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tv   Skazhi pravdu  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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several flights were canceled at the port of salihard, and planes were sent to other regions. there was a squally wind in tomsk, knocking down trees, traffic lights and advertising bills. and in sochi, gusts knocked down people who had gone to rest in the mountains. the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in voronezh. 4,500 cubic meters of snow have already been removed from the streets. temporary accommodation centers have been opened in the belgorod region. they received residents of the border areas, who, due to the shelling, decided to...
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temporarily change their place of residence , her son persuaded her apartment in the center of belgorod, glass they took off in our house, they flew , i was in such a panic, my head went straight into spasm, we were met here, if you only knew, tears were flowing, such people are good, pensioners are offered to undergo rehabilitation at the gubkino medical center, students continue study in schools, sign up for sports clubs, if mothers decide to stay in the city, they are ready to employ them, and identify the kids. children's temporary accommodation, small but cozy, gardens, and this is one of the staroskol points located in a pine tract at a recreation center, today there are 24 belgorod residents here, half of whom are children, you can pass the time in the game library, additional education teachers come from the local recreation center and work with the children, valeria nikolaevna came here with her grandson , was shot twice, ended up with one son, then with her eldest son , asked me to take
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my little grandson away, there are smiles on the children’s faces, they feel good and happy here, which means that mothers and grandmothers also did not stop being sad. svetlana matushkina, denis podzolkov, host belgorod. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in khabarovsk region. on behalf of vladimir putin, they are compiling lists of families of iswo fighters whose houses need gasification. according to the residents themselves, the connection would greatly simplify life in a private house, since the costs of firewood and electricity are considerable. anna leonova found out how the work is progressing. now all the worries are on their fragile female shoulders. irina anfinogenova and her daughter are waiting for their father and husband from the front line. they say that gas would greatly simplify life in a private home. here's the gas. the neighboring streets
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already exist, people are connecting there, they brought it to our block and didn’t turn it on at all, i submitted an application at the beginning of this year, they promised to connect it, we are heated by a boiler, that is , completely from electricity. naturally, such expenses hit your pocket hard; in winter you have to pay at least 10 thousand rubles just for electricity. those who purchase firewood list even more. gas would save everyone a lot of money.
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are being decided. those settlements in which the street is already gasified, and there is a supply, and there is a supply in front of the house, but while the people themselves are not families of svo participants, then of course, we just need to move them now to conclude an agreement. applications for gas to the administration come from the regional fund. defenders of the fatherland from military support centers. according to the regional ministry of energy, in 2023 , 900 consumers were able to connect to gas, many of them took advantage of the governor’s benefit. anna lenova, konstantin kruzikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website the news is following developments. all astrologers in the world call the coming year 2024 year of destiny. the days during the holy
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week are considered prophetic. in our studio is the famous russian ostrologist tatyana borsch. she will tell you what awaits us in this spring year. the date of death is recorded. at the moment of birth, the end of the world of humanity will come, but you must survive, live broadcast, today at 16:30, good morning, good morning, i greet you, today elena nikolaev, andrey petrov, you immediately see you , bam january 12 on the calendar, what is it like? look carefully at the calendar, this can only happen now during endless new year holidays, this is a video about a driver who is tired of the old steering wheel just like the departed 2023, instead of the usual
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control element he installs monitors, gadgets, fruits, vegetables and even a burning frying pan, unfinished experiments for those who want... life it won’t work out that way, every chase has its own end, alas, few people realize this, a squid, it’s just not there, terrible footage on sakhalin, a drunken reckless driver, escaping a police chase, caused a massive accident, losing control, a foreign car flew into a big road, hitting a couple more cars. as a result, the driver of the truck died,
