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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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look, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. vladimir putin has personal control over the restoration of heat and energy supplies in the moscow and kherson regions. the investigative committee detained the deputy head of the administration of podolsk, where more than 2,000 people were left without heating in twenty-degree frost,
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this is the beauty in our entrance, atalactites are growing, fifty-degree frosts hit the magadan region, in the region immediately the number of fires has increased, the dpr and lpr are eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfall, there are snowstorms on the m4 highway, traffic was stopped for several hours, there was a massive accident on the m-11. the ukrainian armed forces are losing positions, soldiers’ equipment, and strongholds are being burned out. aerospace forces pilots cover assault units from the air. there is a video of former president bill clinton, prince andrew and tycoon richard branson. the american media is revealing more and more details about epstein's parties. and republicans are demanding the resignation of pentagon chief austin after the hospital scandal. the white house categorically disagrees with this . take all necessary measures to
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restore heat and power supply in the moscow and kherson regions. this instruction was given by vladimir putin in telephone conversations with the heads of both regions. andrey vorobyov and vladimir salda reported on the situation in areas where utility accidents occurred. putin also spoke separately with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , and with the management of the rosseti company. a few hours later, the authorities of kherson.
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the boss of a private boiler house and general director of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant. both became defendants in a case initiated under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. now all the defendants are being interrogated; searches have been carried out at their workplaces. the frosts briefly left the capital region. forecasters have lifted the orange alert level that was in place due to extremely low temperatures. in moscow and the region, the weather in the coming days will be determined. will rise to -7°, well, in the central regions of the magadan region frosts hit 50 degrees. here there is such beauty in our entrance. lactites are growing by leaps and bounds. the number of fires has sharply increased in the region, most often caused by faulty electrical wiring and heating devices. rescuers recommend that residents spend as little time as possible.
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do not take to the streets and do not travel outside populated areas. well, in the lpr they are eliminating the consequences of the heaviest snowfall of this winter. come on, come on, come on! in just one day, a third of the monthly normal precipitation fell in the region; utility services are working around the clock, cleaning roads and yards. in the east of the dpr, after a snowfall , drivers were stuck in a traffic jam. the line of cars stretched for several kilometers. a snowstorm hit rostov and novgorod. the regions of metel and black ice provoked a massive accident on the m11 highway, where about 50 cars collided, four people died, and another 17 were injured. due to snowfall, traffic on the m4 don highway was blocked for several hours. anzhelika koroleva and veronica bogma report on the situation on the ground. people sought medical help after a massive accident on m-11 in the novgorod region 24 people. according to the regional ministry of health, seven victims were taken to the novgorod region. stop, as
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reported by the state traffic inspectorate, employees processed 17 traffic accidents involving 6 cars. let me remind you that in a massive road accident that occurred on the afternoon of january 8 on the m11 highway in the novgorod region, four people died, including an infant born in 2023. while all versions of what happened are exclusively preliminary, according to inspectors guy, it all started with the fact that one of the road participants driving at high speed, lost control, crashed into...
