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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 11, 2024 10:25pm-11:30pm MSK

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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, pressure, we haven’t seen each other, impudent, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in you fell in love with them, but who is more precious to you, your wife or your boys? don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, you look 100 to one, what we have task, all the board? we can handle it if
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asking, then with a trick: the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. and what is 7.8? 7.8, 7.8, how long will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am chopping oak, not plucking, problems with... geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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you are observant, it turns out that maybe she was sick or not feeling well, but god knows, or she flew in from the airport straight from business trip for graduation, that’s right, she had just returned from murmansk, she was at the test site during the tests, she didn’t even sit through the ceremony until the end, she felt bad, they called a car, sent her home, still pavlushka, he was 10 years old, still i was scared, i thought my mother was dying. yes, come on, here he is
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pavlushka, here he is a slacker. oh, who is this boy, some familiar face? i have no idea. although all children look like someone, but you don’t remember who he is? yes, i didn’t know, i didn’t know any of his classmates. so, oh, here's my beauty. truly a miracle, right? she is 8 years old. and on why is she looking at it like it’s a miracle? her father brought her a computer. there he showed me how to play with games, can you imagine what a joy it is for a child, but denis wasn’t offended, why? well, that the computer was given to alyonka, and not to him or to both of them, i didn’t hear about any offense, my father brought a gift to his sister, denis should have been happy about this, but now alyonka worries me, why everything seems to be all right with her, yes, it seems, i have.
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where did you get the bad influence of some mythical young man? in my opinion, alyon’s behavior is fine, alyonushka has always been very...
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appeared, at her age this is normal, it seems to me that he has a very bad influence on her, in my opinion he is about 30 years old, if not more, why is it a man right away, maybe he... there is a boy, her age, a girl fell madly in love, nika, well, you could fall madly in love with a seventeen-year-old bigot, not now, but in my youth i always fell in love only with people my own age , take a pill, thank you, lie down, you need to rest, oh, hello, hello, nika, why don’t you answer the phone, what’s the matter? i was in the room nikolai grigorievich, he had an attack. pavel is going home, he just called me, at
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such an inopportune time, i'm afraid he got drunk again, nika, nika, don't let him into the apartment, go into the yard, do something. okay, okay, okay. oh, hello, nika, hello, no, well, where is alyonka, she’ll show up at home, alyonka, nikolai krikovich is sleeping, yes, alyonka, alyonka! alyonka, look what i got, your favorite band is triad, what are you yelling about, what time is it, well, 5 o’clock, let’s get up, get dressed, let’s go to the concert, there were no tickets at the box office, i i bought resellers, no, i won’t go, if you don’t
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, you fool, this is a triad, just like you wanted, i have other plans, leave me alone, why did you go to bed? have you taken your temperature? pavel nikolaevich, let's go. pavel nikolaevich, nikolai grigorievich had another attack today, did you call an ambulance? no, it worked out, she gave me the pills. he’s sleeping now, when will he wake up, and what do you think, my daughter doesn’t love me at all, do you condemn her for being rude to her father? no, i don’t judge, why don’t you judge, i can see from your face that you judge, nika, that’s not so, she’s kind, a gentle girl, she’s just going through a difficult period right now, what a period of growing up, i
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’m very afraid for her, because she’s just about to find out that this world is full of scoundrels, cynics, i’m not a particularly religious person. “well, you know, i pray for her every day, do you want me to talk to her, like a woman , yes, well, you try, but i just ask you very carefully, so as not to push her away, don’t worry, well, why are you crying? well, i love him, love him, why cry? yes, he said wait for the call, he doesn’t call. call, everything will be fine. what if he stopped loving me,
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there are so many adults around him, beautiful, experienced, and i tell you what he is like, yes, he is wonderful, he is an artist, he is a genius. invite him to visit , i’ll make pilaf, ask him, he loves real uzbek pilaf, he doesn’t want to come here, why, he doesn’t want everything, strange, don’t you think this is strange, this is normal, why does he come here, where the house is full of wood people, he has his own separate apartment, where no one bothers us, you go to him, i go, do you? it's good with him, the father has helped himself, or maybe the mother, no, definitely a father, so you tell him that he’s not sleeping with me, don’t shout, whether he’s sleeping or not, that’s all you care about, i personally don’t care about that at all, well, of course, you’re our doctor, you only care about, yes, by the way
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, what do you care about, i care about you all being alive and well, hello, yes, i’ve been waiting a lot... i’ve been waiting, yes, i’m leaving now, where should i go? yeah, i’ll be right there, alen, be careful with him , you don’t know him at all, to love this person, you don’t need to know him, you have to love him, veronica, hello, hello, how things are fine, but can i take a walk with you , just to the sports ground, i have a meeting there, with my husband, no, not with my husband, with whom, cost, although you are young, but not so young as to...
