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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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but you have to understand that the frozen dnieper is not 30 centimeters thick ice there, which will allow the transfer of heavy equipment, yes , but let the infantry get through, well, maybe some cars, but no more, again our command understands this, naturally , they are preparing, and even if the enemy there tries to make some kind of attempt to move there to the crimea, then well, our defensive positions for... it will be a pleasant, unpleasant surprise, because we have communicated with quite competent military personnel in that direction, i mean literally the day before yesterday from marpekhima he says, yes , he says, they say, yes, we say, we control their every step, he says, our birds are flying, artillery is shooting, well, let them try , what he says, as they say, hunting is worse than captivity, well, if they want it, let them come, they hardly want to. they are driven here just like
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cannon fodder, obviously, this is already for everyone. thank you very much, alexander peskunov, the military correspondent of the republic of tatarstan is in direct contact with us from the zone of the special military operation, interesting news, i would like it to be true, he reports this in principle, respected european politician, european commissioner teerius briton, european commissioner for the internal market, and here is former us president donald trump in private. warned that the united states would not come to the aid of the european union if it came under armed attack. briton stated. according to the european commissioner, trump also noted that, quote: nato is dead, and the united states will leave the alliance. it was a wake-up call that trump could return, briton worried. well, let him worry. andrey konstantinovich. you you know, at the end of each year we...
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somehow sum up the results of the past year, at the beginning of each year we want to predict something, including what is happening in the international arena, but when you observe what is happening over the last day, the beginning of the year, just so enchanting in terms of the news that comes from abroad, and it is impossible to predict anything, when you suddenly realize that you are dealing with people who lack common sense, lack competence, and responsibility , here's looking at the latest events in the united states and the discussion that they primarily have there regarding where the secretary of defense has gone, you are surprised, you wonder, as far as i know, the management of the nuclear triad in america is very similar to ours, we all know what is there the nuclear suitcase is with the president, the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff or the chief of staff, and of course you wonder, the rhetorical question that was asked by you today, what if putin... or comrade xi came forward,
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what happened with the nuclear briefcase is interesting, because we remember this wonderful story when boris nikolayevich yeltsin, the first words he uttered after recovering from anesthesia, where is the briefcase, where is the briefcase, chernomyrdin gave it to him, well, we haven’t heard anything from those people who comment on these events, but should i pass on the comment that was received from the chief of staff, when he was asked? he said, i won’t answer you anything, but it’s obvious that none of this was provided for, and that’s the problem, the problem is that for many years now we have been observing how, in principle , the system in america is breaking down, if some part of the system begins to break down in the state, this can lead to unpredictable consequences, these are the events that they have associated with...
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on what is happening today in the united states, in fact in europe, this is nothing good, uh, that means one, in my opinion, indian figure, nehru, in my opinion, said, there are no greater enemies for the state than the intelligentsia raised by the colonialists, in in this case we will say elites, because according to in fact , the leadership of the european union, europe, was brought up by anglo sanctions, we see the streets covered in manure in germany, which means that in italy we see the appearance. fascist
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elements, there are some problems in great britain, accordingly, although it itself is part of a system with a fleet, sweden, suddenly, which has been neutral all its life, begins... trying to conduct some kind of military operations, so this phrase in germany, which you brought today, which is written in stores: scholz and zelensky ate all the vegetables and fruits, like nothing else shows the situation that is taking place in europe, and as for ukraine, i can say so, yesterday, probably, you also discussed the statements of this lady, who was in the baltic states, which means, well, she insulted the russians, i forgot her last name, brylskaya or ...
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rhetoric can be judged generally whether they are good or bad, they have panic in their eyes, they switch to the rhetoric of extremists, terrorists, some evil gnomes who generally want what a normal person would never say, which means not everything is not ok, it is by this audience that we can judge, when everything is in order , they talk completely differently, they talk about their successes, about their heroes or something else, about plans, but there is no , and you know, they wink so slyly, like we have something that is there before yekaterinburg or to sverdlovsk? will remain, imbeciles, i have no other words, it seems to me that people should judge what is happening in ukraine, including what is happening in ukraine in general - the situation, of course, is obvious, and we heard this from the mouth of
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our ministry defense, 215,000 dead, we have a strategic initiative, we of course, we will speak carefully, we will not wake up every day in the hope that an offensive has begun, we expect that the strategic offensive initiative that we have will lead to results. the forecast can be given for sure that a good twenty -fourth year awaits us, not to mention the fact that today they brought interesting data, such small ones, that russia took fifteenth place in the number of tourists who visited us, yes, not , we are not even in the top ten, but we have never been such a place occupied, and this despite the fact that russia is isolated, and here, you said?
