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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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you are visited by people in a state of depression , when the movie ended right at takeoff, i started to have very strong headaches, there was a doctor who treated in an unconventional way, he gave her the task of making a watercolor drawing, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals , let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i’ll kill you, a joke, you left me with bodily injuries to your wife margarita gracheva, based on real events, what happened to my daughter, her now i'm being operated on...
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on rtr, the light is circling, it began to fly, it flies , we invite you to the festive new year's light, according to the good old tradition, in the circle of old, good friends, we are on the road day after day, you are with me, you are next to me, and love.
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on rtr look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look, take it out of me, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, subscribe,
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look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just let's watch a movie, the entire southeast of ukraine will return under russian banners, what vladimir volfovich says in 2017: russia will be the number one state, russia will remain the only superpower in the world. sergei voronin, a former adviser to vladimir zhirinovsky, continues to sort through his personal archive and new prophetic notes from vladimir volfovich have been discovered in them. the leader of the ldpr again predicts the future. malakhov today on rtr. german tanks were created for training parades, and not for real combat operations, spiegel reports. to a disappointing conclusion a commission came from germany. she visited a leopard repair center in lithuania and was shocked by the number of machines that failed due to internal defects. it turned out that leopards quickly wear out in real combat operations. according to vsushnikov,
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the vehicles still have extremely fragile tracks, and weakening their tension leads to various breakdowns. even of the most modern leopards, model 2a6, many are not on the front line, in repair, admitted bundesfer deputy schäfer, who was a member of the commission. since the bundesfer has nothing to fight with, it is entrusted with functions in germany ministry of emergency situations. german soldiers were sent to rescue the severe floods of the federal states of lower saxony and saxony anhal. helps in strengthening the dam and keeps helicopters on standby to drop blockage bags if water does break through the dams. the bundesphere is not happy with this. the bundestag commissioner for military personnel, eva högel, told spiegel that this should be done by rescuers. the german army is supposedly very busy defending the country and nato. the german chancellor, who is losing popularity, decided to try to promote himself as a result of the natural disaster. scholz. wearing rubber boots, he examined the victims. the sangerhausen flood in
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east germany, says the same spiegel, but the attempt to prove closeness to the people failed miserably. local residents booed scholz and called on him... one of the women even accused the chancellor of the fact that for the sake of his visit and photo shoot, volunteer rescuers were taken away from work and sent home, all for the sake of scholz’s safety. the backpacks were collected and the march to zanninghausen. concerts are usually held in this hall, but now soldiers will spend the night here. in for the next few days, these walls will be barracks for 200 german soldiers at once, and many of them will be fighting the consequences of the flood for the first time. the last sandwich, the last formation on the parade ground began. bundeswehr vehicles are sent to the flooded area. within a couple of minutes
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, several trucks leave the convoy and turn off the highway. at this concrete production plant, firefighters and volunteers have been filling bags with sand for several days. the soldiers of the bundesfer will take them . helmia has very much overflowed its banks in oberobling. the platinums fail, the bundeswehr soldiers immediately line up in chains and begin handing over sandbags to strengthen the platinums. the soldiers are trying to cope as quickly as possible. our advantage is many, and we hope that
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our efforts will not be in vain. well, the news that the bundeswehr had arrived to help had already spread through the villages and towns in the flood area. yes, it does not come alone, in addition to the rising water, an attack on germany appeared out of thin air, here, unlike the flood , the russians are to blame for everything. german bilt writes that unknown drones have been quietly flying over bundeswehr military bases, in particular over the klitz training ground, where ukrainian armed forces militants are trained on leopard-1 tanks. bundestag member markus fabber, who reported this , is convinced that the kremlin’s hand is visible behind this, but the most striking thing in this story is not.
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threat in the form of drones, or as they are also called unmanned aerial vehicles or uavs. this is the first academy of its kind and will train about a thousand soldiers a year. the style of fighting changes greatly, the current threat from uavs is changing at the same speed as the technology in your
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smartphone. this is a video of a ukrainian drone attack on russian troops, and this video is of a hamas drone attack on israeli forces in the gaza strip in november. the proliferation of small, cheap and affordable drones is changing the modern battlefield. the pentagon is watching this. today, students from fort cip are training to use weapons to counter small drones. so in front of you lies what is called smart with a firearm. its name matches what it does. in fact, a smart gun is a type of optical device that attaches to...
