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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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in a fleece jacket and a black t-shirt, an embroidered sweater, kalas decided not to wear a gift from the estonian premier, in the hope that they might give it to new ones. the country's president irinkeviches met the kiev delegation of the vororyzhsky castle, they decided to receive the ukrainians with some little fanfare, with guardsmen, an orchestra, anthems were played, then zelensky was driven through the line of the late leadership for a ritual handshake. the entire delegation
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retired to the hall of the residence, where the livonian knights were still feasting. what bitter irony? there will be agree on how to defeat putin. zelensky’s estonian colleague, for example, approved of the strikes. just think about it, he approved strikes by western weapons on russian territory. and the fact that the ukrainian armed forces is hitting civilians does not bother karis. ukraine. ukraine will be supported by estonia as long as the war continues. we will also support ukraine for the period from 2024 to 2027, in that we will give 0.25% of our defense budget to ukraine every year, and we encourage everyone else to give ukraine as much assistance as they can, right up to that point. the moment when russia stops its war. by providing our support, we cannot prevent... the destruction of objects
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on the territory of the aggressor in order to slow down the advance of russian troops, therefore there should be no restrictions, without any restrictions on those weapons that are transferred to ukraine. well, i will talk about geopolitics, let's start with the fact that it was said here that if ukraine is crushed. will be crushed, then this will be the end of us leadership, but the fact is that the leadership of the us and the western world in general is already complete progress, first of all, is the creation of an expansion of brix, this is nothing more than the creation of a multipolar world, the creation of a multipolar world is the collapse of a unipolar world, the collapse of a unipolar world is the collapse of western civilization as we know it today , and confirmation that this process is underway not only the expansion of brex. now we were remembering
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that the houthis are hitting american warships, actually this is surprising to me, even the iranians, or rather the iraqis, were unable to hit american warships during a storm in desert, and the houthis can wear slippers, as they say, yes, that is, the point is that the americans can only count on their own naval personnel, that small fleet that provided britain with such european allies that are there on the continental part. they apparently failed to find allies of allies in this region, this is also precisely the collapse of the world dominance of the western world, the dominance of the western world, so this process is underway, in this regard the question arises, what will be discussed at davos? not only ukraine, more moreover, i completely agree with my colleagues, ukraine will be the second, if not the third point, the main thing that will be discussed
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is the new strategy of the west in confrontation not only with russia, but with the world in general. the situation in 2024 is extremely difficult for the west, serious destructive processes are going on inside them, we talked about this there, farmers in germany, not only in germany, farmers, everything else, outside the same influence of the west is decreasing, and if they don’t decide twenty-fourth year somehow - in a positive direction, at least to stop these negative trends, then the possibilities of this elite, which implemented these global projects for the leadership of the west in the world, may be in big problems, up to the disappearance of this elite into history in a number of ways countries, so decisions will most likely be made there . the pro-russian elite will come on the first day, but what will come to us? there
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will come an elite that will act outside the american project, not the globalist project, because it is a globalist project. the globalist project, it already exists, there is an elite of the globalist project, well, replacing one elite with another, this will not change the essence, but the point will be that what is happening in france, marie lepin, what is happening in germany is anti-globalist elites, trump are anti-globalist elites, they will go there, that’s the point, so they will not build ultra-nationalist states, and they will even be, i would say, fascist.
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bloc will seek new methods of economic warfare, a strategy of sanctions has been exhausted, and it has been exhausted in resources, there is simply nowhere to introduce new sanctions, which means we need to look for something else, they will offer something, of course the military truth, that with the war the next thing, and of course they will be in the military sphere, ukraine will be preserved as the most important platform, but we have to be real, now in ukraine they can’t do anything, at best, preserve what they have. therefore, most likely they will not try to achieve some kind of truce there, but will incite zones of new conflicts, this is the middle east, central asia, this is possibly a zone the baltic sea, there are already bookmarks in central asia, what do you mean, i mean our central asian republics,
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to form zone conflicts there, there is sweden digging graves, they are also preparing, sweden is also preparing, that’s why this is the baltic zone, that’s the zone there has already been talk in the baltic that russia is needed. now, now, it means the first thing, war, any war, consists of periods, the initial period of the war, the hybrid war of the third world war against russia is over, it ended with the failure of the western blitzkrieg, so it was delivered in december period, this is how we need to finish off our enemies
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, naturally, but the west, we are talking about the west, food transport, naturally, in these conditions they are preparing for the second stage of the war, this second...
