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tv   Skazhi pravdu  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 2:20am-3:06am MSK

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increases our confidence in the future and in the new year, psychologists, by the way, also use so-called rituals, for example , a wish card, many people love them, that is , you think that this is quite useful, it is useful in that it helps a person to formulate his a request to ourselves , to life, so when we formulate a request, we already receive some hints, some correct answers, because it has long been known that clearly formulating a question is already half the answer; probably, a wish for the new year also works. because you listen to people, they they say: i made a wish according to all the rules, ate a piece of paper, or rather burned a piece of paper, put it in a glass, drank it all, ran up the stairs there, everything came true, that is, this is precisely due to the fact that he clearly shaped his life for the nearest goal for the nearest year, so everything worked out, not only did he clearly formulate the tasks, but also carry them out responsibly in preparation for this riddle there, he had already collected such responsibility for the correct implementation of this next year, responsibility and a clear understanding of himself, a road map - this
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a guarantee of success, another situation, let ’s say we decided to tell fortunes, we read something bad, it seemed to us that this burnt piece of paper reminded us of something bad, a residue remained, what should we do? you can always get angry that somehow we guessed wrong , yes, that is, the technology is broken, so this result is invalid, you can reassure yourself, and most importantly, when a person suddenly finds out something unfavorable for himself, you can turn on a plan b. that is, it is possible to create some alternative projects, this alternativeness, it always increases, again our capabilities, we know that if it doesn’t work out here, then it will definitely work out here, thank you very much, in the morning studio there was a family psychologist, doctor of cultural studies, andrei sberovsky, you need to sort things out, the best way is this a fair fight, this is for you, this is for you, fight, well, you don’t think that we will really fight. serf 2, what are you doing?
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i'm covering the business. why are you having fun with bandits? everything is fine with us, it will be even better. great expectations, saturday and sunday at 12:50 p.m. let's start. come on, come on with a smile. morning of russia, don’t enlighten the main thing, further, this winter has already set many records and is preparing another surprise, our weather forecaster will have all the details in a few minutes, sakha in the snow, yes, and frost, never dare touch me, i got it, you need it let go, who, bragin. why
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don’t you go home, i don’t seem to have a home, and where i live, now i’m very strong, what happened, they came, i died, what should we do, well, sklefosovsky, today on rtr, you’re looking at 100 to one, what is our task, all the boards open, we can handle it if? ask, who has the trick? which character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? which will be 7.8? 7.8, 7.8, how much already? who is at work , speaks a lot and loudly: if you answer, then with humor, i chop down oak trees, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else,
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geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headache. god forbid, if you win now, it will be 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique: geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is the volcanoes. ice, stone. fire-breathing
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giants, the most powerful of them are included in the klečev group. the majestic klyuchevskaya hill. the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. i want to go to college, which institute? on filf? oh my god! throw it away so i’ll say that you have cheat sheets? i need to do it, i really need to, you know? two friends, one believes in fairy princes, i
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hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes. yourself, are you the best girl in this dorm, are you married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i don’t want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, have high hopes for saturday and sunday rtr, look. today is a special episode of 60 minutes. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. well, just in time for our
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new year holidays: winter fun in a new way. skis, walkers. french engineers came up with a new means of transportation. costs 160.0 rub. but for this money... it promises a maximum speed of 80 km/h. each ski is, in fact, an all-wheel drive electric scooter without a steering wheel, but it has a foot binding similar to a snowboard. tires are useless, which means travel is not limited to asphalt. but on one charge you can travel a maximum of 30 km. not much, but enough to get to work and the ski track without traffic jams, attention, and no one gives in to being stuck. our retro test drive also included an all-terrain vehicle, which has neither snow nor... we are used to car brands competing with each other and even engaging in industrial espionage, but history also knows examples of mutually beneficial cooperation. before us is proof of japanese-german friendship,
