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tv   Skazhi pravdu  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 12:50am-1:26am MSK

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come in, come in, and we won’t be long, marina needs to walk a lot, so we decided to check on you , yes, yeah, you sit down , maybe a chica, or maybe an apple, of course, an apple, come on, sit down, you want something nice, oh no, thank you, you don’t want to, oh, but i know this man, “don’t you dare touch me , i got it, you need to let him go, who, bragina, why don’t you go home, i don’t have a home, but where i live , now i’m strong, what happened, they came, they died, what should we do, so what?”
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fication of the restoration boom of the northern capital, which monuments have already been restored and where work will begin this year. a massive accident, during the day there was almost no traffic on the murmansk highway; a passenger bus, two trucks, and
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several cars were involved in an accident near the village of razmeteleva. the footage shows 11 dump trucks turned 180°. his cabin is broken. most likely, it was this collision that became the first link in the chain. drivers of passenger cars began to slow down, some lost control due to snow and ice. as a result, one of the foreign cars on side. others, like the nearby bus, have various damages. it was only by miracle that no people were injured in this accident. according to eyewitnesses, doctors examined the woman; she was in one of the cars, but hospitalization was not required. two police officers from the kirovsky district of st. petersburg became defendants in a criminal case. they are suspected of creating the largest channel for illegal migration. searches were carried out in homes, workplaces, and migration centers. more and more details of a multi-level corruption scheme are being revealed. according to investigation, the criminal group included employees of law enforcement agencies and commercial organizations. since the twentieth year , underground companies have been issuing false certificates to foreigners and looking for premises for
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their mass registration in st. petersburg in the leningrad region. two local police officers suspected of criminal conspiracy were responsible for the legalization of guest workers. police officers, taking advantage of their official position, helped illegal immigrants obtain a work permit for money. thus, they created the appearance of legality of migrants’ stay in territory of russia. today the main suspects were detained: the organizer of a criminal group, two local police officers and two employees of commercial companies. after graduation.
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heat supply for new buildings in southwestern teth today the third boiler was launched; it will be able to heat another 105 high-rise buildings, six kindergartens and the same number of schools. the mayor of the city, alexander beglov, took part in the ceremony. according to experts, this was a shock construction project. the main installation work lasted only a year, during which time a new house pipe was installed , the necessary equipment was installed, and the main power was not even stopped. all supplied units are russian -made, a third of them are from st. petersburg. the most modern equipment, the geography of manufacturers who participated in the manufacture of equipment for our boiler extends from belgorod to novosibirsk, these are belgorod, moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, chelyabinsk, cheboksary, barnaul, here is an incomplete list of the main manufacturers
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who manufactured equipment for our boiler they did not attract funds for modernization from the country, they made do with internal investments of the enterprise, the construction of a water-green boiler cost the power engineers 800 million. another boiler, the completion date of the work is twenty- six years. more than 6.00 private houses received access to blue fuel in the leningrad region in the twenty-third year. the federal program for additional gasification, which was initiated by president vladimir putin, began 2 years ago. mikhail dubkov,
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more details. for more than two years, she lived like in the stone age, admits elena petrova. with when she bought the house, she couldn’t connect the gas, so every preparation for winter turned out to be a waste. nerves and money, these are two cars of firewood, a must, because the firewood goes into the boiler and into the stove, the stove, and in severe frosts the stove had to be heated, heated, so that the house is not small, everything changed in november, according to the program for additional gasification of the pipe with blue fuel was brought to the building in less than six months, and new equipment was installed, which allows us to provide heating for this house and hot, hot water. here it works in automatic mode, the user sets the temperature in the heating system and the temperature of hot water, depending on the need, the boiler automatically maintains the temperature that the user requires. the federal program was proposed by vladimir putin 2 years ago; in total,
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74 constituent entities participate in it, including the leningrad region. during this time , about 300 gas distribution pipelines were built in the region. infrastructure to the border. the amounts fully cover the costs of laying out the pipe, connecting it, installing equipment. in total , 58,000 households in the leningrad region are waiting for gasification; in the past year alone, almost 33,000 people have submitted applications, and the rate of connection is growing. in the twenty
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-second year , 900 residents of the leningrad region were connected to gas under the degasification program, that is , 900 residents of the leningrad region were connected to the houses in which gas was supplied. we have already connected more than 6 thousand, that is, well , we have increased the rate of connection more than five times, the process is being simplified by law, fees for preparatory work within the site reduced as much as possible, now it is no more than 500 rubles. in addition, they brought the cost of connection to a common denominator; the tariff committee established uniform prices; they are almost a third lower than general construction prices. we also have a global policy on forgiveness of documentation.