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and if it ends, it will obviously not be the way we would like in kiev and washington. the american institute for the study of war is worried that the russian army is preparing a large-scale offensive in the kharkov region. the goal is to create a fifteen-kilometer buffer zone to prevent shelling of the belgorod region by ukrainian terrorists. so the ammunition depots of the armed forces of ukraine are the positions of zelensky’s militants to north of donetsk, the russian aerospace forces are being destroyed. and these images of the enemy’s defeat are published by the ministry of defense; armored vehicles are destroyed by efvedrons and guided artillery ammunition by krasnopol. western experts worry that the situation will continue to worsen. general moroz is helping the russians again. despite the fighting we see all along the front, now comes the time when both sides must
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consolidate in terms of how they will now deal with new weather conditions. this may also lead to that the offensive bridgehead of the ukrainian armed forces in krynki will be abandoned. the russians are trying to maintain momentum by doing what they do at the strategic level, launching massive air strikes on military targets in ukraine. the russian army is advancing in all directions, admitted the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, zalu. kiev next year, if the united states does not urgently give zelensky money for weapons. ukrainian people's deputies hang around the thresholds of their offices on the capital's hill, begging. without additional funding, ukraine is worried that they will not succeed.
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well, to stroke his vanity released onto the streets of vilnius, spoke to the crowd with ukrainian and lithuanian flags, was rude to putin and called for joint fight with russia to save europe. there will be no such day after ukraine. finland,
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peace in life for lithuania, estonia, latvia, sweden, all countries whose fate russia is trying to drown in doubt. and this will be the day of no. ukrainian intuition suggests that russia will not survive if we continue to fight it. zelensky apparently had no visions regarding an invitation to nato; in any case, he asked the west to take concrete steps as kiev's membership approaches at the alliance's summer summit in washington. the ministry of defense and estonia expect that the year will be very difficult for ukraine and for nato, reports, because the russians have an advantage on the field.
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there are no signs that putin is preparing for peace, putin has put the russian economy on a war footing, he is increasing weapons production, and is increasingly counting on weapons supplies from china and iran. from north korea. following the results of the meeting of the ukraine-nato council held the day before, the alliance published an abstract statement with a promise provide military, economic and humanitarian assistance to kiev. pathos is reported about billions of euros of additional opportunities for ukraine. but there’s just no specifics at all. no, poroshenko reminds that the europeans still have not delivered even those shells
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that they pompously promised to deliver last year. i want to remind you that we have a promise from all of europe of a million artillery shells, which must be delivered immediately, now, and now we see that you do not have them, please produce them. military efforts in the ssu are undermined western indecision, notes washington post columnist lee hockstader. russia is increasing its defense spending, while the western military-industrial complex is steadily falling behind. ukraine's allies lack political will. an example is the refusal of german chancellor scholz to transfer taurus cruise missiles to kiev. europe. in ukraine, the time has come for diplomacy, the new york times notes that, following the united states, support for ukraine has begun to crumble, argues the italian defense minister. gvidok razeta told parliament that the ukrainian counter-offensive in 2023 did not bring desired outcome and the military situation must be approached realistically. russia is gradually demonstrating its readiness to
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negotiate. and ukraine’s position seems less uncompromising than before,” he noted. all this must be taken into account on the way to '. negotiations to end the conflict and the subsequent process of normalizing russia’s relations not only with ukraine, but also with western countries, karazeta said. even the best friend of the banderaites, an honorary citizen of kiev, boris johnson, surrendered back. the former british prime minister told the times that he did not disrupt the istanbul negotiations between russia and ukraine in the spring of twenty- two. he allegedly just expressed his concern about the possibility of concluding some kind of peace agreement between moscow and kiev.