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well, run , uncle nazar, you will forgive me that i dragged you out, well, i pulled you out and pulled you out , that again someone is in danger, alyonka, alyonka - who is this, the daughter of my owner , the granddaughter of my patient, well done, she explained it well, everything is immediately clear, what’s wrong with my granddaughter, i fell in love, how old is she, 17, well, that’s normal, that ’s the age, yes, normal, normal, otherwise... she fell in love with an uncle who is old enough to be her father, literally the same age as her dad , they studied together in the same class, i
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saw it in a common photograph, it may be nothing, but there are two things that confuse me, or rather there are three , but the third ones later, he walked her home, then, when she ran away and accidentally saw his face, there was no love or tenderness on it, and what’s the second thing, he doesn’t sleep with her, that’s good, girls, 17 years old, decent man, uncle nazar, you and i are adults, and we understand that a man seduces a girl in order to have sex with her sleep, and he brings her to a boil , kisses, hugs everything, and why did you decide that they are not sleeping, she said it herself, well , she didn’t say much, she’s 17 years old, that’s not what they say, you can trust her, young people now are very easy to they talk freely about sex, of course, so what we have is, first, it means he looked poorly, second , he’s not sleeping, and third, that the grandfather is very nervous, he recently had an attack. he has an ancient device in his room, and he refuses to change it, in my opinion, he
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is listening to his telephone conversation, it may well be that his grandfather is from the kgb, and they have a device was always on the level, if the fourth, well, let's get fourth to the heap, in an old school photograph, the future seducer somehow looks askance at pavel gremin. the scythe is looking, so what do you think about this? i think that igor sovenkov decided to take revenge on his former classmate, and chose his daughter as the weapon, why take revenge? according to his plan, what is this revenge? cripple a girl's life life, girls, how to cripple exactly how? well, i don’t know, well, maybe he wants... for her to give birth to a child from him, but he will refuse getting married, well, banal, even vulgar
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, look at the photo, the guy is unprepossessing, clearly complex, tormented by fears , you know, there are such outcasts in the class, now you’ve grown up to say that you’re a superman, yeah, the one that girls fall in love with, he’s the one who works on himself did what work and took this revenge . cherished, cherished for so many years, difficult , little man, difficult, he came up with the idea, he is taking revenge not on alyonka, but on a classmate who dotes on his daughter, uncle nazar, what do you want to say, he is going to kill her, god be with you, i would like to kill, i would have killed a long time ago, no, you have to think, you have to think, well, you have some version, i see, but i don’t have any version, what version, here... anything can be, maybe put the girl on drugs, or maybe pin
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some kind of crime on her, any abomination could be, any, it’s important to find out what happened between them during their school years, so let me try to talk to pavel, today we somehow got closer to him , talk, talk, if you find out anything, call me, i’ll keep the photos for now, i’m so strong conversation, i’m... organizing this, but what about mother, mother, that she doesn’t have a clue about anything, what she can guess about, uncle nazar about people... like her, my former driver hastily he said , she has only one thought in her skull , which is hanging out, there is a penny in her suitcase, well, your driver figuratively said, i feel sorry for the girl, i wanted a daughter all my life, but my wife only gave birth to a son, if, well, natasha, i...
