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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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modern city oleg posobin, anastasia rusinova, vlad egorov, vesti, murmansk region, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is where and how it is more convenient for you, but vesti i continue to follow the developments in russia and abroad, so stay tuned. in primorye, active clearing of river beds has begun; heavy excavators, bulldozers and loaders are working in the districts that were most affected by summer floods, they are clearing tree debris and dredging the bottom strengthen dams. victoria samuseva, more details. to free spasobka, this task has been set for the near future.
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siltiness of the rivers is one of the main causes of floods, experts say; clearing work has not been carried out here for more than 40 years. we are working in an emergency situation, the main advantage of this work is that with this equipment, which was acquired on the initiative of the governor in cooperation with the ministry of eastern development, we save a lot of budget funds, and the efficiency of work is the same as with a contractor, and the cost is just a multiple of another less, for efficient work in the municipality of the region there is a purchase... for 40 units of equipment,
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bulldozers, dump trucks, loaders, excavators with a long boom work on the ground, they allow you to remove soil over long distances. clearance work continues in the oktyabrsky district, from sediments, the strugovka river is being cleared here, the scale of work is 70 thousand cubic meters. now we are straightening the channel, because the area that we dug is only 80 m in a straight line, but if it turns out in a circle. in the near future a column will be formed, which will go to work directly in usurisk, here in danerechensk, in all those places, in addition, these are the so-called go-emergency special forces, which will work to prevent those floods. starting this year , a hydraulic engineering agency will begin operating in primorye. structures, reclamation and
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hydrology, staff are already being recruited and new equipment is being purchased. victoria samoseva, maxim molygin, lead primurye. black blizzard, sudden warming and thunder. the weather the day before took the capital on a climate ride. the snow fell asleep city, by evening in some areas the snowdrifts had grown to almost half a meter, the temperature dropped from zero to 10°c. all facets of the moscow winter from marina gromova. of course it’s cloudy, but the horizon is visible, suddenly a dark cloud begins to approach moscow from the right, in seconds the bell tower of the novodevichy convent disappears, and behind it the powerful light screen on the third ring, visibility becomes zero, it seems that twilight has fallen on the city. this could be the name of a film in the thriller genre, a black blizzard, a phenomenon that has gripped moscow and region. the weather changed sharply at noon, wet snow began to fall, and atmospheric pressure dropped.
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the prizes haven't ended. the snow in moscow has stopped, at least in this area, but it has become noticeably colder and, most importantly, a strong piercing wind is blowing. in such weather , it is, of course, better not to go outside without a hat. the cyclone came to the moscow region from the north-west. in the morning it was about zero. in the afternoon the temperature dropped to -13. snowfalls, starting every now and then in different areas of the city and the moscow region, covered the roads. behind the scenes specialists from the situation center observed skat. dozens of snowplows took to the accident route. and the commissioners were ready
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to help at any moment, a jack for cars, a jack for trucks, here are cans for fuel, today motorists were advised not to drive , conditions were not the best. especially for beginners in an extreme situation, a lot depends on experience, and also on the design of the car with front-rear wheel drive, in case of a skid you need to act differently. on front wheel drive, if you skid, always you need to hold the gas so that the front axle pulls you forward. on rear-wheel drive , it depends on the situation which corner you have fallen into, there is a fine line here, that is, if the corner is already very large, release the gas, if it starts to drag a little, then also carefully push it out with the gas. alexander, an extreme driving instructor, but... they don’t really welcome such outings . a drift enthusiast was recently spotted in moscow, it’s dangerous not to repeat it, the ice is unstable during weather changes, it can end sadly, like this video from the pskov region. sasha, get out, that not every body of water now has ice that can withstand even a person,
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rescuers near moscow never tire of warning, but the fishermen decided to take advantage of the warming, although by the weekend bitter frosts will return again, down to minus 27 in the region at night. marina. a place of quiet country life, round-the-clock noise from cars, constant danger, residents of a settlement in the moscow region faced such problems, the only narrow road that passes through the village was occupied by heavy trucks local enterprises, residents and plant employees are also suffering, about what led to such a transport collapse, alexey knor, who are you? if he lived he would climb on the side of the road. residents of the village of kuzmino felchakov often have to jump onto the side of the road, especially in the morning and evening, due to the endless traffic flow. cars, you know, in berenice, how they will go, especially these large loads, in the summer a boy was hit by a car, oh, 13 years old, a typical
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situation, a tractor clearing the road is blocking the passage, cars are backing up from behind villagers who are trying to leave the village, there is a stream of transit traffic in front, their nerves are on edge. we all can’t get out of here, because there are several enterprises here, they drive every morning, and the road is narrow, not designed for such heavy traffic, have you asked at least one who is here, who is to blame for all those passing here, both the villagers and workers enterprises found themselves hostage to circumstances, the bypass road used by the factory workers is now blocked, previously all industrial transport enterprises used this route, drivers had no need to enter the village until... until the section of the road ended up in private hands, and the new owner blocked the passage by installing a metal fence behind concrete blocks. owns a plot of the limited liability company aem-real estate. its ceo hakob muradyan has a very eventful past. he doesn’t make contact, he doesn’t do anything, he’s a fraudster, he was
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in prison for 7 years, in the tenth year he also blocked the road, but then they defended him or something, then he went to prison, one of the enterprises that found themselves in the blockade was the chekhov electrical panel plant, which carries out government orders, they first tried to come to an agreement with muradyan, then they went to court and even won, but he refuses to carry out the court’s decision. logistics is very complicated, costs are increasing, and both the delivery of materials and the shipment of finished products are increasing. local residents also suffer losses; trucks, tractors and vans, which are now forced to drive through the village, regularly get stuck, breaking not only the road, the trucks are healthy, they are breaking down fences, there at the turn. at the sports base, the sewer manholes are constantly knocked down. akopmuradyan himself assures that he acquired the land legally and disposes of the site in accordance with its purpose. i have a plot of land for industrial purposes, i am getting a gig for the construction of a warehouse complex. any other questions for
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me? there is a story, there are extracts. how the land plot ended up in private ownership is now being investigated by the regional prosecutor's office. it has been established that the land plot is classified as land-industry. energy, transport for other special purposes. based on the results of the inspection, the chekhov city prosecutor's office will assess the observance of the rights of village residents. the administration of the chekhov district is considering the possibility of changing the general plan to return the road. we will launch the procedure for confiscating land into municipal ownership and begin preparing documents for the subsequent construction of the highway. true, the intractable entrepreneur does not intend to give up so easily and is going to defend his rights.
