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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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before accepting certain response options, there is the option of closed telephone communication, emergency consultations with the head of the pentagon. the second set is from the vice president of the united states of america, well, kamala haris, excuse me, i’m my mother’s fool, in these conditions she’s also a woman, how will she make any decisions, lloyd austin, the key element, but she’s not a fool because a woman, no, i’m saying this from the point of view of her intellectual standards, she’s so funny. laughter, well, with a low enough iq, unfortunately, for america. under these conditions , lloyd austin, the authority that actually prompts, recommends one or another response option to the us president. but a person has an operation, and not just an operation, but the removal of a cancerous tumor, at a minimum, this is general anesthesia, lasting an hour or more. even if, as we were told, this is a gentle operation,
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in any case, even an invasive one, yes, even under local anesthesia, a person is given such a number of appropriate drugs that he simply cannot be at this moment adequate, so it turns out that the top political leadership of the united states created a window of vulnerability, if a potential enemy , for example, knowing such a situation, or on a whim, suddenly launched a nuclear strike on the united states, then... it
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is a matter of national security. in this case, the united states showed absolute inadequacy in the management of its nuclear triad. and by logic, by logic, lloyd austin should be fired. a special commission should be created in congress to conduct a thorough , comprehensive investigation of all the circumstances of this alarming situation with the corresponding organizational and personnel conclusions. i want to say in conclusion, on mine. according to analysts, the only capable , adequate and more or less reasonable member of the biden administration today is the director of the us cia, the only one; everyone else is, to one degree or another , either inadequate, incapable, or really cannot perform their functional duties in accordance with constitution of the united states, well, he also became a little decrepit, as he himself said, he sat in prison because putin, well, at least a person. news
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of the week without the noise of dust is laid out on the shelves news of the week with dmitry kiselyov sunday on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most... environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique: geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. but the main pride of kamchatka is its volcanoes. ice, stone, fire-breathing giants. the most powerful of them is included in
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the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka - world natural heritage site. here the natural life of the peninsula has been preserved in its pristine purity. kapchatka. you will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems. to get to know the country, how beautiful it is. just taste it. and there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm. it's just crazy taste. further
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honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins and living carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping around in life? this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe , listen, watch on the media platform
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, the substation is watching, the first podcasts we watch, i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser. nadyusha , we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new asshole, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily. admit that he is to you i just don’t like it, or vice versa , i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, and this is
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alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room in.. .on rtr, putin will continue his far eastern business trip in khabarovsk, a meeting with local business is planned, acquaintance with plans for the development of cities in the far east, a meeting with the leadership of the region. today the president worked in kamchatka, where he was shown a russian universal all-terrain vehicle predator, he can drive both on permafrost and in remote swamps. before night. a test drive showed putin that russian technologies make it possible to grow vegetables all year round in the far north, a tour of a private greenhouse, the head of state was given a tour by its owner, mother of many children, natalya makatorova, a meeting with such parents
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always touches the president to the depths of his soul, putin admitted at meeting with residents of the capital of chukhotka, then he revealed the secret of his endurance and performance and most importantly... to develop vegetable growing, it turns out, well, you see result, the new year has passed , there are not enough cucumbers now, because there was a rush demand, yes , of course, they ate it, the residents of chepota should
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get it, and in general the complex is very beautiful, you know, i come here, i am relaxing, even though i am a mother of many children , and i come here just to relax here. how many nine do you have, seven boys and two girls, seven sons, yes, this is my pride, he lives happily, small, small, the eldest is 40, the youngest is 10, i’m already a pensioner, but well, we’re still working, there’s enthusiasm, there’s so to speak, more strength when i meet with many children families, it always touches me, in the best sense of the word they touch, i’m impressed by the men who head such families, kind people, efficient, active and very modest in their behavior, amazing, just so gentle towards children,
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just an ideal example of such a real a man, confident, calm, hard-working and loving, these are, of course, such... men like this, fathers, of course, deserve increased attention from the state, you look great, you are active, you are perfect. a certain level of responsibility. in general, when a person gets there
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, i don’t believe whether it’s you or not? you know what the matter is, a person himself does not always understand how he will behave when he finds himself at a certain level of responsibility, he, of course, either copes or not, but in general, when a person gets to this level, he has certain opportunities open up that were not visible before, no one has seen, they exist. but also from the polish general skrzypczyk. in an article for your postavn, he laments that the eu and nato has neither the ideas nor the strategy to
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counter russian hybrid attacks. well, in general, the west is not capable of hurting or even frightening russia. among the reasons for this, the pole names the fact that nato and the european union, against the backdrop of a virtual state of war, tolerate collaboration on the part of hungary and slovakia. your post predicts the end of us global leadership.
