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tv   Nezhnost tvoya  RUSSIA1  January 7, 2024 6:40pm-8:01pm MSK

6:40 pm
oh, it’s cold here, it’s very cold here , i understand everything, i don’t want something, it’s very cold and somehow, oh, you don’t know how to sing, don’t drink, i jumped in for five. home, no, no
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, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one loves me there, please, oh, what are you talking about, it will be much better there without me, they won’t find their panties without you, what kind of panties, they don't like me, you know? nobody has me.
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tolechka. i slept through everything, now i, now i ’ll prepare breakfast, that’s it, that is, you don’t want to tell me anything else, but what, something happened, i just, just got drunk yesterday.
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i don't remember anything. listen, olya, stop turning on the fool, you remember everything perfectly, you saw me yesterday in a bar with another woman. olya, why are you silent, huh? well, make a scandal, throw a tantrum. olya, break the plate, in the end, do something. tolya, why is everything like this, huh? what, don’t you understand? do you think everything is fine with us, that we live great, great, we communicate, we communicate, only about grub and petty grades. olya, i can’t do this anymore.
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"let's get a divorce, sweetie, you are now i’m just tired, you’re speaking out of emotion, you need to take a break from each other for a little while, and maybe you can’t hear me at all, and why are you shouting, it means so. tonya , come on, get ready, let's go to the dacha , we'll stay there for a week, then we'll come back, dad will rest a little, everything will be fine, yes, tol , with some difficulty, i'm not going anywhere, mom, i have a blog about the architecture of the city, and not about rural life, tonka, this is not discussed, that’s it.
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veronika andreevna, i have orders not to let you in, why are you the first one i i'll fire you.
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what's going on? damn, galya somehow found out about us and started such a scandal. she promised to throw me out into the street with my bare ass, i sympathize with your grief, and why can’t i go to work, so galya ordered you to be fired, also, i won’t be able to pay for your apartment anymore, i’m sorry, little darling, but it’s okay that i worked for just the two of us, but she received a salary. galya knows it, she knows it,
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you asshole!
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oh, girls, great, you’ve already changed, now we’ll drink coffee, here, and what about coffee in the fresh air, it’s very invigorating, and nika, please bring it from grandpa’s attic porcelain, you can easily find it, there is a set for 12 people, we only have three, bring it, just change everything, olenka, i’m there in the middle shelf of the closet, linen tablecloth with napkins,
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please iron it and bring it here, i’m fussing, maybe , it’s possible without a tablecloth, it’s not possible, porcelain should only be on the tablecloth. uh-huh, girls, it’s so good that you came, and with an overnight stay, yes, they really wanted to eat with you, yes, they came to you for a few days, for a few days, and how great , olenka, why then without the tonka, no pressure, there's enough room for everyone, but thinly, she’s at school, it’s september now , she has a lot of lessons, then she teaches her own block, she has no time.
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i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament
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is not being held at home, as guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing, in love with the sport, inspired by alina kabaeva, we wish you good luck, our dear athletes. heavenly grace. international rhythmic gymnastics tournament. january 8 on rtr.
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i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, from me. yes, i’ll kill you, it’s a joke, i have sashki bodily
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injuries to my wife margarita gracheva, based on real events, what’s wrong with my daughter, she’s being operated on now, i need an exclusive, and let’s go without sentimentality, as hard as you can, she’s a saint they do it without us, we son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity. we can’t cope on our own, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from tuesday on rtr.
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where is lucy? still sleeping. she chatted half the night with her new boyfriend last night. well, it’s nice to know that even after sixty you have a personal life. yes. you can build a career before menopause and have fun in retirement. yes. well, have you found a new place? i have a couple of proposals, i’m still thinking about it, but you’ve already filed for divorce, bronik, what a divorce, will he live for a week without me? he’ll think he’ll come running to measure himself like a dear one, oh, i’m already bored, uh-huh, he’s already crying, the phone number is out of sadness, olya, a pause in a relationship is a complete stop, and not i need to write and call me, what
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an unpleasant intonation he has. little one, everything will be fine, nika, but you don’t want to tell me anything, no, but that everything is fine with me, i came to support my sister, yeah. does veronica andreevna live here? yes it's me! i brought your things!
