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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 9:20pm-10:26pm MSK

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yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here you can ask how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, hint. in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, five for one on saturdays on rtr.
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you put her in the car, in the back seat, you checked her condition, well, along the way, and measured her pulse, measured her pulse.
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hey, you're alive there, look at me, look at me, you were talking, i think i asked one question, how are you, or something like that, i don't remember exactly, look what you did, that's it’s all your fault, no, no, you won’t die when you look at your hands, you will remember me, they had a wonderful family, the guys, we all love very much, we loved very much.
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that’s it, i just can’t believe to this day that dima could do such a thing for no reason, he thought that yurita was cheating on him, and you tried to talk to him, yes, yes, he, he just doesn’t listen to anyone, and even lived with this idea , well , i’m talking about betrayal, he even forced rita to go through. polygraph, he really wanted to save the family, he really didn’t force it, your honor, margarita voluntarily took the polygraph, because she was completely sure that she was faithful to her husband, also, with your permission, i note that according to the results of the examination, the available information about the polygraph, received by igachev the result is incorrect, i should also inform you that the office where margarita took the polygraph was closed immediately after the event... margarita, a young, beautiful
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woman, active, has an excellent job , a large circle of friends, at such a young age, managed to receive two degrees and gave birth to two beautiful children. a wonderful wife, a wonderful mother, a player who deprived her of simple feminine joys, she cannot comb her hair, she cannot put makeup on her eyes, she cannot even wipe the tears of her child when he cries, she she can fasten his button, and it’s unbearable... the pain, it’s unbearable torment,
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but i want to say, dmitry, she can’t do it yet, not yet. time will pass, everything will work out for her, everything will work out for her, i believe in it , but how can i explain to the children what happened, when they grow up they will ask questions, as the examination clearly shows that dmitry values ​​himself extremely highly and does not repent at all, he wrote the script his crime, thought it through, and even during the trial for deprivation of parental rights, he never said that he loved his family and his children, and did not ask not to deprive him
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of parental rights, no, he said: “you want to deprive me of extenuating circumstances.” quote: i have everything, your honor. the court retires to pronounce a verdict, everyone to stand, according to the totality of crimes, by partial addition of the assigned testimony, to finally appoint.
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appealed within 10 days from the date of pronouncement of the verdict. is the verdict, procedure, and the period for appealing the verdict by the participant in the process clear? victim? yes. defendant. the meeting is declared closed. it won’t hurt, no, of course, you’re still writing
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a book, yes, i think you’re right, we need to write it together. you can’t just forget this; in the past there was such a legal concept as a crime of passion . in many countries , lenient sentences were allowed for the murder of a wife and her lover caught in the process of discrediting the honor of a man. sexual relations of a man. by his wife were described as the highest violation of property. if you think that this is all in the past, then i will surprise you now, because echoes of these laws exist to this day. what i mean is that we can be frighteningly flexible in matters of justified cruelty. we
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have been following the story of margarita gracheva for almost a year now, and through many efforts of my colleagues , i was interested in only one question. whether she gave her husband a reason, but this is not at all important, grachev’s story is not a story about anger, passion, betrayal or even about passion, it is a story about carefully thought out cruelty, justifications that cannot be, and it doesn’t matter what he showed polygraph, it doesn't matter if she cheated husband, it is important to understand that there is no such reason that gave... the right to a person to cut off the hands of another person, if it now seems to you that 14 years is too severe a punishment, then i ask you to think about what might happen when grachev goes to court freedom, do you really think that
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people like him can change with time, and if you are not sure about this, then how can you think that 14 years is too long? this book, my view of what happened, my memories and my feelings, thank you. if if you have any questions for the author, please do not hesitate to ask. yes, you can, please. margarita, your story had a wide resonance; more often than not, journalists took your side. tell me, were you surprised by the support from the press? i don’t know what exactly interested the journalists, krachev’s cruelty or senselessness. a crime or there may be a truly sincere desire to help, but in any case i am grateful to everyone who tried
