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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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the use of iskanders and daggers, probably no one expected this, because in response to the terrorist attacks of the ukrainian army, absolutely ruthless, fascist, essentially russian...
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do, give new air defense systems and complexes, we must understand that this process is not instantaneous, not in a day, not in weeks, it requires months, and sometimes several months of hard work of the western military-industrial complex, but these trends, they are also very characteristic, that for the first time the armed forces of ukraine admit that able to repel massive russian missile attacks, well, also from current events, of course we... are keeping in our sight the balkans and
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the current act of military-political intimidation of the united states against the serbs, two american f-16 fighters, the very ones that took an active part in the ninety-ninth year, in attacks on the then federal republic of yugoslavia, today they carried out a demonstration intimidation flight over bosnia, where, as you know, one of the largest such subjects is there. republic of srpska, which celebrates january 9th republics, the serbs are on the rise in terms of their national identity, to defend their interests, and here in order to put pressure on the republika srpska, on the bosnian serbs, on the kosovo serbs and, finally, on serbia itself, where we know the west tried , but it is unsuccessful to initiate a color revolution against vucic, after the victory of the pro... presidential forces in
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the early parliamentary elections, now these f-16s are flying and the united states is sending a signal, we will bomb the serbs again, in these conditions, i believe the serbian nation , serbs, no matter where they live, must unite in the face of new challenges and threats, because this demonstrative gesture still shows that the americans are ready to carry democracy on their wings...
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factories and small workshops also report this and kiev sources on the production of drones, various other military equipment, and billy is definitely and this is the first time, you also said this, they are recognized both in the armed forces of ukraine and some kiev bloggers and specialists, of course, this may indicate that give more money, we have nothing left, but on the other hand, there is recognition of the accuracy of the attacks on the military... infrastructure of kiev, but as for the money that is still not there, which the congress has not allocated, the resources are being cut off. let's read the wall street journal. washington's impasse over us policy on the southern border is beginning to be reflected on the battlefield in ukraine, where kiev's troops are running low on ammunition and the pentagon says it can't provide more without emptying its own arsenal. in recent weeks, the pentagon has run out of
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money to send large quantities of equipment and ammunition at a time when russia has stepped up its ground, missile and drone attacks on ukraine. the white house has asked for $45 billion in... security assistance funding for ukraine, but senate republicans are demanding changes to border policy in return. if congress doesn't approve additional funding, the white house could either dive into the pentagon's arsenals with no guarantee that the equipment will be replaced, or leave ukraine rely on its own small arms industry and european allies. without an influx of weapons and ammunition, ukraine could soon find itself in a difficult situation. ukrainian generals are ill-prepared to defend a... 900 km front, they will have to choose between retreating or sending soldiers into the trenches without artillery cover, in any case russia will be well positioned to capture even more than the 20% of ukrainian territory that it holds on at the moment, everything is one to one, because
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that the republicans and democrats also have a primary soon, that is, they have their own problems, their own tasks in the election year, of course, they are worried about much more than anyone else. zelensky, please. well, this is probably a rare case when you can agree with a wall street newspaper, a newspaper about money. indeed, money is the most necessary thing for conducting any military operations. and we are talking not only about the purchase of weapons, ammunition, cartridges, shells, not only about military salaries, but in general about the functioning of the state. and so the ukrainian, uh, sub-state has big problems with this. the head of the national bank, andrei pyshny, spoke about them absolutely, surprisingly openly. he said that the budget deficit is approximately 50%, the budget has already been planned with a deficit of $43.5 billion. the question arises: where will this money come from? of course, the ukrainian leadership hopes that someone from outside will give this money to the kiev regime. and this is
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where the problems begin: the united states of america, under the guise of inter-party struggle, or the real behind this party struggle, money is not give. congress doesn't decide. a budget deficit arises, so to speak , what the americans are doing, they are trying to shift the financing of the kiev regime to their satellites, allies, and we see the japanese foreign minister, kamikawa, flying to kiev, bringing a 950 million aid package, as they say, which is already allocated, and confirms the 4.5 billion dollars that japan allocates to ukraine, and we are talking about beautiful ones...
