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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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you really need to study, make-up, make-up, massage, again, who can argue, institutes are accepted until what age, up to 35, you still have a lot of attempts, well, with such a scientific approach, the result will be obvious, otherwise people they trust such homemade recipes, and then that they are dissatisfied with these procedures, we will talk in detail about goria cosmetologists with experts after the news, uh-huh, by the way, the acid in strawberries can, on the contrary, harm. the farthest east, vladimir putin's first visit to chukotka, what did the president drive there? new hot spot, hostage-taking and armed gang violence. what's happening in ecuador? replenishment on the front line, as volunteers of the bars detachment prepare for their first battles.
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good morning, this is news, my name is yaroslav krasienko, we only have the most important things at this hour. so, a few hours ago, vladimir putin flew to khabarovsk, where a meeting on the development of far eastern cities will take place. the press secretary also announced a meeting of the head of state with representatives of local business. the president is expected to visit the khabarovsk animation studio studio, products that entered the international market. well, before that, vladimir putin visited chukotka. in anadar he was shown how to live in the harsh conditions of the far east. growing tomatoes, and local volunteer soldiers spoke about the problems they face. volunteer dmitry yudin said that it is not always possible for wounded soldiers to receive leave for further treatment, and federal payments are often accrued with a delay. the head of state promised to resolve this issue and recalled that all donbass militias who defended the interests russia, with arms in hand even before february of twenty-two, should be equated with the current participants of the northern military district.
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for example, there was no word at all on the launch after being wounded, but as far as i know, this situation is being corrected and people are getting the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it is not must disappear, in the next 6 months the person must receive the right to take leave for the current 6 months for the previous ones. now the payment terms for these payments, well, for you specifically do you or your colleagues have problems with payments? there are people who, since the beginning of february 20 of the third year, have not yet been wounded, are you in contact with these people? yes, vkontakte, can you give me information about them? yes, i can, please tell me, okay. must really understand
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what is happening in life in each specific case, and if there are any glitches, we must clear them up, okay, good, thank you, we agreed, and after this conversation, vladimir putin took a ride on an all-terrain vehicle along the unofficially open winter road, the entire route of course, we checked first, this road will be opened for local residents in february, the thickness of the ice there does not guarantee unhindered passage of any transport. in the lugansk people's republic, recruits from the bars-16 unit are preparing for their first battles. before being on the front line, they undergo training at special training grounds, and then they go to the front. who teaches the soldiers there and what? artyom yundos saw the lesson to take, which is simply vital. many of the recruits of the bars-16 detachment people with combat experience, but there are also those who have not even served in military service. one thing about...
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them is a gray-haired hereditary military man who stood up to defend his homeland, because honor and conscience would not allow him to do otherwise, my grandfather is a hero of the soviet union, my closest relatives are only seven officers, i didn’t see myself any other way, that is, now our homeland needs this, instructors with combat experience share their skills, knowledge of how to quickly equip the magazine of a machine gun can save a life, you turn the core towards yourself, throw it, keep your hands here, very it’s good when it’s cold, you also warm up a little, at the training ground in conditions close to combat, practicing skills still goes according to the script,
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but the coherence of the squad’s actions achieved here will help improvise in real conditions. the soldiers of the bars-16 detachment will spend no more than 10 days at the training ground, then carry out real combat missions from reconnaissance to assault. artyom yundas, daniil vetrov, maria bulgakova, lead lugansk. the war zone now resembles the center of the capital of ecuador; on the streets there are armored vehicles and a huge number of military personnel. the country is under a state of emergency and curfew. security measures have been strengthened at all airports. only passengers with tickets are allowed into the building. after escaping from prison, he leads two major gangs. a wave of violence has swept across ecuador. prisoners began to take hostages and attack government institutions. 13 people died. more than 70 rioters were detained, including two suspects in the murder of police officers. the head of state recognized the internal armed
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conflict and issued orders as soon as possible neutralize more than twenty criminal groups. in siberia in the far east there is a severe snowstorm and stormy winds, a real test of cold. in the yakut village of tiksi , frosts have reached 33°, the snowstorm does not stop. classes in kindergartens and schools have been cancelled. women were allowed not to go to work. service vehicles cannot get through snow drifts. there are huge snowdrifts in the northern kuril islands. forecasters say the snowfall will continue for another day. night. temperatures can drop to -40°. in the omsk region the situation is very similar: snow, skidding , limited visibility on the roads. traffic police officers warn drivers about further deterioration of the weather and help everyone who is stuck on the road. in altai , special groups are also being formed right now that will quickly
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go to the aid of those in distress. stronger winds, snowstorms and black ice are forecast for the region. all our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments, do not switch. in primorye, a real redistribution spheres of influence were started by the most dangerous inhabitants of the local forests - tigers. they increasingly come to the village and attack. dogs and scare people , and some talk about an unprecedented invasion, while others say that everything is normal and panic is being raised completely in vain, what kind of lion is this unsafe tiger, our victoria shandybina tried to find out, the tiger is near the house, in the primorye tigers began to appear more often on
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on the roads to enter populated areas, neighbors, hide the dogs, the tiger is sitting right next to our gate, here he is, healthy, very strong, about dogs good advice, predators don't just walk into... animals in barns. recently, predators have been observed in arsenyev, in the forest behind the ski resort, in the krasnoarmeysky district , the village of melnichnaya, in the chuguevsky district near the village of izvilinko, vanuchinsky, near the villages of risovaya, novopokrovka, tikhorechnaya ate two dogs in novotroetsky, they are not afraid of anything at all, so he runs after the car, right in the know, look, every case is checked by employees. hunting supervision, they say people often confuse cat tracks with dog paw prints, by phone they shout that they themselves encountered the beast, but in reality no one saw the cat, they just spread a rumor. they made a provocative video about the situation in the anuchinsky district, accusing the special services of inaction. part of the video has nothing to do with the kokonuchensky district,
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even in the twenty-third, twenty- fourth year. this winter is extremely covered with snow, the population of ungulates is growing, tigers have something to eat. in most cases, people ... themselves lure predators to villages for a banal reason: the presence of cattle entrails livestock, skins, which is located a couple of kilometers from this address, where the tiger was spotted, that is, well, in a forest area, and a large number of homeless stray dogs, which attracted the predator. specialists have plans to catch cats that are acting up in the krasnoarmeysky district of the ionuchinsky district. now in the rehabilitation center there is a predator caught in the chernigov region, which was found in the tiger. old gunshot wound, he could not hunt ungulates and was forced to eat dogs. the condition of the animal is extremely serious, if the stripe survives, he will never return back to the forest. victoria shandybina, platon volkov, vesti primorye. all our news is always available on the media platform
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, look in the application or on the website the news is monitoring developments, don’t switch. let's start! so, let's go, let's do it with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning to you! january 11, thursday, andrei petrov, svetlana obrava, we decided to drop by between the holidays to see you. and this is what we found out, we spent for fun, all these holidays, for relaxation, for trips, walks, for food...
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our correspondent oksana sirova can be very useful. at the word manicure , alena shudders, the impressions from her last trip to this procedure are too fresh. expensive salon, a muscovite paid 5.00 rubles. friendly atmosphere. but the master, the girl says, apparently was caught inexperienced. they drilled bones into my little finger, literally bleeding. there was a danger of losing my little finger altogether, because the inflammatory process had started under my foot. against this background the phrase “beauty” requires sacrifice and takes on some kind of sinister meaning, but there are quite a few similar stories. there are even more complaints about poor-quality beauty services, burnt hair, damaged nails, fallen eyelashes
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; as practice shows, russian women often leave beauty salons in tears; in response to complaints, they usually hear about inflated expectations, poor quality of their hair and nails the complexity of the procedures, but no, conscientious beauty experts assure that the matter is most often in the inexperience and inattention of the salon employee, in the hands for such a low-level specialist , even an ordinary file turns into a formidable weapon when they saw through the growth points until they bleed... in the event of any harm to health, as well as if you simply had a bad haircut or, for example, dyed, experts recommend seeking justice, because the law on the protection of consumer rights completely on your side. if the salon refuses to compensate for the damage caused to you, then contact rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office, and the final authority is certainly the court, the court, among other things, seeks compensation and...
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she still hasn’t been able to receive compensation, they filed for bankruptcy in the arbitration court, and that means that the master of this owner of this salon herself was declared bankrupt by the court, such a development of events is of course rare, but litigation is a pleasure in any case unpleasant, and in order to avoid them, you need to approach the choice of a beauty salon as seriously as possible. you need to choose a salon that has already proven itself from a good point of view, be sure to read the comments, reviews that people write, like what they did. only then go to this place, there must be certificates, and we must provide them necessarily, even more
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reliably, find out information, read reviews about specific masters, because unqualified employees come across in good salons, however, the good thing about a good salon is that if something happens its owners will not hide from responsibility. and at the beginning of 2024, many of us tried very hard to hide from the january frosts, and in some places they were abnormal. against this background , questions arose again, but what about global warming on... it seems to be happening, but human participation in this is increasingly being questioned, that is, cows, burning oil and gas, food pipes, factories are not able to spoil nature like that, says the scientific world. what's really going on? let's talk with mikhail mlakoshchenko, leading researcher at the department of meteorology, climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university. mikhail alexandrovich, good morning, hello, today we will talk about whether humans influence climate change at all, because more, more and more scientific it is very good that there are discussions;
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there are no absolutely immutable truths in science. we assume that in fact there is global warming, if it exists, then it is not so global, in fact, similar warmings have already happened in the life of the planet, so there is nothing to be afraid of and, accordingly , fuss about the natural processes that our planet needs, and we humans do not influence this unfortunately, we influence both... and the simultaneous growth, so to speak, of purnic gas, primarily acid. it is known that in especially warm eras, say, from the azoi era, the content there was an order of magnitude more carbon dioxide than now. if we consider periods of hundreds of thousands of years, then there is, so to speak, an alternation of ice ages and interglacial eras. interglacial eras are short, ice ages last a long time, but the last
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thinning disappeared 12,000 years ago. according to experts, geologists, geographers, the following. you see, if the climate were getting colder, if there was a rapid, catastrophic cooling of the global climate, it would be much more dangerous for humans, for the entire biosphere, but this should not make us happy, any changes are dangerous, any rapid changes, if they do not happen very quickly, they pose a threat to so to speak. the biosphere, for flora, for fauna, for humans, so it would be best if the climate did not change, and if it did change, it would be slowly, this is the speed, the unprecedented rate of warming, it is also dangerous, although not as dangerous as if if there was such a strong cooling, well, they now take into account where the measurements are taken, because let’s say in a city, in an urban environment it is clear that the climate is probably warmer than is acceptable in
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forests, fields and so on, right? that these errors exist because they are measured in the city, it is warmer in the city, because lighting devices and so on , of course, in large fast-growing cities, the rate of warming is much greater, but it does not reflect background conditions when we see the dynamics of climate change on a global scale , this is the result of an analysis of data from the global network, meteorological stations, there are several tens of thousands of them, but city stations are excluded from them as they are not indicative, then the question arises, if we leave everything as it is now? not intensive, but we live no weaker, that’s how we live at the moment, i don’t know your forecast for the next 10-20, 30 years, what will happen, we have pineapples near st. petersburg again, but they won’t grow in greenhouses or what, you know , if you do nothing and don’t take any measures, not well, that’s how it is, sooner or later we will begin to grow, you know, the air temperature
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is already a little degree higher than it was in the pre-industrial era on a global scale. soon it will cross the one and a half degree mark, soon it will become one and a half degrees warmer, well , with the caveat of a possible accident, unlikely, there may be some reasons that this warming will temporarily stop, say, a circle of volcanic eruptions, no, solar activity does not affect this, so to speak, we understand you, thank you very much , our question was answered by the leading researcher at the department of meteorology, climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university, mikhailashchenko , lichkina, why at some point you feel despondent in a state of depression, when the movie ended right at takeoff, i have very severe headaches began, there was a doctor who treated me in an unconventional way, and he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris
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korchevnikov, tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel. this morning, some statistics according to surveys from the largest russian internet portal for used cars: 70% of car owners do not have enough money to repair their car at a car service center. 66% would like to use installments when paying for this service, and 26% of the high prices for repair work carry out diagnostics only when when anything ever breaks. against this background , it is not surprising that car owners are increasingly trying to fix their car with their own hands. how much is the turnover now? changes the oil, air, cabin and oil filters , servicing the car yourself is calculated by a man and is cheaper and more reliable, you have to carefully do it yourself slowly, change it in the process as if in
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some way and maybe saves money and effort, repairing the car on your own lately prefer everything... more russian drivers, the reason for this is a significant increase in prices for car repair services , inflation, fuel costs, labor costs have certainly also increased, all this leads to an increase in repair prices in all segments, prices have increased there from 10 to 30-40-50%, it is not surprising that the demand for equipment for self-repair of cars has increased significantly by an average of 15%. most actively, russian car enthusiasts began to buy tire fitting and welding equipment, as well as a set of automotive tools. with everyone's choice, of course, it is worth paying attention to a number of factors when purchasing a set of auto tools: the number of items in the set, the quality of the metal, steel or all-metal, and the country of manufacture: russia, china are cheaper, turkey, germany are more expensive. the average price of a set is 13-15. rub. with its help, you can change a burnt-out light bulb in a headlight or , for example, unscrew the spark plugs of gasoline engines, and if you buy an additional jack pump, you can also carry out tire fitting yourself. the price of such car
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accessories ranges from 2 to 10,000 rubles. and from 3 to 15, accordingly, for comparison with tire fitting , the service will cost about 4.00 per season, but if more serious work is needed, a tire fitting machine will be required from 50,000 rubles. the power of a tire changing machine for private use, for some garage , up to 1 kw will be enough and what’s good is that it will work from a 220 v network and consume a little energy, that is, you can save money. and finally, welding equipment, which allows, for example, to restore damaged body parts, should be selected according to three criteria: current strength, power duration inclusion, that is, work. the current strength for private use will be up to 200 a and, accordingly, somewhere up to 2-3 kw of power. the turn-on duration is 70%, then you need the welding machine to work for 7 minutes, and 3 minutes. rested. the price of these starts from 15,000 rubles. it seems that each type of equipment can pay for itself in three or four conventional car breakdowns, but experts warn. buying one device to repair a particular
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automotive component is not enough. dozens more small devices may be needed, keys, fuel and lubricant protective materials. in addition, you need to take into account the person’s hours and energy costs, and most importantly, if the car enthusiast does not have the necessary knowledge for repairs, then there is no need to think about saving; for safety reasons, it is better to entrust car servicing to professionals. well, let’s also talk about safety, ice on the roofs of houses every year takes utility workers by surprise. more about this after the news.
