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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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and yet, with all this, we are faced with a significant increase in production due to the fact that we have called a budget impulse, the russian federation has decided that solving the problem of increasing the production of military equipment, providing for the region and developing infrastructure should be done at the expense of... public funds, directed in a targeted manner to key areas of the economy in key areas of industry, which is why the budget deficit, and money from the national welfare fund, transfers to russian regions did not become that very thing, but a resource, thanks to which we have created a very strong military industry, it is developing very quickly, and most importantly, russia has managed to maintain a relatively liberal nature.
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our market system, we see how the tasks of producing military equipment are solved not only in rostec or state enterprises, but also private business, which is very actively involved in this. russia remains one of the few countries where a market economy operates, because the west ruined it, it simply does not exist. exactly, another one a very important element of our growth is success. a turn away from europe and the united states to other countries as our economic partners. today, yesterday, rossinaya is in the far east, it is there that key processes for the russian economy take place, the eastern range is overloaded , at least 200 million tons of cargo will be transported, it was transported last year, new border crossings are opening, trade with china will amount to approximately $220 billion, i think that when they read this figure in germany, they... will be very upset, because
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in our best years of trade with the european union, the figures for russian-german trade were approximately the same, now they have fallen very sharply, trade with india is approximately $60 billion, that is , we have before us such a comprehensive program of confronting the russian economy with the enemy within the framework of a special military operation, i think that really... the third year will go down in history as such a very successful year, especially against the backdrop of our neighbors in europe, where a lot of internal political issues were said here processes that influence the development of the european economy, let’s at least remember that in europe, this year’s elections to the european parliament, election years are always very problematic for politicians, they will be more likely to deal with internal issues than external ones, in the european .
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there is a very serious structural crisis, we are talking about the impact of the energy crisis, which led, where the industrialization of europe, to a situation with which the europeans fought and seemed to have won, i mean high unemployment, let me remind you that there have been 15 years ago, unemployment in europe was more than 10% of the labor force, when in germany unemployment reached 5 million people, this was in 2005, everyone was saying that in about such a situation in the thirties, hitler came to power, and so now ... in conditions of low unemployment in general throughout europe, and europe is faced with a shortage of qualified labor, the inability to maintain even those industries in such sustainable growth that have survived after the flight of virtually all or very many enterprises, the production of which is associated with the consumption of energy resources, i mean chemistry, petrochemistry, transport engineering and so on, that is, in this sense...
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a stainless steel plant, huge, gigantic, why haven’t we done this before, well, strictly speaking , until the rooster pecks, little happens in our country, nevertheless, of course, these economic indicators and the economic miracle, as you quite rightly said, this is an amazing story, which economists will then study in universities and write textbooks on, amazing, yes dmitry gabich. no one
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expected this, not even you, let's go back to my friend soth. today is the final hearing, i’ll have to falsify the patient’s card, what will i tell the doctors, shut up, i want us to be together, like wonderful martynov, great, so bad, i’m alone with everything, i’m not alone, i’m with you, sklefosovsky, today on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear,
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simply incredible beauty, you already understand, what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday. on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big
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day for us, a big holiday, you and i are not saw each other, will find something even cooler, fell in love with them , who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty , repin, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform, what are the next tasks? i ’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, fight with russia,
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with china, nonsense, of course, how much time do you you pay attention to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends there, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, the guryats do not flee at the helicopter port. number one, we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are here, probably the first to show this, pasha, are you filming this, pasha, hello , hello, yes, you learned from this upachita, what you do, in the first person, just tell me what is happening and where, in 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, kremlin, putin. we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, so the farmers' protest in germany, as the telegraph reports, the riot brought the country to its knees
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, the strike has been going on for the fourth day, it paralyzed the work of the metro, stopped 80% of the long-distance railways directions, at these stations the main station of berlin, as you can see, there is no one and nothing in the building... they are working, except for a few escalators, and this is the bavarian auxburg, from a bird's eye view it is clear that the number of tractors and other agricultural equipment cannot be counted. bilt warns that the whole of germany is one step away from a complete transport collapse. daily losses from the protests are estimated at 100 million euros. we are on the autobahn and as you can see, we are not alone, this is the busiest autobahn in germany, no, the busiest autobahn in europe, and in general you can’t be here, but we are tired of lies, we have people here who are engaged
