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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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own responsibilities. lloyd austan most likely lay in just such a ward. there are two problems here. they concern austin's privacy and the need to alert your superiors if you are hospitalized. society has no right to know about this, but the boss does. austin and his staff should have notified the national security council and the white house about this. it's always good when your boss knows that you are in the hospital, we don't know why this wasn't done. in general, ostan is in the hospital. biden is not aware, but we are here in moscow, it turns out that we missed a completely unique opportunity for ourselves, we’ll try to make up for it. while biden was not aware of everything that happened with his secretary of defense, he did not for a second forget about his main boss in the presidential election, donald trump. during his first official campaign speech, dedicated at the same time to one of the events of the insurrection in the capitol, biden burned.
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said that the republicans are causing an exceptional collapse of american democracy, trump himself allegedly does not respect the 81 million people who in the last presidential election voted for biden, which means that he does not respect democracy, and what is most striking in this speech is the conclusion, at the end biden called donald a loser and a loser. former us first lady michelle obama shared her opinion on the upcoming elections in the country.
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in the new year 2024 , dozens of elections will be held around the world, including in russia, the usa, south africa, the uk, india and taiwan. this year promises to be a record year in terms of elections. there are dozens of elections taking place around the world. let's make an imaginary table, these will be presidential and legislative. and in total, elections will be held in 68 countries. in fact, 4.100 million people will participate in the elections, this is the highest figure. how will this all affect democracy around the world, can you tell if it is alive, well or under threat. what we are talking about is not an indicator of anything good for democracy. we must understand that democracy is a fairly recent phenomenon in the world, only in the united states has it existed since 1788, and the united states itself has been
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founded in 1776, then it became the first country, and today it is the oldest country with a democratic society. in other countries, democracy exists much, much less; the 50-year barrier concerns only half of the world's democracies. in twenty countries, democracy has existed for no more than 18 years. this means that in yura, as well as in indonesia, mexico, they can remember the existence of a country without democracy, remember the time when they were not allowed to vote. it's the start of a new year and for everyone in the united states, that means we're in the beginning of the election race, a race that we have never seen before. we have never seen voters so dissatisfied with the candidates who are going to lead them. this familiar face is already dominating every aspect of the presidential race. they are fully coordinating this in washington because i am leading the process.
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clashed over whether he could gain immunity as a former president to avoid investigation, and most importantly, whether he could now run for president countries in twenty-four. let the court decide for itself, but in my opinion, he definitely supported the militia, there is no doubt about it, there is simply zero, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts on everything. trump's re-election campaign will depend on the timing of the sessions, he will fight court charges in new york, georgia, florida and... joe biden is a threat to democracy, he really is a threat. the current president faces
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impeachment in congress, of course, only if if the republicans can prove that his son was selling access to his father, this is goal number one for republicans in congress. we have long passed the age when we could confidently say that freedom is expanding. and history put an end to liberal democracy, this is the state in which the government of our countries finds itself. numerous organizations, political scientists, and think tanks have charted in recent decades what has been a fairly consistent retreat in democracy and the quality of democracy around the world. well, and one more thing a little about the quality of democracy. according to the publication. the majority of germans surveyed would like to see a change in chancellor scholz as early as this 2024 . more precisely, 65% of burghers support the idea of ​​scholze taking over his post, at least to the head of the ministry of defense
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, pistorius, who by a wide margin leads the ratings of the most popular politicians. bilz connects the unpopular scholz, who would have thought with his hand. it turns out that 4 years ago, ger olaf was the minister of finance and suspiciously did not notice the largest fraud since the second world war. world. the scheme worth billions of euros was carried out by a certain russian spy, the head of the wircarp company, jan marsale, allegedly recruited by the fsb back in the nineties. in germany, he was not just a businessman, he was a partner of the federal government, now marsalik international...
