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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 8, 2024 10:00pm-12:41am MSK

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these little eyes shoot more accurately than anyone else in the world, oh little girl, there is no control in the world , for all her fun, no control at all, sigh behind your back, verochka, verochka, sigh behind your back, girl, girl, and beat off your legs, little bitch, bitch, oh how she carries herself.
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how she carries you, leathery looks, verochka, verochka, leathery, girl, girl, and abandoned wives, serochka, serochka, does not give peace to the soul, stained lipstick, where we are going, beauty.
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listen, you're having a nice rest, thank you, what kind of money are you talking about, better give me yours phone number, i don’t just give out my phone number, the star, as always, is late, the banquet started a long time ago, let’s quickly and think, tom, i can’t cover for you all the time and tolerate this, if you’re late again, i ’ll have to fire you, listen, change your clothes quickly, quickly, come on, come on, come on.
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listen, come back in the evening and find out. on the window glass, a drop of rain, i will run away from you, once and for all, it won’t hold 100 locks, won’t hold 100 keys, and i’ll drop a drop of rain on the handle. will not hold the table of locks, will not hold
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table of keys, and i’ll hand a drop of rain, trickle, trickle, let’s trick me.
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come on, hurry up somewhere , you need to eat less, oh well, what then, 5 minutes to eat, so what, where are they, where, everything is fine, i let them go, come here, come here, listen, listen, let's talk for 5 minutes, what? what's wrong with your lip? everything is fine with the lip, the jacket is torn, sew up the jacket, at home, what are you doing? what do you allow yourself? what do you allow yourself? come on, quickly to the hall, people started a song, they’ve already paid, quickly go to rest, you’ve already spoiled, who actually
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asked to intervene, into the hall i said quickly, listen, where are these two who didn’t pay, palych, so they were with him, as with him, i don’t understand who will pay the bills later, or what? just a minute, no minute, i said to the audience. doesn’t work anymore, but the smartest one, how am i going to live, haven’t you thought about that? tomochka, i thought, i’m now your roar, let me go, let me go, let me go. what is your name, little stream? pasha. bash, is your whole face broken? it’s okay, the wedding will heal. hello. hello.
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may i help you? yes. i need the most beautiful ring for the most beautiful girl. understand. and within what amount do you expect? i told you, the most beautiful. price is not an issue. it was still not enough for a boring person to bargain at such a moment. it's not boring, it's me. i understood. what is the ring size? well, to climb in like this. yes. it's clear. latest collection. for the most beautiful girl, please, what you need, where to pay, young man, you should at least
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pay attention to the price, i’ll take it, instead of showing your teeth, the boy looked here. professor, hello to the worker people, oh, pash, hello, great, pash, yuriich , how are the roads, yuriich, what roads, directions, how many you say, exactly, well, let's count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , what did they disperse this time, truckers, wait, 1, 2, 3, 4 sasha, you’re still making money, yours is the same, i found another, i mean, yes, i gave her a lift a couple of times with one fraer, and what a pretzel,
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psychologist, in our cultural center he conducts some classes, trainings, pasha, i took them too, nikit, come on, the filter. and i hope that each of you will take the time to think about this, my friends, to work on
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happens all the time and, yes, young man, are you coming to us? i'm not here for you. i'm here to welcome our new member. friend, well, yes, join in, yeah, great,
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well done, you feel it, and now let’s touch your right cheek to your partner’s right cheek, great, everything is fine, relax, relax. great, let’s change in pairs, more lively, friends, more alive, stand up a couple of tents, take your partner’s hands, look carefully into the eyes of your vizovi, some kind of kindergarten with drums, feel it.
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well, start with at least the words: if i
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i loved you, although my friends, words are a secondary factor, the main thing is emotions, it’s your openness, you know, let ’s start clapping, yeah, the heartbreak begins, that’s it, come on! i serve here, if i loved you, imagines , well, i can’t even imagine this lev nikolach, well, what’s the matter, well, excuse me, please, really, well, let her come on, come on, come on, you imagine,
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and this is work , spiritual work, abstract yourself, you will succeed, you ’re smart, let’s go, i appeal to your nobility, okay, come here, you’ll sit down earlier, if you leave early, let’s continue, come on, understand yourself, let’s start. if i loved you,
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i would feel the happiest, because i have you, i took care of you, and if you were tired, i would do everything to make you feel good, calm, easy, easy, and honestly i ... i wouldn’t demand anything from a zami, really, because true love, it, it should be selfless, if i ... bela, i would become the most affectionate, the most tender, i would give you so much warmth, i i would have warmed you, saved you, i wouldn’t have any troubles and misfortunes would not dare to interfere with us, i would give birth to you a son, or a daughter, or better
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yet, a boy and a girl and...
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if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a prisoner or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i like
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to eat a lot and... always or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov , every saturday on rtr. lev nikolaevich, did you decide here? stay? and i’m igor petrovich, coming to you, because i have a conversation with you, and my name is not lev nikolaevich. pavel
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, yes, how do you know, it means, after all, pavel, well, pavel, tamara knows you too well and described you well, and suggested that you could come here, subtly, yes, anticipating all your questions, there is nothing between me and tamara it wasn’t, no, and it can’t be, she’s my half-sister, on my father’s side, that’s for sure...
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darling, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, thank you, no need, i can get there just fine by bus, i ’m like, fuck off and all that, you are looking in vain double meaning? i just don’t need a taxi, that’s all, okay, i understand, i acted like an idiot, i’m sorry, you have absolutely nothing
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to apologize for, but if there’s nothing, get in the car, why are you grabbing your bag, no i have money to drive around in your taxis, you understand, but i don’t need your money, get in, it’s no longer possible, maybe. no, listen, i’m tired of arguing with you, get in the car, no, well, it’s really somehow inconvenient, i’m inconvenient, you know what to put your pants on over your head, put your legs away, well, where should i take you? bolshaya semenovskaya house 3, it's near the park. thank you very much
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for offering to give me a ride, it’s raining so much? come on, does it mean something? listen, what do you mean to me, you and you? come on, well, why are you so prickly as you are, come on, well, i can’t do it any other way, i don’t see any point in this, i think that we are seeing each other for the first, last time, i don’t know, i don’t know, maybe i now i’m going to walk around these classes like i’m tired?
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sit down, stop the car, okay, sit down, open the door, i'll jump out right now, okay, i'm sorry, i guess i really stupid, yes stupid, well, we’ve talked, okay, darling, let’s continue in silence, otherwise we’ll fight. i beg you very much, don’t call me beloved, okay, okay, you don’t want to be loved,
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don’t, for you, for me, why did you go to my brother, were you jealous, no, i wanted to invite you to meet me to a wedding, what wedding? tamara, tom, marry me! but that is, you have already decided for yourself for me, and are you
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against it, or what? you see, you, you are the best of everyone i know, but i don’t want to start a family now, and what do you want, i i'm leaving for moscow in a week. “i’ll study vocals and work there, i see you’ve also decided everything, pasha, i want to achieve something in this life, okay, let’s go together, no, pasha, no, that means it’s not in moscow, what’s the matter, it takes a long time to explain, well, you said that you love, you said, well, you said that it never happened like that, you said, you said, why talk about it now?” that means everything, everything.
