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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 9:20pm-10:26pm MSK

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look, mommy, darling, we love you very much, get well soon and don’t get into an accident again, let dad drive the car, we love you very much again, i told them that you had an accident, i just didn’t know what to say, right i did, it’s too early for him to know. really, good morning, hello, timofey igorevich, how are we doing here, let’s see, your fingers are warm, at this stage this is a very, very good sign, great news, really, ritochka, doctor.
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i didn’t feel your touch, well , i still need time for this, but what if sensitivity will not return or the beetle will not take root at all, what then? well, some people are born without arms, without legs and try to live a full life, only i had my mother’s arms, they were. so, in any case, we will believe in the best, it’s better for you to sleep now , rest, it’s time for you, she needs peace, yes , of course, thank you, i’ll come to you in the evening, i was allowed to stay with you in the room, a kiss from me.. . necessarily!
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hello, momul, hello, sons, oh, wait, wait, so sit down, boys, behaved normally , yeah, ate, yes, i had raw macaroni i opened it, okay, that’s it, apple, you’ll be washed, now.
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what's happened? how is rita? yes, she ’s changed somehow, i don’t know, maybe her earnings are because of this... i actually have the feeling that she found someone there, what are you talking about, rita loves you, we all know that perfectly well, yes , yes, well , what are you talking about, i don’t know, it’s just that for me she never dressed like that.
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so okay mamun, we'll go , there's probably some kind of event there today , he'll be back late, i still have to put the boys to bed , yeah, maybe i should go with you, no, can you handle it, yeah, come on guys, let's go, dad , with goodbye grandma, come on, come on, bye-bye, that's it. yes, where are you on the way to the hospital, hurry up, the feds want some podgrachev.
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give away three episodes of your blabla show, but i’m at least in self-led, this is not journalism, they will spend 2 hours talking about who sent whom, who slept with whom, i don’t think you need to worry about this, you’re kidding, you’re not there you're very relaxed. with you, i think that only in the next world, i will get you there, i have no doubt, okay, i’m waiting for news, good afternoon, clinic, i’m listening to you, good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to make an appointment with lille novikova in the near future, if possible? can you come over today? today, today is great, i can, yes. we'll see you in an hour. wonderful. name, anton. yes. goodbye. yes. thanks, see you.
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hello, hello, what is margarita grachova’s question about, the tv people have already come, but i’m not from tv. i was careless, and the public witnessed the operation, which i already greatly regretted, the terezen people are simply terrorizing me, and some parasite even managed to sneak into the intensive care unit, it was me, now you are
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seriously, absolutely. how i want to send you away now, but you won’t just leave anyway, yes, it’s easier to talk to me, what do you need from me, like information for everyone, answer a few questions, you won’t even have to call security, i ’ll leave you and margarita alone, respectively, what are her prospects? "we did everything possible, but it’s too early to talk about prospects, even despite the fantastic luck, you’re talking about the brush that was found, i’m talking about everything, but we were lucky that we managed to find the brush, we were lucky with zero
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temperature, if the temperature had been a little lower , the hand would have been frostbitten, a little higher, necrosis would have begun, we were lucky even with the traffic situation, if she lived a little further or if the traffic on the road was a little denser, we simply did not have time, despite all this. the chances of restoring the hand are negligible, and what do they do in such a situation , prepare for the worst, even if the hand takes root, it will function at best 20 percent, and this is not enough, listen, let’s use your example, you have two working hands . they are alive, but she has one, from which is of almost no use, as i know, there are good prostheses, but the rook needs a very good prosthesis, and if the hand does not take root,
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then she needs two very good prostheses, and let’s be honest, even if she sells her apartment, this money is still not enough that's enough, you're done. then i need to work, the last question is, what was in the polygraph results, which polygraph, which grachev passed or did not pass, i don’t know anything about it, why is he doing it, you want to completely ruin her life, i just did my job, thank you to you for your time.
