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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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putin for the first time turned out to be very colorful, all the details of this working trip were in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye. on the russia channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. it seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, but we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole. about development, the economy, inflation, housing and communal services, a big conversation between vladimir putin and entrepreneurs in khabarovsk. a strike on
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ukrainian military targets in kharkov, a mercenary deployment point was hit. our the paratroopers broke through the enemy's defenses . several tanks were destroyed in the zaporozhye direction. trump is toughening up his rhetoric. i'm going to be a dictator for this country, but the republicans keep picking him as number two. just in case who might become one. we learn the details of the life and work of the legendary intelligence officers from him. the anniversary is celebrated by writer and journalist nikolai dolgopolo. extreme warming in altai by 30° per day. how long will zero last in moscow, why are ships frozen out on the yakutia rivers? economy of russia, despite unprecedented western sanctions.
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became the first in europe and fifth in the world. vladimir putin announced this today in khabarovsk. this morning the president held a meeting with business representatives at pacific state university. speaking about positive economic changes in the country, the head of state did not rule out that gdp growth at the end of last year could be higher than forecast and even exceed 4%. an amazing result, it seems like we are being strangled and crushed from all sides. we became the first in europe in terms of economic volume as a whole, we overtook germany and took fifth place in the world: china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe. in terms of purchasing power parity, we have overtaken the whole of europe, but per capita, we still have to try, so there is something to work on here. putin also said that the government's efforts.
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everyone should be placed in equal conditions, yeah, so the far east is also the same as the european part, but then here the additional population would continue and nothing would happen, the conditions are different, stalypin did his job in those conditions, it was enough peasants resettle, give land and be done with it, that’s all, now life is different, different conditions, you need to create them, work specifically, but overall it works out, and speaking of development... a lot of money from the federal
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budget, but here we are yesterday in the evening we discussed with colleagues, they probably would have given more if the construction complex seemed to be especially struggling for them, but apparently it didn’t really struggle, because it is unknown whether the construction complex itself is ready for such large-scale work, and there is decent money there for the next a year already 150 billion, by twenty the sixth is also 150 billion, we have no reason to believe that we will cut anything here. well, everyone criticizes the ministry of finance, sometimes i do too, but - but in this case, reproaches against the ministry of finance are unfair, because the ministry of finance supported all these long-term and fairly large funds to finance the housing and communal services system, and here we
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have no contradictions within the government. and today at the university of the pacific, vladimir putin was presented with the plans. komsomolsk-on- amur, from where, for example, it is planned to launch a high-speed train to khabarovsk, well, itself khabarovsk must turn into a city of distinctive and self-sufficient areas. this night, a russian group of troops attacked ukrainian infrastructure facilities that the ukrainian armed forces use for military purposes. a series of explosions occurred in kharkov. there, according to preliminary information, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries was hit. fierce fighting is taking place today on the zaporozhye front, where airborne forces fighters broke through the defenses near verbovoy. the attack aircraft suppressed ukrainian artillery fire and took control of a large stronghold. ivanovo paratroopers
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forcing the ukrainian armed forces to leave the fortification near artyomovsk. in this footage, the drone operator throws a grenade at the sleeping bag under which the militant was hiding. ukrainian escape. the military no longer has time, and here the airborne forces destroy the damaged tank and infantry vehicle so that the enemy cannot restore the equipment. units of the west group took up new positions and improved the situation in the kupinsky direction. attacks on fortifications and hangars with armored vehicles are carried out around the clock by crews of howitzers d-30. and the vks pilots disrupted their rotation ukrainian forces in the krasno-liman direction. helicopters k-52 alligator. and mi-35 attacked a concentration of manpower and equipment, with an advanced report from our military correspondent igor pikhanov. the demarcation line in the zaporozhye region is dotted with dozens of destroyed military equipment in the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian soviet-
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made tanks, as well as equipment supplied by western countries, are rusting in the steppe. a significant part of the enemy's weapons were blown up by mines from engineering units of the southern military district. sappers set charges on site. everything, because it is necessary, if we want to save that child in 20 years who can find this mine, and this is already footage of the work of ukrainian militants, cluster bombs are launched towards peaceful cities of the ukrainian armed forces, hundreds of mines fall on populated areas in the front-line zone, this is how the nationalists take revenge
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on the people for remaining to live in the liberated territories, an operational group of an engineering unit is moving to the site of the war, sappers work not only on the front line, but in the rear zone. during work , fighters move either on nimble domestic suvs that easily overcome any off-road conditions, black soil, or on such armored capsules that can protect the crew during shelling, as well as enemy bullets. the soldiers are inspecting the surroundings of the zaporozhye village, the forested fields are strewn with shells, the sapyurs are combing the area meter by meter , the russian military is neutralizing nato -style anti-personnel ammunition, and also discovering dangerous traps that were left behind... it could be anything , it could be a mine that cannot be removed, there may be on the approaches, for example, to anti-personnel mines , there are directional mines, there may be push -action mines, that is, if you approach
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the tripwire there, if you are not inattentive, well, you will see the mine yourself, you will approach it, you will be blown up by another mini, local the authorities asked for the help of sappers, after the retreat the enemy tried... to destroy the infrastructure of the village, a dairy farm was fired from hail and tanks, there sappers found unexploded ammunition and destroyed them, it will begin here in the spring repairs to agricultural work...
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more precisely, will be published under the authorship of nikolai dolgopolov after the press bureau of the foreign intelligence service decided with whom it will work. what was needed was a man who knew languages, had been and worked abroad and had nothing to do with intelligence. nikolai dolgopolov, by that time he was already the deputy head of komsomolskaya pravda, inyas’ background, work as a translator in iran in the seventies, this was still under the shah, and after komsomol truth, where for a long time they did not want to take the boy from gorky street, the son of a famous journalist from...