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then goodbye, on my shirt, on my sore shoulder, you left a mark of love in the heat of the moment, he showed off. al em poppy from the lips, i defended you on an equal footing, remember love, i defended you on an equal footing he smiled with his soul and sang, i loved you so much, i was burning with you, you set me on fire, like a september leaf, i warmed you in the autumn wind, in the autumn wind.
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i said hello, hello, lev nikolaevich , my name is pavel, okay , hello, pavel, that’s it, you’re happy, i’m not entirely happy, why didn’t i say hello right away, because i was scared, because i’ve been afraid of drunk people since childhood, can we go, sorry us, can we go, well, i’m sorry, you hear,
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well, i’m sorry, little one, and you’re sorry, don’t, no, don’t think, i’m not an alcoholic, i’m not an alcoholic, you’re so in vain do you think what’s your name, now , let me in, please, let’s go, let’s go, katyuzh, you ’d better go home, go to bed, yeah, now, i’ll take you to the house, leaf through the pages under your feet, rustle with fresh memories for me , i’m not quite, it resonates in my temples, with a sweet pain from bitter insults, i’m not that sad, and i don’t have anything to carry around, don’t rush, hello,
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hello, i still have. oh, where is the little one, at home with her mother, not yours, what? no, not mine, but who are you? oh, no one, i take her to music twice a week, 50 rubles an
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hour, yeah, i work part-time. any more questions? no, goodbye, you hear, well, i’m just, hello, hello! let's come here, let's go, hey, darling, wait, why are you so attached to me, what can we talk about, i told you everything, just yesterday you talked about love like that, you looked like that, and today you bark like a bob, here you are everyone is like that, so am i... tongue
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and aunt, and you yourself are like the last, but who gave you the right to talk to me like that, what do you even know about me, but everything is clear with you, if i... we love you, so you know what, well, get out of here, that’s all for me i'm tired, i'll call the police now, calm down, citizen, i'm from the police myself, let me come in, and show me your documents again, yeah? now show me your documents , there’s nothing else to show you, oh , believe me, you, sanya, who is there, it’s okay, everything is fine, who is it, give me the bag, who is it,
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mom, husband’s mother, you’re married, husband died, give me the bag, anna mikhailovna, now, now, be patient. now, like this, the ampoule is in the refrigerator, there on the door, bring it, now, like this, now. that's it, that's it!
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well, how's she doing? it's okay, she'll be asleep now, huh? what with her? the lungs are damaged, inoperable already, and a year ago she broke her hip neck, so she can’t go outside, and the pain is severe, her stroller, stroller, yes. yes, it's broken. listen, we need to brew something here, let me take it and do just that. well, take it. and then i haven’t
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been on the street for six months. listen, i'm sorry. today is my day. unfavorable, what happened? my fiancée left me, yeah, i'm sorry. you went home, go home already, well, excuse me.
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so, come on anna mikhalovna, another spoon, that’s how good i am, we didn’t eat yesterday, but today, i tortured you, baby, why don’t they lock me up, i’ve been here for a long time. i’m ready, everyone i loved is there, they’re waiting for me, and sasha, my son, everything, everything, i’m just scared for you,
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you’ll be left all alone, anna mikhailovna, give me another spoon, okay, that’s it, well done, smart girl, that’s it , that's enough, that's it, that's it. this is a surprise for you, take it, open it, look, this one, where does all this come from? zoya, neighbor. i asked your girlfriend, she bought all this,
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so it’s worth some money, you spent your entire pension on this, you think, i don’t know where all your money goes to me, old ruin. and you’re walking around, god knows what, well, why, well, well, where am i going to dress him, such a blah, wait, don’t interrupt me, i know you loved sasha, you were faithful to him all this time, you followed me, my sin , i didn’t drive you away, i see that life... has ruined you,
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i couldn’t even imagine that you would marry someone else, why do you say that, you ’re like my mother, besides you, i have sasha, there’s no one, you’re like that, okay, i won’t do it again, just please remember, sasha, no, i ’ll leave soon. and you should live and be happy, no bury yourself, get married, love, give birth, and now i’m alone, all this, i want to see.
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anna mikhailovna, anna mikhailovna, spitel, anna mikhailovna. hi, i'm wondering who's so late? listen, it’s you in the new one, tanya , look how lovely it is, it fits like a piece of cake , i know it’s yours, anna mikhailovna, i also said it’s a different size, but i know its shape, tanya, what are you, what’s wrong you, anna mikhailovna, she is no more, oh, my god, my god. well, well, well, you’ve been tormented, that means anna
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mikhailovna, well, well, you’ve been tormented too, go here, oh, my poor, oh, my poor , svetlana, goodbye, svetlana, my plane, took off, goodbye, svetlana, goodbye, svetlana. shine rain airport airport we will rain.
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here you go, no, thank you, i'll go now, thank you, thank you, tan, that's it. well, hold on, just wipe these ones down, if anything happens, you need something there, just let me know, there is a pen and a piece of paper, yes, i ’ll bring it now, of course, please, here, here, here’s my phone number , uh-huh, pavel, yeah. will call directly, don't hesitate, there monument, give it a clean one, well, there ’s a car, something else, thank you, if you need anything in general, call, okay, i’ll go, thank you, i’ll show you off.
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yes, it’s my hen piles up the chickens, the cat hides a sly look, and the chickens have horns, jumping along the path, co-co-co, co-co-co-co, don’t jump too far, knocking with their legs, chasing the cat away.