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lord, hello, where have you been, i told you, i... organized the event, i’m tired, probably, sit down, eat, yes, i don’t have the strength, but i cooked dinner for us over here, didn’t you eat? i was waiting, i really don’t want to, great, where are your children? dim, and you’re smoking,
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you know i don’t smoke, what are you starting, uh-huh, why are you angry, if you have something to say, then say it, is there something you don’t like? no, i generally like everything, your job is new, i like it with these constant delays, beauty salons are yours to me you like it, so you explain to me, this is for whom you are doing everything, and for whom for yourself, well , of course, for yourself, but you don’t want to think about the family, we have two children, rita, take care of raising them, with us. sent the children to their mother and now you are a better dad, right? when was the last time you
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gave me money for them? do you want to talk to me about money? let’s talk, but for some reason, when i worked alone, they didn’t really care for you, you lived on everything ready-made and was happy, and now suddenly you don’t like something? lord, who have you become anyway? i became a parent, dim, imagine, it’s time for you to grow up too, or what? or that? let's set up a kindergarten. lilya alekseevna is ready to receive you. thank you. kind. day, anton,
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you should have guessed that anton would not be named a good person. so what do you want to talk about? about us, about the fact that i don’t want to get a divorce. why, mark, you were right, you don’t need a wife with an eternally dissatisfied face. “i’m very sorry that i said that then, i wanted to hurt you, that’s it, that ’s your whole point, to hurt everyone, but that’s not even the point, you never asked what i want, i don’t know what you want.” but i don’t want to live like this anymore, great, me too, so
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give me a chance to fix everything, i need you, it’s funny, very funny, our family is falling apart, what’s so funny about that, i didn’t know, what do you need before i leave . i want to go away for the new year, what if we go together, without laptops, without phones, without work, what do you say? “i’ll say that i really want to go with you, but, but i need to finish
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the material, here it is again, no, no, this is different, i already understood that, mark, you have to go, i need to get ready for the next one patient, with the one who gave lily for lily"? it’s none of your business. i understand , but i know that i rarely told you this, i love you, may the new year come and
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success with joy, and we will provide you with 40 years, and that mom has nothing on the table, three pickled cucumbers, bring mom something hot, there will be everything at once, appetite, mood, and a holiday for the soul, but you won’t remember this, the new year is just a rehearsal, now the old new year is already. .. full house, old new year, premiere on saturday on rtr, i want to go to college, what college is this, for philanthropy, oh, my god, throw it away, start, say that
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you have cheat sheets, i need to do it, i really need to, you know, friends, one believes in fairy tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no greev, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, married, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, everything? all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, great hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me,
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another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on me from above, one bullet. is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry herself, but she takes this kurba to the villages, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr.
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rita. mom, what happened? i visited the head physician, they offer us to take part in a television program, and he advises us to agree,
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mom, why do we need this? we need publicity, well, journalists will come to you, interview you, then i will go to the program and tell everything how it happened. well, what do you say, rita, mom, no, i don’t want it if the children see this, what will it be like for them to find out that their father is a sadist, sooner or later they will find out anyway , the later the better, they definitely don’t need everyone around discussing our life. “daughter , understand, they can help us, with lawyers, with
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a prosthesis and with rehabilitation, this is our chance, what a chance, mom, who even watches these programs, i hope that they are kind and caring people.” "mom, no, i want to show everyone an expert what your son-in-law did to your daughter. attention, this is still a very...some photo, if you had seen a photo of your right hand, and this is after the doctors they sewed on margarita’s hand, this