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in order to allocate these 8 billion to ukraine, i remember when we saw this, and for subsidies are being reduced, taxes on diesel fuel are being increased, which leads to the fact that farmers see that in this course of germany, maybe money will be allocated to ukraine, but their farms will disappear, so they are starting to defend just their future, a little, a lot, so japan is obliged to give something, germany. despite the fact that this will ruin scholz’s career, they should give and still have to give, but this is very inconvenient, this is a difficult path, at any moment it can all freeze, so what the americans would like to ensure that the european union contributes the 40
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billion euros needed there to its already aggregate european union budget. but here orban’s problem arises and it turns out that the prospect is also very gloomy. hungary blocked this package when they tried to pass it in december, and it turns out that european bureaucrats decided to move from one chair to another, including charles michel. intends to participate in the elections, become a european deputy, and cannot head the european council. this means that it turns out according to the rules of this very european council, from june, from july, it will be headed by that same orban, because hungary presides over it. therefore, the prospects for clear, understandable financing of the kiev regime are completely absent at the moment. and zelensky finds himself in a situation where he has to conduct military operations without knowing, can you?
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it will definitely ensure inflation, because there is nothing else to provide the hryvnia for the president of ukraine, the wall street journal writes about this quite clearly, because if there is no money then in the coming days, the coming weeks , then there is nothing left to do, salaries need to be paid , in order to pay them, he will print them, the more he prints, the less value the hryvnia will acquire, and so weakened by the long war, we will return.
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“hold on, it takes time, you won’t be able to operate anymore, what are you becoming, then bradina, as i understand it, no, you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t live without you, and you can't do it without them, where's our finger? it's not a joke. i mean, do you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely , you are undressing something, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i’ll find it now, the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet, from time to time, in what sense, in reserve? today on rtr
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, i thought that here, more seriously , you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we there are five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal , co... fleas, i'm out of competition, there are questions here, while everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course , a bear when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, which many people use, the strongest love for the game. five-on -one program, i'm oops, and five on one on saturdays
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on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, okay. dashing , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, bila, well, you know, for every cool fighter she’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re still loved since then, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin. the whole brigade, only on the platform. let's look. you're looking at 100 to one.
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what is our task, to open all the boards? can we handle it? if you ask, it’s a tricky one. the surname of which character from the works? pushkin, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, a lot and loudly. says, if you answer, then with humor, i’m an oak tree , chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, a set for headaches and don’t let me god now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every
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saturday. sunday on rtr, bitter footage from kiev, the borshchagovka district turned into venice, though smelly, at night there was a sewerage breakthrough and the streets were flooded with infrequencies, this is certainly not the result of a night attack by the russian army, mayor klitschko, who had previously flooded several stations of the kiev metro, should bear responsibility for the environmental disaster in the ukrainian capital, who... unpleasant situation and in the basement of their reception room on one of the flooded streets they began to give out gifts from the head of the strike party. this was enough for the exhausted residents of kiev to stop asking the key uncomfortable questions,
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in particular about the luxurious villa in germany, which mr. vitaly bought for the new year. the mayor of kiev, vitaliy klitschko, at the end of december 2023 acquired a house for a quarter of a billion hryvnia in germany, this follows from the official’s declaration, so on december 20, the capital ’s mayor received a mansion in hamburg as payment of a debt from the us-registered company maximum illc. the house is valued at 227 million hryvnia. its area is 750 m2. the specified company belongs to. klitschko's second brother vladimir, but in may 2023 it became the property vitaly. let us note that in hamburg vitali klitschko already had one private residence even before he became mayor. german media reported that it is located in the area of ​​the martion park. after the russian invasion of ukraine, klitschko's ex-wife natalya egorova told german journalists that she was hosting ukrainian refugees in this house. not unreasonably,
