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tv   Skazhi pravdu  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 12:50am-1:41am MSK

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look, the author of this video wanted us to think that only a few seconds passed between the appearance of the man in the hood and your appearance in the frame. who do you think would want this? do you know the man in the hood? after konev killed grishin on borodin’s order, they were left with two children, a ten-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl, they were sent to an orphanage, then for adoption, you understand that it won’t be difficult for us to prove that this... your
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parents, do you want to hear that yes, i tossed the envelope, i edited the video, and i shot borodin, yes, and they also killed malanin and zubrova, konev, this is your doing, konev, killed my parents on borodin’s order. malanina zubrova, the investigator and the judge , got rid of borodin for money, although they knew that he was the customer, they all deserve to die, i’m glad they are dead, but you will never be able to prove that i did it.
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morozova signed all the papers at once , so what am i talking about? petrovich, where are you going, petrovich, listen, i need to sign here, morozov signed, you didn’t sign, petrovich, wait, but he is right, there is no evidence that he is involved in these deaths, he is a candidate for master of sports in shooting, this is not a crime, and most importantly, you know, he sits so... calm
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, like a tank, he is sure that he did a good deed, restored justice, on the one hand, i understand him, those scum were killed, on the other hand, if you justify such lynching, why the hell are we then needed to figure out how it really happened, then so, judging by the autopsy report of borodin had diseased kidneys, and what does it mean that he... had to run to the toilet at least every 2 hours. explain. oksana said that she did not find anything strange in the fact that her boss did not leave his office for more than half a day. she had been working for him for a year; she could not have known about his illness. let's take another look at konev's apartment. come on, of course. well, so mikhail, you can
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still somehow explain to me what we are looking for here, after all, we went around the third circle, there is nothing here, that’s for sure, well done, there is not a damn thing here, you saw. some paper, a notepad, i didn’t see a notebook, and i didn’t see a pen or pencil either, that’s right, because there is no office in the apartment, he doesn’t want an apartment, the horse returned only a few days ago, he didn’t have any personal belongings here yet, his killers were forced put aside the pen and piece of paper for the suicide note, because there is no paper here... but now we
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know exactly what we need to look for, traces of stepan or arkhan, let's go, eh, make an extract to get samples of odorous substances from the suicide note, this is brilliant thought, andryusha, so... under your responsibility, come on, come on.
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dachshund, well, let's see, an interesting bouquet for that. what's reclined from the killer zone, lily, tuberose, orris root, essential oils, musk, sandalwood, what could this even be, perfume, what,
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french perfume, excuse me, but you won't have another pen, what kind of blue black do you want? in that case, borisovich, here’s something oksana gave me from the locker, and there was also a bottle of perfume there, crumbles, luckily i didn’t have time to write it off. resh, hello, oksana, good afternoon, sorry,
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i'm late, no, you're not going anywhere anymore you’re late, you knew that borodin had bad kidneys, sorry, he had bad kidneys, he had to go to the toilet every 2 hours, i don’t understand what you’re talking about. did you know that paper absorbs odors very well, for example, if it lies in the same cabinet with perfume, then it retains the molecules of the odorous substances of the perfume for a long time, you knew what all these questions were for , it was you who strangled the killer of your parents, right? yes. and where is the guarantee that you will let me go, clothe me, kill me long ago, take a pen, write, zubrova, malanin, and today
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borodin finally killed all the reptiles who they killed me even earlier, now...