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hand was cut into small pieces, if not for the doctors of the seventy-first hospital, as i understand it, a simply unique operation was performed, good evening, good, your order, the operation was complicated by what, as you can see, was a few stern, thank you. goodbye, goodbye, let's listen to margarita , she is a very courageous girl, that's what she said, attention, at the beginning of the relationship he was like this, no, but what he was like, well, he never beat me, nothing like that happened, he just saying... "you know, if we we agree, then this is forever, perhaps, already in those moments there were fears that he might
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behave somehow inappropriately, at some periods it seemed to me that he was not a very adequate person, well, i was scared and, especially at that time, i didn’t work, but with us..." the children were simply scared to separate, what kind of person he is, inadequate, i just wanted it to be somehow adequate, we lived together, we have two children, it was possible to get a divorce, but not like that , how do you feel now, what? i want to do it, it’s possible, but it doesn’t work out, i want to there are no hands, but overall it’s in more or less
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good condition, great. wow, i thought, you won’t remember, my best friend could have warned you, i could have, if you had answered your calls, i was a stunner, yes, yes, yes, tell me that, divorce from matt, we haven’t divorced yet , oh, never mind, i ’m on your side anyway, why are you looking like a prograchev, i’m not writing, that’s what dmitry wrote. attention to the screen. i am sending this message en masse to my family and friends. god knows that i didn’t want to do this, but to endure betrayal and betrayal
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father's constant lies. a person close to me, as i thought at that time, i simply could not, i apologize to you all, i am who i am, forgive me, that’s what the neighbors say about him, he had a very good image in the eyes of others, attention, yes normal an ordinary guy, calm, of course he did it too, well, it was probably his ear that fell off, what did he do, cut off his wife’s hands, why, did you know that prosthetics cost three pounds? - i guessed, wow, that’s three times, once every 3
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years, it turns out to be easy all my life. to plow on prosthetics, although how to plow if you no, funny, yeah, i transferred the money to her , of course, but my wife will tear my balls off, why, she will tear them off, i don’t know, her politics are such that it’s okay, you have three children, you have a mortgage, why do you need anything to the young man transfer money, well, she somehow needs it more, but why didn’t you transfer it? come back, open it!
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and son, how are you? yes, it’s normal, like in a five-star hotel. i
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brought you some food, they said they’ll check everything and give it back to you, thank you, son, say something, what should i say? tell me everything will be fine, yes everything will be fine ok, forgive me, i’m just worried about you, don’t, mom, everything’s fine, i ’ve thought of everything, i’ll get out of here soon, i promise you.
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a beautiful, elegant young woman came to see me. zero prick at me, your eyes are cool, you walked with your knees, teasing, they say, make big bets, you’ve already been to me, oleshka, where are you going, let’s go, i invite you to dance, white dance, guys, glad to see you, how
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are you? great, you see, it’s nice to hear , but you don’t ask, one thing now, then a crisis, then problems, then children’s health, but we have everything wonderful. how many years, how much strength, but not so much , only 4 years, but how did you leave, we never saw each other, they say you came, but i didn’t even know, yes, oleg’s father had health problems, extensive heart attack, i didn’t leave his side for 2 months, didn’t see anyone, but now he’s like, better now, he came out, they
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are wonderful old people, i love them very, very much, bear, what fates, and that’s how they invited you to the anniversary, to moscow for a long time, but for 2 days. i don’t think this moscow of yours is too small for me, are you like in this evil capital? misha, we have everything is just wonderful, right from the first day we arrived and everything was immediately wonderful, oleg moved his business here, everything is working out, we rented such an apartment, if you’ve seen such people in tashkend, it’s just not a pity, let’s go dance, let’s go, don’t you miss the sun? i miss the sun, the only thing i’m missing is our tashkent sun, but we’ll soon go to california to visit friends, we’ll warm up there, i’m glad for you, you ’re fine, waiting for the third, wow,
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what you guys are great, well, i’m spinning, vanity, pleasant vanity, well, in general, yes, you don’t need to raise your voice at me, but i can hear everything perfectly well, guys, i’m telling you, i can’t do it so quickly, i need at least a few, okay, i understand, yes i understand.