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give me argon, no, don’t, sit here with them both, well, let the seskkun, i don’t understand, let’s go, walk, walk, walk, where my dog, here’s your dog, orgoshka, you’re good
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, you don’t kiss me, but i used to kiss you because... i was walking, let’s go, oh, pavel nikolaevich, what school did you go to, yeah, in 412, you’re meeting your classmates , it’s like it’s fashionable now, yes, i’ve been there a couple of times, such melancholy, but remember igor sovenkov, igor sovenkov, yes, he was like that, he painted. okay, but he left school, then i never saw him , why are you asking me, so, let’s go, let’s go for a walk, i’m listening, uncle nazar, it’s me again, everything is as you and i thought, he’s taking revenge on pavel , it seems to me there is a well, i’ll tell you the details when we meet, then i ’ll select the guys to talk with igor and
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we won’t waste time, okay.
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okay, again you, yes, me, good morning, where are your flowers, what flowers, well, which you promised to give me, or did you change your mind, i didn’t have time, you leave so early, and i didn’t sleep all night.
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what, you won’t come out when i walk the dog, you won’t mark time , give me compliments, i don’t know what game you are playing, but i’m tired of you, sorry, i didn’t think i was annoying you so much , yes , you’re annoying, i have a big apartment and a large family outside the city, walking the dog is a rest for me, and you are depriving me of this rest, sorry, i'm leaving, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
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mom, where's dad? in the shower. why did you come back so quickly? she sent me away. did you drive me away? she said that i was getting fed up with my moronic advances. and i knew this would happen. i told my father that she was too old for me, but he didn’t want to listen. well, don't talk about dad like that. he knows what he's doing. he doesn't know a damn thing. ma, why do you defend him all the time, don’t you understand, we’re all because of him? is life in such a mess? lord, what are you saying? i understand that you love him and feel sorry for him, but somehow he doesn’t really feel sorry for us, he doesn’t even go to see vadik, pretends to be a great detective instead of looking for a job, that’s all, and i’ll take vadik home for the weekend. i'll go make breakfast,
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who are you? good evening, igor nikolaevich, sorry that we are here without an invitation. for this act to be committed, i clearly state, and her grandfather does not want this even more, you probably know that her grandfather worked in the public service for a long time,
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old morasmatic, igor nikolaevich, her grandfather is an elderly, respected man with great potential, as you probably noticed, you understood me, i understood what you want, this is a constructive conversation. we will do this: you leave the girl softly and rudely, so that god forbid you do not injure her, do it gently, so that she will not immediately notice that you have disappeared from her life. that's all, yes, that's all, it's stuffy here, let's ventilate.
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well, guys, let's go straight home, or maybe we'll go for a ride, but don't you rush, listen, in general, our parents are waiting for us at home for dinner, yes no, whatever you want, you could just drive through vrabjova, for example, a great idea, i used to love walking there, yes, me too, but now. well, now all the girlfriends have fled to different universities, and with no one, but kostya, and kostya, we’re too busy, sir, mil, and you weren’t here, didn’t you come to see kostya? guests, yes, no, somehow i didn’t have to, but what, well, that means there are already two of us, then come with us, and i’m also in this house for the first time, i’m a little worried, but
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it doesn’t seem so scary for two people, yes, why not no, really, just something about us there they’ll feed me, i’m just as hungry as a dog, i think it’s an honor for this opportunity, mom will cook something delicious, then let’s go, let’s go. kostya and i discussed for a long time and decided to be fraternal twins, yeah, when twins are identical, they themselves have a terribly fun life, everyone confuses them, so you can
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play different pranks. yeah, but those around them suffer because of these constant pranks and deceptions, and if the twins are fraternal, then in fact they live the most ordinary life, without any special fun, but imagine how parents great, it immediately turns out to be two little people and completely different, so when mom and dad made us, let us have an ordinary life. but my parents are filled with pure joy and surprise when they discover how different we are, right, kostya, i think we’ll go, otherwise our parents will.