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the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from... this we are making three different functional zones in absolutely featureless rooms, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and
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a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in our living room real stone flowers will soon bloom for the heroes , after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i want to go to college, what photo is this from nafilfa, oh my god my. throw it away, say that you have cheat sheets , i need to do it, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy princes,
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i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in yourself, are you the best girl in the community? married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, great hopes, on saturday and sunday rtr. i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually.
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a new device that can detect a dozen diseases in just a couple of seconds made a splash at the high -tech exhibition in las vegas, a miracle mirror was invented in canada, doctors around the world were nervous about the risk of mass layoffs, the latest technology allows you to conduct examinations without leaving the bathroom transdermal
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optical imaging. that's what it's called: there are many sensors in the mirror, which scan the smallest vessels on the face, then the obtained data on parameters are analyzed by artificial intelligence and produces a diagnosis that is as detailed and legible as possible, besides, russian scientists have figured out how to make sweets without sugar, as an alternative they are launching pilot production of special proteins, and this is a pleasant news for fans of all kinds of diets for those who suffer from diabetes? well, these are tomatoes with altered taste. there we have a gene for a super sweet protein from a tropical plant. the taste of these tomatoes is not felt only with the tongue, but also with the palate. this is explained precisely by the fact that sweets are given not only by sugar, but also by a special protein called thaumatin. initially, it was discovered in the pulp of the fruit of the plant, this is from matakok daniel. it is in latin, popularly called african sirendip berry, used as a sweetener. not surprising, because thaumatin is
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3,000 times sweeter than sucrose, not so. a long time ago , geneticists isolated the dna sequence responsible for the synthesis of thaumatin and inserted it into the genome of other plants. we did this improving the quality of taste - this is , first of all, we got strawberries and pears, as a model plant of tomato, many of us have tried it, who comes here. alas, if you are not a guest of the laboratory, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out the taste of such fruits, because we are talking about gmos, which can only be grown for scientific purposes, but like... diabetic patients could appreciate the products, they would eat sweets without fear of health, and if thaumatin is isolated from these plants, it could be used in the preparation of desserts, the calorie content of which would tend to zero, however, today another solution has emerged on how to obtain such a sweetener. in these bioreactors live yeast, similar to those that help humans synthesize various drugs, but in this case they were taught to produce a sweet
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protein, which was also originally... isolated from a tropical plant, only the name of this substance is brosiine. sweet protein can be used in various confectionery products, chocolate, ice cream, sweet drinks, that is, where a lot of sugar is used and can be used there replace it. moreover, 1 g of borzein replaces 2 kg of sugar, so even if it turns out to be expensive in production , this should not affect the cost of the final product. the only disadvantage of sweet proteins , unlike sugar, is when... they decompose, so , say, you can’t put them in baking dough, but perhaps experts will still figure out how to get around this, while they are bringing the method of obtaining braziin to perfection and at the same time, they are certifying a new product; if everything goes according to plan, it may go on sale in just a couple of days years. and then, perhaps, we’ll put a microdistrict in a semicircle, okay, this, this, turn this a little to the side, andrey, now, wait,
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here. but shouldn’t an architect, according to science , organize cities? well, we’ll discuss this in detail in a few minutes, insert , insert, insert, where to put it, put it right here , put it a little, and how everything works out for us , i’ll look at the same panorama. good morning, this is news, my name is yaroslav korsienko, we only have the most important things at this hour. so, vladimir putin with a business card visit to chukotka, for the first time in all time the leadership country. the head of state clarified that he came to personally study the situation in the region. in anadar, the president was shown how tomatoes are grown even in the harsh conditions of the far east, and local residents asked questions about maternal capital.
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but families, especially those with many children, always have a lot of needs, a sea of ​​needs, you know, health , education, what not, uh, that means, but i ’m always afraid that when we start allowing this maternity capital to be spent on its own in different ways, in different directions, i’ll say now, well, a simple but very direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of children, that’s what we’re talking about, chukotka, this is also an extremely promising northern sea route for russia throughout the world, in addition, this one is truly unique.. the region has considerable tourism potential, so the most important issue is transport accessibility. there are now almost 50,000 inhabitants in chukotka, of which 13.00 are in onadar. and its connection with other populated areas is not very strong and reliable. the distances are long and the temperatures
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it's extreme here. the airport saves the day, but there is only one here and is located on one side of the anador estuary, the city itself is on the other, there are constant difficulties with the crossing, especially in the off-season. and again, with an outstretched hand, the leader of the kiev regime went on another european tour, begging for money from western curators. at a press conference in vilnius, he said that he wants to achieve at least one concrete step towards ukraine's membership in nato. zelensky also insists on at least one specific thing, namely strengthening air defense. the same arguments if ukraine loses the current conflict, russia will allegedly then attack the baltic states, moldova and finland. kiev and vilnius agreed on joint production. farmers, whose tractors blocked all the collapse of the country's main routes to the national reserve, were joined by railway workers, which in turn
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could completely paralyze the movement of trains. first, freight train drivers stopped working, then colleagues from passenger transportation. both demand an increase in wages and a reduction in the working week. from 38 to 35. demand that the government reconsider their supposed compromise solution. earlier, the german cabinet of ministers proposed abolishing subsidies for agriculture not immediately, but gradually, but farmers refuse to produce at a loss and threaten to farm until the benefits are returned to them. well, in irkutsk they have already begun to prepare for epiphany bathing, and jordan is being set up on jacobi bay. the work is being carried out by parishioners. alexander nevsky church. they clear the area, surround it with snow fences , and install ice sculptures. at work the volunteers were observed by kristina cherkova. the bin saw helps to carefully cut even
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cubes of ice about 20 cm thick. they are necessary for the epiphany ice font. on ikobe bay, parishioners of the alexander nevsky church and other concerned residents of irkutsk have been building it all week. location on. about 5,000 km, everyone has their own task, snow barriers have already been made here, markings have been made on the site of future swimming pools and ice has been removed, but there is still a lot of work, the ice complex should be ready next week, as usual we will have an iconostasis stand with a candle holder, on the other side opposite it there might be a chapel , well, in fact, we ourselves bought a water intake for swimming, for this purpose we are armed with shovels and brooms... volunteers work here every day, many of those who came here have been helping in the construction of jordan for many years , this is a joy for people , not just for me, everyone who works and who comes here for baptism,
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all the people will come and rejoice, and they will take holy water and bathe, this is to do god’s work, that is, to help jordan, in in principle, this is great, this is cool, however, from such a temperature the ice freezes slowly, and it becomes difficult to connect the cubes. irkutsk this is news, we are monitoring developments, do not switch. doctors from st. petersburg are helping the residents of mariupol; whole teams of them come to the liberated city to solve the problem of shortage of specialists. doctors are with us. report by irina efremova. a man was injured near the st. petersburg base in mariupol. the victim is immediately examined by someone who came from the city sister-city, a traumatologist applies a splint to reduce pain during transportation.
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there is no shortage of doctors in st. petersburg, but here there is. and people need help. meanwhile, an ambulance had already arrived ; its team was also from st. petersburg. the victim is carefully transported, taken to... to the nearest hospital, and mobilization and pain relief have been completed, how are you feeling? well, actually it’s better, they helped, thank you, in our case the patient was already helped. for more severe cases, the ambulance is equipped with everything necessary. here there is a modern apparatus for artificial ventilation of the lungs and a cardiac monitor with a defibrillator. when the patient is delivered, they show a device for chest compressions; it is also in the resuscitation vehicle that arrived from st. petersburg. this is very convenient, because people get tired when performing closed cardiac massage, but the device cannot get tired. in mariupol , one person with a severe heart attack was saved. mikhail zhuravlev first
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came to the liberated city a year and a half ago. when we first arrived, it was absolutely a spectacle. just, well, very sad. people need help in difficult situations. people get sick everywhere. the latest team includes 10 st. petersburg doctors and nurses. among them there are also specialized specialists, for example, ophthalmologists. they work with modern equipment, which was not available in mariupol before. in addition, st. petersburg built an entire medical facility in mariupol. this clinic was completely destroyed; the following business trips were all restored. thanks to the northern capital and its doctors, the level of healthcare in mariupol will soon reach russian levels standards, in the new year st. petersburg doctors will also continue to travel to mariupol. irina efremova, dmitry rut, lead donetsk-mariupol. and in chelyabinsk they launched a real fight against icicles. due to sudden changes in temperature, the roofs of residential buildings were covered with ice, which turned into a great danger for passers-by and... parked cars,
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anastasia ishmeneva found out how roofs are cleared, what methods are used. part of the yard on kaslinskaya street is blocked by a red ribbon, an announcement that today the roof will be cleared of snow and icicles have been hanging for a week, but local motorists haven’t bothered to remove their cars. it’s clear that it can fall at any moment, you have to look at what kind of people we have, they parked the car, it ’s written there in large letters. he doesn’t park the car, we’ll clean it up, no, he took it and parked it. the length of the icicles on the houses in this courtyard reaches 2 m. yuri stepanovich lives on the first floor and says he daily monitors the work of the management company’s employees. the snow was removed from the yard on time and now they are cleaning the roof, risking their lives at high altitude work eduard at -20° and in strong winds. the tools of journalists are , of course, a microphone; in the cold, it also freezes; by the way, it’s metal, but utility workers now have a very hard time, they have to work there at heights. with such heavy metal objects, among which is this hatchet and
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crowbar, by the way, it weighs quite heavily and you have to work hard to knock this thing off, and there is definitely 20 centimeters of ice, if not more, so it all sticks and doesn’t really come off, well it's hot there and your hands they get very tired, well, at most, only their feet are cold, because here the iron cradle is now awaited for the arrival of the lift in almost every yard; dangerous stalactites on the roofs are asked to be reported to the unified dispatch service. we are responsible for the formation of icicles on the roof, of course , the management company, or, accordingly, zhek, or the service organization, is responsible for cleaning, but where icicles form on the balconies, the owner is already responsible if your... the management company ignores message about icicles, you should contact
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the state housing inspectorate. anastasia shmeneva, anastasia nikolaeva, lead the southern urals. all our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments, do not switch. valentina telichkina, why does despondency, a state of depression visit you at some point, when the movie actually ended, i started having very strong headaches, there was a doctor who treated me in an unconventional way, he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing . the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel. the new leap year 2024 has arrived, which will bring colossal changes in the world. all the soothsayers talk about this. archena, she clearly
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sees what awaits us in the coming fateful year, it will be an assassination attempt, yes, it will be an assassination attempt, it will happen in november, it will be a real historical event, live broadcast, today at 16:30, okay, morning of russia, no sleep through the main thing. good morning, good morning, welcome to the new year, the holiday holidays have come to an end, and many, of course, don’t want to go to work, andrei petrov, svetlana abramova, we will try to cheer you up, but we understand that the task is not easy, yes, given the number of people who meet in the subway, or rather do not meet, it means the holidays are still not quite finished, an excellent invention for
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those who work on frosty days, it’s not you who goes to work, but a robot, the world’s first electronic road repairman was tested in england. as you can see, it is more like a lunar rover, for detecting the slightest artificial intelligence is used to repair operational cracks. a smart machine can handle this kind of work 70% faster than a human, there are no smoke breaks or lunch breaks, and the quality of the seams is impeccable. yes, they really didn’t show us a single perfect seam. constant temperature transitions through zero have a detrimental effect not only on the road surface on the roofs of houses, because of this, icicles are formed. at the end of december, the investigative committee... called the tragic incidents throughout the country numerous, but the appearance of ice is not spontaneous a disaster, a completely predictable phenomenon , which, however, every year takes utility workers by surprise, it’s just cruel , it was really huge, danielle recalls with horror, that morning, sharp, like an icicle spear pierced the canopy over the porch of
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their clinic, miraculously not killing the patient, but after all , before this, doctors had repeatedly informed the management company about the impending threat; they grew more than one day. that is, the utility workers should have seen and understood that there would be three-meter-high icicles here, which sooner or later would fall on someone’s head, but even after the incident had to wait several days for the remaining ice to be knocked off the roof, but in lyubertsy near moscow they did not have time. the camera captured the moment a block of ice falls on people. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the fact that four people were injured by a falling plate of snow from the roof of a building in the city of lyubertsy. subsequently, one of the victims from the injuries received... died in the hospital. a resident of a neighboring house, lyubov nikolaevna, says: after the december snowfall, it was scary to walk along the houses. all lyubertsy were covered with snow and high icicles, no one cleared anything away. they only got out when this emergency happened. but the roofs are once again bristling with icicles. it's time to give them a fight before they grow bigger, like in bryansk.
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here they barely have time to clean 15-20 houses per day, and then only above the entrances. last time we warmed up until lunch, the propane tank was gone. differently.
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personal sphere, generally bring this sphere into some separate section, so to speak, there is a law on state municipal control, because in general we have 75% appeals to control and supervisory authorities concern housing and communal services; now these authorities are completely powerless. if a tragedy happens, then officials will stage a show flogging, but it will be of no use, just like talk about creating a safe and comfortable urban environment while icicles continue to fall on people’s heads. look at the urban environment more broadly, more global problems will appear and be identified, experts from the financial development institute in the housing sector conducted an analysis of the vacancy for the position of chief architect. it turned out that the salaries of specialists those responsible for the city's appearance do not meet their expectations at all; out of 190 advertisements for employees, only 27 cases
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indicate a salary above 5,000 rubles. only three are above 100, well, because the jobs are empty , apparently, that’s why we... we’ll find out everything, discuss the details with the people’s architect of russia, president of the union of architects of russia, nikolai shumakov, nikolai ivanovich, hello, thank you for joining, andryusha svetus andryusha, this is us, please tell us, we indicated 50, maximum 100, that is, the youth have no motivation, young people, they would rather go to a commercial structure, they will receive big money, my dears, we must talk about the prestige of the profession in general, not just small salaries, large salaries. it is necessary to raise the prestige of the profession, how to do this, initially it is necessary to raise architectural education, there is one specialized university in the whole of russia. called markhi, moscow architectural institute, everything else, the remaining 49 are faculties, as
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a rule, faculties at large construction institutes or polytechnics institutes, at universities, this is a faculty, a department, nothing more, and the quality of teaching is unsatisfactory, to put it mildly, there is no one to teach architecture, maybe the state needs to do something. there will be a master plan, which means there will be a chief architect who will have to actually implement all this and monitor it. eh, you say correctly, but you understand,
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there is a ministry of construction, the ministry of construction should be issued annually or in a five-year period, well, now it’s year by year we are constantly measuring how many millions of square meters of housing, how many cubic meters of this housing, how much social work to do, and as it turns out, the architect is interfering with them, he is interfering, he says: let’s do it well, and the ministry of construction says: “yes, and so good, my god, and so good, look, the house has grown, homeless people have settled in this house, what else do you need, everything is simple, everything is just like that, yes, and then we won’t be able to set up a kindergarten here, because there was no room left, and then there was no room left for the clinic; social services ended up in paddock, children must be transported by bus to the neighboring area, hospital.