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they fly over military training grounds and bundesphere barracks, monitoring how ukrainian militants are studying there. the surveillance has been going on for more than a year. pistorius’s department failed to land or catch even one drone. member of the bundestag defense committee, markus fabber believes that this clearly points to russia and putin. the bundesferb suspects that moscow is behind the uav flight, but... there is still no evidence, so the german military continues to promise that they will definitely catch the russians in their sleepers; local workers in the agricultural sector have a lot of problems in germany. german farmers, tired of the disregarded attitude of the authorities, moved from words to deeds and,
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as promised, launched the largest protest in german history against the scholz government. a huge number of german farmers on tractors began to block. road protests are taking place throughout the country, munich, hamburg, bremen, westbaden. farmers have already blocked entrances to autobahns, including the main transport artery of germany, the b-86 highway, which leads to berlin. thousands of tractors are involved in the promotions, and their number will only grow. in the federal state of brandenburg, several cities were completely cut off from the outside world due to a highway blockade. the brandenburg ministry of transport now fears serious disruptions to supply of products, local police seem to be trying to take control of the shares, but they are not succeeding. in bavaria, for example, schoolchildren are already being transferred to remote learning. volkswagen also curtailed its work.
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employees simply cannot get to work. farmers themselves are protesting against cuts in german subsidies, including for diesel.
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leading to berlin, angry german farmers blocked it at night and thereby paralyzed the main transport artery of germany, for a whole week farmers will protest against the planned scholz government's subsidy cuts are against plans.
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in the meantime, germany is already in a real state of emergency; since early morning , a column of tractors has been blocking the entrances to the autobahns throughout the country, such as on this highway leading to hamburg, all those who somehow miraculously managed to break through to the autobahns had to stand in serious traffic jams we have marked on the map the currently blocked motorways, for example near bremin. there are now 2.0 tractors on the roads. almost all entrances to saxony are already blocked on the autobahns, in berlin there are hundreds of tractors now at the brandenburg gate, because of this the 17 june street is completely blocked in the capital, so there are now serious traffic restrictions. in the state of brandenburg itself there are now real mega-traffic jams, many autobahns and secondary roads are already blocked, so blocked that it is no longer possible to get to cities such as codbus and brandenburg on havelele. that is, these cities are literally completely cut off from the outside world, while in the land of reinold faltz
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as many as 10 thousand farmers drove out on their tractors on the road, and as a result, very, very many entrances to the highways were also blocked. for you to understand the scale of the protests, you have to see everything for yourself: farmers are lighting fires, many of them have been here since night, and this despite the fact that it is very cold outside, -8°, and just in... look over there, the entire road to the triumphal column is literally clogged with tractors and various structures. and passions eventually became heated, the escalation reached a new dimension, more than a hundred farmers in the land schlesvik holstein waylaid economy minister robert habik when he was returning from vacation and did not allow him to leave . as a result, the ship had to turn around.
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well, in france, too, the fun continues, there is a series of high-profile dismissals in the government, the minister of health resigned, the minister of transport is leaving,
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and the day before the head of the cabinet of ministers, elisabeth bourne, they call her, also left her post. they were called not the most unpopular politician, only president macron himself is worse. bourne, author of that same antisocial pension reform, which provoked millions of rallies and protests throughout the country. citizens of the fifth republic believe that it was born who stole 2 years of pension experience from them. macron thanked her for her exemplary work over the past 20 months in office. it is worth noting that born 23 times, and this is a record, resorted to using the so-called amendment to law 49.3, which allows unpopular decisions to be made bypassing the vote. the born government was twice distrusted in this regard, but in the end she resigned voluntarily, with the threat
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of a government crisis, this did not reduce the number of layoffs, everyone thinks. french political observers and the replacement of the head of the cabinet may mean that macron is only trying to improve the position of his team before the may elections to the european parliament, which the nationalist party marine lepine may win. in the twenty-second year , macron's centrist party, the revival, had already lost its majority, but now, according to polls, the national union, lepin, is ahead of the presidential team by 10%. intrigue remains. who will replace boron at the post? the main favorite is education minister gabriel attal. a very handsome man, sweet, as he is called in the tabloids. gabriel is 34, so if appointed, he will become the youngest head of government in the history of the fifth republic. gabriel’s main initiative as
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head of the ministry of defense, the ministry of education, is very controversial. it was with his light hand that schoolgirls from muslim families were forbidden to come to lessons in headscarves and long closed dresses, but the main thing must be assumed gabriel’s advantage is that the potential prime minister, an openly gay man, who owes all his career achievements, and he himself spoke about this in an interview, to his faithful husband, macron’s adviser stephane. emmanuel. behind the president, elizabeth bourne, as calm as always. the prime minister has maintained a low profile throughout the weekend amid
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rumors of her potential resignation. rumors about her resignation appeared after macron's speech. over the past months. despite the criticism, we have achieved some success, and i especially want to thank madam prime minister for this. perhaps he wants to survive it all until the end of the european elections or the start of the olympic games. relations with the president are cold and tense, he no longer supports her, said one of the president’s advisers. many are talking about gabriel ottal being a potential candidate for the post. this young minister is only 34 years old and may become the youngest.