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ukrainian militants are being terrorized by the drones of the donetsk sparta battalion. and this is the work of the novorossiysk paratroopers. using the santsepek heavy flamethrower system, they wiped off the face of the earth. fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine in the verbovoy area. our aircraft are destroying the banderaites. the ministry of defense publishes footage. work of su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces in the donetsk direction. the pilots are firing. guided aircraft missiles. the kiev
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regime is trying with all its might to show western sponsors that it controls the situation. defense minister umerov, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny and head of the ukrainian general staff shaptala visited the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsk region. the ukrainian military reported that the army had no success russia supposedly is not there. at the same time, our units continue to successfully advance in the kharkov region. this is how the fighters of the western group of troops. they destroyed ukrainian uav operators in the kupinsky direction and covered a tray with an automatic mortar. this vsushnik from odessa was luckier than being abandoned by his commanders in the kupinsk region. he managed to reach the positions of the russian military and surrender. how, we were being led, shelling began there, something like that, one of those accompanying the cliques retreated or something. as a result, the mourners disappeared, we are not in
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course, where everything was, where to go, we saw that they were shouting, well, we heard it, or rather, we already went to surrender, we didn’t know whether it was ours or the russians, we didn’t care, we accepted it normally, i definitely didn’t want to fight. well, in principle , of ours who came, they were also not eager, and those who visited the krynki, the address of the so-called bridgehead of the armed forces of ukraine on the left, are not eager to fight either. dnieper, bodies of ukrainian dead are everywhere. krynki turned into a mass grave for them. the american cnn writes that the mood in ukraine is increasingly gloomy. in the country there is a budget deficit, vysu is suffering huge losses, and western aid is now running out. in kiev, they probably decided that the loss of the abrams would further weaken the us desire to help. as a result, american tanks sit idle in
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the rear for months instead of participating in battles; they are filmed in such videos for social media. the americans did not approve of the adventure, they were afraid they wanted to carry out a crimean offensive, probable failure and dire consequences, however, the consequences of the 2023 offensive contour are no less narrower...
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square muzzles in every city, in every in each of these villages , these guys are like this, but here guys like this have already conquered a whole world, you can see, here’s the fight, be he will give, be he will wait, rockets flew to odessa, there is no war, so, you know how to fight, where are you letting him in, in these frames, the so-called transport mobilization in odessa, military committees stop trolleybuses, buses and routes. they grab male passengers, people are ready to do anything to escape from ukraine. in the odessa region, a hut detained a judge who was helping men leave the country for money. he managed to issue an exit permit more than a thousand military personnel. in this footage, a blogger from transcarpathia tried to swim across the tisza to get to hungary,
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but ended up in the hands of border guards. this is already across the hungarian border river, i tried it. cold water. the water is cold, i almost drowned. zelensky continues to record an evening address for ukrainians fleeing the country. the day before, he spoke about the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief, at which they discussed securing the front and strengthening air defense. kiev has problems with air defense, the new york times notes, due to disputes in the us congress, washington will have a long time to come will not be able to supply ukraine with missiles for
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patriot systems. the shortage of anti-aircraft ammunition is recognized in the air forces of the ukrainian armed forces. one thing you need to understand is that today ukraine depends on the supply of western weapons, i mean anti-aircraft guided missiles. ukraine spent a considerable supply of the missiles it had on those three attacks, one very powerful one, then weaker ones with the use of fewer air attack weapons, but this is still a large expenditure of anti-aircraft guided missiles, including. kiev is also running out of money; only enough is guaranteed until march, said the head of the verkhovna rada committee on the issue.