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in rural farming already in the fourteenth to fifteenth generations, we are the guys who open 24 hours a day in any weather, we're the guys who put healthy food on your plate. in direct contact, hello, evgeniy, we are very glad that the time has come to join our program, we have already seen on the shelves of a store in germany the inscriptions that all the fruits and vegetables were eaten by zelensky and scholz, this is a comparison with ukraine and in general this is how if the reason is in the ukrainian war, do those who are now blocking the roads with tractors see that such a connection certainly exists, the fact is that the abolition of these
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subsidies, which occurred on january 1, that caused, in fact, protests in germany, it was due to the fact that at one time, that is, at the end of last year, when germany could not meet its budget, at the same time the budget support for ukraine was doubled, that is, of course, those people who are now they take to the streets, on tractors and so on , to protest, they ask themselves the question of how... so we give billions to some ukraine and our own agriculture is dying from the current policy, naturally, this connection is direct, in this regard, of course , the government puts absolutely unsatisfactory priorities, that is , we will support ukraine, but we will neglect our own farmers, our own agriculture. actually, this is the reason for all these thousands of protests, we are waiting for them on monday. the lines result in a very large demonstration, how can this end from the point of view of politics,
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the prospects of scholz and his party? the prospects are not the brightest in fact, that is , now at the moment the ruling coalition, all parties, including the scholz party, the social democrats, are in deep crisis, that is, support among the population is minimal, and we know that this year there will be important elections to the european parliament, in a number of eastern states, where... let's say, in the same saxony, scholze's party is gaining only 3% of the votes, then that is, it does not even get into the regional state parliament, at the same time, support for the opposition is growing, that is, for our party alternative for germany, in the same saxony we are already gaining more than 36%, that is, compare, scholz’s ruling party is 3%, the opposition is 36% . of course, the situation is already unsatisfactory and sounds very seriously voices that our party should be banned, including here. the saxon minister from that same three percent party advocates banning the alternative, which of
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course would simply put democracy in germany under a big big question mark. how realistic is it as an emergency measure to replace scholz with pistorius, for example, which is what the german press is writing about? indeed, recently they have been preparing such a castling because of some other methods. in order to end this peak, social democrats are not found, they will try to scholz's lame voodoo, or there are already such plans to replace pistorius with the minister of defense, in fact, at one time he was put in the chair of the minister of defense, so that they could then write out such a successor from him, who was mired in corruption scandals, very weak, very inarticulate chancellor scholz, in fact, who led the country to this dead end. thank you very much, yes, yes, continue, he will not change the policy, thank you, evgeniy schmit, member of the bundestag,
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in direct contact with us, from germany, i ask you, in my opinion, the military-technical aspects of a special military operation deserve special attention, based on the fact that this is a competition between western weapons, which are pumping ukraine up, and russian ones, this is also important from the perspective. the future of the global arms market, because today all the leading analysts in the world, any ministry of defense of any country carefully analyzes who, how, with what, strikes, who, how, and how to prevent these strikes, in this regard, if we look at the latest reports of military events, then the absolute effectiveness of the use of russian operational-tactical missile systems and... iskandar m. strikes that are delivered using this type of weapon are powerless
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to prevent the western air defense system. this applies not only to european complexes, which are rather, let’s say, weak and ineffective. but this also applies to the newest versions of the american patriot complexes in the pak-3 version, the most advanced, including those with anti-missile interception capabilities and properties. even look at all the recent strikes - these strikes on military targets in the area of ​​kharkov, kiev, and other ukrainian cities are 100% effective. iskandarov, and this is very serious, again, we must understand that this is a competitive advantage for our air defense systems, because any western manufacturer always tries to surpass or at least reach the level of the corresponding tactical and technical characteristics, and potentially the demand today is, i will say
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this, hundreds of billions of dollars, any effective country, and today such countries... in this regard, what can we resist? we have an excellent weapon that is superior in its characteristics, the american patri complex from pak-3, this is a medium -range air defense complex bukam3, a very effective, reliable, effective weapon that has proven itself excellent during a special military operation to defeat any type of target,
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starting from front-line enemy aviation and ending with all means of launching long-range missiles. experience with the low performance of american patriots, naturally, others countries, the united arab emirates, any rich oil-producing, gas-producing country building a diversified economy will purchase our air defense systems, this is a global market, this is a security market, and here are our special exporters in the person
