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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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what's happened? yes, i lost consciousness , i fell, i hit myself, i fell like that, everything is fine, like that, now i need to check the machine there, i’ll be right there, everything’s fine, i ’m here now, the receptionist asks you urgently. this patient came, this drunk again, yes, well, i ’ll arrange it for him now, ivan nikolaevich, i wrote everything down, uh-huh, also, ivan nikolaevich, they came from the police about an accident, can i let them in? yes, you can, come in, hello, hello, senior lieutenant kotov, konstantin sergeevich, come out, they say, oh, run it will be, come out, she said, you come out, she said, what’s wrong, i’ll run with you for a long time.
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tell me, he is to blame for the accident, well, i came to find out, the camera at the intersection did not work, witnesses testified that his car skidded into a second one, it seems, too, so the fault is apparently mutual, mutual fault, this is what i don’t understand, in my opinion it’s always someone is more to blame, doctor, what do you want from me, i do my job according to the instructions, everyone does their job according to... the boy was taken from me and
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no one is to blame, which boy, sorry, you know that you will come tomorrow, maybe something will already be clear about the patient’s condition, let’s go, i’ll take you, sergei anatolyevich, oh, everything is fine, he’s already sitting, singing, getting closer, oh, i was running, thank you, maybe you put some tea on, eh? you know, bragin didn’t come, he’s here, well, this is the first good news for today, can i kiss you, oh, sergey anatolyevich, get up, help, well, i’m a single man now, rest, drink some water, and now this he pushed you, what? says this, how could you
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think about it in general, the most important thing is that you voiced your thought, you are all to blame, you all abandoned me, ran away, left me alone, and i ’m in trouble, that’s how much, the robot broke down during the operation, this is horror, a disaster, get up, get up, let’s little by little. oops, oh, oops, carefully , everything is fine, thank you, yes, good, not at all, but i wanted to say something, i forgot, i don’t remember, well, next time, yes, remember, you will say, yes, i went, yes, i'll come in, dad, okay, thank you. yes, okay,
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well, successful, but it's a simple operation, if it had been more complicated, the outcome could have been disastrous , this was a random failure, i’m sure he was simply not used to working with a robot, no, i followed the instructions, we will conduct a service check, yes, you already said. i can go, yes, yes, thank you, thank you, i need to check everything , i think it’s her fault, i’m not sure, do you even know how much these devices cost, by the way, you actively participated in this, so i i understand, well done, nikolai yuryevich, please excuse me, but sheiman said that if we don’t start the operation right now chernashovo, then he won’t be able to, yes, yes, let’s go, let’s go. so, what are we doing? i can’t
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hear my legs, put two cubes of fennozipam, i understand. i feel, hear, i don’t feel at all, everything listen to me, i need to examine you, okay, look at me, now check, understand, it’s too early to talk about the results of the operation until the postoperative swelling subsides, there are no legs, not at all, they’re simply not there i don’t have it, i hear everything, now you’ll sleep, rest, and tomorrow you and i will calmly discuss everything, we’ve agreed. nat, come here, stay with her, okay, what a nightmare, maybe you can get used to this, no,
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the fact of the matter is that no, the tumor comes from the meninges, yes, and this means that there is a risk when removing it. damage the dura mater, which will inevitably lead to catastrophic bleeding. and you are absolutely sure that you do not want me to carry out the main stage of detaching the tumor from the sinus. i'm sure i want to do everything myself. why did you call me to the delivery department so that i could observe and stand here? sorry, please, it’s my fault, i just wanted to see you again work. well, a beautiful woman, it’s very nice, excuse me, okay, i’ll assist you. hook clamp. ready? start the main stage of the operation, that he just left, didn’t say anything, didn’t say anything, i said, since you’re leaving, this time for good, so now i’m free, earrings, well, maybe it’s for
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the better, but what about you? with marinka, nothing, he wants a divorce, well, there’s nothing wrong with us, maybe this is payback. well, i must admit, you and i were not very good husbands, well, i certainly wasn’t, well, the bed is fire, well, yes, well, yes, but so, so-so, why, let’s get stability, everything is stable with you as always, it’s bad, if there was an opportunity, i would rewind everything now, how many women back, to yekaterinburg, i was stunned, so what then?
