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tv   Vernost  RUSSIA1  January 8, 2024 1:15am-4:27am MSK

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whatever you want to play with now, we’ll come up with something, dad won’t hear.
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kolya, i asked you, excuse me, you know, dad loves music very much, he has business , you know, that’s why it happened, oh, be careful, the donkey is already in pain, you know, i ’ll quietly play you a piece about a donkey, you know, he dances very well. yes, sure.
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well done, thank you, what did you play? eh, ostya in the clearing. whose thing is this? mine, i composed it myself, that’s how it is. how do you compose? i used to know how i compose. m, that means in the morning, when everyone is sleeping, i’m alive in bed and i the music itself came on top of the blanket, from head to toe. what if you were lying under a blanket? well, did you come too? well, what if you start tossing and turning? well, you won't get anything, just jokes. now how do you come up with music? i don't know. well, maybe you can play us some of the latest works? yes please. i’d rather play waltz for you,
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which my mother likes, that’s why it ’s called mine waltz. you wrote this recently, right? yes. congratulations on your debut, thank you, it really turned out that the boy worked for both of us, an amazing guy, but just a future realtor, yes, that’s why i love this job, there’s definitely some surprise waiting for you. and you
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did well, you behaved well, don’t deceive , never where is santa claus, didn’t work part-time, and from where, but in general you know, yes, i completely forgot it was in the 70s, in the summer, our flight was just delayed, we were flying for the new year i had to meet in the air, we were flying somewhere over africa, and the guys decided by majority vote that i was the one.
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forward! white may be lurking on the eyelashes of january, you will dream of bird tales. behind the calendar, ah, what will happen, hush, hush, the ball of the moon is flying from the sky, the new year is walking across the roofs, like this miracle worker, miracles, kolya, vale, masha, petit,
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the courtyard, the whole city, the whole, adults and children believe, wonders of the world. there are, adults and children believe, there are wonders of the world, we are here, hello, hello, come in , please, come in, who came to us, vladislav, don’t throw me in, look who? happy new year, hello, happy new year, happy new year, and vladik sergeevich lives here , here, here, how, how, vladik, i kindly ask you, in what position are you you put me and grandpa vladislav, this is
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indecent, guests have come to you, don’t worry, please sit down, excuse me, otherwise. be with the guests, i ask, yes, yes, vladik, well, do me a favor, go out, well , grandfather, yes, i’m listening to you, it turns out that it was in vain that you and i came from the forest, in vain we were tired, in vain we brought gifts to vladyka, no vladik wants to meet us, yes, yes, yes. well, snow maiden, since this is the case, let ’s go back to the forest, take there all
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the gifts that they brought for vladik and we’ll freeze there in the snow. no, santa claus, i like it here, it’s very nice here, and my grandparents are so wonderful, we’ll celebrate the new year. with grandparents , without vladik, without vladik, great, by the way , a very sensible option, well, let 's go, let's go, christmas trees, it's cold in winter, we took a christmas tree home from a fox, we took it, a christmas tree was born in the forest, toys on the christmas tree, yes, they they know they’re older than me, but what about you,
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how hot is it? so take off your mustache and beard? no, brother, you can’t, well, what kind of santa claus is this without a beard and a mustache? not solid somehow? why are you sitting here? punished, or what? me here are never punished. so let's go, grandpa and grandma are missing you there. these are not my grandparents. oh, there it is, how long have you been here? sixth day. i see, do you miss the guys? yes, this is a complicated matter, brother, i know it from myself, but are you here at home too? yes, from the orphanage , you know, we had a caretaker there, he
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always dressed up as santa claus for the new year, he was disabled himself, without a leg, such a one-legged santa claus, he gave away his own to everyone, he made lollipops himself , gave to all the teachers and to us kids, those whose stomachs don’t swell will receive candy, we laughed, but i didn’t bring any candy for you, maybe let’s go, together it’s somehow easier, the snow maiden will sing you a new song, let’s go, otherwise it’s not the white snow that’s spinning, it ’s the fairy tales of birds and birds that fly into snowy january they change the calendar, oh, what will happen? oh, what will charlons fly from heaven, the new year
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brings to people. the whole courtyard, and the whole city, where there are adults and children. take revenge, there are wonders of the world, grandfather, what did you bring to vladik? oh, snow maiden, this is a big secret, now i ’ll see what’s in my bag, come on, it’s us a gift for irochka, for pavlik, so, what is this, come on, come on, help me, how cute, how lovely, uh-huh, right, ah, where from? like this, well, now i just have to do everything with the stairs, i understand how it is assembled, yes
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, uh-huh, these are the details, i wrote you an excellent review, i am very grateful to you, thank you, what are you, thank you, ninochka, and where vladik, mom, don’t worry, everything is fine, he’s in the kitchen, hello, hello, the staircase is already ready, now you’ll attach it here, in this place, i understand, oh, hello,
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songs from the heart, andrei malakhov's christmas show on january 8 on rtr, i can't even believe that the bear is no longer there, aren't you going to the wake? do you know who is it? no, but i am also a close person. i’m his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mom, is it true, she ’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i ’m very glad to see you, but i’m not for you, okay, i’ll wait for you period, the third is just a stranger, why do you put up with such an attitude towards yourself, he hates, mocks, cheats on you, your mother is also basically in... do you think my mother was happy woman, she cried at night
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, you want it too, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, january 8 on rtr, happy birthday vaka, valentina telechkina, frankly intimate, in kindergarten i sang a joke, and i’m small, exactly... my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i
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’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. “svetlana, i’ll stop by here for a minute, here on the way, a friend asked me to congratulate my little son, he can’t do it right now, right? let's congratulate together, together, in fact, it would be nice , but they don't expect us there, we need to warn them somehow, but call them on the phone, as a surprise, no, better not with a surprise, let's better, call them, tell them that we there, i don’t know, from some kind of house committee, an amazing idea, give me the phone, of course, i’ll call you, i’ll tell you everything, okay,
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better not, give me the phone, what are you saying? yes, we won’t be with you for long. so what if you didn’t expect it? yes, such a surprise is pleasant for any child. of course the snow maiden will be frosty. in general, in 10 minutes you will have. hello. hello. do you happen to have a two-room apartment? are you a snow maiden? yes, do you do miracles? i do. so call without two kopecks. will santa claus scold me? and where he? look around, thank you, happy new year, happy new year, oh, what will happen, oh, what will happen, the new year brings people, the new year brings people, hello, well, great
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, everything is very accurate, come on, come on, santa claus, and what you are working hard, mom! the house committee sent you, that’s good, hello, the most wonderful one in the whole world boy from apartment three, oh, snow maiden, i was waiting for you, hello, what’s your name? petya, petya, meet santa claus, hello, petya, well, let's go, i 'll show you the christmas tree, grandma, mom, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's see. my tree is beautiful, oh, so fluffy, very beautiful, what grade are you in? yes, the night is not at school , he is finishing kindergarten, but you know how to draw, yes, your drawings, yes, grandpa, look how he drew you, wow, it looks very similar, good, great, you learned to draw,
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betrukh, you know, degurochka, remember before... i never wanted to draw, i was afraid to even draw, i don’t believe, he couldn’t be afraid, but no, really, for some reason it told me that he was covered in paints, then more he won’t be able to wash himself off, and it will be like this horse, all covered in apples, walking around, for the sake of the holiday, for the sake of the holiday, he can be silent, listen , but the horse is still alive, its wheels are broken, mom can’t fix it, we left it at the dacha, i see, my god,
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excuse me, let's go, petenka, let's go, let's go, excuse me, we have santa claus, well, mom, i want stay, good-bye, santa claus, come again, mom, close the door, and don’t be ashamed, and you also
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persuaded the girl to go to this stupid masquerade, what kind of person are you , what kind of a person is the weather in your homeland in the spring, the winds incessantly
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drink into the shore, on the flowers infused water , they drink from the eight lakes of the valley, sow the shifts for... the golden summer, the forest will scatter a damp, tart leaf, the first snowstorm will twist the paths, the ones that i remember, remember , i can’t reach those lakes on a long road, here in run of the day. “i shout to you, and you don’t hear, wind, bring my words, wind, bring my words,
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that's it, masquerade, that's enough. are there any addresses left? i can’t, i’m sorry, i can’t, then take me to the theater, otherwise i’ll be late for the rehearsal. fine. well, thank you very much again, please take your things back, happy new year to you, and happy new year to you too.
