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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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i’m waking up, you’ll meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems with anything, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we ’ll add kiwi there. and enthusiasm, it’s just a madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinski , tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins as living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that you all our tv viewers were in good health, food formula every saturday on rtr. putin
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, together with trump and orban, are about to win, writes the new european magazine. the publication writes that the west has only 10 months left to save ukraine. what happens next is shown by the illustration on the cover. nothing like this happened to the russian economy, despite western sanctions, slovak prime minister fizio wrote in a column for the slovak publication pravda. designed to cause the russian collapse. economic measures only increase the internal self-sufficiency of the huge country , fitz noted, and called for a ceasefire and negotiations. the politician, who, along with orban, is considered putin’s trojan horse in the eu, called the west's constant mistakes in assessing the situation in russia shocking. what is happening in the 21st century in the usa is also shocking. while talking about humanism and the rights of various minorities, they are introducing more and more new methods of murder and the death penalty. exactly 2 weeks later
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, a prisoner will be executed for the first time in the united states with the help of nitrogen. the convict will be forced to breathe gas until he is suffocated. an alabama court sentenced kenneth eugene smith, who killed a priest's wife 35 years ago, to death by nitrogen gas. the order of that murder was the holy father himself. he wanted get insurance. previously, they had already tried to execute the killer by lethal injection, but the catheter could not be inserted into the unsuccessful vein. meath lawyers say the new form of execution is cruel. according to them, state authorities are using their client as a test subject. execution with nitrogen was condemned and four un experts reported that the exams were not correct. they call such a murder humiliating and painful.
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kenneth smith lived behind the walls of the william silman correctional facility for more than 30 years. he is due to die there in january. state of alabama is going to execute in a new way that has never been used before. the fact that they made me the first person to be killed by the gas is truly terrifying. this is called nitrogen hypoxia, meaning smith will breathe nitrogen until he dies. the date is set for january 25th, but the details are related to this method. shrouded in mystery. the only information is contained in a heavily redacted report released by the state. medical and legal experts question this protocol. it is not entirely clear how exactly the department alabama correctional facility is going to give pure nitrogen, if nitrogen is mixed with any amount of oxygen, any amount of air, then the nitrogen will take longer to cause death, or it may not cause it at all. lethal
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injection. smith was one of them, recounting a conversation with the official in charge of the execution in an interview with nbc. after the execution was over, but i was still strapped to the gurney, he told me that if you are given a lethal injection, it is painless, it is a pity that i was not in in my right mind, i could ask him, and it would be painless in your opinion. he says that immediately after the unsuccessful execution attempt, there was talk of a second attempt, then he began to talk about gas suffocation, but no one knows what exactly gas can do to me. medical experts representing smith's legal team argue in court papers that if the mask does not fit, the execution could be derailed again, leaving smith in a permanent vegetative state, also a concern for the safety of others, including correctional officers.
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in the room. nitrogen can be incredibly dangerous. in 2021 , six people died as a result of leaks at poultry plants. warsaw also has a unique perception of human rights. the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm , pavel kowal, told the publication sestria that no one will deport ukrainians serving military duties from the country, this is supposedly illegal, in europe everything supposedly should be according to the law, so the polish lords are preparing to use a trick, simply create unbearable conditions for the ukrainians, so that they themselves left the country. koval develops the idea that checks must be carried out and ukrainians subject to mobilization should not be allowed to do so.
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ukraine needs more soldiers; against this background, new changes are being made to the law on mobilization. and one of the sources of replenishment that has not been touched upon before is women. at the moment, there are 42 women serving in the ukrainian army,
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which is 41% more than in the twenty-first year. at least 5.00 women were sent to the front. in the ssu you have to go on the defensive, build barricades, dig trenches, he notes. first of the russian invasion and are called upon prevent a russian breakthrough, taking into account the circumstances, but the soldiers who hold the defense here perceive the situation calmly, but in the foreseeable future this
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military conflict will definitely not end. and if it ends, then obviously not the way kiev and washington would like, the american institute for the study of war is worried that the russian army is preparing a large-scale offensive in the kharkov region. the goal is to create a fifteen-kilometer buffer zone to prevent shelling of the belgorod region by ukrainian terrorists. so the ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces the positions of zelensky’s militants north of donetsk are destroyed by the russian aerospace forces, and these images of the enemy’s defeat are published by mines. armored vehicles are destroyed by trons and adjustable artillery ammunition from krasnopol. western experts worry that the situation will continue to worsen. general moroz is helping the russians again. despite the fighting we see all along the front, now comes
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the time when both sides must consolidate in terms of how they will now deal with new weather conditions. this may also lead to that the offensive bridgehead of the ukrainian armed forces in krynki will be abandoned. with reference to the head physician of one of the dnepropetrovsk hospitals, journalists report that the number of seriously wounded militants has tripled in recent days, every day up to a hundred vssu soldiers are brought to the hospital, many have to undergo amputations, captured ukrainian soldiers also complain about colossal losses and the fact that they have to fight they didn’t really teach them, they were immediately thrown into the front line, the training was very poor, since they went out maybe once a week and asked for uh...