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the holidays are over in this new year, we are starting to drink cups of invigorating aromatic
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azerchay tea, try it in the morning, it’s time to brew azerchay, why? for everything, for all my lonely evenings, for the duck with apples that i threw away because of you, for 250 episodes of the turkish series, everything that i don’t do, it’s all my fault, eye! supporting families with children is one of the key goals of the demography national project. at every stage from the birth of a child to the beginning of his adult family life can count on government assistance, primarily financial. according to statistics, most often such payments are spent on improving living conditions. here we accept. at the round table, here we have children playing, mother of four children gulnara mukasheva shows a new apartment, the youngest three-month-old kamil
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does not yet need a separate room, so there is enough space for everyone. i don’t live alone in a room, with my cat, yes, but what’s the cat’s name? previously, the family lived in khrushchevka, where with each new addition it became more and more crowded, state support helped me move into a new apartment; maternity capital was used for the down payment, and part of it was repaid. now they are preparing documents to receive regional maternity capital. the omsk region, like most other regions, implements its own support programs. we pay a monthly or annual cash payment, in addition, these families receive the right to
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receive benefits for utility bills , housing contributions for major repairs. thanks to the national project demography more than 13.5 million families received maternity capital, with its help almost 9 million apartments and houses were purchased or built. more than 650 thousand large families received payments to pay off their mortgages. ekaterina and dmitry met in a cafe. the girl worked part-time as a waitress during the holidays. almost 20 years have passed, they already have three children, but every sunday they all go for a walk together and will definitely go somewhere to eat. as a reminder of that happy occasion. sometimes we even call it a date with the family, we always dreamed to always have a house, because it is unity with nature, it is comfort, it is a large room, after the birth of the first child they sold the apartment, they still bought the house with a mortgage, when their daughter nastya was born, they repaid half of the loan with the help of maternal capital, they completed the construction of the house with their own hands, mainly dmitry's eldest son alexey, a future
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programmer, it fell to him to arrange the electrical wiring. for example, in the kitchen, there is light, and there in the attic, i’m interested not only in the topic of programming, but also electricians, last year pukhovo learned about a new measure of support, a unified benefit for families with children, they offered to apply for it at the social protection department, the amount depends on the need of the family, we are paid 50% of the subsistence level, this is very good material support for us, we were particularly pleased with the ease of applying for the benefit, the whole process took 15 minutes on the state service portal. you will see - this is a door scratched by dogs, if you come to my house, the first thing you
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could do is become a zoologist. or athletes, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i like to eat a lot always or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, is this
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for you, well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen , a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, ihee, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cocky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who’s good for you, wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, are you responsible for your words? "i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just watch on the platform, may the new year come and joy and success, and we
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will provide you with loud laughter in every hall. old new year, premiere on saturday on rtr, well, there are never too many holidays, this week
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in japan, on top of everything else, they celebrated the day perfectly. that any cat would consider it an honor to sleep in one, and so would a cat, welcome to our exclusive cat hotel, amazed by what they saw, wait, he’s about
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to throw goldfish into the pool, that’s not it’s just a joke, there are people on the internet who really, really love cats and are ready to build real castles for them, however, even very small cat houses can be made thoughtful and cozy, all you need for... this is just a large cardboard box, and also a little is better, by the way, from ordinary cardboard you can make a huge space with a real playground, these kittens are clearly happy with the result, they give the creator a meow, oh, that is, a like, for cats that like to walk on their own, we also need an outdoor insulated option, for example, a wooden house like this with a real door. but this man went even further and turned his entire house into a huge playground for his pets. here you will find slides, tunnels, and stairs, literally everything to make the tabby
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feel like kings and queens of the wild . by the way, don't forget about the most important cat exercise machine, a good scratching post. it can save you money. hundreds of thousands of rubles, i’m talking about the cost of damaged furniture now, but to make such an accessory it’s not at all difficult to do it yourself, we take cardboard and a special jute cord, and you can also turn it into a real art object for home decoration. so, today the secrets of the coolest cat houses and coquettes have been revealed. please drink some milk and come back to the screen. of our ktv , to be honest, after all these new year ’s holidays at this job, it seems like a week , i still want a little fear, i’m in the house too , how to do these seals as quickly as possible, but
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now andrey and i will run to the house, after all, it’s still some kind of new year’s relaxed mood, see you soon, bye-bye, have a nice day, be in front of your screens, be sure to be early tomorrow. hello, on the air, in the studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. new benefits for families with many children. the good news is that it is becoming fashionable for us to have many children. support for ip participants and development of tourism in the far north. results of vladimir putin's visit to chukotka. how the anadar met the head of state. a lot of people have gathered, everyone is greeting putin. i'll have
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to take a bath today. exclusive footage in program to lead. you work, listen to what is happening, contact. recruits of the bars volunteer detachment began training at training grounds in the front-line zone of the northern military district. little adults, when bavakh was there, all the tiles in the toilet fell off, about 100 schoolchildren were taken from belgorod on vacation to the voronezh region, the picture of the disease was forty-fold magnified, this is the key to the success of further treatment. the latest equipment has arrived at the komsomolsko-on-sea oncology center. even iron and five chains cannot withstand fifty-degree frosts fail already. the removal of ships began in yakutia. benefits for large families,
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extension of the zemsky teacher program, support for svo participants, preservation of the culture of small indigenous peoples and development of tourism in the far north. vladimir putin discussed all these topics in chukotka, where the president flew for the first time, from anadai with a report from our columnist alexei golovko, as well as the author and host of the program moscow, the kremlin, putin, pavel za. an airplane with a tricolor on the wing, above the easternmost region of russia below is the icy chukotka, only tets floating on the horizon indicates where the district capital, anadar, is located. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure, the sun sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. now i’m literally walking along the bering sea, the ice on this seasoning under me is about a meter thick, now in chukotka, as the locals say, it’s only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be... 50 and maybe higher here
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such a reliable crossing exists here from january to march. this is vladimir putin’s first working trip to chukotka. the district remained the last region where it had not yet been. the main event of the day is a meeting with the residents of onadr. on the table next to the microphone are traditional figurines carved in walrus ivory. and although this is the farthest region from the special operation zone, among the participants in the conversation there are svo soldiers. due to the weather and distance, they do not always have time to return.
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russian men and 70% of the country's women would like to have two or more children, this is the mood for a large family, it is constantly, constantly strengthening, growing, parents with many children are offering new support measures, consider there is a question at the federal level about exempting large families from the tax on a single home, not only for parents, but also for children. if we talk about large families in the far east, this is not such a lot of money, and for the federal budget, and the federal budget, of course, could...
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maintain the appropriate levels of the budget system in order to provide this benefit, just now, right here i just finished a conversation with the minister of finance, the country’s budget system feels confident, calm, and is developing actively, therefore, of course there is such an opportunity, i support it, vladimir putin reminded about the traditions and life principles that a family lays down, citing his relatives as an example. i remember my mother’s stories , for example, about how, how, how her mother, my grandmother reacted to one or another of her actions, when she was still little, she was 7 years old, when she drove away a beggar there, and my grandmother said: what are you doing? , catch up, bring back, feed, put you to bed, feed you in the morning, send you away, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is our genetic code
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of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or i read the letters of my grandfather, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army, a simple russian man, a peasant, writes with errors to his son , addresses himself navy. you see , what an internal level of culture, and there he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how the bullet hit, how she died in his arms, and how he punishes his son to beat the nazis, here i am, this everyday letter, here i am reading this, you see, i realized that it is impossible to defeat such a people, regardless of status and marital status, all residents of anadri have one main question: how to connect the city to the airport? which divides the bay. we all
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know that nadr is an airport located on different banks of the anadr estuary. it's strange how it happened. residents are asking for improved accessibility to anadri, but helicopters and hovercraft are unreliable in this climate. what should i do? as an option , consider the possibility of engineering and technical construction through the onadar estuary? what is the distance? and about 5 km. how many billions will there be? a lot, because here you need to first get a technical solution, it can be very different, many, many, it’s like this in the tatar-mongol - in the army there was everything , there were dozens, hundreds, thousands, and then darkness, so, so, that’s what the army was called , darkness, like parents, some anadorians were interested in why soviet cartoons are better than modern foreign ones, these
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modern western-made cartoons, everything shoots, jumps, runs there, in half an hour your head will fall off from this films, as children can only stand it, our soviet cartoons, of course, are of a completely different quality and have a completely different emotional impact, aesthetic impact on the developing person. and, of course, the president could not, at least briefly, not talk about the current results of the confrontation between russia and the collective west. they are sitting there behind the cordon, they all have problems through the roof, incomparable even with ours, even the leading economies of europe are going through hard times, ours. growth, and they are falling, we don’t rejoice at this, we don’t mock it, but it’s a fact, the fact remains a fact, and it is that it turned out that their dependence on us is greater than ours on them, and the main thing that we showed to ourselves, well, to the whole world, also not unimportant, is that russia
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is a self-sufficient country, in this in the climate, very strong people really live, life here does not take away, and after sunset, in the frosty darkness, among colorful houses, adult children walk, and the favorite breed of dog here, of course, is the frost-free husky, chukotka is a region with great economic potential, here catch fish, extract gold, silver , tin, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, but of course, the main treasure of the region is the people living in such difficult climatic conditions, the population of anadria is 14,00 people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is a little more than 40,000, at the end of the working trip the president spent two. ..
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special flight squad of russia, and nearby are all-terrain vehicles called: khishnik, putin also drove on such a machine on the ice. what an interesting transport you have, dmitry sergeevich, we are mastering the domestic one, the inscription is clean. officially, the winter road has not yet opened. it turns out that it will officially open only in february. and so...
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to fly to the airport and then move to the city along the winter road, in this case you begin to understand what it is and how people live here, but putin clearly knows well how people live here, because the first thing he did was go to the greenhouse in such a harsh climate, they grow their own tomatoes, cucumbers , lettuce here, right from the pictures, and this greenhouse , at least somewhat, brings down the prices of imported vegetables, the cost of which... is simply shocking to non-local residents, tomatoes 1,600 rubles per kilogram, nearby there is a little cheaper 1,150, pepper - 1,350 rubles price per kilogram, fruits are looking, tangerines 1,400, lemons 1,200, but according to official statistics, the average
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salary in chukotka is more than 100,000 rubles. have you gotten used to them? are you already used to these prices? well , of course, you get used to everything over time. is this affordable for you? well, quite in principle yes , we are from other regions, of course we were simply stunned when we saw such prices for fruits and vegetables, well, everything is like that, when they arrive, everyone is shocked by such prices, delivery is very difficult, so i’ve already gotten used to such prices, but thanks to the new complex you can eat not imported vegetables, but your own chukotka vegetables, it’s even hard to believe, but president putin is in chukotka for the first time, this is his first visit, by the way, i can’t really see in the dark now, but.. let's see together what kind of cars the president drives here in chukotka. as i understand it, vladimir putin is in one of the minibuses. it is clear that since this is the first visit, today is special. we are closely monitoring every moment of this trip, so now here we are in the cold
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we stood in the thirty-five degree frost , we stood for about 30 minutes, but by the way, i must say that the frost is so dry, and people say that it is very warm, in this warm -35 almost the whole city came out on the street, a lot of people gathered, everyone was greeting putin, i’ll have to take a hot bath today, very hot, hot water consumption, judging by these shots, is here today... now experts are preparing to begin testing the amur space complex with
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a heavy-class carrier. the hangar was brought from the omsk branch of the scientific center named after khrunichevo. for the new rocket, vostochny had to create the necessary infrastructure from scratch. its performance was tested for several months using a full-size mockup. the rocket launch is scheduled for march. up to 280 militants were lost in the ssu within 24 hours in the donetsk direction. subdivision. groups of russian troops struck enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of krasnoye, bogdanovka, andreevka, kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka. in the artyomovsk direction, our artillerymen from howitzer stub destroyed a mortar crew the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation shells from a distance of 12 km. and in these frames the use of krasnopol guided ammunition. the shell hits the equipment of the ukrainian troops. near artyomovsk, paratroopers disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces militants by killing them with an anti-tank.
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at the training grounds in the front-line zone , recruits of the bars volunteer detachment began training, about how team coordination is going, artyom yundes, we are here, this is the earth, feel it, this air, breathe it, many of the recruits of the bars-16 detachment are people with combat experience, but there are also those who have not even served in military service. some professional instructors refresh their knowledge, others are taught from scratch. you work, listen to what is happening , contact, shock therapy: you need to get used to the constant noise on the battlefield, order the chaos, whistling bullets, falling shells, nothing should distract, in the first place is the ability to handle weapons, commanders personally instruct: aiming reticle we set it on three targets and remove it from the safety lock.
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with which they have to work, there is enough ammunition, they must bring it to the training ground actions to the point of automatism , stood up, pulled out a grenade, threw, lech, roll, a fighter with the call sign gray-haired hereditary military man, stood up to defend his homeland, because honor and conscience would not allow him to do otherwise, my grandfather is a hero of the soviet union, i have a close relative , only seven officers, i didn’t see myself any other way, that is... now our homeland needs this, our detachment is well-knit, the guys are heroic,
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to be honest, i have rarely seen such courage, victory will be ours, definitely, it cannot be otherwise, especially with our commanders, instructors with combat experience share their skills , knowledge of how to quickly equip the magazine of a machine gun can save a life, turn the core towards you, throw it, keep your hands here, it’s very good when it’s cold, you also warm it up a little, on the training ground in close conditions... in combat, skills training still goes according to the script, but the coherence of the squad’s actions achieved here will help to improvise in real conditions. the soldiers of the bars-16 detachment will spend no more than 10 days at the training ground, then carry out real combat missions, from reconnaissance to assault. artyom yundas, daniil vetrov, maria bulgakova, vesti lugansk. about 100 schoolchildren arrived in voronezh on vacation. from belgorod, due to the difficult situation in the city and border areas, the holidays there were extended until january 22.