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it is very difficult to return back to reality in relation to your voters who hear this, well, in relation to everything they went far in their statements that to the world, as for cameron, of course... well , i would like to wish him such political longevity that he in 2026 he helped ukraine there, but i’m afraid that in britain the government is changing faster, this leapfrog, it could catch cameron in 26 in completely different circumstances. but as for the woman in odessa, who spoke about the square muzzles of military commissars and that it would be good for them to go to the front. in fact, she is not so far from the truth when he... says you are waiting for putin, well, yes, yes, and as today shows, our president is in excellent shape, he can not only
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fly to chukotka, but will fly to odessa , when necessary, so the woman understands everything correctly, and the military commissars incorrectly, i think that it’s a matter of time and the question of how much ukraine has enough of this enthusiasm, which they had at the very beginning, well, in the fall. if they do, hostilities will continue. he is rude in lithuania, zelensky is still trying, as you rightly noted,
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to be spiritual, he is rude to putin, he is rude to russia, he is rude to the russians, then he calls us animals, let ’s listen, you continue, the russian president, the russian president, until he destroys ukraine, won't calm down.
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he will stop scaring these people, we have put so many people down that it’s time to look for a compromise, well, no, they can’t say that, it won’t happen the next day of this zelensky, the same goncharenko will set it on fire or there, they have their own passions, in fact he has no choice, he only scares the balts, but i will say right away that considering the speed with which a fly flies past the country in which he speaks, well, we don’t need it. in general, contact them under no circumstances, so it can be calm there in lithuania, latvia, estonia and so on, no need to worry, no need, this is what ukraine, the ukraine that was made
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anti-russian, will never be again, this exactly, and the fact that zelensky will run after the polish train in the absence of american planes is also certain, i have no doubt about it, from the first day of the special military operation, and of course, now the most important thing is not to fall for this story that here we are it’s as if they’ve already won, that now they’re already taking back their words, now they’ve changed, but no, guys, they haven’t changed, and if a special military operation, well, somehow stops or is suspended, then they will trample on this with renewed vigor, useless, that is, this story must be completed, go to the end, no... no ingratiation on the part of our inner party of the world, which, for everything good, means these
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dandelion people with flowers on their avatars. nothing, because it will not be possible to come to an agreement with these people, they will devour everyone until we clear them out of the territory of the former soviet ukraine, until the people living in ukraine return to their home in russia, and i will remind you that over the past 300 years, ukraine was not an independent state, all the independence of ukraine was invented by the bolsheviks and made up ukrainian nationalists. a legend that for some reason many now take for granted, including in russia. when i hear russian people who say: in ukraine, i immediately remember the immortal viktor stepanovich chernomyrdin, who explained to yushchenko what and where? however, petro alegovich, remember that when viktor stepanovich chernomerdin became ambassador, plenipotentiary plenipotentiary of russia in ukraine, the forms of
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the coat of arms. he changed the embassy, ​​our embassy was officially called the russian embassy in ukraine, i don’t think he changed it, i i think that we simply have quite a lot of opportunistic diplomats who are ready to adapt to the various whims of these independent pseudo-republics, but this era is over, and the chernomyrdin era is over, and the kuchma era is over, and the yanukovych era is over and...
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this will require, accordingly , including mobilization, i’ll answer you right away, in general , any, yes, because for the freedom and sovereignty of russia, there is no price, you know, well, so if the futures on the hong kong exchange go down, we will not die, guys for towns, they will collect another one, but we won’t sacrifice 146 million for this either, i hope that 146 million citizens of the russian federation, we won’t sacrifice for this, that’s right,
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we won’t sacrifice the population of the whole russia for this. after it’s all over, in whatever form it’s not over, it’s necessary for this whole thing to be cemented, even if there’s something left there, according to the agreements, we have a situation where, for example, we’re now, of course, actually waging a war with japan, we don’t have a peace agreement, something is somehow stopping us with someone, we seem to have gas from there or something else, it comes from sakhalin 2, somewhere to japan, we actually supply the birthing country, which it has, all the agreements, as shown with gas, by the way, moreover, we have trade with the united states, i’ll tell you a secret, yes,
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yes, with ukraine, we pay money to ukraine for transit, yes, moreover, we supply energy accordingly, for example, to turkey, with which relations have always been difficult, we we supply many people, we also supply the unfriendly country, and the unfriendly countries supply us, by the way , with the same chips, everything else, this is how everything goes, it’s sort of delivered here, so how do you relate this to the security guarantee, i mean that all designs are built on this, not only on this , what the parties agree on is where it happens, around what it happens, and the gas sector classically.