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they say, well, primo is pretending to be, you know, like with us, what is it, come on, show me, the costume, i ’ll tell you what, but i’ll be late for the scene
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, but wait, you’ll have time, well, you’ll tell me everything, petrovich said it’s necessary, yesterday my scandal, she said she named the guests for the new year, and nothing is ready for me , imagine, i was crying beluga, i didn’t sleep all night, you see how swollen your face is, you look great, well, yes, good, and in the morning i figured it out and it’s true, it’s just stupidity, about 20 people are invited , if. no more, but at home it turned out to be a hot mess , can you imagine, i quickly ran around the store, bought this and that, in general, got out, by the way, about the new year, wait a second, i got green peas, well done, there will definitely be a barbecue , the salad will be a miracle of the century, not a salad, i don’t i doubt that the table will be good, wait a minute, but i’ll be late, i still need to change clothes, seedlings will be delivered by lunchtime, so it’s important to be in time, it’s like digging with a whole shovel, well, of course, the ground is frozen, you won’t be able to make it in time for lunch, it’s frozen be on time?
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there is a plan, approved, comrades , we are starting to work according to the plan, stop, comrades, let's take a break, nonsense, complete nonsense, so i look at you and see that you absolutely do not understand what you are playing, why are you playing this?
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the upcoming one, and you too, how are you in a great mood, yes, but what are we doing this new year's eve, we're going to visit , we're going to visit you, i... we're going to visit, oh, you're going to visit, yeah, without me, you understand correctly, well, it's interesting, happy new year, happy, hang in there , it takes time, you won’t be able to operate on yourself anymore, than will you stop
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when huh? brakgerna, as i understand it, i’m kidding, no , you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, bo, it’s not prank, i mean, do you really want to to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, you are undressing something, you don’t even know what’s hurting me, and i’m now on... yes, the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet from time to time, in what sense, pripasovsky from tuesday on rtr, love is when you look in the same direction, look. look,
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look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, i’m glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament is not at home, away. the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing, in love with the sport, inspired by alina kabaeva, we wish you good luck, our dear athletes, heavenly grace,
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international tournament. rhythmic gymnastics on january 8 on rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let's get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i will kill you, joke, damage to his wife margarita gracheva, based on real events. what's wrong with my daughter? she is undergoing surgery now. i need an exclusive. and come on, without sentimentality, as harshly as you can, they make a saint out of her without us. my son is never rude to anyone. my dima is always the truth. we need publicity. we can't handle it on our own. i am
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a lawyer. i found out about you. i couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want to you expect such popularity, starting from tuesday on rtr, the good ones won’t come to you, everyone will leave.
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did you call santa claus? by the way, the children are waiting for gifts.
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oh, you came, how wonderful, oh, how wonderful, please come here, come here, oh, so, well, where are we, tanechka and olechka, and where are the children, they are not there, you know, this is how it happened, that my sister got tickets to the circus, i didn’t leave, well, why didn’t you warn me, i called, and i wanted to tell you, but you hung up, and you said okay, then i hung up, and well it means i didn’t have time, i wanted to say , but it happened so, then goodbye, uh, happy new
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year to you, no, please, i beg you, don’t leave, what are you, we have a lot of children, a lot of orders, we i have to work, i understand, i understand, but i love the new year so much, i’ve been waiting for you so much, i have a special table for you... i laid it and baked a cake, well, grandfather frost, snow maiden, i love you so much, but today is a new one a year, i won’t keep you long, but you will forgive me, i confess to you, i don’t even have children, i called it for myself, i understand that this is stupid, well, please, stay, i beg you, please, stay, i won’t keep you long, i’m sorry, what’s your name? i’m svetlana ivanovna, great, and this is svetlana russanovna, i will have the happiest new year between the two svetlanas, that’s it, please come to the table, oh, thank you very much, come
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in, please, here and here, thank you, thank you, here, oh, what the table is beautiful, really, you like it, i told you, no, thank you, no, you don’t want it, oh , can i? pretzel, you can use a pretzel, oh, i see, this is apple cider, a delicious thing, eh what is this? this is cider, unfortunately i’m driving , some tea, if possible, i’m having tea now, well, what do you have, you’re playing, yes, yes, i’m learning from my teacher, she may be a little upset, okay, yes , happy new year, of ​​course, happy new year, happy new year , circles on the water, a candle without a fire, why
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do i remember, where is home for you, where is home for me, you don’t know, i don’t know, the rain will swirl, the snow will fall. midnight will pass, and what they say, saying goodbye forever, you don’t remember, i don’t remember, but i’ll open the door, and the hundred years are in vain, then let go, let go completely, think up freedom, on the gold of the groves, winter will come and
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the leaves will not fall, our sadness itself will cool down , both the memory and the memory. the only time, forgetting about the trouble, i hope for a miracle, you’ll call, i’ll come , i’ll leave and i’ll leave, you’ll forget, i’ll forget, a candle without a fire, circles on the water, open doors, you won’t survive anywhere without me, nope.
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well done, we know how to recite poetry very well, it’s obvious that it’s good, and mashenka wanted to get something for the new year, a doll, a doll, and we have a doll, santa claus for mashenka, we ’ll see now, let’s see, here, good doll i like it, it looks like mashenka, but mashenka, grow up big, be smart, make me happy. mom dad, it’s good, what needs to be said, thank you, wow, we need to hurry, no matter how much we have to celebrate the new year in the car, we’ll be in time, there’s only one apartment left and that’s it, well, you probably need to get ready, set the table, i’ll i’m going with friends, but the company is good, there are interesting people, yeah, okay. it’s clear,
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that’s why it happens, every time the last apartment on the top floor always doesn’t work, bad luck , they finally came, well, santa claus, got ready. not opens something, maybe doesn’t hear, you are mine, raspberry, there’s a whole carnival here, where are we with so many gifts? we'll come up with something?
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so we’ll have a round dance, come on, give me your hands like a little corner of the girls, let’s get some sunshine in the yard, polina, my sweet one , we say.
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i see, yes, in three more apartments they could go dancing, they could dance, the only thing i like to do in any state, even in this state, yes, yeah, well, what’s stopping you, you’re dancing, there’s no music, music, and what kind of music is needed, amazing, surprise. okay, what rhythm? in magical. is one two three okay? will arrange. one two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, pam, pap-pap, pap.
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what a wonderful day it is today, amazing, i just fell into a fairy tale with you, i liked it, yes, very much, i’ll just ask santa claus again next year. take it, well, yes, you will forget everything, of course, svetlana, i never forgot, well, yes, well, that’s it, now home, give me a lift to the metro, no, svetan san, i’ll take
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you home, take me to the metro, otherwise it's late, buy champagne. flowers are probably waiting for you somewhere, persuaded, champagne flowers i'll buy it, right? yes, i’m leaving in 10 minutes , okay, well, i understand, i’m running, running, that’s it, lizaveta, the more you talk, the longer i won’t come out , i’ll take it as agreed, i’m a little tired,
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hello, they called the snow maiden, hello, they called the snow maiden ? hello, call the snow maiden? yes please, thank you.
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please, thank you, happy new year to you, with new happiness.
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yes, i came, well, say hi, i won’t come, i’ll say that i’m sick. fox, yes, i kiss you happy new year. all the best, bye.