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the concern of the residents of dubna is growing more and more; lake lebyazhye, on the shore of which construction is taking place, is separated from the moscow canal by a narrow dam, people are afraid that if the land is drained, the city will be washed away. she happens to be. dubna, the pressure created by these activities on the unsupported dam from the side of the moscow canal will lead to its erosion. at the beginning of summer , we already talked about this: the lition company leased one and a half lands near lake lebyazhye. in june, trees were cut down and preparations were made for construction; even then this caused concern among residents. residents ask in on the internet, they constantly write in chats. they write, so what will happen there, why can’t we have free access to water, why are we in
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limbo regarding the quality of water, fences like these have appeared around the construction site, there is a sign on them , passage is prohibited, and construction continues, cables have been laid, here and there such structures appear, future campsites, construction waste was also brought in, that is, it all lay here for several months, but... understand that for a breakthrough you need pressure or support, there is none here, i believe that this
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the fears have no basis, partly the land is located in the water protection zone of lake lebyazhye, and partly in the water protection zone of the moscow canal, they know about the situation there, the federal state budgetary institution canal named after moscow received an order from lition llc to approve excavation work on the land plot, the approval of which was refused to the institutions. but over the years they continue to insist on the safety of the work being carried out; with the participation of representatives of the ministry of culture and tourism, we held a meeting, as a result of which it was confirmed that the approval moscow channel is not required. it is still unclear how the situation will develop further, but residents have already contacted law enforcement agencies. construction, meanwhile, continues and is expected to be completed by april. igor yaroslavtsev, alexander kuchurovsky and georgy stadnik. news. when landing there was more for one passenger, during the flight from moscow to dushenbe at an altitude of 1000 m, the crew
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had to give birth, the girl appeared quickly, and albert musin was born in the sky. the first shots of a happy airline mother sanavbar dzhumaeva waving her hand from the window of the maternity hospital in dushanbe, and this was a day after giving birth at an altitude of 10, when we arrived at the airport, i was the first to get off the plane. we always have a birth kit on the plane; it is in the first aid kit. during the initial training of flight attendants during our training, we
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are taught to attend childbirth, one of the passengers, nurse madina, came to the rescue , the woman in labor was immediately placed on an empty row of three seats, after a couple of minutes a girl appeared, the birth was considered successful, they decided not to interrupt the flight , elbows, hold your hip, close your head in hand, similar situations for flight attendants are part of the work that they practice at the training center, and these skills are required regularly, exactly for a year...
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i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, this is not something to think about, here that’s all, to play or not to play , yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas,
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i’m out of competition, here there are questions, how is everything running, i want it. than check seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear , when i said such a bath, small, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, what they use many, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one on saturday. from the first note, beauty, repeating from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place,
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you swim shallowly, from the first smile. we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, i mean, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the crew, pull out of the car, the whole crew, only on the platform.
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have you seen yourself in the mirror? i will never marry you, i need another wife, i want to marry a city man, be happy, do you think that there is happiness in the city? this is for you, beautiful, shall we play a wedding? where did you even get the idea that i would marry you? great hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr, you are a planet! asteroid,
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there is, there is, there is such a thing, the name of the asteroid is solomin, this is something, my some kind of stay there, yeah, there in memory of yuri solomin, my mother didn’t want this acting fate for you, she wanted me to go to medical school, man , it turns out, you can remember, uh, from childhood some things that even adults have forgotten, what should you say to the person you love?
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launch modern immunomodulators, serums, antibiotics and other vital drugs, including for the treatment of cancer. eight of twenty-five belgorod residents who were taken to moscow for treatment after the ukrainian attack are still in serious condition. all victims are now being monitored in leading clinics in the capital. the governor of the belgorod region came to visit the patients. report by ainurovakhmetov. okay, four-year-old gleb clearly didn’t expect to see such guests in his room, when are you going home? until recently, he couldn’t even sit, let alone speak. as a result of a barbaric attack by the ukrainian armed forces, gleb aladdin received a shrapnel wound to the head, he was saved by his father, who at the cost of his life closed the baby. the forecasts were also disappointing, three
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days ago he was still barely able to walk, his head was spinning , he was sitting poorly, she supported him with pillows so that he, and then somehow gradually, gradually began, i see that by the evening he was becoming more and more active. on december 31 , six people were brought to the burdenko clinic from belgorod, each with various injuries.
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five people, among them six children, their condition has now been stabilized, they still remain in moscow clinics, according to doctors, threats to life and health have already no, the patients are getting better and thank the doctors, i am grateful to the doctors, wonderful ones, for making me feel better and better every day, ainur valyakhmetov, denis tsitseronov, vladislav dubtsov, anastasia zorina, driving along... the ob sea by car , the largest ice crossing is being prepared for opening in the novosibirsk region.
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thousands of cars will travel to the winter road between the villages of ordynka and nizhnekamenka. the time difference from the usual road is several hours. report by elena kopyllova. working day for rescuers the ice crossing begins with clearing road signs to measure the thickness of the ice. even when the wind knocks you down and the temperature on the thermometer drops confidently. in the ardynsky district , only 2 km from shore to shore was opened at the end of december, this is a short route from the village of chingisy to the regional center with the administration, hospital, large shops and enterprises. before the launch of the road to the reservoir, residents took a detour, and this is hundreds of kilometers, although the exit is still the flight is permitted only in passenger cars. there were requests for the transportation of coal, but let's put it this way. the thickness of the ice does not allow us yet. viktor puzyrev from nizhnekamenka, this village is almost opposite the regional center, in the summer there is a ferry, in the winter , a resident says, you have to wait until
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the ice gets stronger. this winter road is the largest in the region. we don’t have hospitals, we don’t have inpatient facilities, so we have to travel around. due to temperature changes, sometimes minus, sometimes plus, the ice is not uniform and may not withstand cars. but not everyone adequately assesses the risk, say the ministry of emergency situations, especially. brave fishermen, like this , they go fishing in the hordes, in the cabin there is water, well just a floorboard. the estimated opening date of the ardynskaya nizhnekamenka ice crossing is january 25, but if the weather permits, cars will be allowed onto the ice for sure, if the ice thickness is acceptable, it is possible that movement will be allowed for trucks weighing up to 5 tons. winter roads work in...
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rtr planet: more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres. how did i get here, and after a corporate event, or what? what are you? ah... you don’t know bender well, for murder on the cunning guy doesn’t need a motive, that it was on
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the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion. exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra , we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony , no one is taking risks, luck itself is not smiling , we will succeed, i will do the surgery , i am scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, there is not a single motive for the murder, there is no connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show, and the best music, and you are generally the most do you spend your life on your feet or on your head? i don’t even know, he wants to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, russia relies on songs, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself raja. i’m leaving, i
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looked around, she’s already packed my things, meeting the stars, and what’s more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals in the circle friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live, the whole studio is discussing:
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key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair in the hall; he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel.
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don't be afraid, dersu, the dead tiger won't do anything to you, the horse will do it, send another amba, after the winner’s film was announced, the entire world of cinema applauded its creator, but neither the director nor the actor were allowed to attend the ceremony back in 1976. akira kurasawa chose straw for the main role in his film without auditioning only after watching his excellency's adjutant, and many viewers even
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today call him when they meet. performance at the theater for a long time he lived in poverty and wandered around government corners. at this time olga appeared in his life. solomin realized that she was his destiny as soon as i saw it. and recently they celebrated their diamond wedding. they have been together for more than 60 years. it was olga who once helped him get his younger brother vitaly solomin into the theater, who also became a famous actor. thank you, falk, you are
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a real friend, and you? a real pig for taking the time to lecture, god knows what, god, what are you saying, to whom, to whom are you reading, to whom, to whom, prisoner, what? their last minutes are different, you indulge yourself, today solomin is no longer alive, however the relationship between the two star brothers to this day causes controversy, shrouded in many rumors and legends, what the relationship between the brothers actually was, and who vitaly remains today in his fate, in the fate of a person, in the fate of yuri solomin. thank you. you are a planet, an asteroid. there is, there is, there is such a thing. flying in this big, big orbit, much larger than the earth’s orbit, around the earth, venus, mercury, mars is the sun.
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the name of asteroid 10.054 is solomin. yes. when did this happen, yes, it was 10 years ago. this. observatory, which is located in crimea, yeah, once at a performance, i don’t remember what kind of performance there was, they watched, yes, and then , that means, they came out on stage and told the audience that they had discovered women there, mainly, that they had discovered this asteroid, that’s what they called it, so to speak, awarded. his name is solomen, well, it was very unexpected for me, it’s something like somewhere i once talked, i never said it, but now i’ll say it, my kind of stay there, but there
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it’s still there is something there, some piece , you could once upon a time, a long, long time ago, when in 53 they went to conquer moscow. from the trans-baikal outback, you might have thought then that a star would fly, i never thought about such big things, for me the most important thing was when i was traveling, or when i was not traveling, when i was just getting ready, this was home pioneers, where i went through all the circles, there were drawing, and dance, and choral, everything that there were all the circles, and through them...