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well, well, well, well, what to do now? oh, yes, what should we do, it’s clear, that ’s who we should find a guy with, but i can’t do anything with men, i tried, but it’s bad, so i tried, we
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it’s good, well, at least you have someone in mind. old new year, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms are decent women. do you want to get to know me better? please. they don't give up that easily. admit that you just don't like him. or vice versa. i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels right now, i won’t be able to return your sympathy, but i don’t have any feelings for you
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sympathies, lyosha, who is this, and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. borenko, salad, put it on your back, tatyana, yeah, for me, every birthday is a stage, summing up, only looking back, comprehending. you can isolate the problem that prevents us from moving forward, so i want to wish you
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greater obstacles, what? yes, friends, i want to wish for greater obstacles, and the more obstacles a person has, yeah, the more there will be... the potential for development, this, this is how conquering the peak is hellishly difficult, deadly dangerous, but when you are at the top, you are happy, don’t be afraid to climb the mountains, it’s not scary, happy birthday, super. just, just super, happy birthday, friend , exactly, you definitely noticed, for the mountains, for
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a snack, borenka, excuse me, for god’s sake, i’ll just be a minute, uh, i see everything, yeah, thank you, that’s what you definitely noticed , you know, i also agree with you, but still not completely, you know, “well, like - a black stripe and a white zebra, or a red one is, uh , the philosophy of the gray path, this is the line, yeah, beyond gray path, yes, and for you, tatyana, yes, yes, could you tell me more about this, what’s his name, well about this, zoya.” the phone is ringing, some unknown number, answer or not, and this from work, do
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n’t take it, don’t take it, i’m going on my own, i’m going, okay, don’t take it, okay , i’m already going, i’m going, i’m on my own, come on, come on, i’m already walking along the gray path, i’m on my own, uh-huh, sorry for god's sake, that's all, thank you, yes, i would like to be with you, how it broke through, no, no, no, of course, of course, we are already running, yes, no, we, we are running, fighting, that's it, we are leaving, yes, when did you eat it? something, oh my god, the crack broke in the kitchen , oh my god, the neighbors, it’s completely flooded, maybe there’s a gasket, no, sit, it was a pleasure to meet you, just excuse me, where did you go, i’ll just go in a big way, what’s the difference now? get up, somewhere, yes, we went, thanks for the treat, happy birthday again
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, tanya, well, i guess i’ll go too, i mean, no, well, wait, don’t go, more sweets, cake chocolate, i need to blow out the candles, i don’t eat sweets, yes, let ’s play something, well, checkers or chess, i have chess. and now wonderful old chess, i, however , don’t know how to play myself, but you teach me, but i don’t know how either, then you and i will dance, yes, that’s a good idea, really , you and i will, oh, now music will help us, it will be a white dance, tune in and tell yourself, i’m fine, i’m completely fine. i’m a free, strong person, tanya, what’s wrong with you, igor petrovich. “be the father of my
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child, do you really have children? no, i don’t have children, but i really want them to i had, you understand, you understand me , i really want to, you are a sweet, kind, good person, come on, let’s calmly, calmly, tomorrow we’ll talk about this at the training, but no, what are you talking about, it’s inconvenient at the training, it’s impossible to do at the training , that’s what i want here now, you understand, well, help me, well, make me a child, please, but i can’t”? “i’ll help you, it’s not difficult, women don’t interest me, why? that's it, i'm fine, i'm completely fine, i 'm a free, strong person, i can do everything, i can do everything, i'm not afraid of anything, i'm in steam.
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sitting, sitting, wish for fulfillment, beautiful words, and me, and then turn right, right again, i understand, don’t worry, you’re a mother, we’ll find you your house, yes, yes, you’re all like that, there was already such a smart guy, just like you , so he...
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and look, look, and she’s drunk, and look, it’s all because no one raised her , and look at this one, she can’t stand on her feet, oh well, now we’ll stand here, buddy, you again, wait, what about you? what are you doing, help, they are beating, police, police, help, help, someone, police, kind people, help, police, kind people, well, help, what is being done for this, mother, don’t call the police, call an ambulance.
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that the lady horse woke up, that where are the horses, and yesterday she ate like a blind horse, what are you doing here, in my apartment? but you don’t remember, no, but you don’t remember that it’s okay, it’s okay, people will tell you, the newspapers will write, nothing, move over, move over, it hurts, like a beer, i don’t want it, my head hurts, come on, come on, come on, come on, little boy, come on,
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come on, don’t let me do this nasty thing, but drink, i say, you fool! i don’t want anything anymore, hit me, what are you doing? you call me that, are you insulting me, but who are you, who got drunk with this yesterday? freaks, i'm smart after that, so what, you have something to do with me, that you've become attached to me, that's it, go already, go, let me sleep, you've become attached, do you hear, feskult, hello, spine.
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good morning, hello, ba aha. he was probably scolding, right? and this is probably his fiancée, i don’t know, i don’t understand, why
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is this taxi driver not a contender for you, look, the children may turn out not boring at all, but he loves someone else, why bother with me, i’m not i know, i probably regretted it, that’s just all. “i don’t understand, well, well, i would be in your place, when he comes back for these documents, and i think that he put them there on purpose, so i would be in your place, but i don’t feed you there, you go to them, and i 'll figure it out myself, okay, go, oh, i'm drunk. yamyana, but i wouldn't get there if i were you, i'm home, and he'll come back!
11:00 pm
pasha, oh great, i missed you, i
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brought it for you, you forgot, thank you, thank you, i thought i lost it, thank you, thank you. what do you know for what? oh well, let's go, well i'll probably go, are you on your way already or what? well, wait, can you help? what needs to be done? hold the pipe, hold it, hold it, hold it, like that, yes, like that, yeah, hold it tight, yeah, like that, well done! and keep it like this for a long time, hold it, hold it until i say enough is enough , and you are hungry, you had dinner, i didn’t even have lunch
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, really, but i would just have bags of cheese , if you want, here are the bags, take it, take the bags here, how about cabbage pie at home? the pie is good, about the pipe, he asks. well, let's go eat cabbage pie, there's also jam, apple pie, simple pie.
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just super, i’ve never eaten anything like this, yes , yes, what do you need pies, my mother never baked pies as a child, i’m dednovsky, oh, really, i’m sorry, i don’t know, oh well, but we have a director, there was such a guy, between by the way, he came up with my last name, it’s not boring, you really won’t get bored, you know me too, listen, well, tell me, why did you attack so much last time, no, come on, come on, come on, come on, shoot, shoot , spine, come on, nothing, come on, come on, history, come on, come on, purely friendly, it’s not interesting, well, aren’t we are already friends, aren’t they, i don’t know, well, well, in general, that day i celebrated
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my... birthday, or rather, i didn’t have any birthday, i invented it to seduce one man, you say, friend , i wanted to seduce him so that he would make me a child, he came, but i couldn’t seduce him, and he left, and i was left alone, and but i was angry with myself at the whole world, and then i went to the bar, but there are a lot of men in the bar. two people sat down with me, then you know everything, good things, do you really need a child, of course needed, because if i had a child, i wouldn’t feel so lonely, useless, i would find someone to live for, someone to take care of, because everyone i loved, they were all gone. listen, i’ll go too, thanks
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for the tag, i have a night shift today, iskult, hello. well, quickly, you can, son, but i’ll try, father, dates, that’s right, to my own wife, yes, today is our wedding anniversary, everyone has already gathered, they’re waiting for me, here’s the ruby ​​one,
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yes, that’s how many years you’ve been together, 40, son, like one day, 40 years old, yes, probably we got married with great love, so i didn’t guess , but you know how i got married, to the first person i met, it’s like, like this, when i turned 22, my father tells me, come on son. “ get married, but my father was strict, he didn’t like to be rebuked, as he said, it should be so, but i’m not into any, i wanted to go for a walk, it got to the point that he threatened me that he would kick me out of home, and i was young, gunpowder, i jumped out of the house, in what i was wearing, running down the street, well, i think, now i’ll marry the first one who agrees, i’ll bring her to the house, let her the parent rejoices. and you give it, father?