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good morning, sister, turn off the light, you are not alone here, what a light, it’s already 8 in the morning, wake up and sing, as if you were back in childhood, its worst moments. lord, where did you come from here? still kicking, you asshole! oh, you'll be oleg, what?
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kolya, oh, bring some water, you look like a child, honestly. come on faster, eyes narrow, now, damn it, what,
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oh, phew, oh, what are we even doing here? good question, but hush, your aunt will hear again , but then we’re screwed, that’s it, this place is going to finish me off, and in general, this ruin needs to be sold, we need to somehow persuade it, olya and i think that we need to sell the house. yes, aunt, it’s simply impossible to live in it, everything is falling apart in it, what are you girls, this house survived a revolution, a civil war, two world wars, perestroika, and even the construction ambitions of your dad, blessed memory of him, here he probably finished off this house, nothing works properly here, have you forgotten that there is such a word as repairs, can you
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imagine how much money this repair will cost, yeah, all the expenses. i take myself, so girls, that’s it, the discussion is over, i have to go, sorry, it’s nothing, nina, well, you already agreed, you are left with an apartment and savings, and your husband has a dacha. what do you mean you changed your mind? okay, okay, i'll call you back. goodbye. kirill, what do we have for the prince? he doesn’t want to go to war. she doesn’t leave anything for her husband, but good, that means they’ll pay three times more expensive, then a new case has arrived, yegorich, i’m tied up, i won’t pull it,
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you’ll pull it, you’ll pull it, there’s no need to rush home anyway, but it’s a small matter, do it for now.
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i’m dealing with the tax office here, can you imagine , bastards, the account has been blocked, but you ’ve been dealing with it for 2 months already, and you haven’t paid us for 3 months, guys, well, really, well, there’s no money now, well, what can i do, well, on the nets of the court no, we anatoly vadimovich quit then, wait, guys, what are you doing, well... you do it, and we do it as payment we’re taking it away, are you stunned or what , something’s wrong, no, it’s fine
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, that’s it, i kept the working phones for myself, well, get out, you’ll regret it, hello, hello, mock me, just what happened, that’s a shame it's all happened, popsik, everything is falling apart , damn it, what are you doing, you just need to relax , you know, class, dear, and since you left your wife, then we don't have to be encrypted, well, something like that, listen, maybe we today
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with my friends, let's hang out, i really want to introduce you to them, i don't know, baby doll, always say yes. hello, hello, dear, good afternoon, americano, i came to make you happy, discount card from before. now all that’s left is that we’re just talking about work , you called me in the summer for the position of marketing director, yeah, i accept your offer,
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nika, but this offer is no longer relevant, and what happened, you closed production, clothes are not sold cosmetically , on the contrary, everything is very good, it’s just your scandalous dismissal, nika, is this? nice earrings please. bill,
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please, bill, 500, is she here? smeared herself with black caviar while she was waiting for me, payment in cash or by card, by card. payment failed.
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magnets, nine for 100, no, no, no, thank you very much, whatever you want, by the way, magnets until the seventeenth year, that house over there belonged to my grandfather. one moment, even when, i apologize, what are you, come here, i said, delete the photo, yeah, go for a walk, i apologize, i really don’t like being photographed, especially without permission.
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everything is convenient, yes, so today we have a signature dish, michel prepared it in a special way recipe, bark and lamb, please, we can offer you caviar, cold appetizers, no,
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then wine, and ampi. something is bothering you, it seems to me that my girls have problems, in my opinion, very serious ones, a personal crisis is an inevitable part of life, but i have to help them, i really don’t know how, i’m sure that your girls will go through this test with dignity , and most importantly themselves, they are like daughters to me, oh, daughters, as i understand you, my daughters are already adults, i gave them an education, provided them with comfortable housing, but the children themselves
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must live with... life, and we ours and for myself, i realized this just recently, because i met you, lucy, i'm so glad that i met you, lucy, that's why, because i'm in love with you, lucy. radion, just don’t die of love, radion, are you serious, call my doctor, radio. listen, do you even want
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to go there? no, i don’t know, i’ve just been there 100 times and how, hello! hello, i haven't seen you all day, are you hiding from me? well, i thought you didn’t want the school to know about us, why do you think that? yes you, well just look at me at you, you are the best cool guy at school, half a parallel is drying up for you, but what about you, and me?