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volkswagen tara. this is the twin brother of the famous for the whole world of the toyota hylax pickup truck. at the end of the eighties of the last century , volkswagen needed a utilitarian model in its lineup. and toyota just had a time-tested model and a desire to expand its sales market. the two auto giants agreed, gave the european version the name tara, and began assembling it at the hanaver plant in 1989. the car is large, almost 5 m long, the hood is embossed, the tailgate folds down. the loading platform area is almost 3 km. and here is a protective arc with a mesh so that the load does not break during movement... no glass 2.4 liter naturally aspirated petrol engine with a capacity of 114 horses, the interior is spacious without frills, the steering wheel is comfortable, but not adjustable at all, there is no air conditioning, but the stove heats so much that it will be hot in the cold. all the owners of these pickups boast that their
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engines start instantly even in thirty-degree frosts, which causes the envy of the neighbors in the yard, as if they were made for russia, the container stands slowly, it takes about 20 seconds to accelerate to hundreds, but pickups are not intended for racing, his element is off-road. formally, this is frame rear-wheel drive pickup, but with a slight movement of the front axle connecting lever, the trousers turn into an all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicle. and here volkswagen will give many a head start. the ground clearance is 210 mm, so you can drive safely on dirt roads in the snow. you can carry up to 850 loads, or you can also add a trailer, independent tracion front suspension, dependent spring rear suspension, volkswagen tar was produced until 1997, it was appreciated by farmers, entrepreneurs and lovers of outdoor activities, because it was possible to load anything on the platform
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moped, even an atv. it’s not for nothing that this volkswagen was called a reliable comrade that you can rely on, and it definitely won’t let you down. so... this is news of the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio of karina ilyina, hello! russia, despite the sanctions, has become the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, and gdp according to the results of last year may grow by more than 4%. this is all a statement.
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the new website contains information about russian protected national parks, presents 39 protected areas, more 100 species of wild animals, the most spectacular section is footage from photos and video traps placed in green areas, they depict animals that are lucky to see in the wild not only for... its route passes through the protected area of ​​the transbaikal national park,
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human traces for these places are rare , the movement of animals is immediately visible in the snow , we had a fox, we take it into account , we identified the trail, and of course, recording and monitoring is carried out not only from the ground, but from the air, for example, it is better to watch moose remotely, because they are called forest giants, their behavior is unpredictable, some individuals reach about 2 m in height, such a giant requires a lot of food. in this regard, these pornoungulates often migrate to areas where there is more food. you can see nature untouched by man with your own eyes. organized recreation on the territory of the transbaikal national park begins from this place. those wishing to visit these places must undergo a mandatory registration procedure, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. ecological tourism it is becoming popular, some go for ice fishing, others visit hot springs and simply enjoy contemplating the beauty of the fresh air. for lovers of hiking , there are also special routes and observation
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platforms. it was in buret that russia's first state reserve , barguzinsky, was created, which was opened on january 11 , 1917 to protect the sable and its habitat. this event marked the beginning of the formation of a reserve system throughout the country. ilya koshlinov, nikolay mandzhuev, news: buryatia. all news is always available on media platform. we look in the application or on the website. the news is following developments . in the irkutsk region, in the waters of the angara, employees of the ministry of emergency situations. carry out daily checks. in some places the ice thickness does not exceed 5 cm and it is unsafe to go out on it. fishermen are most often at risk. on lake baikal the situation is no less serious. pavel marchukov went on the raid together with the inspectors. with the onset of winter, fishermen sometimes see employees of the ministry of emergency situations more often than they see the fish they catch. gims inspectors conduct preventive raids virtually
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every day. sometimes visits to the ice are interdepartmental. we are for cars on the ice. we fine , the traffic police, the fishery inspectorate, the administration also help us, but for us it ’s mostly saturdays and sundays in the bays, viktor pavlov knows all the dangerous places on the ice of the bay, he says, fishermen always carefully choose the place to fish, the ice is strong near the shore, unlike the middle of the river, it’s dangerous to walk there and now without an ice pick , there’s a current there, there’s a gyre so cool, there ’s... and approach, and there’s a current, the place where the ice meets open water is considered the most dangerous, for example, in this place it is clear that its thickness does not exceed 5 cm, according to the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, such ice is unlikely to be able to support a person. a dangerous situation is developing in listvyanka, off the coast of lake baikal,