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well, mikhal, let's go? yes, i'm listening to you , everyone, attention, you prepared the money, you gave too little time, i didn't have time, i, i need a little more time, i don't think your daughter will like it, i'll call in 2 days, wait, i i’ll raise money, i promised, but i want to be there. why, don’t you deceive me, i need to talk to ksenia, i need to know that everything
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is fine with her, and that your darling, as you called her, until she forbade you, you will have to take my word with her all in okay, so far okay, wait, don't hang up, why, why you, why exactly this amount, why exactly 12,364,000? yes, because it costs so much, well, you did something clever, that’s it, collect your money, they determined it with an accuracy of 50 m, it’s already bread, what do you have? well, are we going? “we have collected recordings from all
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the surveillance cameras in the block, now the program is looking for a match of faces in the first and second blocks of recordings, it doesn’t take long, you did well, you did it, there is, there is a match , look, these five were on the recordings of the surveillance cameras, when he called for the first time and today, but i don't know any of them. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the novoste studio, briefly about
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the main thing. smuggling worth 11 billion. in the large port of st. petersburg, customs officers discovered a thousand briquettes with cocaine. hold on to your hats, a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the northern capital due to wind. import substitution management in the leningrad region. enterprises have become part of the national project on labor productivity, abandon paper, like st. petersburg hospitals are switching to electronic document management, and what does this mean? interferes? the investigative committee of russia is looking for witnesses to the attack on a participant in a special operation in st. petersburg. on... we remember that a conflict between a serviceman and two passers-by occurred on december 18 in exchange lane. the northern military district veterans, who was missing one
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arm, were thrown to the ground and kicked. the attackers were quickly detained. irakl munchava and rustam lakashi are accused of two counts: inciting hatred, hostility and hooliganism. they were arrested. the victim received multiple injuries. the investigation of the criminal case is carried out by the central office departments. investigators studied video camera recordings and came to the conclusion that the beating of the fighter was stopped by random passers-by. eyewitnesses to the crime are asked to call, his number is now on the screen. on other topics, more than a ton of cocaine was detained in the large port of st. petersburg. the cache of drugs was discovered by customs officers during an inspection of sea cargo containers. carefully packed briquettes with pressed white powder were hidden in one of them. the cargo came to russia from latin america, the cost of such a shipment is on black market exceeds 11 billion rubles. the drug was detected by customs officers during control of a container arriving from nicaragua.
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the smugglers hid a thousand briquettes of compressed white powder in the top of the cargo module. the examination confirmed that the drug was cocaine. a criminal case has been opened regarding drug smuggling on an especially large scale; the criminals may face life imprisonment. labor records of the era of import substitution in the leningrad region for the manufacturer.
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thanks to this, new things appeared in the workshops equipment brought not from the west, but from the east. two weeks ago , this so-called cutting machine was installed at the enterprise. manufacturer, one of the friendly countries in southeast asia. her task is to make a blank from a large sheet of cardboard. the production capacity is 8,000 finished
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packages per hour and it operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. the company has launched an entire program in the last year. equipment updates, as engineers say, machines from non- european manufacturers show good results, but operators have mastered them fast. we were trained to work for them; their technology is similar to what we had, that is, the asian market almost completely replaces the european one. but financial support is only enough to maintain the situation . growth requires new solutions. and participation in the national productivity project helped entrepreneurs with this. labor. experts from the federal competence center find new suppliers of materials for buyers of finished products. they learn to reduce costs. thanks to this, productivity in packaging factories some indicators increased by more than 20%. in just six months. in terms of productivity, then on average if we take the country, we have about 35-40%. height.
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the maximum figures in my memory are 240%, this is the enterprise where i participated. well, the minimum is less than 10%, it doesn’t matter. participation in the national project allowed the factory management to receive new orders. ahead is the expansion of production, along with an increase in employee salaries. the most important thing is the change in the team, the team's thinking. about top management and linear the performer, that they understand that changes, the search for losses, is normal, this is daily work that does not stop. in the leningrad region, 83 companies have already become participants in the national project, these are agricultural producers, trade enterprises, construction organizations, and those who are not afraid of non-standard solutions. leonid apanasov, roman chui, nikita sokolov, mark palukhinskikh, conduct the leningrad region. metropolitan of st. petersburg and lador varsonofe
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visited the wounded soldiers of the northern military district today. vladyka arrived at the military field surgery clinic in vma. the bishop walked around. from the hospital ward congratulated the guys on the past christmas, presented gifts, wished them health and blessed the soldiers for a new achievement. the head of the academy , lieutenant general of the medical service evgeny kryukov, told the metropolitan how the wounded are being treated, so that they can get back on their feet faster, a new joint development of the military medical academy of the burdenko clinical hospital helps patients. this is a rod-based external fixation device, it is indispensable when providing immediate surgical trauma care allows. more effectively control bone fusion. there is strong wind in st. petersburg; a yellow alert level has been declared in the city due to difficult weather conditions. meteorologists say thursday night will be challenging, especially in coastal areas. wind gusts there can reach 18 m/s. blizzard. motorists and pedestrians are asked to use caution and avoid going out onto the streets if possible.