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the culprit of the accident, along with two victims in intensive care; in the saratov region , inspectors even had to open fire to stop the driver; for half an hour, a resident of balakovo tried to evade prosecution. i had to pick up speed in order to keep up with him, he violated in every possible way while driving, it was possible to catch up with the violator only on the highway, the man turned out to be drunk, but gave up voluntarily, but before that he managed to fly into one of the cars on on the side of the road, its owner alexander miraculously survived, he was about to get out of the parked car when he felt a strong blow, the left front door, the left front fender, the bumper, well , inside there, where everything is attached, it cost 70,000, well, the repairs, paradoxically, but the defendant this accident with a chase and shooting will get off, not counting a civil lawsuit, most likely with deprivation of rights for up to two years and a small fine. now according to the law, the amount is from two to 4.00 rubles. in rare cases, when drivers are particularly violent behind the wheel, they can be jailed for 15 days. punishment, for example, from 3 to 7 years if there is serious harm to health, from
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five to 12 if one person is killed, and from eight to 15 if there are two or more. and this is the maximum that the court can order. those drivers who are detained during the arrest will also face a criminal sentence. decided to resist the police, however, this still needs to be proven to the prosecutor: no one has canceled the presumption of innocence, this is what irresponsible comrades take advantage of when they get behind the wheel. we say, a person, for example, who is without a license, deprived of it for drinking alcohol, got behind the wheel, violated again, and maybe even he is still in an inadequate state. perhaps parliamentarians should really think about tightening the legislation, because the statistics are inexhaustible: in the country this year more than 2 people died in road accidents, another 10,000 were injured and the lion's share of all accidents were caused by drunk drivers driving, if we are talking about world experience, let's see, there are countries where this is even tougher, for example, there can be a prison term of up to 3 years, for example, and arrest if a person ran away from the scene of the incident, plus very, very large fines. the relevant committee of the state duma
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has been hatching plans for a possible reform of legislation in this area for several years , but there is no single project yet; perhaps at the spring session, deputies, together with the ministry of transport and experts, will be able to come to a consensus on... depression, this is the conclusion they came to researchers from south korea. they surveyed more than 2,000 people and found that those who commute to work longer than an hour, but 16% are more likely to experience symptoms of depression than those whose commute takes less than 30 minutes. experts attribute this to the fact that spending a long time in traffic jams leaves little.
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stuck in traffic jams for a long time? why are we nervous? we are nervous not because we are in a traffic jam, but because we do not have time, for example, on time, something is not going as we planned. some other time, say, in summer or winter, well, somehow this is a matter of distributing
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flows, as they say, does it even make sense? you know, of course, it makes sense when when we understand that we will come, for example, to a time number specialist and let’s not waste time in line, this is the same analogy, the same thing only with roads, great, but this is a rather complex mechanism to regulate, and here the question again comes back to the personality of each person. about how we plan our time, and if you look in your diaries or in the diaries of your friends, acquaintances, you will see one very interesting, interesting fact, one interesting thing, that people do not plan travel time, they plan tasks, yes, they plan tasks, but in terms of tasks can be so densely written down that we get stress from the very fact that we have loaded ourselves... with so many tasks that in these tasks there is no air among them,
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what can we say to those people, after all, 40-50 percent, after all, they are nervous and freaking out, that’s how they can complete this switching process, because everything we tell is great, but how to apply it, but start singing on the road, just sing, scream songs, don’t let it happen to you voices, let me collect from you, why are you such a task, why are you, yes, i just i think there’s some kind of proposal, but why sing now? i’ll explain, often on the road, why we have such a negative background, we are in an internal dialogue, this internal dialogue, as a rule, is about some pressing, global problems, i know this story, girls were forced to sing when they picked berries in ancient times so that they don’t eat, so you sing and don’t think, yes, a person cannot sing and think at the same time, because it is important for him to hit the road, we drove well. remember the words, hear himself, and at this moment he does not think,
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in fact, this journey to work or home from work can become such a relaxation for you, but if you are someone who does not enjoy it, cannot and does not even want to consider it, then just realize that this gives you a certain resource, then there is at this moment when a person is angry, when he yells at neighboring drivers, he kind of throws out his anger.
