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tv   Skazhi pravdu  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 1:40am-2:20am MSK

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this cosmonaut is dunno, dunno on the moon according to nosov’s fairy tale, but this is such a more realistic cosmonaut with such balloons in the back, this one looks more like a diving suit, there was an artist elizaveta lavrova, who just made these characters, revolutionary themes, she also made just dolls, that is, she appeared at the turn of the late fifties, early sixties, that is, it is dated precisely... the doll is very strange for that time, like this, someone liked it, others -he said that he criticized her, that she is ugly, that she is terribly stylized , that she has nothing in herself, but the children received her with such a bang, she was so loved, she was so unconventional, they chased her and wanted her. well, probably like
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we had a barbie doll in the early nineties, the dump truck is also made of polyethylene, everything is made of polyethylene, the fact is that the dump truck, it looks quite solid, you see, in this case it’s not hollow, but it’s just big thickness, yes, a different thickness of plastic, that is , the fact is that it is made just like this this lever for lifting the body, this was also done in moscow, which means that it’s especially nice that... it seems to me that our viewers still have a lot of memories now, because this is precisely the era that is probably very nostalgic now in those times, and you know, in fact, everything was done for children, for the younger generation, the artists worked with such enthusiasm, with such dedication, they created such interesting, sometimes non-standard things, that is, they wanted to do something... what - something that will stay for a long time,
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so that they love it, so that they like it, so that it brings joy, benefit, a reflection of everything, in toys, a reflection of the successes of the national economy, automotive industry, locomotive engineering, mechanical engineering, again some historical facts, well, that is , an armored train with a tank on the platform, the development of the northern poles, snowmobile with an eskimo, it seems to me one of the best ways. upbringing and instilling some ideals and idols is through a children's toy, and you said very correctly that everything is for children, i would like today to have everything for children, and children these were for industry, not business, but the future, yes, maybe, at least in this case it would be possible to return to such a model for building one’s business. thank you very much, sergey, for opening our eyes to how it should be through a toy, thank you. see you,
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see you, my planet tv channel presents. okay, my planet, why are there circles around some fallen coconuts in the maldives? what does it mean? yes, this is a sign that someone has already found a coconut and will soon return for it. if you take it, you may offend the owners islands and leave them without dinner. in the maldives , all palm trees are public, and if you find a coconut that is not outlined in a circle, then you can safely enjoy its taste. okay, my planet.
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at dawn, vladimir faifer is again preparing to leave his native shore. the weather is suitable. finally, after another downtime, they will go to sea. the children are still sleeping. the daughters will be able to hug their dad only in a few days. all this time, the brigade will live away from home, at a fishing stop, in an undeveloped camp on the shore. a short goodbye before regular shift, in the coming days they will only be able to occasionally call each other by mobile phone. the boat sprang
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a leak, as luck would have it, it happened right now, when the weather has improved, instead of finally catching fish, the crew will have to do another repair. this is how it happens, this is how it happens, the fishermen have reached their summer anchorage, there is a lot of work to do on the shore, it is necessary to start repairing the boats, these are the so-called baikal boats, their designs are in...