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guests will arrive soon, we don’t have anything yet ready, lisa, go get the plates, grandma , why do we have old ones and the guests new ones, you’d rather do the opposite, yeah, and what will people think about us, ninochka, it’s me, hello, happy wedding anniversary,
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i sincerely sympathize with you, good girl, you! thank you, here’s a gift for you, wow, yes, pearl beads, beauty, thank you, wear it for your health, this is for your torment, we hope when the guests come, come on, i hope we didn’t invite our ex, no, i haven’t had enough yet , that you guys got into a fight here, that’s good, i command you to help, by the way, where did you go to the garage to get cucumbers, where is my assistant, my clever girl, it turns out as good as a living one, grandfather, take the cucumbers, let's go, otherwise grandma will swear, or else she will swear, and you, andryushenka, listen to what the women say to you, and do what you need, i understand, but where are the young people? we went to the station, met the matchmakers,
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yeah. sveta, go to the pantry for some napkins , they've arrived, they've arrived, oh, they've arrived, nina, what, nubigudi, oh, take them off, come on, quickly, quickly, quickly, collect, okay. mommy, hello, hello, welcome the guests, nina, yes, happy anniversary, congratulations, thank you, dear, thank you, then come on in, thank you, mom, you look wonderful, you have a new hairstyle, i like it, oh, don’t look at me in the mirror, hello, hello, where is basika, well, where,
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where? father, well, the guests have arrived, and you are doing nonsense here, you still need to change clothes, no , why are you fussing, better look at how handsome he turned out, handsome, we need to fix him somewhere, let the guests look, they will look at your dirty shirt , come on, let's hurry up, oh, these are cucumbers, well , you can't trust anything, come on, andryush, you're here for the time being, look, okay, these women they always ruin the fun.
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well, for the health of the young, thank you, ninochka , ilya, be happy, thank you, it’s bitter , bitter, bitter, bitter, overlying, stop it , the children are watching, let them watch, learn, youth, lenochka, come on, show the old people class, i promise , i'm getting a compote, lenochka. and you grab the little red one there, okay, on the way , let's go, well, well, help your wife, okay, little red one, they could afford a restaurant, bros, they just love guests, then mom cooks better than any restaurant, let's go, and i mean it's bad, but i didn't say that, let's go.
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very tasty, in that case, my dears, i want to drink. oh, for our children to live as friendly as we do, dear brothers, thank you for the ribbon, we have it instead of our daughter, well, you too come more often, okay, be healthy, dears, just a minute. this is your mother, bread maker, oh, this is it, oh , oh, it was good, nina, i should have
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asked for diamonds, come on, these diamonds, why do i need them, oh, as ilyushka says, i’m his housekeeper’s wife class, but i would be so offended, as a wife, as economy class, diamonds for someone someone else gets it, don’t start with... come on , what’s so mean about him on such a day, but you don’t know, my ex-betek is in his old age, no problem, the main thing is that she’s good enough for him as a daughter, colors , everything about him, fuck him, let's drink to real friends, thank you for not inviting me, sorry for being late, happy holiday, didn't you tell him that there would be a party, i forgot.
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we shouldn’t have come, and you got it from minka, but i screwed up, i forgot to warn you ahead of time, oh well, why now, i can’t understand you, little guy,
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why did you have to leave svetka, such battles now, and you don’t know, i didn’t leave, she kicked me out, but how did marinka find out, of course, get married right away, in general, i ended up like a bitch. good for you birds, he wanted to, he flew away, and we flew away, what kind of life is this, step left, step right, you'll come out guilty all around , who flew away , we'll see, take the stepladder, i understand, let's go, andryusha, let's go, you've already talked to your father about our plans? len,
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well, why live in moscow, do you need money, when are you going to resolve this issue, or will you be at your father’s beck and call all the time? i don't want to go anywhere, everything suits me. i'm not here, i'll talk, okay, i'll talk. i’m holding , i’m holding, come on, i’m giving, i’m giving, know ours, hurray, oops,
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yeah, come on, come on, ilyukha, know ours, it’s worth it, dear, to fly or crawl, what are you doing, ilyukha. who is this? crawl or fly? who is this? ya
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granny, there grandfather fell from a tree. ninushka , don’t worry so much, he will be saved , there are excellent doctors here, everything will be fine with him, no, if you need anything, just tell me, we can handle it without you, ilyukha, let me pour , lord, nothing is sacred, friend to me too.
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it’s not me, tell me, well, they pecked him, and the tribute is already in his neck ilyusha, why is he pointing all the time, let’s get out of here, support group. father, why are you standing here? the doctor prescribed bed rest, but come on, lie down, look, he’s pretending to be a piece of wood, but it all started through him, he was talking to me, who, father, who was talking?
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fly or crawl, that’s the question, nina, but it’s true, you live like an ant, what are you digging around for, there’s no time to raise your head, but he asked me about the meaning of life, you know, do you have spots in your eyes? the doctor said, if there are floaters in the eyes, go straight to him, what kind of floaters, a hole has formed in the soul, nina, you are always fussing like an ant in this eternity, infinity, this is how life will end in a stupid way, you... count and
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didn’t fly, so what you, well, what are you, well , well, everything turned out okay, well, the ultrasound showed, everything is fine, so what does the ultrasound have to do with it, your soul hurts, nina, and why does it hurt, everything is fine, you have a house, children , grandchildren, you have an office, enough for bread and butter, here it is, come on, lie down, lie down, let's go, and you drank a lot yesterday with a candle, what's everything? lies, lies, thinks, grandfather,
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grandfather, and we figured out how to cheer you up, but we came to invite you to andryushka’s birthday, and this is on saturday, so i won’t have time to prepare all this, but how many people will there be? mom said that we will celebrate our birthday in a cafe. and she also promised to invite a clown for her birthday, like in a cafe, andryush, don’t break the cans, lenochka, who wants this? the idea came to mind, why not at home? mom, no one celebrates at home anymore, there’s a new decent place in the center. tyom, well, what do you think about this? about? mom, i - i'll take the cans to the car.
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be sure to come with your dad. of course, whatever you say, kids, get ready, we're leaving. can i stay with my grandmother? and i, of course , my dears, stay , we’ll get ready for the birthday, yes, we’ll come up with something interesting, maybe the parents will change their minds, and grandpa will have more fun, dad, when grandma and grandpa come? soon? soon, andryush, soon! he doesn’t answer the phone,
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but it’s time to set personal boundaries, if you can’t, come on, why is it taking so long for food to arrive? tell me, excuse me, the kitchen is small there is a delay, but they are already carrying everything, what kind of service do you have, what linen? something? grandson, beloved, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy
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birthday, andryusha, happy birthday. they promised soda, but what is this? this is grandma’s compote, my good one, it’s great, i came up with it, how do you like pizza, by the way, i cooked it for the first time in my life, it’s very tasty, mom, just divine,
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and i’m not, i’m trying for them, for myself, just for no one this is not necessary, excuse me, i ’ve opened up, you probably have something to do, thank you, goodbye, delicious, very, you decide to look for a job, our doors are always open for you, it’s unlikely, my husband doesn’t allow you to work, he says, there’s nothing for pennies, stay at home, well, in any case, thanks
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for andryushka, i covered it, i also had this, until the madder it started spinning, well , now you don’t have to be bored, no, i don’t need such passions, and don’t promise, ilya, life is long. “just like that , you fall out of a tree and think about whether it’s long or short, but you didn’t have time to do anything in it, well, how come you didn’t have time, you have a son?” minks, i'm stupid the path of development, maybe that’s why i
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was looking for a younger woman, i thought, maybe it’s not about me, but that the children, the children have their own lives, they have it all ahead of them, let’s be healthy, let’s be healthy. and the good bird came out as if alive, you also noticed, it was because of him that everything happened, ninka accepted me, capped. i heard yur, maybe that’s enough for you, and you went there, even though
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you wanted to share with you, but you, no, no, it’s possible with me, it’s possible, i’m dead, i didn’t know, when i climbed up... and you got me ask, like a human being, or have you suddenly become a bird's tongue? understand, you're kidding me, that's it, sorry, sorry, so why did you ask, what is my choice, to fly or crawl? and you, i flew, yes, i know, i know
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, it’s a glitch, but it’s not easy, i can’t get it out of my head, to fly or not to fly, vitya, that’s the question, the soul becomes simpler, i don’t understand what. cunning, walked around for a long time, immediately said
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that he came to ask for a loan, why i love you, everything was said without a word, you know, i can count on that, i’ll run, and you know, i’ll be waiting for you at work tomorrow. well, how is he, so you feel better, yes, thank god, everyone said hello to you, grandchildren, they were waiting for grandfather. but grandpa didn’t come, grandpa was drinking, well, that’s it, she started nagging, nin,
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you and your care are like a plug in every barrel, why are you meddling with them, what do you mean you ’re meddling, i want everyone to have a good time, i can too today about the meaning... i didn’t think of being useful, that’s the meaning, you hear, father.