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live life on the light, live broadcast with one rehearsal, and only i, a schoolgirl, rehearsed, i’m still all in my soul, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s holiday show, tomorrow at 17:50, let's go with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. russian chemists are not wasting time; they are developing compounds that can provide useful functions to the simplest clothes. it becomes antimicrobial, repels water, and does not get dirty. and it can even protect the body from extreme heat. cotton, linen, wool - the advantage of natural fabrics over synthetic mass. the main thing is that. they allow the body to breathe, however, at the same time, upon contact with the body, they create an ideal environment
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for the proliferation of microbes. one of the methods novosibirsk scientists proposed solutions to the problem. they treated this fabric with a special composition, which contains a compound of malibdenum and iodine. so-called singlet oxygen is formed on their surface, which literally burns the microbes, turning them into carbon dioxide and water. we tested on four strains of bacteria, the most common from stophylococcus aureus, uh. e. coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella, it kills them very effectively, we looked at two strains of viruses, influenza virus and coronavirus it also kills very effectively, and the active substance also... destroys fungi, all this happens instantly, so this fabric will make excellent medical masks and clothing for doctors. the only condition: it must be exposed to light, otherwise active oxygen will not be formed. another defense option was proposed by misis specialists. it is based on boron particles, upon contact with which almost all pathogens also die. this actually happens more slowly during the day, but
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the product works in the dark. now in this installation, nanoparticles combine with organic matter. which binds well to them and to fabric fibers. we use special modifications of nanoparticles so that they are tightly attached to the fabric well and do not wash off during use. we have shown that our nanoparticles on fabrics are quite stable and can withstand 40 washes in a washing machine. but the most interesting thing is that fighting microbes is not all that these nanoparticles are capable of; they also protect clothes from fading. how do they reflect a solid part of the solar spectrum, including ultraviolet, can even withstand high temperatures for some time, making it more difficult to set fire to the fabric. materials treated with particles can be used for firefighters, the second point is that they give the materials hydrophopicity, thus, and the water that gets on these materials, it simply slides down, without leading to the fabric getting wet, and
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when flowing down, the liquid carries away the pollution and comes out things made from such material acquire the ability to self-clean, then official rental covers up theft, about the illegal felling of valuable wood, we'll talk in detail in a few minutes, i want to go to college, what kind of college, philfa, oh, my god , throw it away, then i say that you have cheat sheets, i need to go, i really need, you know, two friends, one believes in the fairy tale principle. “i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other one believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, married, no, then let him marry, i don’t want for him, i
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i want to be happy , and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman? an apartment, take me to the seaside, act, great hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr. rtr-planet is more than just television. it’s a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. are you having a corporate party, or what? what are you? you don't know bender well? you don't need a motive for murder using cunning. what was that on the strip? i don't know. exciting series.
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we're putting together an orchestra, we will perform the seventh symphony. stakovich, whoever does not take risks, will good luck is not smiling, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i again i remind you that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, not even...
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what is more difficult to become a good person or to remain? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. live story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. soviet people, current news, political investigations, impartial analytics, live program 60 minutes, news is broadcast, hello, key
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events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth is, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined. only on the rtr planet channel. a book is the best gift, but after a postcard, especially if it is also a painting. confused. the british artist became famous by shedding light on the amazing but dying art of book painting. watching the process of creating these miniatures on the edge, that is , the edge of the book block, turns out to be no less interesting than watching... watching a video with cats, with which hundreds of thousands of internet users agree, the painted books themselves are instantly sold out at prices ranging from 800 rubles to 116, the high cost is explained by the uniqueness
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of the offer, all over the world there is professional painting of books, today, guess how many people are engaged, four people in total for the whole planet , well, in such numbers there will be more, well, what books in general are worth not only taking a good look at, but still reading, our literary expert yegor sirov will tell you. good morning, the author of this book has written more than twenty plays, many have seen a film based on his play forever alive, this film was called the cranes are flying, viktor rozov, forever alive, there are eight plays in this book, let me remind you that, despite the fact that he had a white ticket, he was exempt from service in army, viktor rozov volunteered to go to the front in 1941. well, then he returned and began writing, his first play was called “her friends”, now it will seem strange, but this play was going to be banned,
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you won’t believe why, for sentimentality. priceless book, through our ears we only receive 10% of information, on the one hand, seems to be only 10, but on the other hand, when we listen, we pay attention to intonation, timbre, and tempo of speech. children learn to speak, repeat , learn new words, here are two very useful books: nina kraus, the brain listens, how a meaningful sound world is created, a very good book by olga sukhova, it’s interesting to listen, why teach a child to listen, more than 150 games aimed at developing hearing and speech, and this is a necessary skill for a person to communicate. very good books. who else has how can children learn from the best? and here are the books in this series. learn from the best. marina babanskaya. go. 50 inspiring stories
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about travelers and discoverers. and the same series learn to improve eureka. 50 inspiring stories about scientists and inventors. it would seem that we already know everything from travel, discovery, learning. well , have you ever heard of '. alexandra viktorovna potanina, i’ve never heard of her either, it turns out that this is the first woman who was accepted as a member of the russian geographical society, very good books, and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, let’s start.