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the poverty of the boat, each board needs to be tarred. melted cedar resin gets into everything cracks, it reliably fastens the boards together and makes the hull of the vessel airtight. on a wave, if you get caught in a storm, here comes the wave, any time the boat will win back on the wave, well, how, how to put it that way, like a seagull, there’s a seagull sitting on the wave and also the boat will win back. a summer stop for fishermen, this is a fishing camp, their second home. here, 30 km from the village , phifer’s brigade spends most of the year. the team of the robolovetsky artel takes a long time to create; the fishermen get used to each other for years before becoming like one family, to newcomers are carefully scrutinized; not everyone passes trials at sea and remains
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part of the brigade. well, a fresh person comes, well, to his village, for example, you know, so on the one hand, it’s already like we live in a narrow circle, we’re located, even more so. working conditions are difficult, during putin you have to live for a long time away from home in spartan conditions, eat what you get, sleep on hard bunks, not everyone likes this, it’s already a habit, a way of life, now at home on the sofa it’s not the same coat, and here
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it is narrower, as the old people used to say, the tougher the bunks, the stronger the bones, it’s somehow... from childhood we’ve already been accustomed to all this, it goes on from generation to generation, somehow it’s already a habit, simply. in the evening, at the camp parking lot, no one is left idle, some peel fish, others potatoes, others make a fire, for dinner today as usual, fish soup and rozhniki, everything is quick, in a simple way, this is rozni, in baikal style, our traditional dish. . the raznya itself is prepared from the frond, yeah, the end is still here according to custom, so as not to stick out, such a sign, without the fish, if the end remains, usually they say that the fish
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will not boil, signs and superstitions are part of the life of fishermen, they believe that baikal is a living creature, baikal residents rely on folk beliefs and signs, no less than their own eyes and hands, these signs will always tell you whether tomorrow is a good or bad day to go to sea, we have this saying: if it’s dawn in the evening, well, sunset, the fisherman has nothing to fear,
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if it’s dawn in the morning, if the sunset is like that, well, dawn is so bright, there will be fish in the middle, this means there will be wind, like this. we also define when the clouds are torn, well, all this is so visible, everything is visible, whoever has been living with the sea for a long time is immediately visible. my planet tv channel presents. color blindness was called color blindness in honor of the english scientist john dalton, who first described this defect. dalton himself was colorblind, but did not know it until he was 26 years old. it is a place of discovery, you just have to dig in the literal sense of the word. we are in the donskoy natural park,
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there are more than twenty unique burial mounds and sites of ancient man. this place has attracted people for centuries we were looking for new energy. they even say that during the great patriotic war, representatives of the notorious ahnenerbe department, which studied the occult, visited here. during the years of hitler's germany, but only recently the true purpose of this object became clear. in this place, time, as if frozen , is watching the meeting of two strongest elements, the large water of the don river meets here...
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the trees were covered with chalk, which means it was set on fire, a column of smoke in such calm weather
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rose very high, the traveler, when he walked, no matter where, i saw him very far away, and he went to this place to worship the fire. according to scientists, this religious building is 5,000 years old. in the center of the temple, archaeologists discovered a giant chant lined with white stone. the fire burned for at least 500 years, at least 500 years, which means the combustion temperature reached somewhere on the order of 1. because we found artifacts here that show what it means for a stone to be melted, turned into a glassy mass, even a stone was melted, yes, even a stone melted, and why did it happen? it was possible to maintain such a temperature, this is a mystery for scientists in those days, especially since it is very difficult to say how, how the zoroastrian tribes could. and we
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are approaching the fortress of azov, rivers of blood were shed for it for more than 2 thousand years, azov stood too advantageously at the crossroads of sea and river trade routes, but what is really interesting is the hidden history of azov, it was here that the mythical creatures familiar to everyone from school found reality. now you will understand what i mean, now we we will see evidence that unicorns exist, at least they existed , wow, how big, that’s it , in fact, yes, hello, hello, but where is the horn, alas, your horns are a fossil... the condition of these animals is not are preserved because it is not a bone, but something completely different, a different
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structure, rots, just like meat. this is the skeleton of a unicorn, yes, it’s hard to believe, because a unicorn is still, whatever one may say, a mythological creature. well, did you know that it exists? i'll never talk about it again i heard, i’ll tell you honestly, yes, when we started to work closely on this, when we found his bones, when, when a large number appeared in our museum. they say that this particular creature is the progenitor, the prototype of the mephic unicorn, this creature was seen by ancient people, the bones of the largest prehistoric rhinoceros of the quaternary period, caucasian and lasmateria, along with the most ancient archaeological artifacts were discovered on the taman peninsula. an animal that
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walked along the banks of the don 1.5 million years ago reached a height of 3 m. what was there to see anyway?
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herodotus wrote about how the amazons ended up on dan; in the battle on the thermodon river they were captured by the hellenes. in greece, the ships were caught in a storm, taking advantage of the moment, the amazons killed the greeks, and the ships were brought by the current here, to the place where the don flows into the sea of ​​azov.
