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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 4:00am-4:54am MSK

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turn it straight around a little bit, leave it there, and bring the next one, tell me, why are we putting all this out like this? no, well, wait , well, first of all, it’s beautiful, but shouldn’t an architect, according to science, organize cities, and well , we’ll discuss this in detail in a few minutes, put it, put it, where to put it, and how everything works out for us, yes i i'll take a look. the farthest east, vladimir putin's first visit to chukotka, what did the president drive there? a new hot spot, hostage takings and a rebellion of armed gangs, which takes place in ecuador and recruits to the front line as bars volunteers prepare for their first battles. good morning, this is news. putin is on a working visit to chukotka
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for the first time in his entire leadership of the country. in anadar, the head of state was shown how tomatoes are grown even in the harsh conditions of the farthest east, and local volunteer soldiers told the president what problems they face. vladimir putin clarified that he came to personally study the situation in the region. chekotka, among other things, is also promising for russia and everything world, northern sea route. in addition, to the region. the region has considerable tourism potential, the region is truly unique, so one of the most important topics is how to improve transport accessibility, the president was asked questions about a special military operation, volunteer dmitry yudin said that it is not always possible to get leave for further treatment for wounded soldiers, federal payments are often accrued with a delay, the head of state promised to resolve this issue , recalled that all donbass militias who defended the interests of russia with weapons in their hands even before february 2 it is corrected and people get
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the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it should not be lost, in the next 6 months the person should receive the right to take time off.
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the road will open in february. the ice thickness there is not yet sufficient to guarantee smooth passage of any vehicle. fierce fighting continues in the donetsk direction; according to the latest data from the ministry of defense, ukrainian armed forces units have lost almost 300 soldiers there. successfully attack the enemy and units of the southern groupings of russian troops. infantry units operate there together with artillery and aviation. and in these shots of the use of krasnopol guided ammunition, shells, a shell that is aimed at a laser mark. hits
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the enemy’s equipment exactly, in the kupinsky direction there is no competition from the santsepek flamethrower system, after their attacks from the fortified dugouts of armored vehicles in the ssu only ashes remain. in this direction, enemy troops also suffer considerable losses; it is known that two american infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed at once by the american artillery system. and in the lugansk people's republic, recruits from the bars-16 detachment are preparing for their first battles. before they find themselves on the front line for the first time... training at special training grounds, from there they will not go to the front, who teaches soldiers what and what, to take classes that are simply vital, artyom yundos saw. many of the recruits of the bars-16 detachment are people with combat experience, but there are also those who have not even served in military service. some professional instructors refresh their knowledge, others are taught from scratch. in the first place is the ability to handle weapons, commanders personally instruct. without
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sparing the arsenal, the fighters are shown the means with which they will have to work, there is enough ammunition, at the training ground they must bring actions to automatism, he stood up. took out a grenade , threw a lech, a fighter with the call sign, a gray-haired hereditary military man stood up to defend his homeland, because honor and conscience would not have allowed me to do otherwise, my grandfather is a hero of the soviet union, my closest relatives are only seven officers, i didn’t see myself any other way, then our homeland needs this now, instructors with combat they share experience, skills, knowledge, how to quickly equip the magazine of a machine gun, it can save a life, you turn the core towards yourself, throw it, keep your hands here. it’s very good when it grows a little more and warms it up. at the training ground in conditions close to combat, skills training still goes according to the script, but the coherence of the squad’s actions achieved here will help to improvise in real conditions. grenade! soldiers of
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the bars-16 detachment will spend no more than 10 days at the training ground. next comes the implementation of real combat missions, from reconnaissance to assault. artyom yundos, daniil vetrov, maria bulgakov. the center of the capital of ecuador now resembles a war zone; on the streets there are armored vehicles and a huge number of military personnel. the country is under a state of emergency and curfew. security measures have been strengthened at all airports. only passengers with tickets are allowed into the building. the day before , a wave of violence swept across ecuador, all because of the escape from prison of the leaders of two largest banks. take hostages and attack government institutions. 13 people were killed, more than one was detained. now experts are preparing to start testing the amur space complex with a heavy class carrier. the hangar was brought