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teachers will accompany the students on the trip, and psychologists will also work with the children. report by alexander rivanov. there are only 250 km between belgorod and voronezh, the road is not that long, especially accompanied by the traffic police, we got there without incident, roll call is still on the bus, so the children go in pairs to take their places in the rooms, suitcases bags, followed by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, schoolchildren have only the most necessary things in their hands , dusiya has this favorite goose, and you sleep with him, i just can’t give in without hugs, of course, i always sleep and hug someone.
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there is a reserve for accommodating several more children's groups from belgorod; other neighbors in the black soil region are also waiting for the children to visit. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news voronezh. news. following the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. i want to go to college, which institute? on filf? oh my god, throw it away begin, tell me, what are your cheat sheets? i need to do it, i really need to, you know? two friends, one believes in fairy princes. i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are
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olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support me in word , hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, that you do it, it's just amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr. you want to know the truth , but you don’t care about it, what will it give you, i ’ll calm down, don’t you dare go anywhere with him, i just can’t believe to this day that dima could do such a thing for no reason, write to the program, why, without resonance, the lawyers are powerless, it’s her own fault, everyone stand up, the trial
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is coming. today on rtr, what's left behind the scenes? there was a situation where he pushed me there, i was screaming and even no one on the street paid attention, we’ll just see. frankly with gracheva, i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never does not manifest itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat away stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. i ran to the doctor,
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medicine is like crutches for us. and the right habits. shouldn't we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important thing - today on the taxiway. my friend sod. today is the final hearing. you will have to falsify the patient's card, which i’ll tell the doctors this, shut up, i want us to eat more, like the wonderful martynov, great, so bad, i’m all alone, somehow i’m not alone with you, sklifosovsky, today on rtr. a severe fire in obukhov near moscow, tonight a workshop for
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the production of polymer products caught fire there, the glow can be seen several kilometers away, the building is engulfed in flames, more than 800 km are on fire. according to preliminary information, there are no casualties. it is reported that the company's personnel left the premises on their own. more than 100 rescuers and three dozen firefighters are putting out the flames cars picture of the disease with a forty-fold increase. the latest high-tech equipment was installed in the oncology clinic of komsomolsk-on-mura. this will make it possible to more accurately diagnose tumors and master new types of surgery. report by lyudmila smirnova. this part, the light one, is a tumor. in this laboratory, elena works with analyzes of admitted patients and learns the entire diagnosis.
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there are special options for all this, that is , you can display a grid, you can put a scale, there is navigation, that is, well, this makes the work very easy, well, when the enemy is known face to face, surgeons come into play, the operation to remove a cancerous tumor is carried out using a video endoscope through a micro-incision, the arsenal includes various manipulators and a high -definition camera, a 4k stand, that is, the image quality, well, maybe you can see it, let’s just say, let’s film the operator. thanks to the new domestically produced endoscopic stand, the zaf department has kirill norkin and a surgeon and, like our colleague, a videographer rolled into one. using the previous
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equipment, over 8 years, doctors have mastered a large volume of kidney and colorectal surgeries. surgery, gynecology and others. recently, culorectal surgery, that is , this is the number one point, and for laparoscopic surgery, if we talk about dominant oncology, the second is probably urology, the same point, that is, these are the two main ones. a small division of the regional oncology center has experience in minimally invasive techniques, there is developments in immune targeted therapy, specialists who are constantly mastering new equipment will help expand the horizons of possibilities. we received two units of vtsk, high-tech, expensive equipment under the federal program, both equipment will speed up diagnosis, and digital images can also be sent to federal centers and leading oncologists to receive.
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a special method of preparing ships for repair, special and specialists, about one of the rarest professions on earth, report by vitaly prokopyev. sharp tooth. chainsaws easily cut ice, ship freezers cut out mines in this way, although the equipment is not enough for a long time, within an hour the yakut the frosts take their toll and the iron chains break like ropes. it's -50 outside, but the cold is only to the advantage of the river boatmen. after the shooters finish cutting out the mines, they take out these tools, it’s called a pick, it’s designed to knock out ice cubes and get to the screws. for viktor
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rakhimov, this is the first frost, he admits, the work is hard, but interesting, the main thing is that you don’t sit still, even in severe cold the man doesn’t freeze at all, i’m all wet now, like in training, like in the gym, like hockey, when hockey is playing, the same thing, the pop is pouring like a stream, my feet are not freezing, my knees are all wet. flies out here , i’ve already lost about six kilograms, probably, alexander, a more experienced icebreaker, has been freeing ships from ice for 10 years, and like a true professional, he knows, there’s nowhere without frost, i like it, i like it, always put it on while i’m moving, even my back i’m wet right now, but if you just stop, the task of the dredgers is to have time to free as many ships as possible from the ice shackles, with
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the help of these fans you... always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website с see you. i'm 40 years old and a lonely loser. nadyusha, we decided
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to rent out your room. and i’m alexey, your new little guy, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him , or vice versa? i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels right now, i won’t be able to return your sympathy, but i don’t have any feelings for you sympathies, lyosha, who is this, and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. the light is spinning
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and flying, we invite you to the festive new year's lights according to the good old tradition, in the circle of good old musical artists, we are on the road day after day, you are with me.
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blue light on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watching substation. the first podcasts we watch , there are places that fascinate,
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because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind answering, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say, a properly made bukhara knife. became a real talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr.
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the performance shilkunchik played a fatal role in our love story, he admitted how you are a ballet dancer, the premier of the bolshoi theater artemy belikov, together with the ballerina daria khokhlova, they have been together for almost 10 years, and not so long ago their daughter fevrone appeared. artemy belyakov and dakhlova, the most unusual. a couple of the bolshoi theater, she has the rank of the main soloist of the theater , an academic degree in art history, he is not only a ballet dancer, but a director, in addition, he also plays the guitar, and was involved in boxing and knife fighting.
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in one of his rare interviews, the ideal prince of the ballet stage, as belikov is called , once said that in life everyone has their own rules and everyone builds their own relationships, but in ballet a woman is... what rules reign in their family outside the big theater according to what scenario did their real love story develop? this is the fate of artemy belikov and daria khakhlova. and with all the past ones, happy new year.
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a fairy tale that everyone adore, and not only an obligatory component of the new year, but for work, the silkcracker is not just a new year’s treat for you, it is also your destiny, your personal destiny, it was this performance that brought you together, right? oh, you know, the shuttlecock is such a cyclical repetition in the life of every ballet dancer, starting from... from childhood from the choreography academy to actually pursues young dancers , and then adult artists every year , so sooner or later, of course, this is exactly your situation, you danced all the parts in the nutcracker, it seems to me, throughout your entire life, from
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childhood, yes, even from cardaballet in mice, back in the school edition of the nutcracker, in the edition of vasily vainona, yes, then he grew into the king of mice, in school until the principle. i never grew up, so, well, i also passed the children on the christmas tree, uh, the columbine doll, along the detrois, then little masha, then finally grew up on second year before the big masha-princess, it was an event that i was waiting for and dreaming of, actually - but then we met in french dolls in the theater, a cute dance with a lamb, and a cute dance with a lamb, one of the most difficult dances, by the way in silkcracker, yes, there’s a wonderful photo on the monitors now of that lamb that rides on wheels , uh, the whole room behind us, every now and then he likes to stop by and go somewhere.
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and what was the story when the pointers from you flew to artemy, as i understand it, exactly this story brought you closer together, no, no, it was back in school, just at that performance, when artemy was the king of mice, this was a choreographed scene, it was just... repeated during rehearsals at the performance, when masha throws his pointe shoes at the king of mice, and i hit it very painfully, but i always hit the very target, the most painful target, i tried very hard to perform the choreography, as you had to finish the dance, at this moment the part of the king of mice ends, he falls and is taken backstage, so on his heels you can jump already there. fortunately, but at that moment
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i’m not talking about feelings yet, no, it was the second year of the choreography academy, it was still a few years before we worked together in the theater, yes, i wouldn’t even say that we were particularly familiar, well, we knew we probably all know each other by name, i also knew that there was this artemy belyakov, his birthday is also march 12, i found out, remember, well, how... kunchi, how this performance united you, you, we we were preparing our debut together, and it so happened that we were entrusted with such an important debut that we were working on for a long time, but it was more likely just an excuse, this amazing state when some feelings are already beginning to dawn, but we are afraid even to admit them to ourselves, really, after all, who knows, maybe this fate gave us the opportunity to conduct this rehearsal period together. and so she said that during this period, i will not
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in any way interfere with your feelings, but to formalize my feelings and let me understand myself, when from communication you suddenly begin to understand that you are missing this person , together spending time, some kind of dialogue , probably, in this regard, it was very cool that we did some kind of work together, and this is the rehearsal of the thirty-first at 3 o’clock, now after? year, artemy proposed to me, yes, we were on tour at that time, in the beautiful atmosphere of the french, french village of eze, yes, we went, climbed some mountain, and there i said these cherished words, along the cote d'azur , yes, and do you remember how you said these words, how you proposed, the words “i love you”, and i actually made proposals at one moment, that is... i had not dared before, although i seemed to feel and knew that
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this feeling lived in me, i considered it impermissible to confess love when you are not ready to offer development of this relationship, that’s when i was ready and prepared to propose, only then did i admit that it probably wasn’t very right, because we need to talk about feelings, artemy, dear, i’m just now... “i admire by what you say, it seemed to me that such people no longer exist, where are you from, with such ideas, with such principles, who put them in you? well , firstly, i will say that idarya is an amazing, unique person, and in many ways, i think, this also depends on the girls, how men treat them, but what can i say about my upbringing, i was very lucky in this regard , and parents. and grandparents, they all have very strong families, and i grew up
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in an environment where this was considered correct, that is, a patriarchal family... orthodox, you were very lucky with your environment in childhood, and with each other, with that the environment in which you live now, i also mean that in your family, invisibly, besides you, besides your child, peter fevronia is also invisibly present, on the day of which you got married, you specifically guessed the day of these patron saints of marriage, yes , it's july 8th. this is what daria specializes in, and she doesn’t do it on purpose, but she somehow knows how to combine all events into such a chain that there is always some very beautiful, good date for everything that happens in our lives, and even yes, it’s probably appropriate here to mention that our birthdays are in the same year, and naturally,
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this was not at all the reason for the relationship, but somehow it turned out, so yes, these are some beautiful dates, they are probably with us life. yes they do happen, but what, what was it like, what was that summer day like on june 8, 1917, when we went out under the venetskaltar, and how did it happen, as you remember, we walked under the venetskal on july 15, because we were having a wedding we were not on the same day, but on july 8th we... we signed in khamovnichesky zaks, yes, because the eighth already falls on the post, it was just time to prepare after the wedding, and where did you get married? and we got married in tver in the resurrection cathedral, we were married by our spiritual father, father georgy belodurov, and
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well, this was also important for me, because he has been my spiritual mentor since childhood, and i really wanted that... he crowned us, so we went to my small homeland, but father georgi theodore came to baptize our fevronia, he was the godfather, he came, we already baptized her in moscow, fevronia was born the year before last, in twenty-two, she’s now in her second year, yes, yes, yes, there’s still a little bit to go until she’s one and a half years old, you remember, even when you found out that you would become one.
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this event, i came to it absolutely consciously, so, of course, the news that finally such a miracle was waiting for me, it was a great joy, but at the same time you had the idea that it means you won’t dance for a while, of course, i i stopped immediately, as soon as i found out, i immediately stopped dancing and even right away i didn’t even think, but sometimes it can last for a long time, you can do a lot of things lose it, no? of course it’s possible, but i somehow quite organically came to the understanding that now in the first place i have responsibility for this new little life, my aspirations are in second place, this is not that in no case a victim and
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nothing like that, it’s just an organic understanding of the world, so how do you manage to combine it. so i actually do this, well , as a result, i calmly returned to myself, then after birth, are you now dancing again, yes or no, i dance on different stages, but in theater, i am postponing this event until the spring, so in the spring i plan to return to my native stage, i hope i will succeed, but i don’t know yet.
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i must also say that, of course, daria, as a responsible professional, very quickly got into shape, herself at home. literally a few weeks after the birth of fevronia, daria, in principle, was already standing on pointe shoes and doing all the ballet techniques, i went now, i ’ll tell you exactly 5 weeks after the birth , yes, i was already in the class, in principle, it somehow happened quite easily with pleasure, you you are amazing, incredible, there are really few such people today, and if you know what besides ballet you... still live, then i don’t know anyone like that anymore, you are also a candidate in art history, i completed my master’s degree and could enroll in esperantura, here on mine
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on the way, i met a wonderful person, ekaterina petrovna belova, a professor at the department of pain studies at moscow state university, she guided me correctly and, under her sensitive scientific guidance, i already went through the path of a graduate student and reached the defense, that is, it was not entirely clearly planned. but very expected code. artemy, what else do you do besides ballet? i can't even list them. boxing, knife fighting? i probably wouldn’t dwell on hobbies, because boxing for live combat, playing the guitar, for example, these are hobbies that help you switch somehow, but no, there are many activities that are important and useful, besides ballet which we are doing.
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to the organization of some ballet events and more broadly to how our art in the context of culture in general influences the development of the country, the formation of personality in general, but in fact, i probably went there to study so that daria would somehow fit in better, because daria already had three, yes, accordingly, education, it was also necessary to somehow show that i support this family. family , non-stop education, malet is
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the art of beauty, such a genuine pinnacle of beauty, about how beautiful you are on stage, you probably hear all your life, and it’s true, thank you, thank you, you know that this is a language. ok, it will definitely remain incredible, with god's help, this is the life and fate of artemy belyakov and daria khakhlovli,
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from the first note, beauty, repetitiousness, with the first phrase, better than a bird in your hands. than a feather in one place, you swim finely, from the first smile we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we have been together since first grade, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all of this crap, i’m covering for you, team, brake out of the car, run. the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, i
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thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have. as many as five, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i want. why check seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is no 100,000 , zhenya will add his own, what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, oops, five on one on saturday.
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on rtr , you look like an intergirl, you saw yourself in the mirror, i will never marry you, i need another wife, i want to marry a city man, be happy, do you think that there is happiness in the city, that’s for you, beautiful.