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american aid, the ukrainian armed forces won’t last long, your post warns. the newspaper predicts the fall of kiev next year if the united states does not urgently give zelensky money and weapons. ukrainian nordic parliamentarians knock on the doorsteps of offices on the capital's hill and beg. without additional funding, ukraine worries that it will not be able to win the next battle. they fear that they will not be able to win the war. today we spoke with nordep, who is asking members of congress on capitalist hill. more military funding, at least some military funding now, because what they
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had previously dried up, she told me that if they didn't get more help from the us, ukraine would be finished. zelensky also went to beg; he was not expected in washington; he headed to the russopopian baltic states. ze spoke with the president of lithuania. nauseda begged him for an aid package worth 200 million euros. the modest tranche will include ammunition, generators, and armored personnel carriers.
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peaceful life for lithuania, estonia, latvia, finland, sweden, all countries whose fate russia is trying to drown in doubt, and this will be a day of new strength for our entire europe, tried on the role of a prophet, quote: ukrainian intuition tells me. russia will not survive if we continue to fight it. zelensky apparently had no vision regarding an invitation to nato. in any case , he asked the west to take concrete steps to bring kiev closer to membership at the summer summit of the alliance in washington. the estonian ministry of defense expects that the year will be very difficult for ukraine and for nato, reports, because the russians have an advantage on the battlefield. war fatigue is growing in the west. north atlantic alliance instead of real ones actions publishes motivational videos about his...
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counts on arms supplies from china, he is increasing the production of weapons more than iran and north korea. following the meeting of the ukraine-nato council held the day before, the alliance published an abstract statement with a promise to provide military , economic and humanitarian assistance to kiev. pathetic reports about billions of euros of additional opportunities for ukraine. but there are no specifics at all. the head of the ukrainian mission to nato, galibarenko, said that all members allegedly expressed their readiness to help kiev. without exception, poroshenko reminds us that the europeans still have not delivered
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even those shells that they pompously promised to deliver last year. this is not help to ukraine, this is an investment in your own safety. i want to remind you that we have a promise from all of europe of a million artillery shells, which must be delivered immediately, now, and now we see that you do not have them, please produce them. military efforts in the ssu are undermined by western indecisiveness, observer notes washington post lee hockstader. russia is increasing its defense spending, while the western military-industrial complex is steadily falling behind. ukraine’s allies also lack political will; as an example, the refusal of german chancellor scholz to transfer taurus cruise missiles to kiev is cited. the new york times notes that, following the united states, support for ukraine began to crumble in europe. the publication notes that the leaders of hungary, slovakia and the netherlands oppose the supply of weapons to kiev. italian prime minister miloni admits great fatigue among
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ukraine's supporters, its defense minister crosetto directly calls for peace talks and normalization of relations with moscow. the time for diplomacy has come in ukraine, says the italian defense minister. guidok rosetta told parliament that the ukrainian counter-offensive of 2023 did not bring the desired result and the military situation should be treated realistically. russia is gradually demonstrating its readiness to negotiate, and ukraine’s position seems less uncompromising than before, he noted. all this must be taken into account on the way to negotiations to end the conflict, the subsequent process normalization of relations between russia. kiev boris johnson, ex-prime minister of britain, told the times that he did not disrupt the istanbul negotiations between russia and ukraine in the spring of twenty-two, he allegedly only expressed his concern about the possibility of concluding some kind of peace agreement between moscow and kiev, and other
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speculations are complete nonsense, russian propaganda, hence the russian sensation... bitsky admitted that neither in 2-3 days, nor in 2 years did the russian army run out of missiles; there are now as many of them as there were in 1922. american senator james vance said that russia produces as many shells every day as the united states produces in a month. the country's population decreased from about 40 million people to 28