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from the omsk branch of the khrunichev scientific center. for the new rocket, vostochny had to create the necessary infrastructure from scratch. its performance was tested for several months using a full-size one. these are hangars. the launch of a heavy rocket into space is scheduled for march. this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. don't switch. in primorye, a real redistribution of spheres of influence was started by the most dangerous inhabitants of the local forests - tigers. they increasingly come to the village, attack dogs and scare people. and some say. about an unprecedented invasion, and others that everything is normal , they raise the stump completely in vain, what kind of lion, this tiger, is not safe, our victoria shandybina tried to find out. tigor near the house, in the coastal area tigers began to appear more often on the roads and enter populated areas. neighbors
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, hide your dogs, there is a tiger near our gate, sitting straight, here he is, healthy, very strong, good advice about dogs, predators don’t just come to visit people, but kill chicken dogs. hunting inspectors tirelessly repeat: if a wild animal appears in in your area, lock up animals in barns . recently, predators have been observed in arsenyev in the forest behind the ski resort, in the krasnoarmeysky district , the village of melnichnaya, in the chuguevsky district near the village of izvilinka in anuchinsky, near the villages of risovaya, novopokrovka, tikhorechnaya, ate two dogs in novotroitskoye, they are not afraid of anything at all, like him runs after the car, right in the know, look, every case is checked by hunting inspectors, they say people often confuse the tracks. cats with dog paw prints, shouting on the phone that they themselves encountered beast, but in fact no one saw the cat, they just spread a rumor. they made a provocative video about the situation in the anuchinsky district, accusing the special services of inaction. part of the video has nothing to do with the ekonochek district at all, not even in
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1923 or 1924. this winter is extremely covered with snow, the population of ungulates is growing, tigers have something to eat. in most cases, people themselves lure predators to the village. cause. the presence of cattle tripe, skins, which is located a couple of kilometers from this address, where, where the tiger was spotted, that is, in the forest, there were a large number of homeless stray dogs, which attracted the predator. specialists have plans to catch cats that are acting up in the krasnoarmeysky district and anuchinsky district. currently, a predator caught in the chernihiv region is in the rehabilitation center. the tiger was found to have an old gunshot wound and was unable to hunt. on ungulates and was forced to eat dogs, the condition of the animal is extremely serious; if striped survives, he will never return back to the forest. victoria shandybina, plato volkov, lead primorye. all our news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website the news
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is following developments, don’t switch. let's start! come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia , good morning, good morning, we welcome you to the new year, the holiday holidays have come to an end, and many, of course, don’t want to go to work, andrei petrov, svetlana abramova, we will try to cheer you up , but we understand that the task is not easy, yes, given the number of people who are in metro meets, or rather does not meet, which means holidays. everyone is finished. an excellent invention for those who work on frosty days: it’s not you who goes to work, but a robot.
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the world's first electronic road repairman was tested in england. as you can see, it looks more like a lunar rover. artificial intelligence is used to detect the slightest cracks in operational repairs. a smart machine can handle this kind of work 70% faster than a human, there are no smoking breaks or lunch breaks, and the quality of the seams is impeccable. yes, we really don’t care about something showed. sewed a canopy over the porch of their clinic, miraculously not killing the patient, and before that , doctors had repeatedly informed the management company
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about the impending threat, they had been growing for more than one day, that is, the utility workers had to see and understand that there would be three-meter icicles here, which sooner or later it’s too late to fall on someone’s head, but even after the incident we had to wait several days for the remaining ice to be knocked off the roof, but in lyubertsy near moscow they didn’t have time, the cameras caught the moment of a block of ice falling on people. prosecutor's office. checks on the fact that four people were injured by a falling plate of snow from the roof of a building in the city of lyubertsy. subsequently, one of the victims from the injuries received died in the hospital. a resident of a neighboring house, lyubov nikolaevna, says: after the december snowfall, it was scary to walk along the houses. all lyubertsy were covered with snow and high icicles, no one cleared anything away. they only got out when this emergency happened. but the roofs are bristling with icicles again. it's time to give them a fight. until they grew, like in bryansk, here they barely have time to clean 15-20 houses per day, and then only above the entrances. last time
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we warmed it up until lunch, the propane tank was gone, there’s no other way, if we knock it over, we ’ll damage everything. icicle growth points are pitched and flat roofs of old housing stock. they cannot be remade, but you can install heating cables and install snow guards. in new houses, all this should be in the project. new buildings should be built with non-sloping roofs, this is the first thing. secondly, on urban planning. should be away from home, yes, this also helps, in in many cases this helps. this high-rise building has such a complex roof that icicles hitting the canopies scatter throughout the entire yard, and even lawns wider than standard are not protected. in fact , this indentation doesn’t help, because the height is very high; if you hit it, it flies right over the road. the other day i flew into one of the cars. it would seem that there are two options, break the ice manually, or use technical means, but... utility workers choose the third, wait for spring, knowing that nothing will come to them from above,