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answer, then with humor, i would think about chopping, no one at work talks a lot and loudly, if you pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics , chemistry, this is a set for the head don't give me pain god now, if he wins, hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, my friend sod, today is the final hearing, i’ll have to falsify the patient’s card, what will i tell the doctors, shut up, i want us to be together, how wonderful
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martynov is, wonderful, so bad, alone with everything, somehow i’m not alone with you, sklifosovsky, today on rtr. poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on january 11. the music of siberius and grieg will be performed in the ivan chikovsky concert hall, performed by the russian national youth symphony orchestra soloist vadim repin, conductor dmitry senkovsky. the musical cabaret plays at the nazi theater. libretto by joe masteroff based on the play by john van druten and stories by christopher isherwood, production director evgeny pisarev, starring alexander ursulyak, denis sukhanov, sergei kempa. the broadway moscow company
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presents the premiere performance "mama mima" and "the idea and concept of dmitry bogachev on the stage of the mask theater. the exhibition project touching the sun continues in the house of the russian abroad named after solzhenitsyn. the exhibition explores the turkistani avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century, which absorbed the traditions of the russian academic art school, the revolutionary futuristic art of the beginning of the last century, as well as the traditions of uzbek ornamentalism. our exhibition, which we are present at now, is dedicated to the artists who created and created. at the beginning of the 20th century, in an amazing country filled with sun and a huge layer of artistic, historical, intellectual memory, a country where russian demiurges came in the twenties cultures such as petrov votkin, viktor ufimtsev, alexander nikolaev, aka ustomumin, russian artist, russian aristocrat,
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who adopted a muslim name, like gauguin, who came to taite. who accepted the culture and people of the country, people who created culture, created art, thanks to their raw strength, talent and desire to create. the st. petersburg theater of musical comedy presents roman ignatiev's frankenstein, based on the novel by mary shelley in the premiere production by alexei frontetti. and in the russian entreprise theater named after andrei mironov playing chekhovo. dodivan's performance was staged by alexey morozov, set design and costumes by galla filatova. exposure in this. not a whole era continues in the library of russia museum of the pavlovsk nature reserve. in 1823, princess charlotte of württenberg became the wife of grand duke mikhail pavlovich and received the name elena. the exhibition presents picturesque portraits, graphics, sculptures, letters and documents, evidence of the life of grand duchess elena pavlovna in russia. performance by hannah rudolf, based on the story by nikolai vasilyevich gogol, notes of a madman are played in berlin deutsche theater. the berlin
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philharmonic orchestra gives its first concert of the new year, with a program of works by andry duthieux and bella bartak, conducted by kirill petrenko. karina kanelakis will stand at the controls of the north german radio symphony orchestra at the elbe philharmonic in hamburg, and shostokovich's music will be performed. century, philip guston. the exhibition includes more than 100 paintings by the master, reflecting all stages of his work, from italian frescoes and metaphysical realism to abstract
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painting, which the artist became fascinated with. the forties under the influence of his contemporary jackson polak. doctor, i saw the news, the residents of rostov-on- don had to slide down ice slides on their own streets, all because of the freezing rain, look. all the roads turned into a skating rink, and the townspeople jokingly suggested renaming their city not rostov on don, but rostov on ice. jokes aside, but this is dangerous. such an ice slide, instead of a road, is a risk of getting a fracture, which,
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regardless of the severity of the fracture, worsens the quality of life. and after fifty, so in general, the risk of hip fracture increases, and not far away, bedsores, muscle atrophy and even death. however, you can try to weather surprises. prepare by learning how to fall correctly, that's right, let's go, good morning , hello, get up, mikhail, we need to start a column, well, actually we're joking, there's no time for jokes, who has already fallen this winter, look, just a forest of hands, yes, good morning , good morning, what’s your name, leila, you’ve already fallen, many times, and the worst thing was on your tailbone, on the iron steps, there was pain for six months, severe pain, so aching, that is, you go down the stairs, slip , your weight goes back, well, i didn’t know, the first time i fell like that was brutal, so your story,
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please, i fell feet first, slipped on the ice and hit my head , yes, just like that, and my head flew up in flight and hit the flyby, i think i passed out for a minute, i felt like that when i woke up like this... let's start with the fact that a person comes out in the morning, yes, well, first of all in order to land well,
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you need to warm up before, the most important thing is these are the knees, yes, that is, rotate them , squat, elbows, shoulders , all sorts of such movements with the hands are very useful, this is the minimum warm-up, maybe somehow you need to walk more carefully, slower, there are very simple rules. if you feel that oh, you’ve come out, some kind of slippery surface, it’s better to walk straight these 3-5 m in some small steps, which means the second thing is to walk with your knees bent, because if you still lose your balance, with your knees bent you reduce the height from which you fall that we we understood, we did a warm-up, we walk in short steps if it’s slippery, but still, if suddenly an episode of falling occurs, we need to know how to group ourselves, how to fall correctly, a person who... because of his unusual profession falls constantly will help us learn to fall. our guest is stuntman alexey subbotin. his body is living steel. stuntman. a master of sports in strength
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gymnastics, he performs tricks on the ground in the air, he has perfectly mastered the technique of safe falls, and he can even reach the height of a four-story building. good morning, hello everyone, what's the hardest trick you've ever done? i did handstand push-ups on a bridge in the novosibirsk region, here is the dimitrovsky bridge, then i stood up on my hands and did handstand push- ups on a bridge without a safety net, walking below. 3 k and i climbed on this bridge, by the way , with insurance, in general in life you fall, well, naturally, an ordinary person, but you broke something, no, no, i immediately lost it, but as in my profession, as usual condition, you will now show us and teach our viewers how to fall correctly, look, we have leila falls on your tailbone, come here, leila, we have checkmate, slowly just shows how you fall.
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like this, yes, and thereby leila injures the tailbone, how to fall correctly, alexey , show us, look, first, when you start to fall back, you under no circumstances lean back too much, that is, your legs bend as much as possible, you see in this position you fall, when you land on a hard surface, you continue to move without fail, knees to chest, like a back flip, you mean, yes, yes, yes, exactly, as soon as you feel it. you don’t throw your pelvis far, it’s close to your heels , try to squat down as much as possible, only then fall, right below, yeah, oh, you did a very good tuck, you’re actually ready to fall, yes. so a blow to the back of the head, come
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to us, what’s your name remember, i fell and hit my head, maybe you can teach me how to fall correctly, or what? yes, in fact, this is probably the most dangerous thing, why? when there is a strong concussion, the brain hits the skull from the inside, causing hemorrhages, and swelling of the brain then after bruises can occur, how to avoid this? lyosh, please show me, naturally, well, we have unintentional falls, which we are not ready for, you slipped when you flew, here it is advisable to do a squat on one leg again, that is, your other leg is straight, and that is, when i start to slip, i take hold of the supporting leg, then i straighten the other leg, again i try not to fly flat, first of all, i drop the center of gravity and still fall. press your head
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to your chest, chin to your chest definitely, just the chest, well, try to fall correctly, like in a slow motion movie, well, look, no, sit down, yes, like that, head forward, and why don’t you straighten your leg, which one, yeah, you have two, the left one , head, to the chin, then you continue, so you throw your head back, look, why are you throwing it back , hold on to this leg, hang on to this one, no, what does lyosha mean, you need to group yourself, that is, tuck your leg in, this is a straight line, let's go down, oh, that's it, these are the soft parts, they balance and don't give under no circumstances should i break or hit anything, okay, okay, i’ll try, i’ll try to fall or i’ll try to fall correctly, i’ll try to fall correctly and group. sit
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down, the third fall, also common face forward , here mostly people land on straight arms, very often it is a screw fracture, a forearm, and a fracture of the radius, what to do, there is a little trick when i fall forward so as not to hit my knee, a little i wrap it, that is, in this position, next, when i fall, pay attention, i’m not exactly falling forward. side, when you land like this, you succeed, the weight is distributed on the side surface, lower leg, thigh, torso, shoulder, forearm and hand, well, that is, the area immediately increases several times, which means the likelihood of damage decreases, that is twist trick: in no case should you put your hands forward, on the contrary, try to fall sideways, that’s absolutely right, thank you alexey for coming to our program, be healthy, goodbye. thank you doctor,
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the most traumatic and unpleasant fall is a fracture of the femoral neck, yes, it really is, but there is no universal... method of damage, a universal method of protection. why? a hip fracture in most cases is a consequence of fairly severe osteoporosis. therefore , the only recommendation here is to undergo an annual study such as dencitometry, a mineral assessment of bone tissue density, in order not to miss the onset of osteoporosis. but you know, we also have such crazy people, one might say, who they write on the internet about how to treat your shoes. in order not to fall, here we have boots, good soles, well, there is this dangerous sole, so what should i say that this sole on ice, to be honest, rides almost like skates, so, let me try this one, oh, no , well, here, here, in general, it’s better to go barefoot
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right away, this is, by the way, so it recommends hairspray, hairspray, splash on top, technically, i guess, this should form some kind of - there's a film, apparently on... the sole, let's check, come on, it's all right well, nothing has changed at all, the varnish doesn’t work, the second option, we took adhesive tape, and also recommended using a regular plaster, tear it off, in fact, my hands are glued very well on top, yes, the adhesive tape itself in this case, well, nothing at all holds, but doctor, there is one more move with the knight, so, this is pumice, you need to rub it, so that the sole becomes rough? as i understand it, yes, well , you don’t have to rub here, i’ll say right away, to be honest, it didn’t have any effect either, mikhail, listen, well, i can honestly say, this is what works in my experience ice shoes, and this is a rubber thing that is put on over the boot
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and has straight metal spikes, you go , you have these spikes, they bite right into this ice, well, who will go to work in such ice shoes, who is who? look, there are not so few people, this makes sense, safety comes first here, keep in mind that , unfortunately, these, unfortunately, popular means, they actually don’t work at all. i remind you that all episodes of our program can be found on the online media platform, see the application on the website well, now we continue, right now academic cardiologist yuri ekevich belinkov will talk about the unusual symptoms of a hypertensive crisis. which can easily be confused with food poisoning, how to recognize the approach of a hypertensive crisis and how not to confuse it with poisoning, home remedies for lowering blood pressure, i’m
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40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, sexy. and i’m alexey, your new little guy, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms decent women, do you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or, on the contrary, do you like him? now there’s no time for novels, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family
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will rent out a room on friday at rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they they laid me down, they lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say , my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurba, and saying, baby, feed me dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and
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praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important to be honest. convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, kids, this is your work, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about the elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in the know , data about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, make sure? you can personally look it up on the internet on the portal tsikrf,
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to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, good morning, i often have to face situations where patients come to me from my colleagues,
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i started to feel sick, so i just didn’t change, besides the fact that my head was spinning, i understood, what happened to me, and i thought that i ate something wrong, yeah, but because i know my diagnosis, i decided to see a doctor anyway, the doctor suggested: maybe it’s a hypertensive crisis, now i’m undergoing an examination, well, they measured your blood pressure, 14597, but you’re hypertensive, tell me please, your parents are alive, your dad died, and you just have heart problems, heart failure, like her blood pressure, it’s also high, len, your blood pressure is 13680, that is, as we say, high and normal, but you’re still- they still wanted to.
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okay, let's talk, hypertension suddenly went away, then it went away , that's the disease, what else is dangerous, as a rule, it doesn't hurt, or the symptoms are like yours, something made you feel nauseous, something heavy in the head, it's like this is where - you think it’s something completely different, not serious, but hypertension is already like us we say that it has unfolded, unfortunately, for hypertension there are so-called target organs. this is the brain (noise), these are the eyes, blurred vision, this is, of course
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, the heart, and of course, these are the kidneys. symptoms of a hypertensive crisis: dizziness, yes , the first sign is an increase in pressure, maybe it’s not a crisis yet, but it still indicates that something is wrong with the pressure, nausea, here we are already closer to a hypertensive crisis , you know, a hypertensive crisis...
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the kidneys, as i already said, the target organs, the kidneys, and of course, this is a situation with blood vessels in general , that is, headaches, nausea, dizziness - this is still a violation of the outflow of blood from the brain, and this is a manifestation of the general situation with blood vessels, strong pressure in the chest area, yes, often this is the only symptom high blood pressure , including hypertensive crisis, that is, constant. long-term pain in the left half of the chest, shortness of breath and cramps. so, the reasons: a stressful situation, a heavy intake of salty food. salt should be limited in patients with arterial hypertension. so you ask how to avoid a crisis?
