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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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how is this possible against the backdrop of 18 thousand anti-russian sanctions, while the economic recession is still sweeping across the old world, and the chances of germany, once the locomotive of the eu, to get stuck in a recession have noticeably increased, blunda writes today. these are the symptoms now, right now in germany. many branches of industry, the service sector, the influx of new enterprises has decreased, and now the country has also been gripped by a transport crisis, not a collapse, but an apocalypse. the british telegraph writes that the revolt of german farmers and railway workers against scholz brought germany to its knees. transport the system is already on the verge of collapse; truck drivers and doctors promise to join the strike. the protest paralyzed the metro and stopped it.
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a massive demonstration is being prepared in the heart of germany, in the capital, with benefits and subsidies, in berlin. german chancellor scholz, writes spege. today i wanted to meet with the farmers in person, but during my visit to the city of cottbus, where eger olafezno was opening a new railway plant, the farmers themselves came to the chancellor with calls to resign, olaf’s speech was drowned out by tractor horns. as a result, scholz got scared
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his own people and refused to meet with farmers; he probably went to call biden to find out how to further cripple the german economy for the sake of america. in general, of course, it’s a terrible shame.
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in the state of brandenburg, it’s dark, cold, and the drivers’ strike has started, some people just need to get to berlin, but today it will be quite problematic, while we are still able to smile, after a while they, however, are no longer laughing, first the scoreboard showed that the train was delayed and then the flight information completely disappeared from the screen, in the end the train was simply canceled without explanation, confused passengers, delays, railway traffic.
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everyone, not just me. the german economy is also suffering from the drivers' strike, since those who use the company's freight trains are forced to reschedule shipments or stop production, and as the institute of german economics warns, german enterprises will suffer serious losses due to this strike. we estimate losses of €100 million per year. the union is going to supply more tomorrow, and if the drivers' demands are not met. they are threatening to take to the streets again. german farmers are also planning to continue protesting. protests will take place in major cities, and their residents should prepare for stress and traffic jams. tractors and trucks are flocking to the new high-speed train maintenance center in cottbus, where federal chancellor olaf scholz is visiting. scholz has still not come out to protest. the whole center is, of course, more expensive to him than the farmers. scholz never talks about farmers i remembered my speech, how come? as we
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understand, scholz’s previously announced conversation with representatives of farmers is unlikely to take place. a government official told us that scholz has no intention of leaving this workshop to meet the protesters on the street. well, let’s be honest, this is simply pointless, there are tractors driving around outside , farmers have banners that say that the german government is full of criminals, there definitely won’t be any constructive dialogue there, yes, it’s clear that there are a couple of farmers who wanted would share his experiences with the chancellor, but scholz will definitely not go into this crowd just for them. we are on the autobahn and as you can see, we are not alone, this is the busiest autobahn in germany, no,
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the busiest autobahn in europe, and in general you can’t be here, but we are tired of lies, we have people here who occupy. and we all came together to get rid of the politicians who are trying to get rid of us. sweden also maintains anti-russian stability; stockholm is preparing to fight with moscow. swedish minister of civil defense, karl oskar bulin, directly without exchangers, warned citizens that he was leaving. nato is still just on the threshold, there’s no point in wasting time, we must start preparing for war with the russians now, at least on an individual level. what he meant by what is meant by the individual level, minister bulin did not specify. amid talk of joining nato, the head of the lutheran
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church of the scandinavian country, martin madel. everyday he prepares people for disaster. his colleagues are not far behind either. coordinator of attention funeral of the swedish church eva jahanson said that she wants to urge church communities to plan everything in advance, in case of war with russia, to dig half a million graves. and that's not it. in preparation for nuclear armageddon, swedish clerics who have gone crazy wrote a whole list of events and things that should be ready. think about it. grave digging teams. books for registration , usher, collection points for bodies at the cemetery, madmen, however, madeos calls not to panic, we are talking about the worst-case scenario, in general, the case when you thought that joining nato was a wedding, in fact
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the matter of ivan's funeral. residents of sweden warned of the threat of war with russia and urged them not to indulge in illusions about peace. there really could be a war in sweden, said swedish defense minister karl oskar bohlin. he also called on all swedes to ask themselves what each of them would do if fighting broke out. the minister made it clear that it is not too late for war. everyone, without exception , swedish citizens, ordinary employees, entrepreneurs and even senior managers must prepare . all swedes should understand. noted head of the swedish ministry of defense. the minister did not stop there and gave several examples of how this process can be approached. heads of districts must develop plans for the event
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of a cessation of water supply, develop plans for supplying the population with food, heat and electricity. in turn, emergency services should start recruiting new ones now. volunteers, ordinary citizens should now join the ranks of territorial defense units. the threat of war looms over scandinavia, guys, don't you you heard wrong, sweden is really preparing for war with russia, and this despite the fact that the swedes , god knows how many years they remained neutral. if i'm not mistaken, sweden was a neutral country for about two centuries, it turns out that all this was a waste, thanks, of course, to the next expansion of nato. which could lead to a direct military conflict with russia, and putin has repeatedly warned that russia will not allow this. nato, however, never gave up its provocations. does anyone really think that putin is bluffing. putin has made it clear that russia has no intention of letting nato into its backyard
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. and that this runs counter to russian state security interests. this is what putin and almost the entire leadership of the russian federation say. do you think they're bluffing? remember what we did in the case of cuba, we would not allow anyone to settle in our neighboring countries, in mexico, in the same cuba or in canada. there shouldn’t be any missiles in cuba, that’s clear, it’s a violation.