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the people of kiev and other ukrainians believe that mr. klitschko, except. mansions in germany there is also german citizenship, and for a long time, i ask you, of course, there is, this it’s not even a secret to anyone, even klitschko’s apartment, it’s on khmelnitsky street, in the center of kiev, located opposite the german embassy, ​​well, it turned out by chance, that is, klitschko, probably back when he was an oppositionist, this would have been 20 years already practically, when he was still an oppositionist, probably so that if something happened he could escape somewhere faster, a nice old house in the very center, i remember it very well. kiev by kiev standards, but as mayor of course it didn’t work out for him, we saw a report about barshchegovka, if anyone doesn’t know, it’s a typesetting there is a national aviation university and an antonovo design bureau, once upon a time barshchegovka was a locality, the center
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of aircraft manufacturing in ukraine, now we see shit floating there, yes. here is the mayor in kiev, he doesn’t clear the snow, what could this lead to, kiev already has precedents, under mayor klitschko, just think about it, in troeshchina they are putting into operation a new building, an eighteen-story building, in which the sewage system was located outside the wall, underground, of course, everything was frozen there, and accordingly, here people lived, life gave a crack, i’ll go to troeshchina, this is what will happen here now in barchagovka, it’s even scary to imagine people here, they like these banderas to say that we are fighting for our... land, from january 1 of this year in ukraine, according to the zelensky law , the moratorium was lifted, now foreign investors can , let’s say, take away all the agricultural land of ukraine, now they will probably say there will be no land left, now they will say we are fighting for our own shit, yes, which flows through the borscht or somewhere else, but let’s return to mobilization, now is the first working day , the verkhovna rada will to consider the bill that was introduced by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, as of today
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it is already known that the committee has already considered it, they have a suspicion that the supreme... will come to the hall when they pass it, there will be one of two decisions, or, as they assume, most likely, they will be returned to the cabinet of ministers for revision. the cabinet of ministers is the initiator of the bill, because the servants will probably be afraid to take responsibility, because the second option is to make some changes and go to the second reading if you have made edits, yes, then you , as a deputy, are already the initiator, they will most likely be afraid, but the text is there, we saw it, because there is so much that is circulating on the internet, the most interesting thing is that within 10 days after how the law will be adopted, supposedly... ukrainians who are subject to mobilization, who have gone abroad, will have their cards blocked, this is probably the most important thesis that is now being discussed, they want to equate refusal.
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there is monetary wealth, but this is already a violation of the ukrainian constitution, which prohibits dividing people on the basis of gender, faith, language, financial status, so they only want to leave the rich, yes, for the poor there are only the masks that we saw, then the masks of the old man, then the masks of women, as far as i understand, now this will be already extremism, that is, the huts will buy these masks and imprison people, but in principle we can advise to continue to go further, yes, that is , not to stop at masks in ukraine, i see there it has already reached such an absurdity, now it’s a scandal there - it’s kvartal’s these... what the happiest woman should look like is a widow who received money, that is, their jokes are already reaching the point of absurdity,
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so we can advise them to write into the law that a military commissar approaches a person, and gives two matches, chooses the short one for the front, chooses a long one to go to the front as a military commissar, and the person becomes a military commissar, but for the sake of justice, yes, that is, this is this cycle, some people catch one, then others catch them, they will catch each other, because if it’s by the numbers. you see, zelensky can lie whatever he wants about mobilization, but the numbers don’t lie, yes, let’s look at the state budget of ukraine, expenses for the ministry of defense for 2023, the past year, yes, it was 54 billion dollars, well , if less was planned for 2024, 45 billion, then there is an increase, as zelensky said, yes, that it needs 500 billion hryvnia for these soldiers, that is , there is no talk of increasing the number in the state budget plans for 24, because the money...
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was given by the president and presented to him together with the minister of defense and commander in chief, these the three officials who are waging the war must come out together, the three of them, in front of the ukrainians
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and say: we need this law. i personally think that the number of ukrainians killed should be named. i know how much they don’t want this, i know how hard it will be to accept, but otherwise we will take millions of those who are hiding behind various fables out of their comfort zone that anyone can serve. don’t go anywhere, valentina telechkino, why at some point do you feel despondency,
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a state of depression, when the movie ended right at the take-off, i started to feel very severe headaches, there was a doctor who treated in an unconventional way, and he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i ’ll kill you, joke, bodily harm to my wife margarita gracheva. “based on real events, what’s wrong with my daughter, she’s undergoing surgery now, i need an exclusive, and let’s not get
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sentimental, how do you know how to light?


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