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avoiding a crisis must begin in the kitchen. that is, do not add salt to your food. intense physical activity. worst of all. it happens when crises appear, you know, when at the dacha, especially now it’s winter, there’s a lot of snow, he comes out, which means he starts doing all this in the cold, with a shovel, it ends either in a heart attack or in a hypertensive crisis, but there was a case, yes, so if according to your reaction, you were busy, well, you were busy, of course, and of course, bad habits, now let's talk about what is dangerous hypertensive crisis, this is a huge load on... the hearts and blood vessels, that is , a crisis that is not stopped in time is the highest risk of heart attack and stroke, this is cerebral edema, because this is still an increase in intracranial pressure, here there are two diseases that, well, let’s so it may not be directly related to hypertensive crises, but they are associated with long-term unstable arterial
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hypertension, these are alzheimer's disease and parkinson's disease. so, hypertension is treated constantly, never increases pressure, and in order for the pressure not to increase, this is the most important principle, to avoid a hypertensive crisis, so by any means you must first of all remind yourself that you must take medications today, this could be a calendar, taken, noted. it can be a package like this: morning, afternoon, evening, or it can be so-called calendar blister packs, there is a monday tablet, a tuesday tablet, a wednesday tablet, and so on. next, there is a set of medications that are recommended for the treatment of hypertension illnesses, some of them last a long time, in the morning
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you took, well, let’s say, i don’t know, ace inhibitors or beta blockers, they act for 24 hours. and sometimes 36 hours, but it’s not a fact that they will completely cover your risk of a sharp increase in blood pressure , you got nervous, i don’t know, you ran for the bus, something else happened, your blood pressure jumped, so you need to have a drug that works briefly, quickly, but briefly, you need to relieve high blood pressure, chew the tablet, after 10 minutes it begins to act, for experienced hypertensive patients, whom i know well, i can sometimes advise: for example, some non-drug ways to relieve the pressure, put your feet in hot water, dilate the peripheral vessels and the pressure decreases, just relax, pet the cat, by the way, this is a very good way, by the way, of course, it’s just so to speak, put on the breath, because breathing exercises always lead to relaxation, submetronome
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: inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, at least you can conduct an experiment on yourself, right? why are they dangerous and what to do with them, thank you thank you all very much for your attention, good health, i give the floor to my colleagues, goodbye. well, the new year holidays are over, during these holidays we walked so much that we had no strength for anything. this sunday is another
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event, we will see off the old new year, yes, after the new year holidays it is not uncommon, by the way, various chronic diseases become worse, the number of heart attacks increases , the number of strokes increases, according to american scientists, mortality is 30% higher than with june to september. in general, it's time support the body, so today we will prepare a healthy and safe energy drink, a winter energy drink, everyone can repeat it at home, we will need only five ingredients that will benefit the whole body. what are these ingredients? our expert, nutritionist, will tell us about this. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. mikal medivic, good morning. good morning, mika. prepare healthy energy drinks, they are usually harmful, yes, let's start with the first ingredient, it improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and this is hibiscus, debiscus,
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there are a lot of names, hibiscus, i didn’t recognize you, bright saturated color, it is due to the content of anthacyans, antaceans, antioxidants, like anti-inflammatory factors, they, of course, protect the heart, even there are studies of this kind, they hinder. they lower blood pressure in much the same way as the drugs prescribed by cardiologists. hibiscus, yes, my friends, the first most useful ingredient, the basis of our energy drink, we worried about the heart, now about the intestines, how could we do without it, let’s let's talk. really about apples that introduce pectin into our body, pectin is a soluble dietary fiber, which is really necessary for normal intestinal function, and
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for maintaining intestinal motility and most importantly for maintaining the health of the intestinal symbiotic microflora, because pectin is the actual nutrition of this microflora, and moreover for example, it is usually difficult for a person to eat a kilogram of apples, but adding 100 g of dried apples to our superenergy drink is quite simple and easy and you can get all the beneficial properties from a kilogram of apples. with with a clear conscience, i add narrowed apples to our hibiscus tea. the next ingredient is energizing. oh, is it charging the batteries? no, but oranges, oranges, well, of course , this is true, just remember that this product is extremely rich in ascorbic acid, it supports the production of adrenaline, that is, we are in good shape, well , plus... ascorbic acid is a good synthesis of collagen , and collagen is skin elasticity, skin youth, that is , beauty, in general, oranges are beauty and
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health, by the way, you know that some people take the phrase “energy orange ” literally; not so long ago, one spanish company produced electricity from oranges, and they managed to power five apartment buildings with this energy for a whole year. we seem to return confidence in the fight against pathogens to our body
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with cold factors, there is another interesting point here, all these products are included in drinks and drugs for weight loss, because it seems like you eat a lot of energy, but most of the energy is lost in the form of heat, you feel good, you feel good and you spend more energy, thereby losing weight, great. we add these spices, ginger, cinnamon and cloves to our improvised pan, a natural healthy energy drink, uh-huh, so cook the pot, oh, i feel some processes, it’s bubbling, and what will we get as a result, well, well- ka, ka, oh, oops! yes, pour it, mikhail, treat our viewers so that it’s healthy, non-alcoholic, this is a very important point that it’s
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non-alcoholic. you can now see on the screen. who had a stormy new year's holiday? well, try it. try our healthy mulled wine. please, please tell me straight, yeah, friends, we’ll get healthier together with our energy drink, let’s try it. okay, great. by the way, you can add sweeteners, such as retreat. maltitol will also give a feeling of fullness of taste, on the other hand, both retreat and maltitol are very useful prebiotics. thank you very much, we continue asking questions to the doctor right now, dr. agabkin will answer questions from our viewers. why is low hemoglobin dangerous for a long time?
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sklefosovsky today on rtr, the light is spinning flies, we invite you to the festive new year's light, according to the good old tradition,
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we have not met, daring, white, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he will find even cooler, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, well , your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. the new leap year 2024 has arrived, which will bring enormous changes to world, all the soothsayers talk about it.
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live broadcast studios, famous. today i went to donate blood as a donor , i am an honorary donor of moscow, and i was removed due to the fact that low iron levels were bad, they said that i have it chronically, this time it has completely dropped, what does this affect and how can it be raised, firstly, of course, it deserves respect, the donor himself is already 52 years old, yes, i already think this is great, but the iron level is low, but
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as i understand it, in this case it is a low level. specific symptoms: weakness, physical weakness, mental weakness, in some cases this can actually be, for example, some errors in nutrition, well, a person went on some kind of diet, he does not get iron, or vitamin b-12, but sometimes this can be a consequence, for example, of chronic inflammatory diseases, or, for example, anemia, chronic blood loss, that is , when a person has some kind of bleeding, this could be, for example, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract with... gastric ulcer , duodenum, these could be inflammatory bowel diseases, crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, intestinal polyposis, even hemorrhoids, so it is very important to do a more detailed study here, that is, look
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in addition to hemoglobin, what is reduced, what is the overall level of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, what called hematocrit, yes, see what the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is and cereactive protein, how high. look at the level of serum iron, the level of transferrin, feritin, that is, indicators blood saturation with iron and after that decide what to do about it, because in some cases you can compensate for all this with diet, in some cases it is necessary to treat these diseases that are accompanied by bleeding, in some cases it is necessary to treat diseases that are accompanied by inflammation . thank you, doctor, and we are listening to the next question. hello, and good morning. my name is elmira, i am 42 years old, i would like to ask the doctor a question: please tell me, is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy if yes, then maybe you will have some special recommendations, well, well, there is special yoga
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for pregnant women, in general , it has somehow traditionally happened that in our country , in terms of physical activity, pregnant women either do something before pregnancy and while pregnant was working out, or vice versa, you are pregnant, in no case did anything like a patient. yes, yes, yes, in this sense it must be said that this is somewhat at odds with international clinical recommendations, because they just say that a pregnant woman needs to exercise, it is necessary do physical exercise, yoga is a discipline that is not contraindicated for pregnant women, depression occurs less often in women who do yoga, and less often after childbirth, yes, it also occurs, and yoga has a positive effect, for example, on the course of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. that is, it is easier to tolerate, yoga has a positive effect on the likelihood of developing back pain in pregnant women in the third trimester, and yoga reduces the likelihood of developing diastasis after childbirth, there is a separate exercise that certainly makes sense to limit, but
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a yoga teacher, he knows what pregnant women should not do, so yes, it makes sense to find a competent teacher - start classes, even if you haven’t started before, great, well, maybe someone has an audience? there is a question in the studio: good morning, i had an operation to remove a lump on the joint - the big toe, well , the so-called valgus, now - five years have passed, i have a lump again, so now i have to operate on it every 5 years ? hallux valgus deformity, so-called, occurs in response to the transverse spreading of the foot, the load is placed on the first... metatarsal bone, as a result this deformation occurs, it is aggravated by excess weight, it is aggravated by longitudinal flat feet, it is aggravated by incorrect shoes, you need to understand that the operation, all these risk factors, will go nowhere does not remove, that is, they had
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an operation, yes, but after that , yes, it is vitally important to comply with a number of requirements, the first, yes, is the fight against excess weight, the second is the use of individually made ones. in order to reduce this load after operations. third, perform specially selected exercises that reduce the likelihood of relapse. following these rules after surgery allows the result to be recorded and stabilized. if this is not done, from 30 to 50% of cases, unfortunately, this is when relapses occur within 1-3 years from the date of the operation. do you follow the recommendations after surgery? yes, after the operation i did gymnastics, but nevertheless it formed for me, it was on top, now it’s growing sideways and even a little bit below, that is, i already have a finger - this is usually typical for those cases
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when a person’s longitudinal carpalfoot is not eliminated, the load falls on the first metatarsal phalangeal joint excessively constantly, here - well, at least you need to try to try to master the correct exercise, physical therapy specialist. you should select them for your foot type, and wearing artesis, that is , individual insoles in order to remove this load, then depending on the results, thank you. thank you, we'll pass it on the floor to ophthalmologist dmitry dementyev, who will tell you why cold increases the risk of vision loss and how to avoid it? good morning, let's talk today about how cold affects our vision and can cold?
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which, as a rule, in winter, are activated and directly cause eye pathologies, these are human herpes viruses, types 1 and 2, the infection rate reaches 90-95% of the total population of the planet, but the manifestation of the disease on average in the population is only 10-15 % of the population, but in risk groups it happens reaches 90-100% , who are at risk, people who have disorders in... the system, well, for example, patients with atopic
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dermatitis, people living with hiv infection, cancer patients, patients who undergo surgical interventions in the area of ​​the organ of vision, the risk group also includes people who vacation in warm countries and love to bask in the sun, visiting solariums, the so -called herpis solaris. in other words, with a decrease in immunity, herpes can give pathological manifestations. yes, that's right, then there are up to 5 years of life we ​​all get.
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some objects, like a bottle, a remote control, again it can give an additional amount of herpes or not, of course, you could also add a telephone, a fairly dirty surface, hands, if they are not washed correctly with soap, are also a source of the virus. let's try to talk to you about the symptoms: swelling of the conjunctiva and swelling of the eyelids. yes, and with herpetic damage to the organ of vision, unilateral damage is often observed, which distinguishes it from allergies. discharge may possibly occur if
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a bacterial infection is attached, and as a rule, a bacterial infection is attached, very often it is attached, itching, burning, one can call similar symptoms, photophobia, of course, in any form of keratitis, conjunctivitis, bolifaritis, photophobia is the first symptom that a person complains about, finally, pain, pain, a very characteristic symptom, pain can be quite pronounced. painful, patients cannot sleep normally, but i would add that there is still not enough lacrimation, which is typical, and of course, this is a decrease in vision , absolutely true, a complication of an ophthalmic complication, the most unpleasant complication is clouding of the cornea, the image will not pass through, the person stops seeing, and if you do not start treating the herpetic infection in time, then such clouding requires a serious operation called kerot.
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ultimately, herpes can lead to blindness, among terrible complications this is, of course , damage to the central nervous system of the brain encephalitis menengoencephalitis which, by the way, has become all...
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of course, prevention, what do you suggest patients who have herpes so that it does not wake up, if the person has previously had cases of herpes that have recurred, and the person has, for example, a honeymoon or a session or a trip to a hot country, then the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs in advance, which prevent the reactivation of herpes viruses, this is the first approach, the second approach, of course , is associated with... supporting the immune system, well, you see, we have oranges, lemons, herbs, honey, in particular honey contains enzymes, biologically active components , microelements that are important for the full functioning of the immune system, for example, zinc, selenium, vitamin a is especially important, in winter, a lack of vitamin a, zinc, vitamin
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c can increase the frequency of infectious lesions of the organ of vision, group b vitamins , of course, but this does not mean that you need to prescribe megadoses of vitamins, vitamin d, of course, in the right doses, but it is important to emphasize that this is only help, but in no way can it be considered a panacea. i agree, yes, georgy khristovich, it was very informative, thank you, please, thank you very much, dear friends, take care of your vision, vision is priceless, and i pass the word to my colleagues, we are restoring it. working mode after the holidays, simple tips on how to get rid of insomnia, you want to know the truth, but you don’t care about it, what will it give you? i’ll calm down, don’t you dare go anywhere with him, i just can’t believe to this day that dima could do such a thing for no reason, write to the program, why, without
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resonance, the lawyer is beating, it’s her own fault , everyone stand up, the trial is coming... today on rtr, what remained behind the scenes, there was a situation where he pushed me there, i was screaming and even no one on the street paid attention, i just watched, frankly with gracheva, happy birthday to you, dear valentina telechkina, frankly. about the secret, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, the way it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i
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had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather... one, which is for a long 50 years, here it is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i want to go to college, what institute is this, na filfa, oh my god.
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married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, i have high hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house. a passerby sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was being shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite.
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and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch, the first podcasts that we watch, many people went to bed late during the new year holidays , got up too, trips to visit, an interesting movie on tv, stayed up late, all this leads to the fact that the time comes to get into the usual mode, but it doesn’t work out, insomnia sets in,
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but insomnia is not just an inconvenience, it is dangerous, the risk of a heart attack is 69% higher in people who suffer from insomnia, the risk of dementia is 30% higher, so lack of sleep takes on average 10 years of life from a person who suffers from insomnia after the new year holidays, raise your hand, what do we have for you...recommendations for you, dear tv viewers, now we will begin a real experiment of a broken regime, who wants to participate, come out, come out to us, what is your name, my name is oksana, i’m 50 years old, what time do you go to bed, well, like all normal people, at 11 o’clock, sometimes earlier, at night i get up, wake up, what time, sometimes at two in the morning, sometimes at three.