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students also learn how to use a drone hunter. while the smart gun requires 556 ammo, this gun is known. electronic combat system, the soldier takes it, aims the weapon at the target , uses the signal suppression function to throw the target off its trajectory. the establishment says that similar systems are already in service with american troops throughout to the world. american concerns are understandable; on the eve of the number of episodes of the use of lancets alone confirmed by objective control personnel reached 900. it must be understood that only a portion of the episodes end up online. the use of these uavs for real strikes, which means there are much more targets hit. with video confirmation,
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russian kamis drones destroyed at least 267 targets, and almost 500 more were damaged. among the targets hit were 52 anti-aircraft systems, 67 various radar stations, 129 tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as almost 500 artillery systems, mortars, towed guns, self-propelled guns and multiple launch rocket systems. here. for example, the lancet of the 238th brigade covers the d-30 howitzer of ukrainian militants in a firing position, and this is the arrival of our loitering ammunition along saapion. after hitting the apu, the self-propelled gun turns into a fiery torch. the russian army also dominates in electronic warfare, admits the financial times. the newspaper especially highlights the field 21 system, which can jam an area of ​​150 km and mobile complexes. murmansk. facilities rebs effectively counter not only drones, but also western precision-guided
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munitions highmers and excalibur. in addition, with the help of interference, the russians simulate the launches of their missiles and drones, which confuses the ukrainian air defense. complains the representative of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine pavlenko. ordinary ukrainian militants admit at the same time that they absolutely do not have enough rap funds, and this leads to huge losses from russian drones. the front line may not move, but this does not mean a stalemate. the level of attrition and the speed at which both sides are capable restore its forces, military forces, its offensive forces determine the conditions for 2024. 2023 showed us the long-awaited counter-offensive of ukraine, there was talk of cutting off crimea, but in the end the front line barely moved. now they are coming. already russian. the bbc sums up the bleak
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results of the outgoing year for kiev. telegraph warns that the twenty-fourth will be no better for ukraine. the russian army is about to launch a large-scale attack on kharkov. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny complains about the difficult situation at the front, commander of american forces in europe, general kovola. zelensky esterite in an interview with icon.
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even men who have legal grounds to leave, including fathers of many children and disabled people, are not allowed to leave the country in order to escape from being served with a summons in ukraine; they are actively selling an old man’s mask, which will allow them to deceive military commissars; an alternative has already appeared in odessa, a mask that imitates a woman’s face. caution is not unnecessary and military commissars go hunting even on january 1st. in footage from a ski
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resort in transcarpathia, people in uniform are right on a couple of snowboarders were surrounded on the slope. and the military commissars kidnapped this woman’s husband right from her car. she recorded a video in russian about the atrocities of the shopping mall employees, and in the end she was forced to apologize during the movie. we passed a checkpoint, they stopped us, and took my husband away. i am in the middle of the unknown. i sat down, the child was crooked, i was crying, i was very ashamed in front of the armed forces of ukraine, i apologize. the washington post writes directly. about the catastrophic situation in the ssu in krynki. the dnieper in the article is called the river of death, and the requested newspapers and marines complain that die without result. they were simply thrown to the wolves like a piece of meat. the washington post writes directly: kiev is killing soldiers not for any military purposes, but simply to portray victory for the western masters. the marines then end up pushing.