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the ice thickness is 10-20 cm, while 15 full houses have been posted along the entire embankment of the village for... going out on the ice, this year we are seeing such a situation that lake baikal has already frozen several times, then there is our water area, which is the llestyansky municipal formation, it was completely covered with ice, the next day this ice was carried away, that is, then it was brought back again by the wind, but nevertheless people, as if not knowing the whole situation, yes, that is happening here with the ice, they continue to go out onto the ice, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations accompanied the vacationers to the shore, where they handed out leaflets and also told about the dangers of the first baikal ice, according to rescuers , it will be safe to go out... from baikal only at the end of january, beginning of february. by the way, from this year those who ignore the relevant ban will be fined. amendment to the irkutsk law regions also provide fines for pedestrians testing their first flight of strength. pavel marchukov, evgeny shakhov, andrey popov, lead irkutsk. children from the belgorod region have arrived in kaluga, where they will spend the new year holidays, which have been extended for schoolchildren. the guys will have
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an interesting program and rest, so they can at least forget about the shelling a little. in the belgorod region, they left home from the kaluga station, a special purpose train arrives, in six carriages the young residents spent the day before, spent a day on the road and now exit on an unfamiliar but hospitable platform. we studied, i listened to music, we played, talked, we rested on the road and looked out the window. we talked with the accompanying people about what we will do when we arrive. the children are met by emergencies ministry employees, doctors and volunteers. they help unload things, distribute into groups and get to the buses. from the very first minutes, volunteers try to make friends with guests, establish contact and introduce them to the city. kaluga became one of four regions where schoolchildren from belgorod region. 243 children aged 7 to 11 years arrived in our region. with them are 24 accompanying teachers. the group turned out to be
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diverse. it was collected not from specific educational institutions, but in general from all schools in the city. at the request of the parents, the situation is such that they extended our holidays, and for parents to go to work, and shelling every day, it’s scary to leave the children alone. those who left home will not miss the curriculum and will not lag behind their classmates, although they will try to give them knowledge during their stay in guests, but it will still be a format of additional education. conditions will be created so that they not only relax in the camps, but also receive an extensive cultural and entertainment program. it is planned to hold competitions, they will visit theaters, and place children in two year-round health camps. before guests arrived, the base underwent additional checks and received approval. belgorod teenagers are expected to spend the next 3 weeks here. let me add that this is not the first experience of interaction in similar sphere in the kaluga and belgorod regions. last summer, children from
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the shelled city of shibekin also spent their summer holidays in our region in kaluzhsk. country camps. konstantin sovelyev, alexey semenov, host kaluga. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. all astrologers in the world call 2024 the year of destiny. these january days, while the holy week is ongoing, are considered prophetic. in our studio is the famous russian ostrologist tatyana borsch. she will tell you what awaits us in this spring year. the date of death is recorded at the moment of birth. the end of the world for humanity will come, but you must survive, live broadcast. today at 16:30 we started
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, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, right. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, good morning , greetings from us to you, elena nikolaeva and andrei petrov, you know what you want to say, he’s ready to come to us in the coming year, he has prepared something for us that he trains? well, we’re slowly taking a look at the new products of the twenty-fourth, for starters, a flying umbrella, how do you like it, it can protect from both the sun and the rain, and at the same time will leave your hands
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completely free, creating the prototype took countless hours, they didn’t count, the first sketches were drawn by hand on paper, and the parts were printed on a 3d printer, but the umbrella didn’t want to be above the owner, so he decided to grab it somewhere... it was simply attached to a hoop above the head, a chinese one like this cost 100 rubles, it protected wonderfully from the water, my head is dry, everything else, in my hands there are children, dogs, coffee, but all this is festive talk, when it rains, when there is wind, it’s all some kind of spring-summer, it’s winter here, so it set the mood.