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well, so, i run up to the house, knock, there, you know , there was someone who lived there, i once really liked her, her little sister opened her door, said: no sister, well, i already decided to leave, and then i looked at her like that and how as if someone pushed me, i tell her, will you marry me? and she says: i’ll go, that’s how it all started, that’s how it all started, son, so how, and what?
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you understand, but leafing through the pages under my feet, a fresh memory flashing through my temples, a sweet pain from bitter insults, i’m not so sadness. yes, and i don’t have anything to carry around, don’t rush into autumn, it doesn’t suit me to see you yet,
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marry me, but what about marrying you, and what bothers you, so you don’t love me at all? so you don’t love me , that doesn’t matter, but what’s important then, it’s important to be friends, real friends, it’s all somehow unexpected, well, you yourself said that you’re alone, that’s bad, that there’s no one to live there , i ’m alone too, well, you don’t know me at all, i ’m not calling you zach now, well, right away, well, let’s somehow, well, i don’t know, let’s take a closer look let's talk to each other there. something like a probationary period, well, yes, something like that, well , i got used to you, when you managed to do it, in short, what are we deciding, pavel, i need to think.
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we gathered about ten people in the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say , my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the guard and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand... olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you if only our people could survive, honor and praise to you, what
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you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on the mouth. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement , sign, we sign two, three at the same time, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me, just see. movie: the entire southeast of ukraine will return to russian banners. what vladimir volfovich says in 2017: russia will be the number one state. russia will remain the only superpower in the world. sergei voronin, a former adviser to vladimir zhirinovsky, continues
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to sort through his personal archive and new prophetic notes from vladimir volfovich have been discovered. in the leader of the ldpr again predicts the future. malakhov, on tuesday on рrt. hello, pasha, i’m coming to you now, i probably didn’t warn you. “i had to call, well, wait, wait, yes, wait, you
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, wait, wait, come in, pash, i just thought, let’s try, and let’s go, legs, yeah!” are you also a fan of bryusov? who is bryusov? well, valery bryusov, the great russian poet. “i thought this was a relative of the owner of his garden, like
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you, what, why, let’s hang it up, why is it needed, well, don’t you like poetry, no, how, what do you like then, put it on!” went, hold on, get up, they liked you, yes, why do you think so, well , when tomka fed, they were afraid of her, flew away, but they’re not afraid of you, huh?
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what a handsome, handsome boy, pash, tell me, and you , well, do you still love her very much, who, the house, or what? don't know. i don’t know, when we first broke up, it was very painful, so painful that it was like a piece of meat was torn out of here, but now i don’t know, it’s scratching something, like a cat sharpening its claws, everything is dreary. and if she suddenly, suddenly
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she comes back, then you’ll start all over again, honestly, of course, honestly, we’re friends, no i know, but don’t be offended. “you know, when she’s around , i can’t help myself, i become a complete fool, i don’t know whether it’s love or illness, but you loved yours very much, well, as you say, much, not much, i just loved him all. good. he was a very good man, well
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, i’m sorry for asking, but no, nothing, a lot of time has passed, pash, pash, thank you for being like that, so open with me, and hello, we’re friends
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. why have you already taken all the children away? now he’s coming for you in a car, listen, right? can you give me a ride? i'd rather take the tram, right?
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please, why did you come here? are we going to play football? no, this is not football, this is the world's largest psychological relaxation room. the classes are taught by a candidate of some kind of mother-of-sciences who is not boring, please, yes , no, never, come on, come on, yes, i don’t know how to drive a car, i don’t know how, yes, i’ve never tried, no, i can’t, honestly word, no, i can’t, i won’t succeed, so now. one more time, squeeze the clutch, calmly, calmly, well, more smoothly, release the clutch, try, now, well, where did you grab it, relax, relax, relax, take it, just like that, hold it gently, feel, feel, feel the car,
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all i feel right now is that nothing is working out for me, and i want to go home, so calm, let’s do it all over again, come on, pasha, listen , well, it’s not mine, it’s true, well, it’s not my calling, well, i can’t, well, i want to, i really want to, well, i can’t, tatyana, the thing is, that you can’t always and everywhere look for easy ways, you are here to understand yourself, this is internal work, that’s why it’s difficult, i ask you, abstract yourself from everything. you're an idiot, well, i'll try, try , yeah, yeah, yeah, like this, well, here's a gas, well, that's it, like that, like that, like that, calm, calm, calm, calm, smoothly, no, no, fast ,
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not so fast, yes, well, you’re driving, i’m driving, yes, well, you’re driving, of course, well, i’m driving, but just make sure you’re driving. hello, how is it in the temples, sweet pain , from bitter insults, i’m not that sad, and i have nothing to carry around, don’t rush, i’m not yet in
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the forest to see, look, be careful, be careful, be careful, i’m leading, come on, let's! and slow down brake, brake, oh my, you're rushing like a schumacher at full speed, well, i say brake, now, what's wrong with it, it hurts a lot, yes, now, wait, let me see, i need to apply everything cold, now i’ll rule it out, but don’t get your hands dirty, well, let’s put the keys in and that’s it, now. well, mother, you won’t get bored, so that means i’m not boring either.
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tanya, tanya.
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pash, pash, well, forgive me, pash, i can’t live without you, pash, please, pash, let’s start all
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over again, well, well, please, well, pa, well, if you want, hit me, well, i know that i deserved it, well, hit me, pash, pash,
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hello, yes, now, belousova, ah, to the phone, i’m going. now excuse me, oh, moscow , no matter how you look at it, it’s still the capital, everything is different, so you came back for your fun, yes, hello, hello, well, you give me, now i’ll see
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what’s going on in moscow, the men are all dying out, what maybe four of us are free, well, they didn’t die out, in moscow there is enough for everyone, but my pashka is the best, friday at 15:00, well, how about you, you’re all registered, of course i’m glad. changed, though, i immediately felt something, listen, maybe he got another one, and pashka, oh well, well, since you’re so confident in him, then everything is clear with you, that means now you ’ll run after him, yes, then he ran after you like crazy, now the roles have changed, if necessary, i’ll run, yes, well you give it to your friend. everything is ready, how's it going? okay, oh, they do it better in moscow, yes,
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fool, vikul, you know, you are my best, thank you very much, you’re welcome, good luck, wait, wait. girl, where are you going, girl, i’m home now, tamara, wait! excuse me, who are you? yes, i’m nobody, i’m pasha’s acquaintance. ah, friend. tell me, will you really love you? what? sorry, this is very important for me to know, just tell me whether you love me or not. what's your name. tanya. listen, tanya. me
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: it’s not that i love him, i can’t live without him, tomorrow we’re leaving for moscow, do you understand? “hello, hello , come on in already, hello, i’m waiting for you, what happened , and i’m here, i’m just, well, it’s good that you ’re waiting for me, i have to talk to you seriously, i want to talk to you too , this is very serious, listen, i wanted to tell you that i, i thought, there’s no way i..."