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dnieper, they are already abandoning teroborona. the losses in the krynok area were officially reported by the 106th defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the luckiest militants end up in russian captivity, well , they said they were shooting, they told me, wait, there will be more help, there will be help, we waited, and then, they started covering us with large grenades, grenades, in short, we looked forward, but it turned out that they came at us from behind, we came out. they raised their hands up and we gave up, they abandoned us like meat. in these shots, the military personnel almost became victims of their own howitzer, which was not dug into the ground, and this is a view from the airborne squad of a ukrainian armored vehicle, along the road there are frames of destroyed equipment in the mtr. the american abrans are not visible, they have completely
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disappeared somewhere, notes forbes magazine. the publication recalls that 31 tanks have long been ukraine, in battle they are at the same time. those who haven’t seen it associate this with the thin armor of the abrams, which is extremely vulnerable to attacks from fpv drones from the side from above. before the battle, the armor must be strengthened. immediately after this publication, a video of sabroms in ukraine appeared online, but it is unknown where it was filmed, probably in the rear. the us and european countries are arming ukraine, handing over package after package of tanks, air defense systems and enough resources to train. and equip 17 armored brigades, the us alone allocated $75 billion aid, mainly for military support since the start of the war about 2 years ago, but the future of this funding is a huge question mark. the timing of the transfer of f-16 fighters to kiev raises more and more questions. the royal norwegian air force sent
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aircraft from barsky shoulder to denmark, which had served for almost half a century, to train ukrainian pilots. denmark itself, which promised to send the first... several planes to ukraine around the new year, postponed their transfer for about six months in the pentagon from questions about when kiev will be given f-16, when pilot training in the usa ends, just goes away? training continues in arizona, as you know, and again, you know, depending on the skill level of the pilot, it can take anywhere from five to 8 months. the shortage of the armed forces of ukraine is becoming more and more critical. artillery shells. the german spiegel writes that the ukrainians are trying to replace them with cheaper drones, but they cannot become a full-fledged replacement, besides, the russian army has advantages in drones, and the wall street journal also writes about the ukrainian armed forces’ hunger for shells. the publication reports that the russians fire five times more shells than the enemy, 10,000 per day versus 2,000, although this
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summer the armed forces of ukraine had a slight advantage in these indicators; caliber carriers also threaten the kiev regime. in the black sea. the total availability of calibers, according to our estimates , is now up to 40 units, given that three have already been used, but there are others ready that can be used. the general staff assesses the overall threat level as high. these weapons destroyed the missile and the russian aerospace forces, the location of the armed forces of ukraine and gur in hotel haykev palace, massive strikes were carried out on targets in kiev. next one is this. the burning mayak weapons plant, which produced firearms, mortars and ammunition, other enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, a radio meter and the former main workshop of the kvazar plant were also struck. the white house claims that kndr missiles were also used in the attacks. defense express believes that we are talking about the kn-23 and kn-24 models, which are close in
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characteristics to the domestic iskander. the effectiveness of massive army strikes. russia also recognizes the idea of ​​poland. according to the publication, ukrainian air defense, despite the statement that almost all targets were shot down, failed to cope with missiles and drones, and at least two positions of sams anti-aircraft systems were hit. and this is the burnt-out emtak tactical clothing factory. the blow to it literally left zelensky without pants and his favorite military turtlenecks, because ize and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny wear clothes from this particular company, ukrainian media report. the cessation of supplies of missiles for patriot systems will further weaken ukrainian air defense. washington won't be able to continue their transfer without a decision from congress to continue funding kiev. writes the new york times, ukraine does not have enough money, the odessa cannibal nordev goncharenko is crying about the huge budget deficit of the ukrainian ministry of defense, 430 billion hryvnia, that is, 11.3 billion
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dollars, only under the item of cash support, and this is without the mobilization of half a million ukrainians, for which, according to zelensky, an additional 500 billion hryvnia will be required. we proposes to steal moscow’s money, that is, to transfer russian assets frozen in the west to kiev. "kyiv's allies to this while they are not ready, the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson, says directly: the americans have enough problems of their own; washington will not sponsor ukraine uncontrollably. we need accountability for the people who pay for this. the white house is taking its time with these answers. i asked them, wrote to them both publicly and privately, tried in every way to get these answers, they did not give them. and without these answers, it will be very difficult to allocate the necessary funding. the west is in no hurry to increase assistance to ukraine, because believes in zelensky’s rumors about putin’s plans to attack nato, admits retired british colonel richard camp on the pages of telegraph.
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the article has an eloquent headline: a tired zelensky looks too weak to achieve victory. french experts note that despite the counter-offensive, kiev in the twenty-third year captured more territory than it occupied. spectator magazine draws a logical conclusion: go to the border de... look at the coming year from such a political point of view in terms of international security, of course, special worthy of attention is the statement of kimchenung’s sister, kimya jong, who is, well
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, actually the second most influential person in north korea, a figure after her brother, of course, who said a little or a little that north korea can lower or remove its finger from the trigger, the hook, if if siol behaves well... relatively speaking, incorrectly, let's listen to her quote, after seeing the so-called new year's address, which was voiced on the first day by the president of the republic of korea yns yeol, i realized that i forgot about this gift, we completely block the north korean nuclear and missile threat by completing the us rok enhanced extended deterrence system by the first half of this year, i was tempted to salute him and praise him for his worthy work, since at the beginning... of the new year he was busy spreading north korean nuclear and missile phobia. the fact that the current security situation on the korean peninsula has become so dangerous that it would not be surprising if
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war broke out at any time and that security instability has become a daily occurrence in republic of korea, is entirely due to the merits of president juns-yeol. this man , whose mental capacity and character have been highly questionable since he came to power, for as he came to power, he declared peace through... force, attracting america's nuclear strategic assets and making the republic of korea a target, they over the course of throughout the year, they used rhetorical threats, such as the end of the regime, indiscriminately, expanding and conducting joint military exercises of various sizes, thereby targeting main enemy. let me explain once again, our army has already taken the safety off the trigger, in the event of even a minor provocation, our troops will immediately undergo a baptism of fire by fire. well, it's not just a message.