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education and youth. the private life of the young politician did not remain in the country during his rapid political takeoff. more than two years ago, another macron supporter, transport minister clément beaune, admitted in an interview that he was gay, but gabriel ottal did not talk openly about his personal life. instead, the young minister watched his lawyer, juan branca, talk about his homosexuality in broad daylight. branco, who is a gay activist, wrote in his book that the thirty-four-year-old... is being fucked, especially because of my homosexuality, atal states, while he added that he is already accustomed to such violence, but added that accepting his homosexuality turned out to be much
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more difficult for his family, mother and ten-year-old younger brother, despite the fact that the politician accepted his sexual orientation, he is completely not ready to pose with his lover for the press. i understand that homosexuality is part of his life, and i think that this is one of his qualities that makes it possible for the president of france to choose him. he also wants to experiment with school uniforms, that is, he is not only the minister of education, but also a little bit of the minister of fashion, he is trying to breathe new life into the old fashioned school uniform, this man
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is simply the king of the catwalk, we are talking about mr. fashionista, gavriel attal, checkered suits, blouse, school crest on jackets, he breathed new life into cardigans, gabriel ottal is fashionable and talented, he makes something new from something old, it's ultra trendy and non-religious. he will become the republic's youngest prime minister and the first openly gay man, and he embodies the momentum, the dynamics and the courage that we definitely need, officials say. impulse, dynamics, courage, in the usa there is also a new, wild sex scandal, an american court. began publishing another pile of compromising evidence in the case of the financier, probable owner of the island of pedophiles, jeffrey epstein, they were looking, of course, for donald trump, but they found
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something cooler. the first batch contains emails, witness statements, but the most interesting thing is, of course, exactly those with whom the depraved businessman dealt. in total, epstein has about 200 contacts on his list, some of which are public. just yet to come realize, and although not all of them are directly related to the accusations, the names even from the first batch are impressive, the british prince andrew and bill clinton. the new materials contain evidence that epstein recorded and filmed sex prince andrew and bill clinton with girls and young women, intending to blackmail them if necessary. younger brother. the king of england reacted to the news like an adult, locking himself in his room and not going out in public. previously, andrew had already been deprived of honorary military titles and royal
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patronages due to a sex abuse scandal, including participation in an orgy of minors and acts of sexual violence. if the prince's name has been mentioned before in connection with epstein's island, then the name of bill clinton. became a real revelation: the friendship of the ex-president of the united states with a sex offender was of a piquant nature, the late pedophile visited the white house many times, took the president on a private plane and even hung a portrait of clinton in his house in manhattan, clinton dressed in a blue woman's dress. jeffrey himself said about clinton that he loves him.
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these are just a few of the famous names on the list. fifteen hundred people, it was made public along with court documents related to the late sex offender jeffrey epstein. neither has been accused of any wrongdoing, but their names have appeared in a massive, nine-hundred-page compilation of published evidence in the case of epstein's alleged victim. virginia giuffre. giuffre was just 17 years old when she said epstein's then-girlfriend sent her to
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the billionaire's florida estate in palm beach. giuffray claims she was sexually assaulted there in epstein's other properties in new york on an island in the caribbean along with dozens of other girls. some of the documents contain details of a meeting with another alleged epstein victim, juanne sjöberk, who describes a moment involving prince andrew and virginia giuffre, as well as a prince doll. joana said they decided to take a photo. virginia and andrew sat on the couch, put the doll on... he said 70 times that he knew nothing about epstein's crimes, just like donald trump.
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it is worth remembering that the latest documents do not no specific statements about anyone mentioned there. perhaps the biggest revelation was that some of the world's biggest political stars were friends with jeffrey epstein and that it took more than a decade for their names to be officially made public, with thousands of other documents still to come. as previously reported, former president bill clinton's name appears more than 50 times in published documents. moreover , one victim testified, according to her , efstein admitted that clinton, i quote, loved young people. in the documents to him joins former president donald trump, whom epstein, quote, often invited on trips to atlantic city. lawyer allangershowitz, who, of course, admitted that he knew epstein as his consultant, but denied all wrongdoing. and he’s here too, former modeling agent jean-luc brunel. he was found dead in his apartment during the trial.