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i don’t understand how your husband could deprive himself of all this, you’re talking about pies, and about them too, thank you, we’ll have dinner soon, but don’t rush, alena is still studying, she’s been studying since the morning, she has an essay, probably interesting, but what’s on dinner at our place, at your place chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes.
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veronica, excuse me, can we talk to you? excuse me, who are you? i am kostya's mother. oh okay, let's talk. sorry, we couldn't go that way. for what? well, then we just won’t be visible from our windows. please, i explained everything to you. okay, let's go, let's go. oh, nearby. well done! “i can’t stand it anymore, you understand, he tormented the boys, tormented me, he just became obsessed, in my opinion, he went crazy and i want to put an end to this, but i don’t know how, today i brought kostya home vadika, you know, i was so happy , kostya came with a girl, i think he’s in love with her, she’s in love with him too, well, children, they
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should be happy, they should live, they should.” viktor valentinovich? who? this? what do you mean? well , your husband? so, this is some kind of misunderstanding . let's set the record straight. i don't know any viktor valentinovich. i'm not married, that is, of course i was once married, but then my husband threw up. wait, veronica, i don’t understand anything. and the dog. what is the dog? well, this dog, she whose is yours? almost, this is my owners' dog.
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i am your master, he, well, that is , he teaches at the institute, teaches on an hourly basis, works at a company, only he is not viktor valentinovich, he is pavel nikolaevich, so, wait, viktor valentinovich, why did you decide that i am his wife? well, your husband saw you together, and then the dog, viktor valentinovich has the same dog, he showed the photo to vadik. but the fact is that once there were two such dogs, one was our owner, and the other was a neighbor’s, then the dog left with his wife, now viktor valentinovich has neither a wife nor a dog, come here, oh, lord, come here, lord, but what should i do, and you understand, i, i, i can’t do it anymore, i can’t stand this life , you see, this is bitterness, these are the constant plans in place, i, i really, i don’t know what to do, i
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can’t. so more, i want to put an end to this, you know? listen, anna, you have a complex problem and complex problems, they cannot be solved so quickly. let's go our separate ways and see you tomorrow. i have. there is one good friend who can give us good advice, thank you, thank you for listening , do you think he can tell me about the mistake or not, i think it’s not worth it for now, but we’ll listen to what my friend has to say, he’s an experienced person, and he works in the police, he’s just very good person , very smart, let's write down my phone numbers, okay, now, and tomorrow we'll... got on the phone, okay, mala, what does it say that hurts, okay, van, hi, bye, yes, okay,
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hello, i’m listening, grandfather nazar, good evening, i didn’t wake you up, how did i contact you, i stopped taking sleeping pills, there’s no need, that’s just it equals.
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you know, i can’t keep up with you, that this time, tomorrow today it’s too late, i don’t like your voice, you didn’t fall in love for an hour, you fell in love , but i don’t have any chance, hey, hey, maybe i’ll come to you, no , no, it’s late, good night, grandfather nazar, let’s go, argush. you are my good one!
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don’t ever dare touch me, i understand, you need to let him go, why don’t you go home, i don’t have a home, and where i
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live now, what happened, that sklefosovsky, tomorrow. on rtr, you are a planet, an asteroid, there is, there is, there is such a name asteroid solomin, this is something, my some kind of stay there, and there is the memory of yuri solomin, my mother didn’t want this acting fate for you, she wanted me to go to medical school, a person, it turns out, can remember... from childhood some things that even adults have forgotten, what you need to say to the person you love, so that there is happiness every day, i say that everything will be fine, the fate of a person with boris
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korchevnikov, tomorrow on rtr.
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without the noise of dust we lay them out on the shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselev on sunday on rtr. don't you have a dog? no. we can't find it. where did he go? maybe he ran away from nika?