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what happened and it’s stuffy here and you’re drinking? yes, cognac, i highly recommend it, well done, i’m driving, but mentally i’m with you, oh, my toast is ripe, i can’t, as you’re used to, drink without toast, i’m sad, i’m sad amirov, the best doctor who took my wife with me she brought the first born into the family home, and then told the whole city, if you decide to give birth, call an ambulance. samirova, yes, anyone brought me quickly, yes, anyone, we, give us the best team with the best doctor, but i’m not tired, maybe we’ll go , you’ll get home, and you didn’t try
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to get a job with the doctor, no, i have complete garbage with citizenship, so i fought, fought, then spat, yes we don’t have to work with this, but everything will be fine, i talked to the guys, they will get her a russian passport, and fortunately i still had time in tashkent. mishan, excuse me, we’ll leave already, but be happy, come on, old man, i was glad, happy, yes, we were in trouble when the best personnel from medicine stole johns to businessmen, nothing yourself, you were leaving, didn’t hear, he’s expecting a third child, i’m happy for them, tashken wanted, like you did from work, it won’t be possible to rush off to the old people for a week, i don’t think so, it seems to me that now is the most ideal time for you and me. .. he said that everything is fine with me, the main thing is not to put it off, i think we just need to finish with rented apartments, let’s take a mortgage, buy an apartment,
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shut up, please, yes, i said that i will solve this issue. a few days, no need to threaten me, yes, okay, next week at the latest. what's happened? we're in trouble. i'll do what i can for you. sorry. when did all this
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start? a month ago, i didn’t want to tell you, i’ll break through, and how much you owe, it ’s your own fault, they told me, they warned me, don’t get involved with these banks, there are dashing guys there, i didn’t take the money for a fun life, i wanted to increase the turnover for development, i would have succeeded if this crisis... these damn banks were the first to fall, i say, guys, give me time, increase the percentage, just give me time, they don’t even want to listen, and what you you think, i collected everything, i gave everything away, there were crumbs and tears left, if only i had an apartment, i would have pawned everything and paid it off, but at least hang myself. nika, they are threatening me, seriously
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threatening me, wait, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, we are sure to do something, yes, whatever we come up with, well, that’s what, i’m telling you , i collected everything, cleaned everything, from whom i could, i borrowed it, the amount was nonsense, 30,000 dollars, thirty. bucks, well, it’s funny, i can’t get it from anywhere, i don’t need any drops, don’t calm me down, why don’t you understand what kind of shit i’ve gotten myself into, come on you sleep a little, and we ’ll definitely come up with something. we think, it doesn’t happen, so...
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i won’t forget the card, thank you, good afternoon, i would like to know the balance with it, money, how much? want to rent? sorry, can i go minus? no, girl, you have a debit card, get a credit card from us, then go wherever you want. can i get a loan right now? personal income tax certificate 2, an extract from the accounting department for the current year, a copy of the passport with registration, go to the credit department, write an application, here’s how you can do it without certificates, i'm only 2 days old, go to the credit department , girl, next, thank
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you, hello, "hello, i would like to return a fur coat, show me, this is how much it should cost you, i would like to consult, the fact is that it is very expensive thing, but i urgently need money, i could reduce it to 200 dollars, wait, well, this is a mink coat and a well-known company, look, my husband brought it to me from milan from haute couture fashion week, your husband bought this log at the cherkizovsky market, well and the men are fooling us, i won’t take it, sorry.
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hello, i need to estimate how much it might cost, jewelry, we accept a canopy, look at the table, this is an original work, look at the stone, we accept a canopy for the price of metal, what should i do, i need money, but i know he... “take the newspaper, look, maybe someone needs what you have, now, by the way, they take old furniture very well, do you have it, no, well, then rent out the apartment, my husband and i rent an apartment ourselves, i’m pleased that in front of
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me is not just a good doctor, but a real man, come work for me as a deputy, this is like a knife in the back, okay"?