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of rosoboronaexport, the coordinating structure of the federal service for military-technical cooperation, demonstration . the structure of hands is enough, enterprises such as the ulyanovsk mechanical plant, izheevsky electromechanical plant, kupol, npo strela, the state-owned obukhov plant are ready give appropriate results. well, if we look at the context, sweden, seemingly after several centuries of neutrality, is again rattling its saber, this is serious, they are calling
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on their population to prepare for war, these are not random calls in general, this is... a purposeful evolution from swedish neutrality to armed aggressive behavior towards the russian federation is more likely a degradation than an evolution. this is how to say, because i would like to remind you that since the second half of the nineties, when russia was neutral, friendly, swedish military intelligence must actively conducted operations in northwestern russia. let's remember the recruitment of captain third rank velichko, who was recruited during the visit. swedish warships on a friendship visit to our baltic naval bases, let's remember the case of peter nordström, a liaison officer of the swedish military intelligence must, who received secret materials from an agent at the leningrad naval base, these were excellent operations of that period of our counterintelligence, which stood up
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sweden showed its teeth on its feet, and today sweden is first-class... especially in the field of construction of diesel submarines, this is a first-class country, from the point of view of its inevitable integration, joining nato is a serious challenge and threat to the fact that in the north-west of russia, we thus recreate the leningrad military. district, which could, due to its potential, restrain the aggressive efforts of the aspirations of our geopolitical opponents, and stockholm today is a direct, i will say, military and military-political, not even a rival, but an adversary of the russian federation, therefore for swedish calls are again militarism, well
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, if we need to repeat the second poltava, obviously we will repeat it, but i would like swedish and finnish politicians to moderate their agility a little, otherwise the threats will show their fists at russia. these countries can cross the line that will become fatal for their national security, here it is absolutely true that with regard to the weapons that you mentioned, it is impossible not to recall here that new glide bombs are about to enter service, they have already been tested v during the battles of a special military operation, and also writes about the new properties of kup drones, let’s read: the modernized russian camika drone may turn out to be a new powerful tool for carrying out air strikes on ukraine. production lines are ramping up for a new version
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of the kubla unmanned aerial vehicle, also known as the zala kyb uiv or kup, says a published report that claims russian uav designers were jumping for joy. application russian military modernized attack drones cube will become a serious problem for the armed forces of ukraine. according to military experts surveyed by publications, these drones can easily destroy equipment and weapons of the ukrainian army, as well as strike areas where manpower is concentrated. the original version of the ethereal cube, introduced in 2019, already had some amazing features. it is likely that the updated version will provide a much more powerful strike against targets in ukraine. now use a modernized version of the uav could give russia a significant advantage on the battlefield. the kremlin commented. history with the possible seizure of our assets and their use to support ukraine. pesco is up to date with the news about us support for the seizure of russian assets.
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washington is trying to put pressure on the europeans because the main russian assets are in europe. the united states wants to encourage the europeans to commit illegal actions and the losses they will face if they follow this path. the seizure of russian assets by washington cannot but have profound consequences. let's go back, i want to go to college , what kind of college is this, oh my god, throw it away, start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to go, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope for me my gray will sail and take me to his home, no.
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we watch movies and tv series, we watch opera , we watch ballet, we watch theater, we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch science programs, we watch interviews and talk shows, watching news, watching
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documentaries, russia culture on the platform let's see, i'm 40 years old and i'm a lonely loser. they just don’t give up, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance right now. i won’t be able to respond
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to your sympathy, and i don’t have any sympathy for you. lyosha, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, then this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of three points. this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs,
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run. see the doctor, medications are like crutches and good habits for us , shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, tomorrow at the rta, you want to know the truth, but you don’t care about it, what it will bring to you? i 'll calm down, don't laugh at me... leave, i just i still can’t believe that dima could do this for no reason, write to prograchev, why, without resonance, the lawyers are powerless, it’s her own fault, everyone stand up, the trial is going on, today on rtr, what remained behind the scenes, there was a situation where he sent me there pushed me, i
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screamed and no one on the street even paid attention. why do you feel despondent at some point ? the movie ended, i started to feel very depressed, when right on takeoff i had severe headaches, there was a doctor who treated me in an unconventional way, he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing, the fate of man is falling...
