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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the mind is directed into this device all the time, this is slavery, slavery of technology, they are slaves of technology, people do not notice this, and this is very sad, very sad, but robots in hospitals, for example, this will also be dangerous, not now, but in the distant future , when we give these capabilities to artificial intelligence, it is not very smart, of course there is an advantage.
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will not happen, but i see that in asia in the east, in eastern countries, in asian countries, they will conduct such tests, this will happen in the usa, first in a small scale, with the success of the tests, but i don’t see much success for this project, it will be a complete failure, i must say. and other countries that are too fond of these anti-human stories, yes, unfortunately , this is china, yes, that is, this is slavery, people fall into slavery, technology, this is directed against humanity, while everyone is afraid of robots, our colleagues from bolivian television are discussing a strange transparent creature that was spotted on the river bank.
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technology, they look like they belong to aliens, that's why the inhabitants asked experts to inspect this place. it was a pretty natural photo and didn't look like it was photoshopped. equally real is that they ensure that the flying saucer lands in the waters. imaging experts are currently analyzing the authenticity of the photo of the alleged extraterrestrial being. similar news appears more and more often from different sources.
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it seems to me that it will happen before the thirtieth year, there will be information about it, perhaps it will happen direct contact, i have a feeling that we are the subject of a certain study, others are studying, i apologize for what purpose, they are studying, you know, how we study insects with the same thing, but you know, it’s scary to realize that someone is studying there us as insects, well, i don’t mean he studies what kind of species they are, what they do.
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there is a feeling that the end of the world is approaching, by the way, you spoke about the new date for the end of the world in one of your interviews, people misinterpreted the mayan calendar, well, december 21. if you remember last year, were interpreted incorrectly, i must say that the may themselves did not agree with this, it’s just that for some reason no one listened to them, i interviewed a representative of the may tribe, and he told me that this is not about the end of the world, but about changing people, changing humanity , significant events in a person’s life, and from these events one can determine the time of birth, there is a date of birth, there is a date of death, they are most likely predetermined, and this cannot be circumvented, for example, in america this is prohibited, the association of astrologers. it’s not forbidden here, you can do it, you can not, but this is a matter of personal ethics, i don’t do this, i ’m just talking about this period as a very difficult period, and that a person should prepare for some problems and be more attentive to his health if we're talking about, let's say, an illness, if we're talking about some tragic situation, let's say,
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a car accident, yes, then you usually say that you should be more careful while driving and you say in a period of time, and you know, well, sort of ... there is one, so i see, if, let’s say, a person is destined to die, let’s say in car accident, yes, then usually he experiences two accidents before this with the result that he remains alive, the car suffers there and so on, as a warning, yes, but this is like a kind of warning, the third time is usually fatal, and people somehow , even knowing this, for some reason they seem to take some risky steps, well, it still happens. you just talked about the date of death, can it be changed somehow? you know, i think no, the date of death cannot be changed, but the date of death is recorded at the moment birth, birth death - these are two things that are unchangeable, i only
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announced the date of death once, it was with my mother, and i really regretted it, then i always talked about it, she had to undergo a very difficult operation, so she said, i won’t survive i... won’t survive this, i’ll die, i’m not she was 77 years old, and how would i say then, mom, don’t stop worrying, she was very worried, you’ll die 83.5 years old, that’s it, i say, you’re now you will live, everything will be fine, the operation will end well, it really happened, that is, the operation ended very well, so when she was 79, 80 and so on, there wasn't a day that she didn't tell me about that, but you told me that i was going to die. modest question, what time did your mother pass away? 83.5 years, that is, as you predicted? well, it wasn’t like she imagined it, it was
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sudden, she suddenly got sick, although it seemed like nothing, then she went to recover, then she was admitted to the hospital just for an examination, and so on, and... on the day when she they put her down, she got out of bed , fell, that’s it, it wasn’t, well, that is, you know, she didn’t make it up to herself and so further, but she was very worried about this date , so i don’t do this anymore, you know, if we talk about dates, many astrologers call the new date of the end of the world, april 13 , 2029, the end of the world of humanity will come in 2060, well, that too. needs to live, but so do you, all of us, i hope, speaking of the end of the world, india and pakistan were covered in toxic smog, and they talked about it all over the local news. india's national capital faces a stern test.
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air quality has deteriorated sharply due to fires in farms, the smoke from which covers the city and surrounding areas with a thick layer of fog. the air quality index indicates that the degree of pollution is still high throughout the country. 6 days now stands at 468. due to the current alarming situation in dally, all public and private primary schools are closed for 2 days. scientists have warned of a sharp rise in pollution levels in and around new delhi in the next two weeks. health experts have expressed concern over the increased number of asthma cases respiratory tract diseases among adults and children. but judging by the news, a real apocalypse is happening there.
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seizures, breathing problems, strokes, el, children will also be born with anomalies, they will be born with asthma, this is the beginning of a catastrophe in india, in 2023 there were many man-made disasters, in the coming twenty- fourth this will continue and the main thing is where when,
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the effect like a flood. the fact is that saturn is in the sign of pisces, and this means a dual position. people must have problems with clean water, on the one hand, on the other hand, there are generally problems with water, that is, flooding. and this will be a disaster for many villages, cities that are located near rivers, this is already happening, it will be destroyed, people need to be resettled to more places.