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and ending with america and europe and ukraine , i remembered this film dmb, you probably remember the ensign who at the key moment said, to hell with everything, please, well, i wanted to talk a little about ecuador, this is such a classic banana republic in in the literal sense of the word. you said just now, evgeniy georgievich, that war is war , unrest, bananas on schedule, and so this is the ruling president of ecuador, he is the head of the company, the hereditary head, who deals with these bananas, that is , the richest man in ecuador, his father tried
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to run for office, nothing worked out, daniel nabo achieved such a space takeoff, we were remembering the new prime minister of france, well, it seems to me that this is even... a more vertical takeoff , 2 years in politics and suddenly becomes president, how does this happen? let's figure it out. ecuador is such a truly typical banana republic, and there in recent years, well, if you take the years since 2000, political processes have been going on much like in other countries of latin america, political figures appeared there who were, well, a little less, of course, on the scale of ugachavis, but such socialists, anti-amicanists, thinking about their people, that’s how rafael coreat was, the president of ecuador, who later was removed from power, he now lives under criminal prosecution in belgium and in his place the pro-american president guilherma lassa was brought to power again. as a result, the political system of ecuador,
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it is split, some are left, others are pro-american, this is the struggle that is going on long enough. gelier malasa turned out to be a corrupt official, which is for pro-american presidents. well, this is not news at all, in order to evade responsibility, he called early parliamentary elections and early presidential elections, so what is happening now is a consequence. beautiful new wife, the most popular person from ecuador in general on google, she
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looks great, she is a sports trainer, a nutrition specialist, young people are interested, tasty, great, she went to rallies that were in white body armor because it’s not today that this whole crime spree started, i’ll remind you that one of the candidates, about the third or fourth in the ranking, was simply killed during the election campaign, we even watched these terrible footage, shot at point-blank range by a killer during an election rally , so in the first round the left won, there a woman was their candidate, and in the second he unexpectedly wins, then, let’s look at this situation from a, well , political technology point of view, let’s compare it with the middle east, although it seemed completely different situation, look, who gave israel a reason to destroy the status quo and destroy the gas sector? hamas, who convinced hamas to do this is a separate question, without the actions of hamas, israel would not have acted the way it
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acted today, obviously, obviously, the situation after that is completely different in the entire region, and no one can answer what today, take ecuador, the political struggle between the right and the left, presidents who are anti-american all the time come to power or threaten to come to power, the situation needs to change, they bring in young guys, he will be in power until the twenty-fifth year. since the early elections are only a year and a half away and immediately create a pretext for withdrawing the army onto the streets. there was crime, there is crime. why did they suddenly do this? why did they escape and how did they escape from these prisons? question. that is, in my opinion, a certain political comedy is being played out in order to defeat the left, to defeat the anti-american opposition in ecuador under the beautiful sauce of fighting crime. this is what is happening before us regarding ecuador. well, there will be bananas in stores, here our viewers certainly need to be calm, if
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this is important to them, now we are moving to another soviet era, they are supplying us with a ship, another country, which is not at all banana about this country, forgive me for a second, i’ll kill you, to understand it, you still need to name the national currency of ecuador, because this says a lot, the national currency of ecuador is the us dollar, that’s how it is... born in the united states of america, what is his citizenship, now let’s move on to the country in which you were born the promising president of ecuador does not seem to be a banana republic, but something is beginning to resemble it more and more. a few words about the so-called epstein case , what it consisted of, a certain businessman named
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epstein bought an island, built there, excuse me, a brothel with minors and took representatives of the political elite there, if , of course, they can be called that after that, figures culture, if you'll forgive me, you can call them that, and just rich people, and they knew what they were doing, here's the plane that took him there to this island, it was called lolita express, even those who haven’t... read nabokov , i think, understand perfectly well what we’re talking about, the island itself was called pedophile, what they were doing there, well, as they say, us law enforcement agencies became interested , this epstein was arrested in 1919, that is, 4 years ago, a month after his arrest, he suddenly committed suicide in prison, and in a cell for suicides, where a guard sits with the prisoner, whose task is to see that he does not committed suicide in this everything turned off on the camera. technically turned off, the guard fell asleep, and the aipshtein immediately committed suicide. why is this thing
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convenient? there is no one in charge who can tell something; you can add details, speculate, and mold something for today’s political situation in the united states. the prosecutor's office publishes a couple of thousand pages of this case, there are the names of those who were there, corresponded, in varying degrees of communication with this epnstein, now both parties are starting to delve into this dirty. donald trump, it seems he didn’t fly there, but this one... also opens up the possibilities for him cover up with something, something very unpleasant, just now you read a statement by a european commissioner. the meaning of this statement is very much the same: donald trump is very scary, he will leave nato, he will give europe up to the terrible russians in private conversations, that is , well, it’s clear that this is some kind of cranberry, that is, we must consider all today’s events
