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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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this was hidden on purpose. everyone around the minister had the opportunity to think about what the steps should be, who they should notify and what the protocol would be. you can be lenient if something like this happens and you don't want the public to know about it, but they haven't told anyone if anyone has lost austin, that's the first question. nobody was looking for a defense minister. the second question, no one felt that this should be told to joe, the commander in chief. the commander-in-chief was not looking for austin. this chronology is amazing.
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therefore, i decided to put pressure on the enemy’s shortcomings. in his first official campaign speech, sleepy joe woke up and said that trump is a threat to american democracy, that he does not care about the future of us citizens, especially those citizens who voted for biden in the last election. by the way, there were 81 million of them. the best strategy if you can't attract voters is to scare them into revolution. biden remembered the storming of the capitol and named it. the darkest day in american history, the culprits are as always trump and the evil republicans now portray donald in the democratic-controlled media as intimidating, here he is on the cover of the new yorker. in the air force uniform hung with ranks, the united states marches militantly into the twenty-fourth year. the left hand is thrown up, if we discard a couple of historical inaccuracies and understand the hint, but the main threat to democracy and freedom in the united states is biden himself. and his administration
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is becoming difficult to hide this even for right-wing publications. the washington post reports that in the wake of the capitol attack, a frightened biden government arrested 1,200 people, more than half of them received real prison sentences, and not only for participating in the so-called assault, which was actually a peaceful protest. according to the publication, one of the former leaders of the proud boys movement is enrique.
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they are watching very closely both in china and in the usa. prance 24 reports that the elections will affect not only the fate of rebel island, but beijing's relations with washington. well... this is not the only problem. this year elections will be held in 68 countries, more than 4 billion people will take part in them, this is more than half population of the globe. and the main question on american television now is whether democracies on the planet will collapse? following them is american dominance. the forecasts are disappointing. a washington post columnist on msnbc said the age of democracy is over. dark times are coming, led by putin and sizenpin.
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what is poison? white supremacy? just a few days ago, we marked the third
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anniversary of one of the darkest days in american history, january 6th. the day insurrectionists stormed the united states capitol states, trying for the first time in american history to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
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it's the start of a new year and for everyone in the united states, that means we're at the start of the election race. we have never seen voters so dissatisfied with the candidates who are going to lead them. this familiar face is already dominating every aspect of the presidential race. they are fully coordinating this in washington because i am leading this process. when i return to the white house on day one, our country will be back. to a foreign policy that puts interests.
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yatal sweet, as he is called in the yellow newspapers, look, purely a fashion model, barefoot on the bank of the hay, with a bag of roses and newspapers, previously with... a sexy, barefoot man served as the minister of national education, showing by personal example that young people in the fifth republic there is a road everywhere, and the road is through the bed. gabriel is 34, so he really is the youngest head of government in french history. well, the main thing must be considered his achievements, that the prime minister is also the first openly gay man. doubted that coming out was forced and did not happen at the will of gabriel himself, his
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secret passion for men was revealed, as they say by inertia, following the revelations of the head of the ministry of transport, clement beaune, who 2 years ago admitted that he was also a homosexual. french political observers are confident that it was sexual orientation that became the decisive argument for macron when he was deciding on a successor for... now about the bed: it, as you understand, was tolerant, but that is, gabriel had to to sleep with a high-ranking man , an official, and not with a woman, in the end he really fell in love with the man, the common-law husband of the new prime minister, here he is, stéphane sejournet, macron’s personal adviser, who led his election campaign and could persuade him to... a turn high-profile reshuffles in
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the government, the minister of health has already resigned, the minister of transport is leaving, so born’s resignation is quite expected, she was called perhaps the most unpopular politician, now only macron himself has a worse reputation, born, the author of that very antisocial, notorious pension reform.
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which the nationalist party marine lepen can win. in the twenty-second year , macron's centrist renaissance party had already lost its majority. well, now, according to polls, slepen’s national union is ahead of the presidential team by 10%. well, against this background, the head of the ministry of finance, bruno lemaire, promised that the most difficult thing for the french economy is still ahead. france's national debt is now approaching 114.