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millions, the mass of men of working age, i'm talking about men who, in the dawn of their lives, were killed, wounded or maimed, they will never become able to work again, and this is what we have achieved in ukraine, it has turned into a stump state that will become a permanent recipient subsidies from the us and nato, and i'm actually joking when i say that nato will pay the bills themselves, because we all know they won’t, but it’s important news for
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our dear vgtr. thank you, we really appreciate it, and it’s nice, of course, to receive an award from the authors of the russian economic miracle, because this is what they now call the work of our government in the conditions of a special operation , unprecedented, amazing, they wonder in the west, gdp growth, against the backdrop of 18,700 sanctions,
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awarded , and i would like to note the hosts of the talk show 60 minutes, which air on the russia one channel, these are olga skabeeva, evgeniy popov, have long established themselves as masters of live broadcasting, and i would, of course, first of all, thank my correspondents who are now
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working on the line of combat contact in the cold, in the cold, in the mud, in some inhuman conditions, this ... those guys who are now doing much more for the country than they did in their previous life, they are doing several percent more than they have the opportunity to do, and guys, this award, of course, is yours, thank you very much, i know that the 60 minutes program is very popular to watch at the front, in the trenches, in the literal sense of the word, they are looking in new regions and for... me, for us, this, of course, is a colossal responsibility, at this very moment to serve russia, at this very moment to help russia.
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history, such a term: the russian economic miracle, is mentioned twice, now the whole world is talking about it, and 110 years ago under witte they also talked about the russian economic miracle, and mikhail vladimirovich, that’s true, from the heart, taking into account 18,500 sanctions, four percent economic growth , this is cool, we would like to... wish you success, well and we will continue to ask questions, move towards victory together, creation is always a struggle
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, miracles don’t happen, of course, and i want to ask that you have support for creation right here in your heart, all channels, tune in to the fact that it’s just like that, there will be no technological sovereignty, neither financial, nor economic, nor industrial, if... we are all together, and this is our people, these are our professionals, engineers, teachers, hard workers, workers who work, of course, one cannot help but say thank you to our guys on a special military operations, thanks to which we , in fact, are engaged in this creation, the whole country, and of course, military correspondents, those who are in hot spots today, next to the guys, are covering what is happening there for the whole world to see objectively. and of course, many thanks to our entire wonderful, best creative team in the world, the 60 minutes program, our best editor-in-chief in the world, natalia.
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konstantin vasilyevich, please, let us then say a few words about the miracle, especially since today the president reminded that the russian the economy has become the fifth largest in the world; these are not our calculations, by the way. these are calculations by global financial institutions, but it’s true, there are also certain specifics with the methodology, they calculate based on gross domestic product, but according to purchasing power parity, well, economists traditionally argue, they traditionally argue, which methodology is better, not better, you know that now there is a completely alternative concept, but the meaning of this technique is actually quite obvious, here is an attempt to compare the production of goods and recalculate. on the real exchange rate, well , roughly speaking , they produced something there in the united states, let’s say the abrams tank, for example, yes, we produced, say, the armata tank, so they compare the declared value
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and calculate what, accordingly, the exchange rate should be be in goods, measured in goods , then, accordingly, they try to recalculate the entire economy’s output, at this rate, that is, in fact, there is a meaning here related to the fact that there is an assessment in the production of goods, as if yes, that is, not just there is some kind of currency speculation. or something else, and indeed, according to this method, we ended up in fifth place, by the way , we remember, one of the points of putin’s decree for foreigners in 1818 was precisely the goal to get into the top five largest economies in the world, and accordingly in europe we they really overtook germany, to be honest, it is also a little behind us according to this methodology, but they still overtook and overtook germany in sixth place. in fact , the top ten reflects not only our economic successes, but the overall changing situation in
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world, because we already see the third economy - this is india, great britain and france close only the top ten, dozens above these countries are already indonesia, brazil is in seventh-eighth places, that is, we see it reflected here as a whole. i hope that this economic miracle , as you said, evgeny, it will still be, it’s not me, it’s bloomberg, the new york times, long, long, because i repeat again,
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there is, there is - why, why do we strive, but yes, it is clear that there are specifics of the moment, of course, production has increased in defense complex, this is all obvious , let’s not forget, by the way, that we still produce products that are already in demand on the world market, again there is nothing shameful in this, i mean about oil and gas, because we often they always say, well, we produce some simple products, the united states is now also their main export product, most of all... the united states is services. well, if you take the main income from exports, from exports, merchandise exports, yes, then this