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let's give the sulypka another still excellent good morning. and don’t oversleep the main thing, it’s to lead the morning, we’ll talk about the main thing in russia and abroad in karina elina’s studio. hello. russia, despite the sanctions, has become the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, and gdp according to the results of last year may grow by more than 4%. this is all a statement that...
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and in interaction with the types and branches of the armed forces, connects many things, makes them more effective, and counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, well , there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks, so here it is very important, it is very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead, you and your colleagues are doing this today. last night, eyewitnesses reported powerful explosions in
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kharkov and dnepropetrovsk. it is known that in kharkov there are many enterprises that produce and repair military equipment. in addition, warehouses and deployment points of the enemy military were hit. and this is new data from our ministry of defense. over the last 24 hours in the donetsk and south donetsk directions , the militants collectively lost more than 400 people. at krasnolimansky, helicopters attacked with unguided missiles from as close a distance as possible, leaving no chance for the nationalists. the president of poland again decided to pardon the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy who were sent to prison. the day before, both were arrested right at the residence of andrzej duda on the grounds that their pardon was invalid, since the sentence did not have time to come into force. ex-officials were involved in the case of excess powers when trying to uncover fraud with land plots in 2007, they already answered for this in court back in 2015. after duda ordered to release them from
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liability in december. last year, the court annulled this decision, and the current head of the ministry of internal affairs, an opponent of the polish leader, donald tusk, took advantage of this. by arresting duda’s associates, he wants to earn points for himself in the fight against corruption, and at the same time annoy the president, who bypassed him in the elections. a large-scale protest near the seim building is also working to undermine the duda’s rating. according to some telegram channels, the opposition is taking buses to warsaw extras. it was founded 107 years ago in buryat. it is the first nature reserve in the country. since then, this territory has remained a standard of absolute natural wealth with minimal human impact. ilya koshlyunov will talk about the experiences of those who protect the protected area. step by step, the senior state inspector covers several kilometers on skis every day. its route passes through the protected area of ​​the transbaikal national park. human traces for these places are rare, but the movement of animals is immediately visible in the snow. this was our fox.
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we take into account the afterbirth, we determined yes, yes, of course, recording and monitoring is carried out not only from the ground, but from the air, for example, it is better to observe moose from a distance, because they are called forest giants, their behavior is unpredictable, some individuals reach about 2 m in height, such a giant requires a lot of food, in connection with this, these pornoungulates often migrate to areas where there is more food; you can see nature untouched by humans with your own eyes, organized recreation on the territory of the trans-baikal national park begins from this place; those wishing to visit these places must undergo a mandatory registration procedure, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. eco-tourism is becoming popular: some go ice fishing, others visit hot springs and simply enjoy contemplating the beauty of the fresh air. for lovers of hiking , there are also special routes and observation platforms. it was in buryat that the first russian state reserve
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barguzinsky, which was opened. january 11 , 1917 to protect the sable and its habitat. this event marked the beginning of the formation of a reserve system throughout the country. ilya koshlinov, nikolay mandzhuev, lead buryatia. this is news: we are monitoring developments . in the irkutsk region, in the waters of the angara, emergency situations ministry employees carry out daily work. checks, in some places the ice thickness does not exceed 5 cm and it is unsafe to go out on it; fishermen are most often at risk. on baikal the situation is no less serious, pavel marchukov went on the raid together with the inspectors. with the onset of winter, fishermen sometimes see employees of the ministry of emergency situations more often than they see the fish they catch. gims inspectors conduct preventive raids almost every day. sometimes visits to the ice are interdepartmental. we
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fine cars for going on the ice. the traffic police, the fishery inspectorate, the administration also help us, well, we mostly go on saturdays and sundays in the bays, he knows all the dangerous places on the ice of the bay. victor pavlov, he says, fishermen always carefully choose a place for fishing, near the ice on the banks is strong, unlike in the middle of the river. it’s dangerous to walk there and now without an ice pick, there’s a current there, there’s a whirlpool there, it’s all washed away, it’s moving, it seems like one went fine, the second one is churning and approaching, and there’s a current, the place where the ice meets open water is considered the most dangerous , for example, in this place it is clear that its... thickness does not exceed 5 cm, according to the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, such ice is unlikely to be able to support a person. a dangerous situation is developing in the listvyanka; off the coast of lake baikal the ice thickness is 10-20 cm, while throughout 15 notices were posted along the village embankment