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but the decision to start a special operation was postponed for a very long time, probably 30 years , well, in fact, it was relieved after the armed forces had been accumulated, more precisely, as it were, already soviet... that’s all, the only way remained, and this method too, if it were only the only one, as if, probably, now the situation at the front was a little different
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, the question is different, the question is: that now, in addition to all this other stuff, after ukraine there will also be something, and after ukraine it is necessary to preserve the economy, after ukraine there will be people, and after ukraine it will be necessary to continue to live, accordingly, this whole matter does not end in ukraine, so the most important thing is still long-term not... to play therefore everything that is being talked about now, accordingly, various external players, they are connected with what will happen after the thirtieth year, after the fortieth year, no one measures the situation in relation to the twenty-fourth, to the twenty fifth to twenty-sixth, then everything, no, based on this, the deposits are processed accordingly, they swing accordingly for 6 , 7, 8 and so on for years, they swing for decades, there are things, economic cycles that go beyond horizons, you also have to live within these horizons , in this horizon there will also be something, but in order to understand these horizons, understand that not only everything depends on these goals, but something must continue. then the external players actually look at this: how long-term is your project, how much does everything depend on you not now, but what will happen after? this is the most important question, from this point of view you need to understand what will happen outside, why this is important, i’ll explain now, today the largest attack was in the same place
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in the same middle east, the same yemen attack, 16 unmanned vehicles, respectively , two anti-ship missiles, if someone doesn’t know, that’s one ballistic missile, two cruise missiles, and judging by the statements, they are already attacking warships . apparently, this is normal, no, before that they haven’t attacked warships since november 19, they attacked civilian ships, now they are already starting to attack warships, it’s as if the price of oil jumped there at the moment, then it seemed to come back, but it's as if the tension has grown very seriously, so question to the question of what , what is really influenced by austin, who is now making an operational decision, he is needed there now, how would he, advise them to go along the northern sea route, well, what are you honest with these people who are on 8 years for... well , in order for us to live it well, it is necessary that first of all we have icebreakers
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, gas carriers of the appropriate icebreaker class , we have the only icebreaker fleet in the world , but it’s only small, but there is the only one , there is no one else, but if we want accordingly, it is realistic to drive gas with lng , respectively, the same thing is now under... sanctions are in the volumes that we need for replacement, for example, in southeast asia, we need a large fleet, there are simply no houthis there, we have sevfuti, thank god , if we still had the houthis there, it would be very big, that is, don’t tell these container ships that you are always talking about - about which you care, that they go through the northern route, and there is no need to go around africa, why? now everyone seems to think, how to go through the northern sea route in winter, so let you know what is happening there now, here is an example of what is happening, well , look at 50 years of victory, how does it cut? why are you all this, i mean that accordingly , now there are problems related to logistics, first of all, now there is a saudi arabian crisis, which reduces
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oil prices, it begins to hit all the main suppliers to this market, the bulk of consumption is in the south-east in asia, the courts have reduced selling prices by $2, they are starting to dump on their market cut out all the cheap oil from there, iran will have to reduce prices, most likely we will have to reduce them. energy resources that can win this competition, which have the cheapest price per well, why? because the closer the logistics, the cheaper the price , the more competitive you will be with soravia, which has the lowest prices at the well, what is the problem, this most likely hit our american colleagues the hardest, now their fragility has increased to 4 dollars, it's a lot, she now non-competitive oil is becoming american wti; it is in asia, let them burn.
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the second very important point, which is very important now, is to understand how approximately the logic will be built, what will happen in the us market, because they will most likely avoid this topic, why do we... many people don’t know, but we in fact, the caucuses are already starting on monday, iowa is the first, not for us, for them, now for all of us, for us, no, for us, for us, their caucuses are in general purple, we called the houthis and went to hell, now i’ll explain why we don’t care about their caucuses, the fact is that the same funding for 61.4 billion, it’s still better to remember this amount, this is exactly what it is, in the original version, it is supposed, accordingly, to be done by the republicans, now there are intensive negotiations, as much as possible about this... it will be agreed that if the caucuses begin now, they will, in any case, begin on
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monday and there will be a clash, and a clash is already underway, today, as a matter of fact, biden came to congress, i understand, they tortured him there for a short time, against this backdrop of the agreement on the border, it is extremely unlikely that someday he too would escape from there, he came for a short time so that he would not be accused, respectively, of disrespect for congress, and for this you can even get a criminal record, so between other things in the usa, so from this point of view they are experiencing a sharp aggravation of the internal component, especially taking into account the fact that they are now hesitant, plus today he went, and if he is the only candidate, in which all republicans
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gathered, this will become his place , no one will go instead of him , with him, they will already read michelle obama there, to him, someone else, haley, she won’t go from the republicans, haley will gladly replace trump, i have taking into account that obama together with biden , this is understandable, now it’s just that no one will take trump’s place, until recently this option was considered, i remind you that on march 4 we will have a court hearing, at which the issue of immunity will be decided, if so... this time they won’t demolish it, it will be very difficult for him not to go out to the election campaign, that’s the real problem, in short, america is on fire, that’s right, no, in short, that means she’s on fire, no, she feels fine, she’s now it’s freezing, there are now hocus , all these tricks, this is all the tension , this is the horror there, and we plan for eternity, that’s right, they are for 8 years, we are for eternity, they are kirdyk, we are planning everything for november, accordingly, everything is fine with them, now, the question is that when will we we are planning our own...