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what can you see in the cold, it will even snow, excuse me, on the shores of the black sea, these are the grimaces of 2024, i’ll go tell you. southern russia is now in the grip of a powerful arctic invasion, so the rain will turn to snow, but the bad weather here will be short-lived and significant precipitation is unlikely on saturday into sunday. the prevailing daytime temperature in crimea in the kuban ranges from -3 to +2°, in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to -8:13. on the middle volga, small snow charges are also possible only on friday; on saturday-sunday precipitation is unlikely, but... the regime here is more frosty, at midday -15-20. in the north-west of russia, thanks to the anticyclone, sunny and frosty weather, daytime temperatures
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range from -12-17°, only on sunday, under the influence of the atlantic cyclone in the west , the clouds will thicken, snowfall will begin, and here the thermometer readings will increase by on average by 4-6°. in central russia there is also a background atmospheric pressure. -15, but on sunday in the far west of the region the influence of the cyclone will also be felt: it will snow and become 4-6° warmer. in the urals today, under the influence of the cyclone, it is cloudy, at times the snow is relatively warm, in the daytime -7-12°. sunday, with the departure of the cyclone, there will be fewer clouds, snowfalls will become local and short- term, and thermometer readings will no longer exceed -13-18°.
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it will be frosty in the south of siberia on friday, but on saturday and sunday under the influence of the cyclone there will be snow and temperatures will begin to rise. by sunday in the upper reaches of the ob and yenisei it will reach -3-2°. it dominates in the southern part of the far east. an anticyclone that maintains calm, sunny weather. the daytime temperature on the banks of the amor is -18.23°, in the south of the seaside it is down to -8:13. the exception will be on sunday, it will snow and quite significant warming will begin. vladim, thank you very much in previous years, if you remember, you usually told us that these frosts, a little early, they count towards epiphany, do you think, and will it be the same this year? that it will most likely not be due to epiphany , because we are finally restoring the west-east transfer next week it will be more normal with
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a smoother flow. then atmospheric processes, these crazy waves of heat and cold, most likely there will be no more normal, good word, thank you, thank you very much, vadim, forecast from the leading specialist of the fobus weather center vadim zavodchenko, for the weekend, all the warm, warm, you i liked it right away, not every man will be like that furiously, it’s like before prison, sklifosovsky? today at 21:20, and soon we will be watching new episodes, an urgent meeting with the best team, the ideal space salad for those in orbit, and not on a diet, oddly enough, australian scientists came up with them, they are ready to share the recipe, they compiled it using a mathematical method linear programming so that the human body in weightlessness receives the necessary
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nutrients... the conditions are not the most resort-like, and therefore at the polar stations in the russian arctic there are not enough winterers who can become daria tevunova will tell you how much you can earn as a polar explorer. there is a prospect of working in the far north in the arctic, at polar weather stations. northern arctic university student kirill trifonov plans to become a hydrometeorologist after graduation and go beyond the arctic circle. you will have to work in harsh conditions, but there are a lot of advantages. you can gain not only
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colossal experience. in addition to a good salary , you can count on full government support when you are at a weather station, that is, for example, you live there for six months and you don’t need spend these six months on your maintenance. indeed, specialists who work in the arctic circle are provided with a full social package, which is provided for by labor legislation when working in the far north. if a person, for example, comes from another region, then this is payment for travel to the place of work. here is the payment for lifting fees, this, if it is a hard-to-reach station, then we provide him with accommodation, food and special clothing, as for salaries, the more professions a polar explorer combines, therefore, his income will be higher, for example, if a young specialist with no experience receives about 30,000 rubles, then the salary of an experienced winter worker can reach 200,000 rubles. priority is given to those with a basic education , which means ours, or... a meteorologist or
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a hydrologist, an oceanologist, an aerologist, that means, but such ordinary specialties as mechanics are also considered, which means those who have several specialties are very welcome, for example , an ion technician-meteorologist, perhaps, and a mechanic at the same time. you have to combine positions not only in order to earn more, there are simply not enough winterers at polar stations, because in order to become one, knowledge alone is not enough, candidates for winterers must have high responsibility and heroic abilities.