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the farthest east, vladimir putin's first visit to chukotka, what the president drove there, a new hot spot, hostage takings and a rebellion of armed gangs, what is happening in ecuador? replenishment for front line, as volunteers from the bars squad prepare for their first battles. good morning, this is news, my name is yaroslav.
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chukotka, among other things, is also a promising northern sea route for russia throughout the world. in addition, the region has a lot. the tourism potential of the region is truly unique, so one of the most important topics is how to improve transport accessibility, the president was asked questions about a special military operation, volunteer dmitry yudin said that it is not always possible for wounded soldiers to get leave for further treatment, federal payments are often delayed. the head of state promised to resolve this issue and recalled that all the donbass militias who defended the interests of russia with weapons in their hands before february of twenty-two should exist. vacation after injury, well, as far as i know, this situation is being corrected and people get
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the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it should not disappear, in the next 6 months the person should get the right to go on vacation for...
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the ukrainian armed forces have lost almost 300 soldiers there and are successfully attacking the enemy and units of the southern group of russian troops. infantry units operate there together with artillery and aviation. and in these frames the use of krasnopol guided ammunition, a projectile that is aimed at a laser mark hits the enemy’s equipment exactly. and in the kupinsky direction, without competition from the santsepek flamethrower system, after their attacks from the fortified dugouts of armored vehicles in the armed forces of ukraine , only a pipe remains. enemy troops are also deployed in this direction. considerable losses, it is known about the destruction of two american infantry fighting vehicles from the american artillery system. and in the lugansk people's republic, the recruits of the bars-16 detachment
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are preparing for their first battles; before being on the front line for the first time, they undergo training at special training grounds, and from there they go to the front. artyom yundos saw who teaches soldiers what and what to take classes that are simply vital. many of the new recruits. people with combat experience, but there are also those who have not even served in military service, some are professional instructors they refresh knowledge, others are trained from scratch, contact, the first place is the ability to handle weapons, commanders personally instruct, not sparing the arsenal, the soldiers are shown the means with which they will have to work, there is enough ammunition, at the training ground they must bring actions to automatism, he stood up. took out a grenade, threw a lech, a fighter with the call sign, a gray-haired hereditary military man stood up to defend his homeland, because honor and conscience would not allow him to do otherwise.
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my grandfather is a hero of the soviet union, my closest relatives are only a family of officers, i didn’t see myself any other way, that is, our homeland needs this now. instructors with combat experience share skills; knowledge of how to quickly equip a machine gun magazine can save lives. turn the core towards you, throw it over, keep your hands here. it’s very good when they have grown and you warm them up a little. at the training ground in conditions close to combat, skills training still goes according to the script, but the coherence of the squad’s actions achieved here will help to improvise in real conditions. soldiers of the bars-16 detachment will spend no more than 10 days at the training ground, then performing real combat missions from reconnaissance to assault. artyom yundos, daniil vetrov, maria bulgakova. well, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will begin considering the scandalous bill on mobilization today. there are fierce debates about this document both among
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deputies and in society. he is called. the new bill proposes to cancel the deferment for disabled people of the third group, oblige conscripts and reservists to register in an electronic account, undergo a medical examination and appear at the military registration and enlistment office , regardless of receipt of a summons, lower the age limit for mobilization is reduced from 20 to 25 years, and draft dodgers can have all their bank accounts blocked. the ecuadorian army, in turn, pulled armored vehicles into the center of the capital. on the streets of china, there are now more military personnel than ordinary citizens. the country is under a sixty-day state of emergency and curfew. security measures at airports have been strengthened, allowing only passengers with tickets to enter. ecuador saw serious violence on tuesday following the escape of two major gang leaders from prison.
