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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions. now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, not spinning, flies, flies,
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we invite you to the festive new year light, according to the good old tradition, in the circle of old, good friends, ardent artists, we are on the road day after day, you are with me, you are next to me, and love without song.
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there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want: digital, trendy, brutal, native, unknown, awesome, unstoppable. come to the exhibition. forum russia, well, american senators cannot reach an agreement on border protection, which republicans link to the allocation of money for ukraine, writes associated press. agency noted that disagreements between legislators are only intensifying, republican senator langforth. he directly
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says that there are still too many unresolved issues, but money is not even on the horizon. journalists from the associated press write that for biden the issue is key ; he previously noted sponsorship of ukraine as the main priority of his foreign policy, wall street journal, while publishing an interesting graphic that demonstrates exactly how the attitude of us citizens towards supporting the kiev government is changing. mode. at the beginning of the war 7% respondents considered. that too much money is being spent on ukraine, this opinion is now shared by a third of americans; the number of those who called for spending more on the zelensky regime, on the contrary, has decreased by more than half. against this background , modern deplomacy warns that this year, in the twenty- fourth year, the west may finally abandon ukraine to its fate. just
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a few months ago the west was praising diehard ukrainians as defenders of liberal values ​​and freedoms, but now western governments are beginning to to signal that they are running out of patience, as well as the ability to support kiev militarily and financially, turning their backs on the ukrainian people so quickly, after many months of fierce fighting, is an example of moral failure and strategic negligence, a republican administration that may return to white the house in a year will become a bullshit for ukraine.
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by the way, it will be very interesting, accordingly, what faction there will be based on what will happen. the first, most important thing in france is that why bourne left, and not why the new prime minister is coming. by the way, there are many different candidates, that's why she left, this is very important, even from macron's point of view. i remind you that the level of support was 23%, respectively, macron’s support is 27%, which is less than biden’s at the moment, this is the current prime minister, her grief was crippled by the immigration law that france had to pass. to cooperate with conservatives, the right to radical conservatives, which accordingly turned the left away from them. what kind of law? france is the last major european union country to tighten immigration laws. why is this being done, as macron correctly said, in order to intercept lepin’s agenda. this is
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a verbatim quote in this case, he specifically named her party. because the right-wing component of the european union is starting to turn right, that is. basically, what will this lead to? this leads to the fact that the appointment of prime minister left is to some extent naturally closer to the center left, this is a big problem, in fact, for its nuclear component, taking into account the low level of support, taking into account the fact that the left seems to be starting to move away from it a little now, against this background a whole series of problems seem to arise, first of all the reduction in france itself, i remind you that bourne was known for the fact that she passed bills across parliament, through her specific number in the constitutional component, which, by the way, apparently, will now be associated specifically with her name. no matter what, that’s why from this point of view the problem is that 23 times during her reign she used this amendment, because macron, because macron does not have a majority in the lower house of parliament and this is the main problem, the problem is the fact that macron, as it were, that is, you pass without voting those laws that you need to pass bypassing, democracy then
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leaves with 23% of the rating, so this is democracy, that is, the problem lies precisely in this, the problem is that this could lead to very serious things... for which, by the way, they were taken to court, as a result, the supreme court upheld it, but the point is that, as it were, there is something on the person there are already a lot of different stories hanging around, by the way, maybe one of the youngest prime ministers, but the problem is that the conservatives will not support this yet, without support, even passing bills over parliament, this could lead to very serious consequences, what they might be the consequences, we look at january 15 in germany,
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i remind you of the rally, the so-called berlin rally , timed precisely for this time, that is , it will naturally happen next week , plus or minus, well, like the next, well, in principle , yes, but what does this change in a global sense? scholz is walking, comrade pistorius will come with god’s help, with god’s help, that’s very good for the dpd, who is not particularly confident, they proceed from the fact that with putin’s, you may remember, that the cdu can only come there, apparently, here or adg, they are literally christian democrats, here, but the problem is different, the problem is that the support ratings are very low, accordingly, this leads to what is happening even in germany, where farming has always been very weak, always look at the same thing in france. everyone there completely, as it were, created a kind of pressure, moreover, some of the opponents went over to their side , for example, the same adg, for example, the same cdu, csu, by the way, and this led to 400 after, what was said before this is that the removal, and financing from the agro-industrial complex and forestry industry will lead to the consequences, and even germany began to change its ways, move in this direction.