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through the prism of the ongoing american elections, we don’t care who wins there, but the very... dirt of this struggle, the transformation of a once great power into a banana republic, that’s the point this process. it is very interesting, of course, to understand that this election campaign everything was revealed, it started spinning, it started spinning , we are waiting, judging by the script, logically the tapes should appear, because epstein allegedly recorded all these indecent things that happened on his pedophile island, we will be back soon. my friend sod, today is the final hearing, i’ll have to falsify the patient’s card , that i’ll tell the doctors this, shut up, i want us to be together, like the wonderful martynov, great, so bad, i’m alone with everything, that i’m not alone with you , sklifosovsky,
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today on... rtr: i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because that we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fabulous belly, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there is a question here. everything is in disarray, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let’s go, it must have been something nasty, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking one small, just a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the
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strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i oops, ah... five on one on saturdays on rtr , from the first note, beauty, rapping, from the first phrase , a bird in your hands is worse than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bones, from the first smile. we get to know each of them. front, profile, back of the head, business or something, we’ve been together since first grade. we are also responsible for everything we do together. and in all this crap, i have your back. brigade, pull out of the car, run, the whole brigade.
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only. on the platform we look, happy birthday vaka, valentina telechkina, frankly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing. all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, with black pankratov, with saradik nakhopetov, not a single affair, or rather one, which lasted for many 50 years, here he is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is
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a huge loss of mine, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still talking to him all the time, it’s difficult. here i am giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. on the border with romania, another ukheilyand, that is, a mobilization evader, tried to swim across the river, but completely failed and fell into the clutches of ukrainian military commissars. the lad's last love was for crossing rivers. they will appreciate it and send the poor guy to hell. the day before, the rada committee on national security completed its meeting and made no decision on the mobilization bill. voting has been postponed until today. it didn’t work out again, the meeting was disrupted, look at this mess,
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yes! igorevich, i would like to return to the situation around the emergency and mysterious hospitalization of us secretary of defense lloyd
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austin, because this is not just a matter of national security of the united states of america, but also a problem that affects everyone, without citing an inhabitant of the globe, that’s why: the point is that the process. making a decision to use nuclear weapons is quite clearly regulated, the key element of this issue is precisely the device that is popularly called a nuclear suitcase, the president of the united states and the vice president of the united states have it, and which... is actually a terminal with the help of which various plans for large-scale or single nuclear attacks, in the form of a preventive,
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retaliatory or retaliatory strike. accordingly, the highest officials of the united states of america, in this case, joe biden, have the authority to use of this terminal to obtain information about the fact of the missile. nuclear attack on the united states and, accordingly , legitimizing the issues of retaliatory or preventive use of the american nuclear triad. why am i saying all this? moreover, if we look at the physical condition of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden is a very elderly man, with signs of dementia. i say this not to humiliate the american president, but to state the real state of affairs. u... he really falls even with a bicycle, or from a ramp, a plane falls, or simply falls, a person often demonstrates elements
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of inappropriate behavior at ordinary press conferences, what is a suddenly received signal about a nuclear missile attack on the united states, this is stress, in these conditions the president of the united states makes an independent decision , in fact, not... perhaps, but carried out in the process of consultation with the pentagon, this takes somewhere on the order of, well, a couple of minutes, ideally maybe 10-15 minutes, because the launch of, say, a ballistic missile to strike the usa, from the territory of those countries that are official military opponents of the united states, takes from 15 to 30 minutes, then, in fact, it’s too late to drink champagne in these conditions, let’s say... someone attacks the usa. information from the american missile attack warning system comes to this nuclear suitcase. accordingly, the notification display lights up.
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there is an opportunity before accepting certain response options. there is the option of closed telephone communication, emergency consultations with the head of the pentagon. second the vice president of the united states of america has the kit. well, kamala harris, sorry, i'm my mother's fool. in these conditions, she’s also a woman, how will she make some decisions, lloyd austin, the key element, but she’s a fool, not because she’s a woman, no, i ’m saying this from the point of view of her intellectual standards, well, such a cheerful girl, a laugher, well with a fairly low iq, unfortunately for america. under these conditions, lloyd austin is the authority that actually suggests and recommends this or that to the us president response option. and not just an operation, but the removal of a cancerous tumor, at a minimum this is general anesthesia lasting from an hour.


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