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let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with a media forecast in the studio leonid petrov. the frost will get stronger and... settle in st. petersburg, in the northern capital during the day there will definitely be no snowfall until -130
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, the wind will subside, several hours of sunshine are expected, on saturday night in the city there will also be no precipitation -17-19 on thermometers, have a good day in any weather. one of the oldest committees in the structure of the executive power of st. petersburg celebrated the anniversary year of the security department, its fiftieth anniversary with a shock restoration. zhanna skvortsova will continue. simple assembly seams will still be visible, this will allow, because these are genuine things that are dismantled and returned to their place. it was possible, of course, without seams as in ancient greece, but the restorers preserved the old mosaic as much as possible and dismantled unnecessary ones. pipes that ran under the floor, and then the marked fragments were laid back. this is a very painstaking work and i had to collect - into old fragments, which means selecting material. for some new inserts, this is very interesting. the self-leveling floor in the lobby of the anichsky palace now shines, as do
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the brass fittings on the doors and windows; only the outer frames have been recreated; the wood did not stand the test of the st. petersburg climate. new doors altogether? no, these are restored old doors, this is solid oak, so to speak, which was in the workshops cleared of subsequent varnish coatings. the walls and ceilings were also updated, opting for a historical shade of plaster. large-scale restoration of the interiors and facades of the palace began a quarter of a century ago annually, counting towards the completion of the next stage, so the winter garden restored in 2022 received a gold diploma from the international award as the best implemented restoration project. the halls of the front amphilade of the pashkov house were awarded a design prize last year as the best interior of a public space, this a former dressing room in the mid-19th century , the office of the manager of the department of appanages, massive... it's a secret, this is the entrance to the bathroom, and restorers are now working there.
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before picking up thin brushes, the restorers had to literally cure the walls. in soviet times, leaks were covered with oil paint. under its layer, the authentic plaster simply crumbled. she was given injections with a special polymer composition. and only after that they updated the painting with paint, making it as similar as possible to the original. at the time when they were doing the painting, well, there was no painting then. water-based paints of our modern ones, respectively, it was the most affordable paint convenient for painting , that is, the pigment is mixed with chalk and glue separately. the palette was also left the same, but such shades are not at all typical for pompeii painting, experts say. gorald basse probably saw this bathroom quite differently in his time. but the historical colors were returned to another creation of the architect, the buturlyanaya mansion, which is larger. not turquoise, although city defenders opposed what they called boring
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monochrome, it was very complex , it was difficult for us to work on it, simply , well, probably due to such public attention to it, we had very big discussions about returning its historical color, so we returned the color, to be honest, i hear more positive reviews than negative ones, the restoration portfolio of the committee for the protection of monuments now includes two programs, just last year for the restoration of cultural heritage sites... the city spent more than one and a half billion rubles, the forests have already been removed from the visiting area cards of st. petersburg bell tower, st. nicholas of the bogoevlensky naval cathedral. the budget for 2024 includes 2.700 million and two dozen postcard addresses, among them the moscow triumphal gate, where work has already begun. by the way, for the first time , proceeds from the resort tax will be used for the restoration of this object. people need to understand that they are not just leaving 100 rubles in a hotel, but the city is giving something for this money. does and well, there’s a sidewalk somewhere to change something else, it won’t be so obvious,
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here’s a moscow triumph, you come to the city by plane, fly to st. petersburg, once you are driving along moskovsky prospekt, and there is an object that has been restored for maybe your money, by the way, in 2022 they launched a large-scale restoration of the facades of apartment buildings, monuments, there are 255 addresses on the list, the program is designed for 10 years, the pace is said to be good, so sad ... badaev’s house is now surrounded by beautiful nymphs of the steppe woman, the former beauty has been restored, this year the facade will be repainted in its true color, the hips of the frightened nymph will be dressed in forests and the sables’ house on the street. chakovsky, now in the workshops already they are finishing restoring the cast iron openwork gates. the old ones were pretty well preserved, after all, the material is cast iron, it is less susceptible to corrosion, of course certain aspects were lost, well, like, for example, this element, they were recreated from the preserved samples, again on another page. the lost cast
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top of the gate was restored according to the iconography. looking at the photograph, the sculptor reworked the lion's head several times. achieving not even accuracy, but rather expressiveness, the kings of animals in animal painting are for masters as a test for serviceability. often, instead of lions , we get a variety of uh physiognomies, maybe similar somewhere to baboons or with human facial features, ours is also not quite a lion, it is a little humanized - with a reference, as it were, to a bestiary. a major restoration will come to nevsky prospekt, with the help of two committees they will restore the roof facades to...