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what happens as a result? as a result , schols declares that funding for the eastern european conflict comes mainly from germany and other countries of the european union need to somehow step up their efforts in order to. notice the volumes that germany has, this is his official quote, that is , the problem is that there is no funding, this is the main problem, finance, economics will solve this history as a last resort in this direction , my question is that it was because of ukraine that problems arose in scholz’s government, probably everyone knows, but if scholz leaves, pistorius will come to power, pistorius has exactly the same position on ukraine as the chancellor scholz, perhaps even more clearly expressed in order for pistorius to come to lay. accordingly, in the next one he is as the most popular politician and i proceed from the polls as the most popular politician in connection with the dpd, in this party, yes, yes, and these are not the most popular politicians in germany in general, that is, they lose three times , respectively, popular politics from other parties, so by the way, for example , so, from this point of view, it’s like a question,
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they have elections soon, they have the next prime minister who will come, he will lead them to elections , spd, this is the main problem, they are preparing for the election campaign, at the migration election campaign... which they did accordingly, it just became known that while one was in the hospital, i mean the ost, her deputy hit the peraku, well, that’s the first thing, and blinkin again went where he recently , by the way, there was a very interesting dialogue, whoever wants can watch netanyahu with a representative of the united arab emirates, who said that the money should be taken from zelensky, ask, they said differently, but the meaning is different, in that why exactly did he say that, in short, i think ask the president for money.
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so suvedskaraski said, and then she just grew up, back, she grew up a little, now in the suvedsky channel there is such a situation when there across the hundred straits has become evergreen, that is , like a tanker, a tanker container ship, it was then, now remains in principle, now the same situation, the same thing, that the canal is completely blocked, from this point of view, the prices are rising on this, this an approximate component, what is happening now is only the middle east, now we will have china, it has already been calculated that this could cost 10% of the entire world gdp if it starts.
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there won't be a war right away, but the problem is that even blocking taiwan is 5% the world gdp is 5 trillion dollars, this is more than all the conflicts taken together from 2021, all the conflicts, this is if you believe the rators agency and believe that a big war will begin on the thirteenth, not very many signs indicate that it will begin. if you believe, according to all the scenarios of bloomberg, first of all , who outlined them accordingly, even the blocking of taiwan, i remind you, we have partially blocked taiwan over the past 2 years, can lead to a 5% loss and this is a very big problem for all countries, not even a war, even the economic confrontation will be greater than ukraine , by the way, the ukrainian economic impact is very low, lower than the middle east, of course, and lower, respectively, than taiwan, naturally, so from this point of view, this is priority number one is the middle east, priority number two, respectively, is taiwan. therefore, against this background, a way out of priorities, this is the most important situation, this is the most important feature
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from an economic point of view, when you have a very limited economic resource, you it is necessary to set priorities, we'll be back in a minute, i want to go to college, which institute, philfa, oh my god, throw it away, start saying that your crib sheets are not empty. i need it, i really need it, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy tale princes, fuck, here my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm , married, no, then let him marry, i don’t want him. i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? need to? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman
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, buy an apartment, take me to the sea , act, great hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka, yes, yes, how do you have to love a person in order to take and come to him? what makes a strong family? the question, of course , is interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought , he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning , the eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr, i’m 40 years old and i’m
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lonely and a loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new asshole. how many children do you want? and this has something to do with utilities. nice rooms, decent women. closer to me, please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa , you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lesha, who this, and
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this is alexey's legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr, happy birthday to vaka, valentina telechkina, frankly about the secret, in kindergarten i sang a joke, and i'm small, neat, and of course, applause, this i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you did not regret it, sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, from pankratov black with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which here for a long 50
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years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven - this is my huge loss. i haven’t left yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. so, the farmers' strike is gaining momentum. in beldeuwer , 100,000 tractors were brought to a protest against scholz's policies. this is not counting trucks, buses, dump trucks driven, of course, angry citizens who have nothing to feed their children, in berlin in front of the brandenburg gate, about 680 cars were brought to the rally, tractors, 1,800 people are rallying in dresdon, farmer protests have escalated into
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clashes with the police, batons are being thrown at the entrance , tear gas is being thrown, it will start tomorrow... a three-day strike by drivers, apparently, railway traffic in germany will also stop.