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this is the second such warning in january. at the beginning of the month it was announced in the region. orange level of danger due to severe frosts. and in continuation of the topic , traffic police officers also warn about worsening weather conditions, primarily drivers. the situation on the roads is difficult. ice is expected to appear on regional highways in the near future. plus snowfall, which results in poor visibility. it probably caused a fatal accident in the gaychyna area. it happened in the middle of the day. in the area of ​​the bornitsa village, a tow truck hit two pedestrians right at the crossing. the man died on the spot, the woman was hospitalized in serious condition. condition. be careful carefully. let's find out the detailed weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, thursday with light snow is no longer a slight minus,
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weather forecasters in st. petersburg and the region promise. according to the gitram of the center of st. petersburg, on january 11 it is cloudy in the leningrad region. thermometers will show about -9 during the day on the estate, a couple of degrees warmer, maybe in tikhin and baksitogorsk, in volkhov -4-6, from 2 to 6°. below zero is also expected in kirishi, gatchina and iborg. light precipitation during the day, perhaps in st. petersburg, in the northern capital , the wind may increase slightly and during the day it will not be warmer than -4, on friday night 12-14° below zero. have a good day in any weather. coming from the category of curious, footage of the crime that causes. and the russian guards spread laughter in bewilderment. everything happened at night on ardzhinikidze street. here is the video. the teenager, as it turns out, is not particularly sober, diligently hitting the glass wall of the traffic stop.
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even a departing bus does not scare him. young man stubborn in his quest, he slips on the ice, falls, and eventually calls his now accomplice for help. the two of them still break out the side glass of the pavilion. the end of the teacher's story, what was happening on video surveillance cameras was noticed by employees at... the police department. by the end of the year, all medical institutions in the country must switch to electronic medical records. this is an order of the russian ministry of health. in st. petersburg, this work began 4 years ago, but so far only a fifth of medical institutions have electronic document management. the topic will continue lyudmila burim. a typical morning in the emergency room. the ambulances arrive one by one. injuries, attacks, exacerbations - hundreds of people a day. don't get confused in the flow of patients. doctors are helped by a clearly structured system.
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let's check for ourselves how it works. upon registration , each person receives a special qr code and a color bracelet. red - shock resuscitation, green - for those who can move on their own and yellow. i am now in the yellow zone, it is intended for patients of moderate, ah, severity. each bed here is numbered, and there is a medical worker. see what condition is the person in, what doctor should he call and what tests did he prescribe? the blood that was just taken from me is immediately labeled and sent to the laboratory, but it is not people who will carry it to the sixth floor, a special medical pneumatic mail leads there directly from the emergency room. such communication has been established not only with the emergency department , but also with the intensive care unit, where laboratory test results are needed critically quickly. delivery time. such a container throughout the institution, we have it quite large, from almost any point, not exceeds one or two minutes. the main
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well-known study is, for example, a clinical blood test, and in our case this study is performed on an analyzer within one minute. the results are uploaded to the general hospital network. the attending physician can see this data in any department; simply scan the same qr code on the patient’s wrist and enter the electronic medical history. there is all the information from admission to discharge; earlier, when there was a paper medical history, it was available specifically to the person who had it on currently in hand, now the medical history is available to all medical personnel who are involved in a specific medical history for the treatment of a given patient, where i will try to promptly include all laboratory tests, instrumental studies, as well as doctor’s examinations and consultations. the elizabeth hospital began switching to this system back in 2019; in total, the process took 3 years. u... convenient, fast, reliable, but for electronic document management it is not enough to supply computers, you need to purchase servers, special software, digitize paper archives, train staff,