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from a finger, from a leg, well, like this, if anyone has it, i’ll try now, maybe i can do it, if someone has a splinter, please, take advantage of this chance , yes, i got great pleasure when you take this needle, that’s it, well, that’s even why she decided that it was worth it, and my father, he really wanted me to do it after all. for acting, but that will be a little later, when you go with your dad, you go from shchita to moscow to enroll, and before that, at some point you found out that you are the grandchildren of an enemy of the people, i now want to say about what i felt then 2 and
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a half years, yeah, it was the thirty-seventh year, and it always seemed to me that i was all this i remember, grandfather, when they took him away , he said, run away yura, yes, it was on new year’s eve on the thirtieth day, because i remember that it was a holiday, which means that a person, it turns out, can remember some things from childhood, which even the adults forgot why they took him, he was imprisoned three times even in the fifth year, in the twelfth year, now in the seventh year, he was an esr, esr, of course, but... a short time after they took his maternal grandfather, grandfather according to his father, he dies mysteriously, as they said, he dies, what happened to him, his grandfather on his father’s side, he was a marzist, he worked for
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mail, but he was a very believer, when all the churches were destroyed in chita, uh-huh, then he was the elder of a church several kilometers from... the accounts, and one day he didn’t come home, and he didn’t come home because they said that well, they brought him, they already found that... he was frozen, uh-huh, but for a transbaikalian this can’t be, uh-huh, now i’m already saying, there can’t be a native transbaikalian who knows what frost is, what snow is, there are villages all around, he went into any village, i think they knew him because he was the elder, i think that there was something different, well, that’s how, in short, it didn’t happen to me. two grandfathers , and you lived with this stigma, the grandson of an enemy of the people,
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you know, i must say that no one told me this at that time, did not say, there were very good neighbors, there were very good people, in our yard and in the house in which we lived, that no one pointed a finger and no one said this, yet in order to understand what it was? your childhood, this is one fact, or rather, one piece of sugar, this is your first fee for a performance, for which you got it, it was 1943 , i was eight years old then, they took me to school, and we studied near the railway, there was a large four-story building, but during the war there was a hospital there, yeah, yeah, and we studied in an old
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wooden school, where the stove was burning, our first teacher, natalya pavlovna bolshakova, i’ll never forget her, she told us in forty-three, i say, guys, who wants to perform, yeah, well, that’s a magic word, perform, everyone screamed, and i also raised my hands, but i didn’t know what to perform. but i remember that for something after mine
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performances, one of the wounded gave me a piece of sugar, you understand, so i squeezed it like this, then to school, then after school, when i came home after 2-3 hours, i touched the boiled water like that, there was this sugar lying there, but now the sugar has melted, because there are machines there, and this would be in lumps? where does such faith in yourself come from that you can succeed? i don’t know, you know
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, i don’t know, i never think, or dad after all, who , dad was for, for, mom wasn’t, but father, he was a harmonica master, and he led the orchestra and choir at the trans-baikal railway club there at it was there, even well-deserved artists appeared from there. russian, so there was a free train ticket, and he and i spent 7 days and a half, so we were going there to moscow and my father and i had nowhere to live in moscow , we knew each other in monino, so we went from there, i mean, yeah, monino is 30 kilometers from moscow , yes yes and he was waiting for me at the big one. i
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was treated there and fed something else, and we left for monino, 2 days later i arrived for the second round, passed it and ran up to my father to tell him that i had been admitted to the third competition. but he was, i can't even to say what color, i say what happened, i immediately understood, he says, you know, they stole from me, they kidnapped me, they didn’t steal me. he met one of the shchetinians at the yaroslavl station, our people are open,
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they say: so what, so how, so what, they dragged him down there, opposite the ministry. communication lines, they brought him there, so we explained everything, called the couple from there, in short, we issued return tickets for the road, that was the most important thing, so i explain to him that i went to the third, he says: let's go, we have to leave, yura, and really we have nowhere to live, we can’t even get to monin , in my opinion, we could still, i had some money, what a trifle, but
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i already found it back... there is happiness, but my happiness, vera nikolaovna, was just a cafe, there was a discussion there, she was vera nikolaevna , who was killed, yes, uh-huh, she came up to me and said that you, baby, yes, i ’m telling her, there’s such-and-such, such-and-such, like that... then, i say, either we’re... we’re leaving, or suddenly she says this phrase to me: well, stay, that’s simple, she just said, well, stay, these are the people when they meet, only two rounds have passed, yes, and they still
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need a third and a competition, and a competition, yes, and you stay, so what? i can say this , something worked for her, but she probably remembered me, now i sometimes find myself in her place at the shepkinsky school, taking this or that course, sometimes i have to decide some things on the fly, too, you know, you can’t make a mistake, either cut the person off, remove him, or...
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i told my father that’s it, vera nikolaevna said: stay, he said, that’s it, then i left, and we went to the store and he bought 2 kg save it for the remaining money, for 7 days he took this kilogram with him, and left the kilogram with me, because i had some small change for a few days, when after 7 days my father arrived in chita, yes... he was unrecognizable , he, well, first of all, he didn’t know anything about what ultimately happened to me, they took me, they didn’t take me, at that time the competition took place, the third round, and the competition and so on, and i was enrolled , such hysteria, when,
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when he got out of the carriage, in my opinion, he was staggering in different directions. but these ones the crackers saved my life in general, probably , well, you stuck to it, you ate this kilogram, the taste is similar, okay, but the same taste, the same taste, it seems, it seems, but you stuck to these crackers on the water, oh how long, well how long you can hold out on a kilogram, then how, and then my mother transferred it when she found out.