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ilyusha. great, petrovich, great, just wait, give me some youth. i remember, give me the gloves, clean them while i’m alive,
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my hands remember, he came up to us, muscovites, or what ? well, where is the boss here? dad, here to see you, they didn’t find me in the office from moscow, they’re talking to business proposal and very profitable arkadyev, hello, yuri petrovich, you are the boss here! i wouldn’t say so, so what kind of proposal, i made some inquiries, they say you are the only office in the city that is engaged in construction, well, yes, so what kind of proposal, we are selling the lands
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of abandoned state enterprises. why is it so cheap? well, it’s good for people , there’s more housing, you benefit, you ’ll become builders and developers, so build there yourself, why give us money? no one knows us here, people trust you, so i don’t want them to lose trust, well, don’t give up right away, tomorrow the price will be completely different. dad, there’s a place by the river , people will flock to the low-rise building, such income, dad, my son talks intelligently, huge income, we already have enough that we have to get into these crazy lopers, thanks for the offer, yeah.
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well, just think about it, goodbye, goodbye, dad, well, why do this, respectable people from moscow,
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marinka threw a scandal in the morning and who came to the moscow numbers, what kind of deal was offered to my father and to buy land near the river where before there was a plant, and i know
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, half the city worked at that chemical plant before perestroika, maybe that’s why i sent it, i could also send it. but i don’t decide here, well, it looks like none of us decides, dude, maybe you can persuade him, huh? what, what, what, which, which, which is in the yard , so you and your father take care, otherwise
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the roof will fly away, catch it later, just look at this, i promised him to no one , nina, can you imagine, valka’s son-in-law works at a car dealership, so my vitek yesterday with this one with her marinka , they looked after her for a car, it’s not like i’ve been in my whole life i didn’t buy a car, i didn’t buy a bicycle, so the bitch is scamming him, but hello, light, hello, why didn’t i say hello, no, and you notice that you don’t have another topic, but it’s still all about the witch? my, my, so mine, this is me for the sake of clarity, let’s take it, oh, light, yes, let him
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buy what he wants, not with yours, not with mine, maybe not with his own, whose, you i wish i could talk to ilya, it’s just like they’re stealing yours, light, you’re the one who’s divorced, and he’s ilya ’s friend, well, look, then don’t say that i didn’t warn you, he’s the last asshole and... he doesn’t have an ounce of faith, light , well, you’ve been divorced for a long time, well, forgive him, but you forgave your ilyukha for this, hello, my ilyukha never looked at the other side, spit it out, he doesn’t care about my opinion at all he asks, maybe you just said your opinion to yourself, and not out loud, but i told him everything. we are missing out on this benefit, but what about the benefit? yeah, what's
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the benefit? well, they came from moscow, they offered such a deal, so we would have turned around, but the father, well, the father, well, kicked them out by the neck, and what are you doing? what am i, father? decides, they, well, they left, there was a chance to make a big business out of your office, your father refused? oh, okay, let's have dinner. i didn't prepare dinner today.
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dad, where did mom go, and mom went for a walk so as not to kill anyone, well, let’s cook dinner ourselves. what do i owe? i am ivanov’s daughter-in-law, i know about your proposal, i want to help. how does such a woman live in such a hole? you certainly deserve a better fate, a better life. yes, your husband, i immediately noticed a smart guy. true, his father is clearly pinching him, that’s why i’m here, you give it to me a couple of days, i’ll definitely come up with something , well, if only a couple, i have others
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who want to, but you’re a smart woman, i believe in you, just drop me off, please, away from the house, i don’t want anyone with you i saw a small town, a very smart woman. go.
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kids, get dressed, we're going to grandma's, hurray, i was walking here and thinking, what a pig i am, your parents do so much for us, they bought an apartment, mom is trying so hard. we're ready, ready, put on your shoes, whatever it's worth, but i don't want cabbage rolls, let me put the cutlets in, yeah i don’t want to eat, nin, well, i wasted the whole day standing at the whip, the children arrived, it’s a little late for guests, yeah.
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we miss you, i love you, grandpa, i love you too, mom , let’s help you, don’t worry about me, your fools turned out to be so tasty , they were delicious, i liked them, yeah , i’ll take it with me, listen, i thought you she was offended at me because of the cafe, and now a stone has just been lifted from my soul. why, on the contrary, you do so much for us, and i thought, my friend works at a travel agency, here she is for me i advised one good sanatorium , it’s great for you, your father will rest, he’s depressed , listen, what a good idea, i didn’t think of it myself before, uh-huh, oh, but it costs so much money, why, we can pay ourselves, not
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for friendship, just yes... take it, thank you, i’ll go persuade my father, uh-huh, father, look, they offered me a sanatorium, not far from here, mineral water, our own, diet food, procedures, which sanatorium? i don’t want to go to a sanatorium, and i’ll leave things to someone else, well , you’ll leave it to artyom, to artyom, to him you have to wipe your snot, why are you doing this, he ’s a little soft, the man is an adult, well , give him a chance, he’ll handle it, nin, leave me alone with your enemas, but what does enemas have to do with it , there are a lot of different procedures, well , look, lena, no did you see? and andalushka
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didn’t come to see you? lenochka, i can’t do anything, it’s harmful, don’t give it to someone, it’ll be a pity. once in my life i wanted to thank them for their kindness. we need to be more careful now, you understand, damn, i can’t do this, what is it? hmm, well, it’s not just that his character has deteriorated, then falling from a tree, so the doctors said everything was fine, well, that’s how to say it, uncle viter’s father said that the stork talked to him, in the sense of life. asked if he wanted to fly
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, what a horror, maybe he should see a psychiatrist, i don’t know that the person is in crisis, because of shock, rights, money is money, but relationships are more important, just don’t put pressure on him now, don’t argue with him , give him time. time, anything else?
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how are you married? oh, listen, thank god, no, and i’m not going to, i’m completely in chocolate, i just returned from abroad, uh-huh, why so deported? oh, lenka, you haven’t changed since school, you’re such a bad bitch, what are you doing now? listen, i’m in free flight, i mean literally, i work here at your airfield as a jump instructor, so keep your business card, we have... opened a drop zone, it might come in handy, free flight,
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listen, and i’ll come to you business proposal, so what? hello, hungry, i brought you something to eat, hello, len, uh, i talked to my father, he doesn’t care. by the way, you can’t sit, fold your arms, and watch how your the father is suffering, uh-huh, you have to help him, he needs some kind of shake-up, try
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extreme sports, just think about it, fly, uh-huh, and i... i thought his gershall would be open all his life, i didn’t understand why i brought here, what a surprise this is, oh, oh, and i didn’t even know that they still jump here with parachutes, i used to be here, drop zone, dad, let’s go, just emotions, i almost shit myself, damn it this is
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unrealistically cool, the video was shot, both the video and the photos are amazing, you’re great. well, about the next one, no-no-no, we’ll just see, guys, what to watch, you need to jump , i'll tell you, this is not for weaklings, the sky is for heroes, cool, yes, dad, maybe you can try, who am i , crazy, let's go to work, you're afraid your mother will scold you, who will scold you ? i'm going to ask you something, girl, what do you have to jump on, guys, it seems we have another hero, let's throw it off, let's go, what, dad, so,
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yeah, great, worry, david won't be here, there are soft passwords here substrates, so, there are carabiners, i belay from behind. "why, i won’t jump alone, no, the first time is always in tandem, you without experience, that’s for sure, even when dysav was here, i kept passing by, looking closely, but never dared, now what has changed, now i realized that life is short, that it’s given for once, and you have to live it, just that, uh, well, you probably haven’t studied the soviet classics, okay. let's do it where it needs to be, let's go here , so, right here, where the checkmarks are, yeah, your signature, yeah, joker,
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oh, no, hi, hi, tosya, listen, what did you come up with? you allowed him, and why did you allow him to jump with parachutes, extreme sports, i strictly forbade my son, but he tells me why artyom ivanov can go with his father, but i can’t. see, you're free, yes, let's go to
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the airfield, mine, mine! what changed your mind? well, i do not.