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such statements are not made, it is clear that there is a threat to security and the threat of conflict from both the united states and south korea. japan, it has increased significantly, secondly, secondly, this statement reflects in general and also the increased level, the breakthrough level of russian-north korean relations, including and the military-technical sphere, and so to speak, but missiles are being supplied or not supplied , no one knows this, yes , no one cares about this by and large, especially the west, and the third, most important thing is, of course, a statement.
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and so to speak, well, such a military bloc was signed back in kamdeivid on august 18 by south korea, the usa, japan, and as if biden’s projection for the twenty-fourth year of possible options for escalation, the creation of a conflict, a large conflict zone after ukraine, the middle east, now east asia, what does it have to do with it, apparently there are three scenarios, three of these, three of these subregional options, inter-korean, that’s what she was talking about, north korea said in a statement. and secondly, of course, this is an island dispute in the south china sea, and of course, the taiwanese situation, that is, in general, the situation in this region in the future, precisely due to the fault of seoul, tokyo , washington, it is really on the verge of a trigger, and it is no coincidence that the north koreans are talking about this; they can be absolutely understood. the second point is also very important, it is related to the adoption of the budget in the usa government budget for this year, 1.6
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trillion. dollars, including, by the way, military spending of 886 billion dollars, higher , in my opinion, 11.5% than last year, by the way, some of which are also focused on east asia spending, 12 bases, 400,000 military personnel in this region of american and so on, that is, but where does it have to be clearly understood that this budget, yes, it solved the problem of the shutdown, but it did not solve the main problems, this huge ukrainian-israeli one, relatively speaking,
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and its team is thinking with horror how further negotiate with the same congress with different forces, that is , biden has such a post-new year syndrome, that is, on the one hand , he still does not have the strength to do this hard and terrible work, on the other hand, it is no longer possible to pour, the holiday is over, that is, this is such a duality, the third moment - these are, of course , economic processes in europe, well , scholz is in the lead here, germany - it’s just, well , there are no words, just some epithets, that is, actually look.
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bring to the country that its, so to speak, pragmatic germans rose in revolt and this there is no end in sight to this, that is , in fact, well, german, that is, the limit of scholz’s love for biden, and perhaps for xi, knows no bounds, that is, everything is for the sake of the interests of the united states to please russophobia, well, by the way, finland is also contributing its 5 kopecks , a very curious, interesting point, the finnish economy is always self-sufficient and also quite stable. always seems to be pursuing its own independent policy, the point here is not even that it is joining nato, this is a separate story, everything has already joined, yes, everything is clear here, the economic part, look, based on the results year, this has never happened, in finland over the last 30 years, the number of bankruptcies of large medium-sized finnish companies has increased fivefold, electricity prices have doubled, inflation is accelerating, that is, a whole block of packages, well, everyone
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understands the reasons perfectly well, although ... different branches say, everyone understands perfectly well, the refusal of russian lng, the purchase of expensive norwegian lng and many, many other reasons, that is, well, as if the finns wanted it, the finns get it, so to speak, well, apparently the time has come when the finns have stopped sitting in their saunas for days, drinking practically, well , practically cheap russian vodka in st. petersburg, and they have been given an order, so to speak, from washington to create a new line of mannheim, and not only not in the pure... even in the military sense this is understandable, but as if in such an economic and military, military geopolitical plan, that is, germany and finland - two, two options, two cases, clearly indicative of what not to do and how to ruin your own economy against the backdrop of russophobia, therefore, concluding these are all the subjects are european, of course we turn first of all to our homeland russia after christmas all about...