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the second lesson, i’m afraid to say for sure, and our teachers and vera nikolaevna were sitting there, which means we have a table like this, there’s a table like this for teachers, and there were students sitting in this amphitheater of 25 chairs, so i was sitting on the edge, and one the place was free she... gave vera nikolaevna said: why are you standing there, sit down, she sat down next to me, she’s been sitting for 60 years, 60 years, that is
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, this one delay of hers decided her too, and this was the first such acquaintance it was, you once said, when i was courting olga, i didn’t give her flowers, they were expensive, and the students, you know, have money for flower beds, but i’m not that kind of person by nature, i could never even walk across the lawn, so at best i could give her sugar or some kind of sandwich, really, that’s right, yes, that’s true, that’s how it is it happens, it was possible, of course, to break the food, because she also comes from a family that is not very rich, she had one mother, and maybe that’s good. because we know, we just know what every penny is,
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what everyone is, every cracker, and so on and so forth, this is not redneck, no, it’s just life, no, we can’t complain, and we live well, she's been teaching for... years, she's a professor, she's been teaching, she was vera nikolaevna's favorite student, she was killed, that's what happens, but she's been gone for a long time, and she practically in school she takes her place, but how did you, and how did you play the wedding, no way, we went to stolesh, stoleshnikov lane, there’s a cafe there. harp: we actually ordered some sweet and sour meat, there
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i remember the taste of it. listen, well, the bride’s dresses , the groom’s suit, it’s all money, order some, i didn’t even want to invite a cafe, a table, invite friends, there was nothing, nothing, what suit are you talking about, what dress are you talking about? dasha, your daughter, when she came into the world, what was that feeling, it’s yours, well
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only daughter, how can i tell you, you have children, no, this feeling, well , it’s impossible to tell, this feeling, you have everything ahead. by the way, dasha, although she was with you all the time and grew up in the wings, she did not become an actress, no, no, she, she graduated from the conservatory, she is a teacher of music, musical, but even then, in her early years , your last name was , your last name, helped decide the fate of your brother, vitaly solomin. yes, he, the youngest, your brother, also came to enroll in moscow. yes, it so happened that that year
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when... vitaly graduated from school, there was a recruitment , some teachers went to siberia to specially make the first round, at least to recruit people, it so happened that the mother of the couple called me, tearful and said that in general he was not accepted, so, then i said, well , what could i say, naturally, i said, let him... come to moscow, i was already an artist, i had already taught at the school for 3 years, i had already played some roles, in this way, that means vitaly was also loaded onto the train, and he was traveling on the train, we met him with olga nikolaevna, met, we lived in a hostel then, we took him in, where else, this is literally
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the next day after his arrival and after... his test, which i did for him so that he would read the entire repertoire to me, but, as it were, i’m already working there, too , yes, and i’m a teacher, on the other hand, i was very ashamed, i couldn’t take him there to school, olga said that i would take him there, she took his hand, naturally that he didn’t know where to go, because he had never been... to moscow, so she took him to school, in short, when he entered vitaly entered the hall where all this is taking place, everyone is sitting , he stood up, and vera nikolaevna read, where are you from, asks, he says: from the four, i
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didn’t say a word to her and didn’t ask for vera nikolaevna, about nothing, just like him... she said what his last name was, they gave her a piece of paper, she said, solomin, who is yuri to you? he says, this is my older brother, uh-huh, uh-huh, what are you reading, tvordovsky? she said something in the ear of anenkov, who was taking the course, and he answered her, yes. she said: ok, free, he didn’t even read it? yes she said: “brother ianenkov took a course that included oleg dal, vitya pavlov, mishka kononov, slava baryshev, vitaly solomin, i don’t remember such courses anymore, in
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such numbers. and all your life you were there.” connected, this incident shows how you brought him to moscow and helped him so much, despite the fact that there was so much, so much said and so much, maybe made up or not made up, about your relationship, that it’s not easy, that you quarrel, and especially when great success also came to him, there was already a winter cherry and sherlock holmes, of course, what were they really like, yours? relationship with a brother , but what do you think, can one brother, the eldest, say, what i said, taking into account all this, suddenly begin to envy, well , look at us, we are like a fork on a bottle, we are no longer similar to each other friend, what should we
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share, talent, he plays his own. i play mine, we are different, absolutely actors, different, and sometimes, by the way, you played together, together, let’s see, heinrich, can’t you go later, the prison is probably open around the clock, no, i gave his word to the judge that i will be there at exactly 8:00 tonight, my dear, i can’t imagine how you will live there, you don’t know what kind of society there might be, a society, some kind of rabble? with whom an intelligent person will not be able to talk, lord, let's go , so that during this time they imprison as many decent people as possible, so that you don't get bored there, mr. falk, you heard, heinrich is being sent to prison, sir, i completely share your grief, well after all, sitting there for just a couple of days is not so a lot, well, first of all, not a couple, but 10, well 10,
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it’s good to tell you, well, i haven’t sat at home for so many days in a row, well, heinrich, it’s no one’s fault. you suddenly, for no apparent reason, became a hunter, yes, that’s why you didn’t talk him out of it, and also friend, sir, didn’t always speak out against hunting, well, you, maybe, and schultz, schultz, he even favored him? do you really think that heinrich can tell you a lie, ah-ay, that means you told me a lie, i... never lie, it was happiness, yes, when you were reunited with your brother
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in life, in the profession, when he was next to you, you could work on the same stage, in the same frame, it happened, we played together in several performances, we played, then i decided for myself, i realized one thing, that i am not i can play with him, like partners, i can’t , because i’m older, and it seems to me that he ’s doing it wrong, there’s one phrase, vitali mifovich, which he wrote in his diary, this diary was published, so i this phrase i read, this is what he wrote about my mother, my mother turned out to have nothing in common with me, it doesn’t match... gloominess, but what turns out to be, before, living in different
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cities , i had even and calm feelings for her, i had responsibilities to her, nothing actually irritated me, now i, at the same time with outbursts of irritation , feel pity for her, love, she turns into me into a being like a daughter. for which i become the only protection, i must immediately say that you need to take into account the time, uh, at what time this happened, when he took the pen and began to write, uh, any person, there is some kind of internal irritant, and it was in the air, oh vitalia published a book, his book, yes, it was later supplemented with some additions. i don’t know what to call them, friends or well-wishers, or i don’t know, and even a real friend doesn’t always have to write or publish something not very, so
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to speak, flattering, about his person, about that person about whom you can simply to say , well, you're a fool, uh-huh, fuck you , that's why i didn't read this book to the end, what he... writes about his mother with irritation, maybe, uh, his mother raised him there two children, so naturally there is some kind of irritation in something that exists in every normal person in our family. there will be an advertisement in a couple of minutes about how you lost your brother and how you yourself experienced clinical death. never dare to touch me, i understand , you need to let him go, who, bragin, why don’t you go home, i don’t have a home, and where i live, now, what
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happened, i died, what should we do, well , sklefosovsky, today on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from everyone knows how many works of pushkin there will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor , i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else,
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geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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that's if you come to my house. the first thing you will see is the dog-scratched door, he could have become an athlete or an athlete, we took norms for 34 years old, we can pull up, taster, i always like to eat a lot. or
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a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov every saturday on rtr.
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mom managed to rejoice at your success when his excellency’s adjutant had already left, well , she rejoiced at both this success and vital’s success, mom is mom, and dad, who believed in you more than mom, and sent, he also saw, unfortunately for father , less got it, i starred in the fifty-ninth year in the film sleepless night, yes, when this film was shown as a couple, my father was very ill, when this film was shown, he came out, yes, and many in the city knew him, he walked near the cinema and said: “oh, methodological, at yura’s, yes there, yes , yes, he says, yura, yes, i’ll watch, i ’m waiting now for zineida, mom will come up, and we ’ll go watch, as soon as it was filling up, yes, it was coming.” took his medication and went to bed, there
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was a cinema across the street, and then, when time passed, another session passed, he approached another session, it was for him medicine, here he is the only film that he saw, it was my film sleepless his excellency, he no longer saw and did not see this well, absolutely all-union glory that collapsed on you, let's... watch a fragment. make sure you put in the glass, seal the holes, and get the building in order. i obey, mr. captain. and you, please, find other furniture. and in general , think and decide for yourself how to furnish the reception area, the reception areas will be here, those three rooms for visitors. and an office. everything should be ready by tomorrow evening. have the honor gentlemen. goodbye.
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invited our cinema to offer russian actors in russian in dersuuzala’s film. he says: i don’t know your actors, show me their best films, there were seven people, in my opinion, they showed him the actors, when it was my turn, everyone said: well, okay, let’s show muditonto be superior, well, we showed him
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two episodes, they last for 40-odd minutes, then director vasiliev, volodya, calls me and says: listen, kurasawa asked that... in my opinion , they show the remaining episodes of the entire film adjutant, they showed him everything, and no tests , no, nothing, you know, the film received an oscar, when after a while, you didn’t even immediately, you learned about it from the newspapers, yes, there was no such annoyance, resentment, because for sure, what kind of main performer are you...
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well, how are you, dersu, mm, and i’m sitting here, still like a duck, how can people sit in a box, it’s really an unsightly room.