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the military budget of the russian federation, for example, will either be given, for example, 20 billion
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, taking into account the fact that part of these funds will go to civil servants. the question is the volume of funding , they always tell you that it’s 140 billion. look, 61 billion is a pure direct agreement corresponding to the pact, which is immediately announced from the united states, let’s assume they have this money, their problem is internally political, they can to highlight them, if not for borders, in fact, the european union is 50 billion, let’s say even 12.5 billion a year, but besides everything else, they have an additional amount...
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today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see. this is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster,
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i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, i want to go to college, this is in what institute, on philfa. oh my god , throw it away, then say that you have cheat sheets, i need to do it, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays , there are
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entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl. marry, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i don’t want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, high hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr. everything about the elections in russia , we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honest and convenient, how to vote if you are sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning , she is looking for something on her phone, here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home . adult citizens of the country
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are given all the opportunities, even those who are immobilized are offered a solution, to bring elections home by taking a portable box. the commission comes, carries out the procedure, formalizes voting for them in advance with the departure, which means elections equal, citizens of my country, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, hunter biden appeared in the capitol for a meeting on the case of contempt of congress, look, here he is wandering along the corridor surrounded by security guards who do not allow him to approach. reporters, one of them asked the son of the american president: did you take crack today? there was no answer, as you understand. here hunter is already in the conference room, let me remind you that earlier biden jr. ignored closed hearings in the case of business transactions his family and joseph
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biden's involvement in them. stated that he was ready to give testimony only in the open, but even today the younger biden did not stay in the capitol for long. left the hall as soon as republican mejari taylor trinh took the floor. hunter, did you do some crack today, are you on drugs today? mr. biden, why did you put your father on your list of business partners? so, mr. chairman, oh, excuse me,
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oh, you seem to have been frightened by my words, wow, he runs away from congress, two former presidents are suspected of pedophilia and... this is all such an election campaign, what will it all lead to? yes
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, i think that hello evgeniy, i think that this is not an election campaign, some kind of star, probably an unlucky one, has risen over how they are trying to smear him with this too, the political olympus of the united states, everything that the leaders do not do the united states, on the other side of the barricades and on this. everything doesn’t work out, everything turns out very funny, it looks like a circus, but today hunter biden actually appeared at a meeting of congress, it’s worth noting that the meeting was dedicated to the fact that hunter biden did not respect congress, did not come when congress called him, now he came when he was not actually called, which many congressmen paid attention to, so it is completely unclear why he... did this , what was the goal of this campaign, and indeed, the son of the american president is more likely to do more
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damage to the american leader than any positive steps towards his father, who is now already losing the support of the americans. epstein case under trump they opened it up, they want to convert him into pedophilia? and ... i think that this is a rather serious multi-step, but the question is that not only trump appeared in this story, bill clinton and many other representatives of the american establishment also appeared, so the question is very interesting, it’s also worth remembering , that claims of pedophilia and accusations of pedophilia were once directed at joe biden, yes, when the project is so republican... his daughters, after which the offices of this company were searched
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, the actual materials were seized, and it’s quite obvious that trump will be able to counter this story, and is it even worth it for the current american government to bring it up, because someone, joe biden, is accused of pedophilia, he’s just constantly there, watching him communicate with other people’s children, breathing him in there in the ears, yes. it looks monstrous, so i think that they shouldn’t play this card, here’s another card, apparently the republicans will play it, because of course, yes, austin got sick, of course, it happens, but the fact that biden was not interested in this for at least 9 days, that is, he doesn't contacted my defense minister for more than a week, when two wars are going on in which the united states has a vested interest, what can this do? well, for austin, it probably won’t lead to anything, for joe biden there
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won’t be any quick consequences like that, but this, of course, once again hits the image of joe biden, who de facto shows what he cannot govern the country, as it happens, and niki halley spoke about this within the town hall, recently, somehow it happened that the commander-in-chief is not... where he is not the secretary of defense when the national interests of the united states are really at risk, it is still worth remembering that austin is the person who is the recipient of the largest revenues from the american budget, that is, well, this really does not fall within any framework , and i think that the american voter will draw another conclusion on this matter, and most likely it will again... according to the ratings of joe biden, who is now seriously losing to donald trump in key states that decide the outcome
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presidential race. thank you very much, ekaterina amur, correspondent-commercial from washington on direct line. an interesting message: the former prime minister of great britain, beloved by all of us, johnson claims that he had nothing to do with pridonich for the breakdown of peace negotiations between russia and ukraine in the spring of twenty-two.