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dyoma, what are you thinking, mom, are you crazy, you have children, alena knows, mom, it’s not me, what?
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and oh, okay, guys, this, this is delight, bravo, bravo, now you are a real hero, really , really, it was very, i didn’t kill myself, what are you doing, what did you do, did you think about me? as a noob you thought, you're an old fool, what are you doing, what are you doing you, well, well, people are looking, well, i was scared , can i have some coffee, come on, it’s all gone, listen, at first everything was going great for me, but then his wife came running, she was just screaming like crazy. “it’s good, it’s a complete failure, she keeps it under
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a tight rein, he won’t come again, it’s bad for you to recognize a man, i’m sure, he ’ll be the first one to come to your airfield tomorrow, you’ll see, thank you, somehow i doubt it, yeah , we argue, but we argue, okay, artyom, come on!” i couldn’t even think about you, how could you, and you, you made me look like a boy in front of everyone counted down, you did the best you could, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have told you off in front of everyone, but you promise me that you’ll never do it again in your life, but no, i’ll do it, and i’ll jump myself and as many times as necessary, only through my dead body.
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mom, why are you here? where is father? he wasn't there yet. what a scoundrel, huh? i told him, only over my corpse, and he stepped over, how? mom, why talk to you?
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what are you doing here, what's wrong with you? lenochka, how good it is that i met you. dad, are you okay? he's not okay, he's gone crazy. what are you talking about? i say only over my corpse, and he stepped over went. the sky speaks, it's worse than drugs. well, what should i do, lena? mom, i, i watched one program. yes, the psychologist spoke. he was talking directly about petrovich’s people. he’s having an existential crisis, oh my god, he’s got white marks, and it’s going to be treated, he’ll be as good as new for a month at most, the main thing is to remember the rules, do what you want and don’t do what you don’t want, lenochka, it’s so good that i met you, do , what you want, and not do, what you don’t
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want, what you don’t want, yes, that’s right, do whatever you want. what not to do, what not to do i want it, just once in the sky, but it’s just like i’ve been flying all my life, i don’t know, you were navosat , it’s great, oh well, come on, otherwise you were just embarrassed, guys, come on, try it on, come on, cool, this is also for your courage, also a t-shirt, they gave you a straight gift, welcome to the club, our man, dalya, now you are one of us, there is no turning back, yes, i already understood that,
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well, maybe then for a long time, but even tomorrow , and don't be afraid. from 400 m in free fall, but that sounds tempting, agreed, what about going home? wow, what a handsome man, yours, mine, what, you want to go for a ride, give it to me... “eh, where are my 17 years old, no, seriously, you know how, yes, i drove when you were still walking under the table, let’s check, oh, be careful,
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i haven’t rocked like that for a long time , yeah, oh, i still have to go back to work." maybe we can take a walk while we're here for a while, please, i've never skipped, and you know, sometimes you need to arrange an escape for yourself, let's go, let's go, let's go, oh you! well, it must be hard to switch from business, right? but why? i also have a hobby, i like to
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plan wood, seriously? well of course not extreme, but why? very extreme, tell me? come on, is anyone interested, am i interested? yes , well, take a wooden blank , i started at the age of 14, the eldest in the family, then my own family, son, grandchildren, something i blabbed all about myself and about myself, you are probably the same age as my darkie, nothing that. .. for three, yes please, here you are, and you’re local, yes, i’m here
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and there, i love everything new, i love extreme sports, surfing, parachuting, and alpine skiing, by the way, the guys and i are going to go up the mountain , come with us, no, i’m talking about this... just dream why? you have achieved so much in life, it seems to me that you can do whatever you want, our generation was brought up differently, from the word it is necessary, uh, but what you need, you don’t want, and what you want, you can’t, y... “i’m sorry, now i’m, hello, dad, where are you
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, you’re not taking something, should i report to you, where am i, where am i looking at the stations, which is near the airfield, what you wanted, if anything, mom knows that you are at work, clearly,
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well, you just breathed life into me, thank you, thank you, thank you for that. you are so cool! good night, good night,
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you were right, he is mine. and why are you so funny, you won one argument, how can you imagine, dad got hooked on extreme sports, yes, yeah, what are you saying, mom forbade them, he went again anyway, i didn’t expect it from him, well, he’s a man . with character, only a man with character will get it from his mother today, or maybe vice versa,
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who put me up to it? “ning, i’m sorry, but i had to make this jump, alive, thank god, but what, there won’t be a scandal, come on, parachutist, go have dinner, the food will get cold, that’s good, i terribly hungry, what, what, what, are you drunk, or what, no?" "what were you thinking? well, something, wait, i have a spoon there, it’s good that it’s not a fork, because the country is old, uh-huh, thank god, alive, alive. as
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a mother, everything is just fine with your mother, the jump was a luxury on the second attempt, that’s how you manage to do it, so what? well , whatever you do, whatever you want, i won’t get you anything for it, but you study, son, while your dad is alive. and ilyukh, why am i with you, why? yes, it seems like we saw each other recently, i was heartbroken, now i just felt younger, so i decided to take care of myself.
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by the way, do we have any sports club here? well, just like in the good old days, stretching iron, it’s something that has triggered yourself, yeah, why are you looking at me like that, if i understand, girls are very invigorating, but they also fray your nerves, be healthy, keep this in mind, i’m talking about your wallet i’m generally silent, are you crazy? what are you even talking about, come on, the whole city knows about your extreme sports, that i can’t have a hobby anymore, what kind of people are you, maybe i just want to be in trend with young people, of course, like you say, but the girl has a beautiful car, they say, it’s not what you think, it’s
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the other way around, on the contrary? how is it, in general , it’s awkward that she came out there, well, this girl wanted to kiss me, and you, well, she ’s good enough for my daughter, i’m thinking now, maybe i ’ve lowered my self-esteem for the rest of my life, she’s a good person , and i offended her for no reason whatsoever. well, i think i can go and apologize, of course, let’s go higher. excuse me, why are you laughing? i'm okay, buy something valuable, what an idiot? yes, you can
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try to see it like this, yeah, it seems to me good afternoon, yes, what are you looking for? a ring, sergi, a bracelet, a better bracelet, it’s not so personal, so, well, more expensive, cheaper, inexpensive, but also not cheap, but i don’t know, i, i understand you, one second, hello, wow, to be honest, not
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i was expecting to see you here, but i was driving past, so i decided to look in, yesterday it turned out awkward, in general, you just brought me back to life. what are you saying, take it, take it, take it, i won’t take it, no, under no circumstances, what are you doing? well, actually, i really liked you right away, i don’t know if you have such a charisma, you might say charisma too, that’s how it is for me. no one has ever said a compliment in their life, oh, come straight, take it from the bottom of your heart, let’s
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come to an agreement with you, it’s better for you to come here more often, but i don’t need that. i didn’t think that anyone else might like me, so who would fall hotly, mommy, yeah, little darling, run to grandpa’s garage for some jam.