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on other charges of trafficking. people for sexual exploitation in 2022. singer michael jackson, musician david copperfield, both were seen by witnesses in epstein's houses. and of course, prince andrew of the british royal family. the names of hollywood stars, leonardo dicaprio, cate blanchen, cameron diyaz are also mentioned. here's the latest batch of documents that have been released, these new documents include emails to a journalist from jeffrey epstein's victim, sarah renza. journalist working for the new york post at the time, sarah ransom claims in these letters that jeffrey epstein filmed prince andrew, sir richard branson and former us president bill clinton, have sex with girls and young women. prince andrew and bill clinton, of course, have previously denied any wrongdoing related to jeffrey epstein. has anyone from clinton's entourage or family already given a detailed comment on this
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issue? this is one of the first things we had to do. we reached out to former president clinton's team to see if they have an answer to these new allegations. there are also recordings of his conversation with an unnamed epstein victim. one of the most terrible accusations in this testimony is that not only the clinton company, but also the clinton foundation, a charitable organization, paid whoever needed to be silenced, but at this point we have not yet received an official response from the clinton team. if the accusation. about ex-president trump and how he was involved. new allegations against former president donald trump are that he frequently visited epstein's new york mansion to meet one of the victims. the affidavit details the meeting, mentioning that he was a regular visitor. but again, it's important to note that this victim is different from the one mentioned on those tapes. and above all, these statements do not
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mean that the above mentioned persons are wine. do you think all this will affect the us elections, the democrats' chances in the us elections? i don't think so because at this point biden is so compromised when it comes to just the way he talks, everyone, no matter right or left, looks at biden and thinks he's unfit to be president, no matter what they talk about trump, because trump supporters will always think, okay, you're just using this to discredit him to stop him from getting elected. well, a terrible accident on the m11 neva highway, this is the novgorod region, three dozen trucks and cars collided on a high-speed toll road, traffic was paralyzed, a giant traffic jam 30 km long formed, traffic police. we registered 17 accidents involving 66 cars. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 20 people were injured, 16 of them included.
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five children were injured, it is known the deaths of four people, including a thirty-year-old woman and her one-year-old baby. rescuers set up heating points where people could warm up. drink hot tea, charge your phone, psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations are working on the spot, to date , they report that traffic on the m-11 highway has been restored, an emergency situation has been declared in the moscow region, the new year holidays in several areas at once there were outages of heat and electricity without heating, without hot water water, hundreds of residential buildings, hospitals, schools remained, the chairman of the sletkom bastrykin, in this regard, instructed to check all the facts of restrictions on the supply of energy resources; checks were carried out in solnechnogorsk, balashikha, lobnya, khimki, lyubertsy, ramensky and narofaminsky districts, as well as in podolsk.
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there, in the klimovsk microdistrict, an accident occurred on a heating main, leaving 174 apartment buildings without heating. people literally froze in their apartments for several days. thermometers showed a temperature of no more than 10°; there is a photograph showing the temperature around +5°. putin has already taken control of the situation personally, as reported in the kremlin, the president heard a report from the governor of the moscow region vorobyov over the phone, instructed the ministry of emergency situations and rosseti to take all possible measures to ensure energy supply, but even today in podolsk, suspects of communal collapse were detained, “the investigative committee had questions to the head of the boiler room of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant, which heated the entire microdistrict, as well as the general director of the enterprise, a criminal case was opened against the deputy head of podolsk, the official had to
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control how ready he was for boiler room for the heating season and how it is operated. the administration employee knew that the equipment for supplying heat to the apartments had a defect. but nevertheless , he signed inspection reports and issued a readiness passport to the enterprise, and all this against the backdrop of 25° frosts, the temperature even dropped to -30° in the moscow region on new year's holidays. they plan to start supplying heat to apartments in klimovsk this evening.
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there were three boilers, they heat the water in this way, and with a cannon on the pump, when the lights were turned off, it was generally 9° there, i still blew it away. i was pouring flowers, i thought , the power will be turned on now, i come, and there is ice in my saucer, what is the temperature here now, well, at the moment the thermometer shows - -3.2°, i have to visit guests, because it is very dangerous to sleep here.
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the president also heard a report from the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, on the situation in areas where electricity and heat supply have been disrupted. based on the results of the reports , the head of state gave instructions to the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, with whom a separate conversation also took place.