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well, all experts without exception say that ukraine is almost running out of shells, they have a shortage of shells, a shortage, thank god, our experts don’t talk about this, listen, a shortage of shells does not mean they are absence, this is one thing, secondly, i don’t think that they currently have such a shortage of shells, yes, they certainly, of course, save money, but not because they don’t exist, but because it’s not clear what will happen next, they seem to be trying, so i say again , you can’t fall into this trap of illusions, yes , which, by the way, ukraine once fell into and still can’t get out of it
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, it can’t get out, including the ukrainian government, she rocked. he sells fear within the country and he sells fear outside the country, that's what he is in fact, he comes to, say, lithuania , estonia, no matter where, to the baltic countries, he tells everyone, look, you are next, you are next, he scares them all, he scares western europe, he, he scares the americans when he says that if you won’t help us, your soldiers will die in this war, and through this he
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is trying to solve certain issues, including financial ones. in order for the west to support ukraine, within the country it also trades in fear, through the law on mobilization, is this, this is generally the path to slavery, that’s it, what is he doing in the country today, he is actually intimidating the population, why, because during the war it is difficult to make popular decisions, he is an actor, he is used to applause, he is used to it, they love him, everyone should support him, in general this is an amazing thing, i don’t know not a single president who , during the war, would worry about his ratings, this is the first, but i...
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minsk, paris and istanbul, they were under a certain...
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during the operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing for me they said we have a lot of them, the guryats don’t run, on a helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, but hello,
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let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show this, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, partisan, you learned this shit, which i apologize for, suspect, from the first. faces, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come in also, on sunday on rtr, i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to pass.
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how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms , decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him. or on the contrary, i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this? this is alexey's legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. tea, manenka, how necessary to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question
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, of course, is an interesting one, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should continue, what is a good conversation based on, trust? so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you notice when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr, they are used to watching videos on the internet, have they stopped? work, install, open, look, russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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documentaries, watch, watch in the app and on the website, i still have pain here, here it hurts here, it hurts here, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually to be healthy ... the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, has been officially proven. proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? we need to choose those products. which are not harmful to overeat, the right drugs, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us and the right ones habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, tomorrow at the rta. i want to go to college. i need to do this, i really
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need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself. are you the best girl in this dorm? married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to be happy for him, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy apartment, take me to the sea, act! high hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr. in anadra, putin discussed with the residents
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the education of the younger generation, the president admitted that he does not like modern western cartoons, where the quote: everything shoots and jumps, so that your head falls off in half an hour, good soviet cartoons are much better, but these modern western-made cartoons, there he keeps shooting, jumping around and running around, in half an hour his head will fall off from this. how can children stand it, our soviet cartoons, of course , it has a completely different quality and a completely different emotional impact, an aesthetic impact on the developing person. after chukotka, putin headed to khabarovsk, where he met with local business, got acquainted with the presentation of plans for the development of cities in the far east, and a trip to chukotka, where... putin for the first time turned out to be very
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colorful; all the details of this working trip are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye. on the russia channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. it seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, but we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole. about development, the economy, inflation, housing and communal services, a big conversation between vladimir putin and entrepreneurs in khabarovsk.


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