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wow, look what i found in the car. wow, lis, well, well, grandpa wanted to give grandma a surprise, but you ruined everything, wow, you're crazy, what a holiday, wow grandparents have their holidays, is it for yesterday or something, listen, you gave so much money, oh, yes, somehow it happened spontaneously, god protect the extreme. it was a great idea, i mean? artyom so wanted his dad to get rid of depression, he looked for all the ways, it worked, of course, well, but you keep saying that he’s not independent with us, but he’s already
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started taking care of you, wow, yes, here’s a husband with the size i didn’t guess, now let’s see what can be done. that your husband doesn’t know the size of your hand, but he gave me a piece of jewelry for the first time, well, don’t count it, here are the wedding rings , then more and more for housework, and then suddenly a bracelet, well, what can i say, you can’t stretch it that much, you can of course put it on, but i don’t recommend it, you exchange it for something else, a gift, you’ll be offended, thank you, goodbye, all the best, mom, what are you doing here? i was on my way to get groceries and saw you. hello, lenochka. spill it. it turned out to be too small,
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what a pity, you can’t exchange it, well, it’s a pity, you won’t even be able to stretch it, look how beautiful it is, but you can, of course, come on, yes , it’s beautiful, yeah, but how to unfasten it now, and you don’t take it off, wear it, will you need to lie down? and you’re happy and i’ll be happy for you, wear it in good health, thank you, it’s somehow inconvenient, and if your father sees it and you don’t shine at family meetings, he won’t see it, but if he asks where to go, then i beg you, we don’t go anywhere together, there’s no need to wear gold at home, and he won’t even remember , take the ribbon, thank you, look, the aunt of the world
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is a rival, that’s who they really treat with diamonds, so don’t tell the world, otherwise she won’t worry, of course i’ll tell you, and about our little secret, also keep quiet, to no one, where did you get this from, they gave it to me, you fools, if it weren’t a gift. fate, what? if the father-in-law decides to jump off at the last moment, then the bracelet will help him decide what to do? your task is to remove him from the city , no problem, he’s already warm, if diving, you can turn off the oxygen in the tank, i’m crazy, my children’s grandfathers, just kidding, just take him somewhere for 2 weeks, and in general the option is light, we won’t stay in our room for the mountains.
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hello, ilya, hello, i barely found you, vika, i didn’t expect to see you here, you come in, maybe have some tea, no, no, just for a second, i’m actually on business, listen, remember, i talked about the forge, well, yes. what tour
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turned up, and you are our main extreme sports enthusiast, i somehow immediately thought about you, well, this is so unexpected, and i don’t ski, but i ’ll teach you, it will be great, really, snow, mountains, skiing, guys they’ll arrive, there will be a big company, let’s go, but oh, i don’t even know, what are you, you’re not afraid of heights, but you’re afraid of mountains , but that’s not the point, it’s one thing here outside the city, and another thing where... to go there , to fly, but excuse me, i didn’t think, my wife won’t let me go, that he won’t let go, he won’t let go, there’s just a lot of things to do here, there’s no one to leave, in general, it probably won’t work, but we have nothing urgent, ilya petrovich, artyom and i will look into it, in general, vic, thank you. for the invitation, i’ll think about it,
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okay, but i’ll wait, uh, hi guys, i’ll tell you that you’ve come, what do you want? with overnight stays, hotel , no, they won’t let you go, they’ll kick you out for the hell of it, and you quarrel with her, which is the right remedy, i’m telling you , you need to quarrel so that the wife is to blame, but why, why should i quarrel with her, and you’re dense these? long time, or what? elyukha, guilty
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wife, this. hello, dad. artyom, i forgot my phone at home, he was not at work. here, probably, he went somewhere for a while, hello , okay, i’m in a hurry, i’ll go, otherwise i need to see the guys, wait a minute, it seems to me that i saw a similar bracelet somewhere recently, my mother gave it to me, i mean, your mother , no, mom, nina, they gave it to her, she gave it to me, i didn’t fit. oh, oh, this is your gift , forgive me, please, i shouldn’t have said it, don’t give me away, okay, here ’s the tournda, oh, here’s artyom, i’ll go, here’s the reason.
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hello, hello, hello len, ah did you pass by here, heard that my father was going to the mountains for a week, my father was going to the city, hello, hello, so you’re in charge now. drive, moskvich is still here, uh-huh, steer, hello, hello, father will come back and slap everyone in the neck, winners are not judged by item, hello, hello.
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ning, why are you passing on my gifts? who knew you'd notice? well, it would be in vain, the money was paid. yes, what money, nina, why do you keep counting pennies, that we are becoming poor, saving everything for a rainy day, i don't need it that way. nothing, i have everything, but i need it, nina, i need something new , i want to see the world, so go, look who’s stopping you, by the way, i
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’m here... in general, the guys are going to the mountains, on skiing, but i’ve never tried it in my life, so try it, i don’t mind, but you have to fly there, mountains, hotels, do what you want, father!
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so you’re thinking about going, well, you’ve decided, you’ve decided, so i’ll go.
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wow, you deserve it. yep, here's to the future. i wonder where the guys are, yes, there they are, guys, hello, hello. hello hello, hello, uh-huh, danin, yes, everything
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flew fine, i say, i say, everything flew fine, yes, i called you 100 times, here the connection is bad, i say, the connection is bad, i ’ll call you myself, don’t waste your money, i kiss everything. hold on, everything has already been formalized, your key, please, they will escort you, thank you, have a good rest, thank you, wow, i don’t understand, are we
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going to live in the same room, you wanted this yourself, you ’re crazy, you what, you’ve got it all wrong, you’ve done it wrong, nothing will work out for us, why? but morally, you know, i can’t cheat on my wife, i'm sorry, vik, vika, you, you understand, you, you are very beautiful, cool, don't do it to yourself. what's happened?
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hello, bummer, he refused, he will fly home tomorrow, well, think of something, improvise, how to make sure that no one bothers you, let him rest, uh-huh, hello, hello, - i need another number, no , everything is fine with that, i just need another room, do you have a mountain view or without boarding or all inclusive? unfortunately, the sons are busy at the moment. thank you!
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can you imagine there are no rooms available? what to do now? let's hang out sometime. oh! “you’re sorry that this happened, well, in general , we could have stayed with you and friends, so you ’re not mad at me, no, of course, on the contrary, i somehow respected you, you’re such a decent person, you didn’t cheat my wife, yes, it was stupid." an idea from the very beginning, tomorrow i’ll leave on the first flight, no, no
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, no, wait, how about skiing, let’s do this, i’ll put you on skis first, and then fly, peace, peace. oh, you missed this chance. well done, ilyukha, not like some, go ahead, carefully, neat, neat, right, knees, forward
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, that's it, let's go, great, ah, not bad, overall not bad, oh, girl, you should take a seat on the lift, well, if you really want, you can take it, neat, neat, neat, no cling to me like that, you’re doing great, really , i think you’re ready for a more serious descent, but you’re grasping everything, well, everything will work out, right, yes, listen, i
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won’t knock anyone over, but who’s there to knock over, glasses? well , we're ready, let's go , help, yeah, so kids, mom called, she'll pick you up now, don't pick us up. “hello, hello , i’m glad to see you, how lucky i was to meet you, you’re there, you don’t plan the first floor for catering in your new building, why don’t you give a damn about the whole city, i’m standing still, children, i miss you so much, but can we stay with grandma a little longer
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, i wanted to pick them up, they put them on my account, oh , sorry, i’ll probably go, yes, uh, goodbye, and darling, do you know anything about this new building? of course, huh? why didn’t anyone tell me anything, what is it, my father started it all like that and abandoned it, or what? he abandoned it, you know, mom, it’s such a shame i hear that tyoma was so proud that his father entrusted him with this matter. but i don’t know anything about this, well, maybe i’ll still call and find out? mom, okay, but you don’t hear this, he said that his father believes in him more than his mother, is he offended that he said that? yes, i’m always getting into places where i shouldn’t, stupid, damn it, but you
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’re the one who’s in front of me, i won’t, he loves you so much, okay, run, run, yes, nin, hello, hello, listen, i saw your little helen the other day how she got out of the car and it was n’t artyom’s car, so what, someone she knew i probably gave him a lift, since the license plates weren’t ours and it was already dark, well, i couldn’t think of anything, but okay, i’ll ask lena, we’ll all go. wait, nin, what is this? why didn’t you tell me anything? no, i would also exchange my sockets for a new apartment at a good price? i just found out myself. well, okay, what didn’t ilya tell you? well, i’m my own quiet self, he didn’t tell me anything, he went skiing, he handed over everything to tyoma, how did he leave? what did you let go? well, i
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trust him, i went myself, well, i’m afraid to fly, ouch! naive, but they really need them there, the wives are old, light, here you are again, and we ’ll go, well, go, naive, you can, yes, come in, what’s up, well, lucky, just a sprain, buy ointment. and only, what else? and so, you know, i have a small request for you, my dad... dad, he’s just kind of restless, to be honest, i’m a little worried about him, today he’s got a sprain, tomorrow what, he ’s climbing these dangerous again slides, and what can i do to help, maybe it’s better for him to sit in
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his room and not treat him, just hold him can only do one thing, but i can’t put a cast on my healthy leg, i understand, i understand, but i... “i’ll be very, very grateful to you, what is it, a fracture, i need to put a cast on, hmm, well, what am i doing with this crap i’ll fly home, i don’t recommend it”? will shift and to my leg, strict bed rest, okay, 2 weeks, at least, damn it, hello, maybe the key,
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fracture, sympathy, oh, you and i live in the same hotel, and you... i see in the same room, and you won’t help me get there, what happened? yes, dad broke his leg, dad, uh, fourth. what kind of dad are you? what should i have said that you are a married man? who am i then, what
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will they think of me? no one will believe that you and i are not sleeping. and here you are right about everything. oh, help me undress. yes, let's go for a ride, diamond leg. be very angry with me. what do you have to do with it? i'm rushing like a fool myself, god, what am i going to tell my friends, so why upset them, they're only expecting you in 2 weeks anyway, if you don't tell them, they won't know, by the way, where's my phone, take mine for now , yes, where is mine, call i have to lie, i’m flying here, so maybe you dropped it when you fell, so let me go up the hill and look for it, huh...