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this is a documentary about preparations for the moscow olympics, script by dolgopolov and snegerev. after 6 years there will be a difficult business trip to chernobyl, and after 5 years of correspondence in france, a return to their homeland, which has already changed its name. the first series of materials about the soviet ones. in the states, he really loved going to all sorts of bazaars, filming, no one knew who abel was at all. in the sixty-eighth, the film dead season was released with danatas baniones in the title role, the film was based on the story of rudolf abel. he even had an opening speech beginning: the famous scene of the exchange of agents on the bridge in many ways repeated the real exchange of abel on the american one.
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i don’t want to use this word, we became friends , you see, i don’t deserve this friendship, we became close, i began to visit them at home quite often, this beautiful couple worked in more than 100 countries for many years, but...
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we’ll be on the air again , there’s still a lot of news, my friend has cell phone, today is the final hearing, i’ll have to falsify the patient’s card, what am i going to tell the doctors, shut up, i want us to be together, how wonderful martynov, it’s great, it’s so bad, i’m
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alone with everything, but why am i not alone with you? sklifosovsky today on rtr.
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the hall is treasured, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are flowing. over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, with the living room of our heroes coming soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, just look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr, we watch movies and tv series, we watch opera, we watch ballet, we watch theater, we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions. and master classes: we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch science programs, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, we watch russia culture on the platform. "i want to go to college
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to enter, this is what institute, for philfa , oh, my god, throw it away, start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to enroll, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope he will come to me my gray and will take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs. the other believes in herself, are you the best girl in this dorm, are you married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the seaside, act, high hopes on saturday and
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sunday on rtr. as we continue the broadcast, we immediately return to the first topic: vladimir putin has just held a meeting with governor mikhail dekterev in khabarovsk, they talked about the social and economic situation in the region and, in particular, about measures to support families with children and public sector workers. we work according to yours.
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with criminal gangs the day before, now the streets are relatively calm and uncrowded, public transport and retail outlets have returned to work. for the last in a few hours, military police detained more than 300 representatives of various gangs, destroyed five more and returned to prison almost 30 convicts who escaped during the riots. against the backdrop of an armed uprising by the drug cartel, the country's president announced that he would begin the mass deportation of foreign prisoners, especially colombians. and venezuelans. washington must stop indefinitely funding ukrainian bureaucratic officials. during the republican debate in iowa
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, florida governor desantis said this. his opponents and former state ambassador to the un niki haley responded by calling the kiev regime pro-american. in the end, the candidates agreed on only one thing: they miss having a discussion with trump. the forty-fifth president himself at that moment chose a different television platform on fox news and reminded voters that their soldiers were in countries whose names many in the states had not even heard of. report by dmitry melnikov. two alternatives to trump, again without trump himself. he is here alive on his own, visiting the fox channel. and in a few hours before the start of the debate , obvious outsider chris christie announced the end of his election campaign. nikki haley and...
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men and women from having to participate in the war. it does not explain how it is possible to end this conflict. this all seems like a bunch of random advice. she supports the fact that tens of billions of dollars go to pay salaries to ukrainian officials and payments to ukrainian pensioners. this is your tax revenue. desantis plays on trump's field, promises to continue building a wall on the border with mexico to expel migrants. while his ratings are still equal to those of haley, his chances of reaching the election
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are assessed as low. the liberal agenda has reached the point where at debates they are seriously discussing the freedom of children to choose which gender they go to the toilet in schools. boys should go to boys' toilets, girls should go to girls' toilets. the supreme court has its own immunity for the former president; his participation in primaries in several states at once depends on the decision. the plan for the first days of the presidency is simple: approve hit list to start taking revenge. i 'm going to be a dictator for this country. it's going to be a whole new political narrative because a guy like this.
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elections in november, but the democrats are also preparing their own plan b, and it’s not biden. if the party nevertheless decides that the current president is not worth running for a second term, then
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another woman may appear in the arena. it is no coincidence that the name of former first lady michelle obama is increasingly heard here. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the first high-tech industrial center in siberia medicine was opened in krasnoyarsk, it will serve 15 large strategic enterprises. in the next 2 years, the federal medical and biological agency plans to create another 60 similar institutions in departmental medical organizations, and also to digitalize everything.
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pathology and any other somatic and not only somatic pathology. in yakutia , they have begun freezing work, which is when they cut tunnels in the ice under ships in order to repair them. it only takes until the end of february to prepare for spring. navigation of more than 200 vessels. vitaly prokopyev learned how frosts help here. sharp chainsaw teeth with ease.
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the same sweat pours in a stream, my legs don’t freeze , on my knees, everything, wet, flies out here, i ’ve already lost about six kilograms, probably, alexander, a more experienced ice picker, has been clearing ice here for 10 years, and like a real professional, knows, there’s nowhere without frost, i like it, i like it, constantly limit it while i’m moving, even my back
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is wet now. manage to free as many ships as possible from the ice shackles. with help here the frostbites of such fans accelerate the process of freezing the ice below, they have already reached a depth of 2.75 cm, then they will punch tunnels under the ship and make their way to the propellers and rudders. and while bitter frosts reign in the region
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, so called by the nuns, have you ever counted how many children you saved? well, there are 387 children, after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the sklifosovsky series today, well, all the news is always available on the media platform . we look in the application or on the website, whichever is more convenient for you. the news continues to follow for developments in russia and abroad, so stay tuned. in the moscow region, police liquidated a home cannabis plantation. according to investigators, a local resident set up a mini-farm in the house, where he grew dozens of bushes. narkoda.


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