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she would say. well, how? she's still afraid that we'll fire her. so, you need to ask her. nika, you have argon, can you hear me, nika. pretending to be asleep, she didn’t even have time to iron my coat. okay, let me in. well, where is she, mom, and nika didn’t ask you to go anywhere, but no, i don’t understand anything, but i think i understand, we stopped by my aunt, bought ourselves a work car, so she left, yes, it’s also surprising that she it lasted so long for us, by the way, this you, mommy, appointed her as a wife, and a mother, and a housewife, she got a great job, of course, she ran away and did the right thing, well, yes, we hired her to look after her grandfather...
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“she would never have done that to us , so let me through, natasha, call her on her mobile phone, i’m going to look for her, with me, yes, i ’m ready to do just fine, well, natasha, i’m disconnected, well , of course i’m disconnected, how else can we go? mom, maybe i should call the police?
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calm down, she doesn’t have a residence permit. so, where does she usually walk the dog? there? let's start from there, just let's button up, otherwise three times in i had a sore throat this winter, so why did you get up? wait, did you notice that i had a sore throat? well why shouldn't i. that my son has a sore throat, and i ’m like a son to you, of course a son, just let’s not find out now, catch up, argot, argot, good, great, so, denis, take the dog home, at home we’ll decide what to do, yeah , let's go to. yes, whoever has argon’s gun, she would
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n’t leave him alone here of her own free will. denis, wait, come home, well done, they found him not sitting in the gateway. oh, my god, they don’t have a clue, so whoever has dirty paws should sit, sit, i know who can help us, where are you going, i’ll be there soon, alena. igor, well, it’s me, i can’t stand it when i’m taken away from work, your phone doesn’t answer, turned it off, listen, we’re in trouble, you
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have to help, nika has disappeared, what else nika, our housekeeper, went with walking the dog and disappeared, the dog was found, but we couldn’t find it anywhere, well, something terrible happened to it. igor, we have such a catastrophe, and you go to the police, but you can’t go to the police, she has problems, you know, she doesn’t have a russian passport and a visa, they, they even they won’t look, and if they find them, they’ll send them out of town, well, help us for my sake, are you an orphan, you have a dad, a brother, turn to them, i say, well, you’re strong, you’re smart, you’re strong-willed, help us, what did you say, nika, our housekeeper, she disappeared. and we can’t find her, she said, before that, we repeat, you are strong, you are a real man, only you are the only one, not weaklings, semolina, go.
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is there anyone what? you need it, take me to the toilet, you can do it, take me to the toilet, listen, shut up, otherwise i’ll knock out all your teeth when i come in, i understand, stas, go, i think you woke up, came to your senses, well done, answer me, who hired you, where hired you, there
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’s a worker there, you’re a fool, don’t pretend to be who hired you, take me to the toilet, until you do, there won’t be a conversation... there will be no conversation, i demand, yes, shut up, you bitch, she demands, first , come on, if who hired you to watch a good man, are you, a good man locked me up, and that a good man was scared, afraid that he will be taken away in crystal purity, who he, so you, you will agree with me, girl, sit down. relax, think, hello, it’s so good that you came, and you are igor, yes,
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this is igor, i imagined you a little differently, a little younger, god, it makes some difference. alena said that you can help us, we are in some confusion here, let’s go, i ’ll introduce you to my husband. pavel, uh-huh, pavel, here you go, hello, or what? i remember, i ’ve known him for 100 years, how many years, how many winters, what ’s going on here, what happened, and so dad, this is igor sovenkov, my classmate, classmate, alena, your friend, dad’s same age, i didn’t ask about my friend’s age alena, and about what’s going on here, grandfather
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, nika has disappeared from us, alena, you’re crazy, nikolai grigorievich, just don’t worry, no one is worried, argon bra. please come to the table. speak, alena. nika is missing from us. how did you disappear? yesterday she went for a walk with the dog and did not return. the argons were found, but nika was nowhere to be found. but he wasn’t in the gateway. and nika went for a walk with the dog yesterday. well, yes, i noticed that argon was not there, and then i noticed that nika was not there. what time did this happen? well, this... okay, which of you last saw nika? i probably, when, what time? yesterday around 60, yes, exactly. at 6 i also looked at my watch, yesterday at 6:00 pm, yes, i think we need to look at
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the surrounding yards, hmm, maybe we will find some traces, so why are you sitting, act, yes, we need to screw up your life, i barely recognized you, have you heard anything about our people, have you seen zhenya romanovo, so what did you drink? do you remember, well, of course, his children have risen well in business, well done, and irka antonova found me through the internet, remember, the main thing is that she sent me a photo, like this, more me, oh, what time does to people, especially to women, remember, she used to be slender, rosy-cheeked, yes, where is our antonova, but everything is fine with her, her husband is cool, her hotel business is running, she’s basically you. .. tell me, otherwise i don’t know anything, how is your career, family, work, you left school? by the way, why did you leave school? i forgot,
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why are you standing here, come on, get out of here, get out, but what’s better, wait. what's brighter, green or red? look at me, i don’t like this, well done, thank you. very dirty, let's go, rehearse, pasha, gremin, galina borisovna, let's go.