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to remain objective, and such a wide public eye helped, including during the sentencing. thanks again questions? thank you, but people change under the influence of circumstances, tell me, how did it change you? tragedy, i began to appreciate life more, to understand that everything that is not done in our life is needed for something, but of course, i won’t be the same as before, now you are a transformer girl, alina, you can’t say that, you forgive god, she sometimes blurts out something, but everything is fine , my children call me the same thing, but tell me , did you manage to maintain trust in..., probably, after what happened, you will never be able
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to enter into a relationship with a man, right there my husband, my family, you can ask him this, the time for our presentation is coming to an end, if anyone has questions, ask, please ask, microphone, margarita, now you are happy, yes, i am absolutely happy. what did those whom we read and watch today read and watch, how did these books and films help them find themselves? how can they help us change? in the white studio, an actor who, both for
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the audience and for his colleagues, is the embodiment of decency both on stage and outside of it, an actor whose popularity knew no bounds, whose the hero from the films, his excellency's adjutant, dersuuzola, walking through torment, tas is authorized to declare, people of word and honor, smart, brave, noble, loved by millions and became a classic of cinema, wise. for more than a quarter of a century he has headed the oldest theater in russia, where he preserves the traditions of russian classical drama, a generous teacher , for decades, preparing artists and directors, many of whom themselves have become deservedly famous in the profession: actor, director, screenwriter, artistic director of the state academic maly theater, people's artist of the ussr, yuri methodievich solomin, and yuri mifovich, we are starting here to talk about what was important to you when you were growing up. were little, you mentioned kashtanka, the book
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by anton pavlovich chekhov, this is such a great children’s book, because for example, i remember very well my impression of it, i felt very sorry for the clown, let’s say, my son, who is 3 years old and we they read a chestnut book to him, he was most impressed by the goose that died, and if you remember your impression, she was with what was connected primarily with my impression is connected with... the children's pants itself, it was the forty-third year, uh, well, i probably didn’t know how to read yet, i went to first grade, then 8 years old, it was possible to go to first class just to enter, the war was in full swing, this disguise, all this was there , they didn’t turn on the lights, our grandmother opened the stove, and well, i was older, everyone else was... smaller, so she read and read us this chestnut, for some reason i remembered
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the chestnut for the rest of my life, and i even remembered the phrase: no, now it’s impossible to live like that, i need to shoot myself, said kashtanka , i really like it, and then it all started with chekhov, and then there were plays, his stories, stories, i played almost all of chekhov’s, then, in kashtanka herself, in this book, she it’s amazing because there’s such a thing, now i’m re-reading it as an adult with my child, i see. what is so special about it, not a childish mood and not childish dilemmas, yes, then this finale, when she abandons, in general , this very good person, who is nothing he didn’t do anything bad to her, on the contrary, he surrounded her with affection, care, and runs after this old boy, having met them in the theater, and if people had this quality of devotion, yes, yes, and this is this devotion, i
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don’t know, i have , i... life with dogs , with cats, with animals, so, so, went, went my life, like this, so i always had and now i have enough animals, so does my wife , she is a big animal lover, granddaughter also brings someone in, so i don’t know, i’m learning skills from them now artist, or in skill. uh visions , feelings, plasticity, here are dogs, i have three dogs, not of any breed, they are all mongrels, but these are three different characters, i heard somewhere that some scientist biologist spoke about this, that a dog is the only being who loves another more than himself, yes
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, devotion is devotion, that’s where chekhov actually wrote, it’s obvious from him that... was connected in life, he wrote those first lines when she was running back and forth, passing legs, she sat down and thought: no, so it’s impossible to live, you have to shoot yourself, well, you have to come up with this, you know , it has to be born, and it’s absolutely true, as you said , at the end, when she suddenly heard a voice, everything, why, this is, uh, the first feeling, probably now i remembered, while talking to you, another amazing picture, which is also impossible to watch without tears, this white beam, black ear, when he runs to this fantastic music by petrov, and in the end, you know, this is probably a childish feeling, it remains later for life, for life.