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configure the system for specific tasks. medical institutions are now doing all this at their own expense; it is not surprising that only 20% of them have switched to digital so far. 56 medical organizations , cumulatively, this year switched to full document circulation, these are various types of medical organizations, including... hospitals, sanatoriums, and dermatovenerology clinics, anti-tuberosis and even children's sanatoriums. the remaining 80% of st. petersburg medical institutions must introduce electronic medical records in an accelerated manner for the next year, this is a requirement of the federal center. the time frame, to put it mildly, is short, however , the relevant committee does not see a problem in this; the so-called digital circuit should help. the fact is that all medical institutions are already required to upload the results of their work into the system. thanks to this, certificates are available for public services in your personal account on the st. petersburg health portal. the patient was in the clinic, he was tested, had an x-ray, and had a consultation with a therapist. and
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all this data. sent to the regional state information system, well , they are stored both by the internal medical organization and sent directly to the regional information system; st. petersburg already produces 76 electronic medical documents in electronic form. there is another difficulty: now in st. petersburg there are 22 different information systems for electronic document management. hospitals could choose any one; by the end of the year , everyone should switch to one, which one is still unknown. however, it may turn out that the pioneers will have to. change the program again training staff is again a waste. the ninety-seventh clinic has such experience. several years ago, we decided to switch to another medical information system, which allowed us to maintain electronic medical records. yes, accordingly, the transition took about six months. in our medical information system, yes, when there are some innovations, yes, we always conduct training and create working groups. one way or another, paper will become a thing of the past,
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both doctors and officials are sure of this. for this petersburg. doctors will need a lot of additional resources, both material and human, but there is no other choice; they will have to keep up with progress and the transition to digital. lyudmila burin, sergey skripkin, alexander lagonin and sergey vasiliev, lead st. petersburg. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. in our last meeting with mikhail, we touched on the topic of kinetic intelligence and
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how a person perceives. interlocutor, based on his body language and facial expressions, it seems to me that this is an obvious next step after, in addition to our classes with vadim kurilov on stage speech, we learned to speak, now we need to learn how to move. mikhail , hello, in general, i would like to give you the initiative and leadership, then i am a student, you are a teacher, great, what do you need to do to start training or to understand what to work on, to understand. what to work with, you need to see yourself from the outside, it’s scary, so it’s always better to let go of yourself like this on a helicopter on a drone and get an impartial third point of view, in this case it will be my tablet, which i’m here i have already prepared in advance and propose to practice in a live case, to see what is happening with the body, with the legs, with the arms, with the posture, with the eyes, what signals of conflict, what signals... perhaps
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some kind of excessive masculinity will be in the case, which will be useful for all men who communicate, get acquainted, i suggest playing, an easy case, a minute or two, i suggest meeting in a space that resembles, for example, a gallery of modern art, by chance you saw a person who is interesting to you, and what -then you they may have wanted more from him than just to admire the way he looks at... the pictures, how do you like this plan, the plan is excellent, if we talk about a conversation, for example, even with management, this is one way or another a conversation for profit , you , as a highly qualified specialist , can bring benefits to me there, for example , by telling me some techniques, that is , is it possible to contact you directly, i saw you on the internet, let’s ask for advice or let’s see what you answer me
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to my request, great, right? let's do it all i then pretend that i am somewhere far away? yes , i propose to use this space , i will admire, for example, these stained glass windows are wonderful, you will be somewhere there, you saw me by chance and for a minute we’ll just talk about the tablet, impartially tell you what really happened between our bodies, something tells me that the conversation will be more difficult than ours now, perhaps that’s it, then i’ll go, let’s try, okay, yes, i... i’m sorry, mikhail, yes, hello, good afternoon, name is philip, i'm sorry that i bother you , i follow you on the internet, and i would like to address you as a specialist, you know me, i saw you, i don’t know you, like, of course, it’s so nice, of course, i very nice, perhaps as a specialist you already see some problems in me, yeah, what