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falling again, it is expected that the thermometer, which is currently hovering around zero, will drop to -200 by nightfall, that is , such a spread, it will be even colder on the weekend, -20 now in khabarovsk, where it is located with putin's visit, after communicating with local entrepreneurs, the president visited the local cartoon film studio dreamlet. putin also signed the poster of nevelskaya’s cartoon. the title of the tape, the name of the russian admiral. explorer of the far east in the 19th century, thanks to his activities in russia the amur region and sakhalin joined. back in the moment, we always see you only in such formal clothes, we didn’t think that you were fasting or something, and decided to give you such a dream jacket, yes, it’s such a time, yes, please, look, we also want to give these backpacks to you for each of the backpacks. the main thing is that
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the cartoon is good, let's see, it was a 60-minute program, watch the news right now, all the best to you, on the russia channel. in the studio of evgeny rashkov. hello. yuri passed away today solomin, people's artist of the ussr, hero of labor, full holder of the order of merit for the fatherland, one of the most famous and beloved actors in our country. his excellency's adjutant: bat tas is authorized to declare an ordinary miracle, to yuri methodievich's account, more than sixty brilliant film roles. at the same time, he himself considered theater to be his life’s work.
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he gave 70 years of his small life to his native small theater. of these, 35 were headed by him. word to polina iermalaeva. pavel andreevich, yes. are you a spy? art council of yuri solomin. the main role was not approved by the director evgeniy tashkov took on the filming under his own responsibility. how long have you been standing here? i, i, no, i by chance, what else have you heard? he knew from the first grade that he would play at the entrance to shchepkinskoye, his excellency the artist saw a great deal in the skinny boy of the four. tell me if you take me or not, then i have to leave, our ticket is at 8:00 pm. train, well , stay, and i stayed. and there was only one entry in yuri solomin’s work book, the state maly theater, here is the debut: the second artisan in the play ivan the terrible, program dated november 8, 1955. ostrovsky,
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alexander nikolaevich, he said, without theater there cannot be a nation. he had... so he also left, this is a certain level, spiritual, emotional, creative, when such a person runs a theater, my name is arseniev, what’s your name?
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kurasawa’s fate was also happy for kina, he approved without trial and looked into the tiger’s eyes. don’t be afraid, the heroic image did not interfere with the comedies in the bat, a rare on-screen duet with brother vitaly sat there for a couple of times. it's not that much, well, first of all, not a couple, but 10, well, 10, it’s good to tell you, well, i haven’t sat at home for so many days in a row, i’m forever a romantic, like the innkeeper emil in love, an ordinary miracle was created together with mark zakharov, i’m used to strangers not telling their names, but what does this have to do with me being the king, it’s you who got into europe, you began to scare the whole world with our invasion, you, not us, the film directors saw solomin as an ideal intelligence officer. “it was my fault that everything happened, and i wanted good, he lost 2 kg per performance, old school, which means
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in modern terms, if the performance is called wolves and sheep, according to ostrovsky, or our own people, we will be considered, or guilty without guilt. the name itself already says what we are going to talk about, the viewer , mama, mama, the most expensive - a state award, the gold medal of the hero of labor, and after all, the whole life of yuri mefodievich solomin was high service to art, he was the custodian of theatrical traditions, he did not star , did not star, worked hard, believed in what and... and did it brilliantly, this is intelligence in the best sense of the word, with respect, absolute, you know, with respect for to those around me, and in 1949 i saw
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the film maly theater and its masters, i have never conveyed the maly theater, i have always remained faithful to the only stage of the masters’ behest, to leave the audience. after midnight, a white studio episode with the participation of the legendary yuri solomin will be aired, and tomorrow at 14:55 a program will be dedicated to him: the fate of man. the russian economy, despite unprecedented western sanctions , has become the first in europe, and gdp growth at the end of the year may exceed. 4%. about how our the country is resisting external pressure, vladimir putin spoke today in khabarovsk at a meeting with businessmen. we talked about tariffs and benefits, transport accessibility and tourism plans for the entire far east.