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please, well, it’s not exactly what you say, austin was unconscious there for some time, and he was generally conscious before that , maybe once, maybe, uh, scholz is in our consciousness, that’s all he has the country is now in these tractors, and steps towards berlin, please, brandenburg gate, all weekend the germans were sending me videos they filmed on their phones, because all the roads there are full, that’s it, well, people are just looking out of their windows. they stick out and take off these tractors, all of germany is standing there, this one, who is kind of conscious, he declares that well, they need to increase aid to ukraine, well, maybe they have artificial intelligence or some kind of unnatural intelligence, well , it’s been guiding this all this time, that is people don't really understand what's going on, and
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really you're saying it will come instead scholz, for example, pistorius, and nothing will change as before, we always liked to talk about this topic, that here is western stability, so they can change their prime ministers, some people, but nothing rests on a person, the system it works, the system works, you can change anyone, it turns out, it doesn’t solve anything, only it turns out that it’s not the system that works, it’s just an order from washington for europe to die, europe must feed. ukraine, that is, not to feed, but to kill the same thing and kill itself joy to the same washington, that’s all, they do it calmly, nothing and nothing. they doubt it, no tractors on the streets are interfering, they won’t interfere one bit with anything, we’ve already seen quite big strikes, and what happened
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in france, the yellow vests and so on, again they’re reconfiguring something, but really someone will be dismissed and life will continue to get worse and worse, they are now again saying that, specifically for france, pension reform and bypassing the government have just removed it. from the post of prime minister, here i say, they will change it, and then in the end it will still end with the same france, the same germany, they will also go to the bottom, because the task, macron promised to appoint a gay in the very near future, but let me show you, some kind of pause should have happened 30 minutes ago, silence, everything will be solved right away, france will immediately, everything will be great, the problem of europe is that they... it wasn’t putin who stopped them there, and so on, that they are simply committing a suicidal policy and don’t want to notice it, they once switched to this very green
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energy, which is now little remembered, because in fact they now burn with ordinary coal and do not consider this same co2, they disconnected themselves from the northern streams, and in general every thing, every thing that exists , this is just materialized frozen energy, and if they have energy... several times more and one of the most expensive in the world, then it will always be uncompetitive production, and if it is not competitive, then it will run away somewhere, taxable base is being reduced, so there won’t be those same subsidies for farmers, there won’t be a social sphere, subsidies, something else, that is, everything here depends on one another, the same problem with migrants, which they created themselves, and dragging in a huge number of
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on... only now on the left side, not on the right, so to speak, on the left side, not on one, but on the other, the demographic situation, who started it, who destroyed families, who is putting all these gays now, because one of the most important problems in europe, which, because of which it has generally passed the point of no return, the point here is not at all in ukraine, or in anything else, in the fact that europe is a gigantic aging population, that is, it is a society of old people and young people who do not work anywhere, who they continue to hang out there somewhere in clubs, somewhere else.
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christian roots, neither merkel nor scholz have children, everything is also known about macron, he actually has a wife-grandmother, we’ll come back in a minute, well, that means writing it out, well, we did everything we could, then on our own, you really don’t want to go back on work, irrevocably resolutely, listen to me, you will put the bradin nikolai yuryevich in his place, the accused. do you admit your guilt? no, i don’t admit it, this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss, now a very pleasant way, kreposovsky is on rtr today,
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the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with... new renovations with a slight movement of the hand we are making three different functional zones out of this completely featureless room, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let me into your home, big
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changes, every sunday on rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let ’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you kill me, i’ll kill you i'll kill you, it's a joke. events, what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s not be sentimental, tough, as you know how, they make her a saint without us , my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity, we can’t handle it ourselves, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s your own fault, are you a banner now? i
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didn’t want such popularity for myself, today on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditional some kind of parallel agenda. why don’t you rift, continue the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch. now, if
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you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a catcher or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 34 years, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i like to eat a lot and... or a rescuer , but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr.