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problems do you have? it seems to me, yes, i would like to contact you as a specialist on there, on the basis that you offer me, let’s just leave a business card, it’s just here while i’m with my wife, somewhere i’m somewhere with her me there mine. irishenka is somewhere dear , and so, i’ve run out of business cards, maybe i can write down your phone number then, yes, write down your phone number, what are you saying, you have a problem, i can move excessively when communicating with people, i i noticed for myself, since i am also a tv presenter, that my facial expressions are somehow disturbed, and i myself don’t like the way i talk, i don’t like it, well, you make a completely pleasant impression, there’s not even anything to work on. maybe it’s worth working on, yes, please leave your contact, yeah, which one tell me your phone number? this one, this one, yeah, good, good, thank you, if anything, then if you don’t call me, i can write to you on social networks, write, just like first, be sure, two, good,
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good, thank you very much, mikhail , thank you, it was nice to see you here, mutually, good evening, spouses, hello, sure, goodbye, goodbye, well, let's see what was there, we need it, right, this? it’s even more exciting than watching your own show, it’s as if something new will be revealed. so let's see what it is happened. i’m standing here admiring the paintings, but usually, if a person has a tendency to start moving from the head, then there is this kind of movement and these diving beforehand, they give a lot of compression on the shoulders and initially the person already walks with... less energy and is more lost than if he were walking beautifully with his shoulders raised, one dive, a second dive, and if we were standing opposite each other, and i saw a person
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who was trying to approach me like that on soft paws, i would already begin to suspect like yes, he wants to take something from me, because depending on what is happening with our body, we can either broadcast... it, because i have a lot of something, please, i am ready to share with you, and there are those who are trying to something from me , why i said that this is for profit, i understand, let's look at the handshake proposal, when you stretch your hand, it is strong enough, confident, by the angle in the wrist, it is very cool to determine if it is straight, when hit, the fist will withstand, this hand will withstand , accordingly, this... compensates for my diving, yes, diving, very cool, i want to draw your attention, look, you are stretching out your hand completely, when i have two more hands behind me in full engagement and it is not clear whether i am ready to get acquainted or not,
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it makes sense at such moments to wait until the person at least lowers hands and somehow the body will show that yes, yes, yes, very interesting, serious, let's get acquainted, yeah. yes, because here you are putting me in a stupid position, i myself am in the same position, but it’s better not to do this and stretch out this phase a little, when we are not yet holding hands with each other reached out, get in tune, at that moment i hesitated, so i think you noticed, i remember exactly from myself, yes, here we are talking, getting to know each other, great, i’m trying to merge it all, he says, let’s write down the telephone contact, look, how much influence it has. the vertical of the silhouette on the feeling of the energy and status of a man, i have a fairly stable, straight vertical here, uh-huh, all this swaying of your body, and nodding of your head, they make you look very young, that is,
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the feeling is like something more like that , well i don’t want to say teenage, then there is, if initially you approach a person with some kind of serious status, with a serious intention, to show yourself like this in a rap session, yes, i just wanted to say, yes, that there is not enough panama hat and under-the-swallow studs, yes, and that very cool , it can be corrected by simply paying attention so that there is no stepping on the legs, now i ’ll try to justify myself, maybe it’s the extra weight, because of which i don’t want to be on one but the muscle chains are not working correctly, maybe with the arch of the foot there need to watch many things, that is, just to figure it out. with your support, having figured out your posture, being in comfort, you yourself can feel much more whole, and other people will automatically perceive you as just standing for hours, training, everyone has their own story, you just need
