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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 8, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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treated in the traditional way, and he gave the task to make a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. a volley in the sun. a stronghold with ukrainian armed forces militants has been set up in the red liman direction. and the crew of the so-34 struck the enemy fortress area. an improved body armor with an increased protection area for combatants . developed
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a dangerous rift in a north ossetian clothing industry in magadan , rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations ask fishermen to leave the bay gerovhodskaya sea due to a growing crack. manage heat in a microdistrict with one click of the phone, large-scale modernization of coal boiler houses in nizhny tagel. without anesthesia and without an incision in nizhny novgorod, doctors performed a unique operation on the pulmonary arteries of a patient after covid. in the krasnolivan direction, the so-34 crew struck a nationalist fortification; the pilots used high-explosive gliding bombs with a correction module, this allows them to deliver precise strikes from a safe distance, remaining outside the range of enemy air defense. having received confirmation from the scouts about the destruction. the crews returned safely
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to the airfield, in the area of ​​​​the tor ledge , military chemists of the group of forces-center , using flamethrowers from the sun , destroyed a strong point, a fsu ammunition depot, as well as several pieces of equipment, all targets were covered with the first salvo, in the yuzhnodonetsk sector of the northern military district, acacia crews in order to in order to inflict maximum damage to the manpower and firepower of ukrainian militants, it uses fire attack tactics, while... the sau crew is constantly maneuvering, drives to the firing position, fires several shots and immediately returns to cover. in the artyomovsk direction , airborne forces fighters are knocking out militants of the kiev regime who occupied earlier positions, crushing blows of russian artillery have become even more accurate and powerful, and are being used en masse. with guided
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missiles krasnopol" with an advanced report by artyom yundas. in this kind of spreading mud , the artillery crew still works quickly, efficiently and most importantly, the target and clearly hits the target on the enemy. under the gun of the mstab howitzer, the ukrainian positions nationalists in the artyomovsk direction have no invulnerable targets for 152 caliber high-explosive fragmentation shells, the dugouts are equally doomed to destruction. oporniki, enemy manpower and equipment, gun, shot, senior artillery officer with the call sign horizon shows what literally terrifies the enemy, krasnopol adjustable projectile with a jet engine, effective range of the ammunition is up to 20 km, the power of the charge is such that it is enough for an armored target ...
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in the light of a garland, soldiers read letters from kostroma schoolchildren: i wish you health, good faithful friends, and never lose heart, stay with yourself, remember that you can’t give up, good luck with respect, andrey. sometimes it’s possible to contact relatives , father’s everyday life, the division commander admits , perhaps even here, deep underground on the front line, on the phone, together with his son, doing homework in mathematics, especially when you call home, loved ones, he says: dad, we they put up a christmas tree,
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we are waiting for gifts here, it’s all there, the most important thing is that the spirit of the new year is in the heart, all the celebrations, all the holidays, they will be at home with after the victory, the fighters arrange a comfortable home for their family.
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new technologies, report by alexander kundukhov. the fabric is laid cut by cut into 50 layers, the cutter applies the design and cuts out the blanks with a special knife. the further production of these pouches depends on my work, because if i am not good enough on the edge, it will be more difficult for a seamstress to work with the fabric. these are parts for military production. for a flask bag, despite its apparent simplicity , manufacturing a pouch requires as many as 18 technological operations. at this enterprise they don’t just sew military clothing, they develop new models and improve existing ones, taking into account the most current requirements. this is a new model, we call it
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generation 3.2, we have this suit, and this is generation three, sormat, shortened front part, the latest development is universal. body armor, the design allows you to quickly put on and remove the vest even in cramped conditions, the protection area is increased, and most importantly, you can change the configuration to suit any tasks and conditions. we can go to the basic kit, to the basic body armor, quickly modify certain elements, for example, the front panel or additional armor protection. almost all products from the enterprise are immediately sent to the svo zone, any comments and requests of the soldiers are taken into account.
