuation, one room was taken away from them and they turned the apartment into a communal apartment. i wonder if grandma viola knew about this hiding place in the fireplace? i think it’s not so important now, maybe she knew and didn’t want to stir it up, but we’ll never know. give me your hands, mom, mom, i don’t want us to leave here, why? let's stay here, in our
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room, where there is a fireplace, a roof, and a real story, but what about the park walks? well , i'll get better someday. of course, how do you not want to sell the room? it’s very simple , we changed our minds, which means we changed our minds, we found a new apartment, they’re already finishing the renovations there, all the documents have been drawn up, really, veniam grigorievich, yes, lyudmila egorovna, that’s it, wait, we didn’t give consent to sale, but of course, darling, darling, you and i agreed, apartment on the first floor. with a ramp , next to a park, well, you yourself wanted to see it, you wanted to, well, but changed your mind, no, it seems to me that you are not aware of what is happening, but you have a disabled son, you live on the fifth floor , he's yours...


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