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well, open up for a minute, please. girl, i can’t, it’s not supposed to, well, i can’t open it. and what about you? tell me, when is the first stop, there’s only one and a half to write, the belt is fast,
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so you started talking about your family, i ’m very interested to know how you... were raised, your parents, wonderful creative people, it was wartime, wartime, post-war, yes, uh, the city of chita, in general, is not a capital city, but at the same time two boys grew up, each of whom became very successful in their work and loved by everyone, that is, people's artists, in the literal sense of the word, how was it possible, what kind of childhood did you have, cultural figures, my parents, as i say, are local, yes, i know them, they were known in chiti, they, musicians, they worked with children all their lives, my father was an amateur artist.
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she is a chemist, she taught chemistry , i didn’t know anything about chemistry except ashwao, and well, it’s not a given, she always called me at the end of the quarter, once, she would go to the window and look down for a long time, what to do there, then she would say, well, an artist , go to...
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the military district of the hospital, she led me there by the hand, so i was lying on the table, she says: you see, make sure that all this is shown by the wrinkles, because when he acts in films, so that it is not visible, this is what it is, i didn’t understand, she caught you already when you became a famous artist, i found it was 70, in my opinion, the first or second year, then it was the peak of his excellency’s adjutant.
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but i can’t explain it, but someday you will understand it, not so long ago i realized, last year we were in surgut, the people were very
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kind, good, sympathetic, they filled everything with flowers, there in the north you see where, suddenly there were so many flowers, in my opinion , there are no so many in the south, so our decorations were brought with us on trucks, we played the hell out of our minds, the deputy director for the technical part comes up to me and says: listen, there , he says, there are no seats, our drivers are asking to watch the performance, i say, seat me somewhere, be sure to, after the performance he comes, he comes to me, choice, listen, there are guys there, these ones who watched the performance, they want to go with you, well talk, you know, he says, they arrived in general robes, there they drove for two but... 3 days, they said, they went to the store and bought shirts, and they came and sat down, and i
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went out to them, so they stood and looked at... me, i’m even afraid to say, as one took my hand, such a small, small stature , an elderly man, and he has tears in his eyes, and he is, he almost kisses your hand, and i realized then what i said, yes, that means i got it, and most importantly, now you are telling this and this to me ...
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they stole a famous actress, the next day all the jewelry was returned to her, they wrote: “forgive us, jelsamina,” this is another famous one of hers roles, that is, even for them, and her role was this image of giuletta mazina, which she - it was something sacred, they understood that it was like taking something out of church, you said that this is the best film about love, what kind of love to talk about, it’s human, love is in a person, yes, and look, because how she looks there, it’s impossible to look at her in her eyes... looking at her always brings a lump to my throat, even now, when i see her, maurizio, hurry up, we're on our way,
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we're going home, but i don't know how we get there let's get there,
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in those years, these are the post-war years, there were about 1945-1950, there were a lot of italian films, neorealism, the so-called italian ones, i really loved them in the year
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1949. so in 1950, 1949 somewhere the film rome open city with anna magnania was shown and children under 16 are not allowed, well, as it should be, and no one tried, but my father once told me, since he was such a cultural figure, everyone in the city knew him, he was such a sociable person and... took me to this film on the last showing of the pioneer cinema, as i remember now, stuffy, winter, everyone was sitting in fur coats, there i was and i was the only child, how old am i, 14, probably, it shocked me too when he told me that there’s something about children not being allowed there, i didn’t understand anything, why i still can’t understand why children weren’t allowed to see these
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scenes. they play something that children are not allowed to do, you still have to be able to play it, so, of course, she is a great actress. now you remember the resettlement of the film rome - the open city, which is the beginning of neorealism itself, this was exactly the film from which neorealism began, which greatly changed italian cinema, your favorite authors are ostrovsky and the czechs, who also did a lot in their time. changed the picture of what happened before them, the dramaturgy there of their time, while you defend traditions in the small theater, yes, which you lead, you draw this line, today in our time, what an author should be in order
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to with the same talent, but offer something traditional and at the same time new, it’s very simple, you have to be ostafiev, shukshin, oraspotin. belov, these are authors from the outback, yeah, you know, it seems to me that it’s impossible to teach this professionally, you can teach how to add cubes or as a writer, from each theatrical release there are 25 people, but we recruit, but we choose from 5-6?