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prohibiting going out on the ice. this year we are observing such a situation that lake baikal has already frozen several times, that is, our water area, which is near the lestiyansky municipality, was completely covered with ice, the next day this ice was carried away, that is, then again it was blown away by the wind, here, but nevertheless, people, as if not knowing the whole situation, yes, that is happening here with the ice, they continue to go out on the ice, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations accompanied the vacationers to the shore, where they rescued leaflets, and they also told us why the first baikal ice was dangerous. according to rescuers , it will be safe to go to lake baikal only at the end of january, beginning of february. by the way, from this year those who ignore the relevant ban will be fined. amendments to the law of the irkutsk region provide for fines for pedestrians testing the strength of the first ice. shakhov, andrey popov, lead irkutsk. children from the belgorod region have arrived in kaluga, where they will spend the new year holidays, which have been extended for schoolchildren. the guys are waiting an interesting program and relaxation, so they can at least forget about the shelling a little. the guests
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were met at the station by konstantin sovelyev. a special train arrives at kaluzhsky station . in six carriages there are young residents of the belgorod region. they left home the day before. we spent 24 hours on the road and are now leaving. on an unfamiliar but hospitable pyron. we studied, i listened to music, we played, talked, we rested from the road and looked out the window. we talked with the accompanying people, that is, what we will do when we arrive; the children are met at the carriages emergencies ministry employees, doctors and volunteers, they help unload things, distribute into groups and get to the buses. from the very first minutes, volunteers try to make friends with guests, establish contact and introduce them to the city. kaluga has become.
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they will not miss the program and will not lag behind their classmates, although they will try to give them knowledge during their stay, but this will still be a format of additional education. conditions will be created so that they not only relax in the camps, but also receive an extensive cultural program, entertainment, it is planned to hold competitions, they will visit theaters, place children in two year-round health camps, additional checks have been completed and approved before the arrival of guests of the base, it is expected that... city teenagers will spend the next 3 weeks here. let me add that this is not the first experience of interaction in a similar area between the kaluga and belgorod regions. last summer, children from the city of shibekin, damaged by shelling , also spent their summer holidays in our region in kaluga
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country camps. konstantin sovelyev, alexey semenov, host kaluga. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. all astrologers in the world call 2024 the year of destiny. these january days, while the holy week is ongoing, are considered prophetic. in our studio is the famous russian ostrologist tatyana borsch. she will tell you what awaits us in this spring year. the date of death is recorded at the moment of birth. the end of the world for humanity will come. well, you have to live. live broadcast today. at 16:30 we started
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, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, elena nikolaeva, andrey petrov greets you today, on the calendar for some january, at the present time this is essentially not important, well, transition weeks are always a good idea, there is an opportunity to restore the regime, begin to improve yourself, well if you have wished for such a thing, well, that there is no limit to perfection, you already know that, of course, you will find out and about the environment the same thing, how do you like the height of the wind generator? 150 and also made of wood
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, this one was built in sweden, it provides electricity to 400 private houses, the tower, turbines were glued together from many layers of plywood, it turned out stronger and lighter than steel, but the main advantage is that after this this wood can still be used, especially in construction, a hint for beavers will be useful, but as they say, the forest is being cut down, chips are flying, it has already been established that a third of illegal logging occurs on official forest leaseholders, how to stop them, sergei egorov found out, here you see, this is... a centuries-old forest, but in reality it is not there, and first of all, it is not in the documents ; in order to cut down ninety-year-old pines, it is enough to turn them into bush thickets on paper, this is exactly the fate that now awaits the bois de boulogne in the moscow region, this forest, it is located on an area of ​​10 hectares, has been protected all its life, but from the end of the twenty -first year, from the end of the twenty-first year , it was abruptly transferred under the crt, under the integrated development of the territories, and they decided to, so to speak, clear it. build low-rise buildings here, although more often