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i’ll have to re-glue the wallpaper, make everything more comfortable, but for now the little stuff is in my office, nothing, captain, my tent is outside, go to sleep, don’t bother anyone, dersu, in the city. is not it’s supposed to be why it’s bad, well, how can i explain it to you, the order is this , order, you can’t shoot redheads
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, you can’t sleep on the street, my hair is completely gone, you know , then we were friends with the prosava for 30 years, such a long-awaited success, especially , it can turn your head very much, but you were not allowed to survive this dizziness, also because trouble burst into your life then, you experienced clinical death, how did it happen, well, it was, it was, yes, it was on tour, you were ? happened on tour, something was wrong with my stomach, i they took me to some very good clinic, they brought me to a very good clinic, they said: oh, we are so glad to see you, but what is there, but they did
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a gastric lavage on my stomach and ruptured my appendicitis, after which, when i was transported to hotel , i could no longer stand up or sit down , let alone the performance, then the ambulance arrived , god bless them all now, they immediately understood everything, they understood, experienced guys, they took me and took me opposite the hospital where the duty officer hospital, you know where everyone is drinks, who kill each other, that's where, in short, they saved me. but at that moment you really experienced some kind of experience, clinical death, you saw something on the other side of life, there was a feeling of some kind of flight. there was some kind of flying movement, when you came to your senses, you saw
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your daughter and your wife, whom they made a surprise for you and flew to you in kiev, not knowing what happened to you, no, she arrived, she felt it, she upon arrival i just felt that something had not arrived, but when they arrived, they sent their daughter to her grandmother further, and she stayed here with me, but it was on that same day... this happened to me, everything happened before her eyes in her hands. and then, after what you went through, in a bad time, your brother died? well , of course, when this happened to him, and i was called, he was playing a play, yeah, a play where he played the main role, krichinsky’s wedding, when i was called from the main stage to the branch. they said it was urgent, i arrived at intermission, and, in general, he was already there,
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so to speak, he was lying, but as the guys said, he played until the last moment, until the curtain closed, the only thing was that he could no longer stand on his feet, and he sat down on a chair, then, when he was transported. it was the month of may, i woke up in the morning at the dacha, of course, i was thinking about vetam and i saw my father standing in front of me, my father, my father, here was methodius viktorovich. looks at me, and i sit and look at him
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, i close my eyes, like in a movie, yes, i close my eyes, i think, lord, my god, really, open it, no, well, i went downstairs, at that moment i didn’t vitaly, there was a call, early in the morning, he was gone, from a heavy loss your family and work saved you, in the film moscow saga you starred with your favorite maclay, let's see, the frost is terrible, it hurts to breathe, it hurts to breathe not because of the frost, if only, here i prepared a mixture. come on, drink it,
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it smells nice, like the peace of herbs, like at grandma’s house, oh, this is mine. you know, this dog was given to me, you gave me such an amazing connection with him, also for his birthday, they brought this puppy to the theater. it was the first day of filming, when the directors came to
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me, began to say something, well, they invited me, when, and then they say, we need another dog , i have a shepherd, a shepherd, i say, but he’s a hooligan, he has one ear damaged there since childhood, they wanted to do an operation, i say, no, no, why, leave it, let him will be like this, he lived with me...
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very much, i spent a week with him at the dacha, already his death, you know, i was very worried before his death, because his kidneys failed, well, in general, a very complex story, his everyone loved us there, and he was very kind, and the visit of the queen of england about the only woman in your life is in a couple of minutes advertising. nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new guy, mom, how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, good rooms and
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decent women, would you like to get to know me better, please. they just don’t give up, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance right now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this, and this is his legal wife alexey, a decent family, will rent a room today at rtr, there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready,
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explore nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, do you already understand? what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake caster is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife was placed on... in secret to the whole world, in saturday on rtr, i want to go to college, which institute, philfa, oh, my god, throw it away, otherwise i’ll say that you have cheat sheets, i need to go, i really need to,
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you know, two friends, one believes in fairy tales princes. i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other one believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, are you married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i don’t want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all you have left become a businessman, buy? apartment to take me to the sea, go ahead! great expectations, saturday and sunday on prt. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly
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convenient. how to vote on a smartphone? on sunday early in the morning during the parade absolutely. the kids shouted, people, get up, let's all vote , mom sonna said, let's choose remotely, dad supported, yawning, let's choose electronically, grandma said to grandfather, i'm a father, i'll go with you, but our generation loves papers, ballots, but the young generation electron is modern, i am progress , not an opponent, hold my granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we will go with you, old mother... to choose using our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose freely in the country, it is important , honestly convenient.
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this is the fate of a person, the fate of the people's artist of the ussr, yuri solomin, the man to whom the queen of england sends photographs like these. the queen expressed a desire to appear, she just wants to have a meeting with the diplomatic corps, everyone who
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exists in moscow, we saluted, as they say, and are waiting for the queen, we met her, she escorted her, led her into the hall, showed her, and i also tell victor, because we should give something. the aunties, well, in general, we thought, i said, let’s do this, a box, we’ll order everything, he says: oh, brilliant, they called there, the guys made a beautiful, small one, we didn’t have any more money, and there was a photo of the small one theater, here is the small theater, we hand it over, i hand it to her, she opened the box and said: thank you. with inq, well, sinq, very good , she took it, handed it over, we go down further , a retinue follows her, well, maybe 12, 15 people,
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somewhere in the second row there’s one old little guy, so old, in beautiful russian, i’m so appreciated for this hand and says: how did you know that her majesty collects boxes, so, so, so. i say, oh , no, we didn’t know, we just wanted to leave a memory of the maly theater, he patted me on the hand and said, you hit the nail on the head, yeah, a month later in our theater, something, eh there some mail came, and my secretary came in and said: “here’s some package from london, and from london, 1994, i...” i say, open it, they opened it, and there ’s this autographed photograph , elizabeth of england, but no matter what happens in
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your life, every time you return home, to the woman who has been next to you for almost 60 years, another piece of the moscow saga, which in some ways is also so similar to your life that she has aged very much. for me no, i love you on this holiday, i want to make a confession, what? not a single woman in the world may make me think, oh, maybe not these bonds of marriage. liar and remember that surgical nurse with the moist ox eyes? what, she looked languidly
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, sighed, composed poetry, i don’t know what else she was doing there, no, well, you remember this nurse, before marriage it was before i met you, oh, before marriage, don’t dull my vigilance, sir , how do you celebrate your diamond wedding with olga nikolaevna? with your wife, how do you confess your love to her today, what should you say to the person you love to turn 60 every day there were happinesses, i say that everything will be fine, but what do you say, what do you say to another person, this one, this yura. solomin, who is just beginning his journey, if you could write him a letter, what would you write to him in this letter,
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contact him, what would happen after the words: dear yura? no, i didn’t, i didn’t apply, i would only say one thing, keep it up, yura , it’s fine, keep it up like that, it seems to me that i’m not very, that is, i’ve changed a lot, of course, certainly, but here, here too has changed, but still, as far as the machine exists. this is how i will live, there is no other way out, it was the fate of a person, the fate of yuri solomin, never dare to touch me, i understand, you need to let him go.