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form of these substances, every morning i start with all the porridge, for me this is already a tradition, my mother taught me this, explains muscovite ekaterina revina, because oatmeal is rich in vitamins and microelements, and most importantly, it is good for the intestines. what i personally experience is good metabolism and a feeling of being full until lunch. complex carbohydrates give you a feeling of satiety, but in recent years the reputation of porridges has been questioned by many nutritionists because they are pure calories and nothing more, but new
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scientific data compel it. watch this erroneous opinion: in cereals, scientists have discovered a large amount of polyphenols, organic compounds that are synthesized in plants and algae that protect them from ultraviolet radiation from viruses. and thereby neutralize the negative impact. in total, scientists count 8,000 polyphenols, 500 of them are food grade, those that reach us. they are conventionally divided into four groups: flavonoids, phenolic acids, lingans and stilbenes. it may not be worth remembering their names, but figuring out where they are located
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will be useful. if fruits and vegetables contain acids, then they definitely contain phenolic acids. these are all types of citrus fruits. red and purple fruits and vegetables from peppers to grapes contain anthacyanin flavonoids. seasonal berries are especially rich in them. cranberries, black currants, phenolic acids and tannins are found in tea and coffee, these same grains are rich in lingans, well, this division is conditional, after all, one product usually contains several types of polyphenols, which is a plus. if you eat the same notorious 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day, then, in principle, from this amount of fruits and vegetables you can get the required amount of polyphenols. but there is still one caveat: they are all absorbed differently; the easiest way to get them is from berries. from grains and vegetables, it is important to know which products can be combined and which cannot, the same tea, in it tannin cannot be drunk with milk because of the protein, and are not digestible worse, but vegetables and protein combine perfectly, coffee with milk , for example, is well digested, we need a combination
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like this - always figure out so that we taste it well, something something, something rich phenols, colored, when regularly entering our body , polyphenols not only act as antioxidants. they can relieve chronic inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, speed up metabolism, and even improve cognitive abilities. and then, the miracle fabric. after treatment with iodine, boron, malibdenum, she wonderful properties appeared, details after a few, i don’t know anything at all. you're still alive. all astrologers in the world call 2024 the year of destiny. these january days, while the holy week is ongoing, are considered prophetic. in our studio , the famous russian astrologer tatyana borshch will tell you what awaits us in this lean year. tatya's estimates were recorded at the time of birth. the end of the world for humanity will come, but you must survive, live broadcast. today on rtr.
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i'm 40 years old and a lonely loser. nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new little guy, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily. admit that you just don’t like him, or, on the contrary , you like him, i have no time for romances now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, and this is
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alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room with... today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams
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become reality. how, look. let me into your home. big changes. each sunday on rtr. we watch to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, we watch in the app or on the website so that we can live like this, russians named the new year's movie interiors in which they would like to be during the holidays, every fourth respondent considers the mansion from the comedy home alone to be their dream , well, it really is.