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diving cyclones have arrived in the european part of russia , causing a sharp change in weather; in moscow this night it will warm up significantly from -25 to -2, while by friday the temperature will drop again to -12. this year's new year holidays have become the frostiest in the last 36 years, reports the hydromidcenter. well, one of the main issues of the baby’s last year has finally been resolved. the panda, who was born in the moscow zoo, was given a name: muscovites, they voted for the bear to be named katya, or rather katyusha. the baby panda from the moscow zoo was named katyusha. more than 380,000 people took part in the voting on the active citizen; from the very beginning, of the ten proposed names , three were in the lead: masha, momo, from the first syllable of the word
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moscow and katyusha. by majority vote. the katyusha option won by a slight margin of six percentage points - 29%. look at the news, bye. hello, on the russia tv channel, in the studio. ukraine has lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers in a year, while military commissars are catching those who do not want to fight, the verkhovna rada passes a new law on mobilization, and the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense admitted that the money that the west gives is stolen. there is a new prime minister in france, he is the youngest head of the cabinet in the history of the fifth republic, for what merits was he appointed? about matepshtein, the financier
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recorded his guests during pleasures, the american media are revealing more and more details of the pedophile scandal. is poland involved? to an attack on nord streams, european investigators cannot obtain clear explanations from warsaw, western journalists write, although the terrorist attack could undermine confidence in nato. and first , the real result of the federal clean air project can be seen by next year. all participating enterprises approved the programs and began. change technological solutions, the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova reported this to vladimir putin today in the kremlin; she also spoke about other important projects in the field of ecology, in particular those related to the conservation of water resources. in 2 years department employees examined the largest
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rivers of the country, as well as the coast of the black and caspian seas. just like we have in the caspian sea , our oil and gas companies work there. our oil and gas companies meet the high standards we have for him. questions , not a single unauthorized discharge has been recorded, we look at this very strictly, and they provide us with access even now during the moratorium period, all our platforms that stand on the caspian sea have zero discharge, the same situation, you record exactly, yes, we can absolutely clearly record this, we constantly monitor it, in the baltic, which is the same, we have zero discharge, all the objects that we bring out, and i can also say about the near-fault, and this is a gazprom neft facility that stands in the northern seas and... it’s the same thing, all the objects that stand on the shelf today meet the highest world standards, here the black sea coast is the main vacation spot for all of russia, we are currently supporting a large-scale project that the government is preparing for the construction of private structures, i personally walked
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with my own feet every water outlet in sochi along the entire coast, we are accompanying the construction of sewage treatment facilities on the same coast of gerenzhik, this will also be a large-scale project that will free up an entire bay, and we think that in the next 4 years we will get ... a completely arcing cat. the russian armed forces maintain the strategic initiative and continue to consistently achieve the goals of the special military operation. sergei shaigu announced this at a conference call today. the minister of defense noted that despite to huge losses. the kiev regime, with the support of the west, is not abandoning attempts to replenish its army potential. however, this only prolongs the conflict, which all this time over the past year, enemy losses have exceeded 215.
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opportunities for replenishing the ranks of the ukrainian army, of course, this will not change the situation on the line of combat contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, which, according to shaigu, the russian military will continue to achieve use the experience gained in ukraine and actively attract instructors with combat experience skills, while all participants in the special operation and members of their families must have equal social guarantees, including the status of a combat veteran , due payments and... no service. the minister also outlined the priority tasks of the armed forces. one of the key ones is maintaining the highest level of combat readiness of the nuclear triad, which ensures strategic balance in the world.