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i want to sleep, i don’t want to work, i don’t know how to get rid of this insomnia, because it’s been happening for several days, please let us help of course, good morning to you! what is your name? gennady. what is your job? i am a construction lawyer. and what about insomnia? yes , in general everything is bad, but i don’t go to bed until 11, yes, let’s start with that. but it varies, sometimes at three, sometimes at four. well, cinema, this is tv, there’s some kind of story there, if not at a party, if at a party, there’s a different mode. which? well, i mean these new year holidays. no, no, no, we just take the usual ones, that is, you lie down at three to four. on a normal day, not new year's, of course. so you get enough sleep, at normal times
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i get enough sleep, that’s absolutely right, but after the new year holidays, yes, this has been a problem for a long time, and not for the first year, well, maybe you somehow overdid it on the new year holiday, well, not without that, of course, in general, there is a problem, we will solve it, we will give you tips that you will follow for a week, and after a week we will meet again in our studio to evaluate how much this has helped you, everyone who has problems sleeping , write down these tips yourself do it, look now, the task is to free yourself from the web of insomnia , we will make a list of necessary actions for sleep to return, you have found something, so, calm down, breathe, breathing exercises help very well, the main thing is to completely abstract yourself from the fact that you want to fall asleep, to concentrate on the fact that you are breathing, it is very... convenient to count your breath to yourself, that is, do, for example, inhale in five counts, exhale in five counts, while you should try to inflate your stomach as you inhale,
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tighten it as you exhale, and as shown practice, within 5, maximum 10 minutes people usually fall asleep, the same applies to people who cannot sleep in the evening after work, gennady found that he must give dinner to the enemy, no matter what, and gennady doesn’t like it at all, not not mine history yes. and you have dinner, yes, yes, i, this is the main one, unfortunately, from seven to 10 i can, well, depending on appetite, seven to ten, if you go to bed at one o’clock, this is basically not so bad, what is the basic rule that a hearty dinner should be eaten 4 hours before bedtime, in principle let's say some light snack 2 hours in advance, from those foods that are really good for dinner, this is low-fat fish, that is, high in protein, these are eggs, eggs. this is an amino acid that turns into melatonin, the night sleep hormone, this is kefir or
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yogurt, since it has been established that fermented milk products influence the intestinal microflora. also improve sleep, these are bananas, you know, when such dark spots appear on bananas, these dark spots are nothing more than melatonin, the same one that our brain is produced when we fall asleep, well , turkey too, since it is a protein dish, it is also rich in tryptophan, put away the phone, turn off the tv, an hour before bedtime you should limit the use of various gadgets, electronic devices, sources of bright light. why? research shows that this reduces the production of melatonin, the nighttime sleep hormone, not much, not little, but by almost 40%. if you want to read, you can easily read just an ordinary paper book. so, let's move on, please, gennady. more cherries. it is clear that cherries do not bloom or grow in winter, yes, but they are frozen. half a glass of such frozen cherries contains
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the amount of melatonin we need, it can be used in the form of a smoothie like... some kind, you can add it to tea, for example, evening tea, you can just eat frozen berries instead of ice cream, they, accordingly, will give we need this melatonin, it speeds up falling asleep, go out for a walk, it often happens that a person, especially if he has been sitting all day, needs to move, and sometimes there is a deficiency of this movement leads to the fact that a person cannot fall asleep, and a walk in this case is the easiest budget way to give the body the opportunity to lose a little... excess energy, but if you probably don’t like just walking, you can go , for example, go to the store not in the morning, but in the evening, by the way, there are still discounts in the evening , how do you like these tips, i liked it better, put away the phone, turn off the tv, because i’m on the phone, i liked the menu before bed, because i thought there will be some, well, these light ones things, here, well, in principle, food is quite acceptable,
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it’s normal, yes, but you still can’t do without discipline. and why is our body, it gets very used to a certain routine , so we still set the alarm clock at a strictly defined time, and, by the way, i highly recommend setting the alarm clock for the evening time in order to understand when to end and begin the day’s activities gradually getting ready for bed, in within a week you will follow the advice given by the doctor, we will expect a daily report from you, we wish you good luck, and we'll see you in a week, we'll find out if, thanks to... these recommendations, you managed to improve your sleep, so that you have fun during our experiment, we 're giving you a smart watch, oh, thank you very much, thank you, you will have to control the quality your sleep, and they can also be used as an alarm clock for both falling asleep and waking up, good night to you today , sit down, well, friends, thank you
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for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day and good health. see you on russia tv channel, hello, on air, in the studio oksana kubaeva, the main thing for this hour. vladimir putin flew out of nowhere to khabarovsk, the president will hold a meeting on the development of far eastern cities, as chukotka greeted him, a lot of people gathered, everyone greeted putin, suitable for exclusive moments for the program to lead, a hail of missiles, artillery of the southern
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group of troops destroyed. armed forces equipment from a distance of 10 km. the drug cartels were fought back. more than 300 bandits have been detained in ecuador. and sick leave will lead to resignation. the pentagon reported the condition of its secretary of defense. without brakes, a massive accident in gelendzhuk involving 14 cars, a car at high speed was rammed by an out-of -control truck crane. even iron cannot withstand 50-degree frosts. i've already failed five. but to the locals. no matter what, the fishing line is flowing in the stream, your feet don’t get cold, the extinction of ships has begun in yakutia. russian president vladimir putin today in khabarovsk plans to hold a meeting on the development of far eastern cities, a meeting with governor mikhail dekterev, and a conversation with entrepreneurs. also
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the head of state plans to visit the khabarovsk studio where he is filming. such personnel and such proximity can only be welcomed at this il-96 airport of the special flight detachment of russia, and nearby are all-terrain vehicles called predator. putin also drove on the ice in such a car. what an interesting transport you have, dmitry sergeevich, we are mastering the domestic one. inscription chisnik the winter road has not officially opened yet, it turns out that it will officially open only in february, so in fact, everything can be
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said at your own risk; they use it everyone correlates the mass of the car, and the thickness of the ice is not yet such that it guarantees the smooth passage of any transport, that is , the president took a risk today, well - let's just say , of course, this was all checked 10 times by special services, not in vain, who come here on advanced group, but nevertheless, he was not yet driving along an officially opened winter road, to fly to the airport, and then move to the city along the winter road in this case, you begin to understand what it is and how people live here, but how people live here, putin clearly knows well, because the first thing he did was go to... pizza in such a harsh climate, they grow their own tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce here. and this greenhouse, at least to some extent, brings down prices for imported vegetables, the cost of which is simply
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shocking to non-local residents. tomatoes, 1,600 rub. kilogram, nearby there is a little cheaper 1.150, pepper - 1.350 rubles. price per kilogram. fruits, let’s see, tangerines - 1,400, lemons - 1,200. but according to official statistics, the average salary in chukotka is more than 100,000 rubles. have you gotten used to these prices by now? well, of course do you get used to everything over time? is this affordable for you? well, in principle, yes, we are from other regions, of course, we were simply stunned when we saw such prices for fruits and vegetables. well, everything is so , when they arrive, everyone is shocked by such prices, delivery is very difficult, so such prices are already accustomed, but thanks to the new complex you can eat not imported, but... your own chukchi vegetables, it’s even hard to believe, but on president putin is in chukotka for the first time, this is his first visit, by the way, i can’t really see in the dark now, but let’s look together at
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what kind of cars does the president travel here in chukotka? as i understand it, vladimir putin is in one of the minibuses. it is clear that since this is the first visit, today we are especially closely monitoring every moment of this trip,
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and then we completely disabled it by dropping grenades from quadcopters into open hatches. the artillery of the southern group of troops destroyed a concentration of armored vehicles and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. in a matter of minutes, hail crews took up combat positions from a distance of 10 km, hit all targets with the specified reconnaissance, in the krasno-liman direction, units of the armed forces of ukraine, which are trying to accumulate forces for a counterattack, are scattered by attacks in front-line ... aviation about the work of tankers and motorized riflemen on the line of combat contact, a report by eduard punnikov and alexey baranov.
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the snow that has fallen in the kremensky forest complicates camouflage, so the motorized rifles of the central military district operating here near the line of combat contact work as quickly as possible. assault groups are landed without delay, in a matter of seconds, as soon as the armored vehicle stopped. while the infantry delivered to the front line takes up positions, it is covered with bursts from a thirty-millimeter cannon. these kind of shuttles. flights to deliver assault groups to the front line, each crew makes several per day, all under enemy fire, the closer to the line of combat contact, the more often they try to attack attack drones of the ukrainian armed forces. during trips, you can immediately see from above that something is flying, if there is an opportunity to shoot it down, we shoot it down, the commander or gunner tries with a machine gun shoot down, because you can’t shoot down with a thirty caliber, if there is no opportunity, we’re just trying to leave, the danger of all drones is the same, just for... tor of the central
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military district. the thor anti-aircraft missile system took up a firing position. the vehicle was brought into readiness in a matter of minutes, and now the crew began to carry out the combat mission. the affected area of ​​the complex is 15 km in range and 12 in height. time to react.
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meanwhile, motorized rifles, protected from air attacks, continue combat work on the ground. these self-propelled anti-tank missiles assault complexes of the central military district travel at maximum speed to the line of combat contact of the utor bulge and , with direct fire, hit enemy armored vehicles with multi-purpose attack missiles with increased warhead power and a combined radiocom.
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despite the fact that there have been frosts in the southern donetsk direction for several days, the situation at the front is still hot, and a tank is moving to a combat position. as much as the thirty-sixth army, vostok grouping. in the immediate vicinity tankers from buryatia are on duty around the clock mode, alternately replacing each other. day trips are the most dangerous, especially in such clear weather. there are many kamika drones in the sky, which are purposefully hunting for russian armored vehicles. the crew is working away from the line of combat contact, they just arrived, judging by the smoke, it was most likely hymers. many tanks. in this
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battalion they repeatedly came under enemy fire, when major repairs are required, the equipment is evacuated to the nearest repair battalion, if the damage is minor, they are repaired right on the spot and sent back to advanced. the car is good, the car is a beast, well , you can work on it, in terms of speed you can get away with it, a normal car. the fighters independently installed additional protection on the sides of the hull against cumulative shells, and anti-drone nets on top. in winter conditions, equipment works at its limit and requires careful maintenance, but for tankers, oddly enough, this weather is ideal, the autumn thaw is a thing of the past, the ground is icy, the equipment does not get stuck and moves much faster. buryat tank crews skillfully use this, quickly repelling any enemy attempts to break through the defense. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. at the meeting , russian shelling of belgorod. hi vasily
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nebendia said that international organizations are silent when it comes to the need to condemn the crimes of the kiev regime; as for the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the current conflict, ukraine and its western curators cannot do without russia. no clear reaction , except for general words, to the terrorist attack in belgorod from the un secretariat and not received. against this background, kiev’s promotion of the so -called peace formula and the next meeting in yes looks especially cynical and hypocritical. i want to emphasize that this pseudo-peacekeeping initiative, but in fact the issuance of an ultimatum to russia, has nothing to do with resolving the situation in ukraine. about 400 residents of belgorod. due to shelling, the ssu moved to temporary accommodation centers. three districts of the region, seven hotels and sanatoriums are ready to welcome those who decide to leave the capital of the region for a while. besides comfortable living conditions, people are provided with three meals a day, and leisure activities are organized for children. anywhere, yes,
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please, but only so that it is somehow under the protection of the state, because being in the field is not a scary thing. so we ended up here, the children are busy, you know, just like for adults , here and ... the off-road police got there without incident, roll call is still on the bus, so in pairs the children go to take places in the rooms, suitcases and bags, followed by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, schoolchildren have only the most necessary things in their hands, dusiya has his favorite goose, and you sleep with him, yes, i just can’t give in without hugs,
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of course, i always sleep and hug someone, the children are from different school classes, but on the bus they managed to get to know each other and make friends, for many this is the first big real trip. these children know where to hide and how to behave on the street if the air raid siren suddenly starts sounding, they are taught this at school, many are afraid. loud noises, psychologists will help them come to their senses, after checking in, the children were immediately taken to the dining room for a hot lunch, local chefs tried to prepare as much as possible like home. i watched the news, of course, i feel sorry for them, well, let’s make them feel nice and warm, so that we meet them, greet them warmly, with
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respect, so that they can relax with us. in addition to five meals a day, little belgorod residents will also have other entertainment, tomorrow they will go on a sightseeing tour of voronezh, they will go to the theater, to the cinema... this is a real continuation of the new year holidays. a shift at the camp lasts 3 weeks and if necessary, the administration is ready to organize training here and provide the children with textbooks and stationery. we we are ready to organize training in different formats, of course, everything will depend on what decision the belgorod authorities make regarding the education of children, given that this is an elementary school, we have the opportunity to both organize training at the school on a permanent basis, and organize an e- learning format using remote technologies in the voronezh region there is a reserve for accommodating several more children's groups from belgorod; other neighbors in the black soil region are also waiting for the children to visit. alexander ivnov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news voronezh. on vostochny cosmodrome delivered the first angara rocket again. now experts are preparing to
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begin testing the amur space complex with a heavy-class carrier. the hangar was brought from the omsk branch of the khrunichev scientific center. for the new rocket, vostochny had to create the necessary infrastructure from scratch. its performance was tested for several months using a full-size mockup. the rocket launch is scheduled for march. the whole picture of the disease with a forty-fold increase. the latest high-tech equipment was installed in oncologic dispensary of komsomolsk-on-mura. this makes it possible to more accurately diagnose tumors and perform new types of operations. report by lyudmila smirnova. the kidney itself, this is where the capsule goes, this part, this light one, this is a tumor. in this laboratory , elena works with analyzes of admitted patients and learns the entire diagnosis down to the cell, even before the attending physician. in general
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, a histological diagnosis is very important for an oncologist; this will make it possible to determine the extent of the operation, that is , it will be either a radical operation. this there will be some kind of minimally invasive method, yes, which will allow, well, organ-conserving surgery, histological diagnosis - this is the key to the success of further treatment. now a new scanning microscope can help. previously, doctors spent hours peering into eyepieces, now they load materials and start processing. on the big screen is the entire picture of the disease with a forty-fold magnification. there are special options for all this, that is, you can display a grid, you can put a scale, there is navigation, that is, well, this makes the work very easy. well, when they know the enemy by sight, it’s time to take action surgeons enter. the operation to remove a cancerous tumor is carried out using a video endoscope through a micro-incision; the arsenal includes various manipulators and a high- definition camera. 4k stand , that is, image quality, well, maybe you can see, let’s put it this way, let’s film the operator,
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thanks to the new endoscopic stand of domestic production, in the photography department kirill norkin and the surgeon and, like our colleague, the videographer rolled into one, on the same equipment for 8 years doctors have mastered a large volume of operations on the kidneys, colorectal surgery, gynecology and others, that is , a fairly wide range, yes, yes, that is , well, in general, sort of... culorectal surgery, that is, this is the number one point, and for laparoscopic surgery, if we talk about abdominal oncology, the second, probably , this is urology, the point is the same, that is, these are the two main pillars, of course we will strive to ensure that gastric surgery develops in our country. a small division of the regional oncology center has experience in minimally invasive techniques, there are developments in immune targeted therapy, specialists who are constantly learning new things, the equipment will help expand the horizons of possibilities. we received two units of high-tech, expensive equipment under the federal program to combat
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cancer with the support of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimich putin, both equipment will speed up diagnosis and make treatment approaches more high-tech. digital images can also be sent to federal centers and leading oncology institutes, to get advice or an expert opinion or to use as educational material
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for here they will cheer you up wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such lyuli from my wife, the morning mail is on the air and i’m its host nikolai basques are the most positive, morning mail with nikolai baskov on sundays on rtr. “i’m 40 years old
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and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this something to do with utilities, good. rooms, decent women, you want to get to know me better, please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but no, i have no feelings for you no sympathy, lyosha, but... who is this? this is alexei's legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room on
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friday at rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues, slowly, deploy nuclear weapons, i have already demanded nuclear weapons, how are things at the front? the weather is cloudy.