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talent, intelligence, wisdom, erudition. things that seem to be very close, it would seem, in essence in meaning, but are not at all connected, because there are people who are talented, but not very smart, but erudite but unwise. today i would like to find out from the point of view of a specialist and expert how they are connected to each other. tatyana vladimirovna, good afternoon. good afternoon. how is it that very rarely a person can, forgive the vulgarity, sit on all four of these chairs. you can probably be smart, erudite and wise, but
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not have talent. is there any way to find talent? i think that it is impossible to acquire talent, i think that talent is a complex topic you started, talent is something you have to be born with, this does not mean that everything will be successful, because you can find yourself in circumstances where he will not develop; if bach had not been born among the bachs, then perhaps no one would have known, including himself, that he was a bach. because he found himself in a different environment, that is, you can’t change the genes with anything, but then this needs to happen, this is a feature of some chemical processes or this is a feature of the structure of the brain, from the point of view of a scientist, what is talent, the ability to learn, no, oh, what difficult questions you ask, the point is that there is no talent at all, but there are
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talents adapted to something, individual talents. a person can be completely stupid there mathematically or even in a linguistic sense , but incredibly talented musically, or he can be a wonderful artist and a complete failure in all other things, so it is no worse, no better, and i just want to emphasize with this that they do not say after all, seriously about being talented at everything, after all, from the point of view of a scientist, still no, you still need to figure it out.
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life, for example, is forced to give banal answers give you, and this option , perhaps, and this and that, in any case, let’s say, if , as i already said, if a person with initially excellent data in order to be, say, a composer or performer, found himself in an environment where they don’t know anything about it at all , well, i don’t know, he lives in the jungle, it’s just , well, no, that’s not the case, then... no one will ever recognize him as a wonderful performer, and he himself will not know who he is and his talent will turn out to be ruined, and the talent will be ruined not by the evil will of someone, but by the evil
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as fate would have it, the saddest thing in this story is that you can live your life and never know what you had a talent for, so maybe this talent is cooking, i think yes, more or less, i think everyone has something. let's say, maybe this young lady's purpose is to execute lace subtly, maybe she would make the kind of lace that everyone would be chasing for their own sake to buy such lace, but she hasn't even heard anything about it, well, in general, pathos my whole cry is as follows, on this topic i almost i say maniacally all the time, the best thing we... can do for ourselves, if possible, is to find out who we are, and this is not a figure of speech, this is not a joke, i am absolutely serious, it would be nice to get to know yourself, have time, how ?