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someone has already, of course, become imbued with the interiors of new year's novelties, holob-2, mremensky musicians, these films, by the way , have collected more than 2 billion rubles at the box office. already ahead no less exciting projects created with the support of our tv channel. let's talk about the most high-profile premieres of the year. filmmakers are reading the audience's demand for family films that fill them with optimism and help them believe in their own strengths. this year, stories about growing up, friendship and unconditional love will be released. you will succeed! on february 14,
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valentine's day, the most romantic drama of this winter awaits us, ice three. the film will show how the life of the talented figure skater nadya and her father, played by alexander, turned out. petrov. the struggle of characters on ice in everyday life, the path to a dream, the relationship between parents and children. the authors of the film preserved the atmosphere of the previous parts, while creating an original family movie. shows how to make sure that we don’t lose her under any circumstances, but on the other hand, let her go, on the third hand, and to be the closest person and friend, in easy language we talk to the audience within the framework of a musical, a comedy and a melodrama , and dramas, another ideal movie story for family viewing, 100 years ago, blockbuster, created based on the work of kir baluchev, will appear on the big screens on april 18 and will reveal to the audience the beautiful far away,
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very nice, i am kolya, we will fix everything, save the path of the sun and 13 galaxies. the meeting of a carefree teenager from modern moscow and guests from the future alisa selezneva will be the beginning of incredible intergalactic adventures. this is a story about high school students, about young guys who are on the threshold of a new life, they are adults, and they must begin to accept responsibility for their actions. in our stories this. another exaggeration, they accept responsibility not only for their actions , but for the entire universe, let's call it that, that is , it is an adventure, a great story, another reason to wait for this movie - brilliant acting, professor seleznev was played by konstantin khabensky, with harsh space pirates became yuri borisov and alexander petrov, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and a star cast, incredible adventures and faith in miracles, that’s what unites all these multi-genre stories. future premieres have every chance
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to conquer the box office and win the love of the audience, then we went, we went faster, even faster, faster, and we’re almost not touching the ground, on the contrary, we should take care of the horse, hold on, we’ll stop, we’ll get stuck in a traffic jam, and the traffic jams the road is sheer stress, we’ll talk about it with an expert in a few minutes. overtook europe and became the first economy under western sanctions. vladimir putin at a meeting with businessmen in khabarovsk. the international court of justice in the hague is preparing a decision on the search for legal vs. israel. the republic accused the jewish state of genocide. warm welcome after the shelling , temporary accommodation centers were opened in the belgorod region. it’s a new day on
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the russia channel, they begin to broadcast the main news in the studio karina ilyina, hello! the russian economy, despite unprecedented western sanctions, has become the first in europe, and gdp growth by the end of the year may exceed 4%. vladimir putin spoke in khabarovsk at meetings with businessmen about how our country resists external pressure. like we were born all sides are being strangled, put under pressure, and we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we have overtaken germany and took fifth place. in the world: china, usa, india, japan, russia. number one in europe. long distances and a harsh climate are also an additional burden on the housing and communal services of far eastern cities. the president said that funding for housing and communal services will only increase.
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already next year, 150 billion rubles have been allocated for this. the region also lacks high-speed railways, modern border crossings and bridges. we are working on your instructions , the minimum wage was raised from january 1 by 18.5% for all budget employees according to the may decrees in accordance with the average growth in the economy, for the remaining categories, the so-called non-officials, we
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have found additional funds and today a decree was signed me about a 10% increase from january 1 of this year. people's artist of the ussr yuri solomin passed away at the eighty-ninth year of his life, only recently the actor was discharged from the hospital, where he was admitted with a mini-stroke in early november, one of the most famous and beloved actors in the country passed away in a dream, his excellency’s adjutant, the bat, tas is authorized to declare an ordinary miracle to yuri mehodievich’s account of more than 60 brilliance.