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complete sets and individual specific elements. in addition, 15 new models are being developed, in particular , a multifunctional, comfortable backpack will appear. alexander kunduk, margoevraev, stanislav khudeev, news: north ossetia. powerful,
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environmentally friendly and maximally energy efficient large-scale modernization in nizhny tagil boiler houses, old coal equipment is replaced with gas. you can even control heat sources using your mobile phone. application report by kiril bortnikov. this is one of the most compact boiler houses in nizhny tagel, provides heat and hot water to hundreds of residents of the microdistrict and was built in record time in almost 2 months. the old building, coal boilers were completely dismantled, the old concrete breaker and scrap metal were removed from here, and a new foundation was built for the block building. foundation for the chimney, started in july dismantling of the previous building and equipment, in september, when the heating season started, the boilers were already in operation, this is one of five new boiler houses that
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were launched in nizhny tagel this year as part of the clean air program of the national ecology project. we have been allocated 746 million rubles for all this work. start-up has already been completed for four boiler houses. work, perhaps the most large-scale work was carried out here in the upi boiler house, this is the largest heat source in the microdistrict, with a capacity of 16 mw, thanks to modern domestic equipment, energy efficient... in a cascade mode, the rest of the equipment is connected, by the way, russian boilers, heat exchangers, here they are from this country, belarusian, and thanks to the automation system, the entire boiler room can operate in automatic mode without human presence. all parameters of the boiler room are displayed not only on the control panel, but also to monitor the operation of the heat source. you can use a mobile application, temperature, coolant flow, make-up flow in
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case of an emergency, there are increases in subscriptions, emergency services, and the technological staff reacts promptly to this. the power of this boiler house makes it possible to provide heat and hot water not only to apartment buildings, but also to a number of social facilities: a boarding house, an orphanage, sports complexes and two universities. students of the nizhny tagel pedagogical institute experienced the launch of a new boiler house, the dormitory became... much warmer, it was really very cold, that is , sometimes we even had to sit in jackets, it became much warmer, even taking into account the frosts that were there, in principle it became comfortable then yes, we can easily walk around in shorts, the efficiency of the new codel exceeds 93%, this is almost a quarter higher than it was before, this is what the heat source looked like just a few months ago, the equipment of the seventies did not meet modern requirements for a long time, reconstruction was immediately decided against. .. several tasks, we get a safe heat supply, among other things, which is important for
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our city, we reduce the environmental load by almost 40%. and this is just one stage of a large-scale program, based on the results which will make the air in the metallurgical center of the urals noticeably cleaner. kirill bortnikov, maksargeldeev, gennady lagunov, lengalyaeva, conduct nizhny tagil. nizhny novgorod surgeons saved a patient who started having complications after covid. doctors. injured blood clots in the arteries using the latest technology, which allows operations to be performed without anesthesia incision. read more from our correspondent ekaterina solodkova. the consequences of olga’s covid did not go away even after six months; for another 2 years she was unsuccessfully examined in her area until she got an ultrasound at the cardiac center. here made the correct diagnosis: thromboembolism, severe pulmonary artery disease. hospitalization was immediately scheduled, the first operation has already been performed, usually there are three or four.
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vessels to the right half of the heart and it acts from the inside - eliminating obstacles to blood flow, which leads to the fact that blood does not enter the lungs and, accordingly, is not enriched with oxygen. in nizhny novgorod , doctors save patients with pulmonary embolism for only 2 years, in the world for several years. transcelluminal balloon angioplasty of the pulmonary arteries is performed without incision and anesthesia. it is very serious. survive it, but those who survive it
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often continue to suffer from this serious illness and develop severe heart failure. the technique allows you to avoid such complications. this operation is performed in a cath lab. this operation is unique for our city, unique for our region. we can help groups of patients that we couldn't help before because the lesion is very distal at the end. in total this year in nizhny novgorod the cardio center will perform about 30 operations, but according to doctors, the need is two to three times greater, and the hospital is ready for an increase in the flow of patients. ekaterina solodkova, maxim andreev, galina terikhova, vesti privolzhye. news, follow developments, stay with us on the russia channel. i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament. for the first time, our tournament is not taking place at home, away from home. the best gymnasts
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from all over the world in beijing. lovers of sports, inspired by alina kabaeva. we wish good luck to you, our dear athletes. it pulls, heavenly. grace. international rhythmic gymnastics tournament. today on rtr. i want to go to college, which institute? to philfag, oh, my god , throw it away, start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to enroll, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope