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my only beloved woman in the world, my life has at least some meaning only if in the morning in the teacher’s locker room i see your red coat. i love to draw you from memory, a long neck that turns into a line. slightly drooping shoulders, but then my fantasy can no longer stop, i stop drawing and imagine how i’m pressing against your back, and my hand is gently stroking your sexy breasts. pasha, stop, you were going to read tyutchev, what a strange text, who the author is, principle, there is no need to introduce the author, although there he is, he is not only an artist, but also a writer and undoubtedly a sexual maniac,
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stop, stop immediately, stop immediately, over there in different directions, stop said, what’s the matter, what ’s going on, what the nightmare, stop, out of the scene, “your red coat, listen, fool, i was rare, forgive me, it’s better late than never, forgive me, you destroyed the opportunity for me to be happy, i can’t love, believe, i’m nothing i can’t, but how can i forgive you, forget, like you forgot, listen, well, igor, wait, wait, children can be cruel, now we are reaping": and school, i left this life, you hurt me,
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you will answer for this, oh well, i don’t know how to take revenge on him either, i have no one, i ’m not only getting ready, so many years have passed, let’s talk about something else, come on, and your daughter, for example, come on, and what does alyonka have to do with it, she sleeps and sees how... in my bed and you know what i think i'll fuck her and throw her out of my life, i'll destroy her like you destroyed me, oh well, you won't do anything to her, she she’s still just a girl, then she has nothing to do with it at all, children are responsible for the sins of their parents, i ask. please don’t touch her, please, if you want to take revenge, take revenge on me, i ask you with everything that is dear to you, but nothing
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is dear to me, i have nothing. igorok, i beg you, please don’t touch my girl, i ask you, please, igorok, again we will see, show more than others, hello, moscow, kremlin, putin, everyone.
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related to utilities? nice rooms, decent women, would you like to get to know me better? please don't just do that give up, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, do you like him? i have no time for novels right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but no, i have no sympathy for you, lyosha. who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. tea, manenka, manenka, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and
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come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he must have a continuation, on which a good conversation is built, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, frames, when everyone is at home on sundays rtr. the light is spinning , flying, flying. we invite you to the festive new year's light. according to the good old tradition. in the circle of old, good
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friends. hot artists, we are on the road day after day, you are with me, you are next to me, health, health and health again, we meet old new year, let's sing along with the whole country. blue light on saturday on rtr. nothing, no traces. alena, why was she kidnapped, or what? yes, well, who needs to kidnap our nika. so,
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stop, stop, stop, i think i know who could have taken her. i’ll call, wait, denis, grandfather, well, we can’t sit here with our hands folded, shut up, i ’m thinking about the situation, so, natasha, i didn’t understand where he went, but how do i know, his parents’ names are atochka, by the way, i always knew who, where, and when would return, and nika knew too, but you were the only ones. to myself, denis, hello, where is father? he's sleeping, what happened? where is he? she’s sleeping in the room, katya has a fever, we’ve been on our feet for two days now. and he’s been home for a long time, a long time ago, i’m
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telling you, my daughter got sick, what happened, excuse me, it’s necessary. listen, don't tell him that i came, okay, good, goodbye, listen, it's denis, he made a mistake. we still don't know what happened to nika. did she go with a bag? she went out with the dog, why does she need a bag? come on, go check, if the bag is in place, bring it here. although, wait, i’ll go myself.