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who is bragina, why don’t you go home, i don’t seem to have a home, now what happened, they came, what are we doing, that skleposovsky is on rtr today. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is supposedly some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you, continue the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and
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so as not to miss anything. subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. news on the russia channel. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the us and its allies have launched a new war against yemen. the strikes were shown live austin commanded from the hospital, biden made a statement. moscow requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. as comments what is happening in the world, what the consequences may be. donetsk and gorlovka were shot,
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a kindergarten, schools and residential buildings were damaged , there are dead, wounded and the latest data from the front line, a report on the battles in the vicinity of rabotin, more than 1,800 thousand signatures were collected for the nomination of vladimir putin in the presidential election, company news. he was recruited by the polish intelligence services and collected information about sensitive objects. the fsb detained a spy. snow. flights are cancelled, in murmansk after a month and a half of night the polar storm has arrived day. how is he received? so, under the pretext of protecting shipping, the western coalition led by the united states and great britain today attacked more than 60 targets in yemen with precision-guided munitions. however, joe biden did not
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during the operation in yemen, the united states used radar systems, unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial vehicles, which were of particular importance as they managed to hit a storage facility without... pilots and houthi launch pads. the uss esenhaur strike group, located in the red sea, served deterrent for iran and other countries. the united states is making it clear that there is no need to aggravate the conflict with the help of this strike force. the illegality
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of what is happening is traditionally disguised by the format of a certain coalition, where washington called the obedient and trusted. four british typhoon fighters also took part in the attacks. biden is expected to make televised addresses to the last, but the american president, who has spent at most an hour in public over the past 20 days, is limiting himself to a written statement, taking into account the fact that pentagon chief austin is still in a hospital bed, the situation is more than piquant. today, at my direction, the us military, together with the uk, with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of targets in use in yemen. stations by the houthis to threaten freedom of navigation in one of the world's most important waterways. if necessary , i will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people from the free flow of international trade. listen to biden like this
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america has entered with one foot into a new defensive war, which the states, however, are again for some reason waging thousands of kilometers from their borders. it is important to remember that all roads in the middle east lead to iran. we have to force it. yemen now resembles a patchwork quilt, but most of the country is controlled by the houthis. after the bombings, a representative of the houthi leadership said that the americans and british should prepare for a retaliatory
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strike. our facilities have come under lightning attacks, and we will not hesitate to respond, we have there are opportunities that allow us to conduct legitimate self-defense.
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from new york. 650 ukrainian fighters - a tank, four armored vehicles - were destroyed in one day in the special operation zone. in the kupinsky direction, russian units successfully repelled four counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the donetsk sector, crews of howitzers 100b suppressed enemy firing points from the air; artillery covered the crews of su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces. near solidar, tula paratroopers, using drones, threw fragmentation grenades at a group of ukrainian saboteurs, in the kharkov region, motorized rifle formations of the west group attacked and thwarted
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six attempts by ukrainian formations to carry out a rotation in the vicinity of lake li liman. in the krasnolimansk direction of the alligator helicopter crew. and from there, igor pikhanov’s editorial report. with the headlights off and in complete darkness, a military suv makes its way to the front line in the zaporozhye region, the only way to get there relatively safely. including being viewed by enemy assets,
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so you need to move quickly here attentively. the russian military is also closely monitoring the front line, any movement of enemy forces is recorded, and kamika drones and long-range artillery are immediately targeting targets. this is necessary in order to disrupt the supply of ukrainian armed forces units at the front with reinforcements and shells. to the enemy, what does not give the enemy here. go through, well , firstly, our russian soldiers, secondly, our fortification, well, let’s say, trenches , which were prepared, well, for more than one day, to the present day, that is, everything is improving, being done, also our equipment, according to words russian military, the enemy has reduced the number of shells and professional attack aircraft, the number of attacks and shelling is decreasing, while there are still many combat drones, electronic warfare units are fighting them, and the enemy is weakened, the enemy
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clearly has a lack of ammunition, most likely the enemy’s personnel also lost somewhat in quality, perhaps as a result of our work, most likely as a result of our work, but the intensity on their part decreased sharply back in october, that is, there were mass arrivals, that is, when they snapped, snapped... the bars unit defends a strategic area, which allows them to control the roads leading to front-line settlements, the militants are trying to occupy the heights, mass assaults have been replaced by small sabotage groups, they are mainly activated in the dark, but enemy attacks end for he failed with great losses. at the moment, we are facing the floodplain of the river, it is quite possible to follow it. drg passage, so
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there is a special area of ​​attention when it is dark we are sitting on our ears, thermal imagers certainly help, but not in all weather conditions, the service is very complex in the sense that you need to look and listen, it’s a rather dangerous place, let’s say, the militants are neutralized on the approach to the positions, the territory on the demarcation line is mined, all units of the ministry of defense are working in close contact, artillery and tanks are hitting the enemy. and tactical aviation for professionalism and courage, almost all fighters on the front line have state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin peonov, vesti zaporozhye region. this morning, ukrainian militants fired artillery at gorlovka. the attack hit a group of energy workers, and during the evacuation of those already injured, the ambulance was attacked by a drone. as a result, two people died, including a paramedic. three more medical workers were injured. well, in donetsk
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, the kuibyshevsky district came under a massive attack last evening. two dozen rockets from czech vampire guns were fired at residential areas. according to the latest data, six civilians were hospitalized, 11 houses, a school, kindergartens and boiler room. one of the munitions exploded right next to a regular bus, injuring the driver. the united states has completely stopped arms supplies to ukraine. national security council spokesman john kirby said today that the money to support the kiev regime has run out. the military aid package sent to kiev at the end of december was the last that the white house sent without approval from congress. kirby called the allocation of new funds to kiev critically important. zelensky, during during their baltic tour, they are again asking for money and blackmailing their western partners with the lives of ukrainians.
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the secure enterprise where he worked. here are the first images from the scene of operational actions; according to our department, in november last year, the suspect established contact with the polish intelligence services in exchange for promises of political asylum.
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about ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes today on rtr, i want to go to college, it’s in some kind of philology, oh, my god, throw it away, start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to go, really necessary, you know, two friends, “one believes in fairy princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, married, no, then let him marry, i don’t
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want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, everything?” all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, great hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is - this is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a bailiff or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor who...
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on the rtr, kamchatka peninsula, one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique: geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is volcanoes, ice,
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stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them are... the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. all miran astrologers call the coming 2024 the year of destiny. these january days, while
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the holy week is ongoing, are considered prophetic. in our studio is the famous russian ostrologist tatyana borsch. she 'll tell you what's ours. you watch the news, we continue: vladimir putin called on the prosecutor’s office to ensure the rule of law during the upcoming presidential elections, defend the rights of citizens, and identify violations in all spheres of life. the head of state congratulated the department’s employees on their professional holiday, which is celebrated today. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable.