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my gray will come to me and take me to her place home, there are no warms, it happens. entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, marry, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i don’t want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman , buy an apartment, take me to the sea, go ahead, have high hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr, i i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, that’s dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition,
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here’s a question, how is it all running, wow i want. really check seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just have a look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a little vanyu, the hint is just generally the most gambling team, if there is no 1000, zhenya will add something that many people use , the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch on
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the app or website. “hold on, it takes time, you won’t be able to operate anymore, everything will be restored, then bradina, as i understand it, i’ll flog you, no, you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t live without you, and you can't do it without them, finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is not a joke, do you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor? come in, undress completely. why are you undressing, you don't even know what you have does it hurt me? and now i’ll find it, the cat is in more pain, the dog is in more pain, my boss is no more, i want a divorce. oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet, it’s time to fuck me off, in what sense,
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pripasovsky. from tuesday on rtr, oh, frost, merry christmas, with such a great holiday , this christmas all dreams will come true, we were so dressed up, fun, carols, generous songs, yes of course, songs from the bottom of our hearts, andrey’s christmas show malakhova today. on rtr,
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the extreme cold takes a toll. problems for residents of different regions in chelyabinsk due to intercity buses were cancelled, in some areas the thermometers dropped to -35 on the roads, there was zero visibility, gentle drifts and black ice. near tveryum, where it is now almost -30°, local residents, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the road service, rescued two truck drivers from iran whose trucks had broken down. the drivers did not have warm clothes, food or water. these are shots from st. petersburg. crystals of diamond dust formed in the frosty air. light pillars have risen above the city, in yakutsk there are fifty-degree frosts, literally in a few seconds, wet laundry disappears, boiling water turns into ice, even soap bubbles freeze, a warm gift. the weather came to the southern regions of our country in yalta on sunday afternoon it was +17, sochi is not far behind, on the beach, children are playing in only t-shirts.
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bricks, cinderellas. at the irkutsk technical university, they learned how to make building materials from the waste that is generated in the city. blocks created from slag mixtures are light, durable and frost-resistant. report by dari markova. it looks like ordinary concrete, but such a workpiece is almost... consists entirely of waste, they produce material from ash and slag mixtures that remain on the surface; in the irkutsk region alone , according to scientists, there are more than 90 million tons, that is, the supply of such raw materials for building materials is almost inexhaustible. in fact, slag mixtures are a kind of analogue of clay ; you can also create ceramics from it, and this is the familiar brick. such samples even have a number of advantages: they are lighter, but at the same time stronger than the original. in order for waste to become a raw material, the ash and slag must be cleaned, and properly cleaned. grind, no large particles can become the basis of building materials, ash ceramics, that is, bricks, are made using this temperature furnace, and silicate concrete can also be made from raw materials, its
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difference from the usual is that it does not harden in air, in a special apparatus under pressure and at temperature about 200°. as for integration into the existing production process, by and large this can be a smooth implementation with fairly minor capital investments, so... in particular, for manufacturers of heavy commodity concrete, but so far such equipment is available only at a technical university, with its help it is possible not only to make samples, but also to test them, important indicators that evaluate frost resistance and strength in materials, while prototypes are produced in the laboratory, but scientists say that if introduced new equipment in production, it will be possible to create building materials from ash and slag mixtures on an industrial scale for the full-fledged construction of enterprises and residential buildings. daria markova, alexander mokin, lead irkutsk the installation of tanks for a new water treatment plant began in the north
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of crimea. construction is scheduled to be completed this year; the facility will provide drinking water to more than 40,000 people. report by irina eremeychuk. these are future reservoirs for clean water, the foundation has already been laid there and they have begun feeding the walls, then workers will begin pouring concrete. in parallel with... on this side the construction of a concentrate tank is underway, all the water after filtration will flow here, the power of the entire structure will be about 1,500 cubic meters of water per day. two treatment tanks in krasnoperekopsk for clean water will be able to hold up to 750 cubic meters each, two more are provided for concentrate of 500 cubic meters. drainage trenches are also created on the site and vertical ones are reinforced.