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to see what exactly is wrong with the spine , what exercises to turn on, there is a huge amount of everything, all these changes, look how this happens further, at the very beginning, perhaps when you are still trying to hold on. straight silhouette position, it will still turn out fine, yes, what are you doing, look what happens next, as soon as we start communicating, and i start moving, and i break the distance with you. well, that is, you are approaching a little , i am moving away, but no, you have not moved away, but there , as it were, by a fraction, that is, i have approached much more than you have moved away, in general, pay attention to what happens when i slightly reduce the distance , what happens to your body, even more swinging begins, and this thing comes out called adapters, adapters - this is, that is, straightening a trouser leg, straightening a trouser leg, straightening clothes, something that is not required, it can be all sorts of scratching, biting, licking, some kind of corrections. clothes, these are meaningless movements that simply show that
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wow, but i’m worried, it’s better to avoid them too, because the more of this kinetic noise of unnecessary movements that do not carry any semantic value, the more difficult it is to attract attention with precise, specific movements , but in general it makes sense for self-building to pay attention to what if the person makes little noise, he has few gestures, he has a calm tempo-rhythm. speech, it makes no sense to talk to him very quickly and says , look, you won’t be in tune, uh-huh, so if you need comfortable attunement, look at what happens with eye contact, that is, attunement is something based not only on empathy, but on understanding and knowledge , that is, it’s good to tune in, but not like me, because i trust mine, it’s easier for me to say something to him, maybe that i wasn’t going to say, do something. for yours, look, extend
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your hand to stay in this position, but when you see that my hand has moved, your body automatically craves that oh, is it really the hand of mikhail dementiev himself towards me, extended his hand, and also shake, nice to meet you, thank you very much , mikhail, see you, see you. in our last meeting with pavel, we talked about dinosaurs and not only did we learn that it turns out that not all dinosaurs are dinosaurs, today we’ll talk about non-dinosaurs. pavel, hello, good afternoon, i’m still confused, i’m not a dinosaur, why isn’t he a dinosaur, well, because dinosaurs are a very clearly defined group with their own characteristics. if you translate, well, that is, etymology, here
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is a dinosaur, which means a terrible lizard, but pay attention to the names of the groups, there are flying dinosaurs, flying dinosaurs are birds, but not flying lizards, but not flying lizards, that is, flying birds are not dinosaurs , flying birds are just dinosaurs, so when they ask me why flying lizards, ptyrosaurs, well, not dinosaurs, well, i immediately counter the question, why is a cat not a dog, well, they immediately answer, well, because they different, here too. different, they have different characteristics, for example, dinosaurs have highly developed certain ridges of the tip , to which muscles and protrusions are attached, they have an acetabulum, i think many people know what it is, they did not ossify, there was cartilage, then the next time someone eats kurum, you can remove it, well , the thigh and look, and there will be such a hole, this is the place where the leg is attached, but it is cartilaginous, all dinosaurs have fossil skeletons, there is a hole there, by the way , one of...
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including birds, yes dinosaurs include birds , these are flying lizards, pterosaurs, they have many common features, but they should not be called dinosaurs, they are not dinosaurs, for example, they do not have this non-ossifying acetabulum, they do not have these mushrooms , they do not have many of the signs that we find in dinosaurs, but on the other hand, they also walked on two hind legs, that is , they were pedalless, in a scientific way, that is , they have common signs, these are the closest relatives, but here are ptyrosaurs. they are not dinosaurs, pserosaurs are flying lizards
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their own unique design arose: firstly, they were the first to fly in general , they mastered the flapping flight, the second are birds, birds are dinosaurs, and the third are mammals, bats, but the first-born, let’s say, the pioneers of the air are like since they are flying lizards, they probably had to gain wings in the process of evolution, that is, they first started jumping, then the body realized that they needed membranes, they began to grow, or... they had wings, and then they decided to wave them, sorry about that stupid questions, but where do the wings come from, this is a very smart question, the ancestors of pterosaurs were very mobile, small, arboreal, they climbed trees. then they developed this ability, well, probably, to glide from branch to branch, and then they flew, but now we are not surprised that there are squirrels, normal squirrels, and there are flying squirrels, that is, in general, go to planning, from tree to tree is not difficult, but they flew very quickly by the standards of evolution,
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no transitional forms were found at all, their ancient relatives were found, who still climbed trees, and then there are small pterosaurs, this is his reconstruction, and it is no coincidence that he looks like this. but further in the evolution of flying lizards the following happened: they began to increase in size, they lost, yes, yes, yes, this is him, and this is him, yes, right, this is a long