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marry you, i changed my mind, how come, how did i change my mind? well, i changed my mind, i just met a man today, we’ve known each other for a long time , i didn’t tell you, this morning, today we realized that we love each other, today, yes, this morning, today, he proposed to me, i understood , that i can’t refuse, because he’s a good man, he’s very... good, this morning he, you know everything, offered me what? about the fact that tamara came, about the fact that she says that she loves, invites her to moscow, well, that’s it it’s good, it’s good, because you love her and listen, listen to me, she loves you too, all our talk about how friendship is stronger than love is all such nonsense, it’s all nonsense, a person should be together
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with... .there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is movement, there are 10 million moped drivers, taste it, oh, eyes
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they run away, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. based on real events , what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need
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an exclusive, let’s be as tough as you can without sentiment, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity, we ourselves don't cope, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you ’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from tuesday on rtr we’re watching to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look, look, in the app or on the website,
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wait, wait, what, stop, guys!
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pasha, don’t be offended, i’ve long wanted to ask why you don’t eat at home, why do you eat this dram, by the way, you cook this rubbish, listen, don’t, i know what i’m saying, what your hostess is busy, why doesn’t she cook food? she doesn’t like to cook, she loves to sing, to sing, it’s bad, it’s very bad, but there’s not much good, you’re so beautiful here, i ’m very happy for you, and once again i congratulate you
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on your career growth, i’ll go, otherwise pasha is now he’ll come, but sit still, he’s just growing up, thank god, but what’s wrong, is it because of the abortion or what? he yelled at me like crazy, i didn’t think he’d kill me, why don’t you tell me anything, this is my child, here’s a lesson, he’s crazy, he doesn’t understand that with this belly i’ll be out of the bag right away.
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let's have another drink, that's it, that's enough, i 'll be terrible tomorrow, and i beg you, terrible, like my life, in general, i have a toast, what, oh, i want to drink to us, to the most
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beautiful, to the most, pasha, hello, pasha for the beautiful ones. rub yourself, you'll have enough for a long time, pasha, and meanwhile you are temporary without any special interference, my queen, just a love for everyone, little by little with me, she began to play hide and seek behind my back, but how should i know, how could i know, i couldn't think of it, i i loved you so much and... everyone beat me to death, i was like a tree, deaf from you, i was looking forward to the light of a new day, to see you... under my feet
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there are foliage, a fresh memory is shining through my temples, a sweet pain from the bitter abundance, i’m not so crushing, and i don’t have anything to carry with me, don’t rush autumn, it doesn’t suit me yet. ..
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pasha, hello, hello, pasha, twins? “yes, little darling and mashenka, you have changed, but you haven’t at all, hello, tanya, in general, i bought everything, diapers, sticks, there was no dill water, she, in general, you’ll figure it out yourself, but
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what’s there? yes, you meet pavel, boris, very nice, pavel, boris, mashanko i’ve already given a bath, i’m giving mishanka a bath, swim, swim, swim, swim, let’s go for a swim, let’s go for a swim, swim, swim, and so, i see, are you all right? quiet, quiet, quiet, yes, everything is fine with me, i’m happy for you, i’ll be leaving late, and you came, and so, here you are, suddenly you want to see you, take it. pasha, hello,
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tanya, is it pasha who just ran out? pasha, so what, what, what, well, you said about the children, a towel, you forgot the towel. hello, mom, zoya. dad, borya, what, why are you here? well, you train, you train, we go swimming, koopa, he didn’t bother with our colic as much as he did with his own, he fusses, oh, oh, mommies, so tanya, he, pasha, he thought that borya, this, this is your husband, well, he definitely thought just now, yes, well yes, why are you standing, why are you standing, run , come on, run, he’s his wife, she’ll disappear again, well, let’s run, well, look at her, damn you! pasha! pasha, wait!
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yours, stop, stop them, please
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stop what i really need, girl. my friends, and most importantly, words are a secondary factor, the main thing is your feelings, sincerity and open heart, if i wish i loved you. i would never let you go again. and you loved me.
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would give birth to my children, i only realized today what a fool i was, i have so much to tell you, so much to tell you, i, i should, should have told you something, but i didn’t have time. i love you, pasha, let's go home, do you hear what you're talking about, let's go, let's go.
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what happened in mine, and they don’t call, because there’s an infection, no, you have to go. new year is coming soon, at least i’ll take the gifts, and she kicked out the back, but oh well, well done, well done, nyuka, that’s it, the cage has gone, well, that’s it, so next year, we’ll have a new addition, that you’re freaking out, i don’t understand , she’s freaking out, i’m all rubbish too, so i wish i’d ​​called. i’ll go, otherwise my heart is not in the right place, well, you can’t go like that without warning, young people, you know, they don’t like parents like this out of the blue, okay, i’m only for a week, you’ll think they they didn’t come over there in the summer, and they didn’t bring me any grandchildren, what about
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the producer, we’re taking the rap for you there, are you a hack? well, check, i haven’t forgotten anything, the main thing is the ticket, i took everything, but what about the money? let's sit on the path, we could feed yulka a little, otherwise the hustle and bustle is like a salary, and katka is a beauty. you’re going to moscow, yeah, before it, darling,
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to visit the kids, okay.