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entrepreneurs prefer not to waste time at all on obtaining a logging permit, much less on lengthy environmental assessments; for individual land users , it is enough for the forest to simply be located next to the leased or purchased plot. an entrepreneur whose land turned out to be privately owned began cutting down trees and partially entered the territory of the state forest fund. in accordance with the law, an entrepreneur who has carried out such illegal logging is obliged to restore the lost forest, but this process, as as a rule, it takes... years, and sometimes decades, during which the nature in the area of ​​deforestation can undergo irreversible changes. after cutting down trees, living conditions change dramatically, so many species of animals and insects disappear, and the vegetation cover changes, it becomes harsher, less pleasant, and even the climate changes because of this. a similar scenario now threatens the sochi nature reserve, where the developer who leased the land cut down 9 hectares of the national park, including caucasian fir. damage is not only determined
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the number of trees cut down. this activity is carried out in the valley of the mzymto river. mzymto is our strategic supply of drinking water, and deforestation in river valleys always leads to less water. in the coming years, to detect such offenses, it is planned to increase satellite monitoring, which is now actively used to detect hands. in order not to wait for the moment when the felling becomes noticeable even from space, experts suggest strengthening ground control today. one of the mechanisms which can be used is a mechanism of social control. we have an institute of public environmental inspectors . and according to rosleskhoz, public foresters... there are already about 4.00 people as inspectors, this institute needs
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to be used, because who else but people, yes, are interested in preserving forests, in addition , a decision has already been made to tighten supervision over the turnover of timber transportation, from 2025, all logging equipment in the country will be equipped with glanas sensors connected to the monitoring system rosleskhoz. one of the key goals of the national project housing and urban environment is to improve the quality of the urban environment. annual scale. the update affects about 3,000 municipalities, new parks, squares, children 's sports grounds - this is only the beginning of the list of all the transformations, but the best part is that residents have the opportunity to choose for themselves which public space is worthy of support, so all objects included in the improvement plan automatically become publicly available loved ones. polina, come quickly come here, you will be there. cinderella, six-year-old polina cinderella, and
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her sister angelina snow white, no limits to fantasies on the new playground, but in my childhood there was, of course, the old city garden, it became very colorful, this was not the case in our childhood, there were benches, but not like that colorful, in general, benches, they are also cozy benches, dear to the hearts of the raskazov old-timers have not gone away, but after renovation as part of the implementation of the national project housing and urban environment, more sports complexes, pedestrian routes, playgrounds for young townspeople of all ages, and most importantly , a cultural and recreational center with clubs and interest groups, in the summer it will be a popular vacation spot, but in the winter, cancel this... also the main city residence of santa claus. hello guys. hello my dear. this is exactly the kind of public space for leisure and recreation that the townspeople have dreamed of. and the best part is that we were able to help make our dreams come true. under the auspices of the national project housing and urban environment , an all-russian vote is being held for new
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improvement objects. in simple words, people themselves choose where it is better to direct considerable government support. yes, in fact , thanks to the vote, we have... we have such a wonderful park, voting for this particular territory, it is very important for us as a married couple that we have such a wonderful place in our city where you can come with your family, with children , to relax, it turned out that it was important for the residents of obninsk to get a new place where citywide holidays can be held on a grand scale in beauty, and , by the way, they voted for this in an unusually friendly manner, this the site immediately became a leader, because it had been awaited for a long time, despite even today the severe frosts in the city. here , many obnenians are counting on the continuation of frosty weather as part of the reconstruction, and according to the popularly supported project , a large open ice rink has appeared on the new site . excellent weather, the family came for a ride, a child is learning to skate, so everything is great, there was a field, one oak tree only tv series, and then
