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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 12, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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thank you very much, famous astrologers of russia and india, today in our studio, unfortunately, today the time of our program has come to an end, and exactly a week later , live, we will continue to discuss what worries everyone. love your loved ones, goodbye, goodbye. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. but the main pride of kamchatka is its volcanoes. icy. stone, fire-breathing
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giants. the most powerful of them are included in klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. it is pristinely clean here. the natural life of the peninsula has been preserved, kamchatka, tea, manenka, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is an interesting one based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything. this is
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what a person lives for, it must continue, this is what a good conversation is built on, trust, i so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you replace, even two, even two, when everyone is at home, until sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes. so, while you were sleeping, the us unleashed.
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forms and coastal observation points washington said that the damage to the houthis was significant without any details: the united states did not act alone, according to the pentagon, the states helped bomb the impoverished yemen. uk, australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, and saudi arabia allowed western coalition military aircraft to use their airspace. hushito in response. a series of attacks on american
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and british bases and facilities in the region, cnn reports that the attack on yemen was planned and personally controlled by pentagon chief osten, who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, but that is, this is the first war in history that the us secretary of defense started directly from ward, lying on a hospital bed with a catheter in one place. otherwise, everything remains unchanged, biden gave the go-ahead for strikes on yemen without the permission of congress, a democratic member of the house of representatives said this, which is noteworthy for khan’s fate. according to him, such actions by the president do not comply with the constitution. moreover, exactly 4 years ago, look, biden personally condemned trump for unauthorized strikes on iran, and wrote angry tweets that... the united states does not have
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the authority to drag washington into a war with tehran without the approval of congress without the consent of the american people, but times have changed. syria declared unconditional support of yemen, miteran, called the strikes of the us and great britain arbitrary violation of the territorial integrity of yemen. yemeni kussites warned saudi arabia, qatar and the united arab emirates about the outbreak of war in the event of new attacks by western aircraft through their airspace. in addition, the us embassy in baghdad was attacked. russia has already requested.
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which are likely a consequence of american strikes, strikes that were carried out by american fighters and tamogaf missiles that were fired from ships. by doing so, the united states wants to send a signal that is designed to deter future attacks on
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commercial maritime shipping routes, due to which the largest transport companies are forced to abandon the use of the red sea and increase their logistics by thousands of miles. it was because of this threat that the us started. operation called prosperity guardian with twenty other countries to secure these sea lanes, but it was completely defensive in nature, now we see that the us has moved into offensive here are some of the points that were hit. the militants' radar systems were reportedly targeted by the coalition strikes. warehouses and launchers for ballistic and stud missiles of unmanned aerial vehicles. the situation in the red sea has become absolutely intolerable for america and its allies, and we saw that just last week, us officials
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, amid weeks of provocations from the houthis, said that they were giving final warnings, that there would be no more warnings there will be, but we saw that attacks and provocations continued. therefore, to some extent we were prepared that the us response to its allies would be non-verbal. now the question is what the houthis will do, what iran will do in response to these attacks. we saw that one of the houthi leaders said that they will fight america and bring it to its knees. several officials told me that iran's involvement in the qussite attacks and provocations is clear. therefore, what iran's response will be is the question. we will not hesitate and will answer everyone with what we have there is to resist american aggression. our response will be much stronger than what came before. this comes as secretary lloyd austin appears to
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remain hospitalized. any news from there? yes, he remains in the hospital, has been there since january 1, that is, for 10 days already , there is no talk of him being discharged in the next few hours or at least days, but... but the pentagon and the white house are adamant in their confidence in that austin can perform his duties while at walter hospital rida. this is a military medical center with a secure communication line. we do not know whether he is observing the current developments in real time or not, and whether there is any communication between him and the president, whether this strike was authorized by him is also unknown. the president should have come to congress before striking the houthis in yemen and dragging us into another conflict in the middle east. this is the first article. the only one who can authorize military intervention in foreign conflicts. every president should come to congress to ask for permission, regardless of what political party he represents. the us cannot
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risk getting bogged down in another conflict that will drag on for decades without congressional approval. the price of brand oil immediately increased by 2.5 percent and exceeded $79 per barrel; the dollar itself also collapsed. in general, the united states got involved thoughtlessly. another conflict that risks lasting for decades, and ukraine is again pushed into the background if at the beginning of the ukrainian conflict, the american the government sacredly assured the whole world of the honesty and infallibility of poor kiev officials, but now, when the benefits of investing in the country are not so obvious, washington is looking for reasons to cut off aid channels. the first of them was voiced by the american magazine national interest. according to the publication: ukrainians should not expect supplies of advanced f-35 fighters from the united states, because
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the ukrainian military will certainly destroy the expensive machines and hand them over to the russians for experiments and for study by our scientists. in the eyes of americans, members of the armed forces of ukraine are no longer so brave wars, like adults before, are very expensive toys; they cannot be trusted; they will be broken, lost and given into the clutches of a strategic enemy. second. but to throw ukraine away, of course, is the ubiquitous corruption, as it turned out, the complete lack of control over supplies on the part of the american department of defense. the new york times published material based on the report of pentagon inspector general robert storch. during a close inspection, mr. storch found out that american officials had actually thrown into the trash almost 40 thousand weapons with a total value of more than billion dollars. including portable missile systems, loitering ammunition , night vision devices, according to american
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laws, the supply of such weapons must undergo strict control, but something, as always, went wrong: tracking the weapons transferred to kiev is generally an impossible task now, because the list of models is constantly changing. the data obtained by inspector storch, the publication notes, covers only a small part. of the total volume of supplies of american weapons to ukraine, well, that is, these were just flowers, the united states, kiev’s seemingly reliable partner, is already officially disowning yesterday’s wards; pentagon representative john kirga said at a press conference that assistance to ukraine has been officially stopped, and this is a sensation, the money has run out.