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in addition, we will continue to equip the army and navy with the most modern weapons, including those based on artificial intelligence technologies and new physical principles. we will increase supplies. the most popular models, in particular , to form a serial line of unmanned aerial vehicles from ultra-small to heavy attack. over 700 ukrainian military personnel, four tanks and 12 armored combat vehicles, were destroyed over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation. this was reported to the ministry of defense. our units took new positions and improved the situation in the donetsk direction. aerospace forces pilots covered the assault units from the air. on the zaporozhye front, novorossiysk paratroopers destroyed a large stronghold, a massive blow to enemy fortifications was delivered by the crew of the santsepek heavy flamethrower system. in the same area
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, motorized rifle formations captured defensive positions that the militants had set up in a forest belt. report by alexey baranov. hit missiles fired. a reconnaissance drone uses hurricane multiple launch rocket systems to target its target. so far , one battery of rocket artillery is performing a combat mission. the other moves to the firing line. this time the reconnaissance groups operating behind the line of contact, we discovered a fortified enemy area near the tor ledge. one sight is enough to hit the target, mortar crews and enemy strongholds. we are working on it, helping the infantry boys advance. the assault groups operating on... are supported not only by rocket artillery; just a few kilometers from
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the forward line, tankers are in full readiness; they are the ones who are working on the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces after the rocket artillery struck. this vehicle has used up its ammunition. completely now heading to the place of its replenishment. one of the tank battles of the central military district is working at a distance from the front line. tank t-90. the breakthrough received a new combat mission: now it will work not from closed firing positions, but with direct fire to the front line, from here no more than 2 km. the closer to the line of combat contact, the more snow that has not yet melted, despite the above-zero temperature. the battalion commander with the call sign "kid" tells us about working against american tanks. the obrens have the most important hit, so that the gunner doesn’t miss it.
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in the belgorod region, the consequences of massive shelling by ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated; they attacked populated areas using a czech multiple launch rocket system. three local residents are in serious condition and are now in intensive care. the facades of buildings in apartments were damaged , windows were broken, and more than a dozen cars were riddled with shell fragments. an attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on residential areas was stopped by air defense forces. as reported by the ministry of defense, on approach to the capital of the region.
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poland is hiding potentially important information about the terrorist attack on the northern ceilings, the washington post writes about this today. according to the publication, warsaw is in no hurry to provide evidence of the movement of suspects around the country, and requests from european investigators are ignored or facts are distorted in the answers. in particular, we are talking about inconsistencies in the reports of various departments that were involved in the pleasure yacht andromeda. because of this, it is impossible to establish whether there was any sabotage. without the knowledge of the previous polish government, but now in europe they plan to turn to the office of the new prime minister of the republic, tusk, for help, but in any case, as western journalists emphasize, the slightest suspicion that a nato member is involved in an attack on its ally, germany, can completely undermine confidence in the alliance. the very nomination of vladimir putin as a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections in march was supported by residents of 77 regions. 19 of them from the republic of kome to the kaliningrad region submitted signatures to
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the election headquarters today, these documents are now being verified, and today in a public reception room has opened in moscow, where anyone can come and write their proposals and wishes for putin’s election program. we, as volunteers , ensure a comfortable stay for citizens who fill out questionnaires with wishes and proposals for our candidate, then they are sent to the election headquarters for the presidential election, nikolai kharitonov, state duma deputy from the communist party of the russian federation. the first
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to receive candidate certificates were ldpr leader leonid slotsky and vladislav davankov, vice speaker of the state duma from the new people party. the decision on the registration of all candidates must be made by the central election commission no later than february 10, and the presidential elections themselves will be held from march 15 to 17, for the first time within 3 days. the large freezer trawler peter ii has returned. putin with a record catch. more than 90. ton of aquatic biological resources in one season. this is not only a russian, but also a world record. read more in andrey kolesnikov's report. for port workers and dockers - this is. the day begins unusually with ceremonial marches, a brass band plays among containers and cargo cranes, and the berth wall shines with white and blue lines, the handsome giant trawler peter ii. there are practically no unfulfilled tasks; in any type of fishing, the ship peter ii is the leader of the fishing industry. the fishermen of the vessel
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ended the 2023 fishing year with a world record, raising from the depths of the sea with over 90,000 tons of catch. the freezer trawler worked in the vohoto sea expedition, the bering sea, and the pacific ocean. in the southern kuril islands. this type of vessel is considered the most efficient in the world. in just one trolling, fishermen lift over 200 tons fish, and in a day of continuous work you can get over a thousand tons of seafood. fishermen caught mackerel, sardine and wasitih ocean selti; of course, mentai is the main fishery object. mentai is mined by just such vessels, large trawlers, processors that not only extract mentai, but also directly process it on board.