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the so-called turn of russia to the east, namely the turn of russia to itself, first of all to siberia, to the far east, in the heart of eurasia, of course, the question arises, or more precisely, an assumption arises, maybe i’m wrong, but i think that the time will come, maybe it has already come, that in addition to naturally our capital moscow, the second capital of st. petersburg, maybe a third one will appear on the basis of some large siberian city capital of russia, what? as for german farmers, this is, of course, an eloquent illustration of the fact that the united states is forcing europe into its pure capitalism, without any admixture, because we all know very well that agriculture in
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europe exists largely thanks to subsidies, that is, what to hide real socialism is in action in all european countries, we know that now... france and germany are also going to join nigerian farmers, but the same subsidies, the same funds that the european union spent if only agriculture, for their native farmers, they are driving into the ukrainian conflict, simply burying it in the ground and depriving their own population of a way of life to which, in fact, europeans are quite accustomed.
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peace, because, well, let me remind you what the initial plan was: in 2023, ukraine is given weapons, given money, and kiev quickly defeats russia, enters crimea, after which the conditions, as they say, of the winners are dictated, and this will be the end of the war did not work out, now this very war arises on exhaustion, which is immediately connected with three factors, the first factor is money, war is always money, money, money, money again, and we heard this figure from the former minister of defense of ukraine reznikov: 125 or 150 million dollars daily. the second factor is now what former
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prosecutor general lutsenko voiced - these are people, these are losses, 30,000 people, irretrievable losses, these are killed and seriously wounded who will never return to duty in a month. and finally, this is a weapon, and here... well, you can remember this spiegel’s publication, although this is literally , well, the tip of the iceberg, that tanks , it turns out, are not for war, they are for parades, not for exercises, and you need to fight with some other weapon, which, unfortunately, russia again has , but for some reason is missing from the entire western bloc, all these 50 economies that boasted that they provide almost 2/3 of the world’s economic potential, they are not ready for the war that the ukrainian one is already demonstrating...
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as we say the american one, it doesn’t like to produce mass-produced cheap weapons anymore forgot how to do what they did during the cold war, this was clearly demonstrated now, who they tried to force to mass produce 155mm shells, he says: well, we are now officially in peacetime, we cannot take people into the third, much less into the fourth shift, or god forbid, during the holidays the trade unions will start telling us that we have withdrawn people, so now the projectile will be built not 2,000, but 800, and even better: please buy excaliburs from the people in charge, they cost 80 thousand each, when, excuse me, they speaks, deputy for armaments of the nato bloc, that we need several thousand of these excaliburs then, as we now see in a day,
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it turns out that the figures in money are enormous, and accordingly, this war of attrition, it is now completely changing the political landscape throughout the world , because everyone understands perfectly well that yes , there is... one war is ukrainian, perhaps all these 50 countries will somehow pull it out, but there are already two conflicts, sorry, no, and we see that the shells that were supposed to go to ukraine, they turned around and went to israel, and... and here they also appeared, let me remind you, the houthis, who said, well, we’ll now send aircraft carriers and what will these guys in slippers do, and they sent an aircraft carrier, the most interesting thing is that the aircraft carrier came, but the company mercedes, after receiving another missile on the side of its container ship , turned around all its container ships, and now they are sailing around africa, losing 2 weeks and for a second, now the cost of this freight between asia and europe has increased by 60%, and this again -it’s a blow, and such a... a blow to the liver of that same european economy
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, which is already suffering without this, thank god , we are not blamed for this, the houthis are absolutely letting our tankers through for some reason , it would seem that this is a paradox, but russian oil is calmly flowing to india through the red sea, that’s all the rest of the countries that previously looked at the usa, well, this is the world’s policeman, he will send an aircraft carrier, well , the same north korea, why these... and control the south korean capital, while i willingly believe kimchanin’s sister, who
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says: you know, we removed the fuse already, when we pull the trigger , you won’t wonder, again, what the americans can do, send an aircraft carrier, well , that means this aircraft carrier will stand in this bay near sila and will receive in exactly the same way either a torpedo or a missile on board , there will be an end to the hegemony somewhere in one of the theaters of military operations that are now being formed. is happening and we already see, we constantly ask our military officers the question, yes, when
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will this lack of budgetary funds be reflected in what is happening on the front line? there are already official reports that , reflected in the ssu, this morning only 18 russian missiles out of 51 were shot down due to a shortage of patriot-like systems, said the speaker of the ukrainian air force. that is, ukraine has already officially recognized the shortage of western weapons, there will be a shortage of them, because at the moment the budget has not been adopted, agreements between republicans and democrats have not been reached, it is clear that they will agree sooner or later in any case, but nevertheless weeks will pass , and maybe months until these missiles appear in kiev, let's read: american-supplied patriot air defense systems