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someone sits alone listening, someone alone watches, writes something down, something, what are you writing there, well, and then suddenly some excerpt, since this person does something that it becomes a discovery for you. yuri mikhailovich, you touched on an interesting topic, that here is a person who immediately captivates with his charm, and then it turns out to be some kind of empty phrase. don’t you think that this is what we really have now?
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yes, of course, it’s good to get an education, general, general education for both an artist and a director, everything is general, good, and then there comes a moment when something begins to hatch and grows in a person completely, so to speak, we tell him, oh, you are a good artist, and he becomes good director, you know, from this profession , yeah, you mentioned the play woe from wit - this is really one of the most favorite performances of the small theater, you play one of the main roles of famusov there, it was directed
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by sergei vasilyevich zhanovac, and who now has his own theater , and just speaking about who today, it seems to me, is doing something in line with traditional russian theater. he is like this - such a mother for all artists, this is also a very important quality, to love people, then all these damned ones artists, yes, they begin to see in a person
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, uh, a nursing mother like that, you know, listen, then that work of art is born, which means there is. remember, you are old people, almost, well, who will
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come, where are you and me, who should come here, sophie is sleeping , now she’s gone to sleep, now, and the whole night , the whole night she read, and w come, what kind of wound up, everything in french, reads out loud, lock up , tell me that it’s not good to spoil her eyes, reading isn’t great, there are no songs from french books, and russians make me sleepy, as for his theater, i can’t tell me to go often, see a lot, but i saw several performances, and now he has closed himself in a box, uh, his own, and i have been telling him for a long time: sergei vasilyevich, you need a big
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big stage, he has grown out of this, please, i i would be happy to invite him now, because he is already in this, in the sketch, he has already done everything, he has nothing, he now needs a rembarant canvas on which to draw, uh-huh, i think this is his mistake. so far, i love him very much, so, to be honest, i would never do that to him no, although i told him, yeah, he could become a big theater director on a grand scale, he could become a world-class director, yeah, but his modesty, his dedication to his work, his love for his children, whom he... strange from you
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to hear this, you are just the kind of person who we have always seen in the cinema, exactly those amazing people who do not abandon anyone and do not give in to anyone, and this is amazing, because you are probably the only such actor who is absolutely the embodiment, apologetic decency, that's what i would say, that is, what is called not a modern hero, but you are not my topic... it’s amazing how you managed to make such positive heroes, nevertheless so full-blooded, you know, this is probably upbringing, i probably started with this, at your suggestion, forty-third , school, home of pioneers, that’s when i was brought up. hero
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, there was a time, i was at war, yes, but we all wanted to run to the front, we all, i somehow, when i was 8-9 years old, i wanted to go around the city, bandage my hand with some kind of bandage, for this , i walked like this, as if i was wounded, and how everyone looked at and they think that i’m probably so small, but i’ve already fought, well, what’s this, i haven’t grown up, i’m not an idiot after all, you know, so. some kind of embryos, upbringings that were there then, yes , and yes, it was difficult, yes, it was, but, but, if this had not happened, it is unknown who else would have won, it’s like that bear they are talking about now, this is our forest, and the bear will not give in, you know, that’s what happened then, there was such a film by alexander matros, that’s all.