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and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, tomorrow at the rta, i’m 40 years old and i ’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new mother, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms , decent women, want to get to know me better, please, don’t give up so easily,
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admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood right now novels, i can’t...return your sympathy? yes, no, i have no feelings for you sympathy. lyosha, who is this? this is alexey's legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. are you used to it? because the video on the network has stopped working, we install it, open it, watch it. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, caregiver required,
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excellent, everything you need, brilliant, wonderful. yes, good evening, i'm answering an advert, do you need a nurse for a sick person? required, where are you from? in what sense exactly, you muscovites or do i need to register? no, registration is not needed, but the point is that i need money in advance for 2 years. are you women crazy or are you kidding me? more? don’t call, no, you need something different
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, you need to talk about money at the end, hello , i’m listening, don’t be silent, good evening, i’m following an advertisement, it says here that you need a live-in au pair to care for a sick person , well... i wanted to know what it means with accommodation, it means you will live in her room, she needs a permanent care, and why is your relative sick , but she’s not sick, she’s just driven the old woman out of her mind, and how much are you willing to pay for it , we’ll agree, but i can’t pay a lot , accommodation plus food, everything is ready, when i can drive up to you, to discuss the terms of the contract, last name?
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what is this? hello! hello! are you early today? didn't i make you angry? no. let's go find out already. i'm not hungry. well, stop it, your
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stomach has spoiled, who will be better off from this, i ’m telling you as a doctor, especially since today we have cheesecakes with raisins, they’re all fluffy like you love, i can’t fit a piece into my mouth, i can’t, well, stop, don’t , you see what state i’m in now, i beg you, please , don’t panic, i’ll think of something , i actually already thought of it, i just need to a little time, we don’t have this time , let’s talk more about this today, but what else can we talk about, i can’t think of anything else, let alone talk, i’m sorry, it’s blowing my mind, it’s okay, i lost my temper with the secretary today you, but i’m not offended, i love you, they say in joy in grief, i’ll go and lie down.
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hello, veronica, yes, you advertised, yes, it was me who advertised, tell me, are you
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really a doctor, yes, i can show you a diploma document. work book, i worked in an ambulance, but why are you not satisfied with working in a medical institution? the fact is that my circumstances are such that i urgently need money, and i would like to receive a fairly large advance amount. are you registered in moscow? no, where are you registered? are you coming? i’m from tashkent, i’m russian from tashkent, my husband and i rent an apartment here, we need money to... repay the debt , you have been living in moscow for a long time, 4 years, where you worked all this time, nowhere, your husband earned good money, 1.0 dollars a month will suit you, yes, but i would like to receive the amount in advance, come , we’ll discuss the details when we meet, write down the address, i’ll write it down, dictate, tulskaya 15, 164.
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bad, can you help? yes, where can i wash my hands, be here please, in the morning i complained about the heaviness in my chest, now i’m choking, i don’t know, maybe i should call an ambulance, but wait a minute, uh-huh, here please, hurry up, please speak, take it, yes, good afternoon, my name is veronica,
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what’s bothering you, stomach, what? yes, just like i ate, after half an hour i felt worse , something, a heart attack, or something, again, what did you eat, cutlets with stewed cabbage, cabbage is not for you, show me exactly where it hurts, somewhere here, shoulder gives away, no, like, his neck. no, what about the ambulance, call, no, the pulse is good, the heart is also fine, i think this is an exacerbation of gastritis, now we will remove it, but in the future you need to be careful, nothing spicy, fatty, i think it’s stewed cabbage, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, cabbage is no longer allowed,
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hell, such a hodgepodge. prepared the aroma throughout the apartment. adachka is your wife, deceased, as she died, there was no order in the house, that’s right, let’s be careful, what’s your name? veronica, or just nika. it seems better, you have good hands. and the voice is good. why didn’t other doctors say anything about cabbage? maybe it's not cabbage. what cutlets did you eat? excellent,