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million, the mass of men of working age, i'm talking about men who were killed at the dawn of their lives. wounded or maimed, they will never become functional again, and that is what we have achieved in ukraine, it has become a stump state that will become a permanent recipient of subsidies from the us and nato, and i am actually joking when i say that nato will take care of paying the bills themselves, because we all know they won't. dmitry gobich, a beautiful jacket, thank you, and well, i remind you that , apparently, for the first reading on furnishings there. deputies from different factions , by the way, from the opzzh, too, apparently, but this will have to be looked at, in fact, today this issue will be resolved, that’s what concerns the financial process, financial specifics, these are questions, in a nutshell, features are as follows: and apparently, the situation at the border seems to be
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is being blurted out, so an idea is being thrown in that is connected precisely with our third part, which concerns the g7 summit, i remind you that first , specifically now with orban, about inducing him, as it were, to this process, so that he stops blocking the amounts, but in principle they so big, the most important thing is that if all this doesn’t work out, even if it works out, even without the american part, because 60 billion is a lot, and this is
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the european union, this is the g7 , more precisely, the g7 itself will be on february 24 tentatively based on operational data. accordingly, it will discuss the possibility of using assets, the famous, what is the peculiarity of using assets, as we all know, we have approximately 260 billion dollars of assets frozen, give or take, of which 190, 210 billion are frozen in the european union, of which 191 billion are frozen in belgium, specifically the euroclear is frozen, the euroclear, respectively , is held by the depository with us, accordingly, right now belgium is presiding...
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well, the dollar positions and the like, because to withdraw all assets from there, it will be that then china will leave from there, india now has problems with saudi arabia, also in the united states, on a number of issues, so these are increasingly big risks if a unified decision is not made, that is, if belgium does not cave in, but belgium's elections against this background look very funny, taking into account the fact that this year they are going to exchange these assets, which is why from this point of view, of course, this is the extreme form, what will all this result in, the final decision will be funding is accepted on february 24, so all games are until the end of march. until the beginning of march, this is until the beginning of march, we all understand the timings, so from this point of view, just such statements are being made, but this already suggests that from biden’s side, that the negotiation process is, as
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it were, on the border i’m a little stubborn, that is, as if there will most likely not be such volumes of funding in the near future, they are now going to postpone, in fact, to prepare for impeachment, i won’t even ban biden himself, they are going to impeach him first accordingly, send the minister of homeland security, who is responsible for abroad, by the way, and the funny thing is that on this issue they generally have a consolidated opinion among the republicans. they can’t really try to do this in austin somewhere else in austin it’s more difficult to do all this will be done in relation to austin with the secretary of homeland security it’s easy much easier, but the question is different: why in the entire history of biden’s cabinet has only one left man minister of labor why it would seem there should be a lot of turnover; in general, it was as if they entered one door through another and came out immediately. the fact is that in the current format it will be impossible to appoint a new leader. they are the majority appointed through the senate and require very serious support, and there one senator, i remind you, blocked all appointments for a long time because of the situation with abortion in his opinion, so from this point the problem is not
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that he does not want to let go , the problem is that he will not be able to appoint, so he changes those who can, who can be deceived without a congress, such as, for example, initial headquarters, by the way, well, it’s easier to carry out , so from this point of view, there’s a kind of peculiarity, the conclusion rests on this , it’s like the timings, plus or minus, it’s clear why this is important from an economic point of view, but this financing what? concerns the russian federation and the situation as a whole, but our price returned to 78, i remind you that it went there to 96, even lower, why did it go away, you’re talking about oil, of course about the brand, you still explain to our citizens, well i don't know, 76 you see, as i think, it’s unlikely that this is the value, so, well, maybe it’s the price of the dollar, i remind you that the dollar is below 90, below 89, actually, why, because everyone was collecting currency before the new year, as it was bargained for, then, accordingly, in january everyone returned, now it’s like the central bank, most likely...