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peskov reports that from the very beginning they worked quickly to restore heating after the accident. i’ll say it again, many where the temperature had already stabilized were returned. heating and electricity in podolsk promise to solve the situation today. let's move to the front, war correspondent evgeny lisitsin is on direct line. zhenya, hello, hello. it is clear that the country celebrated holidays and it is obvious that there are no holidays at the front, there is no respite. how is the situation now, how... is the weather like in the trenches, what are the immediate goals? well now
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i’ll touch a little on the donetsk direction , in principle, the cold has arrived here too, now it’s about -15° outside there in the fields, in the fields, in the donetsk direction marinka has already disappeared from the front-line reports, here our guys are advancing in two directions at once , further south towards the village of victory. i would like to note that here the russian army has come very close to the populated area and continues to do so. hide support structures, dugouts, and so on, and to the west in the direction of georgievka, i note that in this section they have already entered the territory of a populated area, and quite symbolically, that the great bright holiday of the nativity of christ, our guys liberated an orthodox church on the outskirts of the village of georgievka. olga, as for the ukrainian army, they report that it is registered in the verkhovna rada. several versions at once, total, general, as
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it is also called now in ukraine, mobilization, mobilization, what does this mean for the armed forces of ukraine, who is fighting now, if the people are literal, and we see these images have flooded the internet, people are literally being grabbed not just on the street , not just to the shops anymore, the most incredible shots - this is when they unload the trolleybus , transfer the military vehicle directly to... to the countries, where all the men who fled the country, odessa are already stopped, well, in theory , the kiev regime can mobilize at least a million people, bring them back from europe , but here quality comes to the fore and training of these soldiers, we all know very well that not a single nato country trains military personnel. america is also exactly the same, that is, they don’t invest all the money in this,
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moreover, journalists i knew from italy recently came and they told this the story that they want to bring back people from different countries of the european union in order to register them with the military, and send them to meat assaults, to which nato countries are already saying in closed private conversations that if ukraine revokes their foreign passports . then the person who is left without a foreign passport will automatically be a citizen of the european union country in which he is located, that is, now europe understands that ukraine is already an absolutely, well, ineffective state for nothing, in which there is no point invest a lot of money, so europe is already trying to protect those people, they see what is happening, they also watch our television, and they see that the assaults on people are not spared... they are spared, they steal, they take them away at
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the borders, and those who border crossed, just rejoices, there with joy, they just jump and say: thank god that we are not in this part of the country, so they can mobilize, do whatever they want, but these are not trained, these are absolutely unmotivated soldiers who are not know how to fight, again unfamiliar with technology, there is very little equipment left in ukraine, they need to be trained with nato equipment, repairing equipment is now difficult, because is there a shortage of ammunition?
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in fact, yes, they had a conversation, because you understand that if everything is going on in public, they still have enough shells, but if before they could randomly hit a populated area, that is, shoot anywhere there in the fields, report on that , that they shot back there, hit something, but now they don’t, now they use their ammo exclusively only in terms of the positions of our... employees, the situation in terms of provisions is noticeable, in humanitarian issues it is noticeable, in form it is noticeable, everything has sagged for them, they now lack everything, they are mobilizing soldiers, they are...
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openly stating, that there are 30, it’s clear that there aren’t even thirty there, because practically everyone gets there, maybe they shoot down one or two, and then by accident, that is, before they lied, and now they lie even more, but they have nowhere to go, because it flies everywhere, everywhere, now the most interesting thing is that it beats not only in terms of energy issues there, in the warehouses of drones, in the production of weapons, now they are already fighting on the railway, this suggests that it will be even more difficult for them to deliver the weapons that they, in principle, have. and they don’t give it like that now. olga. thank you very much. evgeny lesitsin, war correspondent on direct line, front line. ask. i am very pleased with foreign analysts, who at the end of the twenty-third year lamented the defeat of ukraine as a result of
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a failed counter-offensive. now it is divided into exactly two parts. so if american analytics, they practically do not mention ukraine now. guns, and, as they say , there are countless fighting buryats, while they, of course, belittle the role of our military-industrial complex and absolutely do not notice those new types of weapons that have appeared on the battlefield and have shown themselves to be highly effective. why is this being done, this is being done in order to indoctrinate the european man in the street
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so that russia threatens europe, for example, in sweden, they generally talk about this openly, it is necessary they say to prepare for war, anyone. may ask a question: wait, we were a neutral country for so many years, and no one threatened us, here we are joining nato, we immediately need to prepare for war, i think that the swedes will probably start asking questions, just like the germans are asking questions now farmers, yes , who, as they say, were deprived of all subsidies during the war, that is, there is no money for farmers, but europe, or rather germany, finds 8 billion, i think the same money will be found in the european union, because the main financial, basic financial time... now falls on europe and japan, japan, by the way, also publishes a lot of articles about unfortunate ukraine, which is fighting such a terrible, terrible enemy as russia, which does not give up the northern territories to the japanese, does not want to talk about it at all, so we need to help ukraine, otherwise russia and china and north korea
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will threaten japan, that is, the song is about the same everywhere, but the most important thing is that all these analysts forget to note that the main problem. ukraine is truly a human factor, we need qualified fighters, but they will really recruit 500, there are 600,000 people, they will scrape together all over europe, but everyone knows that the losses of such people recruited on the street for mobilization are 90%, out of 100% of those recruited, losses with which we have to somehow reckon, but apparently , the szelensky cliques were given a certain time so that they could hold out until everything...