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obviously now in the very center of the traffic jam that formed between the city of shakhty and kamensk-shakhtinsky. it has been officially announced that traffic for heavy vehicles is closed, but we see that there are also cars in this traffic jam. the reason is
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unfavorable weather conditions: snow, blizzards, gusty winds, ice, limited visibility to 500 m. difficult road conditions developed in the area from 979 to 1009 kilometers. federal highway on regional roads: morozovsk, tsimlyansk, volgodonsk, koshary, pervomaiskaya, morozovsk , volgograd, kamensk, shakhtinsky, lugansk. snow removal equipment and chigachi are working on the highway to clear the roadway, heavy trucks are moving to the side of the road, the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the rostov region asks drivers to refrain from traveling. not everyone was able to follow this call. winter weather visited the southern region, where thermometers showed a steady plus for a long time on the last day of the long new year holidays. we were on vacation in anapa and are going home to voronezh. tomorrow i have to go to work at 9, yes, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be possible. drivers and their passengers, everyone who was caught by the elements on the road, have already spent 2 to 4 hours in this traffic jam. we were lucky that we stood near the cafe, so we sat and warmed ourselves. and so, well, i don’t know how long
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this one will be, how long this traffic jam will last. the ministry of emergency situations deployed mobile heating points, a mobile public warning system and two temporary accommodation points. the situation, as well as the weather forecast, improved by the morning. veronica bogma, iduar telin, vladimir shamakov and vladimir minyailov. news rostov region. russian units took up new positions and improved the situation in the donetsk direction of the special operation. the ministry of defense reported this today. aerospace forces pilots covered the assault units from the air. during the day, ukrainian forces lost approximately 250 military personnel killed and wounded, as well as two tanks and three armored vehicles. on the zaporozhye front , novorossiysk paratroopers destroyed a large stronghold. a massive blow to enemy fortifications was carried out by the crew of a heavy senseo flamethrower system. the complex fires 24 missiles in just 6 seconds, and the temperature at
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the epicenter of the explosion reaches 3,000°. in the same area, motorized rifle formations captured defensive positions that the militants had set up in the forest belt. drone operators knocked out the italian... explosions occurred this night in the kharkov region, military infrastructure facilities there were hit. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region , marines of the black sea fleet destroyed the temporary deployment site of units enemy. four command centers were liquidated in the krasnoliman direction. about what is happening now on the front line in the report by alexey boranov. hit by missiles fired in salvo by rocket systems. a reconnaissance drone is tracking the target while one battery of rocket artillery is carrying out a combat mission, and the other is moving to the firing line. this time, reconnaissance groups operating behind
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the line of contact discovered an enemy fortified area near the tor ledge. one sight is enough to hit the target, mortar crews. we work on enemy strongholds and help the infantry boys advance. the assault groups operating in the krasno-liman direction are supported not only by the reactor. artillery is just a few kilometers from the forward tankers, tankers are in full readiness; they are the ones working on the strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine after the rocket artillery struck. this vehicle has completely used up its ammunition and is now heading to the place where it will be replenished. one of the tank battalions of the central military district works at a distance from advanced. the t-90 breakthrough tank received a new combat weapon. the dacha will now operate not from closed firing positions, direct fire to
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the front line, from here no more than 2 km, the closer to the line of combat contact, the more snow that has not yet melted, despite the plus temperature, the battalion commander with the call sign kid tells us about working against american tanks, in general the most important hit is so that the gunner doesn’t miss, the image is first silent then it starts, the most important hit. under the tower, the tower hit, the tower flew away, if the bull is full, like the commander of a tank carrier, i think whoever notices first will win. however, today’s combat mission is to support assault groups, so tankers use direct fire to hit the enemy’s forward strongholds. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news, krasnolimansky direction, serebryansky forestry.