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business inspections are prohibited, it is necessary, of course, completely remove restrictions on inspections from the housing sector, move this area generally into some separate section, so to speak, there is a law on state municipal control, because in general 75% of requests to control and supervisory authorities concern housing and communal services, they are now completely powerless , a tragedy will happen, then the officials will arrange a ... demonstrative flogging, but there will be zero sense from it, as well as from conversations about creating a safe and comfortable urban environment, while icicles continue to fall on people’s heads. well, if on to look at the urban environment more broadly, more global problems will appear and become apparent, experts from the financial development institute in the housing sector conducted an analysis of vacancies for the position of chief architect. it turned out that the salaries of specialists responsible for the urban appearance did not meet their expectations at all, out of 190 search advertisements. employees, only in 27 cases the salary indicated is above 50 thousand rubles, only three are above
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100, well, that’s why the jobs are empty, apparently, that’s why we’ll find out everything now, discuss the details with the people’s architect of russia, president of the union of architects of russia , nikolai shumakov, nikolayevich, hello, thank you for joining, andryusha light, andryusha, this is us, please tell us, we indicated 50 there, maximum 100, that is, there is no motivation for young people, young people. they would rather go to a commercial structure and get big money, my dears, we need to talk about the prestige of the profession in general, not just small salaries, big salaries, we need to raise the prestige. initially, it is necessary to raise architectural education to its full potential in russia there is one specialized university called markhi, the moscow architectural institute, everything else is 49 remaining, these are faculties, usually faculties at large construction institutes or at
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polytechnic institutes, at universities, this is a faculty, departments, nothing more, and that’s it. the quality of teaching is unsatisfactory, to put it mildly , unsatisfactory, there is no one to teach architecture, maybe the state needs to do something, pass some kind of law, without a master plan and a chief architect it is impossible to develop, the master plan, unfortunately, has now turned into a master plan, the master plan is such light scribblings on a free theme, on some kind of urban settlement.
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and then later, social services end up in a corral, children have to be transported by bus to neighboring areas, we will reduce hospitals or clinics to the limit, well, that is, would you be against some kind of law that wouldn’t, yes , i’m not against it, well, i think that it won’t happen, well, we’ll see, i think it won’t, and the year is just beginning, well, maybe some
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a different approach is needed to the appointment of a chief architect, maybe hire him on a commercial basis for some project, and maybe not permanently... we understand that the city cannot pay him, we don’t want to keep him for a long time, so they hired him on a one-time basis, hired him for a contract, well, one-time - again, it’s us; he won’t see the prospects for the development of this or that education, he won’t see it, he will solve some local problem, for example, placing benches neatly or laying curbs, but what will happen to the city tomorrow, in 10 years, in 20 years, it will no longer be his problem, understand? thank you very much, we had in our studio the people's architect of russia, president of the union of architects of russia, nikolai shumakov, thank you very much, the holidays are over in this new year, we start the day with a cup of invigorating aromatic azerchay tea. try it too, morning, time to brew azerchay. the new
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leap year 2024 has arrived, which... brings colossal changes in the world, all the soothsayers are talking about this, the live broadcast judge is the famous indian truth teller archena, she clearly sees what awaits us in the coming fateful year, it will be an assassination attempt, yes, it will be an assassination attempt, it will happen in november, it will be a truly historical event, live broadcast, today at 16:30. supporting families with children is one of the key goals of the demography national project. at every stage, from the birth of a child to the beginning of his adult life, families can count on state assistance, primarily financial. according to statistics, most often such payments are spent on improving living conditions. here we receive guests at a round table, here our children play. mother of four children
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gulnara mukasheva shows a new apartment. the youngest, three-month-old kamil, is not needed in a separate room yet. state support helped us move into a new apartment; maternity capital was used for the down payment, and another payment helped partially repay the loan: 450 thousand, which is provided to large families specifically for repaying mortgages, a significant amount, let’s say, for us... it will be much easier now pay the mortgage, our term has been reduced, yes, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, just contact the bank, and the bank approved it for us, and after 2 weeks the funds arrived in the invoice. now they are preparing documents to receive regional maternity capital. the omsk region, like most other regions, implements its own programs to support families with children. we pay monthly or annual cash payments.