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there will be oil. from the point of view, of course, of services and speculation, there is certainly something to learn here too, and today, by the way, the ministry of finance’s figures for oil and gas revenues for last year came out, so we can finally sum up the results of the twenty-third year, the oil and gas complex, i again remind you, that all the same , money is earned there, too, and then, accordingly, the budget uses this money, including for the production of everything... for the needs of a special military operation, the oil and gas complex earned a little more than 8.8 trillion rubles, let me remind you that the base level planned was 8 trillion, we were slightly behind the base level plus forecasts for additional income, but overall the oil and gas complex coped with the task in the twenty-third year, this is very pleasant, approximately, of course, in the twenty-second year they earned more , we discussed
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the specifics many times, but then there was a historical record. but now the income of the twenty-third year turned out to be higher than the nineteenth year, higher than the twentieth year and approximately at the level of the twenty- first year, slightly behind there, but in the twenty-fourth year, the industry’s tasks are quite serious, revenues should increase by 30%, we’ll see, we’ll see how the situation develops, until we actually record fairly good results for the twenty -third year on the economic front, this is important in principle - we ended the year with quite serious sanctions pressure another on our industry and there was a lot of speculation here at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year, i’m talking about oil revenues because, by the way, oil revenues without gas they increased compared to the twenty-first year, well, naturally, with the twentieth, there is again sanctions pressure and a bunch of different throws on the topic, again, that india is reducing the consumption of russian oil and that there is
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pressure there. have already begun to discuss today, i mean that iran has captured a tanker and is now towing it to its shores , in fact, that is, we have one more tanker now, or what, no, they also have oil that they will carry, but in fact the events are very important from the point of view.
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the topic is constantly being discussed that the united states is about to begin catching tankers with russian oil and also tow them somewhere, steal them, and so on. iran is actually showing that if you behave like this, yes, then you can play a double-edged game, and accordingly return the tankers back, in fact, in the same ways that the same united states uses, without shunning anything. we'll be back in a minute. what are the next tasks? i
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’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended not to read it. american newspapers never fight directly from russia from china, nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, the day begins with this and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, the buryats do not flee, on helicopter board number one, we will find out about it first, alexander grigorievich, hello again, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show, pasha, are you filming this, hello, hello, right? did you learn from this pashito, in the first person, you just told me tell me what and where is happening 3:30 am , of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show
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more than others, thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, i’m 40 years old and i’m lonely loser. nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new guy, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms, decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please, it’s as simple as that. don’t give up, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, i like him now i have no time for novels, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any
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sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent... continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i’m so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you notice, when
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everyone is at home, until sunday on rtr. there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital, trendy, brutal, native, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the exhibition forum russia. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, so,
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russia is overtaking the west in the arms race in ukraine, before today spiegel and this concerns primarily missiles, tanks, drones, reconnaissance and.. .combat. the kremlin - that they are investing money in the defense sector , so in 24 russia will produce monthly 100 cruise and ballistic missiles, at least 300 military drones, tens of thousands of so -called drones. about the production of uavs. talk i went to a meeting with putin in khabarovsk. the president said that it is important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead, which... in fact, is already happening, the products that you and your colleagues produce are well known to everyone , they are in great demand, attack drones and reconnaissance drones, they
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are used very effectively, i met with the guys on january 1, right, they came to me on january 1 straight from the front line, all over, from all over. touching, one of them was just doing, doing using drones, it works very effectively, but now we won’t go into details. since you are involved in this professionally, you understand how important this is, this is one of the modern methods of conducting armed struggle, which corrects all others and, in interaction with the types and branches of the armed forces, connects many things, makes both counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, well, there is a lot of everything, there are a lot of tasks, so here too it is very important, it is very important to stay ahead of the enemy, to be one step ahead. still very it is important that this meeting of putin
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with far eastern entrepreneurs, and today we talk a lot about economic models, and the result of the work of the military-industrial complex, including the current one, is ensured by private public partnership, that is, these companies that produce high-tech drones, oh my god, many will be surprised, mostly private, they developed them from start to finish. so, from the point of view of the economic model, all sorts of good results show in russia, which of course makes us happy. so far you have been discussing the topic of frozen russian assets, i thought that probably nothing is changing in this world, i don’t see much difference between a killed mammoth carcass, and the money that is in the bank, you rightfully belong to what you can keep, and it seems to me that i i'm leaning towards your version.