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so who is this boy? would you like to tell me about him? no, i don't, it's a shame because i want to know. i insist, you see, i have to know that this boy , mom, everything is bad in your personal life , i sympathize, but everything is fine with me, it happens, think about it, daughter, your dad and i took a short break, it doesn’t mean that everything is bad with us, mom, wake up, this is not a pause, this is the end, since when did you become such an expert in interpersonal relationships, you know, i’m better i'll walk, tonya.
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i can’t even believe that the bear is gone, aren’t you going to the wake? do you know who is it? no, but i am also a close person. i’m his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mom , is it true, she’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i’m very glad to see you, well , i’m good for you, mikhailovna, i’ll be waiting for you at the dots, the third is just stranger, why do you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, he hates, mocks, apologizes to you, your mother, too , essentially... fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at night, you want it too, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister on january 8 on rtr, may
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the new year come and success with joy, and we will provide you with loud laughter in every hall. everyone is running somewhere, everyone is calling someone, these candies have been traveling around the city for 40 years, and what about mom’s table, there’s nothing on her table, three pickles, bring mom something hot, warm up the cucumbers for her, everything will happen at once, appetite, mood and holiday souls, but you won’t remember this, the new year is just a rehearsal, here’s the old new year is already a premiere, sold out, and new year, premiere on saturday on rtr, i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided
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to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new bastard. mom, how many children do you want? and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i ’m not in the mood for romance now, i can’t respond to your sympathy. no, i have no message for you sympathy. lyosha, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room on
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friday at rtr. radion. i'm close, i'm here, everything, everything, everything, everything, he fell asleep, let them rest. doctor, yes, tell me, he’s feeling better , his forest diagnosis, he’s still doing well , what diagnosis, sorry, i can’t tell you, it’s a medical secret, then i ’ll stay with him, keep watch at night, no, no, no, i think , that... but arkadyevich doesn’t want you to see him in this state, yes,
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let me take you with me. hello, oleshka.
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ok. damn it, how much do you have left? loan debts? 4000, wow, i hope rubles. uh-huh, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, well, debts must
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be repaid, oh, here, 9, 10, 11, we'll sell your bags, my bags, uh-huh, oh, so, m. yeah, look, 30,000 for my louis, but i bought it for 300, so what? nika, it’s not in your situation to bargain, it’s decided, so explain to me, i don’t understand why anatoly cheated on you, and you left the house. good question, aunt lucy, we decided that it would be
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more convenient this way, but that means we need to reconsider the decision, girls, why are you sitting there, we need to act, as my friend nelson said mandela, many things seem impossible, until... until you do them, oh, here 's a buyer, i'll send you a contact, yeah, with your debut, model, look what i found, what is this, body positivity is walking the planet, and now we’ll ask tonya, fatty, what are you doing? stuck in the model, i hope
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, in the before after section, where did you get it from, the photographer shared the beauty, you know, couldn’t restrain himself, for the first time i saw a whole centner of beauty, hello, hello, radion, how are you, lucy, you better leave, you, no , i won’t leave, so i’ll stand here. until you tell me what’s wrong, i’m dying , lucy, oncology has no more than a year left, and nothing can be done, so you and i must part ways, you’re too good, lucy,
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to waste your time on a dying old man of stupidity. don’t die, everyone has this thing, hello, this is tolya, this is sofa, this is egor, this is karina, this is kostya, this is yulia, and this is andrey, great! and listen, i thought we were going for a walk, here i see everything is on wheels, you’re a wife, i’ve been with you, listen, take mine for now, i need to answer the producer, oh guys, let’s go, come on, wait, what am i doing on this, yes , so how do i, i don’t know how, always say, yes,
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that’s all, that’s all bullshit, look, you get up, lean forward a little, that’s it, and you ’ll go right away, i’m answering you, just me , wait, come on, you can do everything already , catch up, let’s go, oops, oh, oh, look, listen, why haven’t you skated before, cool, i don’t know, well , let’s go, it turns out , tolya, i’ll call you back, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, how are you? everything is fine, normal, i’ll live, i’m just not dizzy, nothing, listen, it’s there, in my opinion, something snapped, crunched , he’s basically screwed, what should he do, and we ’ll reimburse you for everything, really, or, well, yes, he ’s worth twenty, whatever you throw at the card,
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yes, now, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to.