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europe, in exchange for the weapons that they supplied, will be supplied to ukraine, that is , now the ukrainian crisis, as they call it there, it lies completely on the neck of europe, overwhelming crap, will the europeans tolerate this, well, let’s see how the action of german farmers goes, and where only the french will catch up, the italians, because the winter is cold, everyone wants to eat, when for this purpose, as they say, you will be patient , let’s tighten our belts and we will... inserting weapons into ukraine looks enough, well, let’s say, at least, to put it mildly, it’s strange, but the europeans are apparently not yet so cold as to take to the streets, but it is expected that. .. will also be with ukraine all this time and of course are supplying shells, now they will regulate everything, weapons, each of our
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strikes on the rear of ukraine will be perceived painfully, because they have recently become highly accurate, we are destroying production, this speaks of the quality of our intelligence, that is, we have begun to identify military targets faster, intelligence confirms faster than them that there really is a military production facility or there is ammunition there, even if they are very... cunning, they hide them there at night , they move, we still find these objects, we destroy every such destruction has a painful effect on the front line, but their personnel are now freezing on the front line, this was understandable, because it was possible to gather these people who would be sent to the front in summer equipment, yes, but winter always dictates its own rules, and winter equipment is needed, here the production of these winter equipment is being shut down, and the west is in no particular hurry.
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it is under this sauce that ukrainians are now sent to the front, at the front, yes, the situation is changing, even foreign observers who are there on the front line note this, that ukrainians actually began to be shot less often, but let’s just say that they want the best of all shellings, the only thing they are... in the places where this equipment, mlrs and, say, shells were stored, they were destroyed by our missiles, by the way, the missiles were not korean,
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as the americans say, they always have this question: when we start using weapons very often, they believe that our military-industrial complex is not capable of producing large quantities of them, but we say that our shells, our missiles and the koreans are not here what about, what concerns belgorod, the situation is truly terrible. residents of belgorod must hold on in order for these terrorist attacks to stop, obviously we will have to liberate and do this for sure in the near future from the zelensky junta, putin said everything inside is boiling when you see these terrible footage, a wounded soldier in the hospital asked him a question: what do we do?