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perestroika began, perestroika, reconstruction and renewal as part of the national project residents were pleased with housing and the urban environment last year. 87 regions of the country , a total of 26,884 objects were improved in 2023, since 2019, over the entire period of implementation of the national project , over 64,000 public areas, of which more than 27,000 are parks and 3,600 courtyard spaces, 555 of them are winners of the all-russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment. more than 14 million people took part in voting for them. by the way, very soon i will be indifferent. i will be able to begin the next stage of selection of improvement objects in 2024 year. i'm spinning, spinning, in a global sense, you definitely need to be ready for the culmination of the magic of these days. the production calendar, of course, does not show this, but
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the folk calendar speaks of the most mystical time of the year. customs, divination, all kinds of rituals. from christmas to christmas eve appeared long before the adoption of christianity and have survived to this day, it must be said whether this really works, our colleague svetlana abramova asked doctor of cultural studies andrei zberovsky. andrey, good morning, good morning, well, this is what science says about these mystical rituals, fortune telling, all kinds of customs, because it appeared so long ago. why is this so interesting today, people? why do they believe, why do they willingly make wishes , perform some rituals and customs, because we already have the whole century, the 21st century of science, strange as it may seem, our modern digital age is due to such very rapid development, due to very unusual turns events there, economic, political, scientific there, leads to the fact that we feel
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very unstable, we don’t really know what will happen further, yes, therefore, oddly enough, a civilized person has a request for these fortune-telling, for doubts, what? it continues to grow, well, especially on holidays , there is a feeling that this craving for rituals is activated in the collective unconscious, jung had this holiday archetype, which gave rise to inexplicable expectations, hopes, faith in miracles. it is always better to celebrate the onset of a new year, the onset of a new period of life together, because when you are expecting something new, yes, perhaps unexpected with different twists and turns, it is better to be. not a single one in this in terms of, even the tradition of the same fortune-telling is a reason to get together in large numbers, no matter girls, or if the old one is being told fortune-telling, it is also our collective, unconscious, which increases our self-esteem, increases our confidence in the future and in the new year. psychologists, by the way, also use so-called rituals, for example, a desire map , many people love them, that is, you think that
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this is quite useful, but it is useful in that it helps a person formulate his request to himself, to life . that's why by forming a request, we already receive some hints, some correct answers, because it has long been known that clearly formulating a question is already half the answer; probably, a wish for the new year also works, because when you listen to people, they say: i made a wish according to all the rules, he ate a piece of paper, or rather burned a piece of paper, put it in a glass, drank it all , ran up the stairs there, everything came true, that is, this is precisely due to the fact that he clearly shaped his life for the immediate goal for the coming year, so that’s all it turned out, it wasn’t even just him who formulated it clearly. map - this is a guarantee of success, another situation , let’s say we decided to tell fortunes, we read something bad, it seemed to us that this was
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a burnt piece of paper, it reminded us of something bad, a residue remained, what should we do? you can always get angry that somehow we guessed wrong, yes , that is, the technology is broken, so this result is invalid, you can reassure yourself, and most importantly, when a person suddenly finds out something unfavorable for himself, you can turn on a plan b, that is... you can create some alternative projects, this alternativeness, it always increases , again our capabilities, we know that if it doesn’t work out here, then it will definitely work out here, thank you very much, in the morning studio there was a family psychologist, doctor of cultural studies, andrei sberovsky, you want a detective, i am a brilliant detective , i don’t need help, i can even find a pimple on the elephant’s body. russian musicians, marin, i love you , sklifosovsky, today at 21:20, come on,
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come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, most importantly, further, this winter has already established a lot of records and is preparing another surprise, our weather forecaster will have all the details in a few minutes, grab it from him, and frost, never dare touch me, i understand, you need to let him go, who is the bragin. why don’t you go home, i don’t seem to have a home, and where i live, now i’m very
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spoiled, what happened, let’s go, let’s go, what should we do, what’s skliposovsky, today on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a zaolov or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years, we can pull up as a taster. i like to eat a lot always or lifesaver. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not
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be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr, we watch. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two , three, sign up , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just let's watch a movie, many of you, the first thing i wake up, check on... and i'm certainly no exception.


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