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don't you want to talk? good night, good evening, sign, please, uh-huh, thank you, this is yours, thank you, all the best. okay, i’ll be there in half an hour, damn it, i’m sorry, okay, now i’ll come running in the drizzle, i hope, how much i owe for all this,
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you don’t owe anything, go, let’s sort it out, call, if anything, this is what you need from me, the point is over, was i acquitted? tanya, maybe we can go for a walk, why are you still sitting at home, aunt anton called, she will take the body to rostov, his relatives are buried there, i won’t even be able to say goodbye to him,
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what about the investigation, but they found some teenagers , attacked, robbed, killed, just like that. mom, we need to talk, speak up. tell me, i knew it, i knew, he infected you, he’s sleeping with you, mom, i told you, anton doesn’t sleep with hiv, these are different things, i didn’t get infected, i’m pregnant, i have to admit, that you had the operation. of course, yes, it was great, it worked out even without bleeding , you will go far, thank you very much, yuri
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mikhailovich for the operation, thank you, well, you can go, drink champagne, you deserve it, thank you, and by the way, i have dinner every evening, i don’t understand , on what occasion is champagne, nikolai yuryevich performed a brilliant operation to remove the tumor, i assisted, i also assisted khromov and kulikov. look, everyone is having such a productive day today, dim, where are you going? arina, maybe for a second, yeah.
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irina fetovna, irina fetrovna, why you here? irina fedorovna. hello, did something happen? no, elena ivanovna, did you want to talk to me about my problems? no, everything is fine with you, sergei anaturevich. oh, what did you drink? well, yes, with a friend.
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what are you doing, what, it’s not working?
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it’s so noisy, why are you stunned? turn it off, you have to press the toy here so it doesn’t scream, damn, don’t let your ass sit on the children’s teddy bear, the kids will wake up, are you drunk or something? oh, i got drunk, yes, with a sandpiper, so it became easier, no, but it’s so bad, stop it, i’m all alone, well, he’s not the only one who came up with something, and he’s next to me, i’m with you, stop it, you’ve gone completely
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crazy, tomorrow, don’t ever dare touch me , i understand, you need to let him go, who, bragina, why don’t you go to. .. i don’t seem to have a home, and where i live now i feel very strongly about what happened, they came, they left, they died, what should we do, what is sklifosov’s continuation, we’ll look at rtr tomorrow.
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new hand oh ein moment ja hallo zwecks fingerabrücken das mädchen hat keine hand ja mit der zweite hat sie auch wet etwas ja was
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soll ich machen mit der finger ab okay alles klar danke, gut, willkommen in deutschland, der nächste bitte. svetochka, hello, let's go, go, go, let's go there.
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good morning, good morning, you'll go to work . than to beg the boss to take me back to work, kissing his ass until he says enough is enough, so you were fired, it’s called forced leave,
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we’re on vacation for a long time. until i write a loud article, have you heard how journalists nicknamed grachev, serpukhov otel. mark, write to prograchev, why? without resonance, the lawyers are powerless, it is necessary to show that he is not a shakespearean hero, a real sadist, but for now... everything i read is too rhytocentric. iritot is centric, you get my point.
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“i made an agreement with the owner of the apartment for the evening, but for now we’ll come to our place and have lunch, you’re hungry, don’t be, but i had a snack on the plane, but rita didn’t, well, i understand, food on the plane is disgusting, but that’s not the point , it’s just that she needs to be fed, but it’s unpleasant for her when people look, i understand. “you know, she ’s become so harsh, and i’m so touchy, i get offended, then i remember what she
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had to go through, and how much more ahead, operations, rehabilitation, courts, oh , god, where can i get the strength, but nothing, everything will work out, thank you, with this little boy alive, unfortunately, yes, dima, why did you come, i’ll quickly, we can do it with you talk, talk here, i won’t let you into the apartment. okay, okay, can you please help me choose a gift for rita? which present? dima, what are you counting on? she doesn't want to hear from you. yes, i understand that i am
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to blame, i want to fix everything. well, you also understand me, i myself am so tired already, every night i dream about how she cheats on me with because of this, i can no longer sleep normally. but this is just a dream, this didn’t happen to eve, why are you covering it? myself, no, i just don’t understand why she treats me like that, i’ve always done everything for the sake of my family, i love rita very much, i don’t want to divorce her, i tried to talk to her about you, but you ruined everything yourself, she doesn’t want to hear from you, you know , to be honest, and i, as a mother, would not wish for my daughter to have a person next to him... who raises his hand against her, i swear to you, this will never happen again, please, help me, okay, i’ll send you the address
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of the cafe where we’re meeting, there won’t be many guests, you can chat calmly. just keep in mind, i’m doing this only for the sake of the children, rita will never return to you, well , maybe you can at least restore human relations, thank you, so what about giving as a gift? well, how do i know, i’ll give you a watch, okay, thank you very much, goodbye.