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alexey golovko has the details. in the president's work schedule, the largest and strategically most important city in the far east is khabarovsk. it is the economic and cultural scientific center of the entire region. vladimir putin first of all comes to the local one. state university. development of the far east is unconditional priority of the state. a special exhibition at the university of the pacific visualizes the future of far eastern cities. they should be transformed soon. onadar and birabidzhan to khabarovsk and a decade on the list of 16 settlements from yakutsk. 3.5 trillion rubles have already been planned for this program. in the capital of the khabarovsk territory, the main construction project will be the construction of a new university campus, with 151 m2 of auditoriums, dormitories and laboratories. you are planning a technology park there, next to the campus. yes, you can take a walk along the path there, go in for sports, and that’s what we have. institute of the far eastern academy of sciences, everything is nearby,
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a very compact, good complex to talk about the economic development of the far eastern district. vladimir putin gathered businessmen, but first we talked about macroeconomic indicators, despite the sanctions, the russian economy is growing. an amazing result, it seems that we are being strangled and pressed from all sides, but we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we have overtaken. ranked fifth in the world. china, usa, india, japan, russia. in europe number one. in terms of purchasing power parity , we have overtaken the whole of europe, but per capita we still have to try, so there is something to work on here. the far east, as a bridge between europe and asia , has, of course, a special merit in this achievement. last year it was 10 years since russia had a special program for... the development of the far eastern regions, the return
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had to wait, but it was worth it, i remember the beginning of these programs and i remember how the mood was so sour, because we were talking , they said, we’ll be there now do do this, we’ll do this , we’ll develop shipbuilding there, this, that, but everything has such inertia, it was so hard to take the first steps, and people waited, like... as if nothing was happening, after all, movement has now become noticeable in the far east. the region's economy is driven forward by priority development areas. investment loans in such zones are issued at special subsidized interest rates. now this tool almost does not work, businessmen say, due to the fact that the central bank has increased the key bet. in its current form, it is still temporary. and the head of the central bank talks about this, and experts talk about it. as issues related to inflation are resolved, with the suppression
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of inflation, i think this position will change, all governments have tried to revive the far east over the past 200 years, various programs from stalypin’s reforms to the construction of the bama did it in their own way, but in the nineties the richest land i was almost completely ruined, i don’t want to scold anyone there , our liberals, they are doing their job and qualitatively, but the general thing is a super-liberal approach. such, everyone should be placed in equal conditions, yeah, so the far east is also the same as the european part, but then depopulation would continue here and nothing would happen. stalypin did his job in those conditions, it was enough to resettle the peasants, give them land and that ’s it, now life is different, different conditions, you need to create them, work specifically. now there are truly proactive businessmen here, like alexander... sapozhnikov, who moved to the far east at the age of 66,
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was a gas pipeline builder, and became a fisherman and crab catcher. when i came here in 1818, there was a company with five ships, but over the past years the company now has a fleet of 40 ships, nine new ships have been laid down at russian shipyards, gazprom is training some powerful personnel, yes, i’m talking to myself. thank you, i'm talking about you too. fishermen are asking to increase tariffs on supplies of foreign catch to russia, but the president calls for caution regarding any drastic restrictions. by the egg, you see, what happened to us , we simply didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just that our production volume did not decrease, consumption increased, in connection with the real disposable income of the population, a little, but still people’s incomes increased a little, so they began to acquire more and. ..
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with the help and faith of governor michal vladimirovich dekterev, our responsibility to the population we feed still made it so that in december we produced 25 million pounds in two factories here. calm situation, lowest price in region, mikhailovich, pay attention, you are following the lord, you are a hierarchy, long distances and a harsh climate - this is also an additional burden on the housing and communal services of the far eastern cities and towns, the president confirms that funding for the country’s housing and communal services will only increase next year,
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150 billion rubles have been allocated for this. we have no reason to believe that we will cut anything here, well, that’s it...
