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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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and so to speak, election speech , never, by the way, zelensky, never ukraine and zelensky, it’s just true, and he’s 43, that is, this is the second black spider, which is, well, terrible for biden, but how to drag this spider into prison the framework is also not very clear yet, that is, these two calls or two spiders are the horror of day and night for the old president, and by the way, zelensky, look, he also changes his appearance, we know two images , two classic images of zelensky in quotes, the first jumping funny bunny. a young, so to speak, universal pianist there and so on, the classics, so to speak , are alive, the second, last year - this is a faded look at the sharply aged glassy gaze of last year of a guy in a green t-shirt, yesterday's interview with economist zelensky, look, some new ones have appeared, whether conscious or unconscious, not i know, new elements have appeared, throwing two hands up, a raised chin , an exalted rush of speech, that is , add y... and german speech, well, just
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a little fuhr, a little adolf, i don’t know, consciously or not, i’m even scared it’s even scary to think about what the fourth image will be, well, wait and see, against this background, of course, this bald german chancellor makes me happy, well, how in 2 years did he manage to not only drive the thriving german economy of the leader of europe into a recession of -05 over the past year percent increase, but also to actually organize with your own hands ... blocking these preferential subsidies on diesel fuel for farmers, organizing these, so to speak, tractor manure riots, which today are already outgrowing, was actually announced on january 15 the date of this nationwide german strike is during this systemic crisis, and we must keep in mind that germany is 25.5% of the gdp of the entire european union, january russia to kharkov, and german farmers to berlin, quite rightly, with manure and tractors.
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very symbolic, yes, you are right, and in fact this means that a chain reaction, because germany, of course, is the leading economy, even it is putting at least 14 european countries into recession, so yes, that is, well, scholz’s love for zelensky is simply not has boundaries, it is some kind of unearthly, inhuman a feeling that drives its citizens below the economic plinth, all for the sake of zelensky , all the reasons are well understood, and of course, if we sum up all these images, we still turn to russia and yesterday’s small miracle that vladimirovich did for an eight-year-old girl, and so to say, having fulfilled her new year's wish, so to speak, by sending her to baikal, of course, the image of russia arises as a huge baikal, the deepest, purest in the world, which gives both small russian citizens, all of us and strength, confidence, bright hope, very beautiful, as for ours...
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they say that the current stalemate globally is in russia's favor. russian forces dug in behind a veritable fortress of tank obstacles, minefields and other fortifications. propagandists report that the russian army is winning the war, but is attrition. this is how ukrainian militants are being horrified by the fpv drones of the donetsk sparta battalion. and this is already.
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the russian army supposedly has no success there, while our units continue to successfully advance in the kharkov region, like this fighters of the west group of troops destroyed ukrainian uav operators in the kupinsky direction and covered them under the nose with an automatic mortar. this armed forces officer from odessa was more fortunate
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to be abandoned by his commanders in the kupinsk region. he managed to reach the positions of the russian military and surrender. like we have. they were conducting, shelling began there, something like that, one of the mourners shouted retreat or something like that, in the end the mourners disappeared, we don’t know where, what, where to go, we saw that they were shouting, well, we heard , or rather, we’ve already started to give up, we didn’t know whether they were ours or russians. i didn’t care, they accepted me normally , i definitely didn’t want to fight, well, in principle, of our people who came also didn’t say they wanted to, they’re not
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eager to fight, and those who visited the krynki, a shot from the so-called bridgehead of the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank of the dnieper , the bodies of ukrainian dead are everywhere, the krynki have turned into a mass grave for them, the american cnn writes that the mood in ukraine is increasingly gloomy, the country has a budget deficit, vysu is suffering huge losses, and western aid is now running out. in kyiv, they probably decided that the loss of the abrams would further weaken the us desire to help. as a result , american tanks sit idle in the rear for months instead of participating in battles; they are filmed in such videos for social networks. chop, i know, let's lower it. the chief correspondent for the wallstreet journal, yaroslav trofimov , writes in his book that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , zaluzhny, wanted to carry out the crimean offensive back in the twenty-second year, the americans did not approve of the adventure, they feared a possible failure and dire consequences, but the consequences
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counter-offensive 2023 is no less terrifying, in order to make up for losses, glad is trying to pass a mobilization law, as nardev said.