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came up with another initiative
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to create a european army, and you remember, yes, before that there was macron in 1918, who declared the need to create a european army, and even barel, who stated that everything should be decided on the battlefield, even he took the initiative that we should defend and so on and effectively implement our foreign policy, but i again have a question, is there such a foreign policy for europe, well, there is one, but it seems to me that there is none. the fact of the matter is that in the nato structures, where they are all kind of united, yes, there is dominance of the americans, their foreign policy, which for some reason does not suit them at the moment, and since it does not suit you, you can hear it there the voice of some, no, well, some scholz or someone else, in which you are not i’m happy with where these ideas generally come from , well, you can voice it publicly, but you ca n’t, yes, well, you can’t, with them, these are countries with limited sovereignty, probably with limited rights, when i look at...
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their politics as internal, so external, harms his state, acts against the interests of this state, in the interests of the united states of america, you tell me, is this the chancellor of germany?
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it was, i am one of the few, if not the only one, who said, we will not see these abrom residents on the battlefield, but they will not be on the field battle, you will never see them there, everyone tells me, no, they will give everything, and the abrams will give, they will give f16, everything, i say, they will not give, well , that’s not why they started all this, so that they will actually be on the battlefield water their abrams, and what i see today is that the poles are already buying one and a half billion worth of abrams from the americans, now the period has come. when , through the war in ukraine, they actually cleared europe of the former, so to speak, legacy of the soviet union of weapons, now the question has become: let’s sit down at the negotiating table and talk, and how are we going to rearm europe? and you know, something tells me that the overwhelming majority of companies that will supply europe or rearm europe
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will be american companies, these will be american companies, now you look at everything that is happening in germany now, people... well, look, the italians are making a statement there, the french are making a statement about nato, you know, people are already coming from the market, they have already received everything they need from nato, why are you going to this market, well, what are you talking about?
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that this is what to fight for, for the right to join nato, i don’t understand the logic, if zelensky comes to third countries, including european ones, he says. the fact that putin will attack european countries that are members of nato, well, there is no logic, if you say, we need to join nato so that russia does not attack us, at the same time you say, russia will definitely attack nato , so wait, well, well, here’s how to determine if someone is going to attack nato, now it’s safer to be outside nato, it’s logical, what i’m saying is that zelensky is confused, i ’m not the one who’s not confused, he’s...
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don’t ever dare touch me, i understand, you need to let him go, who? bragina. why don't you go home? i don’t seem to have a home, but where i live now, i feel strongly. what's happened? let's go, the majority leader is dead, what
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should we do? well? sklefosovsky. today on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, which family, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, how many, who work, a lot? and speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, uh. housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid now it’s beeping, if you win, then hurray,
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100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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i want to go to college, which institute? on filfa, oh, my god, throw it away, then i say that you have cheat sheets, i need to apply, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, you i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other one believes in herself, do you? the best girl in this dorm, should i marry? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i
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want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the seaside, go ahead, have high hopes on saturday and sunday for rtr, tea, manenka, manenka, how necessary. to beat a person in order to take and come to him, on which a strong family? the question is certainly interesting, on love , what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, an eye is on, that is, well, if you notice, even two, even two. when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr. so, a new word
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in geopolitics, not double standards, double strategy, deliberately adhere to a double strategy in relation to ukraine. italy, said the country's minister of defense crozeta, on the one hand.