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in addition, these families receive the right to receive benefits for utility bills and housing contributions for major repairs. thanks to the national project demography, more than 13.5 million families received maternity capital. with him almost 9 million apartments and houses were purchased or built with help. you. ekaterina and dmitry met in a cafe, the girl worked part-time as a waitress during the holidays, almost 20 years have passed, they already have three children, but every sunday they all go for a walk together and will definitely go somewhere to eat as a reminder of that happy occasion. we sometimes even call it a date with family, we have always dreamed of having a home forever, because it is unity with nature. this is comfort, this is a large room, after the birth of the first child they sold it after all, we bought an apartment, also a house with a mortgage, when our daughter nastya
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was born, we repaid half of the loan with the help of maternal capital, we completed the construction of the house with our own hands , mainly the eldest son alexey, a future programmer, was responsible for installing the electrical wiring, for example, the light in the kitchen and there on the eccentric, i’m interested not only in the topic of programming, but also electricians, last year you learned about a new world...
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to take it and come to it, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on trust based on? i am so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr. provocation
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is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditional. some kind of parallel agenda, why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's look, substation, the first podcasts we watch, my friend sod has a final hearing today, you'll have to fake a card. price, that i will tell the doctors this, shut up, i want us to be together, like the wonderful martynov, great, so bad! am i
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alone with everything, that i’m not alone with you? sklifosofsky, today on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this is a disease it never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition. how to properly eat away stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. let's run to the doctor. medicines are like crutches for us. and the right habits. should they slap us on some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important thing today at rta. well,
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there are never too many holidays, this week in japan, everything else marked the day of coming of age, entry into adulthood. the tradition is long-standing; twenty-year-olds must immediately change their youth clothes for adult ones in the new year, that is, business suits or traditional kimanos. well, at the crucial moment, something went wrong. japanese youth are clearly in no hurry to grow up and behave seriously, so they can stand out from the crowd. i want an unusual hairstyle, manicure, an anime-style outfit, or, well, a very loud voice will also do. i'm an adult, i'm an adult, i'm an adult, well pet owners also try to stand out and surprise the internet; with their own hands they create such whimsical, elegant colorful designs that any cat would consider sleeping in one, and so would a cat,
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welcome to ours. exclusive cat hotel , amazed by what they saw, wait, he will now throw goldfish into the pool, and this is not a joke, there are simply people on the internet who really, really love cats and are ready to build real castles for them, however, even very small ones porridge houses can be made thoughtful and cozy , you only need a large cardboard box for this, or even better, several, from ordinary cardboard you can make a huge space with a real playground, these kittens are clearly happy with the result, they give the creator a meow, oh, that is, like, for cats that like to walk on their own, you also need an outdoor insulated option, for example, this wooden house with a real door and windows, this man went even further and turned his entire house into
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huge. a playground for your pets, here you will find slides, tunnels, and stairs, literally everything to make the tabbies feel like kings and queens of the wild. by the way, don’t forget about the most important cat simulator - a good kitty, it can save you thousands of hundreds of thousands of rubles. now i’m talking about the cost of damaged furniture, but it’s not at all difficult to make such an accessory yourself, let’s take a card. and a special cord made of jute, and also a little tee can be turned into a real art object for home decoration. so, today the secrets of the coolest cat houses have been revealed. please, drink milk and return to the screens of our kote tv. and then in 2023
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they saved, did not spend, saved up. here is the result, what do you have there, gold is a diamond, stop joking, in order to increase your accumulated wealth in 2024, let’s find out from an expert what is better to invest in, gold, diamonds, currencies, well, after the news. good morning, this is news, my name is yaroslav krasienko, we only have the most important things at this hour. so, vladimir putin is on a working visit to chukotka for the first time ever time of leadership of the country. the head of state clarified that he came to personally study the situation in the region. in anadra , the president was shown how tomatoes are grown even in the harsh conditions of the farthest east, and local residents asked questions about maternal capital. families, especially those