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the future belongs to russia, this is correct, if
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we talk about the great migration of peoples, do you see this in the future? yes, there will be a great migration, and there will also be many refugee camps, they will be filled, especially in the usa, they will have a whole crisis with immigrants, with refugees, this will be just in america, and as for europe, in the distant and near future we will see that many countries, the balkans, especially from germany, from spain, from france, i see that many from america will immigrate to russia, from all these countries. there will be a huge wave of emigration and
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they will come to russia to make it their new home, and this energy is already a reality, but it will take some time for this to be embodied in the material world, i see that russia is the future of the planet, now a short pause right away live afterwards, year of destiny. it's time, which cities will go under water, as well as a forecast for each tv viewer according to the element of his zodiac sign, get your pens and pieces of paper ready, i want to go to college, what college is this , philfa, oh my god, throw it away, otherwise i'll say that you have cheat sheets, you can’t get in. i need it, i really need it, you know, two friends, one believes in
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fairy tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorms, married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him? i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment , take me to the seaside, act, great hopes, saturday and sunday on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka, yes, yes, yes, how you have to love a person in order to take and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls,
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i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he must have. continuation, what is a good conversation based on, trust? i am so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home, on sunday on rtr. “i’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, nadyusha, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this
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has something to do with utilities, good rooms are decent women.” closer to me, please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa, i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels now, i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lesha, who is this, and what is this for... a decent family will rent out a room today on rtr.
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it was recently, it was a long time ago, the old
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new year we remember our favorite new year's blue lights. tv channel russia live broadcast, in our studio the famous russian astrologer tatyana borsch and praviditsa from india archena, we continue, every century there is an event that shocks the whole world, and such an event was the fall of the tunguska meteorite, and what can we expect in this century? i don't
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see any of those in this century. there will be slow processes running, i see that by the end of this century many cities will go under water, the usa, some cities, large cities will go under water, and also on the european continent, i expect this, st. petersburg, finland. will also be subject to this process, i see many streets that will be under water, a very large part of st. petersburg will go under water, the volga river. it will dry out more and more, because of this, people will have problems, i also see a large number of japanese islands
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that will disappear from the map of the earth, in the indian ocean there are also a lot of islands that will go under water, this cannot be avoided. tatyana, do you see any global event like the fall of the tunguska meteorite? the most important event that will happen throughout the world and... and i don’t know whether it can be compared with the tunga meteorite or not, is the fall of america in all respects, this event will probably happen in the next decade, it will be the most the main global event in the world, you have prepared a forecast for 2024 for each of our tv viewers by element, that’s what it means, in astrology there are four verses - fire, earth, air, water, the sign of fire is aries, sagittarius, the sign of fire in 2024 you will have to work a lot, financially and materially the luckiest elements will be, fire signs. many
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representatives of the element of fire will change jobs, it could be either a completely new job, this will happen closer to may, or it will be a promotion in the same place, but in any case in this case, new professional knowledge will affect all representatives of the fire element. our next element is the element of earth - taurus, virgo and capricorn. yes. there may be global changes in personal life, but single people can meet new love quite quickly. if it has not yet happened in the twenty-third year, then they can meet in the first half of the twenty -fourth year. many people can change jobs, and to a much better one, or change their type of activity. in the second half i would recommend this year to all representatives.
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no, this is not a threat to you, you are blooming, so you need to be more responsible, probably in your professional responsibilities. our next element is the element of air, these are gemini, libra and aquarius, here i would highlight in general, this could either be a refounded house, or if it... some positive changes have already taken place, for example in renovations and so on, this anything can happen, that is, you can safely start something, yes, big, yes, there can be a change of priorities, very serious, for some this will affect the professional sphere, let’s say someone changes partners, businessmen, and for others it will be connected with their personal life, that is, there will be a loss of interest in previous connections, so there is a lot of responsible work ahead in the first half.
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some worries, alarming situations related to children, they may already appear to one degree or another, will continue, i would strongly advise the elderly to take care of
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their health. saturn is in pisces now, and this is a kind of depression of energy in general and young people should lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, because saturn is a tough planet, it assumes that a person should treat himself very responsibly, professionally everything is in order, the second half of the year will bring... some dissatisfaction with his existing housing, most likely, and these will be some changes that will happen, this will arise only in the second half of the year, but all these concerns will move forward the next twenty-fifth year, there the implementation will be in the twenty-fifth year, most likely not in twenty-four, i’ll buy an apartment, yes, yes, well, well , it will be, as for you, it seems to me that it will most likely be an apartment without any repairs, because it has... prolongation, you will what to do next with this housing, well, maybe renovation or something else, housing without renovation is scary, so antokh, we will celebrate on vasilva soon,
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it will be a little difficult, especially after april 2024, but i assume that 2025 will be much better than this. i want to give you my forecast regarding the political situation in russia. many people are afraid to talk about it. the stars told me that in april there will be changes in the political sphere. they will definitely happen. the placement of the planets is as follows. and problems of a military nature are likely. military spending will increase next year.
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but the military conflict will subside if efforts are made next month. but are there any specific dates, maybe months, to which we should pay special attention in the twenty-fourth year. after april 2024 and until 2025, geopolitical risks await russia. concerning diseases, they will bother russians until april 2024. and this period will begin. december 25, there is a risk for russia during this period, january will be a little hectic, but in the financial sector i see a lot of income positive events for russia and next year, in terms of finance everything will be fine, but i know that you have a caution in a year of karma for all russians, before i say it, i did it for
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you... who is waiting for archena? i always dreamed that the russian astrologer would tell the indian check what awaits her? and you know you have there will be a sharp improvement in your financial situation, this will happen around your birthday, then you have some very powerful inconsistency, you are where you want to go, you will not be able to go, if somewhere you see that the first time your
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trip is not going well.
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russia and india today in our studio. unfortunately, today our program has come to an end, and in exactly a week , live, we will continue to discuss what worries everyone. love your loved ones. goodbye. kamchatka island, one of the most ecologically cleanest places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is the volcanoes. icy.


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