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the country is ready for it, and the church will take care of it dead. the priests have already begun to stock up on additional shovels and scoops. in addition, they stock up on gasoline, electric generators, respirators and synthetic film. now priests are even required to acquire additional water tanks. a second civil war may begin in the united states. in the event that trump becomes president of america again. this is one of the top ten. global risks that await our planet this year, according to the editor-in-chief of the american magazine the time,
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breymer believes that the famous american democracy will undergo the most difficult test in its history, trump’s victory in the elections will provoke a split in society, panic and a bloody conflict, which, frankly, suits us. trump himself today. heroes of the entire european press, propagandists of the old world reacted sharply to behind-the-scenes statements, almost secret statements by trump that the united states will not save the european union if it, the european union, is drawn into an armed conflict, words spoken by the former us president back in 2020, 2020 dovoskiy forum in a private conversation with ursula von durlei, but that’s just it... now the european commissioner for internal market affairs , breton, has decided to reveal the content of private
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conversations, not otherwise, in order to spoil trump’s ratings at the very beginning of the election year. all european publications immediately joined the persecution. look, this is the cover of spectator magazine. trump is tied to a tree, his body pierced by arrows, but donald remains up from the city. the new european writes that the west has only 10 months left to save ukraine, then trump and orban will help putin win. today trump gave democrat promilla jayapal an erection. more precisely, she still made a slip. made a slip of the tongue during a speech in the us house of representatives, said that trump
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provoked an erection, erection, instead of a riot, insurrection, one way or another, but trump caused panic among the entire collective west, said that he considered putin and sizenpin to be very smart people, and reproached biden for the fact that he could not put two words together and offered to take away his soccer ball, which is what they call a nuclear ball in america.
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she said she had information supposedly evidence that joe has a habit of wandering around the white house. naked, besides, the president of the united states is already so bad that he does not control his intestines, and there is also evidence: gyaza emits a little loudly, on one of his business trips, she said, and he completely went under himself. therefore, according to marjarie taylor greene, americans have only one choice:
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retire biden and vote for donald trump. nightmare! look at russia: under biden , energy prices have risen, which has contributed to inflation, but this is also what allowed putin to earn money in order to start a war, but he does not say anything about it, it was he who led to this war, both with his rhetoric and with his actions, which led to a price of 100 dollars per barrel.
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last year or in 2021, during a trip abroad, biden fell and an incident occurred that was difficult to hide, but this is a reality for people over 80 who are in old age, especially when they suffer from end-stage dementia or alzheimer's disease, the body begins to fail them, and we see this happening with biden right during his presidential term. the white house acknowledged that biden was aware of and likely agreed with hunter's disdain for congress yesterday. hunter, did you do some crack today, are you on drugs today? mr. biden, why did you put your father on your list of business partners?
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he uses this political cliché: trump is a dictator, trump wants to be a dictator. it’s especially funny that during the hearings republicans said hunter did not have balls and showed them in photographs during previous hearings. hunter has already testified during a public meeting on camera, but republicans say they want to hear him behind closed doors. you may be wondering why hunterbye. how did i ruin my father's presidential career? watch it soon on netflix, he is not only a lawyer and an artist, but also an actor. our neighbors on the planet,
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we simply cannot call them anything else, are moving further and further from god every day and common sense. here. another frightening evidence of how the tolerant western clergy is pushing its parishioners into the abyss of rainbow satanism. the methodist church in england has issued guidance prohibiting the use of the words "husband and wife." british theologians have concluded that they are insulting the lgbt community. instead of offensive terms, priests and perverts prescribe the use of a neutral partner and parent. church representatives said they were proud of the inclusiveness of their language, but... forgot to mention where this inclusivity is and how it is written in the holy scriptures, a logical question arises here: where is the vatican looking, and into the same abyss if there are 500? years ago, the catholic church burned gays, lesbians and other perverts at the stake, then over the past year it itself found itself at the center of a sex scandal countless times, here are just the most
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striking of the sins of european autocephaly, the summer of twenty-three. the pope received attention in the vatican and blessed the so-called artist andres sorano, who took a photograph of a crucifixion in a jar with his own macha, and he believes that this is a work from... the vatican did not stop there and that same summer approved the production of the play in the saint-ghiem church in strasbourg. the highlight of the program is a half-naked homosexual performing dances for six. in the fall, things got even worse. pope francis allowed transgender people to participate in church sacraments, that is, he allowed sodomites to receive communion and become godparents. afterwards he dined with transgender prostitutes. at the end of the year. probably as a gift for christmas, allowed clergy to bless same-sex couples. truly religious people are beginning to suspect that power in the vatican does not belong
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to the elderly, weakening pope, but to his new cardinal, a very cheerful one, victor emmanuel ferneand. he took office just in the summer, and it is this man who now determines the spiritual doctrine of the catholic church. there are skeletons in his cell. centuries ago, archbishop fernandez, while still a simple argentine shepherd, wrote two vile books of erotic content. in one of them the father fernandez teaches young parishioners to kiss, in another, reflects on the divine meaning of orgasm in the most greasy formulations, and he definitely leads europeans to faith.