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veronica, listen, tolya wrote me a message saying he was inviting me to a restaurant, why do you think? olya, how do i know what stream of mud hit your head? mironichka, what should i do, go, decent underwear for the day, just in case, come on, that’s it, i have to go, bye, good afternoon, hello, can i look at the bag. well, suddenly you’re about to rush across rough terrain with a bag, and i’m wearing heels, and
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i’m wearing sneakers. aren’t you ashamed to sell people on it, it’s a joke, but i bought it in paris, are you moving on or what? the stitching is crooked, the rivets are asymmetrical, the leather is poorly dyed, the accessories are generally cheap, you yourself are a cheap fool, you haven’t held bags worth more than five in your hands, they’ll sort it out there , i’ll hand you over to the police now to my fakes, you’re clearly a fraudster, hysterical, let me go. what did you do, sheep?
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hi, mm, wow, what are you doing? dressed up, well, to go to a restaurant, well, what restaurant, we have nothing to pay the rent with, in short, listen, in general, i need a car, why? for a long time, well, at all, as in completely, or what am i going to drive, i actually
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live in the country now, well, for now you can travel by bus, what bus, listen, you know, we could lose the driving school, we spent so much nerve-wracking energy on it , well, let’s let it all go to the wind, because you’re not happy with the bus, everything’s been decided, you need to sell one of the cars to close the doors, give me the keys. olya, no we’ll sell the car, we’ll lose the driving school, yeah , here you go, bunny, i knew you’d understand, thank you, the documents, to the bordakki,
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and yet i don’t understand, lucy, why do you need a dying old man, rodion, i myself have very little left. yes, the doctor in paris said a maximum of a year, that’s why i was in such a hurry to sell my apartment, i want to spend the remaining time with my loved ones, but here you were at the doctor’s? no, i won’t go and i don’t want to, i understand, i still beg you, go see dr. stoyanoy. professional, of course, he could not save my life, but he extended it by 5 years, for the sake of your girls, for my sake, go,
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persuaded, okay, i’ll go, so that he doesn’t say, i’m there, until the end, yeah. how could you, you promised, what are you talking about, tonya , i don’t know how it happened, i just managed to digitize them, don’t lie to me, you betrayed me, tonya, don’t come near me, but we have tonka now the star of the school, stop laughing, you’re the one sending out photos, again. i was climbing around my room, but there was no point in throwing my photos around, where i ended up, and in general you had to think about who you were taking pictures of, um,
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girls, oh, how was your day, disgusting. nika, i see the bag isn’t there sold, no, she didn’t sell, this fool said that the bag was fake, so she wanted to bargain, she had to lower the price, and her face wouldn’t crack for a tenner of a real louis to wear, nick, by the way, in your position the ambition could have been reduced, ten - anyway, whatever one may say, it’s more than zero, olenka, by the way, you look good, yeah, where’s your car? either he took it, wants to sell it to pay off his debts for school, but i dressed up
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like a complete fool for him, where? and good morning, even lyus, we were here yesterday,
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girls, i understand everything, yesterday you had difficult day. and today a new one has already arrived , you can, of course, live it regretting what happened, or you can try to change something, yes change something, yes you can change everything, look at yourself, you are young, smart, talented, strong, purposeful women, that’s it, let’s , finish your coffee , finish your sandwiches, get up, go change your life, you can do anything, mandela said it too, i said it, aunt lucy, well then go ahead,
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i... and three, two, maybe even one and a half, you have arrived to your destination.