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qiuqiu, no, you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, where’s our finger? it’s a joke, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, why undress, you don’t even know what ’s hurting me, but i’ll find it now, the cat has... the dog has more, mine boss no more, i want a divorce. oleg mikhailovich, let's meet from time to time, in what sense, repasovsky, today on rtr, i thought
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that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about playing. or not to play, yes, yes, that's it there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking little one. a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, five for one on saturdays on
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rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce. premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i will kill you, a joke, i am trying to physically harm my wife margarita gracheva, based on real events, what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s be tough without sentimentality, like you know how, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone. go away, it’s true as always, we need publicity, we can’t cope on our own, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t get through past, we have to.
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the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from tuesday to thursday on rtr. you look like an inter-girl , i saw it in the mirror, i will never marry you , i need another wife, i want to marry
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a city man, be happy, do you think that there is happiness in the city, it’s for you, beautiful, to play a wedding i will, where did you even get the idea from? that i will marry you, great hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. a storm warning was announced in crimea due to strong winds, precipitation and sudden cold temperatures, and the work of the kerch ferry crossing was suspended. there are power outages in a number of areas of the peninsula. in tomsk , squally winds blew away traffic lights and road signs. due to abnormal frosts, schoolchildren were sent to distance learning in yakutia, where today it is -46 and icy fog. free visit due to extreme cold in educational.
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the first participant in the accident. report by anzhelika koroleva. 24 people sought medical help after a massive road accident on m-11 in the novgorod region. according to the regional ministry of health, seven victims were taken to the novgorod regional clinical hospital. three were hospitalized, one woman is in serious condition. four minors were taken to the regional children's clinical hospital. an examination was carried out and various types of consultations were held. a teledi is now being planned. consultation with our colleagues from the federal center, and in the meantime, patients are receiving all the necessary treatment. as for the federal highway,
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traffic along it was restored; as reported by the state traffic inspectorate, employees registered 17 traffic accidents involving 6 cars. let me remind you that in a massive road accident that occurred on the afternoon of january 8 on the m11 highway in the novgorod region , four people died, including an infant born in 2023. all versions of what happened are exclusively preliminary. according to preliminary data on the car, which was the first to collide with a barrier; the rear wheels were not suitable for the winter period, which could have caused a massive accident. in addition, investigators, as part of the criminal case initiated, explain the circumstances of the road maintenance of the responsible organization. those involved in the accident also note that the road was very slippery. from the very morning, veliky novgorod and its surroundings were covered with heavy snowfall. the weather was very bad, nothing was visible. there was actually ice on the street, just ice on the road, no one sprinkled anything, no matter how strange for a federal highway,
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the toll road was blocked for several hours, the victims were evacuated by ambulances, as well as by helicopters from the center for disaster medicine and the russian ministry of emergency situations. in total , 68 specialists and 27 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the car accident. angelica queen, news. the government, on instructions from the president, who declared 2024 the year of the family, approved a plan of main activities for its implementation. and, as mikhail mishusya stated, at a meeting with deputy prime ministers, as part of this activity , it is planned to develop a strategic document that concerns demographic and family policy for the next 7 years. particular attention will be paid to issues of protecting the health of citizens, including those who are planning to become parents, support for citizens who are raising children, and assistance to parents. taking care of the younger generation has always been and remains a priority for the government.
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the development of a strategic document regarding family demographics is also envisaged. politics on perspective until 2030. at the federal level, it is planned to consolidate a unified legal status and basic social guarantees for families with many children, and also, on the instructions of the president , to extend the validity of the cash payment for the birth of a third child, which can be used to pay off the mortgage. five versions of the mobilization bill have been registered in the verkhovna rada. and according to people's deputies, the final decision will be made today. against this background, ukrainians began to en masse close bank cards and withdraw all money from their accounts, because for draft dodgers are subject to financial and property restrictions. privatbank banned all deposit transactions, fearing a collapse of the financial system, after a quarter of all clients withdrew their investments. well, a new corruption scandal is brewing in the ministry of defense itself, over the past four months, inspections within the department have revealed
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violations amounting to $260 million, while in... everyone has been raked in, there is a village nearby, everyone has been raked in, there is no one to survive, many are ready to escape by any means from the country in transcarpathia, a blogger was detained who tried cross the river to get to hungary. the water is cold, i almost drowned, in short, it’s a complete hardship. well, however, the kiev regime is clearly not going to stop; for the first time , it purchased 50,000 sets of women’s military
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uniforms. last night, ukrainian schismatics took over with force. temple in the vinnetsk region, we were pulled out of the temple by the hands and feet by the heads of the gods, and as you can see in these frames , the invaders broke out into the territory of the shrine on bulldozers, did not stand on ceremony with the parishioners, people were put out into the cold without outer clothing, the rector who tried defend the temple, beat up. the president of france today appointed a new prime minister, who became the youngest in the country's history, and this is not the only thing that distinguishes gabrier.