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hello, what is this? report? you crippled my children’s grandfather, you asked me to improvise, i improvised.
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man, yes, yes , i’m already running, how nice it is after please, it’s still not a stranger to the spa to have a glass of martine, i absolutely agree with you, i’m glad to see you, i would treat you, but here, by the way, we never met , i'm alik. vika, very nice, how is your dad? you left the poor guy alone in room? yes, of course not, i popped out for
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a minute, this one is like... actually for him, i don’t drink, it’s strange that you and your dad live in the same room, i just have a very strict dad, he still considers me a little girl , i understand that this is strange, no , on the contrary, it’s correct, i hope you listen to him, yes, of course, i obey dad and... myself for one thing, i respect, i didn’t think that i would meet such a girl, although i always dreamed of one , and not here, well, see you in the evening,
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see you in the evening. he asked me out on a date, he’s so cool, he has the same watch more expensive than your car. hey, where are you? hey! and why are you here, it turned out that going to the toilet with a leg in a cast is a big problem, where did i carry you, i found your phone, only it was a little wet, a credit card, but i brought you medicine. died, well, no matter how without communication
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, it’s okay, they’ll fix it, in general, maybe it’s for the better, you wanted to rest, so rest, and your wife, she’ll worry, everything is fine with your wife, in general, separation only strengthens relationship, i need you here more now, i mean, i’m going on a date, and you’re mine strict dad, let me go only until... twelve, what, what, you feel sorry for something, and i ’ll bring you delicious food from the restaurant, i’m ready, well, in my opinion, it’s too vulgar, and the neckline is too big, listen , you ’re doing great, it’s him, so, remember,
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strictly until twelve. i'm ready, but wo n't dad come with us to dinner? no, it’s hard for him, i ’ll help. no, he doesn't like restaurants. actually, i'm hungry and like a wolf. actually, dad, they deliver food to our room, right? yes, but delivery didn't work today. so it's not in vain i ordered. for three, daughter, can you help dad get dressed, hello, wow, the prices here are amazing, i’ll treat you, if you don’t mind, of course, and why not, it’s still great to have an adult daughter, the girl doesn’t hit you, you can take away the champagne. forgive
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me, but i already thought, you’re one of these, a dad with his girlfriend who’s good enough to be a daughter, can you imagine, dad, what a nightmare, it’s horrible, ask what he’s doing, that’s it, thank you, this is a bad place to take a break from business, i ’m doing construction, what about you? my family has several profitable investments in moscow, i i studied abroad, but i had to return, because someone needs to run a business, and you are vika, and vika is with us, i also just returned abroad from studying, in general i think that
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education... this is the most important thing, and of course , i’m very grateful to dad for everything, dad, i love you very much, period. “you just moved me to tears , if only temka would say such words to me, yes, it’s just a pity, animals don’t talk, temka, this is our dog, he’s just like a member of the family, clearly , forgive me, but your mother, she doesn’t travels with you, and with us..." there is no one else, well, except dog, somehow there is no one, well, only you and i have each other, dad, i respect you, family is sacred, let's drink to your vika, to you,
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m... and tell me, what was vika like as a child? and fishing and football there with the boys, i always told her: be a man, did you develop a strong-willed character in her? yes, yes, yes, that's for sure. dad, i think you're already full? yes, of course, overall not bad. but no one in this world cooks better than my ninka, excuse me, what ninka, ninka, vinka, ninka, vinka, yes, that’s what my dad calls me at home,
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dad, what did the doctor tell you, bed rest, so it’s probably time for us, dad still needs to take some medicine, yes, dad, to go. well, here we are alone, good night, good night everyone, and why are you so early, you told me good night and left. he didn’t like me that you were crying, on the contrary, he got in deep with me, it’s not for nothing that he considered me expensive cognac, you think because of me, no, damn
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it, because of me, of course, because of you, no if he manages to take me off, he’ll ask you to marry me, i bet. but if this happens, then i will become good girl, you’re already good, if everything works out, i’ll tell you something about myself, i killed someone, just kidding, funny girl, i ’ve already started to get used to you, you’re cute too, yeah, by the way, look, retro, romantic, send it to your wife by airmail, she will like it, she will appreciate it, i would appreciate it, thank you, mom
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, hello, children, send it, mom, you’re not tired of them here, oh well, i’m just happy, listen, you’re tortured from this study, and all day long, play, play, come on, horror, so, i’m there for... food, let’s go, you’ll take everything, all you have to do is warm it up, oh, thank you, mom, well, i’m going to the exam soon, i’m going, listen , i completely forgot, i’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time, you were recently seen near the car, dear, with moscow license plates, yes, i remembered, they asked the arrival for directions, and they told me that you were getting out of the car, let me guess. i told you this, aunt sveta , of course, you know, mom, i don’t want to say anything bad, but as soon as aunt sveta appears, there are immediately some intrigues, scandals, she doesn’t know any other way, well, yes, sveta can fight loves, to fight, okay, she is jealous,
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she has neither a husband, nor children, nor a grandson, god forbid he jinxes ours, yes, you know, ilyushka fell, after her sympathy, i kept sinning on this stork. that's it, come on, come on, that's it, that's it. well, what are you doing, what are you leveling , drop this thing, drop it, here you are, yes, oh, great, artyom, great, this is the scale, yes, and you doubted it, so, this is from me personally, for trust, come on, uncle, see , come on, don’t slow down the process, father. he’s not
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interested in us right now, but if i were him, i wouldn’t be distracted either, good afternoon. we are now very great deals, we will make a good discount for you. about! kids, hurry up to the house, hi, nin, nina
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, why are you avoiding me, or what, why did you get the idea, well, we used to be together all the time, but now you don’t even show an eye, but how can you see me, run away immediately, there’s a lot to do , that she came, and well, i see, you’re still with your grandchildren... tight, lenochka is studying, why shouldn’t i be in pain, but she’s studying, and yesterday i saw her in the center, i was running around the shops, then she’s with the visitors , then in the jewelry store, you always can’t see beyond your nose, okay, what’s going on with the construction site, and why are you asking everything, i’m just worried, mm, you’re worried about me, yes, light, if everything is bad for you, it should be so for me...