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pavel, yes, dad, come to my office, i ’ll call all the moscow numbers from here, with one question, where was the last time they saw nika, i realized, yes, dad, what’s the point in that, she’s not with anyone communicates, she actually lived here like in a prison, like, but thank god. not in prison, she could see someone, talk to someone, make us coffee, please, you can’t have coffee, i said stronger coffee, maybe she
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’s no longer alive, what do we care about? what to do, well , first of all, you should calm down, it would have been like this before i was worried about nika, otherwise he harassed her from morning to night, tell me, your nika, a beautiful woman, in general, yes, can you imagine a rapist or a bully who pesters a woman, with a dog like this, okay, let’s say if they want to get some information from her, god , what kind of information, any woman was intimidated in the dark courtyard, out of fear she will lay out everything, well, nika is not any woman, she won’t want and won’t say anything, it was she who could have been taken away to knock out this information, what do you want to say to nick are you being tortured now? so, basically they don’t pick up the phone, but one woman said that she saw her about six months ago, keep going, keep calling, and i’ll go up to her room and have a look there.
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hello, nazar zakharovich, hello, i’m gremin, nikolai grigorievich, the fact is that
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nika amirova has disappeared somewhere. give me some water, what kind of animals are you, petty, give me some water, you called her husband , you called your husband, his name is oleg sazhin, you called, but they said he’ll be in america in 2 weeks, so maybe it has nothing to do with it, well, dog, missed the owner, huh? already know him? well, yes, he and my dog ​​are friends and we walk together, can i go out with him for a while, please, collar, leash, on a hanger, go ahead, who
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is it? forward, forward, look, look, nick look, sniff, sniff, boy, sniff, well, well, here, here the car was standing. oh, you handsome man, we can’t make a mistake, think, think, think, oh, hear, friend, hey, you’re a machine here.
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they drove it until the night and the car sat there and drove away at night, but what happened? it happened, it happened, our woman disappeared, you know, the woman is missing, yes, they tell me moscow , moscow, tell me, but you didn’t remember the number, no, i didn’t remember the number, no, well, what did these boors look like, what did they look like, what did they look like, one is such a face, the other is a face, people boorish, boorish people, like, oh well. okay, thank you, what's your name? aurel , and he calls me nazar, be healthy , aurel, forward, forward, forward, forward , forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, quickly, quickly, come in, he needs paws wipe, yeah, sorry, let me, yes? excuse me, who is asking her?
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anna? no, anna, she's not at home. yes, yes, we are a little worried. tell me, when was the last time you saw nika? yeah, what time is it, excuse me, where? the thing is that she’s gone , anna, she’s gone, yes, we’re worried too, okay, we’re waiting for you, you know where you’re going, we’re waiting, but excuse me, please, who are we waiting for, it’s anna, i’m an acquaintance, your neighbor from at home opposite, the day before yesterday. they met with
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veronica, and probably after this meeting veronica called me and asked for help, oh help, yes, it seemed so to me, but somehow i didn’t attach any importance, i’m afraid that, yes, it’s a pity that i didn’t have time to tell you anything, she ’ll come now, i’ll open it. you, anna, it’s me , it’s all my fault, yes, you pass, please , it’s all my fault, you know, it’s my husband who did this, he’s crazy, he’s completely crazy, you can expect anything from him now, calm down for god's sake, we couldn't understand anything, i don't understand anything either, i didn't tell him anything, she, she, she asked me not to say anything, wait, who is she, nika, asked you not to say anything to your husband, but i didn’t say anything, i didn’t say anything, i honestly didn’t say anything, but he apparently found out everything, you know, hello, who are you?


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