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the us secretary of defense has been transferred from the intensive care unit, but still feels unwell, the pentagon reported today. according to fox news, republicans in the house of representatives may introduce an impeachment resolution today and recall osten's withdrawal of the army from afghanistan, the migrant crisis at the border and last year's incident with the chinese balloon. but in the white house, however, there are no plans for his resignation, although after the hospital scandal the administration promised to conduct a review. simultaneously. it became known that osin felt severe pain on january 1 and was urgently taken by ambulance to walter reed national medical center in maryland. details of the pedil scandal involving representatives of the western elite at the villa of the late financier jeffrey epstein are on the front pages of american newspapers today. the press describes in great detail how it was
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the billionaire’s guest who preferred to spend time with underage girls. it turned out that bshtein recorded the pleasures. in the video you can easily recognize bill clinton and the brother of the british king, prince andrew. report by dmitry melnikov. the next publication on the case of, if not the largest, then the highest-ranking pedophile lodge in the world, adds details to the lifestyle of the so-called world elite. presidents, tycoons, showbiz stars and members of the royal family may appear in videos allegedly made by network organizer jeffrey epstein. all this became known from the testimony of epstein’s victim sarah rensom. she claims that there is a video of former president white clinton, prince andrew and media mogul richard branson, who can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her, she made copies of the video materials and scattered them to different corners of europe for her safety.
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other girls also reported that those guests on the caribbean island and epstein’s mansion in new york were recorded on video. who took part in these meetings, and judging by according to the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and... richard brandson, every time geoffrey made sex films. thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos that clearly show the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson having sexual intercourse with her. in 2019 , renson truthfully stated that she made up the story about the tapes to protect herself and her family. the friend’s defense insisted on this epstein socialite gisley maxwell, the only one convicted of years of molesting teenage girls. but later ransom stated that... that she was ready to testify under oath to the existence of incriminating videotapes. i can personally confirm that i have seen evidence of these sexual relationships with my own eyes. the footage clearly shows bill clinton, prince
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andrew and richard branson having sexual intercourse with my friend. a new batch of public documents contains these never-before -seen photographs of young girls on vile epstein, including a photo of sarah rensom herself, as well as a previously unknown one taken on the island. a joint shot of epstein and peter mandelsohn, then european trade commissioner and right- hand man to former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, renson claims that donald trump also had sexual relations with many of the girls supplied by epstein. the documents describe details of the former president's intimate preferences that cannot be given on air. big names: bill clinton, algor. donald trump david copperfield, michael jackson, leonardo dicaprio, cate blanchett. why? because if this name came out of his mouth, then it was in a photograph, on a plane, at a party,
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or somewhere worse. we are talking about dispersing children. were you part of this? did you know about this, did you do it? that's the only thing that matters. following this latest wave of publications, it is reported that the brother of king charles ii. and one of the main characters in the pedophile scandal, prince andrew, locked himself in a room and refuses to comment. but if scandalous videos of epstein 's friends really exist and they actually show the same people, then the second main question, after who now has these tapes, will be why this flurry of information began to be published after the us election campaign entered its critical phase. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. tonight on our channel , watch two episodes of the ninth season of the medical drama sklefosovsky at once. charismatic doctor oleg bragin is forced to leave from his beloved sklif, get a job as a surgeon in a regular clinic. but this does not mean that
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ties with the legendary medical center are completely severed. we will show the first second episode immediately after the big news. well, all the news can always be found on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. and we continue to monitor developments. stay with us. the russian economy is already ahead of the german one, this was stated by the head of the geopolitical observatory on key issues in russia , karin kneisel. the former head of the austrian foreign ministry self-isolated from toxic compatriots in st. petersburg and thereby set a trend of professional location that was unexpected for europe. ekaterina fesenko talks about this.


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