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and how, this means, to get into the broadest and richest associative environment possible, that is, everyone needs to be taught music, not because they will turn out to be gehlels or shestakovich or mozart. and in order for this field to exist, so that he suddenly feels, this is what i hate for nothing, never, and this is where i happy, here it is, it should turn on, if we consider that the development of a person and his talents begins, well, let’s say, in childhood or adolescence, or in any case , the possibility of determining it exists in these years, is it important to let children try everything, are they capable ? do children determine what is really close to them? i’ll give a contradictory answer, the first answer is yes, you definitely need to give the opportunity so that everything in front of him is a palette,
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that is, you shouldn’t say that you have new mugs every month and you have nothing i like it, no, but there is a catch, the fact is that from the biographies of brilliant composers, we read that you can tell... your child’s talent, don’t let him abandon it, it’s worth listening, undoubtedly, i would say so, of course, very rare children
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, from whom it is immediately clear that there will be a mathematician there, or a pianist, but this is an emergency situation, i mean it is very early to determine this, but if the parents or educators are loving and they watch carefully their ward or descendants at some point they realize that something here it hatches, here you have to surrender to the professionals, relatively speaking, go to the central music school and let them look at this child, because they have experience, and nothing can beat experience, they just have methods, they know , what to catch, yes, of course, so yes, you need to give the whole range of possibilities. look , if you have already come to a point where you feel, maybe music is his, maybe he was born this way, then go to
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someone who understands, just don’t trust... fundamental, but it seems that there are four questions in one program, such i naively hoped that i could fit into the time i hardly wanted for one, with your permission, and i hope your consent, i would move the remaining three questions to other programs, we will still have wisdom , intelligence and erudition, yeah. thank you, i’ll be looking forward to it, and i, goodbye, in one of our conversations we approached the topic of social rating of classification of citizens by computer, and to some this may seem
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scary, but personally i think it’s actually very useful and necessary. ruslan, hello hello. how do you feel about social ranking? it seems to me that if you behave well there, for example, your children are exemplary there, they are great, this all adds up to a picture of a good citizen and person. what's bad about it? after all, as far as i know, in china there is a rating system that, by tracking gait, behavior, routes , etc., assigns a certain rating to a citizen. yeah, well, it seems to me that you are not afraid, because you are doing a good job, you are passing on the rules life, you invite guests , your activities are clearly positive, your social rating will probably be high, but what are these criteria, such as how to weigh and measure us and how to measure our social usefulness, well, probably, let’s say smart people gather and this these criteria will be formulated, then the question...
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the question is even more complex, well, today social ratings exist, they exist not so much within the state as within corporations, you have accounts in different applications, networks , and even in taxis you have rating, you they put stars and you see well , well, you have five, that means everyone will take you, someone i knew recently told me that a taxi driver writes, your rating is low, i won’t take you, this is a manifestation of social rating, it’s probably good , if we... “we are transparent to each other, you go and see that this person, well, you and him are probably not on the same path, but it turns out that we live in a world in which we still have not agreed that what is good and what is bad, but here we are still talking about micro-micro situations within a specific application, a specific social interaction, i order a taxi, and the taxi driver sees my stars there , or i want to buy something from a seller on the marketplace and i see how good his
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rating is, is he a good seller or a bad seller?" let's think now , and if our whole life is assessed, weighed, well, yes, probably, there could be a plot in which , if you do not have a high enough rating within this ecosystem or within this community, your children can only go to such a school, this is generally it would be terrible if you didn't you are allowed to something, to some benefits, well , by and large, we understand that corporations today are penetrating education, social security, and tomorrow we may be faced with a situation where you just won’t quit. because in addition to the social package and salary, along with your dismissal , your children are fired from school or your grandmother is fired from a nursing home, because it turns out that this is the social package, so here you know, the social rating in itself can be a good thing, because we can put everyone on the shelf, but how this will be abused, how it will be used and where we can become hostage to the imperfection of technology or the lack of development
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of something, this is quite scary. plot, but what, as the it industry thinks, as experts think, this social rating, what will it be used for in the future? well, in general, we have been working on the topic of social ratings for the last 10 years, it’s just that somewhere they are formalized, like in china, we know that there is this system, it is being tested , it is being rolled out, it is being developed in some way, is it a pilot project or is it already implemented into the system is there some kind of classification of citizens? it has been implemented, but... there are also hundreds of criteria that are already taken into account, and well , basically, when they talk about the chinese social rating, there is immediately such a flair of negativity that citizens are profiled in order to force them to walk in the correct order, it’s not only about this, it’s also about the fact that if you behave decently, you should actually take out a loan at a lower rate, or you should be checked less, because all your interactions there were according to the law
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of the ambassador. before that, well, that is, it’s good history, because in fact we are digitizing our traces, yes, but the other side of this is that everything is in the palm of your hand, in the palm of your hand... in the black mirror, i don’t remember what season, but it’s right there girl, the main character of this episode, she has an excellent rating, and then she does something wrong, makes a little mistake, retreats a little, that’s it, she’s already marginalized, she’ll never get out of this, then she realizes that
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the system is actually unfair, so i like the idea of ​​a social rating if there is one balanced so much that it will be for the benefit of people, well, because it ’s a tool, and we say... for some reason often - well, we try to evaluate the social racing system, whatever it is, we forget about the question, why is it we need it, we need it to regulate risks, reduce chaos , i don’t know, help people behave decently, probably yes, but behind this there is such a trail of possible abuses or possible imperfections that i’m afraid that today’s loyalty programs, which are in all companies, they will gradually...