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now undergoing sea trials. in addition, sludsky called for special attention to be paid to the construction of warships. our task is to support russian shipbuilding. our task is to promote increasing labor productivity, influx of youth into the industry. and russian presidential candidate from the new people party vladimir davankov visited one of the colleges in chelyabinsk. he got acquainted with the training conditions and checked the quality of food and personally tasted the food in the local canteen. the conversation
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also turned to the financing of educational institutions. it is very important that there is equality of opportunity in all regions, when funding for one school in moscow, we will not give details, is 150,000 rubles, in chelyabinsk 35, about four times less, you already at the start have unequal opportunities for self-realization in russia. in france, the composition of the new government was announced and there was one significant change: in the ministry of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry was the leader of the presidential renaissance party , stephane sejournet, the lover of prime minister gabriel, with whom he had formalized an official partnership some time ago . the volga region is covered with snow, in orenburg dozens of flights are delayed or diverted to alternate airfields, in bashkiria they are suspended plots. federal and regional highways , well, this is rostov, the region is also covered in snowfalls, there are traffic jams on the roads, public utilities work around the clock in three
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shifts, 11 thousand tons of snow were removed overnight, but public transport is still stuck in huge snowdrifts, the weather is worsening in crimea, in sevastopol, there was ice, snow and rain, there was a strong wind on the angarsk pass, overnight road workers cleaned and processed almost 3.00 km of the highway there. blizzard, stormy wind almost zero visibility on sakhalin, emergency warnings have been announced in ten areas, almost all flights at yuzhsalinsk airport have been postponed until tomorrow, the situation in the region or. the cyclone in yuzhno-sakhalinsk paralyzed the work of almost all intercity transport; from the island capital, sakhalin residents could not leave the area. travel was closed in eleven directions, including the yuzhno-sakhalinsko-akha federal highway, which connects the north and south of the island, due to poor visibility, which is less than 500 m/s. you can’t even get to the nearest suburbs from yuzhno-sakhalinsk. posts were posted there
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traffic police a line of cars accumulated on the highway to the village of novotra. let's try to get home from work, food from the night shift on the highway in the area of ​​the villages of starodubskoye and troitskaya, heating points were set up for drivers, rescuers went to the aid of sakhalin residents stuck in a snowstorm, those who were caught in bad weather at the regional bus station also found themselves in a hopeless situation. i’m on my way home from work, i spent 24 hours waiting, in general, i wasn’t ready for the bad weather, i currently have 300 rubles in my pocket. a strong snowstorm, wind gusts up to... m/s introduced restrictions on the operation of the ferry crossing, as well as the main air harbor of the island. flights from moscow, novosibirsk, irkutsk, khabarovsko, petropalovsko, kamchatsky were delayed. the planes moved to alternate airfields, and domestic flights were postponed until weather conditions improved. we have increased shifts in services to service delayed flights, and clearing of the runway
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parking areas near the station square is in full swing . we are preparing to receive delayed flights, medical services have brought all-terrain vehicles onto the line, snow swamp walkers from dolinsk delivered a pregnant sakhalin woman to the perinatal center; due to gusts of wind, wet snow adhered to power lines, some residents of the aniva and korsakov districts were temporarily deprived of power supply, the same thing happened in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. restoration work continues in the city of yuzhno-sakhalinsk; the disaster mainly affected the regional center. here we have eight teams of companies working, that’s 17 people, eight pieces of equipment, we plan to complete the restoration work today work. the roofs of the houses could not withstand the onslaught of the elements in yuzhsalinsk, but the harsh sakhalin fishermen turned out to be nothing, they even break through closed routes to get their catches, while the yuzhno-sakhalinsk residents themselves move around the city in ski masks.
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the cyclone came to sakhalin from the sea of ​​japan, and it will continue to do so. influence on the territory of the south of the island in the coming evening and night, and will weaken only by tomorrow. elena zhenchenko, ilya velikanov, alexander dontsov, lead sakhalin kuriles. and the residents of murmansk saw for the first time in a long time sun. there, the polar night, which lasted almost a month and a half, finally ended, and although the luminary appeared for only 40 minutes, its meeting became a real holiday. report by oleg posobin. we rise up the hills. to meet the first sun this year , 40 days of the polar night are behind us, during this time many people ’s visual acuity and stamina decreased, some found it very difficult to concentrate on tasks, in addition, the lack of light provoked sertonin deficiency, then bad mood, disruption of the regime sleep, now all this is behind us, the dawn greets us ahead, why hundreds, or even thousands of residents of murmansk are ready to walk almost 2 km up the mountain,
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it becomes clear immediately after the disk appears on the horizon. most guests manage to catch the icy rays behind the polar star, but some of them miss the fleeting sunrise while dancing. fortunately, the first sun in murmansk can be seen for 2 whole days, first in the southern and then in the northern part of the city. part of the city emerges from the polar night on the 11th, a leap year, now the northern part of the city
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the twelfth city, but this does not matter to the hill if the sky is clear. people on the hill with are necessary for a healthy immune system, more and more every year. warm rays help us produce vitamins, for metabolism and just a good mood. and the people of murmansk also crave the sun at the genetic level. even tourists who find themselves in the arctic circle manage to miss it. we arrived and rise from this other hill. the monastery is also very happy. murmansk is far from the only place in the country where people celebrate the appearance of the first rays. this is the dance of one of... the holiday in murmansk can safely be called unique, a sunny beach, here residents of a large, modern city indulge without a care. oleg posobin, anastasia rusinova,
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vlad egorov, news, murmansk region. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, this is where and how it is more convenient for you. on the scale, i continue to monitor developments in russia and abroad, so. stay with us, all astrologers in the world call the coming 2024 the year of destiny. these january days are still going on holy week are considered prophetic. in our studio there is the famous russian astrologer tatyana borsch, as well as the seer from india archena. they'll tell you. what awaits us this leap year? archena, we are glad to see you in our studio, congratulations on the coming 2024, happy new year russia and you, thank you,
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thank you, we are now in the time called christmastide, at this time it is always customary in russia to wonder if there is do india have similar customs? you know, this is not just for the new year.
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and i read the first paragraph, and the most amazing thing is, these are the recommendations, maybe the proposals that i manage to read, they ultimately give some direction to the year, let
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's tell our fortunes right now, we have a script, you now name the page that we should open the script before, well, before the eleventh name is some line from above or below, this is the phrase that we will read, this is it, this will be our fate. numerological code for the year eight, open the eighth page, uh-huh, and read the first line, the first on top or bottom, on top, on top, so many alarming ones news, thank you, tatyana, further, further, so much alarming news, a feeling that the end of the world is approaching, veche, more about this ahead. we will definitely talk about fortune-telling later, but what about the coming 2024? you know, 2024, this is such a special year, i would call it, there is such a pendulum effect,
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everyone knows it, that is, the pendulum will swing in the other direction this year, what does this mean, firstly, we will have great success in our special military operation, i think that by may very many will enter russia territory, and this will not happen...
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the most important aspect of 2024, it will be in the second half of the year, is the opposition between saturn and jupiter, this is a very powerful, very negative aspect, jupiter in this regard means everything new, what is to come, saturn, we are holding on to the old, that is , the confrontation between the old system and the new system, since the old system never gave up without a fight, that is, apparently, there will be very serious conflicts in all countries of the world, this is the first period. aspect: the first saturn-jupiter opposition is august month, the second confrontation is december, and the third confrontation will already be in the twenty- fifth year, that is, three very powerful energy points, so the period from august to november-december is the most difficult period for the entire world system. 2024 is called the year of destiny. the famous russian astrologer tamara globa considers it the year of karma, when everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts.
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everyone says leap bone, leap bone, yes, i would say that in many ways the years that were previous, they were not so different , let’s say, productive health and light happiness, the twenty-fourth , perhaps, will even be somewhat easier in this regard, despite its leap year, this is a very important year in terms of world events in general, because this is the year when, first of all, you and i will see an attempt. create a world, if you don’t create it, if in the first half of the year, here is the end of the twenty-third in the first half of the year, don’t try to create a world , yes, negotiate, then we will miss a lot, this is the time when we need to build a new world, really, just build peace, strive for it, love the earth, negotiate with it, because times are already so difficult in the sense that... externally blows come from space, and
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from the inside we, in fact, bomb, yes, we spoil the earth, that’s why the soul of the earth is trying to escape, we are we feel that next year, the twenty-fourth, is the year of the sun according to the western calendar, so brilliant people who generally have enormous creative potential, plus all these are politicians, people in power, creative personalities, they will certainly... shine with new colors, as for eastern year, this is the year dragon, this is a blue dragon, the element of ether , ether is a tree, it covers literally all the elements, this is fire, earth, air, water, so in this case we will see a year that will really bear fruit, will bring the results of everything that was , will create again the desire for peace, but at the same time... karma
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of the cause of the effect, what goes around, what goes around , is a very complex concept, it is a totality , if you take an individual person, each individual person, then here we can say that everyone gets everything in its time if take the world situation, then this is a powerful rift, and the old system will get its way, in this regard, we can call this the year of karma. and what can we expect from the global economy in this fateful year 2024? the world economy will face very difficult times from '24 onwards, but some countries will experience economic success and some countries will suffer greatly, we are moving slowly towards a global recession. in twenty-five. there will be a global
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recession, an economic recession, and this energy, it will be like a snow pile and this will continue to grow and grow, i see economic growth in the coming years in india, but you know, this is not massive growth, it will be slow progressive growth, then as for russia, everything is very interesting here. in 36 months, within 36 months there will be a lot of changes in the internal changes in the russian economy, which will bring prosperity to your country to your citizens, since russia still has connections with africa, this will also bring prosperity to african countries, i see that african countries are coming out of old...