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with many children, always have a lot of needs. a sea of ​​needs, you know, health, education, you name it, but i ’m always afraid that as soon as we begin to allow this... maternal capital to be spent in a variety of ways, in a variety of ways directions, i will now say, well, a simple but very direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of children, that’s what we’re talking about, chukotka is also an extremely promising northern sea route for russia throughout the world, in addition, it has a truly unique region and considerable tourism potential, so the most important issue is transport accessibility in chukotka now there are almost... 50,000 inhabitants, of which 13,000 are in onadar. and its connection with other populated areas is not very strong and reliable. distances high, and the temperatures here are extreme, the airport saves the day, but there is only one here and is located on one bank of the anador estuary, the city itself
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is on the other. and with the crossing constantly difficult, especially in the off-season, local residents talked with the president about how to find a logistics solution that was comfortable for everyone. and again i’ll hold out. hand, the leader of the kiev regime went on another european tour, begging for money from western curators. at a press conference in vilnius, he said that he wants to achieve at least one concrete step towards ukraine's membership in nato. zelensky also insists on at least one specific thing, namely strengthening air defense. the arguments are the same, if ukraine loses in the current conflict, russia will allegedly then attack the baltic states, moldova, and finland. kiev and vilnius agreed to jointly produce anti-drone equipment. the houthis announced a strike on an american ship that was supporting israel from the red sea, according to a representative of the yemen movement, ballistic missiles were used in the operation anti-ship missiles, as well as
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drones. he noted that this is a response to the attack by the american armed forces on december 31. then the houthi ships were sunk, while london said that a british warship, with the support of the us navy, repelled the attack from the forces. movement , 20 drones were shot down. according to the united kingdom's ministry of defense, this attack was the largest in the red sea in recent times. and in irkutsk they have already begun to prepare for epiphany bathing. jordan is being developed on yakobe bay. the work is carried out by parishioners alexander nevsky temple, they clear the area, surround it with snow fences and install ice sculptures. kristina cherkova observed the work of the volunteers. a chainsaw helps to carefully cut even cubes of ice about 20 cm thick. they are necessary for the ice baptismal font. on ikobe bay, parishioners of the alexander nevsky church and other concerned residents of irkutsk have been building it all week. on a plot
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of about 5,000 m2, everyone has their own task. snow barriers have already been made here, markings have been made on the site of future fonts and a excavation ice. but there is still a lot of work to do. ice. at baptism, everyone will come to baptism, people will rejoice and they will take holy water and bathe, this is god’s work, that is, help jordan, in principle this is great, this is cool, however, from such a temperature the ice freezes slowly, connecting
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the cubes becomes difficult, but the volunteers are confident that everything will be done on time. kristina cherkov, alexey bondarenko, lead irkutsk. all our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website. news follows developments events, do not switch. doctors from st. petersburg are helping residents of mariupol. entire teams of them come to the liberated city to solve the problem of shortage of specialists. doctors bring modern equipment with them. report by irina efremova. the man was injured. from the base of st. petersburg to mariupol. the victim is immediately examined by someone who came from the city of twin cities, and a traumatologist applies a splint to reduce pain during transportation. there is no shortage of doctors in st. petersburg, but here there is, and people need
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help. meanwhile, an ambulance in her brigade, also from st. petersburg, had already arrived. the victim is carefully transported and taken for an x-ray to the nearest hospital. and mobilization and anesthesia are performed. how are you feeling? well actually better, you helped, thank you. in our case, the patient had already received assistance for more severe cases . the ambulance was equipped with everything necessary. there is a modern one here. a ventilator and cardiac monitors with a defibrillator. when the patient is delivered, they show the device for indirect cardiac massage, it is also included in the intensive care vehicle that arrived from st. petersburg. this is very convenient, because people get tired when performing a closed massage, but the device cannot get tired. in mariupol , one person with a severe heart attack was saved. mikhail zhuravlev first came to the liberated city a year and a half ago. when we first visited... it was absolutely a spectacle, just very sad, people need
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help in difficult situations, people get sick everywhere, the last team included 10 st. petersburg doctors and nurses, among them and narrow specialists, for example, ophthalmologists , work with modern equipment , which was not available in mariupol before, in addition , st. petersburg built an entire medical complex in mariupol, this clinic was completely destroyed, the following business trips, all this was restored, thanks to... nai capital and its doctors, the level of healthcare in mariupol will soon reach russian standards; in the new year, st. petersburg doctors will also continue to travel to mariupol. irina efremova, dmitry rut, lead donetsk-mariupol. and in chelyabinsk they deployed a real fight against icicles. due to sudden temperature changes, the roofs of residential buildings became covered with ice, which turned into a great danger for passers-by and parked cars. anastasia ishmeneva learned how roofs are cleared and what methods are used. part of the yard on kaslinskaya street is covered