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an important and necessary facility for krasnoperekopsk, there is hard water with salt impurities, the contractor says. in terms of composition, it is even equated to technical, and clean ones can be made drinkable. almost 3 million rubles were allocated for construction. after delivery of the object into operation at the end of 2024, more than 40 thousand crimeans will be provided with quality water. irina eremiychuk, konstantin pesenko, vesti, crimea. in magadan, rescuers are asking fishermen to leave gertner bay due to growing cracks. the width of the largest of them is one and a half meters. but this does not stop
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extreme ice fishing enthusiasts. report by lyudmila cherbakova. rescuers inspect a crack crossing gertner bay. it is alive, that is, water comes to the surface here. this means that the ice behind it can tear off at any moment. meanwhile, on the other side of the crack they catch the root. since, fortunately, no one fell through, so they fly by, pass by, fishermen constantly move around the gertner cove in
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cars, trips, places where now... it’s better to catch the root, while all the forest here is covered with cracks, so such movements quite dangerous. many people fish closer to the shore up to the through crack, however, it is not safe to be here either - rescuers say, but the fishermen have their own arguments. a crack is scary, if you are behind it, the wind blows and will carry you away, but otherwise, why should it? be scared? that is, those who are standing there now are at risk. well, there is always a risk, yes, they take risks. rice is a noble cause, but not like that. indeed, the depths in these places are enormous, and the water temperature is now below 0°. if the car with the fishermen fails, it will be difficult to save people. rescuers recommended that fishermen leave the bay, but they have no right to force people to leave. employees of the ministry of emergency situations advise going fishing on foot or on snowmobiles; it is much safer. now a watch has been established in getner bay from morning until late evening. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gilev, vesti
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magadan. a christmas miracle from the wish tree vladimir putin fulfilled the cherished wish of eight-year-old christina from southern sakhalinsk to visit lake baikal. despite her serious illness, the girl went on a long-awaited trip, which will now definitely become one of the most memorable in her life, ksenia kolchina was convinced. hello baikal, i'm happy, hurray! christina sin welcomes the lake as a good friend. she had heard so much about the crystal clear... baikal, but now as if she doesn’t believe her eyes and carefully strokes the frozen surface, like glass, they say that baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, now is just a transition period, the great lake has not frozen yet, but the shore is already bristling with ice hummocks, this is also incredibly beautiful, baikal ice transparent as glass, the ball with the wish of christina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was removed from the tree by the president of russia.
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when i saw baikal, my heart just became very warm, and at christmas the girl no longer parts with her new favorite toy, a snow-white seal, this one of the main baikal symbols, his name is, the baikal seals give a performance, you can’t help but smile or applaud. christina is an excellent student and she is interested in everything. big eyes and seals and those inhabitants of baikal that can only be seen through a microscope, she herself can talk about baikal endlessly. the depth of baikal is 1.637 m. quite unexpectedly, there is a split right on the baikal ice. christina is seriously involved in sports aerobics. we have first places in all-russian competitions. what does it take to be a good athlete? do? believe in yourself, try, work.
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and this, despite especially. christina is greeted with the siberian in the toltsy open-air museum, family hospitality, today anastasia’s mother also seemed to have returned to her childhood, she remembers how she found out that the president would fulfill her daughter’s wish, i couldn’t sleep until the morning, i was just waiting for them to wake up loved one, husband , before... to tell them about this, she was speechless, she just sat silently, and it seems to me that she didn’t believe it, now, feeling the palm of her hand and the icy calm of lake baikal, christina knows for sure, dreams come true, i will certainly believe in miracles for the rest of my life. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, viktor strotsky, magomed otsaev, maria slyaguzova, news. the real personification of the long new year's
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weekend was the python. from leopard land national park. video traps recorded the rest of the amur tiger. the striped beauty is dozing, enjoying a beautiful sunny day, radiating peace, serenity, frost and snow are clearly not a hindrance for him. but the resident of the south korean everland zoo, who was nicknamed kung fu panda, on the contrary, demonstrates incredible activity and good spirits, which is what we all wish for on the eve of the first working week. this concludes our episode, i was with you. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. hello, dear viewers, my name is dmitry guberniev, i welcome you to
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the international art tournament. gymnastics heavenly grace in 2023 the tournament reached a completely new level, this is the first competition that took place abroad in china, in beijing. the trophy, created by ural masters, will become the main prize of the international rhythmic gymnastics tournament heavenly grace. and today the winner of the tournament will receive a small copy of the cup. the prize itself will be kept in the museum of the academy of rhythmic
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gymnastics, heavenly grace of alina kabaeva. before the start of the international rhythmic gymnastics tournament heavenly grace, the minister of sports of the russian federation wished the gymnasts good luck.
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dear friends, i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, this is an international tournament , thank you for coming to us, thank you, for the first time our tournament is not being held at home, at a party, with our friends in beijing, 19 countries have come to us, i want to thank you all for participating in our competitions, our tournament is taking place . according to the rules of heavenly grace, these rules are much more complex than the rules of the international federation, they give the gymnast the opportunity to reveal her talent, her potential to make our beloved rhythmic gymnastics beautiful and spectacular.


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