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the prime minister remained low-key over the weekend amid rumors of her potential resignation. rumors about her resignation appeared after macron's speech. over the past months, despite criticism, we have achieved some success, and i especially want to thank madam prime minister for this. perhaps he wants to survive it all until the end of the european elections or the start of the olympic games. relations with the president are cold and tense, he no longer supports her,” said one of the president’s advisers. many are talking about gabriel attal as a potential candidate for the post; this young
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minister is only 34 years old and could become the youngest prime minister of france. he is loved by the media, people have a high opinion of him and he is in second place among the favorites after former prime minister edouard philippe. is this choice justified? this is a tragedy. tragedy? that’s right, he, of course, is young and loyal to the authorities, but he is not ready to carry out the tasks that will be required of him. he hasn't. remained in the country during his meteoric political rise. more than two years ago, another macron supporter, transport minister clément beaune, admitted in an interview that he is gay. however, gabriel ottal did not openly talk about his personal life. instead , the young minister watched belodnya talk about his homosexuality, says his lawyer, juan branca. branco, who is
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a gay activist, wrote in his book that the thirty-four-year-old politician has been in a relationship with the deputy for several years. european parliament member stéphane séjournet. commenting on what happened, attal said that this does not interfere with his sleep. social networks, a treasure trove for anonymous attacks. i am often insulted there, especially because of my homosexuality, - atal states. at the same time, he added that he was already accustomed to such violence, but added that accepting his homosexuality turned out to be much more difficult for his family, mother and ten-year-old younger brother, despite the fact that the politician accepted his sexual orientation, he is not at all ready to pose with his lover for... i understand that homosexuality is part of his life, and i think that this is one of his qualities due to which the president of france can choose him. emmanuel macron's passion is emancipation, then there is the idea that a person should be free, should freely build his life, freely make choices, including in his personal life. that is why macron took so many
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measures, so to speak, in social legislation. that's why gabrielle, thanks to her sexy. breathed new life into cardigans. gabriel ottal is fashionable and talented, he makes something new out of something old, it's ultra fashionable and irreligious. gabriel oddal combines fashion and secularism. if gabriel ottal is appointed to the post, he will be the youngest prime minister of the republic and the first
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openly gay man, he embodies the momentum, the dynamics and the courage that we definitely need, the official says. wild sex scandals continue to unfold in the united states. an american court has published another set of documents that contain incriminating evidence in the case of the financier and probable owner of the pedophile island, jeffrey stein. these are e-mails of testimony. they targeted, of course, trump, who was seen more than once in ibstein’s company. the names of those with whom the depraved business tycoon did business. in total, epstein's list is about. 200 contacts, some of which are still being kept secret, since not all of them are directly related to the accusations, while the names already revealed are striking, including bill clinton, for example, prince andrew. sky news reports that the new batch of documents contains email correspondence between one of epstein's victims, sarah renson , and a journalist who at the time worked for
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the new york post. in these letters, sarah claims that ipstein was secretly filming. video shows a british prince and a former us president having sex with girls and young women, while earlier both prince andrew and bill clinton denied any suspicions of vicious relationships. the recordings were made in order to blackmail clients with them on occasion, standard pimp practice. the younger brother of the king of england reacted to the news like an adult, locking himself in his room and not going outside. however, earlier andrew. having already been deprived of honorary military titles and royal patronages due to a scandal with sexual accusations, it turned out that a member of the august family was a rapist and regularly participated in orgies with minors. while the prince's name had previously been mentioned in connection with epstein's island, bill clinton's appearance on the shameful list was a revelation to
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the public. the ex-us president's friendship with a sex offender was... a piquant character, the late pedophile visited the white house many times, took the president on his private jet, and even hung a portrait of clinton dressed in a blue woman's dress and red shoes in his manhattan home. jeffrey himself said about clinton that he, quote, loves him young. in addition to the scandalous president, we visited the abode of evil eifstein singer michael jackson and vice president al gore. again. this is just the beginning; it’s scary to imagine what epstein could have told if he hadn’t hanged himself in his cell in 1919, or if he hadn’t been hanged.