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danke für das warten, margo, danielle hat deine hand untersucht und ist zu der schlussfolgerung gekommen, dass die linke hand nicht mehr behilflich sein kann n i looked at your hand and came to the conclusion that the left hand is not yet an assistant, im hintergrund, dass du zwei kleine kinder hast, wir die
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belastung für die... protese unheimlich groß sein und die wird sehr schnell kaputt gehen, weil die sehr zerbrechlich ist , uh-huh, uh-huh , considering that you have two small children, then there may be a load on this prosthesis, eine andere prothese, die ist einfach und nur mit einem griff, ist gut für diese zwecke geeignet, aber nicht so attraktiv wie die ausgewählte, aha, aha, for more load there is another prosthesis, it is, of course, simpler, with one grip, but it is a hard worker, although, of course, in beauty, well, in the number of grips, it is significantly inferior to that model, im
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idealfall, die eine zum haus gehen und die andere fürs zu hause, wir verstehen, dass es ums geld geht, they say that in an amicable way, of course, you need two prostheses, one for going out, the other for home, but money. they suggest we think about it until tomorrow, there’s nothing to think about, we agree. ita, then we won’t have enough money for rehabilitation, mom, we’ll figure something out, i i agree, sie ist mit beiden prothesen einverstanden. gut, wir werden die rehabilitationskosten übernehmen. on their own behalf, they promise to help with the rehabilitation of the left hand, and it will be free. great. when can we
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start? thank you. well, let's drink to our beauty. who said i was talking about you? mom, we'll drink to you. thank you for giving birth and raising such a wonderful person. for you. thank you girls, thank you very much. for you, mom, happy birthday, daughter, hello everyone , hello, you look great, oh, you're normal today, this is for you, rip, i'm long i thought, i thought, right? listen, come on, maybe
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we can talk about this later, now i want to congratulate you on your birthday, this is for you, thank you, try it on, let me help, i was choosing for 3 hours now. well, how handsome, thank you, i’ll sit down, yes, please, of course,
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so, what is the master? for you, mom, yes , for you, for you, thank you, girls, oh, good, we sat, we need to get out more often, yes, dima, i didn’t know that you dance, but i’m generally full of surprise, i have no doubt, all of us let's go, thank you, thank you, waiting. that's it, come on, thank you, that's it, it was good to see you, bye, bye, bye, well, let's go, in, let's give you a ride, yes, if it's convenient, let's, oh, listen, and you can take me home first, and there's no getting up tomorrow at 7:00, yes,
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okay, come on, yes... i know, you deliberately forgot to give the flowers to ritti, and we both know that the children are now with your mother, yes, now you are going to rita, we are married, i don’t have the right to spend the night with my wife , if she wants it, she will want it, she left flowers on purpose, dima, you’re passing off what you want as really, now with all due respect. "this is our life, you're right, but if you again if you do something stupid, i will do everything to ensure that you are never near my daughter again,
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thank you for offering me a moment, please. entschuldigung, tut mir leid, es gibt nichts besseres für diesen zweck, he apologizes and says that apart from a condom , nothing has yet been invented for these purposes.
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thank you, i just forgot them, let me in, dim, listen, i have to get up very early tomorrow , really, okay, everything is fine, dim, what
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kind of games are you playing, dim, i, i understand everything, i left the flowers in the trunk on purpose , i didn’t leave my shoes, dim, i just. drank, tired, the flowers flew out of my head, please, day, please, don’t , what’s that smell, i don’t know, we’ve already arrived from the restaurant, they don’t smoke in the restaurant, what a lying bitch this is, “dila, please, it’s okay, stop , i know how to warm you up, no , business, please, you are our ideal mother, which means you will give birth,
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the hours were expensive, consider working so as not to take them off, understand?