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ukraine is in desperate need of military assistance, the baltic countries have provided ukraine with the most aid relative to their bvp than any other country.
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in ukraine. we have had this conversation with our ukrainian partners and they share our
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concerns about accountability. now we are grateful for the work that the department of defense has done. it was a significant amount of work and we appreciate it. i would also note that the report clearly states that the department of defense has made some improvements, including things like handheld scanners, tried to increase the presence a little bit at the embassy there to try to help with tracking the facility.
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we just sat back, hoped for the best, hoped for the best, being in the hands of putin, and now 2 years later this war has become monstrous, and we are still economically we are not in a state of war, neither germany, nor france, nor italy, not great britain, our affairs are better, we have begun to produce more, this will not be enough
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in any case, if the us stops supporting ukraine, this will... change the rules of the game, and for ukraine will have to give in. well, ukraine itself swarms akops in everything to try to have time to go on the defensive. the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine stated that it was necessary to do engineering work, as they say, the day before yesterday. according to him, right now systems are being hastily built in so barriers, soldiers at the front openly and without hesitating anyone, declare. that the north atlantic alliances are struggling with russia on how to properly conduct defense, because they have no experience of their own. in the kherson direction right now there are battles going on under cover, russian troops are destroying the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine with the help of heavy flamethrower systems with sontsep, and also delivering destructive blows with guided bombs
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weighing one and a half tons, which are also now equipped with universal modules. on the sickly pressed british times, newspaper assures that ukrainians are massively avoiding mobilization and are ready to die rather than join the armed forces of ukraine. the publication describes the situation on the tisza river this way, saying that since 2022 , border guards have pulled out 19 corpses of men of military age who were trying to escape from the river. from zelensky and found five more people frozen to death in the forest. in the carriage , the bsu officers are trying to shoot back with everything that is left. this is what a cluster munition explosion looks like, from a weapon from the united states, as they say from the first person, from the place of the russian commander tank, the explosions of sup-ammunition are clearly visible, which in dense foxed terrain do not cause significant
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damage. and this is how he burns ukrainian, already russian. the army , with a well-aimed single shot from a tour, our volunteer fighter of the coastal detachment tiger with the call sign timber carrier turns an armed forces tank into a pile of scrap metal, just listen to the sincere joy with which a russian soldier conveys greetings to his family on the other side of the country , right from the front edge of the front there is a hit hit.
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these are shots of the harsh everyday life of warriors 65 brigade that defends zaporozhye, war without retouching is dirt, i took water from the koluzhi, huge rats, excuse the swearing, they are climbing from almost all sides, i was a former aki officer in the war since july twenty-second. they are now fighting with their brothers-in-arms on one of the hottest sectors of the front near rabotin. shurmya yak and infantry, extremely. assaults, like infantry, which are common in a unit, can also follow armored vehicles.
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the weather like now is not so bad, it’s frosty outside now, but there’s no precipitation, the bird is calmly taking off, good she sees that neither wind nor rain interferes with her, it is much easier to work in such weather than in rain or snow or fog. what's shooting there? zeushka, that means there is a drone above us, i respect you, i believe that the barrier should have been built much earlier, erecting canopies takes too much time, but it turns out that we are building the barrier directly during active operations. we see that first the dragon's teeth and barbed wire are exposed, then between them we pull this steel cable and then... then we are already setting up minefields with the help of an excavator, digging with the help of an excavator, digging the trench itself, and then the soldiers themselves , that is, the infantry that occupies this position, equips them from these materials,
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well, whatever one may say, well, whatever one may say, still old school the soviet union, it is the heir of russia, here it is in terms of fortifications, one of the best in the world, let's be honest, let's be honest, that is , everyone is learning, not only we are learning, when i was studying in europe, then nato is there too.
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i think it's more than urgent now everything must be done to steadily and quickly improve the situation in ukraine so that it can survive, because at the moment i assess the situation in such a way that the russians have an advantage, that the russians are now doing exactly as much as necessary to keep the situation boiling.
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bruises under the eyes, swollen face, devastated look. another pathetic sight. zelensky has already arranged for baltic journalists. and, probably, it can be understood. the united states officially announced the cessation of assistance to kiev, now suddenly emen, every day the army russia is approaching the end of the regime of the ukrainian dwarf. in general, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. as a result, it came to mixed humiliation. with insults at a press conference in riga, zelensky criticized the position of the governor of florida, candidate for american president desantis, who is blocking along with other
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republican congressmen. help for ukraine.


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