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during the peak tourist season, flight cancellations reach about 45%. why? due to weather conditions, due to fog in basically, what is the proposal? offer? what needs to be done? refurbish the runway. it is necessary to develop a tourist cluster of the islands, it is very interesting there, they say , it has never been, unfortunately, i will definitely come, and there is a lot of underwater world, but all types of tourism on the island can be developed, including extreme tourism , including, of course, today we talked a lot about transport infrastructure, the region lacks high-speed railways, modern border crossings and bridges, in yakutsk the long-awaited lena bridge should to start building this year, an entrepreneur from this city
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learned about the news from the conversation moderator alexey repik, i thank you on behalf of all entrepreneurs, but if alexey you laughed so much. a platform that would bring new ideas for drones from engineers to the front in 24 hours. for example, this morning a new video transmitter module, an electronic reconnaissance device, and a flight controller appeared. during the day, our engineers prepared a module that is placed on 3d printing on the second line, that is, there is already
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3d printers are almost everywhere, the next morning you can receive a ready-made solution at the front. this is one of... modern methods of conducting armed struggle, which corrects all others and, in interaction with the types and branches of the armed forces, connects many things, makes them more effective, counter-battery warfare, and reconnaissance, well, there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks a lot, that’s why it’s very important here too, it’s very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead, the president had a separate conversation with the governor of the khabarovsk territory.
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january of this year, these are all veterinarians, we have foresters, firefighters, more than thirty thousand people, and another event in khabarovsk vladimir putin visited the local animation studio mechtolyot, after your serious meetings, we invite you to delve a little into creativity, talk about the creative industry, young animators make cartoons about their native land, one of them was shown to the president, there was a gift, we constantly bring up only in such strict clothes, we thought that... the main ones cartoon characters, brave pioneers and discoverers who established the russian flag in the far east, such as admiral gennady.
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the entire territory of the russian federation, and this is the largest territory in the world, state-owned, is under one or another system of state protection, that is, in principle, our work in this regard has been brought to the state level in the full sense of the word, we have been doing this systematically for many years decades. here is the site - this is another step forward in order to introduce people who are interested in nature with what is happening in this
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area. the new portal presents 39 protected areas and more than 100 species of wild animals, more than 2,500 videos from camera traps installed in reserves and about 3,000 photographs are also published there. in addition, on the website you can learn about special environmental programs that are personally controlled by the president. in collaboration with the ministry of natural resources. the site will be regularly updated with new materials. several ukrainian infrastructure facilities at once, which the armed forces of ukraine used for military purposes, today they were attacked by a russian group of troops. in the kharkov region, the target was a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. according to the ministry of defense, about 800 ukrainian soldiers were killed in 24 hours at various sites of the special operation, four. in this video from the scene, militants are trying to extinguish an infantry fighting vehicle after hitting a hangar with equipment. on the zaporozhye front, our fighters
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broke through the enemy’s defenses near verbovoy, rszz crews carried out a massive artillery barrage, after which the attack aircraft crashed took control of a large stronghold. after artyomovsk in the dpr, ivanovo paratroopers push the ukrainian armed forces soldiers out of their positions. here in the footage the drone operator drops a grenade on a sleeping bag underneath. in which a ukrainian soldier was hiding, in others you can see how a damaged tank and infantry vehicle are being destroyed, the equipment can no longer be repaired. there is a short pause now, but in a few minutes we will be on air again, because there is still a lot of news, my friend has a trial, today is the final hearing, we will have to fake the card patients, if i tell the doctors this, shut up. i want us to be together, like the wonderful martynov, wonderful, so bad, i
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’m alone with everything, somehow i’m not alone with you, sklefosovsky, today on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you’ll see , it's from scratches. dogs door, he could become a catcher or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, i want to go to college, what institute, philfa, oh my god! married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to be happy for him, and what do you
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need for this? that's all you have left. become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the seaside, act, great hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers and fight straight from russia from china, nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote?