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it will show, at first it will be difficult, and then we will fall in love, because really, the level of transparency that exists today, it was impossible to imagine 30 years ago, we are all very transparent on the internet, and banks know about us a lot, and before there were probably accounts in some swiss banks, so we came to this transparency and realized that it is good because it allows us to fight the villains, yes, well , yes, there are some restrictions, sometimes accounts are blocked, but if you are not a villain, then... probably the risk that it will be blocked is less in your case, and here, probably, at first it will be new to us, and then it turns out that we find ourselves in a super transparent world, all undressed, all naked, but everyone likes it, in general there is nothing to add, thank you very much ruslan, i hope to
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see you again, thank you. as a person who doesn’t know how and, frankly speaking , is afraid to dance, and i’m especially afraid of pair dancing, because there is at least twice as much responsibility, and today i would like to talk about couple dances, about latin couple dances, for starters about tango. natalya, hello, among other things, a sense of rhythm and plasticity. and so on, which i probably don’t have, i’m a person of rather conservative views, and it would seem that latin dances, well, tanga to a lesser extent, well, probably bochata in that direction, seems very intimate, well, for
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me, then not only is it done in public, and not always with people you know, what is tanga, is it a kind of bringing people together, or is it just a dance, well, in your understanding, philip, well, after... you stated that you are afraid, i would like to reassure you, but it seems that i will not be able to reassure you, because tango, among other latin american dances, is really probably the most intimate dance, the most sensual, because it has less time the movement shows some kind of hot component, compared to the same bachata or kezomba or salsa, our dance seems calmer, yeah, and maybe even too measured. but in fact, what happens inside the embrace between partners is a real kaleidoscope emotions that each of the participants in the couple , in principle, can vary, twist according to their own state, probably
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the main characteristic of our dance, argentine tango, is that the hug in our dance is absolutely the same as in life, that’s the emotion with which you hug people close to you, mother, friend, beloved woman. and how with a lover or with a spouse and will it look the same? or would any execution not be an error? there will definitely be no mistakes, because in general the majority movements in tango were invented when someone made a mistake, not all movements were invented at once, and yes, tango can really be different, because over the course of one melonga, a melonga is an argentine tanga party, well, like a disco for those who know how this dance to dance, we can dance with the person with whom we came because... in a relationship and we both dance the dance, or it could really be some friend,
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an acquaintance whom i have known for a thousand years, and if the music evokes we have some emotions deep, we can still go into these emotions, but nevertheless leave the dance floor without obligations to each other, that we somehow need to continue this depth of emotional interaction, and also this dance can happen to a person whom you see for the first time in life, you may not even speak the same language, but if you speak the language of dance, you will understand each other, i asked about mistakes, that means... if there is, if there can be a mistake, then there may be rules, what they are rules in tango? the most important thing for us in dance is the rule probably lies in how our roles are distributed, who creates the movement , who continues or follows the movement, because, probably, the main rule, this formula of the argentine tanga sounds like this: the man leads, the woman follows, this is not a transferable role initiative, no, that is, a man, he is essentially a leader. the leader in the dance, he seems to be the architect of this
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dance, and he plans step by step how the dance will develop, very active accompaniment of the partner in that dance pattern, which he offers every second. for me personally, i have been dancing since 2006, which is already a long time, but this dance never ceases to be exciting, because i never know what will happen next, it is always very interesting, even to the same song, even with one and the same partner, is the tank suitable? as the first discipline or the first type of dance to study, if a person is as stupefied, ossified as me and not very flexible? i think yes, in principle, if you do not have any other dances in your history, as we say, for now no, fortunately nothing will interfere with you, yes, in fact it is so, because tango is a folk dance, this dance was born in a port city among the most ordinary people, not in a dance academy, and initially it consisted simply of ... sequences of synchronized steps, in spanish, probably one of
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the dance formulas that argentine teachers very often use, sounds like this: el tango is escaminar, and if we translate this literally, tango is walking, these are steps. i tell my students that there is a scandinavian walking, and we have argentinean walking, because we learn to move synchronously, first of all, to walk synchronously, if a person knows how to walk without assistance, then everything is available to him. what do you think? in short, what does the ability to dance and especially tango give to people? the ability to build a dialogue with each other, the ability to listen to another person, the ability to act in pairs, in a team, perhaps this is the main thing that can be acquired in this dance, of such skills, it’s nice that tanga supports the main idea of ​​our program, absolutely, absolutely, what other rules are there outside the dance floor, outside the dance floor we have a very interesting one. the rule is the rule of invitation to dance, because