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urgently, this was stated in the court . previously, pritoria filed a lawsuit against the jewish state, accusing it of genocide against the palestinian people in the gaza strip. pierre demands a cessation of hostilities in the enclave and payment of reparations for the damage caused. israeli authorities said they categorically reject accusations. during the hearings in gaga , protests took place outside the building. moscow was covered by a black snowstorm, and the day suddenly became dark. a snowstorm swept through the streets, visibility on the roads dropped to almost zero, the cyclone brought a warm atmospheric front , which, however, has already been replaced by a sharp cold snap; in the next few days, night temperatures will drop to -25, similar footage of bad weather is shared by residents of yamal, from -due to stormy winds and a strong snowstorm, it was necessary
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to block traffic on the roads, several flights were canceled in rortu salihard , planes were sent to other regions, in tomsk a squally wind... knocked down trees, traffic lights and advertising brushes, in sochi gusts knocked down people who went to rest in the mountains, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in voronezh, with 4,500 cubic meters of snow have already been removed from the streets , temporary accommodation centers have been opened in the belgorod region, they have received residents of border areas who, due to shelling, decided to temporarily leave their homes, mainly mothers with children and grandmothers with grandchildren, with some svetlana matushkina met them. most of the guests from belgorod came to the gukinsky temporary detention center for christmas after the third shelling of the regional center. lyudmila and her little daughters were persuaded by her husband to leave, but he himself remained in belgorod. i’m scared, of course, for the children; we constantly take them to the bath every night. we arrived, were greeted here, accommodated,
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fed, offered all services and entertainment. galina mikhailovna was persuaded by her son to change her place of residence for a while. her apartment is in the center of belgorod. the glass flew into ours. they flew in the house, i was completely in a panic, my head went straight into spasm , we were met here, if you only knew, tears flowed, such people are good, pensioners are offered to undergo rehabilitation at the gubkino medical center, students continue their studies in schools, enroll in party sections if mothers decide to stay in city, they are ready to employ them, and place the kids in kindergartens, and this is one of the staroskol temporary accommodation centers, small but cozy.
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in the khabarovsk territory, on behalf of vladimir putin, lists of families of isvo fighters are being compiled, whose houses need gasification. according to the residents themselves, the connection would greatly simplify life in a private house, since the costs of firewood and electricity are considerable. anna leonova found out how the work is progressing. now all the worries are on their fragile women’s shoulders. irina anfinogenova and her daughter are waiting for their father and husband from the front line, they say
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that gas would greatly simplify life in a private home. it turns out there is already gas on the next street, people connect there, they let us down, they didn’t bring us into the block at all. i applied at the beginning of this year, they promise connect, we heat with a boiler, that is, completely from electricity. naturally, such expenses hit hard. in winter, your pocket has to pay at least 10,000 rubles just for electricity. those who purchase firewood list even more. gas would save everyone a lot of money. according to the decision of russian president vladimir putin, gas is delivered to the house free of charge; the connection itself costs a considerable sum. in the khavarovsky region from about 200,000 rubles. but, according to the governor’s decree, combat veterans and their families can count on compensation. moreover, the first families of the participants. fsvo is already actively connecting blue fuel , having collected all the documents, they are returning the costs. look, we launched the gas system, you can
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use gas. now a list of those in need is being promptly compiled, but there are obstacles, for example, as in the case of irina anfinogenova. the pipe stopped literally a street away from her. they work in administrations with those who already have a supply in front of their house, but so far people have not decided on their own. those settlements in which the streets are already gasified, and there is a supply. families here are the participants of the svo, then of course, we just need to move them now to conclude an agreement. applications for gas to the administration come from the regional fund of defenders of the fatherland from military support centers; according to the regional ministry of energy, in 2023, gas was connected to 900 consumers, many of them took advantage of the governor’s benefit. anna lenova, konstantin kruzikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform.
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live broadcast today at 16:30. good morning, good morning, you are greeted today elena nikolaeva, andrey petrov, you immediately hit me like bam, january 12 is on the calendar, what’s it like? scared me. well, in general, the new year holidays, we blinked a couple of times, half of winter is already behind us. left, that's the point, yes, look carefully at the calendar, this can only happen now, during the endless new year holidays.


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