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maximum term, and you will get what you wanted, exclusive, okay, work, noik, most importantly, give me the meat before you start streaming myrrh, all about the elections in russia, we we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand... they’re not difficult, they’re important, they’re honestly convenient, how
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to vote while traveling? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom i supported it, by the way, i already wrote a statement about this, the whole family is going to the village, animals. adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country, free, important, honestly convenient, i still have pain here, here it hurts here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, in order to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how
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to eat away stress correctly? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat , the right medications, run to the doctor , medicine is like crutches for you and the right habits, and shouldn’t we slap some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, tomorrow at the rta.
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are you sure something is wrong? no, that's it, i i just want to say that many women make this statement, and many men regret what they did, i understand everything, but just think, you have children, yes, two sons. now, suddenly they want to become military and find out that they can’t, because their mother eagerly wrote up an application for the woman, think about it, well, they prepared it, yes. please accept
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the application. why aren’t you sleeping, it’s already three o’clock? yes, read it. go to bed, i'll be done soon. good night, son. good. ritnu, aren’t you tired, maybe we’ll watch a movie together, no, mom, i need your hand train, okay, i’ll go to the toilet and fold it,
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you can handle it yourself, yes. just don’t say anything, i didn’t intend to,
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it just doesn’t work out. yes, daughter, hello, mom, hello, i have a request for you, dima and i are now. should go somewhere, where are you going to go with him? i don’t know, he didn’t say, don’t you dare, you hear , don’t you dare go anywhere with him, mom, don’t worry, he ’ll arrive now, everything will be fine, listen, i’m asking to leave work now and i’ll come to you, mom, don’t, however, i hope that
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after talking with the district police officer he didn’t say anything will do something wrong, don’t worry, can you just please pick up the children from kindergarten? mom, i'm here, daughter, i beg you, be careful. okay, thanks, bye bye. wow, how quickly, answer, dear , yes, hello, hello, where are you going to take my
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daughter, i found a way to figure it all out, keep in mind, i'm calling the police, oh, just let 's not... now, okay, i'll bring it your rita is safe, where will you bring it from? from moscow, she will take a polygraph there. and where will we go? for a polygraph? are you crazy? what polygraph, i want to know the truth, you want to know the truth, but you don’t care about it, but what are you afraid of? i'm not afraid of anything, what will this give you? i'll calm down, will you calm down?
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yes, and will you give me a divorce? yes, i'll give you a divorce, okay, then let's go. so, margarita, during the test you will not be able to itch, sneeze, cough, strain any muscle groups, you need to look straight ahead, relaxed. now i will ask what your name is, you will answer in the negative, to every question, of course. you will only have to answer yes or no, are you ready? yes, your name is maria, no. your name is maria, no, your name is
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margarita, no, you have children, yes, your husband is the father of your children, yes. well, let's continue, i hope you're happy, rit, i talked to sukhinin, he's waiting for us tomorrow, he'll look at your hand and set the day for the operation. rit, i'm sorry, i was just wondering what? what about skydiving? are you serious?
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well, yes, i’ve been dreaming since childhood. i just think the most important thing right now is to think about rehabilitating the hand. the most important thing, mom, is our safety. but i dream of a parachute. i ’ll open it, let me in quickly, my dear, hi, hi, hi, what is this, oh, girls, you won’t believe it, our fellow countrymen raised money and bought you a device for hand rehabilitation, hold it, thank you, be careful. what are you doing?
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yes, i’m recording my thoughts. rit, maybe we can write a book? about what? about you, about your story? i'm serious? time passes, a lot is forgotten, this is exactly what i want most. you can’t, the boys will grow up, they will need to be
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told how everything really happened, if you want, write, i’m dangerous, i hope the polygraph result will calm you down, we’ll see. young man, can i help you? and help? not, no, thank you, 550.