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have helped ukraine defend against russian attacks, but washington warns that it will not be able to supply ammunition for them for long, the cost of which varies from 2 to 4 million dollars per unit. since the start of the war in february 2022 , russia has sent more than 3,800 drones and 7,400 missiles to ukrainian cities. at the same time, according to the ukrainian military, ukraine has become a testing ground for a number of systems air defense. only patriot systems are designed to counter ballistic missiles, from the moment the first patriot battery entered the battlefield, they changed the course of the battle for the sky, but due to the lack of an approved aid budget for ukraine , supplies will not be able to continue for a long time. let's go back, so write it out, well, we did everything we could, then you do it yourself, you really do. want to go back to work? irrevocably determined? listen to me, you
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will put the bradin nikolai yurich in his place, we blame the koops, do you admit your guilt? no, i don’t admit it, this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss, now, why is it nice, skleposovsky, today on rtr, i still have... it hurts here, it hurts here , it hurts here, then this disease will never it does not manifest itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of 3p. this, by the way, has been officially proven. proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. let's run to the doctor, it's like medicine for us koshtels. and the right habits. shouldn't
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we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word. our health. about the most important thing, tomorrow at rta. i'm 40 years old and a lonely loser. nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room. and i'm alexey, your new jerk. how many children do you want? and this? something to do with utilities, nice rooms, decent women , if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood for romances right now, i can’t answer
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for your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha , throw it away, start, say that you have cheat sheets, i need to do it, i really need it, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope he will come to me my gray and will take me to his home, no, no gray, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you
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are the best girl in this dorm, wife, no, then let him marry, i don’t want for him, i want to be happy, and what do you need it for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, great hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, this is, let’s say , my trophy, we were hungry, here comes
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my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba, says: baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand. the dnieper became a river of death for everyone, withholding a bridgehead on the left bank does not make strategic sense and costs the lives of a huge number of ukrainian soldiers, your post states after communicating with ukrainian armed forces marines who were thrown into a meat grinder under lids.
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the militants told how their comrades disappeared before their eyes and say that at the crossing there were still bodies of marines from the first wave that were destroyed. months ago, while all the victims in vain did not occupy a single settlement on the left bank of the dnieper in the ssu, your post notes. about an attempt at any cost to maintain a bridgehead in krynkah is just a pr campaign by zelensky, who is desperately trying to show the west at least some successes with soldiers from the volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade convoys, which, together with other units, do not allow the banderaites to cross the dnieper, our military correspondent spoke. the observer immediately understands that guests are sailing towards us along one of the dnieper channels, the first enemy landing. are met by crews of automatic grenades, such ags flame installations are very mobile, they can even extend to the very edge of the water, the main advantage is,
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rate of fire is 30 rounds per minute at a distance of up to 2 km, in complete darkness the crew of the volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade convoy prepares the ags-17 for battle, any light source will attract the attention of ukrainian drones. fire, fire, fire. one of the grenades explodes right inside the rubber boat. during the time that the volunteers of the convoy brigade were on the front line, they learned the enemy’s movement routes and targeted the squares. the result is natural. i took the glaze. there are two people in the crew of the grenade launcher, glazurik fighter, commander, bayonet-gunner. after successful shooting, the gun is reloaded. the night is not over yet. it’s not always clear, sometimes it happens, you shoot back, the boat seems to turn around and go. somewhere later it sank because it was cut by fragments. the day before, their crew destroyed three enemy boats at once. now the boats of the ukrainian armed forces have stopped sailing in formation, but
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this does not help them either. having waited until morning, we leave the grenade launcher firing position. pre-dawn is the safest time to travel. enemy night drones with thermal imagers are now not effective, and daytime ones cannot clearly see the twilight image. these are cluster munitions that explode. after 40 minutes of fast travel, we find ourselves visiting make, he is the commander of the drone crew of the convoy volunteer brigade. this is his voice, we heard on the radio. even now we will see who is sitting in this boat. makey is working again, and the boat is late , it is going brazenly, in a bright way, there are six ukrainian attack aircraft inside, it is not clear what they are hoping for, landing.