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looking at belgorod, heavily, governor glotkov proposed and turned to his neighbors, suggested that all those who would like to leave the front-line zone, first of all, take children, a huge number of people agreed due to the fact that terrorist attacks on the territory of the belgorod region are carried out by the kiev dwarf on a daily basis, while he himself ... has not come up with anything new , the non-ukrainian population is frightening the people, everything is already clear with the ukrainian, the world public the fact
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that putin will really capture all of them, as he said, putin. you need to be prepared for this, why am i reacting this way, because everything they do means something completely different, when putin had a press conference, he said that they are not will stop until they achieve their goals, which means we should just sit and say: sorry, please stop, or something like that, we don't
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take that kind of attitude, it's weakness, and he feels it, that's why he will feel his power and devour you with fucking. and your eu, and nato, and freedom, and democracy. forget it. that is why i do not see any signals for peace negotiations. at the same time, during the new year holidays, putin said again that we are of course ready for negotiations, but the final only on our terms. i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, the premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i ’ll kill you, it’s a joke, you caused bodily harm to your wife margarita gracheva
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, based on real events, what’s wrong with my daughter? she’s being operated on now, i need an exclusive, and let’s go without sentimentality, be as tough as you know how, they make her a saint without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity, we can’t handle it ourselves, i’m a lawyer , i found out about you and didn’t i was able to pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself. today on rtr, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we will add kiwi there, enthusiasm,
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it’s just crazy. taste, what's next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins as fatty carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life, an unusual answer. i make a wish that you all our tv viewers were in good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. “i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women,
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do you want to get to know me ?" “please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i ’m not in the mood for romance right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any feelings for you sympathies, lyosha, who is this, and this is his legal wife. alexey: a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. everything about the elections in russia , we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i was sent from
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the party alone to be an observer, i will oversee the elections, so that the people and the election commissions will decide everything according to the law, as in spy films, i dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i see that. russian advantage in radio electronics the financial times admitted to their war that our armed forces are increasingly using rep weapons to throw off course
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precision-guided munitions, missiles, hymers, and escaliber artillery shells. in addition, with the help of electronics it is possible not only to cause interference, but to simulate launches of missiles, drones, false launches, as they say. weeks say russian attacks have become incredibly intense, soldiers say they have faced devastating glide bombs, half-ton shells since march dropped from planes to breach underground bunkers, they sent them in pairs,
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sometimes eight per hour, says a twenty-seven-year-old soldier nicknamed the whale from the fourteenth brigade of the national guard chervon kolyn, the sound is like a jet plane falling on you, he says, like hell has broken loose gate, the newest threat to use. russian fpv kamikaze drones, because of them, ukrainian soldiers have to abandon vehicles in front-line areas and move on foot. cheap commercial drone can fly as fast as a car and carries a deadly explosive charge. both the russian and ukrainian armies use them to search for and attack targets. ukrainian soldiers say they often use drones instead of artillery because shells are becoming increasingly scarce, but according to the soldiers, only one of several drones hits the target, many are lost due to jammers that cause interference, and heavy casualties are suffered in the ssu on all sectors of the front. “we don’t have enough people,” said the reconnaissance commander of the 117th brigade. we have there are weapons, but not enough people.
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there is already a story about people in iyazytsy, but the information that zelensky plans to mobilize either 450 or half a million soldiers has been confirmed, it seems, officially. well, the internet, of course, became convinced of these incredible ones. footage with ukrainian , so-called old man masks, an expensive pleasure, this is how it looks in reality, the person seems elderly, should not be sent to war in this way, but if you take off the mask, it turns out that this mask costs, in our terms, 30,000 rubles . sold on the ukrainian internet , well, young people, it seems, are exactly in... in this form they go out onto the streets in kiev, please, women’s masks are also sold there, well, in fact , the working year has begun in our country, on which i congratulate us all , but the calendar year
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is already underway and we see that it has begun , it won’t be easy, apparently, by the way, the first elections have also already taken place while we were on vacation, i mean, on january 7, elections were held in bangladesh, of course the country doesn’t get there often. into our news feeds, but nevertheless there are 170 million people live, so this is the big election year, about which you had a big interesting story, it has already started, by the way, the elections were held in bangladesh not just there and with provocations, with excesses, so here, too, the first elections are big, they are asking , probably, in general, the entire format of this year, we’ll see, we’ll see what happens next, well, on january 13, of course, we’re waiting for a choice.
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a little time and the first very serious elections will already take place, but this is the message that you said that really, this is... the topic is accelerating, which seems to be democracy, in terms of elections , is sweeping the planet, and western experts, journalists , are promoting this thesis that it is in fact in great danger, well, they are promoting this thesis, of course, the mainstream is associated with the democratic party of the united states, and precisely the idea is that that insidious nationalists, populists, radicals.
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“we have the right to determine the rules of the game throughout the world, but those who do not agree with these rules of the game are dangerous people, they should not be allowed in any elections under any circumstances, because they will lead humanity into chaos, here a picture appears, in general, quite well known in the united states, that there is a temple of light on a hill, the democrats are sitting there, and against them there is an evil empire, more than one empire, something needs to be done about it, however, now the picture is more complicated, because inside
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..." the temple of light there is a dark knight who also needs to be caught, i mean trump, of course, we also need to somehow remove him from the elections, remove him, and also people who call themselves democrats are trying to prevent him through the courts it is even elementary to the primaris procedure, well, it would seem, well, give the american population the opportunity to speak out, let him in, no, no, this is a dangerous person, he has nothing to do with democracy, we urgently need to drag him by the feet from these procedures, but...
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