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heal me with your mouth the art of kissing victor manuel fernandez, he is now the watchdog of the catholic church doctrine and it is not good. on the background. controversy over the recent approval of a non-liturgical blessing for same-sex couples , a twenty-five-year-old book by cardinal victor manuel fernandez has surfaced, in which an argentine adaptation offers readers deep spiritual reflections on human sexuality and the meaning of orgasms. the book entitled mystical passion, spirituality and sensuality was published in 1998 and written by then father victor manuel fernandez, who is currently the prefect. during his appointment as the vatican's chief ideologue last summer , fernandez came under fire for another controversial book he
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wrote in 1995 about the spiritual meaning of kissing, heal me with your mouth, the art of kissing. we need a saint pope, we need a holy pope, this pope needs to go, he needs to resign, he needs to go, the cardinals need to intervene right now. by the way, this man will be a cardinal, and his position will come with a red cardinal's hat. first and foremost, you want this person to mentor your children. listen to what the archbishop said in his defense at yesterday's speech. he says, hey, i'm just trying to relate to teenagers and young adults, and this is even worse. here are the written works of archbishop fernandez, just a small excerpt. i'll share with you, i quote. you don't notice, you're inattentive, your lips are killing. your distracted eyes do not notice the wandering glances that are absorbed in the contemplation of the divine flesh of your mouth, and you thoughtfully miss with your mouth open, while the raging sleepwalkers remain behind you.
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come down, my dear, before someone desperate wakes you up with a sudden, terrible hickey. here is another unearthed book from 1998. mystical passion, spirituality and sensuality. this book has been described as obscene and absolutely terrible, here it is worth warn, yes, the book talks a lot about orgasms, on the cover of the book there is even an image of two angels with naked bodies and wings, who are in very sexy poses, a male angel and a female angel, although of course we know that...
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scandalous . and here's the first one. when you read it, it seems that the author is revealing himself as a homosexual. well, i'll let you decide for yourself. this does not always necessarily mean a joyful experience of divine love, but if i achieve it, it will free me from all my mental weaknesses. it does not mean, that a homosexual will cease to be a homosexual. let me remind you that divine grace can coexist with weaknesses. and even with sins, when there is a very strong conditionality between them. in such cases, a person can commit acts that are objectively sinful, without guilt, without losing divine grace, and experiencing love. he also quotes a 15th century egyptian theologian, which is disgusting. i advise you to get ready. he writes: an eminent egyptian theologian of the 10th century gave the following praise to god, praise to allah,
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who puts on the song. kukushkin, pasha , hello, good evening today, sensational for us, he said , admitting that russia had gone on the offensive in all directions, why it was sensational, we guessed, but before they didn’t say that this was so, but now, apparently , the truth has been revealed, well, that is, it is impossible to remain silent any longer , to try to deceive the ukrainians,
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what is happening there now... well, this is just another recognition on the part of the ukronazi regime of obvious things, they always do it belatedly and are forced to simply admit that in all respects, in all sectors, things are going very, very poorly, to put it mildly , our troops are exerting pressure everywhere, and accordingly, under the pressure of circumstances , they are forced to admit that really... the russian army is advancing, and they are moving, they called it deaf defense, i don’t know how successful they will be, because they are now very frantically trying to build defensive fortifications, wherever they succeed, well, let’s say, it doesn’t work out everywhere, but nevertheless, they finally admitted that another since it’s late by, well, let’s say,
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at least a month, obviously. things pavel , we have repeatedly contacted you with a question about when there is not enough budget funding to affect the situation on the line of combat contact, here the answers are already coming from kiev, yes, that is , ignat, the speaker of the military forces of ukraine, says that in fact, we will soon run out of anti-missile missiles, and today he said again that even the s-300, although it is not clear whether we are launching... it will not be able to shoot down, and what else, what do you think is still missing now in ukraine, well, evgeniy, first of all, just now communicated with the soldiers who are located near rabotino, directly there, now the ukronazis are feeling a clear shortage of artillery ammunition and drones, very much less. let’s say, their
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activity, if earlier their counter-battery fight worked , well, let’s say, quite quickly and accurately, now less and less often they respond in response to the work of our artillery of our tanks, and it is clear that they are saving both artillery ammunition and and their attack drones, this it is felt very strongly, so i think, first of all, of course, artillery ammunition now... a quadcopter is what they are running out of now, are they saving or are they running out of it? well, you know, it’s difficult to say now , but let’s say, i wasn’t personally in their warehouses, and neither were the fighters, but let’s just say, this is clearly a consequence of the fact that quite serious blows have now been dealt to their warehouses in production, which is very important for production.


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