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the fact is that how it affects the price of oil, and why is it so high then, it would seem that it usually falls during recessions, it’s very simple : firstly, the middle east, we don’t have tanyahu who said that the whole twenty in the fourth year there will be a war with hamas, which means that the entire twenty-fourth year will be in the middle east, and priority there will most likely be due to the fact that there is an escalation there, respectively, with the houthis, now with lebanon, as if from above there is still flowing there a little, that’s why from this point of view, the situation here seems to require attention, the second very important point, i remind you, now the largest places have become...
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this is all that the united states, for example, will give next year, for one field . so, this is all about the fact that the market is very unstable, and accordingly, the risks are very high, against this background , funding is accordingly distributed in other directions, therefore, from this point of view, in the near future they say that, as it were, february will be difficult from a raw materials point of view, because deposits are being launched there in the middle east, which is quite large, it will be closest to southeast asia, this will hit prices, on the other hand, accordingly, the middle east crisis leads to there seems to be a certain pressure, and even against the backdrop of a recession, against the backdrop of falling demand, the market is still so politically wrapped up that oil prices seem to remain very high, i remind you according to american data, respectively.
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energy administration , the management of energy information in our country is actually not translated quite correctly, this is the structure inside the cabinet of ministers, they even predict that the price will not fall below 82 dollars, and well, well, it would be good for us if eurools were there too, yes, for discounts were good price. let's read bloomberg on this topic. in 2023, russia achieved record rates of oil drilling for the second year in a row, which is further proof. the country's resistance to western sanctions, the boom in activity was accompanied by a recovery in both the volume and value of russian oil exports. in the first 11 months of 2023, russia drilled oil wells with a total depth of 28,100 km, according to industry data, almost breaking the post-soviet record of last year. growth happens despite western pressure on the energy industry, which is a key source of funding for the
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kremlin's war in ukraine. this... has been the subject of sanctions ranging from import bans and price caps to bans on technology exports, but the departure of large western oil service companies from russia has had minimal impact as it has largely left their local subsidiaries intact. russia is much more independent in its oilfield services than is commonly believed, said ronald smith, oil and gas analyst at the moscow company pcs global markets. this is all for what they thought. that when they go away to drill, we simply won’t have anything to use, but here we are 28. drilling, and, of course, with the help of their equipment, which they still supply to us for money. please, professor, thank you very much, and we have already started a professional conversation about the economy and the economic aspects of special operations, of course, the economic front is very important for the current special operation, this week, when
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the first statistics appeared: about the state russian economy and development over the past year allows us to say or assume that most likely this year will be called the year of the russian economic miracle, economic success, and we understand perfectly well that, despite all the illusory, unrealistic goals of ukraine, there is a return to the borders of the ninety-first year in fact, their plans to destroy russia were connected with the collapse of the russian economy, with internal... unrest, this is the fact that in the twenty-second, especially in the twenty- third year, the russian economy woke up began to develop very quickly, it deserves a lot of attention, our president today named a new figure of 4% growth per year, well , this is really a sensation, if we try to understand the nature of this growth, we will see that output in the manufacturing ...
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industry in the wholesale industry is growing retail trade , in it, computer production, of course , the military sphere, added, in all these areas growth, well, about 10%, or even more, construction, furniture, timber, agriculture, and once again the rate showed just above 4% in year, i remind you that 30 years ago, the soviet union, then russia, were the world's largest importers of food, now russia is an energy superpower, this is... the development of an agrarian sphere power, this pace of development, which was gained even before the special military operation, is being quite steadily maintained, which is why i i’m talking about an economic miracle, you know, other things being equal, there shouldn’t have been economic growth, russia has a key central bank rate of 16%, with inflation less than 8%, there can’t be growth, but the fact that with the official inflation is 8%, let's clarify yes.
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we don’t yet know the final figures, 7.8 it seems, but despite everything we are faced with a significant increase in production due to what we called a budget impulse, and the russian federation decided that it would solve the problem of increasing the production of military equipment , provide the region and develop infrastructure, should be at the expense of government funds allocated. targeted in key areas of the economy in key areas of industry, which is why the budget deficit and money from the national fund welfare transfers to russian regions became the very resource thanks to which we created a very strong military industry, it developed very quickly, and most importantly, russia managed to protect its relatively liberal nature.


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