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lamb. yesterday i brought this from the supermarket, unfortunately, you can’t have lamb cutlets either, but how do you know, are you a nutritionist, or what? in general, in what area is the doctor? therapist, therapist, how do you know? okay, go, i want to rest, yeah, but don’t leave. how is he? i gave him an enveloping agent to relieve irritation, to calm down the pain, he is already better, the pain was quite
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acute, but i hope without consequences, well, that ’s good, otherwise we are tired of calling an ambulance, he refuses the hospital, what is it, yours documentation? no, nikolai grigorievich’s extract after the last hospitalization. i wanted to see if, well then, let’s go into the room, why are we standing here? pavel, we need to discuss the terms of the contract, you have your passport with you, pavel, meet me, this is veronica, she is a doctor, pavel nikolaevich, veronica, you can, just nika, if it’s convenient for you, we’ll sit down at the table. so, nika, i want to outline the scope of your responsibilities so that there are no misunderstandings later, well, i’m not needed here, i probably am, pavel, you will correct me if i
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forget something, yes, dear, the main thing is the health of nikolai grigorievich , then home, i i work a lot, i am an architect, a designer, my husband is also at work all day, he is a professor. “children, denis is at the institute , alena is at school, so most often there is no one at home , you will have a lot of free time, you just need to walk the dog, and it is advisable to do this when we are at home, under no circumstances should you leave your grandfather alone, remember this , this is the main condition on which i insist, food, money for food will be given daily, we eat modestly, but..." it is desirable that there is always breakfast , dinner in the house, and, of course, lunch for nikolai grigorievich, cleaning, but you yourself understand, it seems that’s all, pavel, i didn’t
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miss anything, i just wanted to add that on weekends the children and i would also like to have lunch, oh, my god, that’s already clear, you will be allocated a room , small but very cozy, former office of adelaide timofeevna. denis, will you finally stop, or turn it down, my head is pounding, now your conditions are mine, i would like to receive money for 2 and a half years in advance. as you said, 2 years to a year in advance, but this is generally unheard of, yes i’m seeing you for the first time, shut up, pavel , we’ll discuss this, let the person tell you, i understand that
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my conditions, they seem a little strange, but i have circumstances, i’ll work it out, honestly, i’ll work it out, i’d like to believe, not leaves, everything is fine here, one more small question, tell me, will i have weekends, evenings at least, well, great, just great, what if my father gets sick, you won’t be around, what if he has the same attack as today , then for that kind of money you also get a weekend, calm down, pavel, please without being harsh, if i’m free in the evening, i could... replace it, but it’s difficult to decide in advance, wait a minute, my husband and i need to discuss some details,
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but where it comes from... it’s difficult for myself, i’m not participating, pavel, sit down, i don’t know anything, you’re all crazy, what’s for domrabo? you are too coolly dressed, these are your things, mine, and what are your assumptions that i robbed the previous owners? come in teka, yeah, uh, nika, do you have your passport with you? yes, you can, a diploma, a work book is required, thank you, sit down, thank you, we wrote something here, this
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of course it’s a formality, but you understand that we are taking a big risk, it says here that we are giving you a loan of 30,000 dollars for 2.5 years, in what sense is it a loan, a loan is a form of agreement, we are giving you 30,000 in debt, and for this you work for us as a nurse and housewife, well... naturally, if your father’s premature death occurs, you will be obliged to return the money back to us. i’ll keep your documents with me for now, just in case, you won’t need them, you ’ll live on everything ready, and of course, we can terminate the contract at any moment by demanding your money back. and here comes the money. so do you agree, or do you need
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to think, maybe you need to consult with someone, i agree, great, well, when can you move to us, tomorrow, tomorrow, well then go. thank you, i’ll be with you tomorrow morning, what time is convenient for you for me to arrive? well, the sooner the better, but with argon we usually go for a walk at 7 in the morning, with whom? with argon. that's our dog's name. happy
10:25 pm
birthday waka, valentina telechkina, frankly about the secret, in kindergarten i i sang the song, and i’m small , neat, and, of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that... i had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single affair, or rather one, which is for a long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is my huge loss, i won’t leave yet, i’m still with him i talk all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, my first in 10 years, fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday,


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