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the prisoners began. killing police officers. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in primorye there is a real front. influence was started by the most dangerous inhabitants of the local forests - tigers. they increasingly come to the village, attack dogs and scare people, with some talking about an unprecedented invasion, while others say that everything is normal and they are raising panic completely in vain. what kind of lion, this tiger, is not safe, our victoria shandymina tried to find out. tigor near the house. in primorye, tigers began to appear more often on roads and enter populated areas points. neighbors, hide your dogs, the tiger
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is sitting right next to our gate. there is a healthy guy with very good advice about dogs: predators don’t just come to visit people, but kill chicken dogs, hunting control employees tirelessly repeat: if a wild animal appears in your area, lock the animals in barns, recently predators have been noted in arsenyev in the forest area behind the ski resort, in the krasnoarmeysky district, the village of melnichnaya, the chuguevsky district near the village of izvilenko in anuchinsky, near the villages of risovaya, novopokrovka, tikhorechnaya ate two dogs in new. zora, they say that people often confuse the tracks of a cat with the prints of a dog's paws, they shout on the phone that they themselves encountered an animal, but in reality no one saw the cat, they just spread a rumor, they made a provocative video about the situation in the anuchinsky district, accusing the special services of inaction. part of the video has nothing to do with the region at all, not even with you, this winter... it was
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snowing, the population of ungulates is growing, the tigers have something to eat. in most cases, people themselves lure predators to the village. the reason is banal. presence of, uh, large tripe cattle, skins, which is located a couple of kilometers from this address, where, where the tiger was spotted, that is, well, in the forest . and a large number of stray dogs, which attracted the predator. specialists have plans to catch cats that are acting up in the krasnoarmeysky district of ionuchinsky. district, now in the rehabilitation center there is a predator caught in the chernigov region, the tiger was found to have an old gunshot wound, he could not hunt ungulates and was forced to eat dogs. the condition of the beast is extremely serious, if striped survives, he will never return back to the forest. victoria shandybina, platon volkov, vesti primorye. all our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website the news is monitoring
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developments, don’t switch. let's start, let's go with a smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning to you, january 11, thursday, andrei petrov, svetlana avramova, we decided to drop by between the holidays to see you, this is what we found out, we spent all these holidays on entertainment, on vacation, on trips, walks, on food, drinks, movies, books, a separate article included spending on gifts, and an untouchable cash reserve for the services of beauty specialists, analysts counted for
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beauty procedures with us. it happens, and not so rarely, that the work of beauty experts leads to dire consequences for health, and therefore the advice of our correspondent oksyana sirova can be very useful. the manicure phrase alena shudders, the impressions from the last trip to this procedure are too fresh, an expensive salon, the muscovite paid 5,000 rubles. friendly atmosphere here master - says the girl, apparently he was caught inexperienced. they literally drilled my little finger down to the bone, bleeding. there was a danger of losing my little finger altogether, because of the process. against this background, the phrase beauty requires sacrifice and takes on some kind of sinister meaning, but there are many similar stories, even more complaints about poor quality beauty services, burnt hair, damaged nails, fallen eyelashes, as practice shows, russian women often leave salons beauty with tears, in response to
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complaints they usually hear about overpriced waiting, poor quality of your hair and nails, complexity of procedures, but no, conscientious beauty experts assure that the matter is most often in the inexperience and inattention of the salon employee, even an ordinary file is in the hands of such a low-level specialist. a formidable weapon, when they sawed through the growth points, there was blood, and when they cut the cuticle, they applied a very hard material, which resulted in burning, resulting in anachalisis and allergies. in case of any harm to your health, also if you simply had a bad haircut or, for example, dyed, experts recommend seeking justice, because consumer protection law is completely on your side. if the salon refuses to compensate for the damage caused to you, then contact us. to rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office, and the final authority is certainly the court. the court, among other things, seeks compensation and moral damages, compensation for expenses incurred, however, this will require a lot of effort, time and nerves, and the result is sometimes still disappointing. an example is the story of alexandra,
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who, while undergoing a course of laser hair removal, noticed a strange thing on her skin. spot. we assumed it was a burn. i came to the doctor and said that i have a burn, look here. what, when the doctor began to look, he said: this is not a burn, but this... yourself from a good point of view, be sure to read comments, reviews, what people write, how they did it, only then go to this place, there must be certificates, and we must provide them, it’s even more reliable to find out information, read reviews about specific masters, because
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unqualified employees come across in good salons, but a good salon is what it’s good that if something happens, its owners will not hide from responsibility; at the beginning of 2024, many of us tried very hard to hide from... well, what about global warming on the planet, it seems to be happening, but human participation in this is increasingly is questioned, that is , cows, burning oil and gas, food pipes, factories are not able to spoil nature like that, they say in the scientific world. what's really going on? let's talk with mikhail, leading researcher at the department of meteorology, climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university mlakoshchenko. mikhail alexandrovich, good morning. it is very good that there are discussions; there are no absolutely immutable truths in science.