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planted with anti-drone guns, compared, for example, with the bakhmut direction, there are many more drones here , there were from the very beginning, now we have already overcome this, here we even have it written in the magyar’s tag, it is in good condition, we will reflash it and send it back to the address. this is how one of the captured drones works , only now it is dropping ammunition on the heads of its former owners, a rubber boat with marines in the armed forces of ukraine is burning and slowly sinking to the bottom, now their activity has dropped very much, when a group of infantry is trying to land on the left bank, and we also have
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our mortar crews immediately hit us, the artillery covers us, and the tsar cannon gets to work, as the artillerymen proudly call geocind b. our observers spotted a large concentration of lightly armored vehicles, as well as enemy personnel. projectile caliber - 152 mm. the weight of the cartridge case with gunpowder is almost 30 kg. there is no more powerful precision weapon on the banks of the dnieper. shot. the geocinth's shot is so powerful that it stuns even 20 m from the gun. the projectile goes 30 km from the firing point into the enemy’s deep rear. fast reloading follows one more shot. shot. perhaps there may be an answer. uncontrolled jet. shell or nurs for short , shells are also flying on the left bank of the dnieper, most often nato, but the ukrainian armed forces still have soviet ones, a sapper with
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the call sign hector destroys dozens of unexploded ammunition every day. the sapper has a lot of work, along the entire front line, the kiev regime is actively using cluster munitions. here they have 52 pieces in a shell, and 40 explode, so you go around collecting these bells, like this mushroom picker. you hang it on a tree and shoot it, because well it makes no sense to spend 50-100 g on a bell, the plate doesn’t make sense, it’s easier to hang it and shoot it, they clap well, combat work is going on along the entire line of combat contact, well, the pentagon chief austin has been found, the pentagon chief is fully performing his duties, even from the hospital, he tells us white house, quote: there are no plans for his resignation, the handshake is strong. yes, such a healthy man, he performs from the hospital, and biden performs from the white house, further proof that biden needs
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to be re-elected for a second term, i would not be surprised, if this turns out to be some kind of selective technology, like... the lines of combat contact are controlled more or less by the dry land, and some of them are very, very conditional on the border in the same chernigov, sumy and kharkov regions, but apparently there is something more cunning plan, apparently they are waiting for something, because along the same channels, for example, there is a fairly small bridgehead and it would seem that it was possible to destroy it, but they don’t destroy it every day ; more and more new all-earphones are pulled up there on the way, they are lost, and
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they are losing someone, the marine corps is there. 35, 36, 37 and 38, there are, every day they lose 60, 100, 150 people, maybe, like this is such a nightmare, really a nightmare, well, a nightmare, but no one is stopping them from actually accepting their will and the right decision, which has already been made by about 15 or 20 thousand men, but for some reason they, having taken the weapon in their hands, continue to shoot, here of course we can assume that they continue to shoot for the reason... the reason that they are under the influence of some drugs that suppress the will of these people, this is also present, well, because how can one explain when a person is against conscription, when a person fights back with his hands and feet, this is, well, indeed, these shots also end up on the internet, when, and then suddenly gets to the front line, takes a weapon and with this weapon goes on an assault, without trying to turn this weapon against his father-commanders, who are not his fathers
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or even commanders, they are just butchers who ensure its disposal, and without trying to surrender. well, i don’t see any here there are no other possible explanations other than the suppression of justice, for the sake of justice, the number of prisoners has increased several times, even tens of times, because it is clear that motivation has decreased significantly over these 2 years, how long the conflict has been going on, well, yes , it is present, look at the situation in kiev.