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with a red ribbon; an announcement that today the roof will be cleared of snow and icicles has been hanging for a week, but local motorists have not bothered to remove their cars. it’s clear that it can fall at any moment, we have to watch, our people what, he parked the car , it’s written there in large letters, don’t park the car, we’ll clean it up, no, he took it, put it, the length of the icicles on the houses in this yard reaches 2 m. yuri stepanovich lives on the first floor and says: he watches the work of the employees every day management company. the snow was removed from the yard on time and now they are cleaning the roof, risking their lives on high-altitude work eduart in -20 and in strong winds. the tools of journalists are , of course, a microphone in the cold, it also freezes, by the way it’s metal, but utility workers now have to sweet, they have to work at heights there with such heavy metal objects, including this hatchet and crowbar, by the way. it weighs quite heavily and you have to work hard to knock this thing down,
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but there’s definitely about 20 centimeters of ice, if not more, so it all sticks and doesn’t really come off, well, it’s hot there and your hands get very tired, well, at most only your feet are cold, because there’s iron cradle, the arrival of the lift is now awaited in almost every yard,
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all our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on we look at the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments, do not switch. valentina telichkina. why does despondency, a state of depression visit you at some point , when the movie ended right at the takeoff, i started having very strong headaches, there was a doctor like... who treated in an unconventional way, he gave the task to make a watercolor drawing: the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel. the new leap year 2024 has arrived, which will bring colossal changes in the world. everybody's talking about it soothsayers. the live broadcast studio is the famous indian ruler archena. she clearly sees what awaits us. in the coming fateful year, it will be an assassination attempt, yes,
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it will be an assassination attempt, it will happen in november, it will be a really historical event, live broadcast, today at 16:30, okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, today's greetings to you,
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well, money is literally being shoveled out, you see, two or three times a week a special service comes from fontanamika, in a year - that's more than 33 tons, after collection, the money is sealed in bags, sorted and converted, look at the orinsky attraction, each part comes to more than a thousand tourists, and in a year it turns out to be 10 million, hence the money, yes, and the money is valuable, which is in the fountain it wouldn’t even occur to you to throw it away, you can store it in a safe deposit box, russians have begun to use these more often. the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, and the hare is in the lorce. even in fairy tales, we were taught to keep valuables in a safe place. but if koschey lived in the real world, he would probably would hide his life in a safe deposit box, surrounded by video cameras and sensors. these systems allow 99.9% protection against
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unauthorized entry into such premises. but despite the guarantees , failures still occur. it happened in vladivostok. the story is in the spirit of spy thrillers, an inconspicuous client came to the bank , rented a safe deposit box, then came to the depository a couple more times, suddenly disappeared, along with property from other safes, made keys that fit the parameters, opened the safe deposit boxes, which were perhaps he took out the property and accordingly disappeared later, the far eastern houdini took with him other people's jewelry and money, notalia represents the interests of a businessman who kept 5 million rubles in a safe deposit box. he came to the bank to replenish the safe deposit box and found that it was completely empty, after some time we filed a claim, the bank refused to reimburse us due to the fact that hacking had not been proven, as the bank indicated in its response to the claim that the castle is intact, thousands of russians faced such a reaction from the bank, whose cells the thieves devastated them, but if
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you read the contract carefully, the client is usually not promised anything, you are just renting a safe deposit box, and so what? you place it in it, while the bank does not know what is stored there, in this case, if something suddenly disappears or is stolen, then the bank does not respond directly, while theft from the cells probably cannot be done without the help of employees of the financial institution, obviously simple rent is not enough, you need an inventory of the property, but not all banks offer such a service, so experts advise bringing with a notary, such and such property is placed in a certain package.
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cell, this can be accepted by the court , perhaps the best option , experts say, is to insure the property in the cell, and in general it’s time to oblige banks to include this option in the contract, the risk of losing a lot of money will certainly help them make depositories safer, and besides, the value that in a safe deposit box is capable of growing every year, for example, in the coming year, according to analysts’ forecasts, the price of gold may again show a historical maximum, and dollar turnover will fall to the level of 70-75 rubles.