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daily accepts an offer to our candidate, the guys really take an active part in the activities of the popular front in their regions, that is, they understand the features, many of them traveled to new regions with a humanitarian mission, which is why the responsible work they perform is so important for them today. the large freezer trawler peter ii returned from putina with a record catch of more than 90. this is not only a russian, but also a world record. read more in andrey kolesnikov's report. for
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port workers and dockers, this day begins unusually, with ceremonial marches. a brass band plays among the containers and cargo cranes, and the handsome giant trawler peter shines with white and blue lines at the quay wall i. there are practically no unfulfilled tasks in any type of fishing. he is the leader of the industry. 2023 commercial. the fishermen of the vessel set a world record, raising over 90,000 tons of catch from the depths of the sea. the freezer trawler worked on the vakhotom sea expedition in the bering sea in the pacific ocean and in the southern kuril islands. this type of vessel is considered the most efficient in the world. just by trolling, fishermen lift over 200 tons of fish, and in a day of continuous work they can get over a thousand tons of seafood. fishermen caught mackerel, sardine and wasitih, ocean herring and, of course, mentai - the main fishery object. mentai is mined. these are exactly the kind of ships, large trawlers, processors that not only extract mental energy, but also directly process
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it on board. on board the ship processor directly at sea, the fish is frozen in this form and delivered ashore, and fish meal and oil are also produced. the trawler peter ii has a very respectable age, 30 years, but is deeply modernized in terms of technological equipment, fishing equipment and fishing weapons, and practically in everything. mosk ship, chassis. the bridge from here is where the vessel is controlled for big fishing, there are only seven echo sounders on the vessel, they all need different frequencies, different ranges, they are adjusted to different amplifications in order to minimize our mistakes, from the beginning of trolling to the processing of the catch during fishing it hardly works not the entire crew, but this is 130 people, a large, well-coordinated and constant team has been going on voyages for the sixth year, in difficult sea conditions, often stormy, the sailors have learned to act as one organism. today the ship goes to sea again, the team is confident that it is going for a new record. andrey kolesnikov, sergey
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svestilnikov, dmitry popkov, yulia egorova and platon volkov. news from the far eastern bureau. this is the news, this is what will happen next: poland tried to obstruct the investigation of sabotage on the northern ceilings. the american media is revealing more and more details about epstein's parties and republicans are demanding the resignation of pentagon chief austin after the hospital scandal. more about this and more after the advertisement. see you. watch today special edition of the 60 minutes program, don’t miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes today on rtr. in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it
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is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this is the taiga. and mountain ranges. and the tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea. warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. on in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first
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note. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, bells, or something, we ’ve been together since first grade, for everything we do, we also answer together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, team, slow down, i’m running from the car, all brigade, just look at the platform, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly
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convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we’re going to the village to relax, but on... grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, to all we are going to the village with our family, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobility, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly and... conveniently, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i’ll kill you, joke,
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sashki bodily harm to his wife margarita gracheva, yes. “based on real events, what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s go without sentimentality, as harshly as you can, they make a saint out of her without us, let her never be rude to anyone, my demon is always the truth, to us we need publicity, we can’t handle it ourselves, i, a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by , we are facing a bashar”? it’s my own fault, you are now a celebrity, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, today on rtr, this is news, we continue the broadcast, three residents of belgorod remain in intensive care after massive shelling on the part of the ukrainian formations,
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an attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on residential areas was stopped by air defense forces, 10 czech-made missiles were intercepted. from the scene of the emergency, reporting by alexander korobov. belgrade was again attacked by militants of the kiev regime, they hit from vampire multiple launch rocket system. according to the ministry of defense , 10 missiles flew at the city, all were shot down by air defense systems, but unfortunately, the warheads of the missiles fell on residential areas, there was damage, and there were casualties. according to the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. three people were injured, a woman had a back wound, a man also had shrapnel in his back, his forearm , and another one also had wounds to his back and upper extremities, all of them have already... been taken to the hospital, they are receiving everything they need medical assistance , damage was caused to several apartment buildings , windows were broken in apartments, private
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households were also damaged, facades were also cut there and windows were broken, well, it was very loud, yes , well, it turns out i was leaving the hall, she immediately hit me at that moment the desk just stunned us, we went straight to cover, yes, yes, we went straight to the basement, several cars were damaged, one of them was heavily damaged by shrapnel. there were people in it at the moment of arrival, when a shell exploded behind the car fragments, all passed through the car, injuring people, all operational and emergency services are working on the spot, house-to-house visits continue. alexander korovov, vyacheslav podzolkov, host belgorod. poland is hiding potentially important information about the nord stream terrorist attack. the washington post writes about this today. according to the publication, warsaw is in no hurry to provide evidence of the movement of suspects around the country, and requests from european investigators are ignored, or the facts are distorted in the answers. in
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particular, we are talking about inconsistencies in reports various departments that were involved in the pleasure yacht andrameda. because of this , it is impossible to establish whether the sabotage was carried out without the knowledge of the former polish government. well, now in europe they are planning to turn to the office of the new prime minister of the republic, tusk, for help. but in any case, as i emphasized. germany may finally undermine confidence in the alliance. the us secretary of defense has been transferred from the intensive care unit, but remains unwell, the pentagon said today. according to fox news, house republicans representatives can present a resolution on impeachment today and reminds austin of the withdrawal of the army from afghanistan.