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mobilization in odessa, military commissars stop in these frames, the so-called transport trolleybuses, buses and minibuses, grab male passengers, people are ready to do anything to escape from ukraine. region, the sbu detained a judge who helped men leave the country for money. he managed to issue exit permits to more than a thousand people liable for military service. in these frames, a blogger from transcarpathia, who tried to swim across the tisza to get to hungary, but ended up in the hands of the border guards. this is the hungarian border across the river. i tried to swim today. the water is cold, i almost drowned. in short, it’s a complete joke, january 7th. let's.
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usa washington will not be able to supply ukraine with missiles for patriot systems for a long time. the shortage of anti-aircraft ammunition is recognized in the air forces of the ukrainian armed forces. one thing you need to understand is that today ukraine depends on the supply of western weapons, i mean anti-aircraft guided missiles. ukraine spent a lot the stock of those missiles that were available for those three attacks. one is quite powerful, then weaker with the use of fewer air attack weapons, but still.
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kiev is also running out of money; it is guaranteed to only last until march, said getmansov, head of the verkhovna rada committee on finance. while the united states and the european union cannot agree on new tranches, london promises to continue to help ukraine. but now it’s not as long as it takes, but exactly 3 years, the head of the country’s foreign ministry, david, announced this in the british parliament cameron. weapons and the military-industrial complex, ukraine is simply wonderful for manufacturers , this is where i think, 90% of the real problem is there, it was all in their interests, and i, by the way, say this without cynicism.
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it's your job to look for enemies. the war in ukraine is a bonanza for the military-industrial complex, and it is an absolute bloody disaster. well, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, this is how putin described his impression of chukotka at a meeting with the residents of anador. this. the president's first visit to the peninsula, this is what it looks like, for example: putin's transport, the so-called snow and swamp all-terrain vehicle, the name of the all-terrain vehicle of domestic production is appropriate, it is called a predator , the president said that in russia there is now minimal unemployment and, on the contrary , there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel, he said that he is glad that we have in our country becomes fashionable.
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the president promised to deal with all cases of bureaucratic delays, said that all the needs of the special operation are fully funded, and the situation with vacations is being corrected right now. but putin just said that all people with weapons in their hands who defend russia should be on equal terms. this also applies to former militias in donbass. vacations after being wounded, well... as far as i know, this situation is being corrected, and people have
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the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it should not disappear in the next 6 months a person must receive the right to take vacation for the current 6 months for the previous ones, this rule is already in the ministry of defense. if there are any, i regularly communicate with the guys on vkontakte and by phone, as you saw, i went to the hospital there, and before - after the new year, i directly met with officers and soldiers and invited them directly from the front line, i often communicate during awards , the problem was mentioned, but as far as i understand... it is being solved now, however, i will still pay attention to this and talk
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about vacations, so that everything is regular here, payment deadlines for these payments, well , you specifically have these problems with payments from you or one of your colleagues there, well, in principle, yes, in principle, my payment came, well, after four or five months, i don’t remember before there was a delay, yes. there are people who, since the beginning of february '23, have not yet been wounded, are you in contact with these people? yes, vkontakte, can you give me information about them? yes i can. please pass it on okay. okay, we’ll just use specific examples then, i will instruct the leadership of the ministry of defense to understand, using specific examples, where the failure occurs. okay, so you you see, there are
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no issues with material and financial support for everything that happens in the zone. everything is financed. for understanding, just briefly, putin is 100 km from alaska, from america, and the chief of the pentagon there is in the hospital, unconscious, the army is bloodless, all this means something, but with the wbo you know, you know, it’s not about what’s there the army is drained of blood, although i must tell you that, of course, in the american chain of command osin occupies second place
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after the president, then they have such a chain of command, and you yourself saw their president such. headquarters, they have no basis. so, about austin, why are the congressmen so excited, this is not the first time, by the way, they are excited because so many in the united states want to. review the procedure for making and implementing a decision to use nuclear weapons, in the usa - the process of using nuclear weapons, it is of course classified, but something is known: two stages: the decision-making process, by the way , you mentioned there, a black suitcase, they call it soccer ball, well i won't talk about our system, and they - in
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this football sword there are several plans for the use of nuclear weapons, here is the first stage -
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at the rate after othergate, he was, well, as they say, not in a very adequate state, he was drinking. sleschenger, by his order of oknsh and stratcom, gave orders not to carry out any orders of the president, without reporting to him, that is, in fact, he interfered in the decision-making process, i think, now, taking into account, so to speak, well, biden, of course, he did not, doesn't drink.