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ptyranadon, they lost their long tail, we see that by compared to the previous images, yes, the very... the first ones that i showed, there is no tail, the dimensions are gigantic, but the general design has been preserved, which is why the design of psirosaurs is interesting, even in engineering terms, if we compare with flying ears, then the membrane is stretched over all fingers, here on one finger, this whole huge wing is a membrane stretched over one/fourth finger, elongated, a very unusual design, these are large pterosaurs, except that they have lost their tail, became healthy, they also acquired various... crests on the head and for beauty, that is, yes, because it is unlikely that it helped fly very much, but the females obviously liked it, it’s not very good at beauty either, well, we’re not piteranadons, of course how much are they have fun, oh, this is a very difficult question, because their bones were hollow, otherwise they could not fly, very thin-walled,
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in this box you can see that you can touch it, these are petrified pieces of bones of psirosaurs. i brought it specifically to show how thin-walled they are, this is a ptyrosaurus, the size of which was about five meters, the wingspans , of course, this ptyrosaurus, it ’s called azhdarho, and these are its bone fragments, this is from uzbekistan, the wall of the bones is somewhere a millimeter, just imagine everything the bones are 1 m thick, the wall is yes, and the wingspan is about 5 m, but these are the walls. bones they are connected by such transverse bones, so very specific, very strong, maybe someday humanity will take advantage of this and come up with some strange flying machine, why not, it seems that i understand a little better what a non-dinosaur is, flying, ptyrosaurus, there are some other dinosaurs
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other than flying ones, in fact, everyone who lived in the seas is also not dinosaurs, also not dinosaurs, if you don’t mind, i would like to... dedicate program for aquatic non-dinosaurs, yes , that would be great, yes, then see you again, thank you very much, yes, see you, we have all probably seen a trick or trick when a magician takes something out of his hat or from some bag. endless, today in our studio we also have an incredible endless collection of toys that we will talk about. sergey, hello, hello, this is all made of some kind of plastic before us, this is polyethylene, the fact is that it appeared right at the turn of the decades of the 1950-60s, it was just when it came into production.
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in fact, the material appeared back in the fifties, it was, of course, used mainly by foreign... large, that is, it turns out that the bulk of the toys that are here today in the studio, starting from the sixties to the seventy-fifth year approximately. the toys are all soviet, yes, exclusively , exclusively soviet, and our domestic artists, the typical soviet citizen is clearly represented, yes, but
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in fact it’s barmaley, that is, it’s a baby factory in sixty-four that produced a huge number of all kinds of children’s toys like this fairy-tale characters, in fact, the factory had previously produced exclusively celluloid , starting somewhere else in the old days. times, almost before military factories, at first it produced soap dishes and combs, then, starting in the fifties, a new team of artists came, in general there are two schools in the toy industry that are very, let’s say, significant, these are the leningrad school and the moscow school of artists, leningrad - this is the stieglitz art and industrial school, at that time, this first post-war course, they studied for 8 years, were graduates of this course.
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she created a huge number of different dolls, toys, christmas tree decorations, but if we talk about her such famous things, this is not quite like a children’s toy, here is such an image of the brave soldier schweik, more of course a souvenir, adults bought it purely to put it somewhere on the bookshelf, and margarita dimzo had a very famous pinocchio, which more than one generation remembers, actually a doll made of polyethylene. just on par with all this bright plastic, which we see, that is, these inflated polyethylene electric locomotives,
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steam locomotives, an armored train, yes 25 kopecks, 45 kopecks, toys were available, that is, they were for children, so that children could afford them, this is malvina, aylites , a leningrad artist, she is, of course, completely avant-garde, part of her hair is actually just like this. here ’s a doll in the form of yuri nikulin, it appeared in the early seventies, well , in fact, the toy is also not really for children, it’s more of an interior item, but also leningrad factory, there are also such curious cosmonauts, that is, in fact, what else is interesting is these two.
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