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and everyone was ready to rush in too, i ’m saying naive things now, but they’ll understand me, yeah, people who are under 50, listen, well , i walked, how we cried, everyone walked and looked, a little younger, but i understand you very well, because i’ll tell you honestly, maybe i’m a naive person, as you probably said, but i would also like to have these guidelines, i have a little son, i would like him... to have these guidelines as he gets older, jump!
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here is akira kurasawa, an amazing picture, dersula, which you made together, it won an oscar, you called him your sensei, that is, teacher, yes, sensei, yes, this is the main lesson he taught you, he was a good professional, he is
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an artist by training, he graduated from the academy, by the way, he started filming the hall in 1939. happiness, i believe that i learned a lot from him, how to shoot a picture, and what it means
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when he said, there is no taiga in japan, when we arrived in taiga, 40 km away, already in the taiga. but the film, you see, it came out on the world screen, received all sorts of prizes, including an oscar, and for me the most important thing is that after that we were friends for almost 30 years, i
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i came once during his lifetime, already being the artistic director, when we came for the first time in 1989. he was really a very talented person, a-ah, i can’t even single out, it would seem, with his such a catchy , uh, personality, such a fair-haired, yes, wlonen, snub-nosed, yes, but he could play,
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you see, now i’m having fun i turn it on when i watch sholmes, dr. watson. yes, or, but i think one of his best works, to be honest, is dauria, yeah, because we were filming in a chat then, i have a little bit there the role, and he played the central one, that is, there is material where you can play everything, and of course, his last work in the theater, the penultimate one, was krychinsky’s wedding. which he, as a director, made and played there until his last wedding, it happened, there was a stroke, and... well,
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it’s hard for me to say, this is my brother, of course, well, with such nonsense you could have turned to platon volokitin, otherwise i’m with him i took away all the work. yes, it’s really bad, on the third day it fell off, make it fall off for me, but how much will you charge for the work, for the new thing, however, you will charge, well, i’ll do this to an acquaintance, based on some acquaintance, so, but for the first time i forgive you for rudeness, excuse me, if something is wrong, you are a city man, even our affection will seem rude to you, come on! i’m from the same dust as you, well , yes, you’ve been living here for as long as you’ve never been to church,
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you have books, if you’re literate, take them, read them , of course we don’t need to run after girls and with it’s much more interesting to fight with guys, okay, what’s the price, we’ll agree on the price, did you play in margarita terekhova’s film?
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relationships, but here you have it with creativity first of all, they are connected, but these thoughts , when you talk about what you might want to accomplish and did not come true, or what you might still want to accomplish, it’s all mainly connected with the work of your life, but so softly to put it simply, life was not easy, let’s do it this way, but if they asked me now, let’s do it again... first, as you want, like this, or in a new way, as you are, i would say, no, in the old way, this is how it made it possible
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to go through everything, from beginning to end, all the way way, well, we must speak honestly , the time was approaching, so i was interested , i was offended, i was hungry, sometimes, sometimes it was cold, sometimes i spent the night at the station, sometimes... and i worked not 24 hours, but sometimes 26 hours, filming in kiev, in kiev, in leningrad in sverdlovsk, so i was filming then, it happened, and i flew for a week, i filmed half a shift here, a quarter of a shift here, a scene there, 26 hours, i survived, i didn’t die, but i’m just now ...
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i would like my students to tell the story later.