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i would not advise investing in gold, no, i would still advise a deposit, a deposit in large banks with mandatory insurance at a deposit insurance agency, if this amount is up to 1.4000 rubles. if, so to speak, other money is expected, then i would look at the stock market of the russian federation, there may be dividend yield and, accordingly, there. a balanced rate is somewhere around 90-95 rubles per dollar, this is a balanced rate, in principle it will suit authorities, because we , among other things, form budget revenues based on this dollar exchange rate, well, you need to understand that the importance of the dollar and euro for the russian economy is significantly reduced, as for the consumer market, simple... how all this will affect us will not happen again or, for example, last year’s story with eggs, something like that cannot happen, because this
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also ultimately depends on the components imported there, for individual products this is possible, but in general, in general, production volumes in the russian federation very high, i want to remind you that last year the rate of economic growth was 3.5, 3.5%, this is a very high rate, in the end let’s return to jewelry, as for diamonds, they are in the twelfth package. sanctions from march 1 will also affect diamonds that were processed in other countries and mined in russia, maybe somehow we still need to refocus our interests on the domestic market, to the delight of the ladies? well, here i probably have to upset the ladies a little, we will sell, we already for last year, at the end of last year, when it was already it is clear that the twelfth package of sanctions will specifically affect the diamond market, our rough diamonds; we have done quite a serious one. a reversal of our flows to, again , friendly countries, these are china, india and the persian gulf countries. i don’t think that
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the russian market will experience significant changes in terms of prices or the availability of any additional jewelry, in any case, those jewelry that are already made from our stones and, accordingly, are presented on the russian market, i think that it’s about the same the situation will remain, that is, they will not stones are more affordable, no, it’s a pity, about gold, diamonds and more, we talked with a professor at the institute of the state. management service aranhix, doctor of economics vladimir osipov, all the best, my friend sod, today is the final hearing, you will have to falsify the patient’s card, what will i tell the doctors, shut up, i want us to be together, like the wonderful martynov, great, so it’s bad, i’m alone with everything, somehow i’m not alone with you. sklifosovsky today at 21:20 on the russia channel. russia morning,
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don't oversleep the main thing. there is field mail, and in australia there is river mail. for more than 100 years, its employees have been delivering mail to those who live along the banks of the hogs river. our auto expert ivan zenkevich will help you find one. this snowy winter, many are probably thinking about buying an all-wheel drive crossover, and this option may well be
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a budget option, the fact is that manufacturers are adding all-wheel drive as an option even on compact crossovers. let's compare three such models officially presented in russia. let's start with the amoda c5 crossover. under the hood 4x4 version has a 1.6 liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower. transmission seven-speed robot. the list of equipment includes: six airbags, all-round parking sensors, plus a 360 camera, heated all seats, steering wheel, windshield and injectors, wireless charging, cost from 3,140,000 rubles. and this is a havail jollion, its all-wheel drive version has an engine slightly more powerful than the base version, it is a one and a half liter turbocharged unit with a capacity of 150 horsepower. gearbox - seven-speed robot wet type included. there will be a heating kit, keyless entry, start, rear view camera, climate control, recommended retail price from 2 ml 420
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thousand rubles. and finally, cherry tiga 7 pro. four driven wheels are pulled by a 1.6-liter turbocharged engine with 150 horsepower, a seven-speed robotic gearbox, at the start of this version there are parking sensors in the front and rear, plus an all-round visibility system , remote start and interior heating, dual-zone climate control and a full set of heating, price from 3,260,000 rub. so on today jooln is perhaps the most affordable compact crossover with all-wheel drive, largely thanks to localized production, while this version comes immediately in the middle configuration, so the equipment will not be spartan, and the fashion is noticeably more expensive and its main trump card is a bright design, well, the set of equipment is also supposed to be decent. cherry tiga 7 pro max is the largest option of the three, which means the most practical. by the way, all three crossovers , along with all-wheel drive, have a slightly more
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powerful engine, although the difference is several hardly any horsepower. will really feel something. what else is important to understand: all-wheel drive on such purely urban crossovers is not capable of serious off-road forays. this requires real all-terrain vehicles, but such a car will definitely add confidence when moving through snowdrifts. and then, is this global warming or global cooling? we will ask a specialist in a few minutes whether we influence these processes. “i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom,
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how many children do you want, and it has something to do with utilities, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. you will meet the morning of surbi.


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