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and that it took more than 10 years for their names to be officially released, with thousands of other documents still to come, as
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previously reported, former president bill clinton's name appears more than fifty times in published documents, with one victim testifying, she said efstein admitted that clinton, i quote, loved young people, in the documents he is joined by former president donald trump, whom epstein, i quote, often invited on trips to atlantic city, a lawyer. shovets, who, of course, admitted that he knew epstein as his consultant, but denied all wrongdoing. and he’s here too, former modeling agent jean-luc brunel. he was found dead in his apartment during the trial. on other sex trafficking charges in 2022. singer michael jackson and musician david copperfield were both seen by witnesses at epstein's homes. and of course, prince andrew of the british royal family. the names of hollywood stars are also mentioned.
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the affidavit details the meeting, mentioning that he was a regular visitor, but again, it is important to note that this victim is different from the one mentioned on those tapes, and above all , these statements do not mean that the above mentioned individuals are guilty of any or crimes, do you think all this will affect the elections in usa, on the democrats' chances in the us elections, i don't think so, because at the moment biden is so compromised when it comes to just... as he says, everyone, no matter right or left, looks at biden and thinks that he is not fit to be president, and it doesn’t matter what they say about trump, because trump supporters will always think, okay, you just
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use... where are we moving forward, what are the goals, where are the results, successes? yes, colleagues, good evening, in fact, let’s just say where we are going specifically, it’s quite difficult, because now along the entire line of combat contact the initiative remains with the armed forces of our country,
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there is advance everywhere, somewhere... the enemy, we found there the bodies of dead ukrainian military personnel, who were not once occupied by strong points, lines when they entered to the liberated territories, were evacuated and were not transferred to the list of not just the dead, even the missing, that is, they were listed as those who continue to serve, so as for 215 thousand losses - this figure is the most minimal of those that can be, the initiative rests with our
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troops... now along the entire line of combat contact it remains, in principle, in the donetsk direction , our main attention remains in the artyomovsk direction , our advance in recent days has received special attention towards the kharkov direction, you said about kharkov, if you read literally all western newspapers, they threaten ukraine with a general russian offensive on kharkov almost on january 15, what? there on this direction is now happening 6 days before our general offensive, if you believe the western press, well, our western press, in principle, likes to name some dates, name some exact data, the question is where they get it from, but as for kharkov directions, i think that the main attention from the western press is focused there in view of our active work of high-precision weapons on the locations
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of enemy forces in ... places of deployment of personnel of western, again, instructors and curators who have equipment warehouses there, and most likely they assume that this is some kind of artillery barrage, but again we must not forget that from the western side, i beg your pardon, from the kharkov direction there is a massive work of ukrainian nato weapons on. .. to the civilian sector, people are constantly under fire and this is also work to suppress enemy firing points, and most likely the western press perceives this work as artillery preparation before some kind of offensive, but it’s clear that the western press cannot know the plan of our general staff, and this is fortunate, this is thank god, well , again, we start from the fact that in the kharkov direction our troops did not stop the offensive
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throughout... of this period, and even when the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive was going on in the kharkov direction, our troops systematically improved their positions, liberated territories, occupied more and more new positions, including recapturing them from the enemy, so if we talk about kharkov and about the offensive, it did not stop there in principle. so, kharkov is already january 15, monday, let them wait and be afraid. thank you very much, war correspondent, georgy medvedev. direct communication front line. ask. well, this is the twenty-fourth year, indeed, humanity is holding big elections. and he actually conducts them in the conditions of a world war. and this means that the people in the elections will evaluate the effectiveness of the actions of their authorities in the conditions of this grandiose world conflict. and if in russia we are seeing real consolidation.


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