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we assume that in fact global warming, if it exists, is not so global, in fact, similar warmings have already happened in the life of the planet, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and accordingly there is nothing to fuss about. than now, if we consider periods of hundreds of thousands of years, that is, so to speak, the alternation of summer periods and interannual eras, interglacial eras are short, ice ages last a long time, the last ice age disappeared 12,000 years ago, according to experts, geologists
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, geographers, the next ice age should have come in about 50,000 years, but rapid climate warming has already pushed it forward for a long time, yeah, maybe that’s good, the next ice age, well maybe? dangerous, any rapid changes, if they do not occur very quickly, they pose a threat to the biosphere, so to speak, to flora, to fauna, to humans, so it would be best if the climate did not change, but if it were to change, it would be slowly , this is the speed, the unprecedented rate of warming, it is also dangerous, although not as dangerous as if there was such a strong cold snap, but now they take into account where the measurements are taking place, because let’s say in a city in an urban environment, of course, that the climate is probably...
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urban stations are excluded from them, as they are not indicative, then the question arises, if we leave everything as it is now, not intense, but we live no weaker, this is how we live at the present moment, your forecast for the coming ones there i don’t know, 10, 20, 30 years, what will happen, we have pineapples near st. petersburg again , but they won’t grow in greenhouses anymore, or what, you know, if you do nothing and take no measures, well, that’s it, that’s how it is, then sooner or later they will start to grow us, you know? the air temperature is already a little degree higher than
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it was in the pre-industrial era on a global scale, soon it will reach the midnight mark, soon it will become one and a half degrees warmer, well, with a reservation for possible accidents, unlikely, there may be some reasons for this warming will temporarily stop, say, large volcanic eruptions, no, solar activity does not affect this, so to speak, we understand you, thank you very much, our question was answered by a leading researcher at the department of meteorology. and climatology-geography faculty of moscow state university mikhail okoschenko, thank you, what happened, but i lost consciousness that he pushed you, with klifosovsky, today at 21:20, and soon we will watch new episodes, what kind of people are, with or without a medical policy, everyone . morning
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of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. i'll add some statistics this morning. according to according to surveys from the largest russian internet portal for used cars, 70% of car owners do not have enough money to repair their car at a car service center. 66% would like to use installments when paying for this service, and 26%, due to high prices for repair work, carry out diagnostics only when something breaks down. on this background. it’s not surprising that car owners are increasingly trying to fix their car with their own hands. how much does garage repair equipment cost now, we asked our correspondent, daria tiunov. in his own garage, car enthusiast alexander from rezan carries out maintenance of his foreign car, changes the oil, air, cabin and oil filters. a man estimates that servicing the car yourself is cheaper and more reliable. you have to carefully do it yourself, slowly, change it and... in the process, as if in some way, it may save energy and money.
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recently, more and more russian drivers have preferred to repair their cars on their own. the reason for this is a significant increase in prices for car repair services. inflation, the cost of fuel and labor costs have certainly also increased. all this leads to an increase in repair prices in all segments. prices have increased there from 10 to 30-40-50%. it is not surprising that the demand for equipment for self-repair in cars has increased significantly by an average of 15%. and most actively , russian car enthusiasts began to buy tire fitting and welding equipment, as well as a set of automotive tools. when choosing each, of course, you should pay attention to a number of factors when purchasing a set of auto tools for the number of items in complete, on the quality of the metal, steel or all-metal, and the country of manufacture, russia and china are cheaper, turkey, germany are more expensive. the average price of a set is 13-15,000 rubles. with its help, you can change a burnt-out light bulb in a headlight, or, for example, unscrew the spark plugs of gasoline engines, and if you buy an additional jack and pump.


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