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“ilyushka sends me postcards from vacation , he’s bored, romantically, like in his youth, and you against him with hints, i don’t want to hear anything more bad about my daughter-in-law, and in general, i don’t need such a friend, forgive me, but oh well. i understand,
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only you will come running to me for advice, and i’ll think about it. listen , as if nothing had happened, you are just a doctor from god, you don’t even need a crutch, well, here you go you can fly home, thank you, doctor , thank you, me too, by the way, your phone came back from repair, oh, life is getting better, finally home, well, what about the groom, well... i told him that we we’re leaving, and he
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, and he kissed me on the cheek, can you imagine , during all this time he never even bothered me once, but yesterday he left so thoughtful, and what did i say, it’s a good sign, wait for an offer, yes, this is for you, thank you. and you're too good for me, i don't want to ruin your life, hello dad, sorry, mika, girl, where is alec from 505, he flew to moscow, i beg you, give me his address, no, thank you, i still want to live, i
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mean, is this him? here, it’s all your fault, but i have nothing to do with it, strict dad, he really fell for me, because of you i had to build, i won’t touch myself, but you came up with all this yourself, if it weren’t for you, there would be nothing and invent , just a fool, you even know who he is, they even showed him on tv, mafia, so rejoice, thank god, they got off easy, got off, this is the first man i ever fell in love with, you told me, you lied,
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come on, let's have a drink, um, you're flying to your wonderful... family, you have it, unlike me, it's real. chin-chin? vic, remember, you said that if everything works out, you’ll tell me something about yourself, but that’s okay. it didn’t work out, listen, you’re kind of strange, it’s like you’ve been replaced, you’ve always been like this, an adult girl is already with you
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, something has fallen into childhood, something else is still floating before my eyes. that's it, daddy, mom will be happy. oh! oh, good morning, well, yesterday we got drunk, oh, my god, dasha is splitting up, i don’t remember anything, vic, oh, i hope it was yesterday
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nothing. you and i are laughing, oh my god, grandpa, grandpa has arrived, grandpa. i’ve arrived, my dears, oh , it’s like i haven’t been home for 100 years, how i miss you, you received my postcards, every single one of them, grandpa, your ice almost fell, it’s real,
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it’s only pretending, what are you making up? , i saw it myself. will you tell me about your adventures? something is not enough, everyone around is just talking about your construction project, don’t be impudent, the hotel is free, and the fee, everything is not enough for you, just like you, it’s not for nothing that you and i sang so well, i don’t really, take the money and get out of here, your mission is over. no, maybe my mission has just begun, what are you up to, stop! yes, what adventures are there , i went for a ride with the guys, i’m even tired of them, the mountains are like mountains
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, that’s it, mother, no more extreme sports, well, thank god, you better tell me how you are here without me, okay, i’m sitting with the guys while helen studies all day long, listen, my friends are offended that we didn’t tell them anything about the construction ahead of time. what kind of construction site, what kind of construction site, what are you doing, the girl is already on the river the foundation is flooded, you’re actually great for entrusting such a big job to tyoma, he straightened up, and became so businesslike, where are you going, take a rest from the road, grandma, where’s grandpa? i miss work, oh, dad, welcome
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back, great, son, how do you like my place, it’s not too hard, dad, i’ll explain everything, of course, you’ll explain where you’re going, and they don’t blame the winners, but behind my back you’ve been deceived like a pinocchio , dad, i took the company to a new level, while you were there with your mistresses... i was riding, what, what do you think, am i a fool or something? yes everyone knows, everyone they know, except for mom, vika, and how are you here, i already miss you, and oh, you’re not alone, okay, i won’t bother you, stand still, vika, is it even good that you’re here? tell him how everything turned out for us, you are sure, but i have nothing to hide from my son, well, if you insist, that’s
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what you’re doing, you know perfectly well that there was nothing between us, you said it yourself, and what for does it matter to your wife what i said? now i understand that you wanted to tell about yourself, you just don’t, everything is much more interesting there, but i’m in a hurry, that’s why i came here solely for money, let’s not waste time, but under blackmail, yes, this is blackmail, stop, i ’ll call the police now, no need, the police, hold on! “you won’t get anything else from me, and so that i don’t see you again, i always say that your dad is a very decent
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person, get out of here, all the best to you, which of us is pinocchio, where are you going or?” forgive me, this is an ambush, but what do you have to do with it, you had to think with your own head, what’s wrong with the construction site, who’s in charge? here he is, get up, he seems to be in the right place, and i, it seems not.
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manicure, slag, hello, nina, who are you, we met at the airport, i’m vika, your husband and i... you can’t beat me, i’m pregnant.
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he said that he really fell in love, that with me he found the meaning of life, that’s why he didn’t call you, he was afraid that you would see me, he promised that when we arrived, he would tell you everything, but we arrived, he disappeared, apparently lost interest, in general, he just...... took advantage of me, get out of here, and don't let me see you again, when i told him that i was pregnant, he sent me for an abortion, under face with two torments, okay, don’t worry.
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where are your things? which things? well, you’ll live here for now, where should you go? she’s so kind, well, there’s no need, i’m afraid of him, i won’t hurt you, just let them show up now , but no, really, there’s no need, i can’t, i have psychological trauma. now, if you could help me go to my aunt, she is so kind, just like you, now , that you are a lot, take it, as soon as
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you know half the child, call me right away, thank you, i’ll run, yeah, thank you big.
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why are we having a holiday? and you're probably on diving is going on, yes, joker tomnyanin , i think, let me please you, after the separation , i bought a crown, now we’ll finish the barbecue, we’ll sit together with you, you and i, barbecue, oh you husk, so you’ll look your grandchildren in the eyes when they have uncle will be born, what? well, you forgot to buy the girl, but it turned out to be more accurate for you, she came to you too, that’s what i remembered, but his phone was broken, he sent me postcards so that i wouldn’t think anything bad, but nina, she’s
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still lying , how i liked these postcards, yes, understand, she was everything from the very beginning planned, well, yes, why are you making a fool out of me, and the chocolate wrap, fuck, go, let’s get out of here wherever you want, and don’t come back, dad, dad,
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that’s not all, she then came straight to mom i told her that i was pregnant, oh god , you know, my mother, she also wanted to shelter her, but this... the girl asked for money, and he also taught me about life, and i left the keys in the store, let me give you a ride , and here it’s fast, i’m on foot, yes, can you go faster, please. ty budeš krásny,
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if i were her, i wouldn't come back did you find it? yes, the phone is there. lay there like that, you said, the keys, yes the keys too, what else
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didn’t you lie about, you also need to, and your father’s mistress turned out to be your classmate, how is that? well, she started the whole game, i just , well, she left, she won’t come back, i was at this airfield, you didn’t kill so that she wouldn’t give you away or they wouldn’t divide the loot , you think so badly of me, but i’m not lena anymore i know
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what to think, but tell your parents everything, you ’re crazy, your father will fire you, you really wanted to become the boss, you wanted it, i, that is, you want to say that your father is here nothing to do with it, and you set it all up, right? i , i’m alone, no, we, no, i, that’s enough, it was he who sent you, who, no, got other children involved,
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lenochka, why are you slandering yourself, i ’ll never forgive him for this. we just ruined everything, why didn’t she believe us? because when people are mean to you, you stop believing that i’m so sorry, why would you, you have absolutely nothing to do with it.
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where are you going? i'm going to my father, are you leaving us? no, not you, only you. so, that means where the legs grow from, well , lenka, well, a strategist, but she will be smarter than both of us, and... you, then, decided, sorry, dad, i
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i didn’t know everything, no, i’m not justifying myself, well , guys, but you give, well , okay, at least you admitted it, this too, you know, is worth a lot, but they talk, mom doesn’t believe us, maybe you should go see her again and talk ? as if she didn’t file for divorce, but i myself will be the first to file, we lived with her for 30 years, she believed someone, but not me, but how could they even think about me, also links, i won’t believe it anymore and won’t forgive, now... not offended, but in the sense that you
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decided to stay here. so how did you find me? did you think you could leave me so easily? i'm not that good girl. i already know. so you know everything about me? almost. that man. my guys were never able to break through it. who is he to you? leave him alone. poor thing, she got so much trouble from me.
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what task do we have to open the whole board ? can we handle it? if you ask, it’s a tricky one. what character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much?


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