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chance, what are we supposed to do? you know, i i think, of course, as a military man , i admit any options, but i’m still not a supporter of the use of nuclear weapons, because well, despite the fact that we’re all going to heaven, i somehow don’t really want to, right away, especially , so to speak, people are no longer of my generation, but much younger, but simply to neutralize, twist the command, there is no need for a nuclear bomb? no, you know, of course you can twist, but still let’s prove our advantage on the battlefield, and i must, now returning to our... special military operation and what the minister of defense said yesterday at a conference call, cited figures for losses of 215,000, by the way,
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gerashchenko, a former adviser, minister of internal affairs, generally said that it’s time to stop making a secret, we have lost half a million since february last year, it’s true he said , killed and seriously wounded, gerashchenko also said this, or are you talking about lutsenko, who is the former prosecutor general, probably lutsenko is talking about half a million. since the beginning, or rather over the past year, but, as far as i understand, only killed, plus 28 thousand units weapons and military equipment, this is also a lot, plus i must note that recently in all western media, in statements by officials, there has been such an idea that it is time to stop. challengers to lithuania to poland, but it is necessary to create repair capacities on
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the territory of ukraine, so the missile attacks, massive, which began on february 29, january 2, there was a third, a third wave, today they also continued, attacks on kharkov continued, so here are the blows. as far as i could understand from the reports , it is applied specifically to repair enterprises in kiev, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk , at airfields, that is, it’s clear, not even a signal, it’s just a demonstration that yes, moreover, rain metal announced that somewhere in western ukraine they are already creating, building plant, a repair plant for the repair of armored vehicles, i think that... these strikes show those who want to create repair capacities in ukraine, what will ultimately happen to these capacities, just like
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airfields, airfields, they also stated that they several airfields are already being prepared to receive the f16, all of them are well-known, new ukraine is not building airfields, but if they build new airfields from space, they can be seen, by the way, shoigu yesterday made a special emphasis on the fact that two directions will be developed, well, regarding the drone, by the way, geranium 2 was already mentioned today in your program, here what is good about this drone, besides the distance, and firstly, it is equipped with a small-sized turbojet engine, which allows you to increase its speed to 600 km, cruising speed 470, small... all this reduces the interception time for such complexes as the cheetah in almost three
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times plus cube plus now a new aerial bomb drill weighing 540 kg is equipped with a planning and correction unit. electronic reconnaissance, but we are slightly behind the united states in the composition of our satellite constellation, that is, in space reconnaissance capabilities, the minister of defense said yesterday that this particular
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area will be considered a priority. as for alaska, the pentagon, news came today that not only austin is in the hospital, i forgot to say, the head of the main directorate of the ministry of defense, aka austin's adviser also fell ill. somewhere on the sidelines, once again, and putin is not far from alaska, considering that 70,000 people work in the pentagon, not a single deputy is sick, but the two main ones are now sick, where no one knows about putin at all. even the leading economies of europe are going through hard times; their dependence on russia has turned out to be greater than russia’s dependence on them. russia is a self-sufficient country in every sense,
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strong, moving forward. this is the most important result of last year, putin just said. through let's be back in a minute. are you going to work? so, let me bring it to you. premiere on rtr. i have carefully studied your case. your husband has foreseen everything, including spomina’s appearance. and he faces no more than 5 years. mom, are you hurt? goroshov needs money to protest. and a lot, damn it, they collected , only a few hundred thousand remained, it’s my own fault, today on rtr, what was left behind the scenes, how i would marry for love and really wanted us to be together, give birth to children for love, i was looking for, pursued, just let's see, frankly with gracheva, i
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i thought it was more serious here. sit and think, there’s no need to think here , it’s all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal when it comes to fleas, i’m beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must be... edible, i meant, of course, bear, when he spoke, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there are not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen
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, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in them fell in love, good, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just looking at the platform. there are so many
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opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital, trendy, brutal, native, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in to me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this chicken to the drive and says:
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baby, feed the dog. interesting footage comes from there, the president said that he goes in for sports every day, every day they find two, 2.5 hours for the gym and...


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