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what bothers you? did she come out of the fascists? if it condemns or bans these types of demonstrations, it risks being
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cut off from this small group. as for the sensitivity of her party. she knows very well about this type of harmony, nostalgia for fascism. time will come, the head of our italian bureau, asya imyanova is on direct line, asya, hello, in general, how is this possible and is it still marginal or is it already mainstream? good evening, really the main question that everyone is asking now is why milonya is silent, this is... a very important question, and also the question why such a scandal, maybe, really, because milonya is silent because milonya, but in fact the prosecutor’s office is still acting, news of the last few hours, a check is underway , 100 participants in this story , which happened on january 7, have been identified, it is still possible that a criminal case will be opened for promoting fascism, but in fact, why is there such
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a fuss, because everyone knows that every year on january 7 and this...
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europe, they forgot historical examples, when they began to play with russia in a war of attrition, i would like to remind you what a war of attrition was, this is the first world war for germany, when ludondorff and genderburg, known to us as such historical
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figures, completely translated kazerovskaya germany. on a war footing, and we remember that germany lost, but it lost for a reason, and during the war about half a million citizens died from hunger in germany, because yes, they really directed everything there to war, but the balance of forces is exactly the same as it is now between russia and ukraine, did not allow this small country to win this war of attrition, which was actually germany compared to the entente, which fought against it, now when i look at ... the options are for ukraine, well, just throw a wedge everywhere. well, the first thing we’ve been discussing all year and we were basically the first to say here is that the nato bloc doesn’t have that much ammunition, and moreover, it doesn’t have the ability to produce it. and ukraine over the past, in fact, for 2 years , it has not built a military industry that would allow it to at least reach parity with
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the russian federation in this main destructive element, that is, everything. we already see artillery, the god of war for us, but for them, well, i don’t know, the god is so small, an idol that you have to pray to for every barrel, because as soon as it is completely shot, there’s even nowhere to waste it. .. they mixed everything up and ran back to them, but they ran, as they say, the enemy is a coward comes, as they sometimes say, so, accordingly, f16 we also see that they won’t hit now, they can end up
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again in a preliminary analysis and, in general , will not change anything, at the same time we see that on our part it’s already fap 1500 was suspended under the su-34 with a planning unit, which is now a one and a half ton bomb from a drill called, no 1,500. one and a half tons of bomb 700 kg of explosives, that’s enough, zhenya, it’s enough even for any bunker, all this will finally arrive, the last one, as it were - well, you already know, a fairy tale, we’ll collect a million fpv drones, well, again, i’ll now return to the numbers , now it is said that russia is already using about 40,000 fpv drones monthly, we recalculate the annual volume, this is half a million, again, but where is our production base for these fpv drones, really?
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developments, i’ll finish now, as if regarding other people’s developments, the last thing that has now flown to ukraine is the so-called black girani, these are girani with jet engines, and this is already a disaster for ukraine, comrade, andrei medvedev is in charge of production, one of numerous production facilities throughout russia in pividronov called their creation a ghoul, well, that is, it comes with humor, we’ll be back in a minute.
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to the person you love, so that there is happiness every day, i say that everything will be fine, the fate of a person with boris , even adults have forgotten what to say to the korchevnikovs today on rtr.
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until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, here don’t think about it, that’s all here, whether to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it. there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition,
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there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only let's go see it, it was good, i had in mind, of course, the bear when i said such a stinking little one, the hint is just the most basic... oops, five against one on saturdays on rtr. in the extreme north-west of russia beyond the polar there is a real treasure trove of nature all around. kola peninsula. sometimes. it
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is called russian lapland, the nature on the kola is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed. by the atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located precisely here on the kola peninsula. let's watch to know everything. russia, the best historical
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series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. so, moscow was covered by a thick snowstorm in the footage of the forest, nothing was visible. the capital was covered by a so-called black blizzard, which was brought by a warm atmospheric front; at some point the capital became as dark as if at night. a snowstorm swept through the street , visibility on the roads was almost zero. there is a real hurricane in tomsk, fallen trees, traffic lights and according to forecasts weather forecasters, the temperature will drop to -35. powerful winter storms in altai, gusting wind speeds reaching 112 km/h, breaking a fifteen-year record. along with the wind , a thunderstorm came to the altai region in the middle of winter, incredible. look, it was 60 minutes. bye.
11:00 am
on the russia channel. news in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the us and its allies have launched a new war against yemen. the strikes were shown live. austin, commanded from the hospital. biden made a statement.


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