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on the embankment, who goes out? oh, i'm leaving, happy to you, happy to you, with the pouring. thank you,
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woman, buy a garland, no, thank you, i have my own, coming soon. it’s impossible, ugh, forgive us, please , man, give us a hand, what are you, are you bothering, but excuse me, i didn’t notice, i didn’t notice, but he’s not dangerous, it’s... 40 kg of kindness, kindness, not kindness, think about it it’s necessary, but don’t be afraid, you dogs , what is it to be afraid of me, i have a wolfhound bigger than yours
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, i’m afraid, listen, let me accompany you and help you convey things, what else, things, i need such helpers, helpers, oh, what maniacs something, but they told me that everything in the city is not like that, but come to me, 10 years old, be quiet, the children can hear. butt me up, i can’t see you anymore, it’s boring with you, it’s the same thing, the same thing, kitty, you need to calm down, if you want, if you want, i ’ll stay with friends for a day, two, a week, as long as you want, all the time the rest of my life, after the holidays i’m filing for divorce, that is, do you want me to leave now with everything, with ends, you all listen to me, i want an official divorce, but i just clarified, well, so that there are no discrepancies, and you can you explain to me what why? what's happened? i won't explain anything to you anymore. listen, well, it was still normal , you want your healthy lifestyle, please,
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you want your beetroot balls, soup and spinach, please, you want, i don’t know, you want this swim, a subscription to the pool, please, but now you want a divorce , may i know what happened, i fell in love with someone else, someone else, and where did you find him, i found him in the pool, well, wait, wait, well, this isn’t serious. absolutely seriously, this is my coach, and he will come here now, so you better take your suitcase and leave here. deniska, my little one, how are you? mom, grandma has arrived, what a grandma, mom, katya , oh my god, why have you lost so much weight, 22 kg, and how are you, how am i, i’m normal, here you are, how are you, and you’re a punishment i went about something, i need to do a gastroscopy, thyroid
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check, mom, what doctors, i just lost weight, yoga, diet, gym. well, thank god, that means i got a headache, mom , well, you say, why didn’t you say that you were coming, i would have met you, but i myself, i didn’t want to distract you, you’re not distracting us from anything , come in, what about you, mom, you like surprises, and if there was no one at home, so what, i would have given in to the dorm, what is it with you, something seems wrong, huh? that yes , everything we have, everything, yes, that the suitcases are standing, you are going somewhere or vice versa, you have arrived, but no, it’s me i came back from a business trip, i’ll go now , i’ll sort out all my things, oh, just stand there, you forgot , you have another business trip, now you ’re stirring up something, but what kind of a business trip is this, you ’re wiping your pants at the bank, he’s having an exchange
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wiping experience. pants, let's hurry up already, but it's a pity that you'll stay at dinner, uh-huh, as if we still have them already, go already, go, momulik, come on quickly, leave your hostel , come to us, i'd like to tell you something, and i i bought you boots, what are you getting ready for? understood, okay, well, just the other day, just the other day, yes, i kiss you, he won’t come, at least you see each other often, you’re sisters, so now we
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each have our own lives? mom, you’re not hungry , you can cook, we just don’t eat so late , why don’t you eat, well, the boys eat my diet by the hour, yes, i see, soon you’ll be going through raindrops, mom, let’s not criticize the rules of my house, i’m silent, that ’s where the kids are, and i brought them such gifts, oh, look, i have cars, what kind of cars, mana. why bother like that, well, they have nothing but a computer now it’s necessary, okay, let them stand there and play enough on the computer, then i’ll take them, so potatoes, you decide where, mom, what kind of potatoes, what are you talking about, we have a supermarket across the road, there are these potatoes, can you buy them like that, here's pepper, cucumbers, look at the pumpkin, it's some kind of sun, yes, and
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this is about... cognac, yes, you don't know what it tastes like, but in our store it was the most expensive one, arable, what is it, and what kind of night business trips are these, i don’t like them, and even long ones, i need to look after my husband better, no he’s a good guy here, he’s such an eye-catcher, oh, how they can put an eye on him. “mom, yes, pasha doesn’t live here anymore, we’re getting a divorce, why are you , why, well, we’re getting divorced like this, after the holidays i’m filing for divorce, what are you saying, katya, katya, you’ve been with us for a long time, since spring, he’s been here for a month i moved back, you accidentally caught him, he was taking things, lord, what are you doing, katya, you
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have kids, and why, mom, don’t the kids care?” " they're playing for themselves, oops, oops, oops, oops, opana, go, yes, where did you learn this, at school, oh my god, and guys, what did i bring for you, here, ting-ka, come on, turn off the light. bah, is something not working? well, she needs to warm up, how? remember the garland, right? how much should i rent? yes, the tension is probably not right, that’s also true, don’t load it, but it’s dirty, mom, don’t be ridiculous,
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it’s time to go to the trash heap, here at every turn these garlands are sold, so quickly, quickly, sleep quickly, grandma, grandma , oh my good ones, good night, good night, how can you say that, huh? in the trash, i celebrated every new year with them, and you, my grandchildren, will be there, nothing, i’ll fix it, listen, and you that you can’t buy a yuka, and the children, there’s only a week left until the new year, uh-huh, first dress it up, then unload it, well, what should you do, you still don’t work, mom, hmm, well, i asked, it seems already, i’m silent, i’m silent, good night, good night, good morning , mummy, good morning, how did you sleep, but will you fall asleep, and the gerka won’t be tied to you, but it will be carried away by the squeak, masha, what are you
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doing, my breakfast is ready , now i ’ll bring some sour cream, i’ll make some for the critters, i didn’t find any sugar with you. because in my house, mom , there is no sugar or jam, i don’t call this one i’ll poison you with breakfast, if you want to eat it, i won’t, the kids too, what are you saying, oh well, you don’t eat, kostya is going to kindergarten, and deniska definitely needs to go to school, no, he needs to have breakfast, now the broccoli is stewed, i’ll have breakfast, what are you talking about, you're going to feed your children green grass, but in the past this was the only thing they fed people in hunger, mom, it's cabbage, cabbage, what difference does it make, and... pashka, don't be afraid, you left because of this, and that has to do with it , mom, one of your mice got killed, hanged itself in the refrigerator, no, you can’t feed a guy just grass, he’s not a rabbit, wow you, they smell so delicious, who came running
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, who came running, we came running, mom, can we take it from grandma, no, we can’t, today is a fasting day for us, so unload yourself, yes, what about the guys, mom, i told you, ah ... mom, what did she say, she says, today i ’ll eat broccoli alone, and we, we’ll eat pancakes, hurray, okay, i’m late, take denis to school, kostya to kindergarten, of course , where are you going, i have a job interview, huh? bonya, go for a walk, let's go, let's go, pa, you know, the parent is getting divorced, how do you know, i listen, at first i was upset, and then
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i thought, this is beneficial, before they gave me one gift, but now they will give me two gifts, just like that, i don’t know, dad said two, one from him, one from mom, no want. that i don’t want it, little one, what are you, what a moron , they tell you there will be two gifts, two for you and two for me, dinya, what are you, what are you, my good one, your grandmother promises you there will be no divorce, what nonsense - look . don’t dare, do n’t dare, don’t dare, oh, bonya, what are you doing
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guys, don’t be afraid of him, he’s big, but kind, you know, but you need to keep your dog on a leash, there are children walking here, kostya, denisa, you’re like, move away, good, good, forgive me, i couldn’t keep it, i kept it, he’s like you. tore it up, he apparently fell in love with you , fell in love with you, almost killed you, not moscow, some kind of mess, well, don’t touch it, let’s go, let’s go, bye, you’re a pain too, client number, that’s it, please come in, yeah, thank you. and good afternoon, what kind of operation are you having, a brain transplant, lyudya vasilna, what are you having? your head, pasha,
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what do you have there, a full kuku, and you have two children, two, pasha, what are you doing with your hands in your legs, yes vasilyevna, i’m at work, yes, our bank’s credit programs interest you, we have an excellent pension program for you, i’m interested, i’m interested in why you’re a slacker daughter he abandoned mine, and you’re making children orphans, pasha, you’re an immoral guy, and you’re also giving out loans, they’re fools, they need to run away, they ’re sitting there.