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i wish the color wasn't so muddy yes, it's just a bottle defect. do it, do it, thank you, you, what are you doing here? i’m suffering, i mean, it’s painful to see how you are ruining your product with inept marketing, maybe then you should call an ambulance, it’s better to call your subordinates and tell them that you hired me, because i know how to fix this disgrace, to work, i’m afraid , one smile will not be enough for this. all the best, wait, your warehouse is full, the shelf life of products is 3 months, and i have 13 years of experience in marketing, and i need work, desperately, let’s do it
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let's help each other. “hold on, it takes time , you won’t be able to operate anymore, what will you become when we see you, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is n’t a joke, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in , undress completely, you are undressing something, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i’ll find it now. the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet, from time to time time, in what sense, pripasovsky, from
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tuesday on rtr, oh, frost, frost, merry christmas, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. dashing, it's been a while since we
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've seen each other. daring. bila, you know, for every cool fighter she’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. are you responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words, a hero from my time. beauty, repin, the whole crew, we’re just looking at the platform. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. i went into my house. a passer-by sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals are simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to spite the wedding, the main thing is that we are together,
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ours, ours don’t abandon ours , from tuesday to thursday on rtr, tolya. give me back the car, okay, okay, i'll take it myself. well, where have we arrived? you don't know how to drive, do you?
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here, study. the car remains with you. christina, what are we doing, is it really possible to throw away 10 years from your life, we are no longer married, understand, finally, move on with your life, take off the ring.
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instructor, great, i’m coming to your servants , but no, you misunderstood me, they left me a car, but i don’t know how to drive, so i need a real professional instructor, and there outside the window it’s your car, mine, they’d like to learn on it, is that really possible? okay, give me
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the keys, now i’ll introduce you to a real inspector, i mean an instructor, and where is the instructor? doing, where are you, yes, where are you going?
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is this instructor right for you? will it fit? we start classes tomorrow, a lesson costs 5,000, but we won’t study here, yeah, why not here? because i don't work here anymore. and ol, what are you doing there? i’m looking for my old driving notes, here they are, listen, what is this, look, look, look, what is this, these are our children’s diaries, yes, look, they’ve been preserved, huh? it has glue leaves,
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what is it? and we wrote letters to the future, do you remember? and you were 15, and i was nine, we open, what? “i dreamed of getting married and having three children, oh well, well, along the way the letters were mixed up, no, it’s clearly written that i wanted to become a racing driver and win the raleigh paris dakar, learn to sew and cook well, but this can’t be , maybe, maybe, however, show me, but i remember how you wrote these..." letters, yes, yes, i gave you
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this idea, it was when i returned from my first trip to africa, wow, life is like turned, but how it turns does not always depend on ourselves. girls, take care of each other, your loved ones, your dearest, what we have, i need a reprieve. yes, just for a couple
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of weeks, listen, well, at least 10 days, okay, let’s do it, give me 3 days and i ’ll pay everything, well, tomorrow it won’t work out, what do you mean, dump me, but it’s not serious, hello, i hung up , here's a goat, only, we were invited to go for a ride, let's go, nin, what kind of saps, your hoverboard was enough for me... the tonsils urgently need money, we need to pay the rent, otherwise to hell, but you just need to relax, well you, no, i need money, they will relax. oh, more, oh which, it seems to me, is not so bad here, if the old bathhouse is demolished, then it will
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definitely pass for switzerland, good morning, girls, uh-huh, good morning, for a drink, how beautiful it is here, yes, we tried, so what? what people, what are your plans? well , what are your plans, i’ll have some coffee and go for a walk, but we’re talking about your birthday, it ’s the day after tomorrow, what did you come up with? just please, let's make do with non-ballroom dancing this time, last year i remember how we danced, my legs were all bleeding, but don't let's go to the circus again, remember those sexy ones acrobats, yes, they still appear in veronica’s erotic dreams, ol’ girls! “this year there will be nothing, let’s celebrate with the family, i decided so, aunt lucy, this doesn’t look like you, but it’s olya who usually throws such a mess here, well, i just want to be with you and no holiday
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celebrations, well ok, whatever you say, ok, but in 2 years it’s your anniversary, and we’ll celebrate it in a big way”? with acrobats, okay, that's it, i have to go to my new low-paying job, uh-huh, bye, i'm struggling with something, i also need to run, i have a lesson now, that’s it, see you in the evening, come on, kiss me, have a nice day, my dears and to you, aunt lucy.