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in argentine tango there is a tradition that arose almost at the same time when the first dance evenings arose, this invitation with a look, it is called cabeceo, through a, there is the famous tango poruna cabeza, yes because one head, that is, this is an invitation that occurs between partners at the level of gaze, this has a certain explanation why this is so it happened, why can’t you come over, you can. but this is not in the tradition, to approach, to invite , what is called from the hand, and the invitation with a glance gives the dancers the opportunity to start the dance interaction before they hit the dance floor, and this is very interesting, but here you need to look into the eyes of another person, perhaps a stranger, already says that reading, and reading, and talking, yes, and accepting an invitation, and an invitation with a glance works both on the part of the partner and on the part of the partner, because the partner is the first thing when she comes to the party. she must show that she is ready
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to dance, because maybe i am not ready to dance, if i hear the music that inspires me to dance, i will sit completely differently, and i will look differently, and i will choose the person, with whom i would like to spend the next 12 minutes, the same 12 minutes of tango, 12 minutes, this is not one tango, these are four compositions, if we go out to dance, we go out to tanda, tanda is a block of musical compositions that sound, that is, it’s long in time, well, you know, what is this now...
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rtr-planet is more than just television.
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this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and are you having a corporate party? what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, dog falon, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform the seventh. those who do not take risks, luck does not smile on them, we will succeed , i will operate, i am scared, as if i were not me, unfortunately, there is neither a motive for the murder nor there is a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance,
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you are the coach, i am the player, breathtaking shows and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head? i don’t even know, perzhe wants to read, please read, perzhe can’t read, turn on the music blogger, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a bowl of hot water on myself, i’m glad not i say, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, with the stars, what’s more difficult, to become a good person or to stay? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, circle of friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live: the story of a mysterious
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disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. advanced documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations, impartial analytics. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white. we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything that russia cannot be imagined without, only on the planet channel, the my planet tv channel presents
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a unique phenomenon, when the sea recedes by as much as 5 km, every day. observed on the beach of chandipur, eastern india, this spectacle delights spectators who can literally walk beyond the sea. money really can't buy good weather forecasts, despite technological advances in meteorology. this is probably why more and more sanctuaries appear on the map of the chui steppe. one of these appeared quite recently, in the artalyk tract. each clan had its own sanctuary, not here in valley. well, during the times of lenin and stalin, many of them were destroyed. the new altai stone henge was built by sanna sergeev’s uncle
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vladimir sablakov. it was erected on the site of one of the ancient sanctuaries destroyed in the thirties of the last century. the cult complex was named tagl. like the ancient temples, the cult complex is oriented to the cardinal points and divides the symbolic circle into four equal parts, in the center of which it is located.
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burkhanists come here from all over the country. this time i even came to the holiday one telelengit from kimera. he does not fight for the white faith in the literal sense, but rather seeks its roots here, in the chui steppe, where people stand firmly on their feet, surviving against all odds. world, take any shaman's tambourine, yes , there is an underground kingdom, yes, lika, there is
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a light kingdom, there are stars, there is all this, yes, this is the world of ulgen, the middle world, the world, this is the world of uchkurbustan, telengites believe themselves as christians, but despite this, they continue to practice shamanic rituals following the ritual of their distant ancestors. however, this is understandable; they were only baptized for a century and a half. back. for thousands of years , the fads and beliefs of all world religions have intertwined in the chuya steppe. perhaps that is why in the 20th century altai turned into a unique place of power, where the east met the west, and new siberia met ancient asia.
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the leaders of the scythians, huns, sarmatians, and ancient turks were buried here from time immemorial. each nation erected mounds in honor of its famous ancestors, installed stone steles and sacrificial sanctuaries. altai has become a necropolis for them, we will fill the nomadic culture under open sky. true, some of the exhibits from the sacred plateaus migrated under the modest roof of a small rural museum in the village of kakorya. it was created about half a century ago, through the efforts of local school teacher krai bedinov, who is still adding to the collection. let’s say that many exhibits, some exhibits were found by us members of the kruskovs, kruskovites, this one was found right near the village when people were building a store, they
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dumped it there, we took it out and brought it.


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