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there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts, watch it twice a day, don’t miss it, my friend sod has a final hearing today, we’ll have to falsify the patient’s chart , what am i going to tell the doctors, shut up, i want us to be together, how wonderful martynov is, wonderful. so bad, i’m all alone, well, somehow i’m not alone, i’m with you sklifosovsky, today at rtr,
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in gelendzhuk, a truck crane has lost control rammed 14 cars, three people were injured, including the driver of a truck crane, his car was speeding. through the streets, sweeping away everything in its path. while utility workers were eliminating the consequences of the accident by removing broken equipment and shoveling garbage, traffic was stopped due to a massive accident. an investigation will be established. in obukhovo near moscow, a severe fire was localized in a workshop for the production of polymer products; the flame broke out at night and instantly spread over an area of ​​more than 800 km. over 100 rescuers are working on site, three a dozen fire trucks. they managed to cope with the open burning. according to preliminary information, there were no casualties; it is reported that the company’s personnel left the premises on their own. mass unrest in popua, new guinea, in the capital of the country, portmoresby, vandals are operating robbers, sweeping away everything they can find from the counter. empty stores and warehouses are set on fire, people with gunshot wounds are taken to hospitals, and
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deaths are reported. the unrest began during a police and military strike against deductions from the salaries that authorities said were. extreme frosts are not an obstacle in yakutia, where -50 began the destruction of ships, a special method of preparing ships for repair, special specialists about one of the rarest professions on earth, a report by vitaly prokopyev. the sharp teeth of a chainsaw
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easily cut ice, ship wreckers cut out lanes in this way, although the equipment is not enough for a long time, in an hour the yakut. and the frosts take their toll and the iron chains break like ropes, the saw goes to break, sharpening just a little and it breaks, it seems like that it cuts transversely, so we put everything on its side , it breaks, it starts, i’ve already lost five chains , in this weather it’s not surprising, it’s -50 outside, but the cold only plays into the hands of the rivermen, after the drainers finish sawing out the lanes, they get here these are the tools, this is called a pick, it is designed to knock out... ice cubes and get to the screws, for viktor rakhimov this is the first freezing, he admits that the work is hard, but interesting, the main thing is that you don’t sit still, even in severe cold man completely not freezing, but moving and now i’m all wet, like in training, like in the gym, like hockey players, when hockey plays, it’s the
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same thing, the pop is pouring like a stream, my feet don’t freeze. everything on my knee is wet, it’s flying out here, i’ve already lost about six kilograms, probably, alexander, a more experienced ice picker, is clearing the ice here already... and while bitter frosts reign in the region,
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teams of workers must prepare almost a hundred motor ships and barges. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, news, yakutia. we are receiving new reports from our correspondents will be told about the most important news in the country and the world.
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i want to go to college, which institute? on filfa? oh, my god, throw it away , start, say that you have cheat sheets, i need to apply, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, you ’re here to see me. my gray will sail and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other one believes in herself, you
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are the best girl in this dorm, are you married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? all you need is to become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea? take action! great hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes , when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my trophy. we were hungry then. here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this kurba, a drive and says: baby, feed dogs, lend a helping hand, olga
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and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things.
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so, putin today is on a working visit to... chukotka, where he named one of the main results twenty-third year. russia has shown the whole world that we are a self-sufficient country in every sense of the word, strong, brave, moving forward. and a huge credit for this goes to those russians who carry out the objectives of the special operation with weapons in their hands. in this regard, an important point to make is that all participants in hostilities, career military personnel, volunteers, and former donbass militias need to be given equal rights. except. the vacation of soldiers who have already served for six months, but were unable to take advantage of it, should not be expired. there will be days off plus, the ministry of defense is already working on legal mechanisms. putin said that he wants to know about all violations, including those related to the payment of allowances. if one of the military officials gets their hands dirty with bureaucracy, then purges of the ranks may begin. vacations.
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after being wounded, well, as far as i know, this situation is being corrected, and people get the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within six months, then it should not disappear, in the next 6 months a person must receive the right to take vacation for the current 6 months for the previous ones, this is the rule. the ministry of defense is already implementing, if there are any, i regularly communicate with the guys on vkontakte and by phone, and as you saw, i went to the hospital there, and before the new year, after the first new year, i directly met with officers and soldiers and invited them directly front line, i often communicate during awards, the problem was mentioned.
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but as far as i understand, it is being resolved now, however, i will still pay attention to this and talk about vacations, so that everything here is regular, now payments, which means the timing of these payments, well, you specifically have problems with payments, you or one of your colleagues there, well, in principle, yes, in principle, my payment came, well, in about a month four or five, i don’t remember, there was a delay, a delay, yes, but there are people who, since the beginning of february twenty -three, after dropping it, have not yet received it, are you on vkontakte with these people, yes, vkontakte, you can tell me pass on information about them, yes, i can, please pass on okay, okay, okay, we’ll just use specific examples then, i... i’ll instruct the leadership
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of the ministry of defense to use specific examples to understand where the failure is happening, okay, so you understand, there are issues with material and financial support for everything that happens in the zone does not exist, everything is financed in absolutely full volume, that’s it, if something doesn’t arrive on time, there are delays, it’s just a manifestation, well, in the worst sense of the word...
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voluntarily in the twenty-first year before the start of the svo, he went there, he received these injuries before began the svo, yes, well, yes, this is the first and second , he was not a member of the armed forces, and he was a volunteer and does not fall into these categories, they should all be equated with those people who defend the interests of the homeland with arms in hand now, and i have already given such an instruction to the ministry of defense. they need to be finalized, if they haven’t been finalized , they will definitely be finalized, this also applies to the first two corps of the lpr, dpr, where the guys fought, i know, i just recently spoke with their leadership and command. by our missiles arrived at targets in kharkov at night, and at least several arrivals occurred at defense enterprises and locations of ukrainian armed forces personnel. also, the russian aerospace forces launched new attacks with gliding bombs on a building with air force personnel in the area of ​​the city of volchansk.
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the consequences of the arrival on your screens. and this is the work of russian drone pilots in the artyomovsk area. the footage shows that after dropping a grenade, a whole herd of ukrainian armed forces runs out of the dugout and rushes over the body. his wounded comrade, does not save ukrainians from death military and leopard tank. another german vehicle was hit in the orekhovsk direction. the crew tried to take cover behind the equipment, but were destroyed by the russian fpv drone operator. well , again, as they say in ukraine now, the damned and the damned. this is the price at which ukrainian marines hold the new bridgehead for zelensky. the entire left bank is in the bodies of ukrainian men. true, it is by no means impossible to talk about the hell branch for the ukrainian armed forces and the huge losses. narde, under the party of zelensky, named dynda, said that during the war there should not be there should be no freedom of speech, they say there is a single telethon, believe only that, the rest is
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the kremlin’s intrigues. indeed, why do ukrainians need freedom of speech, and other rights for which they jumped on the maidan? at the same time, reality is increasingly breaking through all the nonsense of ukrainian propagandists, moreover. most often through western media. this time , the unpleasant outcome of the end of the war with russia for ukrainians was shared by french political scientist bruno tertre on the pages of lepoint magazine. according to him, by the twenty-fifth year, russia will be able to break through the defenses in the southeast and northeast, occupy kharkov, odessa and deprive kiev of access to the last sea, the black sea. azov, as you know, is already an internal sea of ​​russia. german propagandist roepka, who unexpectedly. changed the record, now he writes that russia’s offensive is just beginning, they say moscow has not even brought the main forces into battle either in donetsk or in the kharkov direction, ukraine faces a difficult defense ahead in the winter in the spring in conditions of
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an acute shortage of literally everything, artillery ammunition, armored vehicles, drones, air defense systems rep. zelensky, today in lithuania, he has already spent as much as 200 million euros on noseda, that is, one and a half. day of the war, then he habitually began to scare europe with putin and invited all the balts and for some reason the moldovans to fight against moscow together. no one supported the latest know-how. what's at the front? let's see.
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modernized, they made it even larger, thanks to this the lancet can carry a more powerful charge and achieve more serious results. these drones are called killers artillery and tanks. many times the lancet is successful.
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she took aim at the enemy, or more precisely, for now she just learned how to do it. we are on courses in firearms handling and urban warfare , and these courses are mainly from the forests on the outskirts.
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his chief of staff , kelly maxamen, lost consciousness. the official reason for the flu: healthy general patrick ryder has to take the rap for everyone. so, it became known that the head of the pentagon, austin , sensationally disappeared from washington radars due to prostate cancer. officially announced at a press conference. on december 22, austin underwent an invasive surgery called a prostatectomy. the minister apparently did not want to report on the intimate procedure. he can be understood, hence there are so many secrets and
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secrets, but in the end, under pressure from congressmen , he had to tell everything and even more, in particular about the urine infection of the genital tract, which austin picked up from nowhere. this was also said publicly. during the operation , the head of the pentagon was under general anesthesia and then complications began. in january, 10 days after the operation , austin was rushed back to the hospital by ambulance and began to experience sharp pain. reported at walter reed hospital, including leg pain and other very intimate discomforts. austin was transferred to intensive care, where they found excess fluid in the abdominal cavity and had to be pumped out. according to doctors, prostate cancer was detected at an early stage, treatment will take time, but the medical prognosis is favorable, which cannot be said about the political prognosis. pentagon for 4 whole days hid a fact from biden. congress learned about
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this a day later, a few minutes before the publication of the official press release from the department of defense. in general, political chaos continues to reign in washington. the white house urgently requested from all ministries internal protocols for the delegation of powers to heads of departments, which is called out of sin. funny for americans, of course, few republicans are shocked and furious. the armed services committee has already started its own. investigation requested all correspondence between the pentagon and the white house from january 1 to january 9, hypothetically a whole 8 days, putin or comrade xi, or kim could strike america. did austin take his piece of the nuclear button to the hospital or leave it at the pentagon? mystery. right now it is reported that austin is fully performing his duties at the hospital, working with documents. the handshake is strong.
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defense secretary lloyd austin had prostate surgery more than two weeks ago, but until now he hid his diagnosis from the commander in chief. the president did not know about diagnosis until this morning. austin underwent surgery on december 22. the pentagon called it an elective medical procedure. when you remove completely. prostate surgery is a life-threatening operation, and austin began to have complications as a result of it. on january 1, 2024 , secretary of defense austin was admitted to walter deed national medical center with complications following surgery on december 22. he had nausea, severe pain in his stomach, hips, and legs. the initial examination revealed a urinary tract infection. these are unusual complications. similar operation of course, they are heavy, but people usually are. he is recovering very well and does not experience similar complications. we have answers to
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your questions. in early december, defense secretary loyd osten learned from doctors that he had prostate cancer. december 22, as we know. then on january 1, 10 days later, he began to say that the operation was successful, but he was experiencing quite sharp pain, as follows from a statement from the walterread hospital, including pain in the leg, and other inconveniences. that evening he arrived at the hospital and was first diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. but apparently his condition worsened the next day he was transferred.
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for a situation like this, everything did not go well and it was not good that the supreme commander, the national security advisor, and other high-ranking officials of the ministry of defense did not know about it for so long, everything did not happen as it should have, and the president understands this, that is why he wants the head of the administration to check the status of such processes in all ministries, which is why the ministry of defense is now checking the progress of such processes at home so that something like this... would not happen again, how did it happen that the president did not know until this morning that it was cancer, how 5 days passed without seeing, i heard you, this is all that we are going to find out, this whole process , you know, that's why they're going to do an investigation, that's why the pentagon is going to do an investigation, that's why
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the chief of staff sent out a protocol memo to the cabinet to get an idea of ​​how they 're doing in the process and how we're doing collecting... despite the fact that the topic of prostate cancer is often discussed, it is still a deeply personal and intimate topic. thanks to the fact that prostate cancer. austin was found early , doctors say his prospects for recovery are excellent, but austin will also face the prospect of an investigation into whether he broke the devolution law by trying to hide his illness from everyone. the white house looks even more incompetent as we learn more about
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lloyd austin's mysterious hospitalization. waltrarida hospital says he underwent minimalist surgery for treatment.
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knows his secretary of defense is in the hospital, there was no way our military's ability to protect our national interests was compromised, why should we trust what this administration tells us? the pentagon is first and foremost honest with itself. i see his authority is being questioned here. scandal. the us secretary of defense, who concealed his illness, threatens to distract the white house and the pentagon from assistance ukraine is experiencing politics. the publication writes that the republicans have received another weapon to undermine biden’s position. after all, the situation with austin, and now with his deputy, who has now also come down with a high fever, cannot perform official duties,
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it seemed that the us president does not even know what his ministers are doing. this means that, obviously, he does not seriously approach issues of... national security, and this at a time when there are two big wars going on, in ukraine in the middle east, and a third one may begin in taiwan, house committee member. swimming pool, yes, of course, i do it every day, well, at least 2 hours, a lot, well, yes, well
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, approximately, but it happens a little more, because there is a gym, a swimming pool, all this together, a shower, well, 2 hours, thank you, but you just need to make this a part of your life, it doesn’t necessarily take 2 hours, but at least an hour, at least half an hour, of course. every person should know that he should devote time to this, the less sports, the fewer pills, you need to say thank you exercise, and no thanks to the pills, well, now just incredible footage, look, putin is a snow and swamp-going vehicle, the name of this, if i may say so, is all a road worker, and the corresponding predator, beast, and domestically produced. said that putin drove through chukotka on an unofficial open winter road, but everything was
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checked in advance, right now in the chukotka capital it’s below -30, it’s warm, putin is without a hat, but in a hood. the first point of the president’s program was a vegetable greenhouse, where vegetables are grown all year round in permafrost conditions, power. this farm alone produces about 80 tons of vegetables per year, which is approximately 20%. cucumbers and tomatoes, the latter, by the way, cost 1,500 per kilogram. turkish tangerines sell for 730 rubles. prices for green onions and dill are also exorbitant (1100 per kilogram), so it is necessary to develop our own production there. in addition, putin was simply captivated by the smell of greenhouse chukchi basil. the president described. in a word super. the president's workplace in chakotka also has its own flavor. in the farthest east, putin is greeted with fakes from marzhovaya bone. well
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just for understanding. putin is now only about 100 km from alaska. this is the territory of the united states, russia's main strategic enemy. austin is in the hospital, biden is not himself at all, what a chance. chukotka is heard by the whole country, not only because it is the easternmost region of russia, but
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because a large number of mineral resources are concentrated here, but it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. meva, meva variety, it’s so long, pretty, delicious, i think, you see, it’s like that, it’s so good, hard
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sorry, right , right, it’s growing, but there’s less of it, there’s a different variety , here are our beautiful tomatoes, yes, here we are tomatoes, though we got it right - the first time, honestly, there’s also a certain pinching right there, technology, that’s why palych goes to specialized fairs, we train, and this is for all our products, here we have onions, look at the kind of onions we grow, there.
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yes, i even held it a little, it’s already beautiful, it’s super, yes, it’s true, our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. 650, ours, and the imported one is 1,200, 100,200, of course, logistics, because it’s the most expensive, it’s all because of logistics, you know, kuyakomse, i ’m all over you now...


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