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well, they're lining up right next to you, excuse me, listen, we have an electronic queue, if you interfere with work, i 'll call security, and i'm the last judgment, people vasilyevna, i ask you, client, number a29, excuse me, please take a seat, thank you, yeah, so is your coupon. three, lord , not this, it’s you for me, no, no, no , excuse me, please, what is your operation, client, number 38, that’s all, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, here’s a coupon, in the eyes, look, look, in the eyes , i say
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, it seems to me that you are very aggressive, but no, pashenka, you don’t think so, it means he’s definitely got a woman , but shame on you, pasha, shame on you, he has the right for personal life, client, number e02 s or what, what kind of post office are you sending it to, you're painted, and why the hell are you ruining a family, see vasya, we're about to scare away all our clients?
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who did she fall in love with? i don’t know, maybe he was talking about the coach, he has all sorts of muscles, but i began to irritate her, vasilyevna, go, i need to work, look, if you told me to give me a ride. i don’t know what i’ll do to you, god, soon he’ll come to visit us, new year, gifts for everyone, santa claus will bring you, you have no experience, and i received my diploma while pregnant, but i myself have two children, so 2.22, what's the difference.
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well, i didn’t kill you, uh, hold it, i hold it, hold it, hold it, i hold it, here you go, listen, you can fix the garland, but oh, oh, it’s easier, i brought it to nokam, and it’s still easier.
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stand, put your hands away, say, i’ll stab you, i’ll stab you like that, i’ll hate you like that, you’re just talking about a friend, is that you? give me back the bitch, you bastard, there's a shkkerlya, you're my protector, come here, you're a good fellow, what a great fellow, thank god you made it, and i see they take your bag away,
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i think you've lived here, they're robbing you in broad daylight, from my grandchildren wanted new year sneak away, or?
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she’s having a hard time with our divorce, she’s freaking out, we need to do something so that she does n’t come anymore, she scared lera very much, this is our employee, she’s very good, good, she won’t come again, don’t think that i have any relationship, but i’m just a free person now, that’s enough, i said i’ll talk to her, with lera, with my mother, stupid, and how are you, how are you, how is your coach, huh? are you serious? and what? are you sure your girlfriend is discussing her men with you? i'm just asking. i think he's deniski if he likes it, he will teach him to swim. i ’m afraid of water, well, after the incident when i drowned as a child. but i have a version that you never surfaced. you're a drowned man, pawl.
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by the way, they are giving me a promotion, they want to make me the head of the department. i just didn’t want to tell you, until i finally decided. well, i'm very happy, right? and such a responsibility, but i think i can handle it, i’m sure, there will be more alements, wait , did you already buy something, no, so go ahead , take it, it’s in my trunk, i bought it for the children, look, it’s artificial, it will last a long time, and garbage no, listen, you know that i...
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and the hat, it’s your stupid one, the christmas tree in the hallway, mom, it’s enough that i can’t fix it, i’ll fix it, i got a job, no, i had to. to go out and work, i served 10 years in a matrimonial prison, i have no experience, wow, this is a prison, come on, katya, are you all too greedy in moscow or something? mom, why did you go to him, who is mom, well, that’s enough, what the hell, i
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wanted to find out which cat ran between you, i found out, yes, sit down, daughter, come on, we’ll talk to you, and after the pool let's talk, imam, i ask you, please don't go to the bank, or the utility, or the united nations anymore, okay? okay, honey, can i go pick up kostya to kindergarten, and can i pick up deniska at school? thank you, daughter, thank you, take your number, thank you very much, please, dear guests and members of our club, we remind you that additional towels are available. "hello, hello, what is your question? i’d like to go to the pool at least,
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would you like to purchase a club card? but without a card, i won’t be able to get into the pool, on the issue of purchasing club cards, go to to the manager here. hello! dear guests and members of our club, children under
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16 years of age are allowed into the pool only when accompanied by a coach or parents. okay, well, let's say tomorrow at 7 o'clock, i'll come,
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i'll wait, definitely, okay. i don’t need it, i don’t need it, you gave someone a date tomorrow at 7 o’clock, and i’ll give you a ride, i
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thought katya, yes, i finally remembered, it means that not all the brains are still biceps overflowed, but katya is a client, that’s all, we have tomorrow everyone will have personal training, but it’s not official, so that the money doesn’t go to the club, but personally to me, she gets it at half the price, well, that ’s what they call it now, nothing, nothing, did she leave her husband because of you? she left her husband because of me, what nonsense anyway, go away, i told you, nonsense, she left, listen, why do i need her, we barely know each other, she actually trains with zhenya, and then you don’t get offended, well she’s old already, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, well, yes, yes, she’s a beauty like no other, but you have a girlfriend, no, but what? are you from another cooperative, or what?
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from which cooperative? what difference does it make to you in general, i’m 25 years old, i need to try everything in life, why do i need a permanent girlfriend, you saw how much i walk here, you can choose a new one every day in general, but why did he assign it to you all, or something, you’ll go out, so, as you say at zhenya’s. that's it, come in, boys. from today, so that i can quit my training, give up, i heard, it’s you who tell me that no, i, a girl, something’s not right again, girl, but i
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need a trainer, zhenya, here alone, zhenya, it’s me, about the classes , a? no, hello, wa, i’m hungry, me too, i prepared some tasty treats for you, let’s get home now, i’ll feed you, and i have a lot of cars, i also have a lot of them, so let’s go in, let’s go. quickly, that's it, now let's undress, grandma will warm up dinner, my little darlings, mom, i miss you, so let's undress, wash your hands , you'll have dinner with us, mom, can i have you for a minute, yes, of course, sit down.
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well, you outdid yourself today, in the morning i calmed down pasha, then the coach, then another coach, you know why, from a fit of laughter, mom, why did you go to the pool, mom, you don’t understand that you’re disgracing me, what i look like i will, yes you will be fine look, i thought you had a bad guy there, and you there, why didn’t you come up with jokes about the coach , or maybe it’s time for me to live for my own pleasure, oh, for pleasure , you have two pleasures, and... and this what kind of irresponsibility, pasha is not good for her, and what do you think, he’s a good person, is it that you should miss the bus, in 10 minutes a new one will come, but no, honey, you married him yourself, that someone is you pulled, my life itself is in jeopardy, i don’t give a damn, but i won’t let my grandchildren hurt you, lord, katya, who are you
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like that, but of course, i’m not always like that here, but here i am. the color in the window, i didn’t want to tell you, yulechka is pregnant, from a married man, yes, i was also shocked at first, what, manu, oh, now, oh, oh, i didn’t achieve it.