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another publication on the case of, if not the largest, then the highest-ranking pedophile lodge in the world, adds de.
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which, as we are assured, was done by the organizer of the network, jeffrey epstein. all this became known from the testimony of epstein's victim, sari rensom. she claims that there is a video of former president bill clinton, prince andrew and media mogul richard branson, who can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her made copies of the video materials and scattered them to different corners of europe for her safety. the fact that those guests on the caribbean island and epstein's mansion in new york were recorded on video was also reported by other girls who took part in these meetings. and, judging by the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, jeffrey did it every time. sex filming. thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos in which the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson are clearly visible as they engage in sexual intercourse with her. in 2019, ransom truthfully stated that
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she made up the story about the tapes to protect herself and her family. the defense of epstein’s friend, socialite gisley maxwell, the only one convicted of long-term molestation of teenage girls, insisted on this. but ransom later stated that she was ready to testify under oath. about the existence of incriminating videos. i can personally confirm that i have seen evidence of these sexual acts with my own eyes, which clearly identify bill clinton, prince andrew, richard branson engaging in sexual acts with my friend. a new batch of open documents contains these never -before-seen photographs of young girls on epstein's villa, including a photo of sarah rensom herself, as well as a previously unknown joint photograph taken on the island of epstein and peter mendelsohn at that time , the european commissioner for trade and right- hand man of former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, renson assures that sexual relations with many girls
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, supplied in even worse places, we are talking about child abuse , were you part of it, did you know about it, did you do it, that's the only thing that matters, it is reported that after this next wave of publications, the brother of king charles secondly, one of the main characters of the pedophile scandal, prince andrew, locked himself in a room and refuses to comment, but if the scandalous videos of epstein’s friends really exist and they actually show the same people, then the second
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main one. question after who is now possesses these tapes will be why this flurry of information began to be published after the election campaign in the united states entered its critical phase. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. about 100 thousand tourists spent the new year holidays in the murmansk region. travelers from all over the country travel to the arctic circle for a special opportunity to see the northern lights. report by oleg posobin. polar lights on. people from all over the country come to murmansk for this pharmaceutical phenomenon; some tourists fly from milestone, this is something like that, it’s just a dream to see it, but if we don’t see it, we won’t be upset and will come to you again. to make a photo glow, you need a digital camera with a long shutter speed, but video of the shimmer
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is already taken from... look, simultaneously with the radiance , a meteorite shower that recently took place in the central part of the kola peninsula enters the lens. the author of the photos and videos is valentin zhiganov, he has been photographing polar beauty for 17 years. a glow hunter is, first of all, a weather hunter, that is, you need to find a hole in the clouds that’s exactly where you should come so that everything works out, weather and shine, because it rarely happens absolutely. sky, where there is no need , when there is no need to travel anywhere, auroras are divided into several types, often this phenomenon forms an arc shape, experts are sure that in such cases the observer sees the glow from a considerable distance, the brightest polar effects, as a rule, occur in the hunter overhead, they look like a crown from which rays emanate across the sky, we saw similar lights 40 km from murmansk, so to catch it in the lens we had to improvise with the equipment, we take a faster
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device. point , click, look, real space, the aurora occurs when the earth’s magnetic field interacts with the so-called solar wind, this is a flow of particles from our star, in the kola scientific center of the academy of sciences such glows have been studied for more than half a century, while scientists are observing electrons and protons in the atmosphere are approaching discoveries, many tourists and residents of the arctic continue to travel to the tundra at night to enjoy the beauty of the phenomenon that they...
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ru, follow developments in russia abroad, stay with us. the results of the past year are being summed up in the moscow region, one of the most important events has become.


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