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in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, on air, we continue, a black blizzard hit moscow today, which brought a warm atmospheric front. at some point , it became dark in the capital, as if a snowstorm had swept through the streets in the evening, visibility on the roads dropped to almost zero, now the snow has begun to fall with renewed vigor and will continue to fall until tomorrow, so everyone is urged to switch to public transport. this is tomsk, where a real hurricane is raging. the duty service receives reports of fallen traffic lights. winter storms in altai, where
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the wind speed reached 112. press, which is celebrated on january 13, a ceremony for presenting awards in the field of media is held in the government house. laureate, journalists and creative teams of russian and foreign media. they are recognized for significant professional achievements. and special attention, of course, to war correspondents who cover special operations. for the district, as the president noted, now work in the information space is a very important battlefield; i will add that this is also a huge responsibility in the current conditions, when russia is conducting a special military operation, protecting its citizens. i am sure that today’s laureates
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of the government of the russian federation are guided by this approach. among the laureates of government awards are our colleagues, hosts of the 60 minutes program, olga skabeeva and evgeny popov, as well as the editor-in-chief of the russia-24 information channel evgeny bikasov. florida governor desantis spoke out against further funding of ukraine during a televised presidential debate. according to him , tens of billions of american taxpayer dollars went to pay salaries to ukrainian bureaucrats. another republican candidate, nicky haley , opposed him, but in the end they agreed on one thing: donald trump was supposed to join their discussions, but the former us leader chose another site. at a meeting with his supporters in iowa, he said that biden could not put two words together, but he called vladimir putin and xi day ping smart people. the verkhovna rada today began to consider
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the law on mobilization, but contrary to public expectations. in closed mode. the heads of the faction and committees arrived at the meeting, along with commander-in-chief zaluzhny, the chief of the general staff and the minister of defense, while the political military forces were discussing the details and even allegedly returned the project for revision to the cabinet of ministers, at the emergency search for recruits continued on city streets. new footage of lawlessness this morning came from odessa and nikolaev, where the forces of military commissars turned transport instead of endless showdowns. at this very moment , on the second day of the baltic tour, zelensky in tallinn was already convincing the europeans that ukraine should be taken into nato, and any pause in the battles would not benefit the banking sector, the immediate prospect is that many ukrainians are fleeing to their neighbors, but not everyone is lucky, only in 19 people have already drowned on the tisa river, on the border with romania, this
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state border service data, at the same time. in poland they said that they are not yet going to deport those liable for military service, but they are ready to create conditions for them to go home to fight on their own. this western strategy was criticized by the prime minister of slovakia. robert fitz emphasized that washington and brussels wanted to bring russia to its knees, but they made a mistake in assessing the situation, and the roots of the conflict go back to the fourteenth year, when the kiev regime came under the influence of the united states. the center for industrial medicine opened today in the city of zheleznogorsk in the krasnoyarsk territory. in the ceremony was attended by the head of the federal medical and biological agency, veronika skvartsova, and the general director of rosatom, alexey likhachov. in the new center. all specialized specialists who previously received patients in different buildings of the hospital campus work here. by 2027 , all cities near which there are nuclear
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power plants should have a developed network of medical industrial centers. we opened a professional medicine center today, noted the development of pediatric medicine, the development of an oncology care center, and outlined further development program. an adult clinic, a clinic for adults, because, of course, the social environment, in many ways, in our cities, in our cities, presence will largely dictate production successes. our task was, accordingly, to create a new model, modernized industrial medicine service, including digital technologies, telemedicine, various high medical technologies, and so on. newest. rigat admiral golovko arrived today at the base of the northern fleet. he joined the navy at the end of december and became the third in a series of ships to carry modern missile weapons, including calibers. from severomorsk. report by oleg
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posobin. the admiral of the heads came to severomorsk almost unnoticed. the polar night in murmonsk is ending, but for now it hides the minimalistic silhouette of a formidable ship. the frigate arrived at its permanent base from the st. petersburg shipyard. there the flag was solemnly raised on the ship and now in the murmansk region the crew was met by the commander of the northern fleet, comrade commander of the northern fleet frigate admiral golovko completed the task of the inter-naval transition and arrived at the north sea. admiral golovko is the third ship of project 22350. it is a standard carrier of zircon hypersonic missiles. it is capable of appearing anywhere in the world's oceans and performing combat missions, hitting surface targets and submarines. the length of the missile carrier is 135 m, displacement is almost 5.00 tons. almost all of the ship's firepower is concentrated here at the bow. here we see an artillery installation. and then there are anti-aircraft missile systems. on the next site there is already
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precision weapons missile caliber. this is the first frigate with a completely domestic engine. the designers designed the power plants in the shortest possible time. after inspections, the ship confirmed the reliability of all devices. replenishing the fleet with such a combat unit, of course. this is a significant increase in the combat power and formation of which it was included, and the grouping of diverse forces of the fleet, the basis of which it will represent. the ship is part of the largest and most powerful formation of the russian navy, a division of missile ships, in which will now include three project 22-350 frigates. during the tests, the ship fully confirmed all its assigned characteristics , which means that the ship is very reliable, which means it has high seaworthiness, which means everything - i repeat once again, it fully justified the characteristics that were declared, therefore - as they say, tested by the sea.


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