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well, what happened, what now, the end of the world, where is father? no, father, he will give money , there will be no child, so katya, there’s no point in bothering you , wait, suddenly there’s a complication, mom, complication
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happens in two percent of cases, so the chance that something bad will happen to me is almost zero . he want talk to him about what? about the child, mom, he doesn’t want to be a father and that can’t be changed. let you give birth, and i, and i’ll take it for myself, well , i’m still young. you don’t hear me, oleg won’t accept this child, here or in your garden, but it will still be his child, in general, i’m sorry that you even... found out about this, i didn’t want to upset you, so oleg, already something, mom, mom, don’t even
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think about it, do you hear, mom, standing up for you, i say, are you feeling bad? no, no, okay, run to the pharmacy or call a doctor, i’m a doctor myself, felsh, well, the veterinarian, i’ll leave now, and i won’t die, don’t be afraid, you’re in trouble, but i lived, i lived, i lived on you, so maybe everything will get better, little by little, whatever, it needs to be set, like a dislocation, of course, they’re speculating medically, like a cannabal,
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there is something wrong with your children, yes, but how do you know, i served in the authorities, in an economic position, but sometimes i can draw conclusions, because of which a woman of your age, grandchildren, may be upset you still have small children, you know that, petrovich, adult children are not adults, but control is needed, come on, let's eat, just like that, you 'll take them, of course, take it, it's delicious, take it, take it, eat it, but i don't have a swimming pool , you can't drown your head off two pancakes, but in general i don't want it, i'm so just.
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he’s grandchildren, take care of them, mm, i completely forgot , and put up the christmas tree, yeah, yeah, kostya, tinya, let’s finish eating, we’ll leave in 10 minutes , bah, we can use the machines, of course we can, well, that’s it, i’m tired, go away, we to school, to
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kindergarten, ah-ah, grandma still needs to get to one more place, definitely, come here, come on, let’s speed up, ding, come on, push us, bah, huh i, what are you, little or something, take this thing for us, from... lid, well, you give it, but hello to the saviors, how are you, ignat petrovich, listen, i have something to do, and it’s urgent, you take the children, and where, yes to kindergarten to school, they themselves will show you everything, hello, well, yes. kids, listen, my dears, and i ran , hold on, thank you, i’ll tell you everything later, well, guys, you don’t
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have a grandmother, but a tsunami, oleg nazarov, neurologist, what office is he in, oleg valentinovich, he has an appointment for a month go ahead, i can sign you up for february, but what, no, no, no, not today, this is a matter of life and death, calm down, woman, how old is your child? 21 are you kidding me, this is a children ’s clinic, a children’s clinic, i’m not at an appointment , i’m on a personal matter, please, what are you doing, well, be a man, he’s your doctor nazarov, you see, oleg valentinovich, oleg valentinovich, wait a minute , i’m a prodovich, listen, i have a lot of patients, year of birth, what did they treat, mother, and yuli, july? yes, yuli, oh, in this sense, how can i be useful? i don't like your relationship i don't like it at all. you know, we
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are adults, like... “tell her that you gave birth to a child, she will listen to you, goodbye, what are you doing, what are you doing, oh so, well then push me, what are you doing, where are you going, well, answer me, yes, i said
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, no dear, where should we drive, but nowhere, after someone, he’s behind that red car, come on faster, uh, uh, uh, what are you doing, calm down, mom, while i’m your mom . you're a beast, this is moscow, baby, baby, i 'll give it to you, baby, baby.
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come on, so i'll come back everything. have you forgotten your keys? hello, hello, are you coming to me? yes, i'm about previous addition. god, how did you know that? yes, i already found out. so you... “i
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understand, come in, come in, uh-huh, uh-huh , please come in, i didn’t think that you would decide to come like this, but how else will it not resolve itself, maybe some tea.” no, no, what kind of tea ? well, driving him home, well, out of the house, of course, is too much, and it’s not a solution, you know, oleg is of course to blame, i’m so sorry for him i said that, but you are good too. that,
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of course, you didn’t follow it? what, how did i not follow? oh well, what can we say about this? let's decide what to do? give birth, what to do? of course, of course, the main thing is that there are no complications , she is so small, well, she’s not so small, that’s what i’m talking about, your husband, oleg, he’s against it, well, well, not exactly against it, well, that’s just how it is unexpectedly, but men, you know, the main thing now is to find a good doctor, so that he can deliver the baby at home, so it’s calmer, what do you think, you want it at home, but not at yours but, in the end, no, you don’t understand us correctly, we are not cruel, but we can’t take it for ourselves, i don’t understand, i don’t understand how to take it, why did you think that he would stay here, but we are only in the apartment they made a new renovation , wait, so one of us two
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collapsed, it’s... definitely not me, but who would trust you with a child, the dolls are painted, oh, repairs are more expensive for her, what about, i don’t understand anything, what a child , my grandson, or granddaughter, i don’t know, who is it? once once once i my beauty once asked oleg to take a walk with her here is the result and we by the way, in the pedigree exhibition, now everything is forgiven, my good, my girl is good , well, will you take the puppy or not, right? what were you saying about the dog? well, who are you talking about? isn’t that what your dog did to you? lord, this is some kind of nonsense, but this is necessary, and
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you don’t have any other problems, right? you have children , not your dogs, huh? and what does this have to do with it? and besides, you have to watch your husband, oh, oh! busiechka, busiechka, what's wrong with her, what is it, busieka, giving birth, why, how is she giving birth, already, busiechka, busiechka, busiechka, bear it with me good, oleg promised to find a good veterinarian, little bead, consider that you have found it, bring a towel and warm water, i’m a veterinarian, run, okay, be quiet, my girl, how is she, why is she? he’s a little dog of an unknown breed , yes, and he’s the only one, which is rare, but he’s healthy, i’m not talking about a puppy, like a little bead, but a puppy
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, no interest or something, and the little bead is fine, he’s sleeping, he’s really unlucky with his owners, for the rest, oh, oleg came, dear, hello, the woman came, and... she just happened to be a veterinarian, she delivered the baby, that’s all it went well, look, and the puppy was born , uh-huh, as they say, welcome, and why did you let her into the house, well, she said that she was the owner of that dog, or is this woman already claiming that i made her daughter a child. but an educated person, a doctor, it’s the same thing every time, what are you doing, did you know
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something, we have a modern family, this is a family, the husband is walking, instead of a child there’s a show dog. so he and yulka also had an unscheduled mating, yes, you all will perish, but don’t be so upset, and by god, there are bastards, this is even among doctors, i don’t understand how anyone can live like this, moscow is somehow drying out their souls, there are still more good people, even in moscow, at a friend’s, the dog has become disgusted, he feeds his own, maybe he will accept this, he will accept dogs, they are not spoiled by civilization, thank
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you, petrovich, maybe some seagull, no , you need to run to yulka, come in, dear guy, please, what is your name, i don’t know, but what is your name, i say, egor, dear, i beg you, call yulia, but persuade her to come out, i won’t persuade her, well please, okay, if she doesn’t go, you tell her that she’s being stupid i didn’t do this one, you understood me, well, persuade, persuade, let him come to me, go, go, yul, hi, you have a textbook on biochemistry again, i have a test tomorrow, excuse me.


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