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vadik, you and i are almost friends, i’ll be with you frankly, there is a dynamic, but it doesn’t satisfy me, i won’t be able to discharge you until i’m sure that you won’t repeat it, well, you understand me, i understand, you’re afraid that i’ll return home, again i’m sorry, it’s good that you you understand me, try to be with me today. frankly, what caused your breakdown and all that followed? okay, i'll help you. your parents think that the main reason was that you didn’t go to college. this is true? yes, yes. wait, why are you
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agreeing right away? let's talk. well, not you went to college, so what’s wrong with that? i entered medical school on the fourth try, my peers were already defending their diplomas, and i was still running to the entrance exams, it was a shame, i won’t hide it, but it’s okay, i managed and over time proved that i was no worse than others, and i proved to myself, and to others, you well done. thank you, but that’s not what i’m talking about, i feel that it wasn’t the failure to get into college that upset you so much, but something else. don't you consider yourself guilty? what? well, i don’t know, you tell me, well, i didn’t prepare for exams, i didn’t prepare, i’m not just school subjects, i know the program of this institute until the third year, so smart, not a fool,
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good. it means you don’t consider yourself guilty , i don’t understand what kind of guilt you’re asking me about, well, remember, you found out what you didn’t do, what you felt,
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and that he was deceived by the stockbrokers, and he just needs to get his own back money, and for this you need to hack the network and enter the necessary information there, sorry, i don’t understand this well, you agreed, yes, and you did everything they asked, yes, i understood that this was not good, what is it called hacking, but since a person was deceived, why
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not help, have you seen this vice-rector? no , viktor valentinovich took me there, but this is the man who asked me to stay while i was working, they were in the next room, there were still a lot of computers there, and you remembered the address of this condor, no, he took me there by car, why didn’t you look around, no, he told me everything about his dog, showed me a photograph. after 3 hours i finished, they said thank you, treated me to cognac and took me home, then you
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i began to take the exam calmly, calmly. i got excellent grades in all the basic subjects, but because of the presentation i got a b and they didn’t accept me, vadka, you’re an adult, smart guy, two mirzavts meanly deceived you, that’s why it’s bad in life.
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a car, if you're lucky, well, a new mobile phone, if not very good, it's not true, denis loves you very much and is waiting for you, but you have children, no, well done,
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well done, smart woman, you have to live for yourself, and children are for yourself, my problem is that i don’t have children, god gave you such a son, and you leave, what are you talking about or what, i’m now police... i'm used to pursuing women that i like, i like you, so it's only a matter of time until, i'll stop by tomorrow , for a walk, argu, well done, for a walk, come on, where's dad, he left, he was in a hurry, yeah , you drove him away, denis, what, denis, but you couldn’t call him home, no, why, how why, because i’m home, nika, i told him that you were really waiting for him, but he was in a hurry , he was in a hurry, it’s clear, but why couldn’t you flirt with him a little, or maybe he
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wouldn’t have gone anywhere at all then, no, in my opinion, he can seek his father’s attention in some other way, what the hell , in any other way can i achieve him , if he doesn’t need me, if no one needs me at all, my mother works all the time - pavel is constantly with salty, pavel doesn’t see me at all, i’m for he’s an empty place, grandfather , he generally only tells me denis, good evening , that’s all, he talks to the dog more often than to me, alyonka, what about alyonka, you’re laughing, but she ’s hated me since childhood, you don’t communicate with your sister much, in this trouble, i, unfortunately, have neither a sister nor a brother, i had a husband, but he now there is no. i know you’re not the luckiest, i noticed that no one cares about you,
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can i stay with you, no, why, i want this. “i want it too, but i think it’s not worth it, why not, you think i’m afraid, i’m not afraid, i want you, baby, don’t turn around, i ’m not a baby, by the way, i’ve already had experience, this isn’t they’re bragging, but i’m not bragging, it was like a child’s sat with a classmate, with you everything will be different with me, where did you get the idea?” don’t interfere, don’t you want me, i do, but
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i’m not ready yet, well then, what will our dad, huh? dad, he's going to have a heart attack, if he finds out, let's beat your dad? bye, let's take the coast, that's it, that's it, it's time for you, well, now i won't sleep.
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when you come home, be sure to call me, okay, okay, wait , what will you sleep in today, i don’t know, spigulo, for me, yeah, igor, well, let’s go to my place, well, everyone is already asleep, next time i’ll go, i promise , run home. the light is circling, flying, flying, we invite you to the festive new year's lights according to the good old tradition.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, we have a big one today day, a big holiday , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask them stupid questions now... until now, you are responsible for your words , i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew is just looking at the platform, you are watching the drain alone, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it if you ask, that...


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