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their script, they changed it, each one upside down, because they turned the countries upside down, they have their own divine script, which is written down, but as for europe, everything will change there, it will not be the same as it was before, which we have already seen . europe will find itself in a difficult and difficult situation, it will face a huge number of difficulties, poverty is gradually coming to europe, and these energies are already affecting them, many countries in eastern europe, for example,
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the balkan countries, the economy will collapse, and this is inevitable, it will take place gradually, as far as germany is concerned, it will be difficult. very seriously more than anyone, i think that the german economy will be destroyed, and here , despite the huge reserve that this country has, i think that it will get worse, worse and worse, and since the german economy directly affects other countries the eu
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, then other countries will certainly suffer very much, in america in the fall, this is november-december, very powerful oppositions, here jupiter is in gemini, we know that... when i said that they will be divided into four partly, this will not happen after the elections, that the country will be divided, no, this will happen later, the division will occur in the distant future,
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there will be north, south, east and west, this kind of division awaits them, but in the near future the country. will be divided into two parts, naturally, america will experience an economic crisis, a colossally difficult period, which is somewhere comparable to the crisis of 29, 1929 with the great depression, it will go through the same crisis as in russia, the fact is that you see, here is jupiter in taurus, which will being in the first half of the year is very favorable for russia, as i said, new territories will enter, then russia will have a very large harvest.
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that there is no need to be afraid of the digital ruble, it is better for russians to keep their savings in rubles, it is always better to invest in something that has a solid value, to invest in something that is tangible and does not depend in any way on geopolitics, for example, on a sudden shutdown of a resource, therefore gold fits this description perfectly, farmland also fits, investment in the future of food also are very important, so i believe these are some areas where... now in russia they are introducing a digital ruble, what will happen with a new
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type of currency, with a new type of money in 2024. i believe that the digital ruble is more promising overall it will have long service life. it 's not just a short-term idea, but it will go through some changes over the next two years where there will be some transformation, some changes will be made to the way it's distributed and all that. the cybersecurity of the digital ruble of the systems associated with it will continue to be observed approximately within 4-6 months. thus, in the next 6 months there is a cybersecurity risk for the digital ruble. and therefore, this is something you need to be careful with. however, overall, the digital ruble will prove to be a long-lasting concept, and people will begin to accept it. it will take 2 and a half years from today. that is, we will abandon the usual paper money. paper money will still exist for a long period of time, it is a promising concept, however
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it will not completely replace paper money, which already exist, however, the ruble will remain paper, at least until 2035, the digital ruble will gradually begin to replace the paper one over a certain period of time, so this is a very gradual process, what is your forecast for the digital ruble, and not even about the digital ruble, here is it important to refuse? from paper money or not, and you know, i agree with the indian predictor, the fact is that now there is an extremely interesting and unusual situation in the sky: uranus is in the sign of taurus, at the end of april, approaching in may jupiter, that is, uranus, is a symbol of digital money in taurus precisely because taurus is a symbol of earth, money, so digital, digital currencies will be accepted during this period, i think, and... archina absolutely said correctly, during this
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during the same period, the value of bitcoin will increase very strongly, because uranus is associated with digital money, jupiter is expanding , and now during this period the basic laws on the digital ruble will be adopted, during this period the value of bitcoin will increase very strongly, and i agree that the digital ruble , in the end it will be very... under the mattress, and there are those who rent it out in the bank, what to store their savings in, this is advice to people, yes,
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it would be great, this is real estate, this is land, and you know, this is an acquisition that stands strong, firmly and is not subject to, say, any fluctuations, so, if you have the opportunity to purchase a piece of land, do it, but before everyone somehow invested in gold, you know, for countries and for the state, probably a good way, yes, but for the average person who cannot buy this block of gold, yes, that is, probably the best thing that could be done is to simply invest in improving your home, i will say so, yes archena, i see you have sergi, these are gold, you have already invested, and i have them.
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the further we go into the future, the less valuable jewelry will become, you see, you can invest in jewelry if you want to wear it, but if you want to sell it over time.
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shocking details immediately after. never dare to touch me, i understand, you need to let him go, who? bragina, why don’t you are you going home? i don’t seem to have a home, and where i live, now i’m very much on my desk. what's happened? they were pleased, the patient died, what? that sklifosovsky is on rtr today. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations.
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with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we create three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them in! to your home, big changes , every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention,
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today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign, bila, well, you you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is more important to you, your wife or your boys, make stupid questions now , they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, riping, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, the light is spinning, flying, flying, we invite you to
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the festive new year's light, according to the good old tradition. russia tv channel live broadcast, the year of destiny
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has come, today in our studio is a famous russian. will return against humanity, on the one hand there will be many advantages, but on the other hand, many people will lose because of this work, and even this year, in the twenty- fourth year, millions. artificial intelligence will be used in hospitals in
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the distant future in the future artificial intelligence and the programs that are used, they will take over, not now in the next years in the future. this will all turn against humanity, they will rebel against us, i see this as an apocalypse, apocalyptic times, when people will be killed by artificial intelligence, this is a very dangerous game, robots now not only keep order, they now decide who lives, and for those who don't, pay attention. in south korea, a man died at the hands of an industrial robot. according to reports, a robotic arm in a distribution center pushed an employee into a conveyor belt, crushing the man's face and chest. the robot turned out to be faulty and
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mistook the employee for a box of vegetables. is the threat of artificial intelligence, when they already decide who lives and who doesn’t, real? and you know, this is a very, very distant future. and it seems to me that, of course, some work can be given to robots, yes, but what concerns our country. will take me safely to the right place, so i wouldn’t get into such a car, but you know, to stop robotization, we can talk about harm, and so on,
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it’s impossible to stop robotization, once we abolished the plow and switched to a tractor, and it was positive, just like someday tractors will drive without drivers, and people will do something more useful, but you know, now i want to show you the story of our colleagues’ program to conduct the duty unit. they talk about the man who was imprisoned it is artificial intelligence that is behind bars. this week in moscow, a court released scientist hydrologist alexander tsvitkov from custody. he was accused of killing four people based on artificial intelligence data. the neural network revealed the scientist’s resemblance to an identikit of the probable criminal and nothing that tsvitkov was on an expedition on the day of the murder. journalist eva merkacheva told vladimir putin about this controversial story. our program released a story. after which the court released the scientist with prohibition of certain actions , now, apparently , the indictment will have to be reviewed, well, here we are talking about cancellation, but
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it was a man who canceled it, and it was an artificial person who was put behind bars, well, apparently this will be taken into account in the future, do you really think that people are so stupid in order to allow this to happen further, i think that this mistake will be taken into account, lest these perfections lead us to something even more terrible?
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no, this will not happen in russia, for example, in india either.


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