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so stop, stop, stop, stop, why are you twitching, don’t fuss, calm down, now everything will work out, let’s do it again , squeeze the brake, yeah, smoothly release the gas, come on, come on, come on, come on, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go . well, that’s better , don’t forget about the signs, look at the mirrors, uh-huh, great , slow down here, uh-huh, hmm, okay, it seems
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you forgot to turn on the turn signal, and where is italy, i already showed you, look, here it is look, here's the brute, i stood in the wrong row, he 's disturbing others, thank you, instructor, what would i do without you, listen to the three-story mat, here, let's go left, as in left, here you can only go straight to the left, i said, come on, come on, hurry up! to hell with the turn signal, oh, it’s great, quiet, quiet, quiet, don’t brake, quiet, quiet, everything is fine, slowly change into the left lane
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, drive at a speed that is comfortable for you. someone behind me seems to be uncomfortable. "it ’s okay, they’ll pass by and forget, but you can create an emergency situation on the road , remember, driving should be a pleasure , i’ve never had such a tactful instructor, so come on, let’s be faster, faster, don’t slow down so that you’re shaking, but oh, that’s it, let’s go, here, let’s turn right, come on, come on, come on, come on, quickly to the right, come quickly, to the right, so take your hands off, let’s do it , now!” that ’s fine, that’s all,
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but i thought you went to the department as long as you need, not bad? okay, bank, but remember that you will have to give three times more, if you don’t need anything else, you need it, your house on the bay is on two weeks, wow, big jackpot.
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2 months that dr. stoyanov said i have a couple of months left, every moment. i’ll be there, thank you, how do you want to celebrate
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your birthday, well, in general, i wanted to show the girls tibet, i love this country very much, but now i have no mood, no health, and it doesn’t matter, how is it... no matter, it’s just very important, this is your holiday, i want, i want to fulfill all your wishes, so excuse me, oh, oh, sorry, i completely forgot, i had a massage, a haircut, a manicure, it completely slipped my mind,
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i’ll write, call, thank you, goodbye, antonina, aunt, lucy, what are you doing here, i have the same question for you. and why aren’t you at school, just don’t snitch on your mom, only if you tell me the whole truth, uh-huh, here, here, look, dear, it’s generally risky to behave so frivolously, this is a photo. just because you are my grandmother, look
7:57 pm
at these folds, cellulite, is it beautiful, well, of course you are beautiful, you say so my dear, but you know that beauty standards are constantly changing, during the renaissance, your figure would be ideal beauty, but remember, no, my dear, it’s you who consider yourself like that, everyone else agrees with you, believe in yourself, tonechka, tolya, will you sign the document? yes, maybe we’ll go
7:58 pm
sapakh after all, physical activity has a positive effect on men’s health, no, no. who are you writing to, no one, olga, that you miss homemade pies, yes, bunny, you know that you are my only pie, i love only you, and i wrote to olga only because of tone. you're great, you drive much more confidently, and i can drive you home with the breeze.
7:59 pm
reliable in your business, well, enlighten me, product photos, this is just some kind of nightmare, the nineties, chinese consumer goods, if we want new clients, we need photo and video shooting, well, how much does it cost, for me with a 300,000 discount, how much, yes i
8:00 pm
’ll buy new equipment with this money, but you’d better take it, take a picture, now the cameras are good, but why did you hire me then, if you don’t listen to me as a specialist, why, why, i don’t know, probably there was a clouding of reason, okay, let's do this... let's do a photo shoot, and if it doesn't pay off in for a couple of months, you deduct expenses from my salary. 2 months, 3000 and not a penny more, what do you say?


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