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rit, aren’t you going home? yes, yes, i’ll go now, it’s just my son’s birthday, soon, i want to take him to the fire pit , to see the snow maiden? listen, get me a suit, i’ll show him this snowflake, he’ll remember it for the rest of his life. rita, tell me. you and dima are fine, he has calmed down, yes, but this somehow makes me even more uneasy, uh-huh, tell me, i, i can help you with something, marin, really, don’t worry, everything is fine , a little more and he will become a completely adequate ex-husband, well, god forbid, god forbid,
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ok, that's it, i'm cringing, see you monday, uh-huh, see you monday, yes, dim, i 'm waiting for you downstairs in the car, come on, get out, yes, i'm getting out now.
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mom, yes, why did you marry dad, he ’s bad, you know, sometimes you don’t understand right away, is he good? person or bad , you have to ask, next time i will definitely ask, i promise, so, come on, eat your porridge, you too go to bed, today in the serpukhov city district court the case of dmitry grachev will be heard, the first hearing will be
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heard by the prosecution, the parties defense will be presented. the results of many examinations, in fact, which everyone is waiting for, more than 100 witnesses, eyewitnesses were heard, and their arguments and opinions will also be presented. mark novikov, and mark novikov, maria nazarova, mk, i write about the influence of the media on the legal field, do you think your article can influence the judge’s decision? maria, wait for the verdict? mark, your article about grachev, tell me what it was? is it really an attempt to promote yourself, or did you really want to help margarita? mark, please comment, mark, hello, hello, hi tuk, where are we going? to the court, what did you tell the children? yes, he said
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it as it is, that... i need one important matter to go to court, are you sure you’re ready, maybe i can give you a pill? no, i don’t need any pills, i can handle it myself, i’ll go and have a drink, and you’re the girl whose husband cut off her hands? yes, and how, what how? did it hurt when you chopped it?
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bragina, why don’t you go home, i don’t have a home, and where i live, now, i behold, what happened, let’s go, let’s go, what should we do, that sklefosovsky, tomorrow on rtr, bulje. you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, what a beauty, just taste it, there we
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will add kiwi, enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know, he counts proteins, fats, carbohydrates, in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, the food formula every saturday on rtr, i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room.
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i like it, i have no time for novels now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday on rtr.
9:00 pm
have a drink during the break, but not here. good afternoon, dmitry, rita is already in the hall, ready to see you, we found some words to say, usually your mother apologizes. everyone stand, the trial is underway, i ask everyone to sit down.
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the court session is declared open and the prosecutor is given the floor. dear court today. a criminal case is being considered against dmitry dmitrievich grachev, who is accused under articles 111, 119 and 126 of the criminal code of the russian federation, dad, dad, are you looking good? thank you, well, for the first time, for the first time this thought came to me, probably 10 days ago, at the beginning of december,
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at the beginning of december, yes, well, at that moment, when there was a polygraph, not a polygraph, when it came, to this thought to me, well, at first i thought that this was some kind of nonsense, i would never be able to do that, and then it seemed that everything ok, ok, then again, as stated in the indictment, you... bought tourniquets and an ax, is that right? yes, yeah, okay, did you really go to the place and find the right one? yes, yes, these items that you bought, where did you store them? in the car, in the luggage compartment.
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i took the children to the garden and then returned to the car. did you behave strangely under judgment? no. at that time, no. we can stop by mom’s for a minute, i wanted to take her travel bag. for what? and i want to take the children to the campfire to see the snow. they'll like the glasses, that's it this weekend, yeah, i wanted to go on my own , okay, yes, seriously, of course, you are their father, you will always be, well, i wanted to give gifts to my children, but they didn’t let me do this, then i was deprived of parental rights.
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after everything you've done, do you consider yourself a good father? well, yes, i think, i think that i committed a very serious crime, and but at that moment, when i thought about this crime, when i committed it, i could not... “i didn’t think about what harm i would cause, well you understood that you would go to prison, and your mother will remain disabled, with whom you counted , there will be children, when, when i thought about this crime, i did not think who would be in prison, who would be disabled, who would be without..." mom,
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who would be without dad, i'm talking about this i didn’t think, how could you not think when you thought through everything , you took margarita to the hospital yourself, you surrendered to the police, somewhere it’s different, no, it’s not, because, that is, you still consider yourself a good father, well i have always been a good father for my children, and i... they know that i did something very bad a harsh, cruel crime, what kind of father i was, it’s probably not for me to judge, i think that my children should think about this, but what do you think the punishment should be for your action? the court dismisses this issue, since this issue is exclusively prerogative.


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