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literally today, in my opinion, information even appeared that homing drones have appeared, for which, in principle , signal suppression has no special role, moreover, these drones are less demanding on the pilot’s qualifications, so to speak, and these drones they hit moving people more accurately, and the ukrainian side reports this, ours are silent, well - they apparently have something to report, apparently they just felt it on themselves, but it is present and, in fact, these are the trainings. that the americans are conducting , this is the training of yesterday , relatively speaking, they are fighting against flint guns , there are already machine guns, excuse me, with a bare heel on a machine gun, but by the way, recently there was funny news that the master of the combat hopak tried with the help of a combat hapak neutralize the ukrainian russian a soldier, but the combat hopak does not dance against a machine gun, despite everything, he was shot with a machine gun, a beautiful dance,
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hopak, combat hopak, no, well, there is such a martial art as the combat hopak, right? russia here needs to assess its strengths and capabilities so as not to lose in these trades, after all, there are borders of the ninety- first year, they were all announced, let’s have the borders of the ninety-first year, there are volyn, lviv, transcarpathia, chernivtsi, i am absolutely with these borders too , i absolutely agree 100%, well, because this is really what what’s happening in ukraine is just terror, it’s just destruction, the genocide of the ukrainian
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people is in full swing, that’s what zelensky likes to tell. where recently there was another anniversary of the holodomor, at the same time he thanks erdogan for the fact that erdogan helped him withdraw 14 million tons of grain and other food from ukraine after. closing the grain corridor, what does this lead to? this leads precisely to the same famine, especially since in some regions food is being distributed, and according to the un, and i think that their data is far from complete, but nevertheless impressive data, 9,000 residents of ukraine are already starving, that is, those residents who live on the territory of ukraine are trying to escape, they are trying to escape from ukraine in different ways, in different ways, recently one boy ran across the tisa, his story very remarkable there on the second try. literally flowed through the tisza, immediately there was a publication that over the past year in the tisza, this is a river between ukraine and romania, 20 thousand people drowned, but this guy was able to escape, he was immediately in hungary or the czech republic, he was there somewhere, first in hungary, then
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in the czech republic, patriotic citizens catch the ukrainian language and explain to him that oh, you are a scoundrel, you called ukraine eritrea, you swear at ukraine, you ran away, while they themselves are in hungary, but this one itself is in hungary and the czech republic, but by the way, it was already published after that.
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they won’t have these children, because well, they’ll just destroy them, first they’ll destroy the untrained meat, then they’ll destroy everyone else, because that’s the task set, well, in my opinion, it’s obvious to everyone, even for farion, by the way, recently... it was obvious that we had a case for zelensky, as we see, nothing is obvious, he needs to save his own ass, his own reputation, his own power, the remnants of which
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are still in his hand, let's go back, that means write us out, well, we did everything we could, and then we do it ourselves. you really don’t want to go back to work? irrevocably, decisively. listen to me, you will put the brad nikolai yurich in his place. accused kulipov, do you admit your guilt? no, i don't admit it. this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss, now very nice, very. skleposovsky. today on rtr. the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be surprises it’s full and there’s a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes , i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. i want to go to college, what kind of college is this for philfa, oh my god, throw it away, start by saying that you have cheat sheets, i need to go, i really need to,
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you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope they come to me my gray will sail and take me to his home, no, no grays, there are entrepreneurs, others believe in... yes, you are the best girl in this dorm, should i marry? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy. what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act! great hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr, may the new year come, and joy and success, and we will provide you with loud laughter in every hall! they’re running somewhere, everyone
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’s calling someone, these candies have been traveling around the city for 40 years, but mom has nothing on the table, three pickles, bring mom something hot, warm up the cucumbers for her, it’ll all be done at once, appetite, mood and celebration of the soul, but you won’t remember this, the new year is just a rehearsal, but the old new year is already a premiere. full house, old new year. premiere on saturday on rtr. this year's new year holidays have become the frostiest in the last 36 years, the hydrometeorological center reports, but the abnormally cold weather does not end. in several regions of russia, the temperature may drop to -53°, warned the scientific director of the hydromedical center, roman vilfon. cold. settles in the irkutsk region and
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khabarovsk region, in the amur region, buryatia and transbaikalia, that is, the asian part of the country is under the blow of winter. in moscow the temperature will only be -9°. well, one of the main questions of last year was resolved, what to name the little panda that was born in the moscow zoo. the residents of moscow chose a wonderful name for her: katyusha. baby panda from the moscow zoo. named katyusha. more than 380,000 people took part in the active citizen voting. from the very beginning, out of ten proposed names , three were in the lead: masha, momo, from the first syllable of the word moscow and katyusha. by majority vote, albeit by a slight margin of six percentage points, 29%, the katyusha option won. this is how chinese it is. katyusha in moscow west. look, it was 60 minutes. all the best to you and goodbye.
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hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the ren rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. vladimir putin has personal control over the restoration of heat and power supplies in the moscow and kherson regions. the investigative committee detained the deputy head of the administration of podolsk, where more than 2,000 people were left without heating in twenty-degree frost. here such beauty.


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